-ar" THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON , THURSDAY! MORNING, JANUARY 24, 1924 4 DAD rinssmtic GLASS Wants CLASSIFIED SECTION Thone 23 Advertising Dept. ' CULSS1TIED ADVERTISEMENTS Hale per word: I Per Insertion ,.. ', Three Insertions Be i Norwich trxiciy , .'FIRE INSURANCE 80CIETT W. H. Burghardt, Jr. .:. I Resident Agent 871 Slate St. Mbney To Loan On Real F-atate T. K. FORD fOver l.add , A Bush Bank) AUTOMOBILES Repairing la A REPAIR JOB NOW WILL 'SAVE YOU doNers in the future. v Personal super vUioa of every job insure that it is done right. . - Jack Doerfer Motor Re- pair. 410 8. Commercial. la-24 :J AUTOMOBILE Tops lb g MANY YEARS OP .EXPERIENCE IN th lop ' business makes as competent to tailor a top for your car that will . not only wear well, but retain its abape for year to corn. O. J. Hall. 23tt . Stats St., opposite U. S. Bank Bid. - . -tt4 . FOR RENT Apartments 2a 4 WELL FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPIXO rems, with 'ranee. Close ia. 541 Mill. 3 , ROOM, FURNISHED APARTMENT , ft rent, 598 N. Summer. Phone 1078 ; !- ; . - " 2a J27 ' F0R; RENT-s MODERN APARTMENT, ' d louses furnished and unfurnished fey .UertrudeJ. M. Pace. 2-j21tf FOR RENT APARTMENTS, Sl NO. Commercial, FOR it Houses 2b 7 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE AT 860 Mill Phone 1763 or 1555W, evenings : or eall 860 Mill. 2b NICELY FURNISHED BUNOALOW $40 month. Refereneea required. In , quire at 1240 N. 4th. Adult only. - 2"j24 15 :PER MONTH ROOM HOUSE; food wall, garden, some fruit, electri city, woodshed or garage. Near ear lino and Jefferson road. Phone 86F8 , or iee 0. W. Calton, Rt. 4, Box SA. BENT LIST 5 ROOMS PARTLY FUR-niahed-933; 7; rooms Very clone with I two hatha $43; 8 rooms $20: 8 room ' $30; i rooma $28. Immediate pos ' Session on three. BECKE ft HENDRICKS . . U. 8. Bank Bids. 2c 12 4 'no DFru - r riiMuvvira vr V abuUiina- raaBL .IjKiunl VLaL 2S1 N. Frost street. PRINTED CARDS.' SIZE 14" BY IVkV wording "furnished Rooma," price 10 fatt each. - cjUteaman Buaineaa Of- 'fire. Gronnd floer.. FOR SALE Miscellaneous 4 ACCnOK 8ALtrFRlDAT, JAN. 25 - 0:30 j. ' nu,.- at tthe Oleaon Auto E 4ehange,. 173 "8. Liberty St inelndinf 10 autoBOhltfc; auto mechanica-' toola, hoatara, efface furniture, aooie house hold foodsv Terms cash Woodry ft M'oe4ry auetloueera. , . 4-35 11 t-PIIQKB ' 105F1 1. 4-J28' JIAY,. NUMBERS ONE. BALED , OAT 8 and . retch. .Thone 5et. K- ' ;, 4-j2i VJilIam6tte Yalley ? j Nursery . ' las a few of Dr. Beaa'a Bis French arena trees, left; also walnut -and f II lrt . trees. J. J. Mtthis. Ht. 7. Salem (tilmto Jiishway, Phone 105V3.- 4 tf llivErTOCIfr FLRXITCRE OR AUTO cleaned and poliihed with "Kwik " ah i no" or will aellon'the material to do tbe work yourself, OOe and I. Will ' else clean your wallpaper or shades. ; Areata wanted. P..O. . 423 or Phone 1820. 1 . 4-jl5tf PRINTED CARDS 8I2K 14'' BT 7V' ' wordinr "Vor Sale, Enquire et.V' Price 10 i eests each. SUteamaa Boiiaeaa Ofitca, , Ground Floor. - Beautiful Oregon Rose And "eleren ether Oregon onff tosethr with fine eclltetioa of patriotic senjs. sacred songs and many old time fsvor ites. - f ' - ,AfjFOR 25e. (Special prices in quantity lots) Especially adaptable for school common . iti or home singins- ' Sena for Ves.tern Songster , ttf, pores w in Rs third edition v-;iJ; ;-.: '. , Published byv s ;., ' ' ; OREOON. TEACHERS UONTTtLT AH 8. Commercial 61. Salem, Or. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. vate your machine repaired by tbe people who - make it. Raecisl rental re to atudeats. 800 'Xaaonie Bldf. Phone 262. - n28tf FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 cents handle. Circulation department Orr,m Btstesmsa. - atMawEE33saxxssaa FOR BALE Livestock 4a FRE81I COWS RT. 7. BOX 151. 8II rertoa road. Phoue 103F12. 4s i2j A PRESlf JERSEY COW. A REAL FAM ily cow. Will mUk nearly all year round. .8430 Brooks Are... , .4a-j24 swe; fresii cows heAy mIlk" ers. East aide park and 1 streets. Phom hone erenlnn, 827J. 4e 52 IIKLP WANTKRs Femalo 5b EARN BIO MONEY. HP ARE TIME AT home. Tiriuity, representing; music pub likhrrs, addresdini; circulars for music orders. 8end-10 for music, informa tion. American Music Co.. 163$ Broad way. Ipt. E-.tg." New York. Sb-i'.S9 IIKLP WANTED Male Oc 8 FURNISHED ROOMS 622 ". HIGH 8Et,t. MADISON ''BETTER MADE" , SHIRT-S direct from ear factory to i wearer. No esDitai or axeerienre re quired. F.aeOy eoidi Rig profits. Write ir mtc; kamii.c.!. maiibui .MILLS, HQ3 Broadway. SewTrk. HELP WANTED Misceilancous 5d WANTED MEN AND WOMElf TO - isie farm paper subscriptions. A gxl Ireac the Paeifl' Homestead, SUteamaa IIKLP WANTED Salesmen 3e 4- WA.VTTI A HUSTLER CAPABLE. OF - keeping house to boue workers busy, ., tf rtaMUh' sJenry for Portland Fc- t tnry. Small invrstmcjit reqnired. Ke ' Mr. Cartne)V Hvlel ihttvt, .Wednea .,. r. i . v ,.5,t:. r"..'s "--jVif.- One week (six insertions) Be One month ,.20 Sis months' contrsct per mo lSe 12 months' contract, per mo 12e Minimum for any advertisement 25e LOST AND FOUND LOST BETWEEN SALEM AND NEW hers. 32st Kelly-ipringf ield spare tire. Old tire. 195G. care Statefcman. tia-j3 LOST LADIES JADE RING IN ORE Kn theater or near there. Finder phone !!:. 6a-j24 Mi-scellaneoua 0 MARCELLING AND MANICURING Ione in my home. 73 and 30 cents. Thone 16a:. o-j27 rRSONAL $700 TO IOAN ON (JOOD SECURITY W. H. URABENHURST ft CO. - 273 State St. 7-j2 I MICKIE. I AM STILL HOLDING BOX 3168 and working in tame town near by. Willett J. -.v 7 j24 GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper - pnblished. f KfcE. COKJIKS PONDENT. Toledo. Ohio. 7-f4 TRY A WESTERN CLUB FOR WEST . era people. Ladies free. Ressonshle, reliable. Partiolars for itsmp. Bos 2. Vanrouver. Wash. 7-f2 REAL ESTATE City 8 BEST BUY IN TOWN $7000, close in, strictly modern two story bungalow,- basement, furnace. Fine place, largo lot, paved ' street. Worth $10,000. Owner going east. Some terms for quick deal. See Chillis ft BechieJ, 540 State St. 8 j24tf IF. YOU RENT HERE'S A HOME FOR $600 down, balance exactly like rent. That is $20 a month. Interest On paring, east front, five rooms with basement, laundry tray. Price cut from $4000 to $3100. Immediate pos session and immediate action. BECKE ft HENDRICKS - U. S. Bank Bldg. 8 j24 ONE TO 8 ECU RE A $1500 LOAN ON good Salem city property. 341 State Street. 8-j25 CORNER LOT SIX ROOM OLD house, east front, $2600. Gertrude J. 31. Page WANTED GOOD LISTINGS IN REAL Estate. ROBINSON 212 Oregon Bldg. 8 j24 FOR SALE A GOOD TEN ROOM house suitable for apartments. S blocks from business center. Call owner for terma. Phone 2023J. 8-J22H CASH TALKS $22J0 buys a fine little bungalow properly and garage, if near half cash. Near ear and school.- - Good district. An emergency ease. See Wm. Fleming, 341. State St. 8 j20tf ATTRACTIVE NEW HOME, CORNER lot, hardwood floors, everything to your heart's content to make a home. Oloae in, $3700. Gertrude J. M. Page. 8-j21tf INVESTMENT Just the thing for an old eouple with a little means. Sub-rents will al most take care. of the property; and ait rent free. See Wm. Fleming. 341 State St. - 8-j20tf LARGE GROUND, SIX ROOM HOUSE $4300. Gertrude J. M. Page. 8-j31U THERE 18 MONET IN REAL ESTATE I . For $3750 you can get a tire room bungalow with garage on paved street and close in. . Here is avery fine buy. A new 4 room bungalow with basement, $2100 and very easy terms. ' Think about this buy. 7 room house let 75x150. There sre many fruit trees. This house is on paved street, ctoe to school and in fine location. This is certainly a bargain at $1200. 6 room modern bungalow, just off Capital St. Could not be replaced for less than $7000. Good reason for sell ing. - Only $3200: terms. New 4 room bungslow, basement, fur nace, garage. $2500; all cash. New 4 room ' bungalow, breakfast Book, basement.. A .snap at $2800; easy terras. , If it Is a bouse, a farm, a lot, or a trade you want see me. RICH L. RE I MAN N Office phone .1013. Res. Phone 7J0R. 229 Oregon Bldg. , 8 j20U NEW SIX ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE IX. full basement, fireplace, modern ex cept furnace. Garage. Price $1300. Phone 828J.V . 8 j25 FOB SALE , Confectionery. Store doing a. paying business. Idesl location. Owner go ing away, will sell at a sscrifice. Price $2800.;. worth! $4000. See Cliilds ft Beehtei; WO 9 tat St. 8-j2!tf FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE ALL OX one .floor, seven blocks out, basement and furnace, large lot, $4300; easy terms. Seven room house five blocks out. completely furnished $3000. Good seven room house corner lot, $2500. Exchange, modern house) in good Ne braska town for Oregon. F. L. Wood, 341 State St. Furnished house for rent. t8jl8tf FOR RENT 5 ROOM FLAT. UNFUR- mshed or furnished. $10 and $45. hee at 666 Ferry. 8-tf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7", wording "For Rent." price 10 cents each. Stateamaa -Business Office, on Ground Floor. MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, IIARD- wood floors, beautiful trees, well lo cated. $5300. Five-room modern house, every eonveni . enee. -very attractive, $475o. 8evea-room modern house, well arranged, $6500. These bouses are all new, well construct ed end priced to sell. WINNtK PETTI JOHN, Realtor. 21fi Oregon Bids. ' j12tf REAL ESTATE Trades 8a GOOD BUYS 3 rooms, plsstered. $800. 3 rooms and garage, large lot.' $1-100. 5 rooms, large lot with fruit. $1200. 6 large rooms, plastered, good loca tion, $2000. S rooms, almost new, 1 block to car $1800. Fine modern home on S. Hl;h. $3oo, THOMASON, 331 'j State St. eVJ21t( FOR TRADE 210 aerea of stork ranch. Fair build iocs; 80 arrea cultivated laud, balance pasture, with some timber. Land lays . on the Santiam river altove Mahaina. l'rice $750: will take ls in rity prop erty.. See J- A. Mills, 331'3 State St. . - Ha i: REAL ESTATE Farms TO TRADE -EIGHTY ACRE I K RIGA tion farm. Fine volcanic ash soil; one mile from Deschutes depot; seven miles - from Bend. Forty-seven sere psid up water right; , good fences; three room bouse; good barn and chicken aonse; large Nconerete eiatera ; ; fine garden. Value $1000. Federal loan $1000. Will . consider tows property or small rlose in ranrh i Willamette ra'ler. Give full information, h Jow B, McJCa4ght, .ltilUcta. Ore, .. , ,. , i27 REAL ESTATE Farms 2350 BUYS ONE OF THE BEST 8 acre tracts: fair improvements; some terms. Will take small house as part varment. Ste Childs ft Bechtel. 510 State St. 9 j2ttf 12 ACRE PLACE WITH MODERN bungalow, 8 miles out, for sale on easy terms of payment. Price $2,500. 38 acres of River Bottom Land: 13 acres in berries. 1 mile to Indepen dence. Onlv $6,650. A. C. BOIIERNSTEDT 147 No. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon 9 j20tf Exchanges rr $08 ACRES WELL IMPROVED 4 dairy in the valley for smaller ranch '-rr Salem, Silverton, Woodburn or aome l'olk county town; not over $25,000. 412 acres fine valley ranch, good im provements; want sheep ranch west f the Cascades; not over $40,000. 11 -sere, modern home, on the Ts cific highwsy, for Salem residence; not over $3000; price of rsnch $7300. Wsot on good real estate a $1500, $1700 and $2000 loans. jl2tf Socolofsky, 341 State HOWELL 1895W. PRAIRIE FARM PHONE 0m25 REAL ESTATE To Exchange Ob EXCHANGES A fine 5i acre farm, stocked and equipped. Trade for city property. 4 room plastered with large lot, with fur niture, wood and chickens, all for $1bOU. Will take light car. Large hotel, trade for farm. THOMASON, 331 ij State St. 9b jiltf EXCHANGES 176 acre farm good improvements. 85 acres nndrr plow, indebtedness $12,500. Equity for Canada land or smaller place hfre. Price $22,ooo. 320 acres with approximately 20,000 cord of standing timber, 10 miles out. Trice $"5 per acre. Exchange for city income property. See us for your insurance. W. II. GRABEN1IORST ft CO. Realtors 275 State St. Phone 313 9bj24tf EXCHANGES! EXCHANGES Have yon an exchange you want to make? We make them everywhere. Timber tracts for city property of any kind. Small tracts close in for larger tracts further out. 80 acres irriir.ited, eastern Oregon for Willamette valley. . 413 acres in Polk county for sheep ranch not over $40,000. 308 acres dairy for something near Salem not over $25,000. Want a $1500 loan on a $3000 prop erty in Salem, will pav 7 per cent. SOCOLOFSKY. Realtor 341 State 9b "25 TAXI SERVICE FOR QUICK SERVICE AT LOWEST rates call Red Top Cab. Phone 1900. Day and night service. USED CARS FOR SALE 11 USED CARS AT PlilCES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU Ford touring $ S0.0O Buick Four roadster 100.00 490 Chevrolet touring 100.00 Ford touring 173.00 Overland roadster 175.00 EUrin touring :. 200.00 Chalmera roadster 200.00 Overland touring "90" 250.00 Paige 7passenger .150.00 Chevrolet touring F.B , 373.00 Essex touring 495.00 Cleveland touring 550.00 Gardner roadster , 550.00 Dodge touring 000.00 Gardner touring Dolux 1150.00 Others to select from, come' in and get yours. Terms if desired. Quaurv Cs Trade and High 11 j24tf Buy a Certified Used Car THE ELEMENT CHANCE IS REMOVED Reconditioned cars 1928 Ford sedan 1920 Ford touring 1920 Ford tourinz Ifll9 Dodge touring 1922 Dodze touring 1923 Iodge touring....!.... OF $ 575 230 200 330 ! 675 770 .-.o 1923 Star We have. some cars for $50 end up. 1924 License Free With evry Certified Car Certified Put3ic Motor Car Market 253 JC. Church St. Il-j22tf GOOD USED CAR GINGRICH MO tor Co, 219 State. Bl-tf USED CARS AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU Ford touring Buick 4 roadster Chev. 490 touring 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 350.00 375.00 495.00 Ford tourin, Elgin touring Chalmers roadster Paige 7 passenger touring Chev. F.B. touring Essex touring Cleveland touring Dodge tourin? Overland touring Overland roadster 550.00 650.00 250.00 175.00 you to select from them over. Terms Many others for Come in and look if desired. V. W. PETTYJOHN ft CO 219 N. Commerrisl St., Salem, Oreson. 11 j!5tf USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTIi- oriied Ford dealer: 12.1 Roadster $335 1917 Touring : 15ft 1922 Touring 395 1922 Coupe 450 1923 SeJau 495 1922 Truck (can and body) 385 Other cars from $65 and up. All ears guaranteed to be in good running or der. SEE US BEFORE BUYING. Liberal Terms. Op'-n Evening and Sundays. VALLEY MOTOR CO.. Phone 1995. . 260 No. High. llil2tf WANTED M'-sccnaneous 13 REGISTERED JERSEY COWS WANT etl. Stat what you have and price. Addreaa "Dairy Farm." Care States man. d4tf II I G H L A N D CATTERY PERSIAN male for service. Mill call for and deliver any place iu city. 2185 N. 4th Street. 1 13 j27 Plumbing And repairing. For quick service .call Phone orders or call at 22nd and D.- D13F8 , , . . WANTED Two cows, ninst give 0 gallons of - milk por day. Route 2, Dos 32. Slav. Wu, Ore. . 13 J24 WANTED MiKcellaiicoBM 13 WANTED No. 16 SECOND HAND Oliver Chilled plow. Phone 1068J. 13 j'i WANTED TO PReJLTRE A $1500 I-osn at 7 per cent on Salem residence. Socolofsky. 341 State. 13-'25 WOOD FOR SALE 14 DRY SPLIT OAK Just a few cords left. 1 Phone 1835 1 l-j'-ti GOOD WOOD PHONE 1879W. REAS onable prices. 4-J25 FOR DRY WOOD CALL 0. D. QUERY, Phone 77F2. n27tf OAK. ALSO 16-INCH OLD FIR AND Second-growth 4 ft. We d hauling of all kinds. Inanred rsrrier. Phone 19F3. M. D. il a) field. lidZOtf BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 10 inch green Bill wood Dry mil! wood Dry second growth fir Dry old fir. 16 inch BLOCK mill wood il the best fuel - to save your dry wood. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. Fred E. Wells, 200 8. Church. Phoae 1542. oBtf MOUNTAIN VIEW Joe . Lynch visited his sister, Mrs. J. R. Chapman Sunday. There will be a Parent-Teacher meeting at. Mountain View school nest Friday evening The Parent-Teacher association of Popcorn school will meet Thursday evening. Hazel Hysler is rapidly recover ing from the operation she under went last week. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Beckett and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Beckett's mother, Mrs. J. W. Nor wood. Mr. and Mrs. Esherwood are vis iting at the Hysler home. Miss Rose Kron returned home Saturday from Portland where she has been visiting relatives the past month. Mrs. Frieda Winterstein was a visitor at the Schindler home Mon day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kron of Portland were visitors at the Schindler home over the week-end. Miss Lillian Jaquet of Salem spent Sunday at the Schindler home. Mrs. C. C. Page and Mrs. M. C. Petteys entertained guests at a five hundred party at the Petteys home llast Friday evening. Mrs. James Imlah and Mrs. F. Allen won the prizes. Mr. and Mrs. E. Darby of Salem visited Mrs. C. C. Page Sunday. Virginia Page visited Mrs. Earl M. Daue of Salem Saturday-.- " : Mrs. K. Addis Carlson of Salem visited Mrs. C. C. Page last week. The Community Bridge club met with Mrs. M. C. Petteya Mon day. The Sweet Briar club will meet with Mrs. James Madson Wednes day. The Kitis of Mountain View school have organized a sewing club. Arbey Marten and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Best, and Frank Barlow were guests at the VL. L. Cannoy home Sunday. Miss Ethel McDowell is sick with the measles. Charles Mover has been remov ed to his home from the hospital. Mrs. C. C. Chaffee gave a x.artl party Saturday evening. E. O. Moll went to Tillamook last week. ..S Miss Dorthy Savage spent Sat urday visiting friends in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius T. Short and Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Short and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Short were guests at the T. H. .Savage home over the week-end. Mrs. Ed Finley has recovered from her illness. M. C. Parks has been suffering from a severe cold. Mrs. Fred Entermille, who is now staying with her mother, Mrs. T. J. Gardner, will soon undergo an operation. Miss Luella Russell visited Mrs. Ed Finley last week. D. W. Hoover from Pennsyl vania was visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith last week. Frank Ense from California was visiting at the Toevs home Monday. Miss Nina Parks attended a par ty at the Singer home Sunday. A juror is a man who decides a case according to the evidence and his opinion ot the lawyer. Every man should do at least two fine things if only to lend a little variety to his bragging. SQUIRE CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business ARCHITECTS FREEMAN ft STRIBLE, REGISTERED Architects, 510 Bank of Commerce Building. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN PRESTO-LITE BATTER Y SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical "nrk. Ferria Bros., Phone 1803, 418 Ciurt. R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES I Starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY cles and repairing; 387 Court. BIRDS, r LOWERS AND PETS FLAKE'S PETLAND, BIRDS, FLOWERS Pets. 273 State. CARPET ASD BUG WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs woven any size without seams. New mattresses made to. order. Old mat tresses remade. Feathers renovated. I buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff rugs. 13 and Wilbur streets. Phone 1134. Otto F. wicker. Prop. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. High St.. Phone 283. CHIROPODISTS DR. S. F. 8C0TT, GRADUATE NA tional University Sciences, Chicago. Masonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS DRS. SCOTT ft SCOFIELD, P. S. C. Chiropractors, 414 19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; res. 838-R. CLEANERS AND DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS Suits cleaned and pressed, $1.50. . Suits sponged and pressed, 50c. 1215 S. Com. Phone 1868 CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSCLTINO. CONSTRUCTION Constructing engineer. Surveys esti mates. J no. U. Neef, 319 Oregon Bldg. Phone 775. ! - CONTRACTORS FOR N. CEMENT WORK CALL AT 436 Summer street. Phone 674 J. CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. General contracting and builUmgi Esti mates gladly furnished. Phone 1867R or 59F12. d26tf DRESSMAKING TIIK APSITTS. DHKSSMAKLXU. Phone 2085R. 352 N. 12th St. f6" DRESSMAKING A N D DESIGNING : Carrie Fisher, McCornack Bldg., over Millers. nl5tf PRINTED CARDS-SIZE 14' BY 7" wording "Dressmaking"; price '10 cents each. Statesman Business Office Ground Floor. DRUG STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS," 173 X. Commercial. Phone 167. BLECTRICIAJIS g.M ELECTRIC CO. M AS0.NIC huilding. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES Co. Phone 1934, 222 A N D SUPPLY N. Liberty. ARCHIE FI.EENBR. ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hour or contract. Es timatea furnished. Phone 980. 414 Court St. ( HALrK'S ELECTRIC SHOP, EI.EC trieal machine repairing, contracting. 337 Court. Phone 488. Q FARM PAPER POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for tbe best and oldest journal in the west. The article and advertise ments are of sp'cial interest to the Tinnlirv hrpenVrs nf tho Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com-1 merrial street, Salem, Oregon. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST tarm paper, .send 15o to the I'aeific Homestead. Saleio, Oregon for a three months' trial subscription.. Mention - this sd. FINANCIAL CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO., General contracting snd building esti mates gladly furnished. Phono 18H7R r 59F12. d26tf ' FARM LOANS Insurance money, auy amount 6 per eent, for 5. 7, 10 or 20 years, with full prepayment privileges entire Willam ette valley. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS , 205 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Oregon. GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 5 k per cent, 303 Safrtn Bank of Commerce. C LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on city or farm property. Reserve De posit company,' 72 Fourth Street, Port land. Or. LOANS LOANS LOANS I can make your farm or city loans, best service given. If you need a loan, see me; and if you have money to place, see me I always have takers. U. W Laflar, Oregon bldg. FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer time, no commission. Protects against adversity. 4'ity loans, lowest rates, monthly instalments, prepay ment privileges. J. C Siegaiund, room 1, over Ladd ft Uush bank. FARM IXUXS . 64 No additional expense -ANDERSON ft RUPKKT, 406 Oregon Building HAWKINS ft ROBERTS, lwt terms. CITY LOANS, FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS f nnerSl wreaths, decorations. C. T. Breithaiipt. florist, 123 X. Liberty Phone 380. EDGEGATE -He U tvn Forced I THAT i-i. I Vfvao fifCf TtJ -V. VtTrCS. ? I -v yr ' J ' ' fotM- p , l ' ' ' ' .. ' naaaaaaaa "'.' r- , ,- - - i . , - ' - ' ' ' - A ' ' BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference DIRECTORS FUNERAL SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC tor, 210 Center. Phone 150. FURNACES SEAGROVF, FOR FURNACES SIBLI- eoe Fipeless, S8j, 116 Ferry St., Phone 885W. o24tf FURNITURE STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. Q U A L I T Y furniture for less money. 372 Court, Phone 461. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; .271 N. Commercial. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING, PLEAT ing. -The Petite Shop, Room 5, over Bu-sicks. n29tf SALEM ELITE II EMSTITCHI NO pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work; 328 Oregon bldg. l'hone 379 MRS. C. E. MILLER HEMSTITCHING stamping, battons. Room 10, over Mil ler's store. Phone 117. 1 HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. G- ALTMAN. IIOMEOPATIIIST. Doea a general practice. Treats Goiter, Gall Stones and Dropsy, arising from diseases of heart, liver or kidneys without operation. : Office and "resi dence, 296 N. Liberty St, Salem, Or. Phone 147. JUNK! JTJKKT JUNK--WE "PAY FULL VALUE FOR auy kind of stoves, furniture, metal, Paper snd junk. Willamette Bsrgaia House, 973 North Commercial. Phone 588. nlStf LADIES TAILORING D. II. M OSH E R s-TAl LOR and women, 4 74 Court St. iOR ' MEN LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 316 8. Liberty street. Phone 25. oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality .work ; prompt service; 1264 Broadway. Phone 163. i 1 " i i i 1 1 j 1 m COURT STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH Maternity Home and Rest Sanitarium. 1899 Stat. Phone 527. jl MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MUSIC LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated sraadard music. lessons. "ornack imi-clagsic and ballade 13 Waterman Piano School. Me Bldg MUSIC STORES SHERMAN, CI.AY ft CO., PIANOS Steinwaya, Duo-Art and others. Moore' a Music House. '415 Court Street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, aewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs Hind sewing machines; 432 State street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO 'FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. Il, L. Stirf Furni ture Co.. Music Dept. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND chronic diseases; 415 Oregon Bldg. Phone 110. NURSES FOR PRACTICAL 1483M. NURSE PHONE B25tf NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros., 237 Stste. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nur sery Co. 426 Oregon Bldg.. Phone To. OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW Op tical Co., 323 Stat stre"t. opposite Ladd ft Bush Rank. "Use Quality Proven Shur-ons." MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY -go n Bldg. Rooms HOI to .".01. ORE- PAPEItH ANQING AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tiuting, etc. Reliable workman. TEX CENT KALSOM IN E IN BEAUTI ful colors: fl does a room. Mox O. lluren, 179 N. Coramerrial. PHYSICIAN OF PHYSIOTHEHAPHY i I..,, i,p ' ill i " l DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR OF P1IYSI otherapy, treats all ailments, women's ailments especially. 263 N. Commercial street. Phone 2005M. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. - PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL , work. Phone 1897-J. Shop 127 Union ' street. A. L. Godfrey. RADIATORS, FENDERS, ETC. RADIATORS. FENDERS. BODIES made or repaired. .1. C. Bair. 236 State 8t. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sells secondhand furniture, tools, snd junk; 320 N. Commercial Phone 492. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; 342 North Commercial Phone 1368W. SCAVENOESS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE CESS pools clesned and dead animate removed Garbage and refuse of all kinds remov ed by the month. Reasonsble rstes Phones: Office 329; residence 2058. fo Toe the Chafa Une STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yeara experience. Depot National fence, sizes 26 to 28 in. high. Paints, oils and varnishes, etc.. loganberry and hop hooks. Salem .Fence and Stove Works. 230 Conrt street. Phone 124. TRANSFER-HAULING WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specislty is pisno and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Call on ua for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930 CAPITAL CITT XRANSFER CO 228 State St. Phoue 933. Distributing, for warding and storage oar specialty. Get - our rates. TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central Stage Terminal, Salem, Oregon. SALEM EUGENE Leaves Salem 7:13 a. m.; 9:15 a. m. 11:15 a m.; 1:15 p. m.; 3:15 p. m:; 5:15 p. in. 7:30 p. m.; to Corvallis only. PARKER'S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker, General Manager Central Stage Terminal 1 Salem, Oregon. SALEM-SILVERTOX DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m; 11 a. m.; 5 p. m. Leaves Silverton News Stand: 9 a. m.;- 1 p. m.; 6 p. m. Salem-Indepehdenre-Monmoutk Division : Leaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 8:10 p. m. 5:10 p. m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a. m.; 1 p. m.: 6:15 p. m. Leaves Independence, Beaver Hotel : . 8:30 a. m.; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. m 4 p. m.; 8:30 p. m. . Leaves Central Stage Terminal, Sale for Dallas at: 7 a. m.; 11:10 a. tn. 8:10 p. n Leaves Gail Hotel, Dallas' at 8 a. iu.; 1 p. m.: 6:13 p. m. We aak connections at Salem to all parts of the valley. Ex(ra trips by ap pointment. J. W. PARKER. General Manager. ' VETERINARIAN '' FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN Office 220 South Liberty. Phone li9f Res. Phone 1948J. m9 WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT ft POWER CO Office, 801 South Commercial St, Tes per cent discount on domestic flat rates psid in advance. - No deduction! for absence or any cause unless watei is shut off your prem i ses. I NEW CORPORATIONS I , . , The following1 articles of incor poration were filed yesterday with j the state corporation 'department', Cederdale .Logging & Lumber company,, Portland: inirppratory. M. M. McDanieL W. P. Rhodes. W. L. Crabtree. Jr : can'talization. $20,000. Brumbaugh Timber company; Eugene:' ' incorporators. M. O. Mouat, H. J. Wood, F. J. E. Wood, non-par vahle stock, h Hotel Astoria; Inc.. Astoria; incorporators,- B. R. West brook, Al ice Westbrook, E, S. Robe; capi talization, $30,000. Orport Investment company, Portland; incorporators, W. H. Masters,' J. F. Alexander. Grace J. liurtou; capitalization, $5,000. Notice of dissolution was filed by the Thomas Insurance office of Portland. Notice of "an Increase In capital- ' I!"'' f "tS Photo by J. C. Kendall, (National Crop Improvement Service. 1 i C A CAREFULLY selected small jt flock well housed and wtU fed ls often njore profitable than a larger flock given, perhaps, indefi nite attention." says Prof. L. F. Card of the University, of Illinois. A. chicken is just as particular about her home as any other house wife, and she will not produce un less she has the proper surround ings, cleanliness and care. It is interesting to note that more chfekehs are .too warm in the win-, ter time than too cold. Therefore the front of the thicken house should be made to open up to the sun on bright drfys, protecting the large- opening with a poitltry net ting which should be thoroughly galvanized to insure sanitation anu durability. - Biddy wants nlso nn electric light In her dininir room. Artificial 2 4 '11 , r a, I 4es6L -r- vW t -i r r . I '. izatlon from $35,000 to $50,000 was filed by the Nackard company of Portland. Under the blue sky act the fol lowing permits were granted: ' Or-Nacogdoches Oil & Gas com pany, Portland, to sell stock in tbj sum of $35,000. ' -: Fred Glenn & Co., Portland, to sell bonds in the sum ot $55,000. Independent Warehouse; & Mill ing eompany, Wasco, to sell. stock In the sum of $3100. . . GENERAL MARKETS , - MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 23. -Wheat cash: No. 1 northern $1.13 1-8 to $1.1" 3-8; No. 1 dark northern spring, choice to : fancy , $1.21 3-8 to $1.27 3-8;' good , 1o choice $1-17 3-8 to $1.20 3-8: or dinary to good $1.14 3-8 to $1.17 3-8; May $1.13 3-8; July $1.14 3-8; September $1.11 3-4. ; LIVERPOOL, Jan. 23. Close: wheat 3-8d lower; March 9s 2 3-8d May 8s 10 I l-2d; July 8s 9 5-8d. PORTLAND, . Or., Jan. 23. Grain futures: grain', bluestem and baart. January, February ", $1.03; March $1.02; soft white, January ' $1.03; February $1.02; -March, $1.01; hard winter'-western i red.. January, February 97c; northera spring- January, 'February -vs8: , March 9 6c. f ' . Oats No. 1 2 white feed January, February,, March $32.50 ;-JNo, 2 gray JanuaryA February, March -$31.60. -V ' . Millrua 'January,; February $25... - .' "'HAY - - , PORTLAND. Ja?, 2.3r-Hay Rn-i; changed.' ' -- j SALEM MARKETS r . ' t . Offerings; for milk dropped .off 10 per cent per 100 pounds yes- terday. As a result the quotations are now $2.25 per 100 pounds In stead of $2.35. A short time ago the commodity demanded $2.50 per 100 pounds. . " Standard eggs rose T vcent , a dozen and ore now quoted .at 32, cents a dozen. " ' GRAIN AND BAT So. 2 wheat .,'...,.,... . s No. 3 red wheat, sacked Oats . .90 :.4S (A 48 ( Heat hay 1 o $u $19 ($ $14 . m in wholesale , and - art Oat hay Clover hay, baled i . Trices, quotod are nri. es received bv farmers. Ka ratal privet are -given,-except as aotea : , - EGGS. BUTTER, BUTTERT AT ' Creamery brnlter ,. 49g BOi Butierfut d.rfered X,. ;:..,, i',. ...'.U i,J.50 Milk, per cw. ..-.-,.!i;.-.'72.81 - - Standards ..-.K........'. Pullets a- - POTJLTBT b.'...S2e:. 2 Sc.. Heavy henfi. 1 I4e Medium and light hens 16e Q PORK; MTTTTOW AND BZXr ' Hogs, top, 150-225 Igs ew:.:.J.7.50 Hogs, top, 223-373, ewt.i.J. $7.00 Hogs. top. 273-300, cwt.-. .30 Light sows, ewt . U- . -$3.00 Rough heavy LJ, 04 OSe Top vest, dressed . "1rir? Cows . , .Kj 04 Top lambs , ;..A....v l - -04e "IS) vXinterE'00s Agricultural College, Durham. N, IL ' illumination will lengthen tle heB'gj working day, making possible a greater fod consumption. Which ls necessary for her eggnachlnery, tol function. If the lights are to bef turned on at 5:00 o'clock In the morning, grain may be scattered In,, the litter after the hens have gone; to roost. There should always be fresh water. In cold weather water1 may be kept from freezing by burn-; ing a lantern in some suitable con- trivance. It Is also, a good plan to; turn the light on for about an hour at 8 :30 or 9 H p. and glvet the hens a heavy feed in a trough. They will learn in a Very short tun to Immediately jump down and eat and return to the roost before the-. lights are turned off. i Ak your agricultural college tot give yu their egg book, which la free for the asking. I ir UIUIS RJCBACI Ik i 1 - -. , ' . :.. ' :v a . : . - t 3 . :-:..' ' UaaaBaaaBBaasa -. --:-: ?- -w B -