The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 04, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    X' i-ilJ.-kfiUOi"tlii!i UiVli I'4', l.)-k.
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v. i!r"nrcTiTo wruro rnni i .
T UU t til va liJui f a;vvJtf I; h -;
Th Qregon Statesman has re
ceived two interesting letters from
far off Hawaii which are siren to
the public herewith: ;r '"?''
Headquarters' Coast Defenses sot
' i. Pearl Harbor 4
Office of the Intelligence Officer
Fort Kamehanka", Hawaii;
. ttecember tl, 12 J.
. "In ' $ oing" oyer ' our- publicity
flics of a recent date I found the
enclosed story. 'Knowing It to be
of! Interest and trne, I am taking
tbe liberty to send It to' you.' I
have aeon these rotes and the en
closed 'article covers practically
everything, concerning them end
th'eirlhiatory., H J."
. r , 1'The piahop museum . was pre
sented ta the people ot Hawaii, by
Urs. Bernlce Bishop as a tnemor-
ial On the grounds is; a school
lor . Hawaiian .boys and girls,
known ( as. Kamebaiaeha-, ccooLl
The condition of attendance is
'thateach pupil be ot part or full
Hawaiian ; blood. , The museum
has one of the" finest and most
conlplete exhibits "of ancient and
modern Hawaiian relics and curios
Ja'exlslence today," " In the collec
tion are all kinds of fruits and
flowers reproduced in wax, relics
of royalty, such as thrones, wea
pons, uniforms, and, the leather
robes spoken' of in Staff Serjeant
Kelly's article. : The museum is on
a tract of land covering from
thirty tc thirty five acres.. ...These
ground , are .-very well kept and
are covered with ' alii kinds Hot
Hawaiian shrubbery and treesj in
cluding! the largest banyan tree in f
the Hawaiian Islands. ;;:
"Mrs. : Bishop was the daughter
of Kins KamehemehaJ IV and a
direct descendant of the great rul
er, ' Kamehameha I. ; She married
one of the wealthy white men of
the islands by the name ot Bishop,
and died after a very fruitful lite
sometime in 1880. The Income of
her wealth is used in the upkeep
of the museum and the school. ' .
' "tne to the fact that. several
people are 'unable to! visit ' these
lsiandsr thlk little article by Staff
Sergeant 'Kelly will,f no doubt,
prove of Interest to your readers.
Thanking you for your kind' at
tention I remain, y
... 'he8pectiully yours, :
' . i
riormand and Dines Both
I Are In Hospital Now
Courtland S.",. Dine. " Denver ' oil
operator who was shot New Year's
night by Horace Greer, chauffeur
for Mabel Normand, film, actress,
and Miss i. Normand herself, both
arcs nursing "wounds Jn the same
hospital tonight.' i
Greer, who admits be ttsed Mfats
Normand's pistol on . Dines, late
today .-was formally charged .wlUi.
"assault with a deadly- weapon
with intent to. kill." : The district.
attorney's , office ; recommended
that his ball be, fixed at f 10,000.
He probably would be arraigned
tomorrow, according to the police.
Many Intoxicated Drivers
Lose Licenses in Olympia
OLYMPIA,' Wa3h.,JJar; 3.rt
Driving while intoxicated' account
ed ifor the 'majority of the. 2 IX
operators' licenses cajieffvdnjj
ing 1923, Fred'J. Dibblel'dlrector
of licenses, announced today.
.- Reckless driving was! the cause
ot ..many other 'cancellations, 'x-.
Four hundred and eighty blue
licenses were, issued audi J7jble
licenses cancelled.
dangerous weapon, cutting trees I ,T
on the land of another, escapes
from institutions, f failnra tcT$ut
out i fire, investigation, manufac
turing f intoxicating ;" liquor, ; and
rape,; 2 each.- One of each of the
following crimes were represent
ed: Careless and reckless driv
HeglSter at-OOUnty Sheriff S derly conduct at dance, grand la-
UtTiCe bhOWS Variety Of ceny, indecent exposure, invoiun-
VIIVIIUW nnn.innA,t nntt itk Air in millr.
bottles, seduction, 'stealing a .ride
on a railroad train ana threaten-
Awtaf, of 111 persona were inr to kill.
uwuite. in ise - couniy iau anrjng
1923 for . periods varying from, a
few, days, to? six - months. . There
Were 199 prisoners in, 1922 and
299 in 1921, . x : i
Liquor fines approximated
$70 ttO In 1923. according- ttfSher
lit . Oscar Bower; and total $ ot
3901 days in Jail iwaa the ikgrti-
gate sentence In i addition' to
criminal cases, a vast amount of
routine work and civil cases re
ceived" attention., Many cases
passed from the sheriffs office to
the, justice court. The personnel
ot ? the office - includes Sheriff
Bower, J. W. Lewi,, office depntyj
Deputies Sam Burkhart And Wal
ter Barber and Bert Smith, traf
fic officer working out of the of
fice. -; 1 .
. i .,.7 . I'j
Dust ' Explosion at Pekm
Catches Many in. uorn
Products Plant
(By Ta AsMdatei Pitts)
PEKfX, 111., Jan. 3. Upwards
of twd score workers ate dear or!
missing: and another two score I
!i - fu-s .eacltjx adultery.; assault "vita
. j--, , i . i , , , ; , , 1 ; : r 1 . ,
' juirsv.-fi-v'.l:-;--..''-' ., v -v . ; y .
1 'if - J' ' " J
m - v , i'...,:."- . !- -
'1 -f '---'vrt- r1. -V-"-. ? f v-vvi.. ' . .v.- . -.-
t . ( . i' i . trrsri ' - -
i ? ! i . j - - - - n .
With" th WrMtthn m'si inasni Were Injured, a dozen of them
men and 22 Jn9ane Wonven,' the P'robiblj faUlly, as a result of
register includes the following dust explosion and fir which
inc'. Hauor SB laMenv:. SI?, mn. Vorn. rroaucts pwni nere cany
tribntlng to the deUnauencr of a 1 ?aT '
minor. 9: forgery, g: arrested fort v nescue parties were wqrwns
other ; counties and' states, 7; as frantically and had recovered few-
sault and battery and 'delinquents, j er "than a dozen of the bodies to-
9 each; ' automobile' thefts, S; 4 night wsen a secpna sni oi rescu-
drlvlne an: automobile-' while in-l era' entered the ruins to fight 'ice
toxicatfid: tthtsfninir -nntir nnder i and 'tire in a near-zero tempera-
false pretences, : transportation of ture hampered "by . the fear that
intoxicating liquor andr; issuing overhanging wajis might crash , in
eneexs witn msunicieni runas, 41 ana imprison me rescuers w?w
each : ' assault and ' robbery' armed lelerf ; X
with a dangerous weapon, burg-1 , Supermtenaent w. , ;
lary tflOi, 19 1 aj aweiimg Burning j wnijui, ujey . ; vv' tt
propertjr1 f or insurance and iewd j ment that he could hot tell now
many ,more were killed as some
property f or insnranci
and ' lascivious V cohabitation,"
- Zacltne F" forForisdie latest prwiuabfrixe
t ; Standard Oil Research txwa
does the lubricating job' tor Vfxtds x&nQ pxbef oil wUl .
; . do it. Zeroteite "' for Fir& lfNL grease gasoline f
: , .j-- 1 mfeage, sve cartKn:remoyal and vaiye-grinciiiig ex
penses, reduce fri&ion and wear, and prolong tf)e life
"r, 1 of every Ford which it is ;iie It. ii a facfitific, v
--pracal answer to the Fc
' ' ,' lem and it costs not more, but (ess than'npst ofher"7
special Ford oils "'now on the? niarketi w';"
5 Plenty of oils are good in the can and n the crank-
f . . -
1. i
on f Af t6. On every part of the Job. It a j?
tequirement of a Ford lucant 1 gM W Ufa party
mat require luortcatunu v - ,
Tbe wrist-pin bearings, for; eiiihtE' Tpt fd
! lubricating system is an excellent ayitet lwoy
splash oil tothe wrist-pin bearing?, ifWesi the Wis
I ngAfrf Neither will it reach the Upper iialf of tlie ejrjU
f inder walls neis the oil is right. ; . '. u ,
ZeroUne FW for Jwfr saw your Fpyd jgt tijese "
crucial roints. It reduces the utvteep co$t cf yolir or
. and lengthens its working lite. , v p , -
ZeroUne "V" for Fords geU iUerwer cmt
ing conditions, in summer and In winter. IacherT
7 Zerotene oils, it is made from aelecled Western Naph .
tbenic Base1 Crude, and is ccsecpiently one of ihe
best cold-test oils obtatpablel Like tHe other Zerpfene
oils, it deposits very littte carbon, anil that little is so
, soft,and fluffy that most of it '.blow'Jo';'syif'tH9 '
cxhaust.You won't be. bothered whh caked and
, "froren" piston rings if ycu keep Zerotene' 4Fn for'
Fords in your crankcase exclusively. V
All Standard Oil Service Stations and most garages
and other dealers now -carry Zerotene ?F?-on rip .
and in cans. Clean out your crankcase today and start
j : right 'with;.JZerv2efse fV''for Fvriu. t " '
' A FordweU treated, is an A-l transportation invest'
mcnt. Protect YOUR investment by proper lubrication
(California) 1 . ' . ' ' -.
workmen may have left "the plant
without "checking out."
Earlier In th Jay a report.
issued front the plant employment,
office, had it that between 34 and
40 were known dead or missing.
29 injured In Pekin and Peoria
hospitkls,,!! of them probably
fatally, ana i lnjurea remyvca i
their homes. ' ' r,-:'
Tonight the fire was still burn-
lng Stueams or - water, airectea
bn it by Peoria and. pekin firemen
keot it In checK, out aaaea iw ,ve
difficulty of Wreckers hy coatlnt
debris with thick ice. ives ana
families of the victims shfcwed
wonderful coolness. They did hot
congregate at the plant, , bitt,, JteP,1
coming ana going lBiwufifv:
cession1 inquiring with, jauivering
lips for wordVf their loved ones.
Nearly all the dead, missing ana
Americans. residents
of - the littie twn ot Peki; Irhose
lS.OeOvpeople. were torn, with a
aimibij' rrter in 1917 i wheni the
river steamer Columbia bore 88
P6g)A.eXCUrsipnwtS W i grave
the Illinois river, oetween nere
and Peoria. '
State and federal investigation ,
of the explosion were in sight , to
night. ' Geof go MMofrat of New
York jcity vice president and 8eft-
ftrai manager of thCorn proancis
cbmpanr directed - Superinfendent
LAwton to snare no osts in "rescue
worn ana myuea v. r. nyi
the department of agriculture u
conduct- a -; full examination.
There-was no official who would
venture a guess as t the possible
first cause of the explosion.
Cahners Agree to Cook--".'
Vegetables Under Pressure
PORTLAND. Jan. 5. Demon-
atrations in berry canning .me-
i thod' and, addresses on various
I features 'of the canning Industry
occupied the delegates to annual
I convention -of the Northwest Catt
UUiO .SOWIH W O 9 i '
sions. There were 250 delegates
present : this -afternoon. Tonight
they were entertained at a smok-
I er. - sessions ;wm continue. io-
morrow, Closing with a banquet
iuliob evening.
. . Members of the . association
have aereed to cook all vegetables
I hereafter ', In pressure tanks aa a
r precaution against hotulinus pac-
teria. v . S,r -
They took action ycBterday at
the tenth annual convention: of
the association, held in the Ameri
can.: Can company plant, after "J.
Q. Holt, president of the Eugene
Fruji Growers' association, talked
on' 5Stan(!aVdiring' and Sterlliza
tion.'. ':' ; :
.. Speakers yesterday were Bob?rt
Paulus. 'manager of the 6regotjt
Growers' Cooperative association:
IW- Cf. Allen. Salem, and Dr. tS
Kohiman, chemistf of the National
Canners" association ot washing-
ton. . , '
;! 1 - 4 (California) . ::
Los Angeles Bandits llake
Get Away with $32,509
LOS ANGELES. Jan. 3. Two
pairs-of bandits Who today ob
tained a total of $32,500 in eash
and checks by robbing a bank in
one section of the city and' hold
ing up S creamery company cajh-'
ief on Uhe street in another dis
trict apparently had made good
their getaway by night. - ;
. Tne xtrst . arxair c-osi a brancn
of b.e . EacHhbulhwct bank
$6,500 lr cash, wcB-iqne robber
pair lined ap bank employes od
customers against- the 'irajl 'an
cleaned 'all the 2qJ coifi
cufrenfy from tho vault and 'iell-
-drawers...;. : ? t '
TTllfSlf fnifl n riT-i y.: n
JJuwiyjLDvrJ Li LiL! .
, , r t 1 T?' a V '" ' ' " -'1 . ' ' ' '
. . 'i ir.-..r. . fc . r 1 . t , ( . . - .
. . ----- - f " ' " u s- . . - .. - j". 4 , . v- : :
Mr. Zooel Leaves Safem-Soihg to CaJifcrnia-DocicIco
to Close Out His Interest in
TO THE PUtJUCr akfc notice Zosel & Cooley.proprjetore of. the HarTs Shop of Salem, Oregan, have Hccli-i
to dissolre partnership; the reason why is that 3Xr. Zosel decides to leave Salem to attend to interests-ia Cali
SirlOP .
' fornla,. vAire.uooiey-ciec4a air. nosers interest fiere, ana m orger to raise trie fieeqe.ca5 tgt f-y
Mri ZoseJL"he .will -throw; Salejn's'reatest, fincistjtiost' clile jneh goods store of -riercn?r.dise eyr kaitdlcj ii
Salens. - Etrerv article will be jeduced. nothine held in reserve all coods cut to the limit. 'This entire Gurantie
stock tonsistirtg of the finest, most up-to-date of enV Suits, Overcoats, Iats and Furnishings must be cb?ri
' oWt to the lowest point possible to pay off Mi, zose! "and satisfy the creditor Jhb 'entire stock will be tnrown
: on bargain counters, plainly markea at the great est, most ridieuiQUs Drice catting event of monern times. Peo
" pie take notice: Sale will open 9 o'clock sharp, Saturday,; January 5, A' word to the' wise: Hurry 9 Salcn's
fftektest sale. Don't forget the opening date, Saturday,5 January 5.; .-R rHi? ?9-rrw ..fv-:-;Tn; ;;
1 . :,..!., - , . . r : . :',.--:- f r. .-
,': '- - - v ' ' 11 ' . A i - ''r- - v. i V v . - .;.- .
inn 1 11 i liiii-i ii . ..ii .) ) 1. :. 11 1 11 I"' L i.'i ' ' 11 . I ii .ft 1 1 1 1 .'' 11 1 1
The Greatest and Mp$t- UpTo-Pate Men'isj : GbjwS.YTWIrV
A Keal dale
ri II " " - :'
..K .t
Sale Befeins Saiuifia Jasma
-Store Closed all day, today to mark down arid rearrange stock Extra Help Wanted-
On Sale at Giveaway PrWes, all kinds,
all sizes,; but noihins but the best.
Mea'a; and young
men' ail wool suits.
alt new styles, values
to S3 0, sale price
j The wejjl-knovn qual-
I liy Kerchbaum arid
J op!ejr brand clothU
4ng;U 11 sises of th
! latest style's cRegu-(
Urly sold to $45.'
: rourf while they last,
$31.69 C i
i Odds and Ends
Values S25 to. 130,
not all; elzos, while
they last . j '
Ait Wool inens.nigh
ipradc , suits, vuea
iHkq 137.50; big
line . to choose from.
al Qizcs. r ' .''
All suits? not advertised go at
" 20 Per Cent Less
limit 1 Pair, to a Customer
One IbtJlpfc MeiVai
While They Last
.'--,vu : . ... .... ,
We Reserve the Right to
; Limit Quantities
Toarjai for i songjopheir plnal Tgruci
Nothing But the Bkti
One-odd Idt oCneaV blrcrcoabr somo la tla
'orth to tjf )l is V
s they last HI. ; i V t f .'
lot worth
A big line of overcoats
and raincoats, vSlucsl
o to $30. -
- One et ot men's high :
, grado Overcoats, vval
. uei io U2-50. Yours
Society Brand, and: Klrchbauin quality Over
coat, values to 6S, r--f00-- 'A O
to closo tor ....... ..,.....,. V
. 1 ii , 1 1 . ' . . ji I ... . , . . 1 .1 r j . i ; 1 ' "wy in j 1 ,
NOTICEJ AreGoirt Out oi the Boys' Biicin
v Boys' . 1 " . -Boys. Boys' Hose - fLOBoys'' '".V ; Boys; ' " . . , .
Wool Shirts WooTUniin Suits " Sweaters, Now Union Suit
69c Each ,- SUS Ea. J $2.98 98c :
Men'i Canat i
2 Pairs to a Customer
416 Staie Street
Zosel tSs. CQoley, . ' Salcm Orcsbn
(VlirjiV Wprlr
; fc RocUford
1,.- X
i -'-