4 t I f 1 1 I , j r I ! F J t . t 1 f 'a t V ' i I ! r I Toasting tho tobacco for LUCKY. STRIKE costs a fortune but It saves the flavor.- m MARRIAGE; PROBLEMS Adele Garrison's ' Htm Phase of REVELATIONS OF A' WIFE CopyrJsht ,1921. by Newspaper ; . , Fratdra Service. Inc.". i CHAPTER 69 ' . f i j t, . 'i; THE WAY MADGE AVOIDED A i QUARREIi WITH DICKY.. ? Irritaon at .Dicky topped my : astoniMxmont at his astuteness ot perception concerning my unwill in farmhouse' before Bess Dean's de parture.- . - ," : ' " " . j . I reverted mentally, to an almost rorgotten epithet f, my; little girf school daystold, myself j that he Was decidedly'amartyjS in hi ex hlbJdonof mmd readlDff.i'To show him that he was'mlstaken Iwonld: hare glTen -much rand In the iot - tempt "said ' the f irsr-thing- that c&me into my head. j"If:yott iiad permitted me' to i finish ray Sentence,: I aid ' with J mendacltras -fllnltyr "yonr would i have learned, that -not Mfss Dean, but your sister Elizabeth, is the ' real reason for my "wishing to de lay, In Kolba home." .''.' ; ! . His face darkened. I knew the look I It' was' the' "In-law" glance y worn 'by mbiikuifbands ahd tyes . when, i tha relatives upon the foth etside," are being discussed.. I am ont sb' sure that my' own face had! not unconsciously assumed & HwhatVthft matter with- Lisa?'? he demanded. "She's always been pretty decent to you." . ' ; ' ; Tit Wire Her " : - : ' ". '- , z ".' 1 .', .'"Is that 'to be counted an : es pecial star In her crown ot rejolc- Ing t"( I- retorted.. ' 1'But, as 5 it happens; I'm. not -denying her r kindness . and -forbearance : to aq ontlaader. Fm simply-loofcing-at things InT common-sense 1 wayi Yb know 1 verV "well that with Elizabeth and William nd foui children there. It will be most con fusing for 'ua to ' come in upon .themC Mother and Katie- will be i 1 hurried nenouily .through my last words, for j was i 4 i trifle ashamed; of the. reference I had . made to an old grudge of mine. j . When Dicky, and I were mar r led; j bis mother , and his sisters . had been decidedly cool and lofty) , tritfc the erident attitude that the ) idolised- male of hef amily had made a mesalliance. : AIL three ot .them in the years since then had tried ' to atone . for - their lack - t . cordiality, but .1, never, had felt that; Elizabeth's contrition 'iere. : ; .1 ? My mother-in-law; I -had grown .to love sincerely, and I felt dls- Harriet Braithwfcite.-TJickfl elder , slater. ' pufr Elizabeth -Harrison vio'butward appearance the sweets est-tfemperadr mast placid of the "threeiomen--alway8 bad affect td me adversely and In my inmost .heart I knew that I never had'forJ 'given t her for5 those (ong.- past lights although had tried to k'eejf myi feeling from my . hus . bahdra -knowledge aa- much as it '.was In feminine 'nature1 to do.' '.' Dicky sprang1 to his feet; cross ed the room; and towered -above me, frowning. - ! , "Commend -me to a womansfor rK4igginjf 'Wd grudges from -their - graves' he 'said scathingly." "But . If yon r sensitive sottl is so wrung .' by the prospect of Lisa's proxim- ' ity, "why there is nothing more to ! be said. I'll wire her that you'd , like to havener clear out before you get theTe."; :: t .A Tense Moment,.. t v' That in a" sudden" gust of anger Dicky would be" perfectly capable of doing the preposterous thing he had suggested I well knew. . And I thoroughly apprectated lhe rieo esflity ot turning hia anger in some other direction, or iliyerling titm to good, humor If it. were poflstble to do sfn - -.-i1. - . : ' J'Commend me toa man- for twisting innocent remarks to suit his owa convenience!! , I retorted- . "Because I am planning to save confusion, guard your moth er, from worry, andIncidentally, to keep you- the one who would most dislike tha confusion -front a distasteful experience, you fly into a passion and plan to send an; insulting message like that to your sister.'- As for this -sudden hurir to go home, don't think you are misleading me. I am perfect ly well warefthat there.wirrbe no especial attraction for yon here after Bess Dean goea home." 1 c ' I stopped abruptly, breathless, a trifle terrified and" bravely Sup pressing rn desire to laugh For riicky's face wSa a study in' bewil derment. - -- It Is my pride that I have al ways kept any jealousy under such rigid control, that Dicky could have no possible knowledge save nis idwn keen' intuitions' that It exist ed. T And J. had no need of sup pressing any' feeling , Concerning Bess Dean save apdssibte amaze ment at ler audacity; : That Dicky had fathomed my attitude toward her I was sure, and I appreciated to the full the bewildered surprise which was his at my outburst. "Well, I'll be ? eternally: boiled in oil if you aren't the outside limit!" he gasped. ."Do you mean to tell me that you've taken ser enes taf leave" the Co8groveIously ' i t 4hniK ut' t)q;" kA': JiJ . 'Something la myeyes must have betrayed me.? He stopped $ short and' looked at me steadily .Then, with a chuckle, he seised me by the shoulders and shook me with a burlesauedl energy his j-ood, hu mor palpably ' restored ? - ; vr hfYott Uttl deTU'iO sald.'Eve hadViiothing ibn youj tor -getting out. ot'a slippery-situation. - "Be cause' you were, peeved at me for mind-reading your desire ..to , let Bess Dean fly the coop firBUyou drag L.Isa in - Them. when you're afraid I'll; spill the beans .in. that directionTOii switch, back, and, try to -make me, believe yu're. jealous. Darjt fill a'djiike'to make yoU red-headed", crasy.f Jealou . ot me just once. But- you're too cold bloodedly Puritan for. that." a (To Be Continued) Silvertori Christian " Church1 Holds Meeting i SILVERTON "Or., Jan. 8. (Special to The Statesman:) The annual fellowship dinner' and bus iness ., meeting was , held4 at ,the Christian church, of. SUyerton Mm day . evening. "..' , ' v ' " .. j The .treasurer's report, showed a surplus ot aome pTer ' $200j in the treasurjv.'u T$ clmrclt Hrecjeipt8 ton .the; -past t year I amounied tf around, S00(). VReV.' J a; Ben nett reported lhat the ' first, vol unteer missionary band was ' now started. - .It- included' Miss Muriel Webb. Mis lolo McClung, Miss nary xgen ua nua uu. , Action was taken and plans be gun tor s speclalmeetlng to be held sometime during March or April. . - . Reports showed that during the seven years which Reirv jr. X. Beri-' nett has been at Silver ton 258 .hew members were added to the Christ ian church. - Of; these tt became members during 1923. r Officers elected tor . the coming year are: treasurer, D. J. Murpliy; financial secretary, Frank Rahn; clerk, Mrs. Mary Egan; board of trnsteesrsr F.Jonrad,-D. -B. Oei- ser.!. F. Mascher: deacons D. E Oeiser. S. Rahn. Lloyd Fry. Lester Oeer."E. Young, Edward OeerW. HJones;and WlCSawyer; el ders, o. M.- Murphy; H; Good, Iris Loren, and E. O'. Oder; Sunday school j superintendent, Gordon McCall m McADOO HITS PLAW : -" PROPOSED BY ? MELL0fi will be encouraged to invest -Jn new enterprises-which, it is al leged, are suffering since the cap ital of jthe, wealthy classes is be ing withdrawn from productive ef fort and -invested in tax-exempt securities in order, to, escape tax ation. Reasoning Wrong. r "This reasoning is not only fallacious but; ls unsupported ' by RH1CHESTER S PILLS Wrrv .TneptAU4BSAiiDw a MKfi AMI IW WflW lb i Villa ia tu ud iiaiA muikI .V 1 fcpM. MJl. ttk hlU SiUM. Vf, V J Tk aikw Bar trnw ' Kf Mi 9eHkaMraMBaM.Stat.AKawRclabM if r f h- rv I', Dont Be a VCaution should be our., watchword. Chief StatelVafflc Dept. facts.. Investments in taxexcinpt securities are much smaller, than U commonly supposed. -i'Por'Hbe year ending Dec. -Wr J 822,-12;-0-inheritance- tax . returns,,;, were filed ' with V the " Interna revenue bureau at Washington. ,Thetovtal' value ot the estates represented by those returns was in round nu mbers$ 8 T3 .0 0 0.6 0 0 . ' "T ! 'Only three and fiff y-nlne1 oheT 'hnndredths per cent of the entire value 'of these estates was invest ed In wholly tax exempt bonds, and only seven and sixty-six one hnn dredths per. cent, was nvested, In wholly tax exempt . and partially, tax exempt bonds, such as Lib erty bonds. - From these returns It would ' not appear that the ex isting ,highj5urtaxj!3oji. Jjlgta; comes 'has' driven an undue .share ot investment capital Into' wholly and partially tax exempt securi ties.; nor des -the claim of the . I treasury, seem justified that, a r6,Ti dacUAn.in the surtsxeson Mx In cornea .Jrom. p, pcjr,cent .to 25. per cent as proposed, would materially decreases the s amoitat, ot invest ment a goinglnto' -wholly and par tially tax 'exempt securities under existing conditions. "The fact that capital seeking wholly tax ex empt investments .will find'P"" whether! ihe. surtaxes are reduce fo'the lower' level "proposed by th Mellon planir not."fj, . See Our Window l ; '.' Displays World's .Largest Chain . Department Store Organization 'Tlfi'4!rfWS, A NATION-WIDE. ' 1 . -in' i IE II 'II irTl It Jf Iknll II . ' Ill QncofporateU 475 DEPARTMENT STOKES. Reliable' Quality ' Goods Always at Low Prices - r See J-: 1 :-t, , v e Our Window Displays 1 60 - North Liberty, Salem,' Oregon I t i- ; . . . - - ' - v . V ' - .-.. . - 1 - . . . . . . . . ' ' :-W',.VW' U II r 14 1 If I . i 11 1 THe 6lurrje fcuying-of the T.C PennerComparhr for ' its to. atores explains our-aDuiry; to, oner' yxwi: sucn remarkably :good Dresses : as these at such low prices: k yhese new l)resles have arrived just '-at' the time when ;you probably need another 'one -to nnhbiiher-Wmteir sea 'J'ton.fAh& theyl are newly styled fpr Spririg wear t'" These Dresses are'nth!de ofthe netvest silk and wool materials,' ih'assorted colors,' plain anil novelties. ? The trimmings are Aihustfal arid. colorful; ; 'Ybu" will be de- lighted with the excellence of the materials and the 'new ness 'of , the styles' 4 Sizes for women" and 'misses,' in two' groups,' at two' low prices.'- - Jt i" ""' '- - $12M awl im : Velour Go (7 ats MpMfe .fete . Witt Beaverette or self collars. Lined with Venetian. Sizes for w omen' and misses. . S ' Fur or self tnmmea.' j-inea I1 1 whh"silfc or N Vehetian. -In ? Qjf variety of col 4ffy- ors. ; Sizes for women a nd misses. Suede Velour Coats Bolivia (Coat Vith Beaver' ette or,self col lars. Lined with Venetian. Nov elty 'stitching.. Sizes for; wom en and 'misses. 1 11 & .'. " Good quality. "fabricsl Fur or ' ieIT trimmed. All silk: -lined. A variety -:df sizes' 'arid col- ors. "i- Children s Coats , Chadren s ; warm Coats tn a -varied assortment ot styles. ? velours, pofcires and other desirable materials' lathe most popular colors. Splen-' did: vkliies 'at "these tow: prices - - ' , i Sizes X to 10 Sizes 7 to; 10 SizeslOtaH These SavingQ - Girls- Wool Dresses Represent the timely values always to be found in . our Store. Just the garments you want, at the time , ; you want them-Mand always al lowest prices, due to the enormous purchasing power of ths J. V Penney Company. ' - - i -: Dresses for girls from 7 to 14, in French serges with embroidery, -and Jwool plaids, some' of .them combined with velvet. " Dresses in the junior k: sizes aire.ia navyi Poiret twills and novelty materials in assorted colors.- 7 to 10 d)0 a r 4 'V- M-" IHi 1 - . t - - -