FRIDAY MORNING. JANUARY 4, 1021 TIIE OREGON STATESMAN SALEM, OREGON ny I! i ran cv 1 Dcrckebach Puts it Aheiad of : Fruit and Nuts in Talk --'. to Realtors Mortgage are unheard ;of in communities tfut have given the proper attention to developing the - dairy industry and where proper ) : r rniDhasJ has been Disced noon the cow. according to Frank Deck ebach of the . Marlon - creamery, who spoke on the poaaibHKtes o( the Willamette raUey in relation to dairying, at the weekly lunch eon of the Marion-folk County Realty association Thursday. 'Farmer anc dairymen In thin district are . paid between I $1500 and $1 TOO dally for their product, .yet, 'people are1 breaking- their necks to develop the fruit and nut Industry where they are lacky If they .ret good crop once .'In five years, and , then -t the chances are that the price is low. Prices paid for cream? and milk are the only receipts to the fanner that show a hteady)lncreaae and no depreci- .. ation.,. Jn addition it Is not neces- cary corm dairymen to seaxen for world-wide markets. If it were not for the few cows kept on the .average, farm today one-third of the ', farmers would not own their own automobiles. Th; greatness nnd ponsibllitlen of the dairy in dustry have been with us always, but never completely realised be fore." "We are overlooking .oar beat bet today the dairy cow," the speaker continued. "She has aptly been called the mother of pros perity. The demand for her prod uct Is growing, for comparatively little milk was drunk1 SO or 40 years ago. . Neglect tbe dairy in dustry and your kind becomes stirile. If we would devote one fourth the time to dairying that is given to various other indus tries the financial returns to the community would be far greater. The 'Willamette valley needs 15 or 20 cows where there are but three or four today, The farmer is kept at home by having to care for a few cows where a large herd could be taken care of without much mores trouble." That the Willamette valley, with its soil and climatic condi tions, is, one of the best dairying countries in the world, was ex plained by Mr. Deck ebach. With the development of this industry he said, the land grows richer, home better and debts fewer. Yet in spite Of the natural con- tlitions tli'ere'aW few places where the industry Is so little developed. Lots of farmers keep Tows,, he said, not so much for investment as from a result of habit. Wis consin, one of the most pros per oiih states in the union and ona that asks less aid rrom the federal reserve bank, occupies its present position chiefly through the de velopment of tbe dairy industry, he said. Oregon soil was said to be better than that of California or Washington, but people have failed to grasp the opportunity. Between 125,000,000 and $30,- 000,000 is returned annually to the dairymen of the state. Mr. Deckebach said, but it cannot be expected to be a huge success un less, as any other industry, ail the time is given it that it deserves. He urged that anyone going into the industry go in right or else stay out. Develop the dairy in dustry in the Willamette valley as it should be and the population will be doubled in a few years, he said in closing, placing emphasis upon the fact that there are fewer people on the farms today than there were 10 years ago. The greatest problem faced by the dairymen is that of obtaining labor which understands the business and is willing to remain. Men Who possess an undertaking of the industry and who wish o increase their nerds will be given backing provided they have the necessary land upon which to raise their own feed. , !' John II. Scott presided as chair man of the day. . Attention , was called to the annual meeting which will bo held Monday night. 'Jan. 14, when wives of the realtors will be entertained. Zimmerman Itinerary Is Announced By Secretary H. H. Stailard, secretary treas urer of the La Follette-Zimerman committee, announces that Sena tor Zimmerman of Yamhill coun ty, candidate for the Republican nomination for congress in the first Oregon district, will push his and La Follette's campaign with renewed energy from now on. Zimmerman's itinerary is a visit with the Clackamas county Po mona grange at Logan January 9. Going from there to Douglas coun ty he will meet with the Pomona grange of that county at Drain January 11. He will spend 10 days in Douglas and Lane counties and will be in Benton and Linn counties from January 20 to Feb ruary 1, spending January 23, 24 and 25 at the agricultural confer ence at Corvallis. Requests for speaking dates are coming in from all parts of the district, it is said. Zimmerman is pledging himself to stand with the progressives. THESE COLD WINTER morning turns our attention more than ever to ' die comfort of; our hoiir. Fuel andv clothing for wa and the necessity of having for our families good wholesome foodstuffs. To us; falls the duty and pleasure of providing the latter to many hundreds of Salem's busiest families, i .' ' SL-': m WEtf ARE PROUD of being able to serve such an enormous family V i wiui.uie. ircsi in , rooa. siuirs ana at prices wiuun rcacn or au. Ana our en- ure, personnel xaites .pleasure in proving w you uiai uic o u 3ivrw j oxrv- VICE is unequalled in Salem. Your orders by phone are given the same at tention as when you call in person. For your convenience these stormy days phono 186 for C. 0. D. orders. bEST IN SMOKED MEATS Swift's Premium Ham, V? or V -.whole,: per, lW--:,:: . ...27c Cascade Premium Ham; Vi or i. wnoie. per id. ..l..... iioc Large Skinned Hams, J4 or whole, :. per H ...I21c wift8 Premium Bacon, per lb 39c Swifta Light Empirje Bacon, ; ; 1 i per lW'K;;.i'J i i7SJ. .30c Medium Bacon, lean, per lb. 25c Heavy Lean StreaJced Bacon, c piB;!:lv-W-::: 20c Cottage, Rolls', pet lb. ... .. ....;2lc Picnicsi;per iftW------" Light Sugar Cured Bacbn Back, f Heavy Sugar Curel Ba(X)h Back,H'le Badon Squares, jkr b. J... -r17d LARD AND SHORTENINGS X 4y i No! 5 pail Swifts SilverLeaf I a lbs.1 Net Pail Swift's Silver ! Leaf Lard It. ..r..L....,....$1.97 No. 5 pail Cascade ... ... , ..79 c No. 1 0 pail Cascade . j .,....$1,515 No. 5 Armour s Shield Lard .... .69c No. lO paU 'Wait's Lard .$147 No. 5:pail Wait's Lard 3c '4rlbsT Snowdrift j. ...... .i.............B9c ioJKSnwftQ.. .. V.......$69 !3vlbsCrisco L...L..--. ............U75c 6 lbs. Crisco .:..::d. ...:... . .....$1;45 l9 lbs. Crisco .....i..,....::....!.L:...52.I? CEREALS No. 10 bag Carnation Pancake 65c No. .0 bag Pacific Pancake 65c No. 10 bag Crown Pancake 69c No. 1 0 bag Olympic Pancake 73c Albers' Flapjack, pkgi 27c Albers' Peacock Pancake, pkg. 28c ..25c ... ...25c i . .25c ... 27c 3 Post Toasties .. 3 Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 Kellogg's Bran Flakes Large pkg. Albers Oats Nb. JO bag 'Albers Peacock : Rolled Oats No. 10 bag Wheat Cereal 49c 59c SYRUPS 10 lb. Liberty Bell Syrup $1.67 5 lb. Liberty Bell Syrup 87c 2Vl lb. Liberty Bell Syrup 45c 10 lb. Golden Marshmallow Syrup $1.05 5 lb. Golden Marshmallow ....Syrup .... i. 55c Monopole Table Pitcher Syrup . 30c 10 lb. White Karo ...73c 5 lb; White Karo 39c 1 0 lb. Amber Karo :..69c 5 lb. Amber Karo 37c Medium Log Cabin Syrup 55c Towles Wigwam Syrup 20c Orange Run Oranges box 98c 1 This is the last of these we will have for; this year. Large assortment of vegetables and -. fruits. - BUY YOUR GROCliiES AT A STORE WITH THE r2 tHl 111 I . , ' Hi ITS YOUR GUAilANTEE OP SERVICE DEFlSEfil McCamant Thompson Se lected By Pierce Move to Dismiss Case - had been the state. Motion to dismiss the suits brought by. the -Hill- Military acad emy and St. .Mary's aeademy to enjoin enforcement of the coai pulsory school bill, will be filed in federal court, according to- Wal lace McCamant of the firm of Mc Camant & Thompson, which has been retained by Governor Pierce to represent the state in both the cases. . Announcement of the intention to file the motion was made in Portland 'yesterday morning by McCamant simnltaneously with the announcement that his firm requested to represent Both Attorney General Van Winkle and District Attorne; Stanley Myers acted with the gov ernor in approving and requesting the arrangement. "ThQ question at Issue in these suits are questions of law." said McCamant. "They will be consid ered by the, court on their merits. Prejudice ahd ill feeling will not assist in their solution. We shall resist the, attempt to, enjoin the enforcement of the statute." Argument on both suits for in junction will he made January t.r before the three federaK judges sitting en banc. Two Basketball Games Slated for Week-End With two basketball games to be played by local teams over the week-end, interest in the pastime is becoming keener. Chemawa will mix with Albany college at Albany Saturday night. This will be the first game of the season for the Linn county quin tet. , , ' - The Salem high school basket ball five wiil meet Xewberg in the first interscholastic game of the season tonight. The players have charted a stage in whicJh to make the trip. t ' . . " A man isn't fit for self govern ment If be feels offended when the traffic sign says "Stop!" - I BITS FOR BREAKFAST Oh, you south wind! S V S We are sighing for your sough ing. - And it would be all the more welcome if you made it a Chinook, with, the Sahara breath of a sizzl ing sirocco. When the Slogan man started, five years ago, to boost gooseber ries, his friends laughed at him. Bat the gooseberry industry has grown every year, and It is des tined to assume huge proportions. The Slogan pages of next Thurs day's Statesman ; will tell why. And the Slogan man wants your help, if yon can help. According to Jockey club rec ords Zey has won $286,573 in his career of two brief seasons onthe turf. , Many 'a. trained plumber his not earned, more than that in aa active lifetime. ' " ' S A delayed letter from a pear grower, solicited for the annual Slogan number of The Statesman ot yesterday on the pear Industry," has a suggestion that might open a dSscussioh. The writer of the letter says it Is not for publica tion, bat -for the information of the. Slogan editor. But he says: "For the canning pear Bartlett ) , I would hesitate to advise exten sive planting' until such- time, as the. growers control their own cafhneries In this district. So long as We are Bolely dependent on the - i We Don't Merely Clothe You; We Dress You What a Difference! nPHE first clothier was Adam. He cov ered himself to suit the climate and some latter-day! stores, Adam-like, are chiefly purveyors of seasonable coverings. ; There's more to clothes than lengthy breadth and thickness plus a tape measure. There are art, style, grace, becomingness9 ; comfort, good form, appropriateness to purpose and occupation. Dressers, rather than Clothiers cor l rectly descibes our business. We treat each customer as an individual with spec ialized preferences, not as a type of stand ardize proportions. If you want i to be clothed with clothing, go anywhere. If you want to be dressed with art, modesty forbids, though equity compels us o say come here. 1 , GOOD CLOTHING The Only Kind We Sell mm m u iMrrm n s b r m mmjmi m m fee a. 7 m3 Allied with Pendleton Woolen Mills, Pendleton Ore.; Washougal Woolen Mills, Washougral, Wash.; Vancouver Woolen Mills, Vancouver. Wash., and Eureka Woolen Mills, Eureka, California. : corporation canneries for our market, we need not expect more than very moderate returns from, this produce." The Slogan editor believes the advice of -such men as County Fruit Inspector "Van Trump and Prof. Lewis is good;" that there is room for great ex pansion here in pear growing of both Bartletts and the best shipping varieties, like the Bosc and Clairgeau. Prof. Lewis said we should increase our pear grow ing to ten times its present vol ume. "If our growers will do that, they will have a chance to organize more cooperative can neries. But the corporation can neries are not to be despised for what they have done and are do ing. The expansion ot our fruit industry would have been' and would be now in a bad state but for- the corporation canneries. They have provided a market for Uuntains on top ot mountains of fruit that would have gone to waste. And they have developed markets that open the way for a continued expansion ; of , our fruit growing Industries tor their own good, and for the good of the co operative canneries - that "may be organized in the future . 0 BIG BILL FAIRBANKS i IN PEACEFUL i PETERS UUlUI A -.41 DAMON-S Annual Clearance Of GROCERIES i Undo Saturday Bujr how at Clearance Sale Prices before . Sale Closes . , Damon's Grocery 899 North Commercial . .... , M ........ . ... . ... j,,...,.. - - . i . ... ..., I... . - . ...j, - , - ,,, , ' ... .-..t l,; : ..j. :. - I ROSTEIN & GREEHBflUKl R ELI A B L E M ERC HAND I S E I ' . 3 lb. Stitched Wool Finish, 2 lb. Cotton Baits Cotton Baits,' 72x90 I A Cheap Batt Finest Cotton to be had - 85c ' 1.25 '- -': Ladies Silk and Wool V Wool Mixed 66x80 : j . Hose, One Lot to Close Plaid Bfextlcel . - 1 Pair : ' Pair " ! ' 79c ' $7,95 . ' " ' , , . ... ... ,' 36-inch Otiting Flannel 4 Fancy Ticking . Good Quality Pretty Patterns Yard Yard 25c 42c r 27-inch Bath Robing Mercerised, Table aoths A Good. Quality . 72x108, - Yard A Good Bay 50c;. ?2.45; First Quality Blankets f . . ' f Ti-v. :.. -t 1 64x76 Blankets, 1st quality, pair $2.25 72x80 Blankets, 1st cjuality, pair...:..2.d5, 66x80 Pretty Plaids, 4J41bs. pair ....450 66x80 Nashuas wool naps, plaids, prl $4.75 72x84 Nashuas Best, pair . '5:00 36-in. Challies - 36in. Percales Pretty Patterns . . New Patterns ; Yard V Yard : - a s ' 19c ; . 19c ( 1 240-246 North Commercial Street . : I i i V . . -r - ' " " ' ' 7 ' - I , II UUUL'MKU