The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 04, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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    fey BETTI KESSI." Fiona 10.
FORUhe firsrmeelin ot 1924
r tfce. RapheteHaii . .clyb met
with Mm.'. Fred Uj, Thompson at
her home oa North Summer street
8terdiy afternoon to pleasantly
pus the time. with, needlework
.uidchattlng. For a while the
guests j listened In on the story
hour which was broadcasted by
the W.oxnatTa club of Portland.
' The . newly elected, officers ,ot
mexiuo presided tor me urst lime
ipis aneruoon at lae Business e
sjonj and Mrs. James West as the
Bright scarlet carnations artis
tically arranged In a howl of Jap-
anese design centered the table
over which 'Mr. . and .Mri I. M.
Hofer presided as host's for an at
tractive dinner party Wednesday
evening, complimenting Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Hofer of San Fran
cisco. Co vera were marked for
Major and Mrs. F..CL Andrae, Mr.
and Mrs. T. A. Liyesley. Mr. Asa
hael Bush, Mr. and Mrs. ' Fritz
Slade, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Hofer and the hosts.
Meeting with Mrs. Frank Pow
Kensington club enjoyed a pleas
ant afternoon yesterday with their
a bit
and a
thimbles and visiting, wih
. ... . . . -
oi music on me viciroia,
number of piano solos volunteered
t the
ttew; president1 found the: I gavel J8105 a hostess the members of the
presented v ta her, heavy and de
cidedly unwieldy. Upon examlna
Mon-tbe tool proved to. be a large
meat chopping kalfe. Jieavily gild
ed, ; Mrs. Cecil Hawjey is, the new
vice, president and Mrs.jlee Un-
ruh js secretary nd treasurer.
Before the meeting, adjourned
the hostess served-- a -delicious
luncheon. Mrs. Phil JCewmeyer
, was welcomed as a nay member
into the tlub yesterday. : . i '
Go February seventh i Mrs; Guy
Smith will entertain the members
of the club.
by Florence Powers. . Mrs.
Hauser was welcomed Int
club as a new member during the
afternoon. Before the guepts de
parted, the hostess served a
ot dainty refreshments.
Mrs. Albert Smith will entertain
the club for the next meet
Thursday, January 17.
For the first meeting of the
Bridge luncheon club since the
first of December, Mrs. p. C.
Locke was hostess yesterday after-
ng on
noon - for a charming one o'clock
luncheon and afternoon ot bridge.
Dainty (reshlas ana the paper
white narcissus centered the three
small tables where the lunch was
served in a delightfully intimate
way. Mrs. ' Harry Hawkins met
with the club as a special guest to
enjoy the lunch and the' games
Mrs. John McNary will be hos
tess for the next meeting of the
club on Friday, January 18.
For a .birthday and Christmas
tree, over two hundred members
of the WRC and the GAR met at
McCornack hall Saturday evening
With crepe paper decorationspin
the red and green colors.Cnrlst
mas bells and baskets of fern, the
hall was attractively decorated for
the gala occasion. Much of the
interest of the evening was cen
tered in the large lighted Christ'
mas tree from which Santa Claus
found a gift for every member of
the two organizations.
A huge birthday cake centered
the table, with other garnishings
of holly and the Christmas green
ery, where the guests assembled to
enjoy the dinner prepared by the
committee in charge. For the fur
ther pleasure of the evening, after
the dinner hour the following pro
gram was given:
Song, America, by the audi
ence; Salute to the Flag; read
ing. Etiquette of Flag, Mrs.' Jen
nie Jones; Comrade Harris ac
companied by Comrade Lyle, sang
a rousing convention song and re
sponded with an encore, When
You and I Were Young, Maggie;
Mrs. Bertha Loveland gave a
Be sure and be here Friday or Saturday
and get some of these underpriced shoes
-as every pair is a real bargain. Every pair
in this ad to be closed out.
Rubber Boots
i v Men's, .women's, boys' and
children's rubber boots All
sizes" "Ball; Band"; the best
boot made in the world. Every
pair, guaranteedl to give twice
the wear of any other boot. ,
Get a pair and be convinced.
Men's Work Shoes
- -r. Big line of work shoes, eith-
iall .kinds; .regularly, sold . at
oo.uu to lU.UU. l o close out
Black Calf,' good heavy
school shoes,' regularly sold at
$5.00. All sizes from 1 to 5.
VVfiile they last go at '
$1.95 : :
Men's High Tops
arid Loggers
We want to close out every
pair of men's heavy shoes. We
have 200 pairs, all sizes, in
both brown . and .black; f all
heights of, tops ; regularly sold
from 510.00 :to $15.00. To
close out ' ! ,' v ! ' '
i $5,95tbm95
Ladies' Shoes
1Q,0 pairs ladies high shoes,
all sizes. Not a pair sold for
less than $9.00; both browri
and black; some sold as high
as $15.00. Ail go at
Girls High Boots
, We Hate the best line of
moccasin toe 16-inch boots on
the market; well made; good
fitting. 1 Good values at $10.00
to $J2.0p. While they last at
Ladies' Felt
Regular. $2.0i) grades, all
colors, all sizes, best comfort
soles f jalso all colors in satin,
the same style. While they
last ISatin $1.35. Others
Boys' High Top
'' 'Boots
We have a full Une of high
top boots in all sizes for boys in
both brown aiid tplack. We
want to close out eVey pair so
will put them oh sale at
$3;95 arid S4.95
, DO YOUR i -;:
Corns and . callouses re
moved without pain or sore
ness. Ingrown nails removed
. and treated. Paina in , tbo
feet, . weak-foot, flat-foot,'
foot s'ralns and fallen arcbes
adjustod., . ; Do not suffer. I
will give yo'ui the best, iiiat
science cau produce in scien
tific chiropody.- Consult i
- j About Tour Feet i '
Urs. 9 to 5:30. Phone 16
... v
326 JiaKa-MoctteUaiill
Our shop is equipped with
all new machinery. We use
nothing but the very best
grade of leather that money
- will buy. .i
BnianBo . Mr.-Jacobson, in chargo of
ViUiUkPcwtj thla department, U an ex-
titalMi,. pert in his line has spont
BdAfjIaaw . years in factoriea -and repair
shops and will do nothing
but high grade work.
reading. dotbin 4.he . Family;
eoogs, Star .of : the. East and it
Came Upon - the' Midnight Clear,
by Usa f Simmon and Clarence
Harper with Erma Simmons at
the piano; the -corps, members
then tang, When the Grand Army
For their annual vacation party
the KO club X high school enter
tained on New Year;s eve with
an informal dancing party at
Derby hall, with the following
guests: As patronesses were Mr.
McKinney, Miss Snook, Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Hamilton and Mr. and
Mrs. Hollis Huntington; guests,
Charlotte Zieber, Florence Gowe,
Virginia Dorcas. Margaret Breit
enstein, Wanda Jean Heberly,
Elizabeth Taft, Helen Arpke,
Ruth Griffith, Fay Wassam, Fay
Waltz, Vivian Stoltenberg, Paul
ine Knowland, Ruth Peck, Mar
garet Pierce, Hazel George, Lolj
Moorhead, Jean Shipp, Ada Ross,
Florence Bush. Eugenia Zieber,
Neva Millard, Pauline Marnach,
Marie Churchill and Frances Mis-
Members of the club ' are Ar
thur Hamilton, Glenn Daugherty,
Lyman Laycocfc, Clifford Goode,
Gerald Mero, Ivan White. Weldon
Leisy, Paul Devers, Vernon Per
ry. Benoit McCroskey. Alumnus
members were, Richard Kriesel,
Ralph Hamilton, Kenneth Perry,
Don llyan, George Rhoten, Frank
Lynch, Francis Ellis. Guests were
Harold Mero, Garland Simpaon,
Wayne Harris. Jack Minto, Avery
Thompson, Christopher Bush,
Frank Patterson, Grant FaJin,
Raymond Bonesteele, Daryi My-!
ers, Chester Kurtz.
For the pleasure of sixteen'
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Al
bert entertained with a charming
dinner party New Year's day at
their home. In the evening Mrs.
F. A. Darlymple and Fannie and
Grace Jorgensen called to spend
the' hour in a pleasantly social
way. Among the dinner guests
were: Mr. and Mrs. O. Krause
of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Sigel and daughter, Suzanne, of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Jorgensen of Portland, Mrs. J, C.
Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Grif
fith, John and Wallace Griffith,
Mary Jane Albert, Asel Eoff, Jo
sephine Albert and the hosts, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert!
Mr. and MrB. . Mishler were
hosts for an attractive sixteen
cover dinner party on New -Year's
day at their home, with the fol
lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. F.
Delano, Mr. and Mrs. James I
Teed; Mr, and Mrs. E. A. McEl-
vain Mr., and Mrs. SA. Carper,
Mrs. Cottew, Mrs. Lee Brubaker,
Mrs. E. Horn, Arllne Cafper,
Bobby Carper and Jay Teed.
birthdays of Mrs. E C,
Patton and Hany Weis veto the
motif, of a lovely five o'clock ! in
ner party, for which Mr. and Mrs.
Rajph White entertained on New
Year's day. .Around the table, at
tractive in centerpiece and f aycis
suggestive of the gay holiday sea
son, covers wore laid for Mr. and
Mrs. E. Cooke Patton, Mr. and
Mrs. William Kareth of Jefferson,
Dr. and Mrs. Armin Berger, Mr.
and Mrs-.Harry Weis, Luella Pat
ton and Norman Keanedy and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. White
The guests J remained a; the in?
vitation of Mrs. White to enjoy
the evening dancing with the Pro
gressive dancing club.
A number of Salem 'people were
present as guests tor a targe din
ner party' with' which Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Jergensen entertained
at their home on Parkside drive
in Portland, Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph - Albert - with Mary
Jane and Josephine, Asel Eoff,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Griffith, Mrs,
J. C. Griffith and Wallace and
Griffith, all motored to Portland
Sunday for the event.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Boles " and
daughter, Evelyn, of Newport.
have been the house guests at the
home of Mrs. Peter Stevens for
the past two weeks. They plan on
returning to their home soon.
A. E. Laflar entertained
of the occaslou. Following tuc
ceremonies the members of the
order proceeded to the banquet
room where' the remainder of the
evening was epent at the long
banquet tables attractively deco
rated "with vlvfd red blooms.
With less than twenty five
members present, the Salem Busi
ness and Professional Woman's
club met for the regular monthly
dinner and business sesion in the
Chamber of Commerce rooms
Wednesday i evening, : In the ab
sence of Mnii." Ora F. Mclntyre, tne
president, who is ill. Miss Gladys
Steele presided over the short
meeting which followed the din
ner hour. Little could be accom
plished as, there were not suffl
cient members present to make up
a quorum. !The matter of voting
upon the revised constitution was
laid aside until the next regular
business session. Plans for the
member shin campaign were dis
cussed, and It was decided that
each member should canvass her
own ornce ana buiraing ior new
members. L '
The BPW will meet in the
Chamber of Commerce on the
evening of .Wednesday, January
16, for a program and social time.
Dabney Confesses That
He Faked His Murder
R. B. Dabney of Salem and
Roseourg. who several . . months
ago disappeared after leaving evi
rdence to indicate that he had
been murdered, has been arrested
in Portland, but probably there
will 'be no grounds on which to
prosecute im. Dabney told the
officers who arrested 'him that he
wa" in debt, couldn't get out and
decided to leave.
While driving to Portland, Dab-(
ney stopped his vehicle m a loueiy
place, killed his dog to make it
appear that the animal also had
been killed by Intruders, and then
skipped after arranging other evi
dence to indicate foul play. There
never has 'been erib"us belief on
the part of, authorities that Dab
ney was dead. ;
with a' family dinner New Year's
day, inviting as guests her mother
and father, Mr. and Mrs. Weston
Houghton, and brother, Bert Jef
frey of Marion. Mr. end Mrs.
France Garland, and Mr. and Mrs.
G. AV, Laflar.
Installation of the officers for
ib,e .coming year took place at the
meeting ot cnaawicfc chapter oi
Eastern Star Tuesday evening in
the , Masonic temple. Mrs. Wil
liam. McCall presided as installing
officer, with the assistance of
Mrs. Susan Varty as marshah and
Mrs. Harry Styles as Installing
musician!) The newly installed
officersare Mrs. Addle May Ppt.
teys,"' worthy matron; Dr. Cory
don Blodgett, worthy patron; Mrs'.
Rose Babcock, associate matron;
Mrs.: Ida Babcock, secretary; Mrs.
Pearl Pratt, treasurer; Miss Leila
Johnson, conductress, and Mrs.
Mable Minto, associate conduct
ress. The 'points of the star:
Mrs. Jennie Utley, holds the point
of Adah; Mrs. Alma Thompson,
Ruth; Mrs. Stella Henry. Esther
Mrs. Nettie Smith, Martha; Mrs.
Emma McCarter, Elect ta; with
Mrs. Elsie Neimeyer as'Vardcr;
Peter Rasmussen, scntineV and
Mrs. Ola "Miller as color bearer.
During the evening, Mrs. Harry
Styles sang "Lad o Dreams." and
Mrs. Linfoot sang "Open Ye the
Gates of the Temple," which was
The West Side circle of,, the
Jason Lee aid society will meet
this afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Kaighih at 1296 North Com
mercial street, at 2:30.
Joint installation of the officers
of the WRC andtoAR wilt be held
iii McCornack hall tomorrow af
ternoon, beginning? at 1:30.
The AAU will meet tomorrow
afternoon at the Chamber of ComT
merce: for the regular monthly
business and social sesion. Plans
for the year's educational pro
gram will be decided upon, and
it is hoped that all members will
be present.
The woman's missionary society
of the First Christian church will
meet this afternoon in the church
parlors. Mrs. Hart is chairman
of the social committee, and Mrs.
Barley White has charge of the
program.- "Our Spanish Sueaking
Neighbors" will be the lessoii
topic for the tudy hour. v V
The Central circle of fhe Jason
Lee Methodist church will meet
this afternoon' jin the church par
lors at two o'clock.
; ,
The Brush Collegi grange will
meet this even ng, with a dinner
and the usual tieeting.
Governor Says He Will Look
1 Carefully in to Labbe
V Kaid Affair
Savings and. Loan Makes
Its Annual Statement
"In the annual report of the
Mutual Savings tc Loan Ja&socia
tion, prepAred by J. D. White, sec
retary, the capitalization is given
at $1,000,000, an increage from
$106,000 when the association
was organized April 15. 1310.
Druggists Hays Ladies Are I'bing
Iteclpo of Sage Tea and j
Hair that loses its color and
lustre, or., when it fades, turns
gray, uull and lifeless, is caused
by a lack of sulphur in the hair.
Our grandmother made up a mix-
Ithre of Sage Tea and Sulphur to
keep her locks dark and beautiful,
and thousands of women and men
who value Uhat even color, tha
beautiful dark shade of hair which
is so attractive, use only this old
time recipe. .
Nowadays we get this famous
aiixtifre improved by the addition
of other ingredients by asking at
J any drag store for a bottle of
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound." which darkens the bair
so naturally, so "evenly,- that no
bod? can possibly tell it has been,
applied. ; You just dampen a
sponge or jsoft brush with it aad
draw this through yoUr hair, tak
ing one sniaU strand at a time.
By morning "the gray hair disap
pears; but what delights the
ladies with Wth's Sago and Sul
phur 'Copiipbifud , is that, besides
bcautlfullydarkening the hair 'af
ter a few applications, it also
brings back the gloss and lustre
and cives it an annnarahre nf
George L. t Cleaver, state! prohi
bition commissioner, coijiferred
rith Governor Pierce yesterday
rielative to the raid on the A.'G.
Labbe residence in Portland on
Ifew Year's eve. George Neuner,
attorney who has been doing some
investigating for the state, sat in
On the conference. . Governor
Pierce questioned Cleaver very
closely relative to the raid, to de
termine whether there was! a vio
lation of the law on the part .of
Cleaver when the rfciid "was made.
I "I did not authorize the raid on
the Labbe residence' said" the
governor yesterday. "I don't' re
call that Labbe's name, was men
tloned fix my conversation with
mr. Cleaver just neiore new
Year's. He asked me whether I
wanted the law enforced against
rich and poor alike, and I replied
that I could see no reason why
anyone violating the law should
be spared.
"I do not knOw whether I am
going to back up Mr. Cleaver in
the Labbe affair or hot, and I do
not know Whether he violated the
law. I won't know until I have
looked into the thing."
The governor said that all evi
dence in his possession had been
turned over to District Attorney
Stanley sMyers of Multnomah
First mortgage loans amounting
to $195,400 have been made while
$9500 is loaned out on shares.
About 7000 shares are in force at
present. .
Under the system employed by
the association a par value share
; :
of $100 may be-received upon
payment of 20 cents a week, ma
turing on an average 87 months
later. The full share is obtained
upon payment of around $76.
Money is loaned to share holders
upon first mortgages or upon tree'
ptock. ' "-' ' M v ' :- -"t-
Read the Classified Ads.
THE United States National Bank of Salem,
' Oregon, cooperating with the 0.-A. C. Ex
tension Service, will hold a demonstration" of the
Government explosive, Sodatol,; on the' Harvey
Walker Race, Route 7, Box 102 Silvertoh Road.
The demonstration will fre held at 2 :00 o'clock
Friday, January 11, 1924. Those who wish to
secure, powder m the third car .should place-their ,
orders assoon as possible at Window No. 6 of the
United States National Bank.
Continues- , , ' ;, ' r
Hundreds and Hundreds of Genuine Bargains. Evey de-
partment takes part. This sale is of utmost irnprtpe ;
to our patrons, values are greater and better than in any.
sales event of a previous season.
BUY GLOBE UNPERWEAR This is the Urne of all
the year to buy knit undergarments. Take careful note
of all possible needs and buy now. S
Three Discontinued Numbers of
Our Famous Globe Underwear
For real value there is nothing better high
neck, low neck, Dutch neck, no sleeves, short
sleeves, knee or ankle length.
Regular $2.95 Woofand Cotton; "
Union Suits. r '
Clearance Sale. . .$2.25
Regular $3.50 Wool and Silk ' '
Union Suits.
Clearance Sale ..:..1$2.79
Regular $4.98 Wool Worsted"
Merino Union Suits. "
Clearance Sale ,.1.$3.79 i
Many other special SpeciaisClarance Values in Underwear and Outing
Flannel Sleeping Garments. .
Economy Clearance Sale in Hosiery Section - l
k)lwtl Reductions that suggest buying ahead. ; ' ;
VV'omen's fine wool hose, sold regularly for $1.75 a pair, two shades of
Clearance Sale 98c pair ,
copen, also tan.
Women's silk and yool hose, extra
fine texture, colors are tan or'gfcy
Clearance Sale $1.19
Receive careful attention
, We pay the postage or
express ; within a radium
of a hundred miles.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
On : every purchase, or
your money -cheerfully
refunded. s i
Children's black wool hose, good,
warm and serviceable. . i , v
Clearance Sale 85c
466 State St.
Salem Store,
I'ortLuid Silk Shop,
' ' 383 Alder;