The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 05, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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Zt reducing the cort- ot your table '
supply. ; Be-guided by the ad cm
our Groccrjr page tich runs erery ,
Saturday morning. '
It's not much work to write up
classified ad-U doesiTt take long
to set it But It is read, by" many,
many people-; the results are sure
and the cost Is nominal, .
SHVENTY-THIRD YEAR 1 ' ' fcAT.TP.M nprcnnM siTrmnAV Mnijwrwni TAwrtABvcf ni ' : , r ,i ! . - - ; - , ; wtrt, ;
ft '
y v
P. -
Radio 1 Concert rleard ? Bv
MUOaiea UTOUP 90 FeetaudItor'8 office at this Gretna
Below Surface in Hudson GreeVf th,e w8t " 11 hasJ
River Tunner
Workers, Under Water CanITorcei twlce- Both 130
Pflrrv Pnrohlo Co Pr marriages had been dlrorced.
Carry Portable Set to Com-
municate With Shore v
(By Tas Asaodated fnu)
NEW TORK, Jan. 4. Huddled
In a dripping tunnel, 90 feet te-
low the surf ace of the Hudson
river and 1600 feet from an exit.
a group of ; transit , officials, elec-
trlcaj experts, "sand , h0gs"; and
newspapermen today tuned. In on
; radio .concerts broadcast T from 1
Fittsburgh and a halt dozen near-1
er stations. . : ,7 j I
, Tne experiment was conducted
at the farthest end of the nncom-1
pie ted. Jersey-Manhattan tube of I
the dual vehicular tunnel by tech-
niclans of the radio corporation
of America, the Westlnghouse
Electrical manufacturing company
and the New York and New Jer
sey bridge and tunnel commis
sions.' ' . ... i '
The radio programs were heard
distinctly, both by. ear phone and
loud speaker. The fact that the
ether vibrations carried into, the
TZZEr..Zr1 S2
water, 60 feet of earta and several I
y-www-o w. . iopfc., ,
inches of steel, demonstrated, said
those la charge of the experiment,
that the radio could be usedH as a
life line of communication by 'en
tombed miners or deep sea divers.
"This convinces ns that the fu
ture will enable oar divers! and
caiason' workers, whose lives often
are lost, or imperiled;, when the
telephone llne7 ther communicate I
, xeiepnone Jinee taey comnranicMe 1
with sta ivent iwiri to- , earrv I
small portable radio transmitting
leeemug sets mcirwui mtixei
them Independent Ot all ' tth
ineaas ot commnnleaUon," said N.
itx : wnMtH' aaAftarv a ha Kr
York tatA MAm and tannnl com-1
mission wbo instituted
tests. . 5 1
today's I
Chamber of Commerce De.
sires;' Information:" on -;
j Commercial Laws . ;
state- wide legislative' survey, to
determine by contact with business
. men ' and -organisations - through
out Oregon' what 'present laws are
harmfal1 and; what new ones are
r needed will be carried, on during
the comlnsr year ty. the Oregon
state chamber of commerce. The
project was adopted at the annual
meeting of the chamber held, here
todaV.i " Stahilization. of , fcniinesa
and elimination ot legislative cure I
ails .was, tne. announced ; purpose
of the movement-. is .
iE.' T. 'Reed, of Corvallis, and
Jalias .Lk Meier of Portland were
elected to thei directorate' ot the
chamber. j Diroctorg' f reelected
were:- Frank Sloan of Stan field;
Ralph Holte or Vale; Roy T.' Bish
op of Partiahdj'-j; T." Rorfckot
The Dalles: E. B. I tall -of Klamath
Palls; ' U T'Ray of Eugene and
L. D. Drake of Astoria. The
directors wlli meet tomorrow f to
elect officers .for, the year.' .
Several. local. men attended the
meetings of .'state.".; secretaries 7 j of
chambers of commerce - held ; in
Porttaady Friday..- Those ,maktng
the itrip.'trom -Salem were iC.VE.
t "Wilson secretary- ot jihe Chamber
of XJammertejv E. y T. i Barnes,
4 Thomas Bj; Kay, Dr Henry E. Mor
ris and'Ei T. McCroskey; ; . 1 ,
OREGON Fair S a i u r d a y;
-moderate easterly. winds.
-- Friday) t
Maximum temperature, 32,
JHnlmum temperature, 18.'
Wlad, northeast
- Atmosphere, clear. '
Vancouver Licenses Bureau
oays more Lnrorcea women.
I : Than Men Try Again .
VANCOUVER, Wash., Jan. 4.
women are more optimistic in the
matter ot re-marriage after di
vorce than men, as shown by the
on file in the I
come 'termed, Out of more than
2600, marriages performed here
daring last year, 395 of the brides
had been divorced, compared with
233dlTorced bridegroom. Many
oi me -women naa oeen aivorcea
twice and a few had been through
the dtrorce court three times.
few men had been dl
Minor brides were more in evi
dence than minor bridegrooms.
Brides 16 years old were numer
ous, .with a tew only 15, the min
imum age at which a girl, can ob
tain a marriage license In Wash-
ington, even with the consent ot
parent or guardian, .
Leas than 10 per cent of the
licenses were- issued to residents
of i Clarke county. Seventy-five
per cent were issued, to couples
from Oregon. Idaho was third in I
the - number of couples coming; to I
Vancouver if or i marriage licenses I
land . nearly every state . in the I
union' was reported during the
SlaVfif of Sheriff. DunlaD Of
- - . 1
Linn UOUnty, VaOeS 10
ueatn onbiooet
.1 ,ai I . I
George, Parker paid the death
senaltv-demanded hv law t a-as
o'clock Friday morning in the
Bertillon room of the state, prison
for' the killing of Sheriff-W, X'
Dunla ot Una. county oa May
. . ... '
.. ai o;s4 o ciock rarvp
r cropped, through the' trap and
J" - '
pronouncea aeaa. i . y - -
p With one foot ialmost on thi
I threshold-. of the? death;- chamber
Parker e reiterated his
nrfiTtoUH 4
"wmenwH t.nat he- had net re -
ceivect a fair triaAt Albany, oul"ri" -n.,;iu.
that he- held' no maltee against
anyone connected with- his ease.'
Upon request made : by Parker,
Warden A. M. Dalrymple escorted
the small group of IS' men to3 the
cell, in. which Parker was waiting
to" hear the death warrant' read
to him. This In Itself. wa,a pre-
cedent' for never before had all
witnesses' been ; 'present at the
reading ot the last words the con
demned man would hear.
Parker " stood Reside Father
Thomas - V. j Keenan ' Catholic
priest, : with . 1 his arms . folded.
I Father Keenan, murmuring words I
of courage, had, one; arm around
the condemned- man's shoulders.
As each man entered the room he
was. given, a close scrutiny by 1
Parker. To J. E.-UllardL. Linn.
county deputy sheriff, who ar
rested hira, Parker gave a look of
""r10 J 1
Warden- Dalrymple, with a good
hold Pon bhnseif ,i though thia
WM not- only the first execution
h "a8. to witness,' but alsa the
nrst time he ""had the unpleasant
duty, to perform, calmly adjusted
his glasses," and ' in a-clear,' calm
voice, read the death warrant, one
of Parker's requests. ! ; y ;' ; i '
. barker wet bis lips few timris
and paid
the closest attention to
yl, read the reprieves?"
Dalrvmnle asked, V
the reading.
Warden Dalrymple asked.
'That will? not be: necessaryi'
Parker Teplied , - M -' I
Newspapermen who had visited !
I Parker at varions times - prior ito
Itne execution peuovec - Masne -
would- oreaK iinoer tn strain.' "t
tne condemned y- man ; "eeu? tne
jgatnenng.. no snoweu .iew; T,B'tn'1
I signs ot the emotion be must have
ft --; . ' f - - , v
I . ; "ennemen, tnai is not u;1-11
., !.. wu. , ,
pi; is an Doiuw,proonr-uwui i da not j Believe Joseph 1 mobile is not the home ot its own I executive "committee, . B. E. , Mau
Godr Almighty." ;? , sr:;-? yT; ',' UiiyaUachment'.tor'' ine,rvItineverej. amiinay; be searehed atanynin2r . 'Portland: . Mark- Ewald'
Here he-paused for an instant,
ana men evraenuy aaareasiaBxiuicept that he always saia. e ui -
little group of Albany men,- spoke Lm j-qt n0 ma'aW ' was' all, and
to them, fi'v ;' 3 - . . '
I was a poor-nnfortunate-boy
who came Into your little town. I
have' no feeling of vengeance in
my heart" for; any of you, out 1
don't think I had a fair trial. ' 1
have never, said I shoutd be turned
loose, but my trial at" Albany was
ha fair mi . - -
As. he continued, his . talk, thei
tension under which he was bor-
ing oegan to mace an- appearance.
: "From the time- of mr arrest
rust one man has been, my friend.
That'g him. barker stepped back
ap u rwrmantu Vinosejof the miated dingiwe.Diiniude,
Chauffeur Shot Dines, Ask
Pufctlic- to Wait for Corm
pleie Facts
VmOQICn ADflli-r rHM
Censorship Boards- Delutiel
r AnMHimna,- VA
: LOS ANGELES, Jan. 4. Miss
Mabel Normand. motion picture
actress whose chauffeur, Horace
A Greer, shot and seriously
wounded Coartland S. Dines ot
uenver, here New Year's night.
tonight issued from her i hospital
cot an appeal to the American pub-
lie : to - withhold judgment on her
connection with the shooting until
f'alL the facts are known."
Further questioning of Greer
late today elicited from him the
statement that he- bad been try
ing for weeks to get -his hands -on
the pistol and. put it away "where
MIsa Normand could not use it on
Household Worried
Members of the screen actress'
household freouAitlv voiced their
fears that she ' would turn tho
weanonjon herself in one of her
despondent moods, he said!
L .nvthinr Mi Norm hi
llfalll. If kM fMH M h,u!
o ----- -
self had said,". Greer declared that
Mrs. Burns had told him she was
frightened because iliss Normand
had frequently, in ner presence.
tnreatenea to end ner life witn tne
I - r tried to get Mrs., uorns
ratt: M" roM ''s Normahd's j
Ivat secreury) to sneak the
Ui. .nt n k, mnm u. r mum
- w" -
JiJ;L - II3
t I
TT, wm ;TJ , ' .
D.eln8ed wIth telegrams from
i.'''" "aa throughout I the
v s.uI6 uci feiu uii
w ..msu "ft,
went an operation for appendicitis 1
In the same hospital "where Dines
Is; recuperating from a bullet
wound in the lung, responded with
a pabllc statement as follows:
"I 'feel - that 1 am particularly
Unfortunate In reipihg most of the
paouwiy : , wnu.e igeujr.
I am absolutely blameless in the
matter and It'isunjust of the cen-
sors- or , any one else ' to condemn
mie before - they' have heard ray"
story. ;
' . Friend Called
"I . was . packing, the j trimmings
of the Christmas tree in ray hom4no evidenceon which to base a
on . Mew- xears aay wnenv. &om
Purviance, my friend, ;caued mei
up Jandl invited; me to the apart
ment of Conrtiand Dines. 1 wenta check for $10,000. Other corn
to hie apartment and 1 was ; there
but 4 5 minutes when my chant f eir
entered and oegan shooung.
"Nobody was more shocked than
than -1 - at the sound of the shots.
I could not ' conceive ' for the
ment what had ' happened,
rushed out -and Dines said:
i: 1
j plugged.
I. r cannot conceive eitnerjwny
I my chauffeur should f have taxen
I the revolver. I cannot conceive
J why he sneuld have they audacity
'to enter ptf bedfoom and take Hi
No one ever asked him to do it
,he' might brrf ' Mr. Dines his
IHatmaa'.BreiMttUav'pair 6l-ni-
Christraas peBent., pair
tary brusbes."
Dine Kidded Her
"Mr. Dines gottOMdiflg about
Christmas presentst3i: 8
i - joUnsir -that, I' had not. give nun
anything- I told him mat ssanta
cuus had left hla present ott.ine
1 radiator at my home ana tnai i
twnnld. have, Joseph bring; it fover.
lYou see I knew Horace Gree?, ttne
1 chautfeur who snot., umesj w"1?
las.Josepn isuy. ;
I noticed anything" about, him ;e
I ; verv submissive, . and was
l wHUng to do. anything around tneicrtme.
J bouse."
-1 believe he got the gun after
1 telePhoned, aa be said, but I did
not. know, that he.hid it until he
fired these shots. Even then. I
did not recognize it; as' my; auto-
I i.
"There waa no thins I u any. way
j wrong, at, the apartment. There
iwa nothing, n&ti a oariy scu
I tn Kn th imnression. We
1 were lustthree friends, haying,
lauiet . little visit with each other,
Blackened By Fire Equipment I
From Dlxmode Found Oft4
Coast of Sicily
PARIS, Jan, 4. The gasoline
tank, blackened by fire, which was
discorered, recently off. ' Seiflcca, I
Sicily, was part ot tho eQuipment
It was officially .confirmed today I
by, the French ministry of Mar
The tank, which had. been used
on the German Zeppelin Lnll3
was taken aboard' the Dixmude
Just before she left on her latefc
trip. - . ''.jf'
Several simUas tanks were load
ed. into: compartments 40 and ; 45
along the main, gaflgjw or di-
rectly itt th ceater of th dlr,
and erperta in the ralnteW,
believe that in order tor the tank
to get clear of the wreckage,, the
shin, must have broken violently
In "two. " . j
This theory is borne out by Xb9
testimony of persons at Sciacca I
Who saw two balls ot fire fall into f
the sea as though two balloons
were plunging aown in names.
j .
Company Sends Hef Check
fnr CI H HHH ImmoHinolw
' . '
, roiiowing txecuuon ;
LUU1- -ai- ody
Pf Alex els, Lodl butcher, Who
was executed at roisom prison
today . for the murder : last Sep
tember of an aged itinerant work
er; was brought home this after
n.oon for burial beside that of the
man he confessed be killed.
Kela funeral will be held next
j Monday mornings according tb I
ncesent- nlans. " This will- I- the
secona iunerai tne communuynas
given hira. The first was when
tne ooay or tM meservey. tne mas
Ki 1 triiioH waa im tn r.t 1
y . " 'v--f t
n P1"''0 ieservey to worx on
his ranch, shot', him and then
burned the laborer's body In a
navBtacc ana atsappearea to ire
ue impression mat ne naa uiea,,
ima was aone,-accoramg 10 n.eis,
sq mat .ws. .eis mignt collect
more taan 7o,uou in me insur- A Portland delegate was in Sa
ance and straigEten out his af jem yesterday talkinr with the
fairs, which he said were in badltocai innmevmen eonceriiihc the
Kels. disappeared
and was ar-
A( ri-tniw,- 2 at Knroka. Cat.
He refused to employ counsel and
pleaded guilty. He was sentenced
tot death.-
Efforts were made by relatives
and friend to have Governor F.
W. Richardson commute the sen
tence to life Imprisonment but
the governor said" he. could- find '
i commutation.
, shortlv after the execution an
j insurance company sent Mrs. Kels
with which Kels . was in-
J reQv have intimated they would
bav without delay.
fp(aro Court RulfiS Car MaV
. De oearcnea VVIUTOUl
, Warrant
tomobiles believed to be transport-
TrtJTI IVIl . Ctr Tan 1 Alt.
lng, mwrt may be searched with-.
out a search warrant. Federal
ljodge-H. -Deaa decided today to
tBe trlai ot Ernest Utown. who
wa fined 1500 and - his 13000
,,,0 aec:area forfeited in a
I liquor charge: : ,
. 1 Tne court ntMfl tnat tne - auio
- Jiime when an of fleer has-reason to I
i believe it is being used tn tne
ttansportatioo. of liouor ori is an
1 asencv in the commission .of
Brown -was declared by M. E.
j McGilchrist. assisUnt United
states attorney to be. supplying
the exclusive circles of the city
wjtn their, liauor. He waa arrest-
od-Marchl, 1923. when a prohi-
Mii..'..t cm, him A viva n r.
tbe curb, - take a .package from
,ia machine and .start down , the
isireet. ,me agent -aeiauieaiiicneii.Miiimer in ner nome-
i Brown and, made, him drive to the
a customs house where the packagejwaa convicted; of murder in the! ha maae many mend and they
was opened and found to contain
Controversy la Deplored By
New Tork; Rector. Dr.
Leighten Parks
NEW YORK,. Jan. 4.-DecJar-1
ing. that the action of Bishop
Wobrd of Dallas, In calline dtt the
trial of th& Rev. . Iee . W; Heaton
of port-worths Teia, fo heresy
was "all that-reasonably could
hare beeq. expected.' Dr. Leighton
today cautioned modernists that
this was- not & moment to assert
the fundamentalists had been, de-
feated but a time to recognlreliPrtMTC-WII I nc DCHDt C
Dr, Parks, who' several weeks
ago dpffed th vestments of priest
hood' in the pulpit oi tha f aahjoifc
able Park avenn church aad'aid
he himself would welcome a -trial,
deplored, the action ot certain
modernists, in, speaking'in a tone
which cannot fail to add to thMt.
terneaa of the present? contro
versy." y Present questions he said
must be settled; not by con trbversy
trat by exposition.
"It was well tbat a protect
should be made," said Dr. Parks.'
"but the protest having been made
the - modernists must now answer
the questions which a large num
ber of bishops, clergy and laity
are asking. ' They are. saying in
substance, .'We are willing to ad
mit that yon are honest mne but
we feel that you should recognize
that we are perplexed and we de
sire to hear from yon more plain
ly as to what you do believe. If,
as yu say, your position can be
Jnstified by an appeal to the scrip
tures and the teachings
tures and the teachings ot the
church of which you ar? minister,
then teljt' the people in the spirit
of meekness how you feel that
you are so justffled, "
Journeymen Plumbers Re.
ceive Visit Open Shop
Tatk Is Heard
Talk of an open shop by mem
bers of the master plumbers failed
to materialize in any definite form
Vflfl V anA filar war,nA mullnn
i.,m tA H,-.,nu ii.u,iin tw
the master plumbers and the strik
ing journeymen rested on their
situation. i 1
Plumbing repairs were made
as far as possible, by the master
plumbers, who- requested that the
property owner have a little pa
tience and 1 that permanent work
would be done as .soon- as pos
sible. .
As many Of the. Journeymen
have made-their homes in Salem
for a number of years, there are
few non-union; men in the city
Should tne master plumbers de
clare open shop it would be neces
sary, to import the. 'workmen.
Just what effect- the strike will
have. upon the other unions, in the
city Is not1 known, but it is, pos
sible that complications will arise
if the open 'shop is adopted.
' UaVldSOn OT. rOrtiana
Will fiead North west As-
- cVAiatinn in
SOCiailOn ml
PORTLAND, f Or., Jam
H. Ft Davidson pf Portland;. Was
elected presidents of the Northwest
Canners association at the- closing
session of its convention here to
day. ."'1 I '- y - s ;
Other, : officers elected were:
Vicev president fori Oregon, C. J. 1
Cluar. Portland; - vice- president
j for Washington, A. McMillan, Bel
lingham'- BecreUry-treasurer. O,
- in tir,tn ramt 'Gravs. Or-
Dalles. ; ... .1
The delegates were guests at a
banquet held tonight. . ,
Arkansas- Negroes Convicted
Of Murder Iri ,f irsL Degree
- 5 ' ? j
VAN BURE. ;Ark., Jan. 4.
Spurge6nBuck, one of, two negroes
r I fo-rxi wit It tn nrrtfir jinrl rrlmlrar
assault ' in connection with the
slaying ; left week of. Mrs. ; Effie
I the Catcher : farming - settlement;
first degree by a jury Here late to-
President Will' Not; Bring
Pressure Upon Individual
Members in- Favor of
Mellon's Plan- .
Longworth Favors Postpone
ment of Conference un
' til Later in Session.
WASHINGTON, Jan, 4. Pres
ident Cooltdge is opposed to any
attempts by congress,' to' alter the
essential provisions of the admin
istration s tai bill, y ! ' ' -
This announcement jwas made
today at. the VViilte House as the
hquse ways and means-committee
continued its consideration of the
measure and - the ; ' Republican
leaders of the ' house j redoubled
their efforts to postpone action, on
the ' soldiers' bonus . until some
thing affirmative is done on tax
revision. . ' - " '
Terse1 comment WTRe situation
at the White House was to the ef
feet that any 'attempt by , -.con
gress ' to ' compromise the princi
ples embodied; in the plant out
lined by Secretary Mellon wouid
meet with the president's opposi
No Pressure Sought -
Mr. Coolidge it was asserted has
confidence that congress can- de
pend upon to refuse compromises
in principles to translate into law
the will of the people. The presi
dent, it was: said, will make no ef
fort: to bring pressure upon Indi
vidual members of congress tn
support of his views.
Outstanding . In , . the , . develop
ments of they ways and ' means
committee's consideration, o the
draft, submitted by the treasury
and the rejection of an amend
ment to make gains from stock
dividends subject, to the regular
income,-, taxes.. Representative
Ralney, Democrat, Illinois.; pro
posed the amendment which was
voted down 12 to 11. He an
nounced' later he would bring up
the; question again.
If the bill is not amended in
this respect, gains from the sale
of istock dividends after two years
will be taxed only to the maximum
of 12 l- per cent; the regular
I (Continued on page 2)
dontestante SlKwld-Seaire- EmVtfml''ZC'
Subscription and Vote Too Lat tb.Make
Up Lost Time
147 Marion Street, 'Salem.
-:'.! i vr -. : -..t .':
Rayford Ely leads in the Auto
mobile Contest. : today, Mr Ely
was born and raised in Texas and
came to Salem about six months
ago,; Since coming id Salem be
iaii anow mm as a eai gentleman
trf yy --s .n 0
; : 1
River Reached 32 y2 . Feet Jan
uary 8 Interferes Vltfatr
State Legislature ; '
The weather, is no more inter
esting in Salem, just now than It
was a:. year ago now, when- the
Willamette river was showing
Blgns of rising which very- soon
materialized.- l-
Saturday, Jan 6,: 1923, the
Sautianv-river bridge at Jefferson
was.: hourly, expected to go; out
with the floods which in spite of
the -fact that there was no snow,.
reached a height reached . but: few
times previously in its history.
The Willamette river - for half
an hour Monday, Jan. 8, Btood at
32 1-2 feet according; to the
Spaulding guage. This waa the
third highest-maravlt had reached
in its history. , That- was the day
on-, which the. legislature'- convened-
andw1 th, flood cohdttlcns pf&
vailing id the, upper Valley of the
Willamette many of the legisla
tors came to Salem, with difficul
ty, some being delated on the
way. Organization of the senate
was held up as a result until late
Monday evening, Jari. ' 8. y
City Council Member An-
; nounces That He Will
Oppose Oscar Bower !
'Ralph Thompson, at present
member. of the city, council, has
definitely; announced his- candi
dacy for sheriff of Marion county.
it became known Friday after-
. Rumor had it a short time ago
that he. was a probable aspirant
for the office now -held by Sheriff
Oscar Bewer, but.Thompson would
hot commit; himself at .that. time.
It Is understood that Thompson
has.stlrong? local support and; will
give the present incumbent a good
race. ' Several others are also con-1
templatiag entering, the- race, ac -
cordidg to the same source 01 in-1
formation. " ;i ; ;-. ... . t-
Chicaao Millc Dealers ; :
Will Submit Their Case
CHICAGO, Jan.. 4. Milk pro
ducers in - the : Chicago area! who
have' gone on strike by refusing, to
supply large distributors because
the dealer, will not pay the price
demanded by the farmers, tonight
j agreed j to submit -their case to a
uuira ul arum anon.
After Final Count
No afternoon naps for candid
ates and their friends today. This
Is the last'day of Jthe Statesman's
Big-Automobile Contest. and""can-
didates" will wish they cou!d
stretch minutes into hours and
hours into days. -
At the stroke of; 11:30 p. m.
tonight the big prize contest ends;
Each and every candidate may
turn votes in. up till 11:30 p. m.
tonight. See the closing rules of
the contest in this issue of the
No matter how many voteS you
have, candidates, secure more. It
will be far better to have too many
votes wnen tne judges taae cnarge
of the ballott box, than not
enough, if you poii, a big fat
bunch of
votes this, evening yo
will be. far. more able to sleep com
fortably during the intervening
times between- now. and when, the
final count is made
Remember, it will be far better
to have too many votes when the
final counA of votes is made then
not enough. ; You " would ; never
cease regretting It: yon llost out on
the prize of your choioe by, a small
mit-gln' when 'f you could' jnst la
easily have won it if you hr ev
erted yourself to the itmost ' dur
ing the closing hours of the big
Campatgih' '-'?.f ; '
' Alt togithen' Candidates! 3 It Is
now or never. : v Make it nqw;y
; V The Diamond Ring
y The third .prize! in-the antomo -
' XCoPtlnagd onpas5'2), yJ
Cold Continues With Other
Valley Points Reporting
Extreme Low Tempera-;
turesr-Little Change '.
Iowa Shivers With; Temper
ature at 1 T Below Zero
and Going Lower Still ,
While .the snow is still on the
ground In Salem; it shows signs ot
disappearing and1 bob-sled parties
were numerous :last night in an
tieipatlon" of the time wlien suc)
pleasures would be a thing of the
past. a ' - ' -
The temperature never .went
very high during the day- The
prediction-, for today Is fair with
easterly:5 winds1. ' Portland gives
no hope of -warmer weather how
ever, until the first of the week.
Street cleaning ; squads were
more numerous yesterday, per
haps having given up hope of the
sun and winds doing' the work for
them: ' The" pavement ; could be
seen again last night at least
where It had "been shoveledoff at
the crossingsr and the street .'car
tracks showed' the.' influence of
plenty of salt. - -, l
Portland Cold ' "
Portland Jan. 4. An - ice
jam formed today in. the Colum
bia river, between The Dalles and
the Washington shore;: All ferry-
I traffic was. conYpietely suspended
I Freezing" temperatures centinned
I to prevail over the greater part of
Oregon. Portland was one of the
coldest -apbtaT. in: western Oregon
with - a: minimum of '22.'"" An 1?
mile east; wind: added greatly-1
uie - drscomfort - etfthose; ebroad-
The forecast 1 was tor continues
cold tomorrow;
EUGENE. Or., Jan. 4--Tbe cold
wave which, was thought to' have'
passed, returned to this . part of
Oregon today. The minimum tem
perature last night was 22 degrees;
the maximum today-was .32v and.
It was predicted by. the local fore
caster that, the 15 degree ,mark
would be reached before, tomorrow
morning.- ' ." f ',
Cold la Walla Wall
WALLA WALLA; Wash., 1 Jan.
4.-The weather showed no signs
of moderation 'tonight; 14 above
beings the highest" point . reached
during the day. - The official min
imum last night 'was 2., above. At
the waterworks" intake, 14; miles
up in tho Blue mountains, the. min
imum was 3 above. ; u wm seven
above at the Intake at' 7: 30 to
night. -
l6 a Shiver
DES MOINES, la., Jan..4.-The
bitterest weather of the winter .
uw ten u t . a. m
PtlU BUiaVtat. wiiuusii ivurvi
tures were said to prevail through
most of the state. .-,
Salem Quintet tWirmers -
From Newbertj High School
Salem high school won from
Newberg high school last night
in basketball by a score of Z 4 to
lly Eleven Salem high, players '
made the trip. ; . - r , : ; - ; ; .
Nearly all of the players made
the trip by stage, returning early
this; morning.; The - game was
without special - features, accord
ing to HolUs Huntington, , coach,'
wno accompanied the team.
I mum - - VZZZ
LeoioTi's. Free Soeech
- romniinn Wine in tl V:
NEW YORK. Jan. 4. Propo-
nenta for "freedom of speech"
; within the ranks! of the Ameri
can legion won vindication, today
vhen m -rifvaB!v-committee in-
ve8tigatinB charges' ot rntraetloa
of vv.t w. aeainst twa New- York
posts-supported the right of pttb-.
lie statement' ot views on tho sol
dier bonus- o.wstlon."f "X J 4 . -
The committee- found, however,
that a by-law requiring the; fit eg-,
of a copy of published sentiments.
wfth the county commander, had
been violated by the i city clu!
n0Bti i the charge - fnvolvei its
opposition of the City 'ciub rest
jand the George-Garr Ilanry; poi
to. the" foldier $onr:i.
(Continued on page Z.
'.(Continued1 on age 8lv ,tlx