The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 27, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    it V
Iaaaed Bally Xteept Monday by
215 Sooth Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
R. J. Hedri.-ka
Joan 1 Brady
Frank Jaakoakt
Tho .Auoriatod Preaa. la. dnstTely entitled to the use for publication pf all
news; ajapatch credited to it or not otherwiao credited in tbia paper and lao tho
local nawi pub!iabe4 herein.
TkottM 1". Clark Co- Kow Tork, 14M4S Weft 36th St.; Chicago, Marquetto Build
t - Inf. W. S. Grothwahl, Mgr. .
' t Portland .Office, SOI Worcester Bldg Phone 8631 BKoadway. 0. i. Williams. Mr.)
Baiiaes Office
Kevs Department
Job Department
Entered at the Peetoffire in Salem.
t The Oregon, economic coiif erence
' 1 The first one hcldln the United States
Which concluded its sessions at the Oregon Agricultural
College yesterday, will prove the beginning of a movement re
y suiting in great good to this state, if its sound conclusions arc
v followed up with action, and with further discussion, and further
; sifting and action, with team-work on the part of the men on
; the land joined with that of the men in the cities.
. 3 - Not a great deal that is absolutely new to the readers of
the Slogan pages of The Statesman of the past five years will
: be found in the data and'thc conclusions drawn from that data.
; The big thing of the conference was tbe getting of the big
r jnen of the cities and the leaders among the men on the land
. together with their feet under the same table, and all the cards
' " face up on the table . ' .
' tFor both sides and all sides have their problems and their
rights and wrongs."
There is a great deal to be said, which will be said from time
.'to time in these columns, mostly in commendation, concerning
the conclusions ' '
-' f And some ihings, wJll need elaboration and explanation, and
even opposition, as applied to the conditions in the immediate
Salem district -'V ; ,, . ,
- .Take one. thing: The conclusion as to flax is that fiber
flax growing. in the Willamette valley ought to be encouraged,
as factories are developed to work up the raw materials. So
far so goodi Also, the conclusion is that perhaps flax growing
for .the seed may be successfully carried on in some sections of
Oregon, and that there should be experiments along this line.
"V i Perhaps so, as to some eastern Oregon sections; though the
r writer does not know any such. !
But not as to the western part of Oregonnot asTto the Wit
I laractte valley Not as to the Salem distrrcr 'KaxgwingfOr
7 the, seed only wouldmot be 8 good thing f otialeitt district
' farmers. .Itwo.uld not pay. But when thegrowmgorflax for
i the? fiber wlully deveTdpetlberVas it will surely be in time, and
!- the: writer belictes soon, the "matter of furnishing home grown
I flax seed to our linseed oil mills will be taken care of as a by
"' product.". v '
. y? We will have a lot of flax seed above the amount that will
1 be needed for sowing more flax and for the wholesale drug trade
and other purposes. Tliiir will go to the linseed oil mills.
- : Right now, the 'thing to do is to get the factories to keep
i on getting them, till we produce $100,000,000 annually of flax
L products; till we produce half asjawch with this. one crop as the
I s raw material basis as is now received for all the products of the
soil in Oregon. It can be done. The time is ripe for it. The
f development ought to take place within a few years.
",'.: ,.'-; . 1
Editor Statesman :
-Havintr a'near'acquaintance
;vfiftcenears in Mexico, -and being personally acquainted with
th fuirvnnAlitv rf ih nvespnt'rulins? power of Mexico, he feels
sur4hat-our, government is 'making the fatal mistake, asulid
V www j W o, v- m
. ! WoodroV Wilsbn, by siding in w ith Carranza, ' -rf
'': ;Sinee the rebellion is directed, not so fcuch-against Ober
goiv as at his General Callcs,' whom Obregon fears, said general
. ; being hated and feared for his bad qualities by the great na
. 1 jority Of the Mexican populace
;VV' Consequently the rebellion may gain great strength, and
thi "Obregon government may :"lose out; and again engendering
1 crreat :enmitv ajrainst Americans.
n ' 'A wiser policy would be to
fought out amongst themselves.
1' Salem, Ore., Jan. 26, 1924.
. The subject of this article Is
misleaaisg. It ! not aa object
. lesson but It ought to be. - The
. democrats have a fine opportunity
V to make a record before the coun
try for economy, i They ' are "not
-:aiar tt;-.t; - V-:-:r'4 v-V-iy-Here
ah object Messon tor
them. V They dug up a Jot of stuff
oa FalV the'-.Tepubllcani.are!!!-
1st ft g on going to the bottom otl
it and the president Is insisting
upon prosecution It necessary. ;
. Here ' Is ' another bbjeci lessop.
The republicans are trying bard
to reduce government' expenses;
the democrats are moving heaven
and earth to keep the expenses up.
; They are afraid the republicans
wllf get a little credit.
Anota$r object lesson Js la the
leasing' of lands for oil purposes.
This should ; not ( be. . a partisan
Question.',; ;' V "J T:
;y This, is a,tterwherp partisan
ship end.. -It should be the
desire I every upright citlten, re
publican and democrat, that -the
leasing of hc nation's valuable roil
teWirvestShaHi be probed to tnc
bottomland lpto every ramifica
tion, if Secretary1 fall, betrayed
President Harding and was sbamo-
'k fully' recreant to C the high trust
reposed in blin by the government,
he should be' brought to a severe
- accounting. ' :', '
" it is 'regrettable, however. -that
the Opposition parly, bent on play-
iixisl Olilies lot the approaching
lre4dentlal campaign, rejected
' ' the' "'offer. oX republicans of ;tno
houso ways and inetas committce
to- compromise' and 1 work out a
nnniArtlMia tax" reform bill. Here
tiie minority, runs' true to .form
and. Is'lh party of Topposltioa aiid
bbslruciion. - -, . ; v
'"An occasion f(r rejeicing would
1ii IccU" prtscutcd: i$tnv ucmo
'Manager Job Dept.
Vice Preiident
. 23 Circulation Office
23106 Society Editor
Oregon, as second-cats matter.
at my elbow, who has lived for
leave them alone, until it was
( A &wJocnmru.
) : ' ' - I '
cratic and reiiubliean leaders', bad
united in good faith 'and spirit
upon a tar reform measure that
they'' could jointly, recommend to
the country. "Strategically and po
lltically speaking, the democrats
would have had the better of such
an agreement, for the republicans
are now on sounder ground, and
the effect of captious opposition
will be discrediting and weaken
lag to the democrats in the ap
proaching campaign.
Oregon has gone backwards in
mining but there are multiplying
evidences that the business is
growing better. In the mountains
of Oregon there is more wealth
than in Alaska, the cost of exca
vitlon considered. The mining
activity means that Oregon will
resume the production of wealth
on a large scale.
There is little doubt that some
will become mines and richly re
pay the expenditure necessary to
bring them to productiveness
Those which fail will not " be
mourned- the west - has no -time
for that, and there arc too many
fresh opportunities at hand. ; The
mines which become producers
will but add to the long list - o
successes for whtch this tesidnIs
noted. The reward of those i who'
joined in the development is dv
served, j .
The spirit exemplified in the
mining "history 'of tho nortuwesi
is that ot rugged determination to
overcome obstacles . which occa
slonally appear baffling. The
Ktory of each of our great mines
can pot (ba told without frequent
reference, to the struggles of men
and ; women , who were ready- to
vndcrg6 every hardship ra the
than giv up "Whether the prop
erty was a socccss or a failqro
they taceuhteowfome-plae WW
There are many ways ot being
thrifty that the email saver can
use to advantage. Building and
loan stock offers an unusually at
tractive Investment.
There is a new appreciation of
insurance also which has broad
ened the field so that the tenn no
longer applies especially to life in
surance. Citizens are subscribing
to policies which protect them in
case of loss through theft, ill
health, accident, and yet others
are building up reserves against
the day when no longer shall they
be able to take an active part in
the workaday world. The person
who regularly visits the dentist is
practicing the lessons of insur
Increase in bank accounts, a
notable development in American
life during the last five years, re
veals how the preaching of thrift
has influenced the people. Thrift
is only insurance for it urges eco
nomy today that one may be pre
pared for whatever may befall in
a financial way tomorrow.
The Oregon Statesman is glad
to know that lor thirty years a
Burns club has been maintained
in Salem and has had annual
meetings. Burns was born Janu
ary 23, 1759, and every January
5 the Scotch people come to
gether to honor Burns and to have
most delightful time. Burns
died when thirty-seven years old,
but he was a real poet and ex-
presset himself so wonderfully
that he is equally dear to succeed
ing generations.
The plan of this organization is
to create a friendship by bringing
those of one natonality in touch
with each other. Every nation
should Pick out some outstanding
citizeri and celebrate his birthday
as a nvatt?r of social usage and a
better understanding between
President Coolidge does not re
gard it as a part of his duties to
work out the details of .the wheat
moving plan. He has given his
adherence to the general proposi
tion and be is very wisely leaving
it to others to work out the de
tails. Wheat farmers are the ones that
need help now. They are now in
the only way they have ever had
of getting such help. It is also
possible to guard against the fu
ture. :
A special committee in congress
has .lopped off 1103,000.000 in
public expenses. That will do as
starter, but it will never be ac
cepted as a Job. We have gone
so wild on expenses that we must
not be Satisfied with anything ex
cept cutting to the bone. Taxes
are too hard to pay for us to pal
liate them. There is just one
thing to do in taxation and that is
to hew straight to the line letting
the chips fall where they may.
Dispatches say that Mr. Fall is
sick. He certainly has had enough
happen to him lately to at least
interfere with the succe of his
digestion. Fall has been un
masked and Is now revealed as the
betrayer of public trust. How
ever, this is not surprising to the
people of New Mexico. We spent
three months there two years ago
and failed to find any man who
defended Fall. Universally they
pronounced him a crook.
It was Wilson Who talked about
open covenantsi. openly arrived at
and became- the most . secretive
president in the history of the
country. , sThe hew . labor premier
of England has announced that
there will be no secret deplomacv.
but no one will believe him. For
centuries England has never failed
to keep a marked deck of cards
up its sleeve. No matter what the
subject was, England was always
trying to put across a special deal.
A man named -Miller is -under
arrest in l"torUand tor running
over a woman w ith, a u . automobile
and killing her. Everything is
against, the main. We say every
thing, and, hereby submit the
proof. He had an empty whiskey
flask in the car and was riding
with another man's ..wife. No
more evidenco is needed to con
vict blni. .. "
Thero arc just two kinds ot
farmers who Have insisted upon
teing single crpp men, the wheat
and the cotton farmers. Neither
section of the country has made
the progress that should be made.
We notice asparagus is on the
market and rhubarb Is coming
along. It Js ttighty hard to tell
in this country, where fall leaves
Jolf-aad-prtg -IWgtni- "--b"
(Copyrighted 192 r Saa Josa Mercury ij
"Oh, for a closer walk with God!" Such is the spontaneous
aspiration of every truly religious heart! Whether one be a
Catholic, a Protestant, a Unitarian or a Jew, whether he be a
believer in the inerrancy of the Old Jestainent Or in evolution,
does not so much matter. For religion does not consist of in
tellectual conceptions or of outward form or formula, of cere
monies or observances. A believer in any of these things, a
punctilious observer of all the requirements of any ect or de
nomination may be as far from real religion as -one who never
darkens a church door or kneels at any altar. Por religion is a
matter of the inner life, of the heart, of the very oul of man.
Some are coming to understand this and are seeing that there
is a vast difference between sectarianism, ccclcsiastieisui, or
church membership and religion.
Both the Old and the New Testament make this perfectly
clear. The Prophet Isaiah in the first chapter of his prophecy
declares in effect all these outward things may become "an
abomination" unto (jod who is satisfied with? nothing less tljan
a changed, an uprjght and a pure life. "Wash you," lie com
mands, "make you clean; cease to do evil;- learn to do well,"
while Christ has no unrelenting condemnation for anylfclass ex
cept the hypocritical, who profess but do not; live; who cry
Lord, Lord, but who do not do -the will of (Jod ; wlio claim to
be His followers but do not manifest His life or spirit. Religion,
must have its source deeper than the lips, higher than any selfish
impulses or the cold and unsympathetic intellect) It is the con
scious activity of the human spirit longing and striving for har
mony and fellowship with the Great Spirit of the universe.
No wonder that Jesus declared to Nicodenmii, "Marvel not
that 1 said unto theeye must be born again!" j How shall one
be able to keep the first, the greatest commandment, to love God
with all his heart, mind, soul
time, effort and affection are all absorbed with the things of the
flesh and the earth? One can not leve God SutU lie has devel
oped a love for the righteousness, truth and life: of Clod. Love
requires no force of the will to cause it to flow - it needs no spur
or urging outside its own blessed spontaneous promptings. The
lover does not reason himself into love for theidear object of
his affections. He loves her in spite of himself, because to him
she is lovable, because she is the embodiment of all that is good
and beautiful. Cultivate a love of all that is pure,- honest, true,
righteous, unselfish and holy and
who is the perfect embodiment of all these beautiful and holy
attributes. '
The changed life which Jesus demanded of- Nicodeinus and
which He demands of every man who would be His follower is
no hysteria of emotionalism, no legerdemain of self-deception, no
self-adulation of an exaggerated ego. It is nothing less than a
change in the fleshy propensities, the sinful desires and the sor
did ambitions of the ordinary, worldly life for the holy, elevat
ing, soul-growing and soul-satisfying desires, ambitions and
realities of the quickened spirit of man. i
How shall we reach tins changed, this elevated, this most
blessed state of life? The New Testament makes the way so
plain that "a wayfaring man," who desires to be a Christian,
"though -a fool, need not err therein." We are to resist the
promptings of our baser selves in order that the better angels of
our natures may assert themselves. We are to overcome the
Satan within us in order that the Christ may arise. Not the
mythical Satan outside of us, he vrJth the horns, the cloven hoofs,
and forked tongue, but the Satan of our own natures, the Sa
tanic elements and propensities in s duplicity, hatred, envy,
sordid selfishness cruelty injustice, dishonesty, impuritv, anger,
unrighteousness we all know what they are. HaviHg done our
honest part to overthrow these things in our natures, we shall
not need to prompt God or Christ to do theirs, nor fear that they
will fail us. J
' isi
Where to begin this effort-l Begin by engaging in a death
grapple with self. Be sure. that the refreshing springs of the
spirit have not their sources in selfishness. Out of this flow
nearly all the brood of ills that have cursed humanity. On the
other hand, t here -is nothing that will stimulate and strengthen
the growth of the better elements in us more than loving and
unselfish thoughts of and deeds toward others.
Moreover such unselfishness brings an immediate and prec
ious reward. One whq is. counted a religious authoritv says:
"Whenever we do an act of kiiidly service for another, forgetful
of and with no thought of self or gain, many times it does us
more good than the one for whom we do it. Our life is broad
ened, ennobled, expanded, lifted out of and above the dwarfed
and the stnnted of the commonplace. We find our own lives
in losing them in the larger human service." This is expressing
in words that may easier reach our undeveloped human under
standing the same truth that Jesus is recorded n.s expressing.
"He that seeketh his life shall lose it and he that loscth his life
for my sake shall find it." ;
"O Master, let me walk with Thee
L In lowly paths of service froer . J,
Tell me Thy secret, help me bear
i The strain of toil, the fret of care.
"Help me the slow of heart to move J
- By some clear, winning word of love ;
Teach me the wayward feet to stay,
And guide them in the homeward way.
"Teach me Thy patience -r still with Thee
In closer, dearer company,
In work that keeps faith sweet and strong,
In trust that triumphs over wrong;
"In hope that sends a shining ray y
Far down the future's broad 'uing way ;
' In peace that only TIhmi canst give,
With Thee, O Master, let iue live."
What shall its name be
Referring) to the new junior
high school?
The Salem Chamber of Com
merce has this item in its current
bulletin: "Next week you will
be asked to suggest a name for
the new junior hfgh school to be
erected on North Capitol street.
It will be on the Pacific highway
and will be seen by about 8000
people, more or less, every day in
the summer time. It is estimated
that 200 cars a 'day will pass the
school during the gasoline season.
- The chairman of the Democratic
rational committee thinks ho has
found an issue. It is" to' be a in'ud
blinging Issue. ' nut it caftr be over
done. Ask Jimmy ' o, who
thought he was running-'for tho
presidency on that issue tho Inst
time. ' '
Some one suggests: ' "The' Dem
ocrats would 'Hare; toojo, power It
they controlled the house, but
they-wouldn't have nearly 'as much
fun." . : ;
HhwI raiUit Hrrlni
and strength, when his thought,
it will be no effort to lovejGod.
and the broadcasting of the resi.
of the world finds it impervious
and unapproachable. It is report
ed that the government of the
Irish Free State has put a prohi
bitive price on essential radio
equipment and would also keep a
monopoly on all broadcasting in
administration hands in Dublin.
They don't want the Irish to lis
ten to tHe blarney that comes over
the ether from Ensiand.
A man who used to work for
Daniel Webster on the old Massa
chusetts farm whih that states
nan iwned iu his retiring yea I3
just dead at the age of 106 year?.
He said that life wa"s hardly worth
fliving any more. Prohibition made
him, anxious to leave. He used
to b? able-to get his ration of good
liquor from the times of Webster
until the 1at few month!?, but the
stuff Ifwy pht over now isn't fit
for a white man and ho he shook
his head and passed out. He said
tbat his first e'entury was Tine, but
the secoiid one didn't seem to pan
out just right. He still missed
Daniel Webster. For that mat
ter, . congress, sue w .i to bo still
missing hiui. ", -
A man isn't necessarily progres
sive because hp wishes5 to try ev
ery fooT'&betne aaybody suggeU,
The Boys and Girls Statesman
To Do
Copyright, 1023, Associated Editors.
"I wanta see Tennessee," gig
gled an impertinent boy iu the
front row. The contestants gath
ered in the anteroom behjnd the
stage smiled, and looked at the
talll girl In ihe plain white dress.
'lit isn't' really your name, is
it?" asked the little one in curls
and pink ruffles. Tennessee nod
ded! without smiling. In her
throat was a lump she could
scarcely swaliow past.
"I could stand to enter the mu
sic contest in a last year's dress
that's too tight at the waist and
short in the sleeves, but I can't
bear to have everybody laugh at
that awful name on the program:"
was her bitter thouKht. She
glanced down the list of competi
tors Marjorie and Patricia
such pretty names Snrah Eliza
beth dignified and fashionable.
And right in the middle glared out
Tennessee. It sounded like a
, Soon word came that the wom
an who was offering- the scholar
ship, a year's instruction in les
sonl's, had arrived. The crowd
hushed and settled down to hear
Marjorie, with the ruffled gown
andl great self-confidence, play the
first number. Her appearance on
the stage was greeted with ap
Though-the playing was
SILVERTON. Ore., Jan. 2G
(Special to The Statesman.) Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Hobart, who are
now living near Portland, are an
nouncing the arrival of a son, born
January 22. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart.
who are both' graduates of the Ore
gon Agricultural college, lived at
Silverton for several months, and
moved to their present location
1st fall. Mr. Hobart i3 a son of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hobart of Silver
torn. Mr. and Mrs. John.Zahler leave
today for Amity, where Mr. Zah'.er
has accepted a position as cheese
maker. Mr. Zahler was formerly
cheese maker at the Evergreen
cheese factory.
Victor Madscn, a junior at Ore
gon Agricultural college, is spend
ing the week-end with his parents
at Silverton.
j. - -Mr.
aad Mrs. A. O. Anderson,
Mho have been spending consider
able time in Norway, have notified
Silverton friends that they will be
at home about February 1.
D. J. Murphy, a long-time em
ploye of the Stiff Furniture com
pany of Silverton, but more re
cently associated with the Murphy
& Starr Hardware company, has
sold his Silverton interests and to
gether with James Bailey of Salem
will -enter the hardware business
at Oregon City.
The Silverton O. A. C. club will
hold its regular monthly meeting
at the Silverton Community club
rooni3 Wednesday night, January
30. Election of officers will also
take place at that time.
Rev. Siguard Lindseth of St.
John's congregation, leaves Sun
day night to attend a pastors' con
ference at Chinook, Wash. Rev.
Mr. Lindseth will be gone three
Miss Winona Palmer entertain
ed, a few friends at her home on
North Water street Thursday eve
ning. Miss Mae Service is spending a
few days visiting friends at Port
land. Lucile Thomas, the 4-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Thomas, who live on Paradise
road, is ill.
Mrs. M. C.-.Wooward and daugh-
Thousands f workcra h.-iv
"'-mmm.t,. ., i
ff ... """ni
f ' ' ' a"
P i 4 ' V (
ml t s - 4 lJlli"- Ill
P r-i -:,fr j ii I- ; - , M
Hi 1 , f - i : . t
River Seine, which is one of the many floods t.hat occ Ur in France L du? to he rlain- of' lh.
DMbl. tojeav their home, without the aid o boats. ? a ttltZuon J V??rTnt cond,un ieBWentrSl'
hows a typical flood acene la rrance. ..U-.r."""00 o .aitt ot mo u fcared 55'
Biggest Little raper nl the oria
poor, she was clapped for in the
end because of the curls and ruf
fles and the smile.
One by one the others gave
their numbers. Then it was Ten
nessee's turn. When she walked
out, a little awkwardly,, she felt a
whisper run through the house,
and there were faint smiles of
amusement as they glanced at the
name. She was conscious of her
tight frock and the stares. Some
how she got through, but when
she left, she realized she bad not
done her best. To the others; win
ning the contest, would be merely
an honor; to her it meant contin
uing with music lssons.
After the final number, there
was the awful period of waiting
while the lady made her decision.
Then the chairman announced
that Sarah Elizabeth had been
awarded the prize. Amid the
clamor of congratulations that fol
lowed in the room behind the
stage, the instructor's voice call
ed: "Someone here wants to see
Tennessee." '
"Didn't they all see me, and
stare and laugh?" groaned tbe
poor girl, following the woman to
the door.
Outside was the giver of the
scholarship. She smiled at Ten
nessee. "I realize your disadvan
tage in playing today," she said.
"You are the first person I have
ever met who has my name. I
remember my. self-consciousness
when I was younger over that
name, Tennessee. I am going to
offer another scholarship a very
special one for my namesake."
Answer to today's riddle: The
difference between an elephant
and a germ is that the elephant
carries a trunk and the germ ear-
ries the grip.
ter Cathryn leave today for the
Hawaiian islands.
A cheese factory is to be estab
lished in the Monitor community
in the near future.
(Continued from page 1)
tion. The department of justice,
which a United States senator al
leges to be under wide suspicion,
has made no move to protect or
defend he public interests bo far
as they were threatened or affect
ed by thes3 scandals.
Coolidge Blamed
"During most of this adminis
tration, Mr. Coolidge was vice
president of the United States and
sat as an unofficial member of
the president's cabinet. For near
ly six months he has been presi
dent of the United States. During
all this time he has uttered no
word of condemnation of any of
these jc-anJils, nor a word of
warning asainst those impending
r.or against Ihe policy pursued by
the Republican reactionaries who
dominate the administration.
"It was not until yesterday
when the testimony concerning
the alleged loans to Fall , was
made public, that he was aroused
from his lethargy to make any
statement concerning the Teapot
uoine scandal and then only to
say thai he is reluctant to believe
that anyone has been guilty of
criminal intent, but that If evi
dence of criminality is shown, the
administration will take action to
punsh the guilty and bring about
the annullment of" the lease,
which, of course, would be a mere
matter of routine. Until the tes
timony referred to was given, he
has been 33 blind apparently as
Secretary of the Navy Denby pro
fessed to be when he testified in
the Teapot Dome scandal. Secre
tary Denby, who signed tbe naval
oil leases, is still in President
Coolidge's cabinet, and Theodore
Roosevelt, who testified he np
proved the leases, is still Mr. Den
by's asatstant. Dr. Work, respon
sible for the reclamation service
scandal, is still secretary ot the
interior. Others less offensive,
but no less discredited, continue'
to occupy positions of honor and
of Fnn J
Edited by iohn 3L Millcfr,
Wall Street broker, desiring
quJSn on an examination: "Wfio,
formed the iirsi tu.F-- ;
A bright youth, a bit puzzled,
but not to be floored, wrotfc:
"Xoah successfully floated a com
pany while the rest of the world;
was in liquidation." , - - i
Ills application was accepted. j
t At Last, A Hero I
She: What a pity it Is tbat hand-
oTurave conceitedi
some men "-.- -----
He: "Sot
I am not." -
always, little
girl. .
Kandj ltiddlo Saj
Why is it that the sky is ao4
. . i ihx fitv than In-.
much Cleaner ju v ; i
the country? '
What is the difference between a
an elephant and a germ? j
Careless of 11 hn
Hoy (home from college for t6e
weed-end): "Have you seen, my i
new belt around the house?"
Mother; "No, did you put it .
around the house?" i -;
Answer to today's riddle: The ,
city sky is much cleaner because ; -1
there they have sky scrapers.
f-71 -r7f 111 1
4 M -v .r.
Cap'ii -.ybj
If you happen to know, of An.,
old dump or trash pile which y6u
can use, eere is a way to have: a
lot of fun. Set up a bunch of old ,
bottles in rows aad then fire at-
them with rock at a'' distance of
50 feet or more. ' ' . ; .
Have different sorts of bottfcs
count a different number of points
and fire in turn. The first boy
making a hundred points, because
of the bottles he has smashed,
wins the game. f '
Never play this game where the
rocks or broken lass are liable-to
cause any one any convenience W
trouble. ! kj
: 1 ,
' 1
Jnnry 28, Mond.y Ez-Mrric ncn
McOornwk hill, Salem.
w.bnftry 12' Tnesd.j Jtmnn! ldi
night, iKwanis club.
February 16, Saturday Hotel men.- f
Oregon to meet in Salem. . s
- ?f'ch. 19; 14 nd 15 8tt IbW
tcholaratie basketball tonraamtBL Wil
lamtU (ymaaainaa.
dayMarion county Sunday achool brauck '
of relipotis education meeta-at Staytoa.
.Pri1 ..J.9-- 8u''day location S of
Ktatue "Th Circuit lUdir," in s&to
bous grounds. ' 7
Oreion. ' 'lld7-V'lmT llio it,
alni.1?! T"MdV-7-epMlii BatLa.
al Tue"-ovT,tie naifen-
eonentio meala in Kew York. t
1 .
Mf ,-. ' J
. 1
. S
j . ' . . - ' " '"-- .