THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24; 1924 1 " 3 V 4 ;"4. .-' 'A '4 t .... f i . if 1 CITf:NEWS IN BRIEF I Xtonsdcnte Cleared-"? J 5 E An: unusual . man, appeared be fore the, state industrial accident commission yesterday. He de clared tha he; once cheated the .state out of-some money when compensation was allowed him for . an iujufyatonhat Ke' Wanted to '"' pay it back. He said he was a Christian ! and believed he should ,make good for the fraud; ; lie de- clared that he had lied to the phy sician who ' examined him.- The commission told the man it be lieved he was entitled to all the compensation he -received. ilia name was withheld. Period Buffet Table , And six chairs to match, Janu , ary clearance sale prices, $78.0 .00. j27 .Hamilton's. ; Seriously 111 'Seriously 111 from a stroke of apoplexy, Mrs.1 Joseph W; Lytle is a patient at the Deaconess hospi tal: Her home is on the pilvert6n Toadfrom where she was removed td 'the; hospltai'the first 'of the week.-" She - is the mother of Dr. W. "H. - Lytle, . state 'veterinarian, and of Dr. C. C. Lytle of Dubuque, Iowa, who arrived last night to be . st ner bedside. " ? - ' ' ' V Have a Large Stock aOf '"Square IDear fence, and have purchased this on a basis that w!H permit tis to give you more and better fence for yon r money than yon 'can 'get elsewhere. Chas. R. Archerd Implement Co., Salem. jlO 'State' street. -. J24 Canadian Visitor Here -?-Mr."'andf Mrs.! Jehu -H. Linfoot of Saskatoon, Sask their daugh ters Gladys and Lotties of Regina, ' It.-' Beers of ! Saskatoon," and Miss Bettenhorn or Calgary are? visitors ait 'the home of Mrl and Mrs." W. J.' Linfoot,' 2100 Nob Hill, and at the home of Mr. and Mrs'.':R, 3. Gillon, 24S North Cottage street. Relative td Injured s Dr. M,' C FIndlej recently went to Grants Pass to visit his brother- 1 J f . T-"T T vtjV era """" trKn "fl. lis! ' aokn thign6!; uto- mobile accident $3,MM kiOO and $t00 Wanted Gilt ediel Irst mortgages Salem linmM'i4- and 1 per cent. Becke A Hendricks. U.SBk: Bldg. 124 i You Should Know Tttat' wtf Idtaraose. ' locate and Bieasurefrom a drop of blood any tlseast active or latent. ;W vxxtrjB wood wemr .i.taKrsf of "ELECTRONS i J , . . 7 'L fnot electricity). ;5 per cent Oil anceri,iuDervuiuaio, u, tetas, female and digestive flUor- iftri. et4xr vr,ir :'i lnecjra Clinic f." X 1484 Stat St. 7 .Free Ftfblic Lecture Friday, t'.i '- : v 7: jo vf.j' Mr' a :i t m. Neimeyer , " ; - Druggist . In Business For Your '.-Health- 175 N. Coml. - Phone 167 : Equitable Saving A Loan , -; .(..wAssUUon"-' iti PorUand;Oregon Harry G. KceneY;:ltepresentatlTe Muinii nidz: --c 4 'Phone 184 411Oregon Bid. Telephone 457 til l-il-' 'U.n Titcnmncal' 'General Insurance' ;Janfc;Wagar -hVdro-electric THERAPEUTIC INSTITUTE v ,(rpnnerly Dr. Schenxs). 4' ' 249 8. Cottage St. PHONE - r - 1182 f - rr- - ; The Original and Genuine Spln 1 Adinstment Treatment. Sklll- eni Painless Adjustment' that ' gets, results. . . . '-,, t DIk L. a MARSHALL , : (I Osteopathic rhysldan and 228 Oregon Bids. Salem X Dr. Abrams Electronic Diagnosis' and treatment. The j public should know that there are some fifty Imitations of Dr. Abrams machine. ' Persons In Sa lem are now advertising and using one of these Imitations under the nama of 'Dr..- Abram$.--ror - the f truth about tne Abrams Method address Dr.u. li.wniie.qwttu..'' . nr-. C c v-m t.,v hm;:; saie. ore: i-v - ; ' .;. p"-1 ; -y - v . .... LADD & BUSH . . ' EUblislied 1868 I ' General Banking; Business t f Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Will Fix Pair Dates "'-' Fred H. Currey,J Secretary of the state fair board and manager of the state fair, and the members of the board will leave Monday for Seattle where they will attend a meeting of representatives of the Northwest Fair association on Jan uary 28-and 29. Dates will be fixed for all the state and district fairs in the northwest. Harold L. Cook Public Stenographer, 416 Ore gon Building. Phone 412. f3 From Agate Beach , Citizens of Agate Beach, Lincoln county, were here yesterday in (conference with, the public service commission relative to the water supply at that place. Under con tracts with the original Agate Beach Townsite company water was furnished purchasers of lots, but it is said the water system has become practically defunct. Boys Chorus to Meet -The Salem boys' chorus, under the direction of Dr. H. .C. Epley, will meet at the YMCA 7 o'clock Friday night. Any boy between 8 and 17 will be welcomed by the director, who is anxious to obtain nearly 100 more voices for is chorus. Oregon Voter "Pinched" C. C. Chapman, editor of the Oregon Voter, Is charged with traveling 39 miles an hour on a state highway in a complaint filed in Justice - court yesterday. He was arrested by R. B. Reinhart, state traffic officer, and cited to appear Saturday. Several Patterns of High Grade '"Bedroom suites in Ivory, mahog any, walnut and gray, greatiy-re- duced during Hamilton's January clearance : sale. . J27 Drunken Man Arrested Charles Thompson was taken from an apartment house Wednes- flay by umcers victor ana inomp- son and booked at the police sta- "on on a charge of being drunk. Your Chance To buy a well located home at 14C Chemeketa St. with 7 large rooms,. modern In every way. "Let os show you this property. W. II. Grabenhorst & Co., Realtors, 275 Stalest. 324 Freshman's Bluff Suctessf ul When h objected to being pad- nled bv the sophomore Vigilante wminfttelrhmait tZlltZa PTnn vMiter-1 c -1 ., riav . mornine t and successfully I SeiwFoods a Specialty Experienced Caterers "OYSTER LOAF Court i Strcetj r -Liberty GRAFTElf iVAIiJTirr TREES : Italian Prunes Reduced. : Mazzard Cherr Seedliiies: C to 13c. s Gen el 'Nursery - Stock ' Bales Yard and Of flee, 544 Ferry street. FRUlTLaAU AUKt.nx A. JMATHIS, Prop. Oince rnonriw ' . 506 V. 8. National Bank Building Phone 850 "118; Phone 469-J DR. ANNE BREKKE Osteopathic Physician and 'Snrgeon ' ; - t. " .., ? . ' Day and Night Calls . Free Consultation Salem, Oregon Excellence is the Lever M wH.h Aonenil to movelon we enienaiumi larae ouantities of ; coal. While our prices are the same as those for ordinary coal we strive 'to make thosei prices pay for' more and bizJtei1 coal satisfaction. How well we succeed can be learned by a trial. Why not make the test when it costs no more.- Give us a I trial. i-armer -i ronaicr w, 469 State St. Phone 930 ,.. .... - ' .- . J-V . fVr- bluffed his tormentors until one of I them, more brave than the rest, walked up and took the gun away. The 'revolver was not loaded and had no hammer. The freshman came to the attention of the V. C's when he offered a permit from a oocior aavising mat he not wear 1 - . A ... .... I a green cap. He misht have es caped punishment entirely had he not neglected to appear without any hat at all. This was too much and the punishment, though slightly milder than first prescrib ed, was meted out: Bicycle Riders Fined Carl Fenster, route 8, and Ross Powell were fined 12.50 eoch fn police court yesterday for ridine their bicycles after dark without lights. Beautiful New Home, $5250 Reasonable 'terms.' Furnace, fireplace, G rooms; quick posses sion. Becke & Hendricks, U.'S. Bank Bldg. ' J24 Stanton in Southern Oregon For the purpose of conducting a 12-hour test for gas produced by the Hartman Shale Oil syndicate of Ashland, H. H. Stanton, super- intendent of the Salem Gas com pany, is in Ashland. The test is slated to start at 8. o'clock this morning. Gas produced from the huge shale oil deposits is one of the by-products being emphasized by the syndicate. Kiwanis Representative Here Charles H. Lincoln, internation al "representative of the Kiwanis club,' met the several members of the board of directors and chair-i men of the various committees for lunch in the peacock room of the Gray Belle Wednesday4 noon. Ap proximately 25 Klwanians attend ed the meeting. The chairmen and the board of directors meet for lunch every alternate Wed nesday. Civic Music Club Students Contests. First "Conereiratlonal cnurchf Tnursdayf Jan. 24, 8 p. m. Aamission Dy memoersnip tickets, $3.00' each for four re maining programs including Chemet, the J24. ; French violinist. H Albany Speeder Fined C. E. Chamberlain of Albany contributed $5 to the city coffers yesterday for traveling too fast while in the city limits. L Legion Men at Independence' lnr order to participatsi in thelm tomorrow 41 Jtht' to celebrate ,nsiaiiauon on.cers m xne in- dependence post or the American , , . .. , - , nearly 25 men, made the 'trip. Commander Carl D. Gabrlefson and George P. Griffith, state vice commander, and other prominent legionnaires, made "the trip. Concert Mr. Malven Korby, tenor, Fri day, Jan. 25, 8 o'clock. ScandinaV - tan church. 15th and Mill sts. Ad- mission, 50c. j24 Elks Entertain Tonight i Members bf the Kiwanis, Ro - itnrv -Lions clubs nlan to meet jat variona places and in a body attend the entertainment and pro - gram being given them tonight toy Salem Elks lodge No. 336. Prep arations have been made to ac commodate all of the guests and a" 'big time is promised. Pew More Measles Reported- Several more r cases - of nfeasles came tb the attentiofi of DfWil Ham H. Mott, city health officer, Wednesday. The peak of the epl- delnic haaf apparentryeen reached for the daily numoer or casej uw shown a decrease this week. Card Party and Dance McCornack hall, Thursday nlgbt, : 324 Tom Kay Lions Speaker Some phase of the taxation ques- tlnn will be discussed for the Sa- lent Lions ' club Friday noon by Thomas B. Kay, who has given several talks along this line beiore other civic organizations and who is in demand in other Oregon cities. Mr. Kay is recognizee as an authority along this line. Rotary Names Committee . . Rotarians who were received ,n- to the organization aunng me present administration will serve galem lottuaru IMBAXJTERS AJTD - . FUNBnAI-DWJSCXOBS Fliont 1656 Efficient Work Moderate rlcei WEBB & CLOUGH u Leading Funeral Directors Expert Embalmert RIGDON & SON'S ' BIORTUARY f Unequalcd Scrrice ?9T-t9. next three months. Those namedfcy "It: "Or Shelling, presi dent of the Club, are Dr. H. C. Ep ley, Theo Barr Lea Barr. Walter Minler, - Frank M Bramwell, Roy Klein, A. A. Mickel, A: C. Marcus and U- G. Shipley. District Gov ernor Miles HIgley will meet with tne C,UD February 13 and shortly a'ter this date observance of annl- ersary week will be held at'which tIme 11 Is Probable that R. A 1. -. . ... . ! . V 11001 u Ul ugene win spean. Extra Special 6 piece period dining room set now 78. See east window. C. S. Hamilton. 125. Sister Calls for Groom- Police yesterday released Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kowol of Sedro Wooley, Wash., who were being held upon requestof his parents. A sister of Kowol arrived in the cIty yesterday an4 theT were turn ed over to her. No charges were placed agajnst either o the young sters although both were under 18 years old. ' f ! 4 Drunk Man Fined It cost Dan Genoo $50 to take on a supply of intoxicating liquor when he appeared before ''Marten Poulsen, police judge, .yesterday. Genoo was arrested late Tuesday a Ferry and High by Officers Ql 9n and Victor. Our Entire Line ; Of high grade merchandise Is included in our January clearance sale. Hamilton. j23. "v ;'. Committee Klected Members of St. Joseph' Catho lic church this week elected the general committee which will in charge of the construction $f the new church which . the partsu recently voted to build In the near future. Members of the commit tee chosen were Theo Barr, Adam' Engle, A. A. Mickel and August Httckestein. The pastor, Rev. 'J. R. Buck, is chairman of the com mittee. ' Fine Period Dining Room Suit Consisting of C pieces, 1 buffet. 1 table and 4 chairs to match; extra special January clearance sale pricer 578. C. S. Hamilton. J25. ' , TJwnoeW Granted Rea W." Benson and Ingra Chris- tenson, both of Salem, were grant ed a.- marriage license yesterday. Frank Joseph Schmitz of Oregon City and Mabel Smith of Salem were also granted a license . to marry. Burns Club Tomorrow Night The Burns club of Salem will the birthday of Robert Burns, as has been done in this city for many vwirB? machine farther Back, In ' , -- , . fact, than-mosti of the memories of the members run. The cele; bratlon this time wll be at the home of William McGilchrist, Sr., 500 South Commercial street There will e Scotch songs, a Scotch feed, bagpipes, and a pro gram of speeches and it goes Lwitnput saying' that there will be a good time. Any one who is a (lover of Burns will be made wel come. rin,, nrt -.w,.i.t nrrhMtra of Port- iatl(i cnturdav night at Dream lir,,! t p- free. 126 roots Makes Offer M. B. Peets, owner of the his toric Jason Lee house, says he is willing to sell the house to the nubile for $8,000 if it Is purchased Drlor' to next week, when he pro poses to move snother house onto the property. He wants s.uuu cash '"'and the remaining $6,000 tint Mav. He Is said to have paid 4(ooo for the property" only a , vears ago. Feet says ms oi ter is $1,000 cheaper than he has ever offered the property at be fore. Pin ri-iod Dinlnz Room Suit I consisting of six pieces: 1 buf- f t tabie and 4 chairs to mat,,. Extra special January ciearance sale price $78.00; C. S Hamilton. 125 tr tlon Given Mrs. B. Sandstone, representa Uye of Amaizo Oil, gave a demon I stration for the women of the for Tntaslnnarv SOCietV Of the IvieM ... . I Fronds church at their church on Highland avenue Wednesday al ternoon YMCA Directors Called The directors of the Salem im CA and members of the assocla tion will meet Friday noon for KnpHal session. Harry W. Stone nf th Portland YMCA and W. W. Dillon, interstate secretary, win attend at the Invitation of the lo- al oreanlzatlon to explain th constitutional amendments which are to be voted upon in the near future. The building committee of the association met this week to consider plans for the new v.iuin TIip architect or tne national organization will be Salem within a few. days to con suit with members of the commi tee, . Veterans Install orilcers Instalation of officers aud a re- oort u Don the recent meeting s?alem of the department officers of the Veterans o! Foreign Wars I 1 ' 1it.- given by Bolton liamDio was .in principal business . of "Marlon "post No. 6fil. .Veterans .of 4"4oreis i Wars. 1 held' at ' the armory uw. lirst to jOT y 'Elsie White," Noted Sing- . era Explains Reactions X-i- te-r- New Tork City-Tsychoan-alysis "was discovered by the first actor way back in the Garden of Eden cays,? declares Elsie White,- wio wonders why every body acts as if air these "isms" they talk so much' about nowa days are something hew. ' Believe me, 'if you couldn't dive down into unconsciousness and" Subconsciousness, you wouldn't .get , very far on the stage," she points out "You've got to eaaKg your audience to see whether you speak their lan- guage er not, and before long it' no trick at aU to do it success- - v ' ' v - ' Talks Verse' given by Henry Hniht . O. Miller and Allan Carson. Of ficers "Installed last night were Bryan H- Conley, commander; Willidm Wallace Smith,, "senior vice commander; Guy Young, Jun ior vice commander; Jay D. Coul ter quartermaster; Chris J. Kow- itz. officer" of Ihe "day; "Harold Garvtr, adjutant; A. M. Holbrook, haplain; Frank S. Sever and Al lan Jones, trustees, tl Objection Filed.' - i, O. P. Hoff, state treasurer, has filed an objection to the appraise ment of $37,308 made on the es tate of A. N. Gilbert. The protest declares that for inheritance tax purposes the full value of the es tate Is not represented1 in the ap praisement. Appraisers of the es tate 'were I. L. Patterson, R. P. Boise and Homer Smith. Attend Ladles Night J In response to an Invitation for rAnrpspntative Salenit KiWiUlSns to be present at the ladieV- flight ob served by the ; Albany Kiwanis club last night, several laembers of the club motored to tfci Linn county city. " 111 1 i 1 V- Hospital A pprovexl The state board of nurses ex aminers visited the Salom hospit al yesterday .and approved It for registration. The members of tne board are Jane . Doyle, Grace Phelna and Emily SanderS, all of Portland. The training offered were, the main points investigat ed by the board. T- "' We wonder If the world is finer since kid quit reading dime novj els and began to Freud. -.- . i-i V. 'it V- OLESON'S AUTO EXCHANGE 173 S. Liberty St, 1 :30 p. m. ''..-. . ;,...., v.' u ' !t t . 'V. , Including .10 automobiles mechanic's tools, 'office Furniture, oil drurns, and a lot of miscellaneous articles. Everything goes. Qlef; is going to Calif OLEF OLESON Owners.'"-.." Use Psychoanalysis fully. X People's eyes "give ";tHenfj away almost always. v "I am singing one song now,! that I call the emotional test! 'Every Night I ; Cry Myself to! Sleep Over- You' it is named. It: is not really-as plaintive as the title sounds, but for all that 'it certainly goes down into folks; hearts and pulls out what's there, i! "The woman whose husband!! has the lodge habit, the young; girl who is in love with a mar ried man and the mother whose! son is on the wrong track as I sing I look out and see each' one react. The sentiment in the! sang and the sound of. a sympa-' thetic voice combined with mel-' ody which. 'Dfings'rnenforiel" con- stiiuie completer prope tnan a ( psychoanalyst could ever devise." PERSONAL Mrs. Nellis Kelsey of Spokane left- yesterday for Los Angeles where she will spend the remain der of the winter.. She has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hutler.: William Gray of the Burrell Electric shop, and Mrs. Gray were In Portland yesterday. Will H. Mcore.: state insurance commissioner, left yesterday for Corvallis to attend the agricultu ral conference. H. O. White, president of the Salem Chamber of Commerce, was in Portland yesterday. ' t. Mark Aspinwall "was here yes terday from McMinnville. - - Wayne J. Pickler was here from McMinnville yesterday. . Willard Jefferson . or . isortn Howell -was in Salem yesterday. W. A...Wiest, Klamath Falls at torney, was a balem visitor yes terday."; ''!'' -'-:..,..":. Joseph Rubens of St. Louis was in Salem Wednesday on business. Blaine McCord Woodburn at torney, was in Salem yesterday. Seymour Jones of Keizer was in Salem yesterday on business with the county court. Col. E. A. Smith, editor of the Northwest Farm. Trio with head quarters in Spokane, was in Salem yesterday on his way to the agri cultural conference at Corvallis. Charles Hartman of Scotts Mills was in Salem on business Wednes day. , ; Frank S. Sever, deputy state treasurer, will , leave today for a short -business trip to Astoria. He expects to return r the latter , part of the week. ' 6rnia.V t"? WOODIZV & WOODRY ' f S" Auctioneers h!--. " vCol. " Carle "Abrams i " will" leave this morning for Corvallis where hevwin, attend the economic con f erehce, which' opened Wedriesda. He expects to return to Salem Sat urday." . ; '"" H. E. Chamberlain . of Albany was in -the city Wednesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ahlf, Grants Pass attorneys, were in the city yesterday. r , Mrs. leRoy Needham of Forest Grove was in the city Wednesday for optical treatment Mr: and Mrs. D. H. Kauffman of Aurora were in Salem yester day. - A. L. Lindbeck. Salem newspa perman, was a Portland visitor yesterday. ' T. L. BHlingsIey, superintend ent of the street car system. Was Portland yesterday on business. TEP0T DOME PARLEY , WAXtS WAHMtn YtT ( Continued from page 1 ) that they would ask him to lie" about certain matters. "Resignation Asked As the debate proceeded there were suggestions from Senators King of Utah and McKellar. Ten nessee, Democrats, that Secretary Denby should be asked to resign because he signed the leases. Sen ator Heflin, Democrat. Alabama, renewed his notice that there wouli not be a "whitewash" In the Teapot Dome matter and de clared he was ready to vote now on the Caraway resolution. Sena tor Lenroot opposed the resolu tion on the ground that it would halt the Inquiry, but Sehatdr Walsh disagreed with him:1 The Montana senator and Senator King agreed with Senator Lenroot, how ever, that many serious questions were involved in cancellation.' Senator Walsh said the question of the validity of the lease was a judicial one and that be did not believe congress could determine it. , - As the , -debate progressed, Re publican members of the Tnvestlga ting -committee;- made J it known privately that when Mr. Fall ap- "?LAST PHOTOGRAPH., : This i the last photograph taken ot Du Plessis da Granadon, Com mander of the 01 fated French dlr lglWDixmuda..: t C 1 t . V Salem !'!? M t J'fZM It " r V1-r ;! -v H? '" " J -i?H . h i. ! I y-:if :- ? : 1 " ' I t i! . i': n .- it . .. r. - mm inn- if ri- MW-tfJ Pulp - : MANUFACTURERS . ' Sulphite,, and Manila Wrappings, abo Butchers; Wrap pings, "Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof. Glasslne Drug Bond, Tissue, Screenings and Specialties, - v V r 1 '.' 1 .,'.r ' j (roffj 3 ftnJ o:tja wi The Fence Which The Fence which is easy, to handle when being put up, ; J 1 and which gives long service."- " ' : ' ;' J ' '' " '. - -i - How Do These Prices Look to You ? 7-26 34c per rod 9-32 38 V2C per rod 9-39 43 J4c per rod , - - , . . i Look good do they not? , And this is not'all Come and see us, and we will show you where the "SQUARE. DEAL" Fence is better; and the above prices are not 'all we have to offer you, 'for we allow a 'discount fori Spot Cash. , ; ' J " - -; . Implement Go Salcra, Oregon, Ma 1 Dr. Mendelsohn Does not belong to any COM BINE. His ' prices are" . very reasonable for the materials and service given. More than one third of a century 'of practical experience r is at you r' serviced He guarantees satisfaction in every respect. If glasses do nor give "satis faction, they will be changed free for a' period otTneyear; rnone .TZ3. united States Bank Building. pears before them Friday they will insist that ' he 'disclose fully the source of the 1100.000 fund he took from Svashlngton after his resignation from ihe cabinet. Moreover, ' they said' they would follow the subject to Its conclus ion by calling as witnesses" those from whom -Fall testified he !ob tained "the money.' -7 4 These members 'said the commit tee would not fee 'content until it had fully substantiated' all state ments regarding this fund by cor roborating evidence', including an examination of the checks, and se curities , used . by .Fall in raising' the money, as well as the notes of other securities given by him for lue (uau. . . ... STOMA !v-i - ' ' f.J 1 '1'" relief Is often brought 'tr-- Vapo Rua Ot IT Million Jmr U4 Yrt ' a 1) it O 0 if (I BURNDMG poor coal Is like burning paper dol lar bills. You spend a lot of money and get no heat.' ' But when yoa invest ybur 0 money in coal of the high- - ( est quamy sucn as we are Offering you are - indeed 0 -big result.'r-.r x' . V ' , twOur Wai la? all eoar " : jj HILLMAN FUEL CO. CJ ! f Broadway at , pood . r ( 1 1 s and Paper Co. .. Oregon Gives Satisfaction ..., s, - - - f 1' -210 State Street; if fs je r"A t t- H' 8 0 i T . v - - - r - .. .