The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 08, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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(Continued from bage : -r
al disputes. Thousands of jlans
show a deep asplTatioA to hae the
United States Ute tile lead1 in, a
common agreement ti brand War
J a. very truth an""onlaw
; Th P'4 8h5a 4 realization
tha no-liduaU: "(defend alna
W situation hasthnsjfar been.'de
vised; and that noj International
law has been developed, to control1
it. They .ppixnt out- that security
of life, and property 1 dependent
upon. th abolition ot war, and the
cessation, of ; the: manutactuxe i of
munitlpnaot.waiv; ,i: f-b
Soma of the plana labor with the
, problem, of changia the. hearts, of
meA and disposing them toward
peace and good will; some; labor
to find a practicable means of
dealing with, the economic cauesa
of war; some tabor with adjusting
racial animosities, with producing
a finer conception ot nationalism,
etc., etc." ? j :.--, :, - . ,, J
Through the plana as a whole
run these dominant currents? '
That, li L waf U honestly to be
prevented, there must be rightabout-face
on. the part of the na
tion: in .their, attitude,, toward it;
and that - by ; f some - progressive
agreemen the manufacture and
purchase of the? munitions of war
must be? limited or stopped. - i :.
That while. -no political mechan
ism alone w.11 insure cooperation
among the nations, the, must e
some, machinery of copentMOft if
the will to cooperate la tovbe made
effective; that -r.vmutuAl -. -counsel
among.the nationals tber. bnv
for bringing about -tho disavowal
oft war: by .th open avowal of: its
real causes ad open, discussion, of
them.. : ...
Finally, that there must be
some means of defining, recording
Interpreting and (developing the
law ot nations. ? " -.". )f
The jury of Award unanimously
selected the plan ; given; below as
the one. which most closely, reflect
ed several of these currents, 1 i ".?
The. . Honorable. -Elihu Root,
chairman of the Jury i of Award,
then prepared the following - forward-looking
statement .indicating
that' eonnsel'and coop?
eration among the- nations provid
ed in the selected plan may lead to
the realization "ot another nd
not the- least important--of the
dominant desires; of the. American
pabllo is. expressed,.! te, plans:
the Jury that the. first fruit of
tho taoUulroDnHei wad coopciv
ation among tho nations which
will result-from the adoption
Of the plan, selected? vvUJ -bo
general prohibition, of the man
nfacture and nale ot .all mater
ials of war." ,,. ,' :3',-A.
i ;The purpose of the American
Peace Award is thus fulfilled: - To
reflect in a practicable plan the
dominating national, sentiment as
expressed by the large cross-sec
tion oC the American public tas
ing part In the Award. . '.'
F therefore commend the win
ning plan as unanimously selected
by the Jury of Award, and ; Mr
Root's statement 'of the first ob
ject to be attained by the counsel
and cooperation provided in the
plan, to the. interest and the wid
est l possible vote 'Of the American
people . ' -"- - a ';'.''..
January, " '
Statement of Jury of Award
The Jury of Award realizes that
there is no one approach to world
peace, and that it is necessary to
recogniza not merely political but
also psychological ; and economic
factors. The - only possible path
way tio international, Jtgreement
with reference to these compli
cated and difficult' factors" is
through mutual counsel and coop
eration which the.; plan selected
contemplates. it U therefore the
unanimous opinion of , the Jury
that of the 22,1 65 plans submit
ted. Plan Number 1469 is '.'the
best practicable plan by which the
United States may cooperate "with
other nations to - achieve' and pre
serve the. peace ot the world." ?-
It lathe unanimous hope of the
Jury that the. first fr,uit ot the mu
tual counsel ' and - ' cooperation
among tha nations which will re
sult from the adoption of the plan
selected-will be a general prohi
bition of, the manufacture and saie
ofiaii materiala of ar, " .'''
.: KLIHU ROOT, Chairman
t euen", rrrz pendleton
The Question trf be Voted Upon
The suDStantiat provisions waicq
constitute the plan -selected by th
Jury of Award, and upon which.
tha Vote of the American people,
is asked; are hereby attbmitted by
the Policy Committee a,joiiow,
, -iVESTiiri' 'xBB'motASSHX 'COURT 1..-4P1J1
"'-That ther United States' adhere . to the Permanent Court of
InterSSo2!juS foghe ' S9
stated by Secretary. Hughea and president !Hardi?g .1 .February.
' That ifithQUt becoming member of the1 League of Nations
as at Present constituted, - the United, States, Government should
& WrewnTXperition. with the We Md Propopar
tSaUon in tho work xf itavAssembly and; Council, under, the. fol
io vring conditions-and reservations;. - f
-... - .y- i SafegTugrding of Monroe Doctrine i -..
1. ' The United States accepts the League of . Nations as an utrn-
meat df mutual counsel, but it jfSX "s8 n.obUgviii
, ' : interfere wlth polIticaL qaeationa of policj or .Internal admin-
"Istrattoa el-aay-t orelgn. state. ; m j . - .
unites ita- effort with those of other states for the
' preservation of peace and the promotion of the common wen
'fare, the United SUtes insists. upon the safeguarding of the
, Monroe Doctrine and does not abandon its tradUlonal attitude
concerning Amerlcalrtndependence ot the Old World and does
not consent to submU its long established P?"y onnc:
: quesUons regarded by it as purely American Cathe recpmmeni
' v dstion or decision of other ?owers, I w - '
! No Military or Eooaomla .Foroe -,2.
'i Tho only hind of compulsion which nations can freely engage
to apply to each other in the name of Peace is that which
ari9"s from conference, from moral Judgment,; from fnlT pub
, Ucityrund fromr the pp.werf publW opinion." , r ;
v The Uatted SUtes wtll assume no obligations under Ar
1 - "t icle X is its present form 0? wnder ArticleXYI In its present
' form in the Covenant, or in iu, amended form as now pro
; jwised, .-nnless. in any particular case Congress has authorized,
such action. ,, " .. ?!..'':'.." - ' . - ,, .
the United States proposes that Articld X and XVI be
-.ither dropped altogether or so' amended and changed, as to
. eliminate any suggestion of a general agreement to use coercion
tor obtaining conformity to the pledges of the Covenant. ,
I . r No Obligations Under Versailles Treaty
3 ' Th. United States-will accept .no, responsibilities under the
Treaty i of? Versailles unless in any particuia.c ai Congress
"has authorised such actions , v 1 .! k; ;
J ; Leagrae Open to AU Nations
4 The United States Government proposes that- Article X4I the
Covenant be construed and appUed, If necessary, tedrafted, so
' ' thst admission to, the' League shall be assured to any seir
Koverning SUte that wishes to Join and that receive ;the tav-
orable vote of two-thirds of the Assembly. . t ,;.' x,
ll 1 - Development of International lisw t; ,
5. A a1 condition ot its; participation in the work and counsels
:. ot the Lesgue, the United States asks thAV thAsmbrr and
' Council consent or obtain authority to begin collaboration
L for this purpese theaid of a ; commission o Jurists., This
'iC 'Commission would be directed to formulate anew existing rules
. " ; f. the law of nations, to reconcile divergent opinions, to con
j '! r Bidet,' points hlthertaitnsdequately provided .for,. but vjtal to
; l .k- intAmBtinnAl lnBtice. and in general to ae-
' '-f fine the social rights and duties ot SUtes' The recommends
'. tiona ot the Commission would r be presented from time to
' time, in proper form for consideration, to we ABemoiy
- .. recommending if hot a law-making body.; , -a y
Glycerine Mixture u v
Prevents Appendlcitj
: . Simple " 'glycerine. ;buckthorn
bark, etc., as mixed InAdlerika is,
excellent to guard, against appen
dicitis.: 1 Most medicines act otj
on lower, bowel but Adlenka acts
on BOTH upper and" lower owel
and 'removes - all .gases - and pois
ons. Brings out matter yoa'aeves
thought was In your y system.
Helps any" case gas on .the stom
ach in TEN minutes;. J, C Perry.
Drap?i3t, 113 S. Commercial St.
Adv. rW
Read the Classified; Ads.
" yydtH
' Zena Keefe'
Dorothy Mackaill
-b S " V T
rata J&ogaa v
Gladdeop Jame: .
ij Henry, Sedley,
Jack Richardson-.-
Anthors Name Not to lk Revealed
jVntil After Kcfcrendnm -V "
Ih order that the vote 'may be
taken solely upon the merits of the
pmn, the -Policy Committee, with
the' acquiescence of TAr. Boki has
decided not to d,isclose the author
ship 'of the -plan until ajtter the
referendum, or early in February.
The Identity ot the author is un
known to the members of the Jury
Of, Award and the Policy Commit
tee, except one delegated mem-1
The Policy Committee .
" Member in Charge
' Treasurer
Full Text of Plan,
The complete manuscript of No.
1469 providing, for cooperation be
tween the United States and other
nations "to achieve and preserve
the peace of the world' ,s given
below. Including the author's rea
soning: ' '
There l not Room, for More Than
One Organization to Promote i
International Cooperation
Five-aixtha; of a?; nations, in
cluding-; about tour-fifths of man
kind, have already created a World
organization, the purpose of which
is '.'to promote international coop
eration, and, to . achieve interna
tional peace and security."
. Those nations, cannot and wl11
not abandon this system' which has
now been actively operating for
three and a halt years. If loading
members of the. United States gov
ernment ever had. serious hopes
that another association of nations
could be formed-, such hoDes were
dispelled during the .Washington
conference by. .plain intimations
form other powers that there is
not room for more than one or
ganization like the League of Na
tions. . , ...
The states .outside the ol-gaii-
ized world are not of such a char
acter that, the United States could
.hopefully, cooperate with; them for
the. purpose named. . - '
Therefore,, the only possible
path to cooperation in which the
United States can take an increas
ing share is that which .leads to
ward some form of agreement with
the, world as now organised, call
ed the League of Nations. .
By . sheer forca ol social inter
national gravitation sueh coopers,
tion , becomes Inevitable.
The . Unitd States Has Already
Gone Far in Cooperation With
, ' the League of Nations
The TJnlted." States government,
theoretically maltaining" a policy
of isolation, has actually gone far,
since 'aiarcn-s. ltzi, toward rco-
operation with other nations to
achieve and preserve the peace of
the world.
The most familiar part of the
story is the work of the Washing
ton conference, wherein President
Hardin ?s administration made a
beginning of naval disarmament,
opened to China a prospect of re
habilitation and Joined with Great
Britain, 'Japan and France to
make tjie Pacific ocean worthy ot
its name. .
Later came the recommendation
that the 'United States should ad
here to the Permanent Court of
International Justice.
Not long after that action Pres
ident Harding . wrote to Bishop
Bailor: '
"I do not believe any man can
confront the responsibility of
President of the United States and
yet adhere to the idea that it is
possible for our country to maltaln
an attitude ot isolation and aloof-
nesa in the world."
But since the proposed adhesion
of the Permanent Court would
bring this country into close con
tact at one time and point with the
League of Nations, and since such
action is strenuously opposed for
exactly that reason; it is pertinent
to inquire not only how much co
operation with the League and its
organs has been proposed during
the life of the present Administra
tion, -but also how much has been
actually begun. ,
Officially or Unofficially, the Unli
ved " States Is ' Represented on
Many League Commissions
.'.The ; United : States Government
has ' accredited its representatives
to sit as members "in an unoffic
ial and consulting capacity" upon
four of the most important social
4 welfare commissions of the Leagae
yjz: Health, Opium, Traffic in Wo
mea and children, and Anthax (In
dustrial .Hygiene. )
. Our Government is a full mem
ber 4 of the International Hydro-
graphic Bureau, an organ of the
League, -s. Our Government was
represented . by an "unofficial ob
server" in" the Brussels Conference
(Finance and Economic Commis
sion la 1920. It sent Hon. Ste-
phen G. Porter and Bishop Brent,
to represent' it at the meeting of
the Opium Commission last May.
1 Our Public health j Service ' has
Uken part in the Serological Con
gresses of the Epidemics Commis
sion and has helped in the exper
imental work for the standardiza-
tion of serums. x s ' ". 1 :
. Our Government t collaborates
with the League Health Orgonlza
tion through :the International Of
fice of Public Health at Paris, and
with the Agriculture CommUtee
of the League Labor Organization
through the International Insti
tute of Agriculture at Hornet
Hughes and President ."Harding
armjles and:neetaV utterly
failed to Obtain even an Interna-
formally recommended fthatf. the Mional 'police -forcnC for theYihia
Senate approve our adhesion to the
Permanent Court under four-conditions
'or 'reservations, one of
which was that' the Ufiltoil States
should officially participate in the
election of judges' by the Assem
bly and Council of the League, sit
ting as electoral colleges foe that
purpose. :
Unofficial cooperation from the
United States with the work of
tho League includes memberships
in fire of the. social welfare com
missions or committees of the
League, In one on economic reconstruction,-
and in one (Aaland Is
lands) which averted ' a war.
American -women serve as expert '
Assessors upon the Opium; and
Traffic in Women Commissions.
Two philanthropic agencies in
the United States have between
them pledged more than f 100,000
to support either the. work of the
Epidemics Commission or the
League Inquiry" into conditions of
the traffic in women and children.
IIoh' Can Increasing Cooperation
Between tho. United States and
tho Organized World Be Se
cured? The United States being already
so far committed 'to united coun
sel with League-agencies for the
common social welfare, . all of
which have some bearing upon the
preservation of. world peace, the
Question, before us may take this
How can increasing cooperation
between the United SUtes and the
organized world for the promotion
ot peace and security be assured,
in forms acceptable to the- people
ot tho United States and hopefully
practicable?- tA
Tho United States Can Extend Its
present Cooperation With the '
League's Social -Welfare
Activities ;','
Without anychange in Its pres
ent policy, already described, the
United States Government could,
first, show its willingness to e6op-!
erate similarly with the-dther' hu
mane and reconstructive agencies
of the League; To four of these
agencies that Government had al
ready sent delegates with advisory
powers. It could as properly ac
cept invitations to accredit mem
bers with like powers to eacn one
of the other .welfare commissions;
It has already received invitations
from two of the-latter.",- .
It is, secondly ; immediately
practicable to '.extend the same
Kind ? of ; cooperation whenever
asked to do it, so as to inciuae
participation in the work of 'the
commissions, and technical, com?
mittees of the Labor Organization.
The record Bhows that such coop
eration is- already begun.
The single common purpose of
all these committees is the collec
tion andBj,udy of .Jnformation,--ij
which may be based, subsequent
recommendations for national reg-i
islatlon. - - -
All conventions and resolutions.
recommended by the flxst thfeer
congresses of the Internationa La
bor Organization, haVe already
been, laid before the Senate of the
United States and, wlthont objec
tion, referred to the. appropriate
committee. No, dUfereni procer
dure-would haye been fonowed it
tho United States were a member
of the Labor Organization of the
League. "'
An Immediate Step is Adherence
! to tho Permanent Court
A third immediately practicable
step is the Senate's approval of the
proposal that the United ' States
adhere to the. Permanent Court of
International Justice for. the rea
sons and under the conditions sta
ted by Secretary Hughes and Pres
ident Harding in February, i2
These three, suggestions tor in
creasing cooperation with the
family ot nations are in harmony
with policies already adopted by
our Government, and In the last
case with a policy so old and well
recognized that it may, now be
called traditional.
They do not involve a question
of membership .in the "League of
Nations as now constituted, but it
cannot be denied that they lead
to the threshold of that question.
Any further step-toward coopera
tion must confront thet prqbenj
of . direct .relations between the
United States and - the - Assembly
and Council of 5 naidns in the
League. .."
In Actual Operation .the League
Employs No Fort
. The practical experience' of the
League during its 'first three and
a half years of lite "has not only
wrought out, In a group of prece
dents, the beginnings of what
might be ealled the constitutional
law of the League, but it has. also
shifted the- emphasis in activities
of the League and foreshadowed
Important modifications in its con
stltutlon. the Covenant.
. At its birth the Covenant of the
League bore, vaguely in Article X
and '-more clearly in Article XVI .
the impression of a general agree
ment to enforce and coerce. Both
of those articles suggest the ac
tion ot a world-sUte which never
existed and does not now, exist
How far the present League is ac
tually removed from' functioning
as such a SUte is sufficiently ex
hibited In its dealings, with Lith
uania and Poland over Vilna and
1 their common bOtfndaW and with
Greece and iuly verf Corf u
Experience 'in the last . three
years has ' demonstrated probably
Insuperable difficulties In the way
o? fulfiHinr" in all Mparts oT the
world, the large .promise fcfc Article
X to respect to elthr: its iettfer or
its spirit. : No one noWTexpects the
League Council to try- to summon
district, - - t i
L Each Assembly of the League
nas witnessed 'lgoroufi. efforts to
interpret and modify' Article X In j
the Fourth 'Assembler an attempt;
to adopt an interpretation of that
Article in essential agreement with
the Senatorial reservation on the
same subject in 1920 was blocked
only by a small group of weak
States like Persia and Panama,
which evedlently .attributed to Ar
ticle X a protective power that it
possesses only on. paper
Such States, in possible fear of
unfriendly neighbors, must decide
whether the preservation "of a
form of words in tho Covenant Is
more vital to their peace and se
curity, and to the peace .and se
curity, of thB world, than the pres
ence of the United SUtes .at the
council table -ot the 'family of na
tions. I . -'-
As to Article XVt, the Council
of the League created a Blockade
Commission which worked for two
years to detemlne liow the- "eco
nomic weapon" of .the 'League
could be efficiently used and uni
formly applied. Thp Commission
failed to discover aljy obligatory
procedure j that weaker Powers
would dare to accept. It was fin
ally agreed that each State must
decide for itself whether a breach
of the Covenant has been commit
ted. ' '. ' "'" '. -.
, The Second Assembly adopted a
radically amended trm of Article
XVI' from which was removed all
reference to the possibility of em
ploying military - force, and; in
which the abandonment ot uniform
obligation was directly provided
for. Trie British Government has
since proposed to weaken the form
of "requirement stili further.
, Artless X and XVI, in. their or
iginal forms, have -therefore been
practically condemned by the prin
cipal organs of the League and are
today reduced, to, somethmg like
innocuous desuetude. 7 The ; only
kind of compulsion which nations
can freely engage to apply to each
other in the name o( Peace , s that
which - arises from conference,
fro m m oral - Ju d gnien t,i -t rora - f ul 1
publicity,, and from' the power of
public opinion. ;
Fifty -wvn- Si Us, inoluilinr flr
many, -am mcuiTjerR . ta injpriiatioual
Lalior rchiztjoif o( thi I-aSne.
Tbtir ar nboufc 65 indpendpat Stttew ia
thi vnrlJ. - i '
TIe Leadership of tho Vnilod.
State in tho New World Is
Obviously Recognized by
tli League
Another significant develop-1
ment In' the -constftutionaf prac
tice of the League Is. the unwill
ingness of the League Council to
Intervene In any American contro-veray,-
even -though- all states in
the New World except three are
members of ho League. ;
This refusal became, evident in
the Panama-Costa Rica dispute in
1S21 and in the quarrel between
Chile, Peru and Uorivli, a quarrel
which Impelled the last two states
to absent themselves from, the (
Third Assembly, wherein a Chil
ean was chosen to preside.
Obviously the League intends to
recognize -the leadership ot the
United States in the New World
precisely as the United States
claims It. This is nothing less
than the observance of an unwrit
ten. law limiting, the powers and
duties of the League Council, de
fined in Article XI-of the Covenant
to questions that seem' to threat?
en tho peace oC the ;Old -World.
When the United States is willing
to bring the" two halves of the
-vorld together for friendly-consideration
ot common dangers, duties
and needs, it will bo possible lo
secure, if It is" desired, closer co
operation between the Loague or
ganizations and the Pan-Ainex.ican
Union, already a potential region
al league. It. is conceivable that
the family of nations, may even
tually clearly define certain pow
ers and duties of relatively local
'significance which may be devel
oped upon -local .associations or
unions." But the world of. busi
ness and finance is already unified.
The worlds of scientific knowledge
and humane effort arff .enrl7;so.t!
Isolation of any iind is increas-H
ingfy impossible, 'and ' world" or
ganization, already centralized, is
no morei- likely: to', return to dte--conpocled'
effort than the United
Calhoiin tnebry or States Rfghts
and Secession. " ; V,". 'V" :
In Actual Operation, it Not in Or
ieijU Conception tho Ijcague
' Ueallzes. tho Principlo aatl i
; : the Uoprs of The liaue -
" ' Conferences -;The
operation of the League
has therefore evolved a Council
widely different Xroni the body
imagined by ' the makers of the
Covenant. It can employ no force
but that of persuasion and moral
influence. Its only actual powers
are to confer and - advise, to cre
ate commissions, to exercise inqui
sitive, conciliative and arbitral
functions,' and fb help elect 'Judges
of the Permanent Court
In otner words,1 the'force of cir
cumstances' is 'gradually moving
the League into position upon the
foundations sq well laid by t the
world'? .leaders; between 1 8 9 9 'and
190T. In the ' igreat International
councils of that period. The As
semblies . of ' the LeaUd .and : the
Congresses.' ot the ' international
Labor prganizations are successors
to the Hague. Conferences. -The
Pormancnt Court has at
leastj begun to: realize tha highest
hope; and purpose of the Second
League Conference.-'
The" Secrjetariat. and-! the .a.bof
Office have become : Continuation
Qpmmittees for the administrative
work oflhe Qjganized, world, such
as the Hague . Conference lacked
resources to-create but would have
rejoiced to. see
The Council,, resolving loose
and large . theories in to cleancut
and - modest practice, has been
gradually, recconciling tho League,
as an organized world, with the
ideals ot internatipnalr interdepen
dence, temporarily obscured, since.
1914 by the shadows of ihe Great
No one can deny that the organs
I ,
Drtne't'eligne iav4 brought to tha
service of the'rorcerbehind those
ideals atnvetficlency?' Scope-and ta
riely of appeal that in 1914-would
have.- seemed- incredible. .i- '
It is common, knowledga that-, 5
public opinion-ADdJ oCtif'Ial !P011cy jf
In the! United States;' have for, j J
long time, wlthont distinction, of . . j I
party been favorable .to interna ,,
tional inferences for, the common , I '
welfare, andf to tha establishment 1 1
ui cuuuutaufe,; auiLitti iuu juut
clat means for settling . interna
tional asputes. ; ; j.m ,
; .There is, no reason to believe
that the Judgment and. policy have
been changed, t Along tljese samo
lines the-League is now plainly
crystallzlngT as "has been1 Shown, r
and at the to.uci .ottbo " United
States the process ca,n be expedited.,-".'V;
In no oter way,caa the, organ
ized world, from which the United
States cannot bo. economically and
spiritually separated, belt; the pow
er or public-, opinion to tna new
machinery,, devised for tie pacific
settlement 6f' controversies be
tween nations and standing always"
ready toV use, .
The United States Should Partlc
' i pate in the Lcagne Work
Under Stated Conditions
The United States' Government , v
Bhould' be J authorized to propose. ; - 4
cooperation withrther League and (
participation Is 'the -worlc of its. '
Assembly and Council under tha
following conditions' and reserve -tions:-
: , a
' I. The United SUtes accepts V
the League of; Nations as an" In
strument of mutual counsel' buj.' it -it
will assume no obligation" to in .
terfere with political questions of 1
' :
. J
(Contlaoed:oa page ,8)
GargW with warm salt water - I
than apply? over- throat i-
V Va fo Rud
. Ovmr. tfi Million Jptt VmJ Yverty '
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i, Final Count Hade in Oregon Statesman
Automobile Contest
npHE Oregon Statesman takes pleasure
. in announcing today, the winners of tKe
two automobiles, the diamond ring, and the
eleven casi prizes offered in the contest
which closjid Saturday, January 5th.
The names of the winners are shown on
this page! " . :
Elach Contestant's records have Keen
carefully checked and credited and they are
correct as 4nnounced.
The Final Standing of the
Candidates and ttef
rrizes Won
IThanksto All
The Oregon Statesman de
sires to tate this opportunity
of congratulating the winters
and thanking j them for j the
splendid woflt lin making the
contest the wonderful Buccess
it has been. :
' 1 7 -
To those whb have worked
hard during thie weeks ot the
contest, and failed to. win one
of the large awards, we extend
our sympathy. It
that the Oregon
is a fact .
could not give an automobile
to but .we are certain that
when the less fortunate ones
take into consideration, in
every battle there are bound to
be wounded, they will not t eel
badly about having lost the
award they most desired, and
strived so earnestly for.
Competition has been kept
clean and friendly, and the
contest has gone oyer in a big
The Most jSuccessM Campaign Ever
Conducted for Grculation in Oregon
(Outside the. City of Portland)
The winners lot the two au
tomobiles, ' and; the diamond
ring, may 'call! at Tha States
man office for their prizes.
Contestants winning cash priz
es will receive their checks
through the mills.
The Iff per cent cash com
mission will be paid to all non
prize iwinners in accordance
with the rufes of the" contest.
These checks will also be sent
out very' shortly.
Standing r Candidate '' ): Votes
1 Hazel Peetz, Turner, Ore. . .', .120,8,19,0?'
New! Overland Champion Sedan (Value. $8$5,0):
2 Mrs. A. L. Beckendorf, 2237 Nebraska Ave.. . .1,413,3S5
i Chevrolet Touring Car (Value 125.00.) ;
Mrs G. N. Thhompson, Route 8. Salem. Ore.. . 8,186,060
Diamond Ring (Value S7S.00) ' .
Ilenry Klossan, 645 Ferry, Salem, Ore.. ... .." 7,663,211
S50.00 In Gold
Glenna Russol, Marion, Ore.
' . . $25.00 in Gold ...
Rayford Ely, 147 Marion. Salem, Ore.
y- S 15.00 in Gold .. . v -Evelyn
Cummings, 1357 N. Winter. Salem," Orel
' $10.00 in Gold
Nellie Mitchell, Whitehouse Restaurant ... ..V
$5.00 in Gold :
BUI Huntt Fire Station, Salem, Ore. . . . v. .
$5.00 in Gold " "
Harry Plant, Armory, Salem, Ore . . .
, , $5.00 In Gold " '
Miss A. M. Luthy, 1497 S. 13th, Salem, Ore.V
$5.00 in Gold
Olaf Blixeth, 545 N.' 21st, Salem, Ore.t . . .
$5.00 in GoW '
Joseph Berchtold, Mt. Angel, Ore.
$5.00 in Gold
Katherine Hileman.-1804 Waller, Salenv Ore..'
$5.00 in Gold: .
John Varley, 569 Electric.1 Saiem, Ore. ... . 3,140,720
Nellie Paumala. 806, N. High. Salem, Ofe.... 3,073.300
Clara Wiley, Aumsville, Ore. .......... 2 856 000
Mamie Denison, DaUas, Ore.
Mrs. aiuuer. siiverton.i pre. 2tz,tto
uuutui mitt, mi DtunawBT. saiem. Ore.. s ?fl 7Rft
21 ; Blanche M, Gough, Mehama. Ore. . . . 1.862 280
11 'Z. erry. Salem. Ore. i;?!""
m .
Many contestants have ex
pressed .the .desire . that we
thank their friends who co
operated 'with them by giving
them substantial subscriptions
and t asslsing - fam in " their
campaign 'for totes. Without
t these.- . ' friends I the campaign
iwoiild -not have been the suc
cess, it was.? Ytifi trust that the
winners of the various awards
' will enjoy them to the utmost;
that they will be a satisfaction
! and a nleaanra - tn thara
' .many r day.'
The Statesman is proud of -:
the hearty cooperation that
has been given i el carrying the
campaign to the highest pin- -nacle
of success that has - ever
been attained by a similar en
terprise! in this sectUDn; Fair
ness to everybody was big
factor ;in tiis: success, t ;
"All contestants were oh an
even basis and the , ultimate
winners achieved their victory
throgUr laying put forth; the
best efforts. Hustle along was
the winning quality. Moreover,
the campaign acted aaj a spun
to ambition and proved a valu-
forv r able t experience to aH .vhe
took part in it. . . .
24 MauricevMcCoy.4507 Fairgrounds, Salenv brel 34l'00
. , v.k iiuijwu, ute..... l.Z 6.320
26 Margaret WalK Jefferson. Ore." ....... T I fg4?Sflo
27 - Edward Lewis, 224 N. llTth, Salem. Ore.'. !!v! 1 176 ft
28: Howard Newgent. Z37 S. lth. SaWm. Orvlii A lts!c00
29 RUfhard Hirsch.11335 Madison. Saienure. . 1 1 800
li-i! frrEschleman, 176 S. Com'L; Salem oSljoo
John Edwards, 295'N: 15th, Salem, Ore
Erol' Reid Hubbard, Ore. . V j ,t i. .
J. F. . Young, Shaw, Ore. . . . , . .'. . , i . ' .'
Ruth Brady. 1555 N. Capitol. Salem, Ore. . ;
Eunice Johnson, 1525 Highland. Salem Ore
Faith Gilmer. 332 N'lith si Z?J ure,"V
89 Mrs. Tlorence Hochberg, Monmonth. Ore!
4 1 Grace Darling, Rt. 8. Salem, Ore.
42 Mabel'Menenhah Gerraia n
4 Robert - Turn ball, Rt.- . &alm .
II Sin09 2U? NJ ChnrcW Saiem: OrV. " 5 ! J
45 Edwin Harper-Gervaia. nr Tt.'t..
46 He?ry.M!!rb::;:::;:;:::
t Et0r thank,
for tho splendid cooperation, o ih contestants,
. Never before in her contest experience has hn m
fplunch or PrU
intng to give and take and abide by the mrttZ-JZ 8onI
Deal For AU."The Contest Editor. , . T" A Square
760,200 '
720,200 .