7 mm Mni enftssiana 'UJESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 8, 1924 CLASSIFIED ADSCo I 1 ; I 1 . 1 IlEAIi EST ATK Farms i II :. vv nn Waits tv urr i 4j It fifti r7llT(Tr tirtmfttlll Exchanges i CLASSIFIED SECTION . rhono 23 Advertising Dept. CLISSiriKD ADVERTISE! EX' T3; : KU per word: Ptt ; laSOrtioa ;... la -1 Taree lasertloas r ' XORWICH PKIOH i V ; FIRE 1XSURANCH SOCIETY - W. H. Burghardt, Jr. Resideat Ageat 371 Stat St. Money To Loan O Reel Estate . T. K. YOH.D (Over Lsdd A Hush Hank) AUTOMOBILES AUTO BEPAIEINO WrT MAKE YOUR' OU CAR NEW i Better than a new one la many iustsn- j re. Je jjoener jeior Mfr, H. commercial. . ? t lai$ ATTO TOPS J. Yftrn ACTO 18 XOT COiTPLETE UN- .. Um tm bate a food weather proof top . on it. -- ' ' - : VT. E. ORUXERT ' , . , .2i Stat St. FOR RENT APARTatEBTS ' BASEMENT APARTMENT WITH ELEC- j , trie range:- 77S rerry t ,,. za-i- J TOR. REVT BY MOORES MCSIO house. A ma iantiahed epertmoat. Over j store, with heat and light. . Sa-jS VERY NICE FURNISHED APARTMENT 590 Union. Phono 67J. iajB- a BOOK TURNlftHBD APARTCaTENT for nU 693 X; Summer. Phono 1078. . J . . ' 2ajl0 THE PALACE COURT APARTMENTS" SO B Cttttae St.. Salem. Vro. err. en A-KBk. nronruitar. PhOae 1642. ' ' FOUR ROOM APARTMENT FURNISH; ad, eUao in, tardea spot included. Call room 803, Oregoa , Bldg. Phono 239. 1 " ' '" ' ' ; 2a-d27tf FOR RENT APARTMENTS, 891 0. I . Commercial, i .- .i B RENT FIRST .CLASS FLAT ejoso .in. rhono 1397J. . oa-jv- HOTJBM L b jroa BENT FOUB ROOM HOUSE- with , , range. Phono 1W9J or call at 796 1 N. Fourteenth fit. i i -J TWO IS0U6E8. SEVEN ROOM: ALSO ( room. Cloao la. Call 771 V. Com mercial St. 'it.! , 8M FURNISHED HOUSB ; AND t meats. Phoao 2056J. , ' i APART- OW.40 vrm. RrvT rrRXISHED HOUSE SIX rooms at 447 Center elreet, by Ch! Ai-BeohteL 40 State St. 3b-i5tf ONE HALF DUPLEX HOUSE WITH garage. -Sew moaern, 31 North Winter. $40 or, 'ONE $ ROOM PARTLY FURNISHED hooso at 677 North Winter street. Call i.Y ihn. On ' Mavra Mt Kinney. : L ; COTTAGE FOR RENTPHONE J825, or caU at 161 North 13th. 3b-j .. MOK DESIRABLE ROOM quire private homo, . im Phoae 467J. i AND BOARD. IX One or two. Close 3C-J13 pntt RENT APARTMENTS AND sleeping rooms. leonard hotel, 254 N. Front street.! . , i ... , - ----- "PRTXTlCn CARDS. SIZE 14' BY VVk" i warding VFarnUked Rooms," price 10 - eents each. Btatosmaa Busiaeas UI- fico.. Oround fot. n, , -FOR BALK Miawllaiieous BOYS SLEDS FOB SALE VAN'S Toy r.. m Am Iff t-1 : .V -: S.iB , 00, W 4.fw ,, - CHEAP HEATIXO STOVE. BED. table, j and other articles. 656 Union 8U np-i . .. ataira. . .. .- . . r -- -- -im MR. TRUCK OWNER IF TOO ARE ; not already carrying your truck ia- aaraaco with aa it will bo of Interest to you to ibveetlrate our TRUCK INSUR , Ai.CE. See Standley as Foley, Bask : Bank ldg. Phono 347. 4-jo HAY PHONE 105F11. 4-.12- WILLIAMS QRfiAV PHONE 117F32 FOs! SALE NICE BRIGHT CLOVER bay $15 per ton at barn. Geo. A. Ramp, rhone 33F24. 4-i WAXTV.n PI. f If R ERA WORK AT MY aw shop, 1879 Stste street, phoae 883. where price ere right. Your ' work solicited. W. 0. Wilson. 4-j8 BLACK MAZZARD CHERRY SEED-I ' - liars. 4 tn 6 feet: well rooted. Coa- - cord rrsae. best strsin. well rooted. See these at 260 Msrioa St. Write or phoae G. A. Miller. : e-jiz- 30 TONS BALED CLOVER HAY. ' deliver. Route 7. Boa 138 A. CAN I a FOK RALE r ARM ELECTRIC LIGHT- inr slant. 9 miles weat of Salem. W. I O. Morrow, Rt. 1, Bx. 71, Iadepeadencj .Oregoa. , t- -.. : .; Jo- 8PITZENBERO APPLE8. 75c; 8 Boxes $3; delivered. ' Spotted apple for cook- ' tag. zse aox. wara tv. jucaaruaon. p. 2395 Front, Phoae 494.. 4)8 , WANTER PLUMBERS WORK AT MY new ahop, 1895. State atreet, phoae :936, where price are right. Your - work solicited. Wi Wilson. 4-J8 PRINTED CARDS 8IZB 14" BY '7tt" wardins? "For Sale. Eaauiro at." Price 10 cents each.) SUtesmsa Business Office, Groaad Floor. 1 : - Beautiful Oregon Rose And eleven other Oregoa tonga together with a fin collection of patriotic soars, sacred songs aad many old-time favor ites. . . . . V.: . , ... ALL FOR 25. ' - j ISoeeial' arice la enantitr lot) Especially adaptable for school eommaa- itr or borne aiagiag. Bead ' t Western Songster ' TO pagee sow la its third editioa Published by Oregon teachers moxtolt 813 S. Commercial St. Salem, Or, -UNDERWOOD TTPEWBITER CO. . Hav your saacbiae repaired by the ' peoole who make It. Special reutal . rate to students. 800 Masoaie Bldg. , Phone 862. : a28tf rOR SALE OLD KEW8PAPER8 10 ; rests a bundle. Circalstioa depsrtmsat m Ou wesk insertions) On month So 20e Sis months' ceatrsct ptr mo.. -15 13 months' contract, pr mo 12 Minimum for any advertisement 85 HELP WANTED SELL MADISON "BETTER MADE" SHIRTS direct from our factory to wearer. No capital or axDerieace re quired. Easily sold. Bis profit. Write for FREE B.ULFIiES. MADISON MILLS. 603 Broadway. Kew York. MALE AWD PBKALB KILTKX HOSIERY SALESMEN AND Baieswomea wanted. Only h nit lent need apply. Thia hosiery is well ad vertised, and absolute aatisfactioa guaranteed. Western Hales Manager. Seward Hotel, Portland, Ore. Sd-iStf WANTED MEX AND WOMEN TO take farm paper aubaeriptiona. A good Jropoaritioa to tbe right people. Ad rets the Pacific Homestead. Htatesmaa BUgj Salem, Or. PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. FREE. C0RRK8- Toledo. Ohio. 7-fs' TRY A WESTERN CLUB FOR WEST- era people. Ladies free. Reasonable, reliable. Particulars for. stamp. Box 82, Tanconver, Wash. 7-f 2 ; REAL ESTATE City 1300 65V 8EOOXD MORTGAGE NOTE for tale, 8430. i 12000 aalo contract bearing 6 in terest! also for aale at discount. ! A. C. BOHRX8TEDT 147 K. Coa'l. 8U Salem, Ore. 8 i3tf SOME BUNGALOW SNAPS la irand new bungalows. Immediate possession. 02S0O lkaadr 4R. basement. asooo IMnij 5K, basement. 3400 Dandy 6K. tasement. - J4000 -Dandy 5R, basement. 330O Dan4y 6R, baaement, furnace, dooble esrage; terms en all of them. :-, . . r CHILDS A BECHTEL .: 540 State St. 8 j6tf ! A PROFITABLE INESTMENT : Oecaaionally we can present such. We have a 7 room modern, well located, de sirable combination of residence and income, having aa apartment (3 room) rentier aaoaa to pay gooa interest on the whole purchase price, leaving a 5 room house independently and free of oet. v Well - worth eonaideratton and S500 cash can handle it. Balance per rent, easy terms, 4 years. It mud bo sold at once. For particulars see tbe Fleming Keaity company at office, 341 fiuto St. 8-jCtf THERE IS MONEY. IN REALESTATEt i 7 room kouse, lot 75x150, 3 English .walnuts, 4 cherries and other fruH trees.! Paved street, close to school and street ear. Certainly a bargain at $4200. Easy terms. Furniture and lease of apartment house in Valley town of three thousand. Fireproof, con crete huildinr. A rood proposition. New 4 room bungalow, baaement. furnace. No better buy in Salem for $2SOO. -. ; 5 room ottag e v and 1-5 acre of ground suitable for - garden. Paved street. Close .Jn, 3250 Vary essy . a room oungaww, oiwraem, Kane. sved street, close in. Only S70U strictly modern bungalow. Just of f rsoitsl street. Nice corner lot. Garage. $5250. Colud not be duplicat ed for $7,000. 1 If it la a house, a farm, a lot, or a trade you want, see me. RICH iu REIMANN Realtor Office Pboae 1013 Res, Phone 726R ' 229 Oregon Bldg. 8 j6tf PRINTED CARD8. SIZE 14"-BY 7"j wording "For Kent." price iu renu each. St atesmaa Business. Office, on Ground Floor. - 5 ROOM STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE well located, $3700; ea $ouo; ana monthly payments. I 5 room bouse in Soutk Salem $2700. : 5 room bouse basement and modera conveniences ia East Salm, $2500 vtry easy terms. ' " , WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor . 216 Oregoa Building 1. 8-jltf NEW 5 BOOM HOUSE, CORNER LOT, modera ta every detail. 4 -room souse, ractically new, $3000. Gertrude J. ; Page. . . . . M25U PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY T" wordier, Rooms to Kent," price io rents each. Stateamaa Business Of fice. Ground Floor- REAL ESTATE Farms .. TO EXCHAXGE V 80 acres; 60 acres ia cultivation. Very best of land. Ha fair building. Stock, machinery, feed and crop for 4l4.uOO. i Will trade for Canada land, i 14 room hotel, famished. Trade for house in Salem. Price $3000. ;V $1500 to loan at 7 per cent, THOMASON. 331V4 State 8t. 9-J8tf , GOOD BUY 8 - 5 acre one mile east of fsirground with new four room bungalow. Price $2623 ; $625 down, balance monthly. Immediate possession. One-half acre sear the city oa term of $50 down and . $10 per month. Prteo $630.- - ; 160 acre of fine fir timber south f Salem. Price $65 per acre. - 6 1-4 acre tract near city with new mall bouse, ' garden patch some tim ber. Price $2500; easy terms. Sight ly located.. Immediate possession. Three room bouse 1475 8. Cottsge St. $800; $100 down will bndle.. Im mediate possession. , . j We write fire insurance. ' XT. n .GRABENHORfT CO. Resltor 275 State St. U. S. Bank Bids. . 9 j4lf Raising the Family v Pa wastod a lot of t . , ) t vooecn i.oovtN" S Lc.e,Ai A 4 1 ? i f uxx-s f oGTEcne. -sexr B.V J -, , - - , O LJ ) TrAK HP WHM" rV)OPtiC t , ) ' ' , oOT-J tc p-, , crr S V , 10 ACRES WELL IMPROVED ON THE klghway, want Salem residence. 23 acres well improved, all tilled, rood location, want acreage near Salem. 0 acres timber for 'vacant lots in Salem or elsewhere. 40 acres, 25 in "bearing pears, house. barn: will take income aa part. 80 acres close in. well improved, want acreage or residence. Price $8000. Socolofsky, Realtor 341 Stat 9j2 II O W K L L PRAIRIE FARM PHONE 9m25 139SW. WANTED BUY A large farm. 1 kave a small farm and some city property to offer as part pay and will assume some. If you h liave got a good farm and want to get rid of it see Chi Ids & Been tel. 540 - State street. 9-j6tf TAXI SERVICE FOR QUICK 8ERV1CK CALL RED TOP Cab vo. Phone 1900. No rase in rate during storm. f4. USED CARS FOR SALE RIDE IN COMFORT RIDK IN STYLE RIDE IN AN OLESON CAR. 173 S. Liberty. Phone 666. Salem'a Used Car Center U-i8 VICK BROS. USED CAR BULLETIN 1923 Chevrolet touring with extras, $475 li!3 Ford delivery $400 1920 Overland touring $175 1919 Maxwell touring, fine condition $135 1916 Dodge touring, good tires $100 Ford delivery $125 1919 Ford roadster with rear delivery bed $195 1922 Oldsmobile truck, with body and cab, nearly new - $830 1918 Chevrolet touring with wire wbeela $125 1918 Chevrolet touring, just overhauled. and good paint $100 1922 .Overland aedan in fine shape $650 FORDS, $30 .AND CP Studebaker 3 pauenger roadster, runs twuinr as ll-J4tf GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH Mo tor Co.. S19 Stat. at-ts USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1915 touring $ 65.00 1917 touriug $ 95.00 1918 touring $100.00 1923 touring ; $395.00 1921 coupe ... $365.00 1933 coupe 4 $495.00 1919 delivery j... . $165.00 1920 truck i $235.00 All ears guaranteed to bo in good running order. Liberal terms. Open Evenings and Sundays VALLF.Y MOTOR CO. 2C0 North High Phone 1993 U-j3tf USED AUTOMOBILES AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU Ford touring ear . Chevrolet 490 touring .. $ 63.00 . 100.00 Buick Four roadster . Ford touring car . i . Overland roadster (aa A-l car) Elgin Six touring esr .. Paige 7-Passenger (a good one) . Baby grand Chevrolet touring 2, Essex touring i- i . on 100.00 125.00 175.00 200.00 850.00 435.00 550.00 695.00 F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 N. Com. St. Salem, Oregon. Il-d28tf WANTED HUacellaneoua WANTED WOOD CUT ON SHARES Old growth fir. Address 1353, esre Statesman. - 13-jl0 REGISTERED JERSEY COWS WANT- ed. SUte what yoa bare and prteo. Address "Dairy Farm." Care Statee mii. d4tf WOOD FOR SALE GOOD WOOD PHONE 1879W. REA8 onable price. 14-J25 OAK, ALSO 16-INCH OLD FIR AND Second-growth 4 ft. We do hsuling ef all kind. Insured carrier. Phone 19F3. M. D. Mayfield. Il-d20tf DEPENDABLE COAL AXD IXKY WOOD ia all aises. Prompt delivery. Phone 1855. HILLMAN FUEL CO. 14-dfltf FOR DRY WOOD CALL 0. D. QUERY. - Phone T7F2. a27tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 16 lack greoa mill wood Dry mm wood . Dry second growth fig TJt old fir. 16 lack BLOCK mill wood ! the beet fuel to aavs your dry wood. Prompt delivery aad reasonable price. . Fred K. Walla. 880 8. Church. Phoae 1542. ttf Conditional Pardon Issued . to Harney County Prisoner Because an affidavit of the sheriff of Harney county shows that there is doubt of the guilt of Frank Falkner. who "was re ceived St the state penitentiary In 1921 to serve six years on a charge of attempting to assault a 8 year old child, Governor Pierce yesterday issued a conditional par don to Falkner. The condition is that Falkner obey the laws of the state. CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Easiness ACCOUNT ART Accountant SYbTEMS INSTALLED, ANNUAL State ments; Income Tax Keturns, prep area. L. A. Westsjptt, Phone 1602 J. j!6 AMBULAjrCE SERVICE SALEM AUMBUXiANCE SERVICE Phone 666; 173 8. Liberty. Day and airht alOtf ARCHITECTS FREEMAN A STRUBLE, REGISTERED Architects, 8io tta ! vommeroe Building. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAR PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert ' battery -fad electrical work. Ferris Bros.. Phoae 1803 418 Court. R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter aad geaerttor work; 171 Boata Commercial. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY- ele and repairing . an7 tjoort. RXRD8, FIOWZRS AND PET FLAKE'S PETLAND. BIRDS. FLOWERS Peta. 178 Ho . CARPET AND RU0 WEAYXXO SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Work Rag aad Hull ruga wovoa aay aixe without seams. . New mattresses mad to order. Old but tresses remade. Feathers renovated. 1 bay all kiada of old carpets for fluff rug. 13 aad Wilbur streets. Phoae 1 154. Otto F. Zwlrker. Prop. CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 48. N. Summer street. Phone 674-J CHXJCNBY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F URN A(!E eloaaiag. F. Councilman. Ray L. Fsrat er Hardware company. CHINE SB PHYSICIAN R. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN dieea.se. 158 8. High St. Phone 988. CHIROPODISTS fR, 8. F, SCOTT, GRADUATE NA t'oaal University Sciences, Chicago. Vs sonic Temple. Phone 840. CHIROPRACTORS 4RS. SCOTT A 8CHOFIELD. P. 8. O. Chiropractors, 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phone 87: res. 828-R. CLEANERS AND DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS Buits cleaned aad pressed. $1.60. Suits sponged aad pressed, 50c 1215 S. Com.- Phoae 1868 CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL, CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION Constructing tngineer. survey, esu metea. Jao. H. Keef, 819 Oregoa Bldr. Phono 775. DRESSafAKXNQ DRESSMAKING Carrie Fisher, Miller. AND DESIGNING. MoOoraack Bldg., over alStf PRINTED CARDS BIZB 14" BY 714". .wording "Dressmaking"; prteo 10 cent each. Stateamaa Basis eaa Office ftmneft menr DRUG STORES WM. NEIMEYER "JU8T DRUGS,' 175 N. Commercial. Phone 167. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC- CO. MASONIC . buiding. Phone 1200. ELECTRI0 FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 N. Liberty. ARCHIE FLEENER. ELECTRICIAN House wiring by hour or contract. Ee timates taraiaaed. Phone 980. 414 Court St. HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELE0 tricl machiae repairing, contracting. 8S7 Oonrt. Phone 488. FARM PAPER POULTRTMIX SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three moataa trial for the boat aad oldest Journal ta the west. The srticlee aad advertise ments are of special latere! to tbe poultry breeders ef the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Joaraal, 211 xaereiel trt, SaJam. Oregoa. IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST fans paper, send 15c to tbe Pacific Homeetead, Salem, Oregoa for a three month' trial aubecriptioa. Mentis at ad FINANCIAL CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO, General contracting and building estt- mates gladly furnished. Phone 1867R or 59F12. d26tf FARM LOANS ' (arursnce money, say amouat 0 per cent, for 5, 7. 10 or 20 years, with full prepayment privilegea entire WiHaaa Otto valley. HAWKINS ROBERTS 205 Oregoa Bldg.. Salem. Oregoa GOVERNMENT LOAXS ON FARMS 6 per cent. 803 Salem Bank of Commerce 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM oa city or farm property. Reserve De posit company, 73 Fourth Street, Port land, ur. FARM LOANS 6i No adidtional expense ANDERSON A RUPERT, 406 Oregon Building breath on the wrong person! BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference FINANCIAL OAWsaNS Jk ROBRT8. CITY LOANS, lowest rate. FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer time, ao 1 commission. Protects against adversity. City loans, lowest rates, mentbly instalments, pro-payment privilegea. J. C. Siegmuad, room 2, erer Ladd A Busk bank. , LOANS LOANS LOANS I eaa make your farm or' city loana, beet service riven If yoa Seed a loan, sea me; and if you hav money to place, aee me I rlwaya have takers. G. W. Ijaflar. Oregon bldg. FLORIST1 CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreath, dseeratiua. 0. T. Breithaapt. floriat, 123 N. lAbarty. iMne 880. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIRXO tors, sio Cantor.: Pboae 1656. FURNACES 8EAGROVE FOR FURNACES SIBLI coo Fipeiest, $85. , 1165 Ferry St. Phone MMftW o24tf FURNITUB'M STORES wIESB FURNITURE 00. QUALITY furaitare for leea saoaay. 878 Court Fshi 464. PEOPLE'S FURNITURB STORE NEW aad second hand furaitare; 871 H rismiiwMisI . ; HBMSTXTCHXNO HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING. PLEAT ing. The Petite Shop, Room 6. over Galea. a29tf SALEM ELITE H K H B T I T li I NO pleating, buttons, atampiag aau needle wora; aza vregoa bldg. raaa 879. MRS. 0. X. MIIJjER HiMSTTTCHINQ atampiag. button. Rooza 10, evor Mil ler'a store- Paoa 117. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIST. Does a general practice, treats Goiter, Gall Stones, and Dropsy, arising from disease of the heart, liver or kidneys. Without operation.. Office and resi dence, 296 X. Liberty St.. Salem, Or. Phone 147. , ; 1 JUNK! JUNKI JUNK WE PAY FULL VALUE FOR aay kind of stoves, furniture, metal, paper, and junk. - Willamette Bargain House, 975 North Commercial. Phone 588. al6tf LADIES TAILORTNO D. H. M0SHER TAILOR FOB aad women. 474 Court St MEN LATTHDRXEa 8ALKM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 816 B. Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest largest bast. Established 188$. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 8uality work; prompt esrvioo; 1S84 Broa-lwav Phon ItAS i j MATEBNITY HOMB 1 -Court 8treet Chr:st'n ehurrh Mater liry home, 1899 Slate. Opern December 3C 10. phone 527. d-lltf aTBTTf14B MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH RXMEDY Paime 817-W. MUSIC LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated staadard mutio. Semi-elacaies and ballads;! 12 toeaoas. W term a Piano Soaoet, Corn ark Bldt. ; r MXTSIO STORBS SHERMAN. CLAY 00, PIAN08 Steiaways, Duo-Art aad otkera. Moore' ' Kasie Hon, 415 Court street GEO. 0. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, aewiag maeaiaea, sheet maaie. , aad piano studies. Repairing phoao (raphs sad. aowiat Bsckiaosj 431 Stats. Salem. TRADB YOUR OLD PIANO FOB A NEW Yletor or Brunswick. H. I. 8 tiff Farai tar Co. Matle Dept.. NATUROPATHIO PHTHCXAJTS DR.. A. E LAUGHTER - AOUTB AND ebroaie diseases; 415 Oregoa Bldg. Pboae 110. NURSES FOR PRACTICAL I96TW. NURSE PHONE a2Stf NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT. NUT AND SHADB TREES Pearey Bros. 237Stata. OOJtPLSTE LINE TREES SHALL fruits, orasmentsl. Capital City Nur- On.. 428 OrwrOB Bldr- Faono V. OPTICIAiri ' 1 1 1 I 1 GLASSES FITTED BY; THE BOW OP tieal Co, 826 Stat street, opposite Ladd A- Bash Bank. "Ceo Quality Proven Sbar-oaa."" t MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORB- oa BM. Rooms 801 So 804. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTINO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOB HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, Mating, eta. 1 Reliable workmea. 'i : ( PAPERHANOINa AND FAXNTXNQ TEN CENT KALSOMININN IN BXAUTI fal ootors; $1 doee a room. Max 0. Buraa. 179 N. Oommercisl. PHYSICIAN OF PHYIIOTHERAPHY DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR OF PHT8I othorapy, treats all ailments, womea'a troubles especially. 265 ,N. Oommereial aetreet. Phone 1001 PIANO TUNERS RDWABD WXLP EXPERIENOND Pl ane tuner. Leave orders WiU's Maatr 8 tor FLUKBUra PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1S97-J., Shop 137 Caioa street. A. L. Godfrey. RADIATORS. FENDERS, ETC. RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES made or repaired. J. C. Bair. 236 Bute. ; SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE CESS pools cleaned and dead animals removed Garbage and refuse of all kind remov ed by the month. Reasonable rates Phones: Off ire 529; residence -2058 . SECOND HAND GOODS , ; SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sells second head faraitaro, tool aad Junk; 820 If. Commercial. Pboae 4k ! WANTED EVERYTHING IN OIXWH - iag and shoes. Best prioea paid. Can ltal Kxchaage; $41 North Oommrei. Phoae 1868-W. STOVES AND STOYB REPAIRINO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, alaaa 26 to 28 ia. alga. Palate, ila and vamiahea, etc, loganberry aad hop hooka. Salem Fence sad Stovt Wnrka 250 Oovrt etreot Phone 124 TRANSFER-HAUUjrO WX MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE bold goods. Ou specialty is plane ani furniture moving. We also aaako eoaa try trip. We handle the beat osal sat wood. CaB oa aa for prices. We gin good measure, good quality aad good aervtoa. Larmer Traaafer Oo. Phono 94 capital err: transfer 00 zxa State St, Pboae 938. Distrlbatlag, for warding aad storage ear aaeoialty. Ge our ratae TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL MOTOR n T.TVW Central Stage Terminal. Salens. Orsswa SALEM EUGENE Leaves fiiUm 7:15 m a-l . , 11.-15 a. m ; 1:15 p. m.; 3:15 p. m.; '15 a to T-SO it m c rV.tK. 1- . - -"- '.11 - .111. nniy TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGS LINES J. W. Parker, (lenenl M.n.M. : Central Stato Terminal 8alem. Oreraa. 8ALEM-SILVERT0N DIVISION ? Leave Salem, Central Stata Termiaal: 7 a. m.; 11 a. m.; 6 p. as. Leave Silvertou New Stand; - AAln.lMm.AMM Salem-lndependenre-Monmouth Diviama: Leaves Salem, Central Stage Termiaal; 7 a. m.; 9 a. m.i 11:10 a. m.: 8:10 a. a 5:10 p. m. 1 Leovaa Monmouth Monmoutk Hotel; -8:15 a. m.; I p. m ; 6:15 p. m. . Leave Independence, Beaver Hotel: ' 8:30 a. m.; 9:50 a.m.; 1:15 p. pi n.; 6:90 p. m. v Leaves Central Stage Terminal, Salens . for Dallas at: 7 a. m.: 11:10 s. m.; 8:lfl p. at Leaves Gail Hotel, Dallas, at i 8 a. m.; 1 p. m. ; 6:15 p. a. W make connections at Salem to aJ pans of the valley, Extra txiia by ap poiatment. . J. W. PARKER, General Msnacer. VETERINARIAN FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN Office 320 Soutk Liberty. Phoao 110 Wee, phone 1948J. b9 WAXES SALEM WATER, LIG'HT POWER OO . Offios. 801 South Oowmerclal St. Tst per cent . diacouat oa domes ti ' fl rates paid ia advance. . No deduetiaat for absence or aay eaase aalaae waaa la abut off wnwr wremhwa I NEW CORPORATIONS : ' The National Fortress of Min ute Men and Women of America is tbe name of a new fraternal or ganization that filed articles of in corporation here yesterday. It3 purpose is. among other thing3 to oppose mob rule, intolerance and racial discrimination, and it is to be non-partisan and none-sectarian. Headquarters will be in Portland, but the incorporators, William Marx, Ted White and W. H. Na son are all of Klamath Falls. : Other articles were tiled as fol lows: Apperson Sales & Service, Inc., Portland; incorporators, J. L. Pickens, C. D. Lloyd, N. A. Mick ey; capitalization $5000. Pacific CoaBt Mat company, Portland; Incorporators, G. H. Whaey, II. W. Trueblood, L. W.. Shawk; capitalization $5000. rtfahnn'a Clothinc Sr. Waolfin J Mills store, Salem; incorporators,! C. P. Eishop,! R. H. CooleyR. C. Dishop; capitalization, $100,000. Arnold Auto , Rail ; Transporta tion system, Portland; incorpor ators. Arthur -W. Arnold, II. C. Campbell, John Manning; capital ization, u.oao.ooo. Kellogg Construction company, Portland; incorporators, John' Al vortl Kelopg, John , Ross Kelogg, Louis P. Reebs; capitalization, $10,000. i Park Candy com pany, Portlana, incorporators, Christ Asproa, Ceo. D. Ariotis, Andrew Dariotis; cap-. italization, 25000. Golden Rale Stores, Inc., Ban don; incorporators, D. R. Norton, L. E. Hendrix, Cora L, Norton; capitalization, 125,000. Ruccles Sheep company, Stan field: Incorporators, John Bagan, M. E. Hotchklss, Anna M. Young, Supplementary articles of incor poivtuon were filed by the Grande Rcnde Oil company of La Grand, changing the name to the F.letcher Oil company. Supplementary articles were til ed hy the Cor3on Music company of Bend, changing the name to the McCord Music company. ' Notices of; Increase in capitali zation were fled by the Nyqulst Motor Car company, Inc., of As- u.-Ia, from $5000 to $15,000 and by the Concrete Products corpor ation of Hillsboro from $50,000 to $100,000. Notice of dissolution was filed by the Autorest Motor Sales com pany of Portland, and by the Hum mel Hotel company of Albany. Notices of ; increases in capital ization were filed by the Seeck Differential company, of Lebanon. from $100,090 to $300,000. and by the Flora Logging company of Portland, from $500,000 to $900,- 000. . . -j-, Notice of a decrease in capitali zation from $50,000 to 25,000 was filed by the Pacific Securities company of Portland. Date Agreed Upon for Joint State Hearing 1 1 January -2$ has been agreed upon as the date for a Joint bear ing in Portland of the Oregon public service commission and the department of public works of tlAs state of Washington en tho Ques tions of regulating trtck scales and their inspection In Oregon and Washington On January 21. et-a hearing ii Portland, the fares of tL Co'uw- bia stages and the stages cf tlie Royal Blue lines will be invejti- gated. A petition of the Middle Fork Boom company of Marsh field for a franchise to boom logs on the middle fork of the Coquille river will be considered at a hear ing at Coquille February-20. .The Central Oregon railway de velopment esse, involving the question of the building of a rail road from , Crane across central Oregon to Odell Junction, will be heard by the interstate commerce commission in Portland March 28. I SALEM MARKETS i i Egg quotations advanced two cents a dozen for all classes Mon day, and buying prices are quoted Ever Offered in Biggest Barsf ) Automobiles f'rij 1924 LICENSE WITH EVERY CAR 1922 Studebaker Big Six Touring, driven only a : utile .. .$1400 1923- Studebaker Light Six Coope, driven only 3500 mUes i....:....' $1150 1923 Durant, driven 900 miles ...:....-.-.;.$ 975 1921 Nash 4 Roadster, looks like new...-:r..$ 550 1922 Oakland Touring, like new . $ 700 1922 Ford Sedan, new tires 450 1918 Buick Light 6, has not been used much..$ 450 1919 Ford Touring, starter block . .V.......$. 140 CERTIFIED PUBLIC USED CAR" LiARKET BYROX WRIGHT, JIr. 253 N. Church, i2 blk. north at 34 cents for selects. 32 ctmts for standards end 30 cents for pullets. - Milk offerings, fell off 5 cents , and are being quoted at $2.35 a hundred pounds. , v Due to the cold weather the price. of potatoes has advanced between 1V& cents and 2 cents a pound, , with a little under this on sack quotations. " California celery Is beginning to' make its appearance, with Califor nia hothouse ' tomatoes due in a few more weeks. . Care was taken during the re cent cold spell and local grocers report little loss In produce. ' GRAIN AND HAY No. 3 wheat . . ......... ,. . 90o No. 3 red wheat, sscked .....9e Ostt ....... ........ -...-..i..45e fii 4H Cheat hsy 0 813 $13 Oat hsy v .--....13 l. $14 Clover hay. baled ...., $12 W $14 - Prices i quoted are wholesale and are pricea received by farmers.. No retail, prices are given, except as noted: EGGS. BUTTER. BUTTERTAT Creamery butter .........:.i.....4Ue Q 50 Butterfat delivered .... ,ri Milk, per ewt. ....$2.3a Eggs, selects - w., 34c Standards , . .82 1 Pullets ;..'..;;.: .L...30e POULTRY Heavy hens .. 20a 1C ..14 nrsiiers Heavy sprints "... ........ Medium and light Hens PORK, MUTTON AND BEEF Hogs, top, 150-225 Igs, cwt. , IS. 01 Hogs; top, 325-275, ewt . ..$7.80 Hogs, top. 275-300, cwt -J.. T.0 Light ow, cwt...- . $6.00 Rough heavy ...'.. . 04 0 05c Top veal, drrssed.-.... .......09 He Cows . ,., ....OiVa g 04 V Top lamb : 10e IF EAT NO Sim Says Glass of Salts Helps to Orerromo Rheumatism ' ',: ' Add. ' " r'-S ' . Rheumatism Is easier to avoid; than to cure, states a well-known ' authority, t W are advised lo dress warmly, keep the feet' dry. avoid exposure, and above alt. drink plenty' of good water nd avoid eating 'sweets of all kinds. Rheumatism Is caused by body waste ' and - acids resulting . from food fermentation- It Is the func tion of the kidneys to filter this poison i from ; the blood and cast it out in the urine; the poreis of the skin are also a means of free- lng tho blood of this impurity. In damp nd chilly cold weather the Bkin pores . are closed, - tbua 1 forcing the Sidneys to do doubl r.ork; they Become weak and S.ugS sa ids u to etiunuaia iuii 'ratiie and acids, which keeps.se c u ra u I a 1 1 n g and clrculatln 1 through the system, , eventually sottliiis in the joints and muscles, causing Stiffness,; soreness nd pain, called rheumatism. - - At the first twinge of rheuma tism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jsd Salts; iput v tablespoonful in a.glass of water and drink: before breakfast each morning for a week. This is help ful to neutralize acidity,-remove waste matter, also to stimulato the kidneys,'; thus: often' ridding the Wood of rheumatic poison. ' Jad Salts Is inexpensive, and is made from the. acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla, and is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are sub ject to rheumatism.-Adv. ; aisis Reconditioned of Court iiouse, Phone S85 Fisher 11 t Iir 1-- wgoa BUUsmsa. - -" LZVESTOCS j' TIGS PH0SE 105F11. - . J12! i i V . . . J ' '