The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 08, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    ; laaued Daily Exempt Monday y
S15 Heath Commercial
. President '
, 'wwti or m ASS601ATXD nxss v"
Tne Aeaoetatad- Vea tae-acraaively-entitled to the ma for ponBeatk. f all
aewe dtapetchee credited to it r Mt ethtrviao credited la laia pope ad ilio Ue
torsi BW pubUn)i4t herein, .
R. 1. Hendricks
John I. Brady
Freak Jaakoeki
' BUSINESS OmCU: - . '
Tneenee T. CUrk Co, Krv York, 14114 5 Wet 8Sth Bt.; C&icnffo, jnardnette Build-
v lag, W. 8. Orothwahl. Mcr.
(Portland Offiee, 301 Worcester Dldj, l'booe 6G3T Illtoadirnj, 0. r .4 William,, Mcr.)
u 13 Circa la ties Offio
JI106 Society Editor
Buslnene Of f ieo 1 .
Vtwi DfpartmMt .
i Jos Dtpartam
Inland at the Poatoffleo ia Balaam,
We are hearing a great deal now about oyerVproduetibif,
I and the possible over, production soon of various Oregon crops;
including loganberries, prunes, pears, apples, cherries, etc. j even
j including dairj products.- , ' ' ;v ; , .-.v
; '.' There is no. such thing . . . .
i There is in some cases under distribution, and in others the
'production of things not up to the high standards of quality
of which our soil and showers and sunshine, and brains and
brawn, are capable. .
There are markets available for all the loganberries we
raise, or are likely to raise but there must be organization and
persistent and intelligent development of the lharkets.
And all the 99.6 per cent dairy products we may prepare
' are likely to grow can be sold, and, at fair prices.
, Our high quality apples never go begging, and never will
And the same ia true as to our quality pears .
r And, our quality -cherries . . '
' , ' And all t he99.6 per ?ent dairy products we may prepare
and send to the consumers who" are waiting for them.
. There may be over production of scrub fruits, of small
sizes, -and inferior, quality; and there! may be too much poor
cream and butter and cheese1 made ?
.V';:uttiiothihgt'imd):dItbiiti6n will put a crimp into
any of our industries that bit the high places. Intelligent co
operation on the part of out people on the land and our people
who take the products of the land and prepare them for the
' markets of the world, and seek out and exploit such markets,
will 'iron out all difficulties; will result in placing our people
inconstant touch with the people all over the world who will
ta&e what we have to offer in quality products, and will pay.
sueh prices as will make the production and preparation of them
alike permanently remunerative. ' '
- Ji'orget'about the bugagod of over production. Major on
distribution of quality -products. . , . .
. v 7 V'.,-Pi?y-'Cniuty Enterprise, Brazil, Ind.) "
t We lay: down this proposition and c lallengc any free trader
to prove that it is untrue. The tariff jh wheat has helped the
wheat farmers of the United; States becausc-the price of. wheat
in the, United States is higheif than it is in any -wheat pr-oducing
country in the world which does not depend upon other coun
tries to supply the demand which its own production 1$ inade
quate to supply. It is higher than in jCanada, higher than in
Afge-nTma, higheMhair in Australia, i r -4
If free traders want an opportunity to prove that the tariff
on wheat is of no benefit to the American wheat growers, let
them prove thai our statement is untruej If they cannot do that,
they Should "ever after hold their peace."
T ' ; t ' i"
Wewpnder whether the wool men who are now benefiting
from a Hepuhlicantarif f want to go back 'to- the days of - '19 and
'20vhen wool jhad no market price and sheep were selling for
less than a good laying hen, and we also wonder if these same
men will go up and vote fora:free trade Democrat in the next
election. ArlingtonTex., Industrial Dixie. -
,.- II . ,I.,HI IP ! I. .-I..- I II ...
. ' THE PEACE AWARD" " " '
. : ! -
-The Bok peace, award has cre
ated' tremendous interest largely
because the world is tired of. war,
Tis, is not a paciflcst sentiment,
but the sentiment of . upstanding
mea men who believe their lives
and-their brothers' Uvea are too
valuable to be shot away'; in war.
A referendum on th award has
been ordered. The! 'referendum'
makes no account of prejudice,
but is a 'mobilization' of the public
opinion tor peace: . . Tb Oregon
Statesman . will carry the ; ballot
and aska -Its readers, after care
fully reading the article publish
ed elsewhere In this Issue, to pass
judgment on the sufficiency of the.
- tame. t , ' ;-- -
" In a number of cities there Is an
organized effort to,, secure a large
roteU 1 Mayors araV asking, tthelr
citizens to vote for the "referen-
. dum.'.'.:'... .: i n. ',:..-: "
A telegram received today from
Cleveland contains in 100 words a
tremendous order for plans and
allots1 for that eity, aloBeti The
Federation of Women's clubs of
Cleveland -orders 40,000 copies,
the Cleveland Federation' of Labor
; orders . S5,(00 j" the1. Cleveland
Cooneit of Women for the Pre
ventioii ot i War orders and
509; ballot iboxes; the': Business
Women's club of . Cleveland orders
1,000 a post ot the American Lef
gion orders L230r f three-4 Catholic
priests trder 2,500; the Cleveland
public library' ordera 500, the City
club of Cleveland .1,500 copies; ;
,Thb " telegram 4 from Cleveland
rioses Jwlth ; ' 1 statement .-.that ' the
announcement of tho "referendum"-
were -made in all Protest
anf ehurchci Sunday and that 40,
00 copies of the plan and ballots
h 111 be placed the theaters, mov
' ini picture" houses i and hotels;
Th h telegra m Jil'ustrates ; the uni
fiOdr' prciaratloV for the "rereren
dtim" beinj niade In varlotis elties.
; la Syracuse '. the fc.hani'bers of
commerce ' Viil not only take the
"refvrcndom,,! " among f Us own
niombcrs; but has arranged for
luncheon meetings' to be held by
tl ; Ittrytao Optimists, the K
. . ... Alt Ik
St, SaJ em, Oreffon
, Secretary , .... '. ' .Vlco-Pouajdant
. ' Hanafex
: Editor
Kuifn Jon Pop.
Oregon, aa socoad-easa aaattar.'
Civic' Forum, etc. The ' pastor of
the First Presbyterian church will
broadcast the plan." '
v Through the American Council
on Education, arrangements have
been niade to VaV'e uriiversUies and
colleges take the "referendum"
not only among the faculty but
among the students, to the .num
ber of 700,000, Some of the col
leges and universities are taking
the "referendum" not only In the
college but in the, town as well;
as, for instances Mt. Holyoke,
which will conduct the "referendum-
throughout South Hadley.
'; All of the churches of the coun
try are taking it up and are en
listing their influences in the way
of peace. The Union of the Am
erican Hebrew congregations has
enlisted itself for the "referen
dum." - JThe National Catholic
Welfare council has presented the
referendum" to all its constitu
ent bodies. It is so all over the
country. The . larger concerns, ho
tels, banks, department stores, in
surance companies, all show the
inconvertible evidence that it is
fundamental to the American
peace. The peace award was made
by - men 'high in statesmanship.
the jury of awards.: for, instance,
consisted, of Elihu Root." James
Guthrie Harbord, Edwin M. House,
Ellen F, Pendleton, Roscoe, Pound,
William Allen White and Brant
Wnitlock. These have made the
award as outlined in our news
columns today,, 4 J
" For the purpose of proving that
Oregon Is on the road to ruin be
cause it adopted the Income tax.
the Portland papers are hofdlng
up to tho world the ruination, of
Wisconsin. There Isn't a sensible
man iu Oregon who would not like
to havo our state ruined precisely
aa Wisconsin was ruined. In the
last 20 years Wisconsin has been
in the limelight politically, yet
economically it baa.' made more
progress than any other state In
the union, , with the possible ex
ccDtlon of North - Carolina. , Tho
articles telUnK.'Of the ruination jit
t he state p ubl is heTlliona1T'"i'tTt
say that Wisconsin is prosperous
and the people are happy. Wis
consin has a larger per cent of
prosperous farmers than any other
state in the union, and farming
is the basis of all our wealth. Ore
Kon is not going to be deterred by
false "conclusions 'not followed by
the facts.
After consulting with the best
minds in the country' and working
hard for. a year, Secretary Mellon
produced a scientific tax reduc
tion program. Without any spe
cial thought the Democrats have
presented an opposing program.
The Mellon program' is carefully
digested and scientifically worked
out. and the other 1s a happy-go-lucky,
hit-or-miss attempt to be
little the issue that confronts the
The Mellon plan" is sensible and
workable and does not injure any
interest, while relieving all inter
ests as much as possible from over
burdens of taxation. The demand
all over the country for the Mel
lon program cannot be resisted by
The Oregon Statesman is not
making war on tobacco, but it
does insist that boys should not
smoke cigarettes illegally, or any
other way, for that matter. The
tobacco companies insist that they
would, .obey a fair law. Oregon
has a fair law and it is not obey
ed. When the anti-cigarette law
was enacted in Kansas the tobacco
companies insisted that they were
ia favor of a law preventing the
sale to minors. They have such
a law in Oregon and it is not en
forced properly. The shortsight
edness of the liquor men in under
estimating the prohibition senti
ment ought to teach the tobacco
men not to defy public aeniment.
but to cooperate-to enforcing aay
fair law.
When two men are officers in
the same building day after day it
is not a hard matter for them-to
get together; therefore, the people
have a risht to expect that Gover
nor Pierce and .Secretary of State
Kozer will make a selection for the
reform, school sit.e at an early date
to that the new plans can be
worked out the. eomiag -y-ear.
Yesterday was the birth of Ben
jamin Franklin. Mr. Franklin is
a living proof that -offices do not
make the man. He held offices in
his time, but none of his fame
rests-upon that. His fame rests
upon his substantial contribution
to life and strength of character.
He has been dead many years'and
yet Franklin's fame is as bright
as it was at the time of his death.
R. "H; Croker of Baker is de
termined to connect with some job
and his chief qualification .seems
to be that he was a cousin to the
late President Harding. There is
something wrong.
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
Copyright 1921. by Newspaper
Feature Service. Inc.
'! Well, old dear!"
Dicky looked up lazily from the
rustic veranda of our bungalow as
I came up the steps.. I had Just
left Lillian, and my imagination
was still running riot with the
dramatic episode she had related
to me, and the still more dramatic
possibilities Of the things she had
left unsaidi Dicky's drawling
tones brought 'me to earth with a
jerk, and I looked into his quizzi
cal eyes with a confusion I could
not hide.
"Would it be too much temer
ity, on the part of a mere man to
inquire s to the result of the se
cret session?" he asked gibingly.
"I trust the romper pattern was
satisfactory." -
Until I heard the reference from
his lips I had completely forgotten
that I had made the copying of a
romper design my excuse for ask
ing to see Lilln before her drive
with Robert Savarin. I was fur
ions with myself for the embar
rassed flush I could not control,
especially a 1 knew from Dicky's
tono and look that he had fath
omed mr ruse. I have learned in
tho last year to my surprise that
Dicky sometimes Jealously resents
the confidences which Lillian and
I share, and I quickly resolved to
tell him everything that I could
honorably ot .tho conversation . I
had Just, quitted. : . i i ,
4 "i thouffht you'd .cot -that:-; I
suui lanEliix'Zf A-u.rwMuiB-.iii!
the romper pattern is non-existent,
but I hope Robert doesn't
share your intuition."
Dicky is Observant.
"Don't worry," Dicky advised
indolently. "He has room for on
ly oue emotion this morning, and
that's jealousy of the stalwart
military gent who just left us. I
don't envey old Lil her drive this
VVbat ouuht to do," he went
on, 'frowning, "is to give that sol
emn old goat a swift solar plexus
and - knock ome of the archaic
ideas out of him. Dob's a great
artist. Whenever 1 think of his
work I feel like getting down and
knocking my head three times
against the floor and waiting for
pormistiioii to speak. Dut, as I
believe I've told you before, he
belongs on a pedestal. When he
comes down to earth and begins
to dabble in human emotions and
affairs he's out of the picture, al
loc same. all. other great men.
There ought to be a law locking
each of tbem up in an isolated
beautiful garden." .
I stared at Dicky in amVnient.
"Then you know he dlskYOrl her
going in Col. Travers'w iotor
car," I stammered.- fyt
"Know it!" echoed pttwi "It
didn't take sleuthing or psychic
ability to discover that, lie look
ed exactly as if he were one of the
victims of the Inquisition, and
they had just begun to light the
slow fire under the gridiron. I
hope your warning to Lil was ef
fective, so she'll know bow to al
lay his wrath."
"When Do We Go?"
"I trust it was,"
murely, determined
ilreplied de
nox to humor
him by exclaiming again over his
undeniably clever guessing or in
sight I did not know which to
term it. "I tried to tell her ev
erything she ought to know about
his injured feelings. ' But. I've
something more interesting to tell
you. Smith hasn't been caught
Dicky's eyes danced with glee
ful mischief as he -gave me a long,
teasing look.
- ."Tin vnn a!1 fhaf tiott-o'" ho
asked. "My dear child, you're aU
least three red-ink editions be
hind schedule. I had the infor
mation you are giving out several
minutes before you did. I am
afraid' you rnusC yield the palm as
a news-bringer to "
"Ted CosgrovelV. I-inadvertently
completed his sentence with the
name of the boy whom I had com
pletely forgotten. He had return
ed with Col.- Travers, and, of
course Dicky and the Cosgroves
"had learned from him everything
of which he had personal knowl
edge;. ,Fdr a second or two I was
chagrined- at the turn things had
taken, then relief swept roe.. .1
need tell Dicky nothing more, but
could, take refuge in pretended
playful pique.
'.'I'll bes glad to doff to him my
new fall dhapeau which I haven't
bought yet," I laughed, "for he's
saved me a lot of breath. Do yfiu
think they'll catch Smith?"
Very nirty bunt that," Dicky
answered cryptically, gazing stead
ily at me until I flushed crimson
and was furious with myself for
doing so. "But keep your little
kecrets, old dear. You haven't got
anything worth very much, I'll
gamble on- that. Lil's off on one
of those nose-to-the-ground stunts,
as old Harry used to call 'cm, and
I have a little fancy that swhat
news she spills wouldn't keep any
reporter in oyster crackers. When
do we go from hcah, old deah -when
do ye go from heah?"
"You mean you want to go
home?" I stammered.
"Go to the head of the class!
Your answer is perfect."
"We can go any day," I return
ed slowly. "I can pack in a couple
ot hours. But I'd rather wait till
Dicky smiled in superior fash
ion. "Till our respected friend, Miss
Dean, vamooses, I suppos," he
(To be continued)
(Continued frontpage 1)
consent of the council, and the
solemn obligation is now oursto
see that the laws are faithfully ex
ecuted. Our police staff should
be composed of men of sterling
character, men who commend the
respect of their fellow citizens, and
who regard their oath of office as
something sacred. In enforcing
the laws they should always be
courteous, but firm, and their con
duct at alt times should be such
as will command due respect for
the law. As an executive officer
it Is the duty of every police of
ficer to -enforce the law, and this
he should do strictly and Imparti
ally, without fear or favor.
Traffic Casualties Deplored
"There are entirely too many
Irarfic accidents occurring in this
city. With Salem's wide streets
and relatively light traffic there Is
no excuse for the greater number
Of traffic accidents which have be
come a daily occurrence. I am of
the opinion that 4 more rigid en
forcement of the traffic laws and
heavier penalties imposed by the
court upon tboH found cuilt'y f
traffic violations would .very
materially reduce the number "ot
accidents.; . ; ' ; '
"In connection with the, subject
of law enforcement I wish to lay
special stress" upon the "enforce
ment (of the prohibition law . and
lo emphasize tho importance its
sVrict enforcement, both upon its
own merit and for the additional
reason that lax enforcement breeds
contempt for all law and threatens
to undermine the very foundations
upon which our government rests.
I also make special 1 reference to
the unlawful sale of cgarettes to
minors and urge upon all police
officers of the city the strict en
forcement of this law, tho pur
pose of which is to! protect and
preserve the health and morals of
the' youth of our city.
Charter Too Lenient
"The time; ha3 come when, in
my opinion, the charter should be
amended so as to increase the
limit which the charter now places
on fines and imprisonment for
violation of city ordinances! The
limit now provided by charter is a
fine not exceeding S100 and im
prisonment not exceeding 2j) days.
This charter limit was fixed in
the early days of Salem's govern
ment and at that time was doubt
less sufficient, but conditions have
greatly changed since then, Sa
lem has grown from a village until
she is now a city of 22,000 popu
lation, and with this growth has
come the important obligation of
enforcine such laws as are neces
sary for the preservation of the
health, peace, safety and weWare
of a city of this size. I believe
the need for. this amendment is
apparent to all who have given
the matter consideration, and I
therefore recommend to you that
a charter amendment be submit
ted to the voters by the council
during the year for the purpose
of materially raising the present
fine and imprisonment limitation.
W ould Cliock Up On Licenses
"The matter of licensing pool
halls and rooming houses Is one
which I trust j will receive the
most careful consideration by this
council during the present year.
Each application for a license, be
fore being granted, should be re
ferred to the proper committee for
personal investigation and recom
mendation should be withheld un
til the committee is entirely satis
fied that the applicant is a fit and
proper person to conduct the busi
ness for which he desires a license.
We owe it to the public to see to
it that such places of business are
conducted by persons of integrity
and good character, and as mayor
of Salem 1 shall do all within my
power to promote the good moral3
of our city.
"The efficiency of our fire de
partment has been materially in
creased by the addition ot the
new pumper which the voters
a-uthorized this council to pur
chase. The department, however.
is sadly in need of ladder1 equip
ment, and this matter should be
given careful consideration by this
body ami an effort made to supply
the" department. "with- this mnch-.
ireetfed equipment.-
"With the addition of sufficient
ladder equipment Salem will have
a fire department fully equipped
to safeguard the lives and proper
ty of its citizens. '
Street Department Paiietl
"The street improvement depart
ment is another important depart
ment of our city and has just clos
e'd a year of very active work dur
ing wbich nearly tnne miles of
streets have been paved. The or
ganization of this department was
authorized by the people in 19H
and has been the means for laying
many miles of excellent pavement
at a minimum of cost to the prop
erty owners. It is our important
duty to maintain this department
and its equipment to the highest
degree of efficiency and it should
be our aim to lay the best pave
ment at the least cost possible to
the property owners. In this con
nection I wish to refer briefly to
the expense of paving intersections
which the charter now provides
shall be paid by the city. Some of
our members have expressed
doubt as to whether the council
shoud continue the present active
paving program and thus increase
the already heavy burden .which
the taxpayers are now carry'ng
by adding to the heavy indebted
ness already incurred ftor inter
section costs. The question is an
important one and worthy of care
ful consideration. As representa
tives ot the people we should
faithfully endeavor to carry out
their wishes which in this instance
they clearly expressed as it seema
to me, in the charter amefldnient
approved by the voters of Salem
May 21, 1920, in which they pro
vided that the cost of improving
all street and alley intersections
shall be assumed by the city of
Salem. Provision at the same-time
was made for bonding the inter
section costs which clearly indi
cates that the people w;ere desir
ous pf making ample provision for
financing the cost of improving
the intersections. L therefore, ie
leve that the council should pro
ceed with the improvement of
streets as petitioned for by the
property owners unless there is
some valid objection other than
the expense to the city for im
proving intersections.
( leaning Equipment inadequate
"The work of our st reet depart
ment has beenrapidly growing 4n
account of the greatly, increased
amount of pavement until it lias
now become a problem how we
are to keep' the streets or the city
clean with the limited funds which
arc available Tor that purpose. An
clTort bhould be made to provide
our street department with mod
ern equipment for street cleaning
purposes as- the present equipment
ia antiquated and ill adapted to
efficient work. Furthermore, the
present equipment is expensive in
(is ' operation and iu my opinion
the saving whfeV coahJU be rcal-.
The Boys and Girls Statesman
I The Biggest Little Paper In the World i
T o Do
Copyright, 1023, Associated Editors.
.. hwtn-v ftwyT0 CHINA FDR. A CUP OF TEA
v Weytrjed while JAUNTING
"The longest way round is the shortest way to 6pell a queue,"
said the Jigedy with the next-longest braid, changing a trifle the old
saying. And by that he merely meant that the course of travel the
Jigedies took on their Oriental tour spells something. You can find
ont what by tracing with your pencil a line through the following
towns: ' : -
Starting at Yungnan, go to Canton, on: to Changchau, to Fuchau
to Hangchau to Hsuchau to Kaifong to iSingan to Chungking t9
Kweiyang on to Yungnan To" make the tail, go from Yungnan to
Changchau to Taichu on the island in the; ocean. . There you. bare
proof that China has not yet heard the news that bobbed hair is the
Ized by the use of moaern equip
ment would pay for the interest
and depreciation on same and
leave a -prof It.
"I wish also to impress upon
you the importance or giving prop
er consideration to the needs ot
the outlying districts of our city,
for as all sections contribute their
share in taxes to assist in defray
ing the expenses ot city govern
ment, so each section is. entitled j
to. participate proportionately in
the benefits , to be derived from
such government.
Weed Nuisance Kappcil
"In marked contrast with tfre
beautiful flowers and well kejjt
lawn are the weeds which are
to-be seen each summer upon the
vacant lots in Cur pity. Some sys
tematic plan shoad be devised to
abate the weed ndisance which is
not only a disgrace to our city but
a gross imposition; on our citizens
who take a laudable pride in the
beautification of their homes.
"Another important subject is
that of sanitation The responsi
bility is our3 to sfre that our city
is kept dean and? healthful. Our
budget provides tle'sum of $24,
600 for the construction of new
sewers during the present year:
With the rapid growth which our
city is making thia sum will not
be adequate and 1 believe it should
be the policy of this council to
construct Bewers where the great
est number of people will be serv
ed and thus render the greatest
possible service with the funds
Would Eliminate Garbage Dump
"A sanitary method of dispos
iug of the city's garbage should
be -devised and consistently fol
lowed so that the place of its dis
posal may not be a source of con
tamination to. the rest of the city.
I desire to impress upon you the
urgent necessity for prompt and
effective action on this matter so
that the unsanitary condition
which has. existed in the past may
be speedily removed. :
"For a number of ; years Salem
has done little in the way of per
manent bridge construction and
some of our main bridges have al
ready reached the point where it
will soon be necessary to replace
them and it will be the wisest
economy, in my opinion, to re
place them with modern perma
nent structures. This will re
quire a considerable sum of mon
ey and can probably be best pro:
vfded by the issuance of bonds. I
commend this matter to you for
your careful consideration.
Better Cump Grounds Favored
"Our auto camp ground is a
civic enterprise In which we should
all of us take an active interest.
With efficient management this
camp ground can be made self
supporting. It can at the same
time be so improved and made so
attractive and comfortable ; for1
tourists that Salem will be herald
ed far and wide on account of the
hospitable atmosphere " of its
camp ground. This is one of Sa
lem's real assets and wo should
strive, as far as possible, to pro
mote Us ust'Tulucss. A comfort
able and attractive camp ground
will induce thousands of tourists
to stop in our cit,y during the sum
mer months,' many of whom will
return to establish permanent
home in Salem and vicinity.
"Au appropriation of $M) has
been provided in the 1921 budset
for the establishment of a child
ren's playground. Thi appropria
tion was made purfuaut, to author,
ity granted by the voters of Sa
lem some years, ago and . will bo
uuder the direct supervision of a
playground board consisting of
three members to be appointed by'
the mayor. The Importance of anl
ottkieutly managed children's
playground I believe cannot be
over-estimated. - The benefits
which the children of Sclera, will
receive from, the supervised play
will be far in excess of the cost
to the citizens of Salem. ; Let us
all take a personal interest in see
ing that this playground is made
an unqualified saeoess.
Bad Films Are Hit
"The welfare of our youths
should ever be given . first consid
eration and in this connection I
wish to. comment briefly on the
motion picture shows and ita in
fluence on tho children. While I
am happy to say. that. tho great
majority of pictures thrown upon
the screens in this eity afford
wholesome entertainment to the
public, there are, nevertheless, too
many .which tend to give young
people, the., .w.rpug. perspective on
life. Such pictures are. positively
harmful and indirectly contribute
to the-moral delinquency- of many
of our young people. vThte is a
subject which should receive spe
cial consideration during the com
ing year by our local board ot
"During- the paL year by direction-
of the city council- a sur
vey was made with a view to se
curing for Salem an adequate sup
ply of pure mountain water. While
the report of the engineer employ
ed to make this survey has not yet
been -filed- It will show that an
abundant supply of pure moun
tain waiter .can be obtained from
the Santiam river withtn a dis
tance of 33 miles. There Is noth
ing more essential to the welfare
'of any community than an -abun
dant supply of good pure water
and a- municipally owned water
plant furnishing such water to the
citizens of Salem at a reasonable
cost would be an invaluable asset.
I commend this matter 'to you for
youc.most careful consideration
during the year.
"Our budget for 1921 provides
for an expenditure of 1223,000. In
the disbursement of this sum we
should exercise all the economy
possible consistent .with. efficiency.
We must take care at all times
to see that the credit, of our city
remains unimpaired. The city
should not be permitted to assume
any financial obligation unless at
the same time a way is clearly
and definitely provided for dis
charging the samo upon its ma
turity. "In conclusion I wish again to
express to each of yon my appre
ciation for your loyal cooperation
during the work of the. past. year.
I am looking forward with- keen
interest to tho work of the new
year. May we enter upon it with
Cause for Serious Thought
IT is estimated that 70 orcctal
cancer is due to the continual
irritation from neglected Piles,
ftrc pks, as well as present
ill-health, warrant skilled atten
tion if you are 'suffering with a
Rectal or Colon disorder. .
I have been a Rectal and Colon
Specialist for many years and it is tbia
UCCUsfuI uki-U . LI
. r in-ii -enables me
to confidently GUARANTEE to cure
ywi ucs or rcrund
I your
Writ. taiayr
of Fun
- - -"- , .
Edited tr John 1L MlUer.
What is that noise In Washing
ton. D. C, that sounds like tho
crash and clatter of broken china
and glassware? Why it's 'only
I'ucle Sam investigating dish
breakage by smashing up some
few thousand samples of crockery
to determine their durability a
very add proceeding, but a very
sensible one. ,
A hotel in Chicago spends $25,
000 annually for dishes because its
old ones ge broken. Other hotels
have reported that the purchase
of new dishes is a big item of exr
pen sc. so the American Hotel as
sociation is cooperating with tho
government in an investigation to
discover the reason why china
At the national ceramic labora.
torie s In Washington the tests are
being made. Building glass is al
so being surveyed for wind and
waterpresstire.' The report of the
investigation will help architects
who design ' aqnariums and other
structures, where plate glass Is un
der .pressure. Five thousand sam
ples of plate glass have been tested-
- for- - transverse and lateral
' China and glass that stand the
sterilization test of six hours of
boiling will probably be able to
bear up under the dish-washing
machines ' of hotels and restau
rants. German and French Im
ported china that has been tried
out 'at the. labpratories has proved
to be inferior, to crockery niade in
the United States, for the crush
ing machines In most cases have
quickly smashed the foreign sam
plas. . .
wholehearted enthusiasm without- .
any. partisan .spirit, realizing that. .
our's is the duty to serve nonesry
and-efficiently - our constituents
without regard to creed or party'
affiliation. , - ' . '
"1 hope and trust that the work !
of this year may be a success in '
every respect." v ' '
Remarkable nw- tratmnt steps
Mkeumatiem er- Newritie la My .
fen. Very wafet caeee relieved at
nee. Thousands sf sures repsHt.
Me Ased .for anyone te suffer. Ask
any druggist for 'Allen's TKew -,
matie Treatment," la Tablet Perm.
?r61 tl pM ' bait.' ' All druggists
sarry It. Hart M. Allen Labera-
lories, Mfrs, Bex 140, Use Angeles,
; ;
January's: Tuf da y Jacfcuon day.'
January. 8 and, iBnefit abov at
Grand theater for Albertiae- Ktrr Baby
nome. i
Jannary 6-13 International week el
prayer. . 1 ' . .
January 9. 'Wadnttday Initallatioa el
fftrtra, IOOP. .-
Jannary 10, 11 and 12, Coanty Jndfea
and coaunjMioafra of Ortgom te meet is
Salotn. .
January It. JVidajr- Boxing rSmoker at
artaory.- - rail -Bayes sod Benny lHUoa
in maia event.
January It; Friday Carol Robinson,
pianist. First Christian church, aaapictl . -CWm
Music, club. ' -
January 14, Monday Annual lantroa : -of
4be Marion-Follc County JUalty saao
eiation. ...... '"
January 14. 'Monday Pr. Ira Landrlth,
LU., Marion County - Chrutian Endea-Tor-
Union i
Jinn, r. 1 S. TnMdavTTftnlla Vma
ial campaign epena in Oregon.
Majr 16, Friday Primary election in
Orejfon. '
January 16, Wfdoesday - rotnonn
Gransa meeti in Salaui. "
January 17-34 National Thrift Weak,
obaerred- totally.
January 19.. Satnrday Meeting of de
tartmfnt officers, administration council
and pt commander, Yet era ni ot For
eipn War. - - -.
Febnurr J 3. Bntnrday Dedleatlea ' of '
Utne "The Circuit &idar." ta-steti
bona i grntiada.
March. 13. 14 and 15 State Intar
scholaratie backelball tournament, Wil
lamette gym nation..-
Cap'n Zyb
Three more good books today
for you fellows who like to read.
Robert Louia terenson's "Th
Clack Arrow" Is first; on tho list
and It is an exciting story of "Mer
rio . England"' ot long go. There
are flshts and chasv4 and plots
j'ist boilins oyer frm cover to
cover. . - ; .-
"Wbile Fang" ione of Jack
London's great nation about a
dog. Say, boy. lOou want to
hear about a dog that is a dog.
rcaa tnis. Ktory.
I .think that Rudyard Kipling's ;
"Kira". la the -best book of the
three and the one which most of
you fellows Will like tho best. It '
is a story of i boy in far away
India a very active, inri mi tot.
wlttcd boy.
- for STEVSttSOH'
WHjfc 1 fV, I BY '
FAf'I 1 Or? I JACK ; i
::: jpl
ti t- Zonta University: . club the