THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24, 1924 2 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON . 1 r .t s I I T . V C) t ll . i: - Si t; i t - 11 'i i BtEE CLUB WILL BEGIN HI Initial Concert of Year, to Be : Given ' at Falls City - - Friday Night ; The Willamette university turn's Eire club will fcive its luttlal con--cvrt.of.tlie season Friday evening at Falls City. ' Practice and ar ; Tanptnents for this eason were c ummenccd early lu the year. The following week-end, after - the Falls City concert. Stayton will 1 visited. Tho gleoJ club will then be in Portland, for the week end 'of February 29 to .March 1, appearing at fthe Lents Methodist church Friday, and the Rose City Parte Methodist church Saturday. Beginning with February G, the club will luake a 10-day tour of KOuthern Oregon towns. Among the places it w4U visit. are Albany, CoryaMis." Eugene, Jtosrburg. Ash land, Jefferson, Bedford, Grants 'OU CAM f A .Atfi i i 1 " . ' You can some day,, p cupythe managfer,V 4esft If you will bein now the study that will fit you for th9 position.' A course in bookkeeping or shorthand will help you.M.This is tha school that accomplished practical results., STAFtTHERE!! DZGIN NOW f o - H "HI O'COATS ' A 1)1 LicspsOkL C- 1 """""" .. .. . , ; . I Boy's Brush Wool Sweaters Reg. $5.50 12 PRICE $2.75 j t X Pass, Myrtle Point and Marfch-field. Daring the spring vacation Washington and northern Oregon will be toured by the club. Con certs will be given at the follow ing towns: West Linn, Vancou ver, Aberdeen, Centralis, Tacoma. Seattle, Everett, liellingham and Vancouver, It. C. The final concert of the season will be given in Salem. The regular program that wilj bo presented at each of the places visited is as follows: Wreck of Julie Planfe. . . O'Hara Glee' club, with incidental solo by Mr. Lloyd Thompson. Cutting from "Dust of the Road" Goodman Llovd Waltz. Scotch song Selected Joe Neo. "Heaven" (Negro Spiritual) Arr. by Burleigh Glee Club. Tommy Lad Margetson Edward Warren. Married Life Clarence Phillips and Donald Heath. The Old Road Scott Glee Club. ' Etude Opus 10 (piano solo) . . . , . . . . Chopiu Byron Arnold. La Palonia (cornet .solo) . . Yradier Albert Warren. Where My Caravan Has Rested Tho Sandman Lolir Willamette Octttte. Uncle Rome Homer Lloyd Thompson. Who Did Swallow Jonah?.... , Nero Folk Song Glee Club. ' Impersonation . Lloyd- Waltz. Jolly Students Mendenhall The bid Historic Temple . Mendenhall : Glee Club. . 1 ' . . I vill your friend share his last drop with you?" asks a cynic. Our friend, the aviator, won't. IS' -PRICE To Close Out Every Wool Overcoat in Stock ft- 0! Siuiits, OVERCOATS MUST GO ....... I L ' Afc' t -' Every Wool Coat in Stock Goes fpr Quick Disposal at . , ' .12 PRICE One Ul MEN'S-WOOL SHIRTS ' , To Close Out Willamette Alumni and Bearcats Play Tonight ; Stars which giittered . in ;the basketball firmament several sea sons ago will again cross the hor izon when the Willamette univer sity Bearcats and a picked Alum ni basketball team meet on the new gymnasium court tonight. Fit ting ceremonies, extremely short in nature, will officially dedicate the Jiew building. The game is slated to begin promptly at 7:45 o'clock. Among well known players who were seen in action in l!2u-'21 will be Jacksou, Rarey. Wapato, Nichols, a three -letter man Da vies and Sparks. Coach Guy L. Rathbun and his team returned yesterday morning from Walla Walla where the Bearcats were defeated 30 to 0 by Whitman., Washington Junior High Wins From McKinley Team The Washington junior high school basketball team defeated the McKinley junior high tihool team yesterday afternoon - by a score of 20 to 1 The game was played at the high school gymnas ium. PEACE CAUSE BEING HELPED BY C00LIDGE (Continued from page 1) sity of giving up the long stand ing "capitulations" or else having no treaty at all and no protection for American interests in that country. "In these circumstances," he said, "the only practicable ourse was to negotiate a treaty as with a fully sovereign stale. If such a treaty falls short of expectations, especially in that it acquiesces in the abrogation of the capitula tions, it should not be forgotten that the only way to maintain the capitulations was to fight for them. Concession Gratel VAt no stage in the negotiations was the American position deter mined by the so-called Chester concession. This had been grant ed before negotiations of our treaty with Turkey had been be gun. Thi3 government took no part in securing it; this govern ment made no barter of any of its rights for this or any other con cessibn." - Mr. Hughes also touched brief ly upon the status of negotiations respecting mandated territories, the unofficial American financial commission, to Persia and the re- 1L The Greatest Money-Saving Event on HIGH-GRADE SUITS O'COATS AND FURNISHINGS Ever Held in This Locality for the Final Call of THIS STOCK MUST BE CLOSED OUT AS LOW AS POSSIBLE AND IN ORDER TO DO SO WE OFFER THIS LAST CALL. THE GREATEST VALUE OF YEARS ON MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Overcoats, Hats and Fusrnis MEN! BUY NOW FOR YOUR PRESENT AND FUTURE NEEDS Men's Wool Hose, fancy clocked. Reg. 85c EXTRA 45c Men's Two Piece Wool' Underwear To Close Out y2 PRICE Oregon State News lloy Scout Plan Wins LEBANON, Jan. 23. It was unanimously voted to accept tho four county-four department or ganization plan for Boy Scouts at the get-together of the represen tatives of county Scout organiza tions, held last "evening at the hotel in Lebanon. The four coun ties which will be banded togeth er in, this organization in future are: Linn, Marion, Benton, and rolk. . The four departments are: edu cation, camping, finance, and field. Each department will have a chair man and four assistants as outlin ed in the plans last night. Marion, Folk, and Benton coun ty scouts have perfected their own organizations and are waiting for. Linn county before a general, meeting of the council will be called. A council, representing th whole organization, will br made up of the president, secretaries and heads of departments, and the scout executive for the four i.s to be selected by this group. Ben Bartcher of Albany was ap pointed chairman of the nominat ing committee, composed of C. C. Snyder of Brownsville, S. Land strom of Lebanon, and Dr. J. H. Robnett of Albany. Dr. Robnett was elected president of the Linn couuty council and Clem Irvine of Lebanon, secretary. Creamery is Successful MARSH FIELD, Jan. 23. Fol lowing the payment of a $27,000 mortgage, the Coos Bay Mutual Creamery company now stands, on a firm financial basis, according to a report made this morning during a meeting of the stock holders and directors. Total sales for the year amount to $316,686. 74, making this year's business the best in the company's history by far. Recovery of the company in such short time is regarded as re markable by the stockholders for shortly over two years ago the cognition cf the Egyptian govern ment! With relation to Greece, he said, the situation had now "materially changed" there and that it was hoped the elections held in December would result in establishment "of a' government which will enable this gevijrn ment to extend formal recogni tion." ir. MEN'S MOLE SKIN RAINCOATS In brown. Reg. 312.50 TO CLOSE OUT 12 PRICE $6.25 SPECIAL PAIR A Real Bonafide Sale that you can't afford to missAll Winter Goods must go nn books showed a deficit -of $87. Nine local men raised $27,000 on their notes to finance the com pany and since that time it has made a steady increase. Credit for the showing is given to the efficient management. 6t; Joe Lar son andto the board of directors. .Vant Prune Luiuls IUhIumiI , KOSEBl'RG, Jan. 23. That prune orchardsJn Douglas county are assessed at a figure much 'greater than their earning powr, J and should be towerea in valu ation to conform to their produc tion value, fs the belief of the ex ecutive committee of the Douglas County Fann bureau vwho have appointed af committee to make hn investigation and take-up this matter with the county assessor 'and the coonty court. Prune lantls, it Is claimed,' are now ts.sesfed at a figure higher than bliu6st any, other class of land In'the county. With the prune market in its present con dition pfune lands are a liability rather tan an asset. "We have no objection t o make to payiiK high taxes on these lands, when the orchard product is bringing a high price;" Mr. Herclur, chairman of the com mute stated. "When , prune Cause for Serious Thought IT is estimated that 70 of rectal cancer is due to the continual irritation from neglected Piles. Future risks, as well as presen ill-health, warrant skilled atten tion if you are suffering .with a Rectal or Colon disorder. I have been a Rectal and Colon Specialist for many years and it Is this successful experience which enables me to confidently GUARANTEE to cure yqurPilcs or refund your fee. Writ today for my IllIXiBiittraUdbook. CKSSxJ. DEAN, M.D f tUTIOM' THIS 'WC tct woiTiso Men's HaU. Values TO CLOSE OUT Vz PRICE 0 KIDNAPED, v !)'' ? .X 'it - " . Jam ' 1 1 y r 9 A nation wlile ecarch is on tcr Marjorlo Inc. pretty Z3-year-old daughter of a Franklin (Ind.) poli tician and lawyer, whose mysterious disappearance with her. bigani.-it lover is baffling Indiana State po lice and private detectives who ijvc been Injected Into the case by tut, parents. lands produce more than other lands we agree that they should bo assessed higher than other classes, but ' when prunes are a liability rather than an asset, and we are unable to sell our fruit at any price whatsoever, we do not feef that we should be requir ed to pay as much as. when we are receiving high prices for our prunes." The committee appointed to aid Mr. Hercher is composed of R. R. Clarke, Oakland; John Bacon, Umpqua; John Fenn, Canyon ville; John Arzner, Riddle; H. W. Weaver, Myrtle Creek; Win. Voor hies. Looking Glass; John Busen bark, Melrose; George Bradburn, Winston and John Throne Rose burg. Silverton Legioner Is Subjected to Mock Trial r SILVERTON. Or., Jan. 23. (Special to The Statesman.) Delbert Reeves post of the Amer ican legion held a meeting Mon day night at which a mock trial was the special feature. Otto Le gard was arrested on a charge of i falling to report at the appointed SUITS TO CLOSE OUT 250 Men's and Young Men's Suits, all wool. New terns, some Society brand and Kirschbaum makes Price 550.00 to $6.00. One Lot i Bath Robes and Smoking Jackets To Close Out time and meeting place of the "Forty and Eight" January 14 for initiation. He wasjtried be fore a jury of five leglonalres with Charles Reynolds as attorney for the defense and Carl Moser prosecuting attorney. Mr. Mosh ing of California acted as judge. The jury was out one minute and a half and returned the verdict "guilty.! Mr. Legard was fined $10 which waa refunded to him on the condition that he appear af the next regular meeting of the "Forty and Eight." - - The Silverton post was invited to attend a meeting of the Salem post to' be held Monday night. Delbert Reeves post will hold its next meeting on February "4, The special feature at this time will be a smoker. . All ex-service men have been invited to attend. Naturalization Chance For Foreign Service Men Foreign born service men may become naturalized by appearing before a naturalization agent with their honorable discharge and two identifying witnesses who will testify that the person is the same as named in the discharge paper. The period during which former service men may take ad vantage of this privilege ends one year'after all United States, troops returned to the coast of the Unit ed States which will be March 3, 1924. The next naturalization hearing in Marion county will be held Feb ruary 6 and others who may de sire to take advantage of the priv ileges extended to former Beryice men who are not citizens of the United States, and who cannot or do not attend this hearing may arrange to appear at Portland. U. G. Boyer, county clerk, yester day received notification of the approaching close of this period with the request that he notify all whom it might affect. Clarence Phillips Named President of Sophomores Election of officers and a change in chairman of the Vigilantes com mittee Were the chief business be fore the sophomore class at Wil lamette university yesterday. Clarence Phillips of Spokane was elected president. He is a member of Sisma Tau fraternity. Other officers elected, and their fraternities, were Ruth Hewitt, Portland, vice president. Beta Chi; Ann Silver, Newberg; secretary, Alpha Phi Alpha; Joseph Nunn, Salem, treasurer, Phi Kappa Pi; Dee Robertson. Portland, chair- SUITS WF1. 250 all men's 2 great Men's and Boys' ry n o r? TO CLOSE OUT y2 PRICE vm MEN'S EXTRA PANTS One Lot To Close Out Are You Ruptured? Learn How To Heal It FREE Ruptured people, all over , the country are amazed at the almost miraculous 'results of a simple Home System for rapture that la being sent free to all who write for it. This remarkable Invention is one of the greatest blessings ever offered to ruptared persons, and is being pronounced the most' successful Method ever discovered. -It brings instant and permanent, relief and does away with ; the wearing of trusses forever. Thousands of persons who form erly, suffered the. tortures of old fashioned steel and spring trusses are now rejoicing la their f re, dom from the danger and discom fort of rupture after a brief use of this remarkable System. There is nothing I ke It anywhere and hosts of ruptured persons are as tounded at the ease with, which their ruptures are controlled.- ,For a limited time only, free trial treatments of this Muscle Strengthening Preparation are -being mailed to all who apply. It is an original painless Method. No operation, no danger, no risk, no absence from daily duties or pleas ures. (Send- no money; simply write , your name and address plainly and the f res treatment with full information will be mailed you in sealed package.- Send now today. It may save the wearing of a torturing truss for life. FREE TREATMENT COITOX Capt. W.--A. Colllngs, Inc. Box 6 4 9 A Watertown, N. Y, Send Free Test of your Sys tem for Rupture. 1 Name . . ... .......... . '. . . .'. Address , man of. the Vigilantes committee; fomaTau; Ronald Haines, Salem, athletic manager, Phi Kappa Pi; Warren Day,. Portland, forensic manager, Kappa Gamma Rho;. Earl Mootry, Willamette, sergeant at arms. Phi Kappa Pi; Genevieve Thompson, Portland, chairman of the girls Vigilantes committees. Beta Chi, and Marie Rostein, Sa lem, girls athletic manager. Miss' Rostein recently ' transferred " to Willamette university from OAC at Corvallis.-? : '--y wool men's and young suits on sale at this savings. : styles and included. new pat Regular Mackinaws PRICE lis rllip PRICE . 1 t:irm L1UU&JUU 1 l2 PRICE i ! PRICE i,; ': -s': ..'.'. ' . -'iV.i:.-' '.ri': ':::-tfJ