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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1924)
THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING; JANUARY 22, f02t lfor the benefit t ; St. Paul's TCpifecopa, "church, 'Mrs. Russell I'atlia and Mrs; N. C. Kafoury are to entertain the women of the church ami friends for a 'silver tea Friday af ternooh at4- the Catiin home! A program of musical num bers i being planned for the call ing ears. ' i i I Jii y i ; ''4 Corvallls, Jan. 21. Led by Miss Danta. Robbing of Salem, the delr tgateg. to the students poluntter comenuun nem -recenuy at' In dianapolis reproduced as "nearly as possible" the discussions- of the rnnwntlnn in a nnrt . ho nnl. legff VWCA Thnrsday night. Ia response to questions asked j by MiM noonins the delegates " brought out some of the principal leatures of the convention. ; . .''Every old member bring a, new .one" is the slogan of the meeting of the -Woman's Foreign Mission i: ary society of the Jason Loe Me morial ch urch ' wh en, it meets " Fr k day afternoon at the home of Dr. antr Mrs. unoer, 91j jortn sum . mer street. ,'. h .. i." . . ; jl . m. ' V A ' '" -V - t . i ' "'' Mrs.. Georre A. White and her daughter, Dorothy, spent the week -uu in ruriuuu wutie , riuay nisbt tbey attended the opera, "Fora 1 T)el " Dpfttino ' Saf nrdnv mgnr, iney attended me giee c;uu concert given, by the girls of. St. ' Helenas. Hall at the Lincoln high school auditorium. For a num Der oi ner cia$smates or St. Hei eris; hall, Miss - Henrietta "White enlef tained, .with a line, party at " the presentaton of "Aida" Thursday-night. " " : : : V'tr:-.; V ;.'.''. r. ' The regular meeting and instal lation of Hat Hibbard auxiliary, " Spanish War Veterans was held Friday afternoon ia' the armory. The auxiliary" had as Its guest and Presidents Mrs. Margaret E. Beck er, who was accompanied by "De partment Chief of Staff, Mrs. Hel en NMahone; Department Secre tary. :&fra. Audrev Graw Ttenart-i. medt Junior Vice President, Mra . x.ii&owciu iuuuc, auu Airs. itlCK- dall. all of Scout Young auxiliary, Portland. Following, Ahe, instal lation a social hour was Enjoyed. The auxiliary -and j friends were guests of Hal Hibbard camp at an pen meeting Saturday .'evening. Included in the evfenine entr. tain men t ,was an address by Can- lain Holbrook bf the days of vtheJ Spanish American war; piano so lo by iMrss ATfce-Ada,ms? vlbU'so lo8 by Sire. Bowes; Vocal iitttn there ly. "Misg Dorothy Brant and Ihe little Misses McElroy and read tags by Mrs. Carrie ' Cliase, Miss Ruth-Bedford,--;' accompanied the numbers. Refreshments were serv ed hy the local camp. Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Kumrow ; of Portland and a iiumber from Woodbufn were In attendance.' W-'E ' Han. eear.waa the chairman for the eve- me nexc meeting; or the auxiliary will' b Feb. 1, at the 'home. Mrs. C. W. Brant. Mrs. F;A. Thompson, the ' newly in stalled president will preside. ' . ' ,J '' " During her visit In Salem the past, week a the houie guest, of Mrs. Hollis Hnntlngton. Mrs. Her ald Whit -was much icted amoag a group bf youag society matron of, the city. : ;'.,'fs When Mrs. Hunt Injrton enter tained the bridge luncheon club . and thr Thnradty evening club at her home, -Tfaarsday,,- Mn. White Vtl tha fllMt nF hjlnn, mitrt ad ditional ' rneafa. " Mm P'riiii k Spears, Mrs. David :? Eyre, Mrtf. Robert McNary and Mr. and Mrs. J6hii Carson were invited especial ly tot her pleaanre. - " ' 1 ' Cmpiimentlns;Mra.,.Wliite Mrs. John Carson intlted a number 'of University bf Oregon' classmales and Gamma Phi Beta sorolty sis ter 'to tier apartment-home I Fri day for luncheon aadjaa after noon, ot bridge. The guest rere Mr. Hollls Huutlngton, Mrs. Her ald! White,' Mrs.; Paul Hendricks, Mrs. Robert McNary,-Mrs. Orris i'lj, mis. uugn iucwamnion, airs. Carl Nelson." Mrs. Allaa Carso'h, 'A iuif wi ii aiimi iwia 1 a real bargain. It has a low top and medium skirt. Made In duv able pir.k or white coutll'j sfaes . 4 to 36 and couoaly $i00. If T- dcalci can't t k. tad nam,al dren, (iz and i. U 'U aend aba aonct, Ntms ftvctenlcFaiKlAa 'laattttit 20 E. Ibih ix Nt York Dcp S. O 'I'" v- l'f v ' A Mrs. Gus Hixson and Mrs. Frank Spears. -K Mrs. White departed Saturday morning for her home in Eugene. ' " - To enjoy the afternoon' Of so cial intercourse, 25. women of the university faculty me at the home of Miss Helen Pearce Friday. As an unusual divertisement for1 the occasion, Miss -Pearee showed many of her possessions acquired on her trip to the continent -during the past summer, the collec tion including a few pieces of ex quisite lace, i many reproductions of the fine old Italian, painters; done on silk, some framed and otherwise, and numbers of post cards showing the many places of interest visited on the tour. Mrs. Alice H. Dpdd and Mrs. E. T. Brown assisted Miss Pearce as hostesses during the afternoon. Mrs. F. O. Franklin and Mrs. Charles Sherman will entertain the club for the February meet ing. . ' y . Mrs. Frits Slade, Mrs. William U, Boot, Mrs. J. $helley Sauefman and Mrs. Louis Lachmund joined with the members of the Thurs day bridge 1 uncheon ijliib for which Mrs. John McN'ary was a de lightful hostess Thursday. Around the." luncheon table centered with a bowl of pink carnations and dainty freshias, covers were laid for 12.. Mrs. Jienry Meyers '"will be hostess for the next meeting of the club. , '' ' ' , . . .. . On the evening before his de parture for Sisters, Oregon, where he will teach in the high school, John Robins,; Jr., , was;, delight fully surprised by a group of friends calling Thursday evening at his home for a farewell party. Among those who called for4 the evening were, Mr. and. Mrs. John Robins. Mr. 'and Mrs. Roy McAl lister, Miss Marjorie tyman. Mlsi Elsie Robins,; Mr. apdlifrg. Robert Blevins and Mr.' and Mrs. Eugene Prescptt. ' 5 ' Mr. Robins graduated. from Willamette .university ' last year, and has; many friends among the university students as well as In the "city. : :" ' ', ' , : Tk regular meeting of Barbara Freitchie; tent.Paghters pfVeter ana will meet .Jlomof rdw-"eveaink at the armory 'ni elghtf I oqicatjt, with the newly installed officers p residing.' vThrtpllowi n g-; are the off fcerfcrort tb5! ?ci tlkt: President ttiiiu JU.' Waters; senior vice president, Julia K. Webster; junior vice president, Mrs. Jennie M. Pope; chaplain, Mrs; W. H. Arpke; treasurer, Gladys Bartholomew; secretary, "Sylvia Woodsr ' council, Mrs. Alma McWhorter, Mrs. Blanche Davis, Mrs. Flora Clark; guide, Mrs. L. A. Kezar; patriotic instructor, Mrs. Alma Fischer; press corre spondent, Mrs.- P. M. Gregory;' musician, Avis Hicks;4- guard,: Mrs. Laura Ryan; assistant guard, Mrs. Pearl Ralph; color bearers, Mrs. Jennie Miller, Mrs, Truna Hous ton, " Mrs. W. H. Arpke, Adona Cochrane . , With "Japan on the Upward Trall as text book and using the two booxg VCreatlve Forces" and "The -Woman and. the Leaven'.' as reference, the Women's Missionary society of 'the First Presbyterian church will begin the study, pf Japan this afternoon as they meet for the regular study period- An other session of the class will be held tomorrow -afternoon at 2: 30 o'clock. '"' The :. members of the dinner bridge club met as the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Dane Satur day evening for a delightful din ner party followed with, an .even Ing'of cards; 'From the scores of the three tables, Mrs. 0. Av Olson was the winner and Charles Know land took the consolation. As the guests of Mrs. Earl Fisher, the club will meet again some time In February. . ' .u:.;-., Covers were marked for-Mrv and Mrs. Earl Fisher, ' Mr. and 1 Mrs. Lee Canfield,' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moudy, Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knowland and Mr. and Mrs. Dane." With Mrs, Paul 'Hauser asoad- ditionaJ guest, the members of the Community " Bridge 1 club3tnt; at the home of Mr. M. C. Petteys on the Wallace road for the regular bi-monthly three table game'- or cards. After bridge the ' guests were seated about the dining ta ble to partake ot a' dainty lunch eon, proffered by the hostess. The table was attractive with doilies of lace, and- a large potted Christ mas cactus in full bloom was .ex quisite as a centerpiece. Covets were laid for Mrs. Al Stelner, Mrs. E. -.0, Pratt, Mrs., W C. Franklin; Mrs. C. C. Page, Mrs. C. C Chaf fee. Mrs. Karl Kugel. Mrs N, C Peterson, Mrsf Nellie tayldr,.Mrs. Lou Grote, Mrs. Hauser and . the hostess, Ou February 4 the club win taeet at the invitation of Mrs. Peterson. .-Sfr-r.-," . " ... c 1 K w uMis. Paul Hauser entertained with two eharmlnc affairs th last qf C th- week. Inviting 'guesta tor sLv, tables ot 560", Friday even high -score for the- ladies and Lloyd, Hauser tookr-tha gentle nven'a score. Mrs. Lola Bflllnger assisted during the serving nour. Saturday Mrs. Hauser was hostess for a bridge tea of seven tables. Red carnations were effectively employed as a cheerful decorative motif. Mrs. K. C. Quinn was win ner of the scores and Mrs. David Wright assisted duirng the tea hour. "The Madras House," by Gran ville Barker, was the play for study when the ten members of the drama class met at the home of Mrs. W. E. Anderson yesterday afternoon. After the study hour. Mrs. Anderson served tea and the remainder of th time was spent in a social way. At the next meeting the class will study a group of three of the well known Irish cycle, "Riders to the Sea," by Synge; "The Rising of the Moon" by Lady Gregory, and "The Hour Glass" by Yeats. The class will meet again at the city library. February 4. .. A pleasant reunion took place Friday evening at the home of Mrs. May Moores n South Lib erty street, when nearly 40 alum ni and ex-students of the Oregon state school for the blind who at tended the administration of the lata E. T. Moores, gathered to celebrafe the occasion with an evening of conversation, music and games. As this was the first party of its kind to have been held for a number of years, a num ber of the guests came from Cal ifornia and Washington to meet the old .friends of their school days. After the refreshment hour the guests were invited to the home of Professor and Mrs. T. S. Roberts of North Summer street, where they enjoyed a special mus ical program. Many of the guests themselves were excellent musi cians and a number of -pleasing vocal and instrumental numbers were offered. Those who were present for the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Black erby, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Zielky, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Strepling, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie H. Springer, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Money, Mrs. Elmer Smith of Salem; Marie Burnes and Georgia Cleary of Centralia, Wash., Marguerite Flower Olinger and Marion Cul ver of Portland, Ida Sandner of Scio, Viola Brady, Georgia Snead, Mabel Temple, Irene Blackerby of Salem. The Messrs. Lawrence Shutt of Los Angeles, CaL, Frank Sanders, Raymond Leahey, Har ry Bernstein. Johnnie Bauer, Har old Milllngton. Alexander Krell of Portland, Walter Norby of Long iView, Wash., Jessup Mosier of Silverton. William Holbrook, Wen dell. Helm. Teddie.. Howe,. Heiv man Moore, Johnnie. Ragsdale and RuSsell Hudson of Salem. - Mrs. W. A. Prunk is again in Salem, after spending the past three' weeks at'the. home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Coe bf Dal las. Mrs. Prunk is just convales cing from a very serious illness. For a "500" party Thursday af ternoon, . Mrs. S. C. Kighflinger entertained a number of matrons, the guest list including Mrs. O. L. Scott? Mrs. C. B. Shaw, Mrs. B. T. Swope, Mrs. pi. Wenderoth, Mrs. B. E. Cooperi Mrs. C. M. Oglesby, Mrs. G. W. Stoner and the hostess. Mrs. Swope won high score -and the consolation prize went to Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. William Boot is entertain ing with a luncheon, today compli menting Mrs. T. A. Llvesley, who will leave the latter part of the week with Mr. Llvesley to spend an indefinite length of time at Del Monte, ' ; A large number of society ma trons have received invitations for st party, at the home of Judge and Mrs. John L. Rand Wednesday af ternoon for which Mrs! Rand, Mrs. Henry J. Bean and Mrs. John McCoUrt will be Joint hostesses. " i Mrs. John Bayne and Mrs. Wil liam ' MfcGilchrist spent the week end in Portland visiting with friends. For a short time they were' the guests o fMr. and Mrs. Millar McGilChrist. . '-. . . Mrs. Charles Cameron is in Portland for a' few days, having been called there on business Sat urday. - " Chester Long of Portland was the. house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Butte over the wek end. ' So much Interest is being taken In the new interior decorating sec tion of the Salem Arts league that it will be necessary to limit the membership list to 35, according to Mrs. Monroe Gilbert; leader, of the section- Mrs. Gilbert reports that already 29 names are on the i li f CAXNOT EXIST, i. tha wnaa tad 'if Ton wilt im Trunk'a Prescription for Rhmatlim and Goo t. It ii a ahama to utter with inflammatory, tansctdar, aciat-ka,i-euriti, lumbago, or any form of rhusiit!m. W . Ttl vraafrlptlon dop aot i raia tha tomaco, it doa not deprvaa taa neart. Eat aU th ortt and rood food" yon wUh while taknfg Trnnk'a Pwacriptton. Con taipnw mareury, aalieylata aada, oil wln terjreaa or aarrotiea; 1ml Toaittrcly rar o9 any . klad of rttaomatUa. , VThat aw re do yoa wantt ' Thar i nothing juit at rood, sad it is fcapaaaibl to $rt aome thUc featUT, .Tha jrt8U aria acid aI vcat known, and alad " Mperlof livr madila. TraaVa pmerlptioa aallt for $1.75 or S for oalr Si at Pfrrr'a Irtr RHEUMATISM V National Crop- Improvement Senrtee. c' club member in Belmont county, Ohio, .is a ,hamplon judge nf rinirv fnttl. wlnnlnir first In th judging contest .at' the .National . '-t-a. ' raw - 4. uairy snow in iv asauisi uoys pnd girls from a number of other list, and many 6ther women have made known their intention of joining the class. Thus far, the Interior decorating has' proved to be the most popular class in the league. At the first meeting of Thurs day evening, at the home of Dr. Mary Rowland, Mrs. Gilbert gave the first lesson on color, consid ering the characteristics, hue, val ue and chromo, with particular emphasis being laid on the browns and the grays." At the next meet ing of Thursday, January 31, in the education room of the public library, colors and their comple ments will be the plan of discus . Vs f Photo" by VV S. Dept. of Agriculture. states," says Mr. Dennis A. Merrl mnn of the American Steel & Wire company. "She;, is a ' producer as well ns a Judge, practicing methods of care hndfeedinfr ns A part of her club work slnceUSGO. Her recoyla .show one cow .with' a production of 42.9 pounds of butterfat per month. 'The boys anid girls' club work in America Is the outstanding fea-. ture In modern Agriculture. While fathers and mothers have been de-' bating and saying it, could not be done, the children have accepted the responsibility and have proven in every locality that wientifle apriculture and. the establishment of standard qualities offer the solu tion to' all of our farming difficul ties. It gives us preat hope for the immediate future because these youngsters are j certainly growing" up and the new generation of farm, ers will 6ueteed because ;t busi ness' methods ba;sed "hpwi quality. It looks to me ris thonjO the coun try is safe." sion. H was decided that the class follow a correspondence course of study sent out by the school of interior decoratkm. io New York, and. with this cpurse will be fur nished wall paper, fabrics, and other sample materials which will greatly aid in the study. Those who hajve already signed f6ir the course afe: Mrs. John Lau, Miss Mielke, Mrs. Tom Cronise, Mrs. . Hoffnell,. Mrs. C.'K. Logan. Mrs. Daryl Proctor, Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. Ronald Jones, Mrs. Leora Carver. Jlra. W. F. Fargo, Mrs. E. E. Fisher, Mrs. Morton Peck, Mrs. F. Q. Myers, Mrs. H. V Compton, .Df. Mary Rowland, 1 Let Us Help With Your We will assist you to prepare your copy or prepare it for you and submit it for your approval. ' We will figurt with you and help you make your advertising schedule. We will show you how you can get the most advertising at the least cost and we will endeavor to help you get the advertising that will bring you the best possible returns. ! NO CHARGE ' You are under no obligations for this service It is free to you. We want to serve you and serve you better than ever before. ii : : ... .. ' BEAR IN MIND THESE FACTS The Statesman reaches a majority of the buyers in Marion and Polk counties as well as in Salem. The Statesman is the HOME NEWSPAPER ; through 73 years of ser vice in this community it has gained the confidence of its many readers. It is ever striving for a bigger and better city The Statesman has again and again proven itself the most effective medium for the advertiser who insists on getting RESULTS. THE DAILY OREGON STATESMAN ' The Home Paper t - It Applies to Maker orDrink. er of Booze Contest Prize Awarded; An interesting and expressive new word has recently hem add e4 to the American vocabulary, coined by virtue of a national lriz contest conducted by Deleo vare King, a very wealthy ' and publie-spirfted citizen' of Quirky, Mass., wherein 200 was given by him for the best descriptive woxd submitted to apply to the drinker of liquor made or obtained ille gally, the purpose being to stab awake the. public conscienfcpi and help to make lawless drinking "bad form.." Out of 2,r.000 words submitted throughout the United States, "Scofflaw" was the prize winner, and will Immediately ko "on duty" in the public press and by word of mouth, in the interest of law enforcement and public betterment. President Harding said; . "Law less drinking is a menace to the republic itself." President Coolidge says: j VFree government has no greater men ace than disrespect for authority and continual violation of law.;" The judges of the American Bar association have unanimously is sued a warning to the American people against all who "disobey and scoff, at this law or at any other law." Three Delegates Going, To Y Meeting in Portland Three delegates will be sent to the interstate YMCA. convention to be held Sn Portland February 15 and 16, it was decided at a meeting of the Marion County YMCA committee Sunday after noon. V. W. Dillon, interstate Mrs. Loreta Ford, Mrs. F. W. Lange, Mrs. J. A Churchill, Mar garet Covington. Mrs. Elmo White' Mrs. Donald Young, Mrs. T. S. Roberts, Mrs. C. E. Nelson, and Mrs. John R. Sites. Ad !' if You mMm- vertising M lhsmM m Great for I Rheumatic Pains and Swellings - y- ' When rheumatism Rattles in any of your jointa." and causes acony, djstreMB or minery, please, remem ber that Joint-Ease is- the one remedy that brings quick and last ing relief.; . ? . Jt matters not how chronic or aggravated a rase may le rub on Joint-Ease and relief is sure to follow. Joint-Ease is tor joint troubles only and is a clean, stainless prep arutJon that druggists everywhere are recommendhig. Adv. secretary, met with the commit tee and toM of the convention and alo presented the action taken by the national constitution conven tion held in Cleveland last year, when methods of obtaining better harmony were outlined. The coun ty association unanimously, ap proved of this action- Arrangements are being made to bring Albert E. Roberts, of the international committee," here February 14 and 15. Mr. Roherts was in Salem about two years ago. Various reports were given by the committees. - Those attendng the -meeting were John L. Brady, chairman; Dr. F E. Brown, L. M. Gilbert. P. B. Wallace, Lloyd T. Reynolds and Edwin Socolofsky, all of Salem; Frank S. Deitsch and John S. Harper, of. Gervats; H. Good, of Silverton and 0. V. White of Stay ton. If he has something to Wet his whistle with he doesn't need to whistle to keep up his courage. The "unrest" that trouble Eu rope is just lack of patience to. wait until the blister heals. Why Stay Fat? You Can Reduce The answer of most fat people ia that 1 in too hard, too troublesome and too dari ferotn to force- the weight down. Marmots Prescription Tablet! overcome all theaa difficulties. Tliey are absolutely harm less, entail no dieting or exercise, and have the added advantage of clieapneis. A box is hold at one dollar by all drug gists the world orer, or aend the price direct to the Alarmola Co.. 612 Wood ward Ave., Detroit, Mich. J?ow that yoa know thin, you have no excuse for being fat. but can reduce steadily and easily wnlioiu going through long iecn of tire some exercise and starvation diet or fear of bad effect. has lliril! -ViU'- "llf VYJCCW is- i " n " . . ...... -. Frank Friscnthe new skip- r per of the National Leagne champions will receivrf I5,- I U000, the largest, salary; ever j - paid to a member of tbtproa- . ,T2erons club. :'r?Zh k' I . tiw S HONORARY POST. ' ; trm -" i SfJ0mmmmeSmMmHmn""v '!f I I k., " It? my B Ogden Cbisbolm, vhb has Just been named by President CooUdga as IntCfnational - Prison Commia. loner. ! .- 'v ' . . r ' " S.ii. 1 .wfc'Jirni.ff in. 1 1 1 i,ii,i,.iiavr,ll.i.,.-Ti;u.u.r i-fli VI r :a ing. Mrs. John Brophy wotf the Bvrf 115, S.ConnuarciaV SUem, Ore. 4