The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 04, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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    !'':. . . . -
If you want to know what Is
going on In Salem; if you are"lu
tprested in this city;, if you want
to kn6w What the merchant of
alera are doing Read the -ads;
Because the Classified "ad pass. of.
.the Statesman, reaches and Is read
In the homes of so many people lir
and near Salem, is why a small ad
on that page always brings good
returns. - -
i V
VlD liT
'f 0
Residents South of Salem
'l Must' Maintain Lines -to
; City Limits; Says" Service
What Is Called Only Discrim
inatory Case in State Is
- Eliminated
general manager of
fruit Association
Withdrawal From Cooperative Organization
Scheduled for April 1 Need of Rest Given
as Reason Task of Adjusting Financial
Condition Completed During Incumbency.
Faithful Animal Followed Car
All Afternoon; Thinking
Master Was on Board
. What. ,the . puhlic service com-
. mission calls 'tone of the few re
mafnlhg discriminatory situations
established - during the develop
went' of the telephone Industry
under competitive conditions and
"i before the days of regulation." is
to be remedied by an order of the
commission today affecting farmer
patrons of the company in the dlsr
triet' Immediately south of Salem.
" Elsewhere In Oregon farmers
are required to maintain their own
lines up to the primary rate area
ot the, company, Inthe district
. south of Salem, on account of, an
' arrangement existing since about
the year 1904, the farmers main
tain their lines only to Liberty,
while the Pacific Telephone Tel
egraph company maintains the
lines from Liberty to the south
city limits of Salem, -a distance of
2.2 miles beyond the primary rate
area, which is the city limits.! This
is considered a discrimination
against the ' farmers north, east
and west r, of Salem and also all
others in the state.
It was officially announced vesterdav by Kenneth C
Miller, president of the board of directors of the Oregon
Growers Cooperative association and the Oregon Growers
packing corporation, that Robert C. Paulus, general manager
of the Oregon Growers Cooperative association and its affil
iated packing and warehousing company, the Oregon Grow
ers Packing corporation, had tendered his resignation to the
board of directors of both companies at their meeting last
Friday, December 28.
In tendering his resignation to
the directors Mr. Paulus stated
A combination . dark yellow
pointer and shepherd, with four j
white feet 'and a white ring
around his tail, followed a street
Oratory FIOWS in Senate and ca. all, Thursday1 afternoon in be-
House Chairmanship lie hi mer wa8?nb0r
., r j Finally he became tired and
Deadlock continues ana lay down in tbe snow whenever
Adjournment Taken J ue street car stopped.
tie was rescued py riumane ui
ficer Morehouse who has the dog
at his snimal refuge. He will be
glad to deliver ft to the owner.
The .faithful animal did not see
the owner get off the street car,
so kept up his mad chase.. - -
Inquiry Demanded of Why
Bar Association Chose
Foreign Liner
111 CLElfELUpQ
Maniac Attack Junction Op
erator in r Ontario and
Stops . Everything
I. . . - - Iff; - ' '
PORT WILLIAM, Ont, Jan. 3.
Armed with a two-bitted axel
and howling 1 like a' wHd beast,
I 1 II II V rV rilHIHIl . IB YTl Ja.ll I JB IT- iiruic I ' " . .
Calif ornian Candidate for the r from bis. office at Portland Bureau l Recedes.
Nomination Turns . B i g pnmee junction near here yes- from Hopeful' Forecast Of'
Guns on Administration :JimK
Policies I Wnfle. an attacWng force, con
sisting of the operator and sec
tion men, battled to regain, con-
24 Hours . Eaf fier for Mild '
Weather - V ,
Must Ceas Practice
WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. Con-1
sress returned today from its hol-
i idav recess, listened to several
that during the first year of the hours of oratory and transacted a
organization before ne became
manager, the packing company
!':..r,i . ......
; :
..A.i.r'nl '
UUMMI I 1 tt A I I HUMLU no interfered with.
Finally a battering ram waft
put : Into play, the door Bmasbed
in and Krusiski jammed tehind
It. Spikes were driven through
the door and the insane man was
practically crated until the police
arrived from Fort wniiam.
Senator Says Tax Propa
ganda Is Being Pushed By
Interested Folk "
No Mention of Snow Made in.
Ordinance Providing for
Cleaning Streets
(By Tha Associated Press)
CLEVELAND. Ohio, Jan. 3.
A bitter attack on the Republican
national committee for its action
in increasing southern delegate
' The Pacific company is required
hy the order to desist from this
practice by April , i.l The order,
while apparently directed against
the telephone company, really up
holds (the contentions of. th com
pany, and .la against the centen
' Uons of the fanners. ' ',.-
j The.order says tn part:
? "This proceeding brings to light
one of the few remaining discrim
inatory situations established dur
ing; the development of the tele
phone industry under competitive
condlUons and before the days -Of
regnlatton." Trom the'Tecoi it ap
pears that several years agoj, prob
ablynrine 1J04, the, farmers and
other residents of the Liberty dis
trict, south of the city of jSatem,
formed an organization for tne
had invested too heavily In pack
ing plants in anticipation of add I
tional acreage of fruits which was
never signed up, and as a resolt
it was badly over-invested and ri
correspondingly under-financed
that at the end of that year jupon
taking the general management of
both concerns, which was confer
red upon him at that time, it be
came necessary for him to de
vote practically aTl of his time and
energy in connection with fjnan
c.ial matters while pulling the or
ganization through the serious fi
nancial stringency following the
deflation period.
Condition Overcome'
The obstacle of this financial
condition had been gradually
overcome, but the handling of the
situation, the marketing of enor
mous crops through this period of
poor markets, the reduction of a
heavy overhead under which the
concern was organized and the
building of a smooth working or
ganization had taxed his strength
to tbe utmost, and he felt a severe
need for a rest. He tendered his
Governor -: Refuses. Reprieve ?
week, with committees at work Reouested i By .rortland.
both the senate and house are Organizations
rhD.lnlArl tr trt fin.lllv ITim II I 1
V- . II X ' j
stride which will carry them up
to adiournment. nlanned for be
fore the national political - con- Governor Pierce
vciuioiis MCAi bummer. I" . r- " j si ma .-. T,,.K1tn
,tion of fleorffft Parker, slaver of ueu vuwimBe wai.c i""
W T. rtnnlan of t.inn 1 nomination, marKea me opening
Work on administrative features
of the Mellon tax reduction bill
was received by the house ways
and means committee which hopes
to bring forth legislation in ten
days or two weeks. The first ap
propriation bill of the session fAr
the Interior department is to be
presented to the house next Tues
day and will be followed by the1
army and navy budgets.
Fall to Klect
The senate today made another I
ineffectual effort to select a chair
man of tne interstate commerce
convention, a big gun bombard
ment. against the administration
for supplying arms and ammuni
tion to the Obregon forces in
Mexico and a thrown gauntlet to AoDarent Amiable Relations
last night re- th Ohio Republican state central! rf . YesterdaV BlOW Ub
itto the execu- committee which endorsed Presi-l tdrty J colcf uaV DIUYV UJJ
Later in uay
POIITLAND, 0r.,: jan.? 3.-4-The
local government weather bureau.
had receded completely tonight
from its hopeiut forecast ot 2i
hours, earlier for milder weather.
The latest forecast -Is for contin
ued cold and more show. . Tbe
respite from snowfall of 24 hours
had given: opportunity for side-
county, May 20, 1923, which will
take place at ;the stare peniten
tiary at 8:30 b'clockj, this morn
ing'. : ,
Telegrams urging the governor
to "reprieve "Parker and all other
men at the prison awaiting execu
tion were received from two Port
land organizations, Hhe Mad-in-Oregon
Disarmament Forum for
'Anti-Capital Punishment Crusade
and the Progressive Woman's
League, Inc. . Reprieves were
committee, two more ballots, the asked pending the initiatipn of a
26th and 27th of the long drawn
out contest between the regular
and insurgent Republicans and the
Democrats being taken without
breaking the deadlock. Tbe vot
ing stood approximately as before,
Senator Cummins, Republican,
resignation to take effect on April Iowa- receding 28 and 29.. re-
Director! of Athletics at Uni-
versity Will Go East to
; Interview Men
; EUGENE, Or.. Jan. 3. Virgil
Earl, director of athletics at the
University of Oregon, and some
1, or as soon thereafter s the
board felt they could s'pare him
The board of directors felt the
justice of this request and after
almost every member of the
board, had taken occasion to pay
tribute to the manner in which the
manager had met the various
problems of the last four years,
reluctantly accepted the resigna
tlon, with regret at losing a man
as valuable and courageous as Mr
Paulus has proven to be. The
board accepted Mr. Paulus' reslg-
spectively, for re-election; Sena
tor Smith, Democrat, South Caro-
bill which these organizations pro
pose to put on the ballot at the
state primary election in May for
the abolition of capital punish
ment. Qovernor Pierce said he had no
new evidence on which to base a
reprieve, w'r - .. ' :"
f Prisoners besides Parker now
awaiting execution are Abe Evans,
address of Senator Hiram Johnson
of California in his campaign for
the i presidential nomination here
Foreign Policy Hit
Senator Johnson also made a
frontal attack on the foreign po
licy fof the administration, reiter
ated his Chicago speech in so far
as it referred to his unqualifiedly
favoring a soldiers' bonus, 'cau
tioned the people to look care
fully, into the Mellon taxation
planv although advocating a re
duction in taxes in no uncertain
terms, advocated help for the
farmersi by the lowering of freight
rates and' cooperative societies
and! finished with a seathing ar
raignment of thOSe who would
Memories of pre-war
Which the interchange oV3 notes
and .-communications was featured,
are being revived by the plumbers'
strike in Salem. After amiable
relations had apparently been re
stored between the
and the master- plumbers, tbe
whole affair blew up Thursday
morning with the result that there
was no change in the situation
last night. r
- For: a time it was believed the
difficulty bad been straightened,'
out and that the men would bo -at
work Thursday, after J. A. Ber
nard!, secretary of the master
walk and . street clearing opera
tions and" there ' was ; little Snow
left underfoot Ihere In the. iown-i
town section tonight, y ; . v
Eastern Oregon points " gener
ally were still experiencing wsth-.
days in er ood deal colder than that In
western ' Oregon nut ? iTeennR
weather continued all over tha
state.' i; . :---,'i--:-".
-fi No Let "Up Im Salem -
journeymen L- C)U weather In' Sa-'
lent Thursday,' tnotfgh the tern-
perature was not as lew- 4s cm
the precedins; ' dayJ 'A maximum
'of " 2 9. 'degrees and a mlalmufa xtt v
19 degrees "were 'reported. HPre-i
dictions of warmer weather and a-,
promise of rain failed, to tnater-;
iaiize. ? -f-rr" ' "
Iina, receiving 31 on both bal- slayer of James Dora n in Wasco
lots, and Senator Couzens, Repub- county; Russell Hecker, slayer of
lican, Michigan, 11. Frank Bowker in Clackamas coun-
Senator LaFollette, Republican, ty; Arthur Covell, convicted for
Wisconsin, who has been ill. re- inciting his nephew, Alton Covell,
turned to the senate today for the to kill Mrs. Ebba Covell in CooS
first time this season.
Investigation Called
Inquiry into plans of the Amer
ican Bar association to use a Bri
tish vessel for transportation cf
county, and George Peare, slayer
Few. local, telephone, lines. are ..
T1; " ont of commission -and no ton Unel ,
plumbers, officiaUy notified the I - -M- VW-.B H - J
raignment ot inose woo woulu I ninmhera won Id srrpn tn th lo-1 ". r .- r -
haveth countrv ioiu in the world ?mv, Vr?J? ;beJicifIc' Telephone & Telegraph com-
. it proposal wan i acceyeu , ujr ia
i. ua,c vuo.. . i miirnormpn hut a a moptlni' lat-
. . i. 1 ... J. .1. - ii. I ' - - r-
cenam peopie, inciuamg me u- in. the morninz the. master
plumbers did not agree to the
Bernardi suggestion and refused
to abide by his, plan. Result the
strike was declared on again.
' Various . communications ex
changed 'between the striking
tingulshed Detroit manufacturer,
have deplored that we should
have an election this year and
perhaps at all," said Senator
Johnson. "And many politicians
denounce me because I have m-
1 CU, I . ... .. .. .L. I " -
of his wife and a neighbor namdl'cu . l"c ac . VJ journeymen ana tne
occasion bu usve uui jv-i uihk i plumbers were as follows:
their plans for a nomination ny
Culver in Coos county.
Parker was reported as bearing
up well Thursday. A woman,
said to be his niece, and Father
Addressed to the union:
Statement of Sir. Paulus
On being approached regarding
' '
V :
nihi naiitn 4a Va t n tM A Vw Daa
purpose of providing a switchboard ldent Campbell will leave , this thn. ltt?L? B iDt
n thm, ivoral lines terminating -I, ,u . until after April 1.
" t i ww tw iue uiiuuie weak oiu cask
at Liberty. . At this time there ftf - foothaii coach . for
Were In ll about J 3 Or, 14 farmer tllft nnfVernltv ' aconrAine to n.
lines terminating at inac point at thft Henartmnt of we mauer ny ine oiaicsman rev-
. . . I . I - I . .. , . . 1
reseniaiive yesieraay, ur. i-uiu
made the following statement:
The strain of the work has
been unusually heavy during the
past four years, especially since
many problems had to be met
which are not faced in ordinary
conditions, and while I have felt
the necessity of stopping to lest
for some time past I did not feel
it the proper thing to do until the
heavy financing of the company
had been completed, the overhead
reduced, and a smoothly working
organization finally completed, I
have tried to build an organiza
tion which could run without me
for months at a time if necessary,
and would not quit until I felt
During the negotiations feveral atWeUcg today
meetings were cauea, tnesej meet- : Earl hag heen in8tructed to in-
ings, Ming auenaea ny a i-epresen- terview about 25 of the 60 appli-
tauve ot tne racuic leirpnone cant for the position. He is ex-
Teiegrapn company, wnpropoSe pectedi to telegraph, his recom-
i , to exiena a poie ieaa wua auiuc- melliations ,back to the faculty in
lenLJtnes from lae ciiy rai oi abont a moTiaXt nwas stated.
Salem to Linerty, a aistance oi
members on a pilgrimage to Lon-
nation, however, only on condition don next summer was ordered by t. V. Keenan.; spent the entire
effective senate, wmcn aiso asKea ior anernoon wunrnim.
information as to the facilities the Parker declared he was not go-
board had offered the delegation ing to the gallows) with a feeling
of the Chamber of Commerce of of ill will against any person,
the United States or its trip last He said, however, that he was not
year to Rome made in a foreign
default to be consummated. 1
shall not concede that , collectors
of revenue, United States mar-icity cf Salem agree to submit the
shals, postmasters and other of- j wage scaie to a local board of ar
open and the plant functioning as.
usual. Tiotlri organizations , dread .
the possibility of sleet and a ail--,
ver "thaw: ' " '
Three- horse-drawn plow were !
kept in action throughout the res
idence section yesterday by Wal
ter Low,' street' 'commissioner.' '
These are-making an effort U
clear" thai sidewalks; - This work '
is being, retarded by the light rain
that fell Wednesday night. rees
The master plumbers of the " .mu.. ,
keeping intersections . clear- bt
flee holders may themselves alone bitration and will abide by their Blus anl e. . Praeticany ail ot.
nominate candidates for the presi-1 decision. The local plumbers are
dency. JtO work at the present scale until
"The leaders upon the other! the decision is rendered and it to
to be hanged so -much for thel'u UBTO ui1UIi1ic i1ii,w11u,l
slaying of Sheriff Dunlap as
ie i
about 2.2 miles, and to provide
switching service for the Liberty
lines through the Salem exchange.
; Offer ,Wai Acceptel
"This offer on the part of the
Pacific company t whs accepted and
since that time the residents of tne
Liberty district and many other
districts souin ot&aiem naveoeen u. AmftK:un
through a miscarnage of Justice
and because of the fear of j the
I people "for 'mob violence.
Parker is a native of Evans-
ville, Ind., where he was born
May 1, 1888, He comes of Metho
dist parents,, but since arriving at
the state prison has embraced the
Catholic faith.
recent action their contempt for
the men and women who in real
ity constitue the Republican pacty.
Our opponents do not believe in
(direct primaries.
Signed) J. A. BERNARDI,
"Secretary Master Plumbers' as
sociation." In response the union sent the
f ollowinff: . i
"I have been instructed by the
plumbers' local. No. 374, to notl-
Millions are Starving or Suf
fering From Disease,
Says Speaker
tration board be accepted and that
arbitration board give decision on
curler before February 1, 1924.
able to receive farmer line switch
tag service through the Salem ex
change by bulldlng thelr lines,to
connection with the lines of the
Pacific company.; at Liberty; . al
though, for. the past sererai. years
a uniform, provision In all the tar
iffs Of the Pacific company, and
other telephone companies as well
mond Ring and Other
Prizes Soon Decided
"Three dollars will feed one !
everything ws in good shape andlchild one meal a day for 150 days,
the organization would not suffer at a costpf 2 cents a day, deciar-
bv mv leaving. ed H. L. Eddy, of Portland, rep-
I . .
T nm elarLto hav had an on-i resenting Henry T. Allen, chair-
Equal Rights Desired
f ,
'T insist that the Republicans
in Ohio shall have an equal right
in determining the nominee for
president with the Republicans in
South Carolina. Obviously
onnnnentn dn not so believe.
r I itY-i j- rt . t , nil ii
Just as pollution at the source! coruinK svreiarr uiw.tu.
of the stream will pollute me i ' i ne master piumoers neia a
whole stream, wrong and in jus- I meeting yesterday morning ahd
tice in the selection of delegates I then sent their final ultimatum to
of a national convention wll per-1 the union men as follows:
meate and taint the very conven-j "At a special meeting of Master
tion itself." Plumbers of Salem called for the
the sidewalks In the business see-"
tion have been cleared of ice. 7
' ;r Sno wNot Mentioned '.. '' ,
- There Is no provlsfOa In the city f
charter or byj an ordinance coin-,
pelling property owners to clean ;
the sndW from tha walks unless!
given 10 da ys written notice. Or-? 4?
dlnance 1361, Sec. 9," provides j
that sidewalks cah" bo ordered 4
cleared by these notices, and then 1
1. Alt, J uuu , " - i' . " V' : m
fy you that your communication " " w UJ
of January 2 regarding local arbi- f th rtrwt wmmWoner niy.
cost against jthe property. No ;
mention of snow i made in the
ordinance,: -V: : : ) - .?
Mayor Giesy has requested that
all property owners cooperate Hn
an endeavor to clear the sidewalks '
of snow and Blush. ' ' r
SILVERTON, Ore., Jan. 3,
"(Special to The SUtesman)- The :
, thArmnmAter etill rematft. IieloW .
Senator Johnson then reviewed purpose of ratifying an unofficfal tne fjeeiingoint. at: Snverlon.
mv the Contest Editor.)
".It is a matter of hours left in nortunity to take part in pioheer- man of the American committee
Which to win either a. new Over- inr the greatest cooperative fruit for Relief of German Children, in
land Chamnion sedan, a Chevro- movement in the Pacific north- speaking at the Chamber of Com
let tourinr ear. a 1130 diamond west. I leave with the best wish- merce last night. "Oregon's
has reouired that applicants fori n. n,va V3i3kia nriro, of the. directors and tha re- onota is $100,000. sufficient to
this tvn of service connect their T ,..,ur iii k th iukv. Lilniipr nt the management, and keen 33.334 children from star
lines with -those; o the company conestants? On what vou candl- reciprocate the same. I wish them
at the, limits of the primary ratejdates do this weelc will depend on a very happy and prosperous New
area of the company, wnicn is now 1 r cnance3 f or success. Every year
at the elty limits., , , 0ne started practically even this In Good Financial Shape
During the past rear the nerweek for the final sprint for the During the past year Mr.. Paulus
II C tlAMhant Monro tn Rp the action of the 1920 Republican communication sent you by a
u. o. wciyiittiu mui. iw convention in! reducing the south- member of the association we wish
riacea unaer uumiui ui
Emergency Fleet
ving during the winter. The
Central Labor Council, Portland,
ern delegation ana" said it was "a I to say the plan for settlement out
step in the right direction" as it j lined therein did not meet with the
is a basis for further reductions. I approval of the association.
He then told of the recent action I "It was argued and decided that
. 1 - Ut. 4m In liAiin n m 1 m An m am t Info AAatt vilen
W-ASHINGTOX. Jan. 3. Decis- or me national co.nm.ue, m . u .uu u
i- .. nnA , o chinninir inn. wasnington ' unaer lue oru w
! . iTrktlonr Annonents" in again giving time is granted by your local. It
iv.vuv. --""'O"- I . '
This morning it: was few de-
grees higher than It was Wednes-
day morning and gradually ad-.
vanced a little during the day.
About five, inches ot snow still
cover the ground. , -
of . the Prospect "Hil Cooperative flnIsh If you have not yet stud- has arranged most of the packing in Germany are in school for the emergency fleet corporation, with
Telephone "company,- one of -the . led 0Yer the schedule for this week company's loans on a long time ba- rest are physically unfit to at- Leigh C. Palmer, former chief or
m , is.. t.Kif.tiAtia innnM. .... .. v. ......u. r. to. Thooo etndv for one hour the mtv denartment s bureau of
farmer line organiiatlons connect-j t0 gee what lts possibilities are, sis, obviating the necessity for con--ing
ht Liberty," becama overcrowd- yon ,hou!d do so without delay, tinual work on renewals, which
ed and it became necessary 10 con' You must tin vour faith this week had been the case during tne ue
struct an additional line, where- hrr!ntion if vou want to nation period. The overhead has
upon negotiations ' were naa wim 1 i been continually cut ana is now
the manager 01 the teiepnone com-1 This .eek tt.e Contest Editor 15 per cent less than last season.
(Continued on page, 2) 1 decided she would give 480,000 Loans for crop harvesting and
free votes, and that eieat number packing, amounting to isuo.ouu,
were arranged by mm ior tne witn
OREGON; Rain or snow flur
ries Friday; moderate west
erly, winds.,
;; i (Thursday) ' ' ",
Maximum temperature, "29.
Minimum temperature, 19.
Precipitation none. '
; River, 8.4 feet.
Atmosphere,- cloudy; '
wind.; west
. . . . . . . L..1J I J..1J.J . M
I - -.. th,M ih. nriirinai rpurGRemauun i was .'Ucwucu 10 aiueua our ore-
was the first organization in the House to place oper anon a npcp ;n;"te7ed"' r"scandalouS and vlous communication by adding
state to adopt the movement. trol of goverBment-owned.merch- and termed p ttlement
Only onethird f the children ant tonnage in he uaiB- Mo.Cnfalr is reached the wages'decided upon
"I speak of this outrageously I are to date, from January 1,
J -,..1J . J.ll,M. to 1 1 Q ft' "
i.. . . ,i i .... i nmair spiffLicin ui uuicfcuua w-
tend. These study for one hour me navy aepanment s dut " ..,gltllM, j. a. RERXARDt.
and then rest a half-hour with navigation,: as president. The de- rVl 'm V .A "
heads on desks in order to con- cision is in line with suggestions noer, -.u luc . . " : "t '
.v -. ..i i .,.k-,i pM.Mnt.l southern states, Alabama, Arkan-t Following receipt of this letter
ui,. fr, thon 5ft nr rMM hv Chairman Jones Of the ns, rionun, i uy me union m.nuuy umj
uac j e v v w " wj-vt- o - , , a a. nii.A rrava I . . . . - a .
cent of all children In large cities senate committee and was approv- isauippi. ;w y"1. ine' ,owin8 .
. . r- I j i ,v.y. .tiMji., Mfr. am virerai poue ioj.vv. Aiier our memoer weni io
ana mausiria. u r u' xatms x prDliHMf Hsrdine. Unrtf th mter lnmW r.lled monster wava Sweet- nine'-' men
ed with rickets and 2 oper cent ence. . " .7:. :7 isi . .j:r
JARIS, Jan. 3. A dfspatch 4
from Duesseldort says , It Is of
ficially announced that the gene
ral staff of, the army of. occupa--tlon
will leave Duesseidorf during
the first fortnight in January lor
n.VBYLON, N. Jan. 3.
tuberculosis. Fully 7.000,- Present at the conference, in ad- These nine Uts have
of votes win ne piacea to your , . . .1. " ''T: ai" T rh,ir. delegates
credit Just as soon as you bring growers during the year ot ": fQr President Harding and
me $50 In Oregon Statesman sub- In addition to worm o i tnem ' I lu. I," , v nVtor Ohlo has 51 delegates to the con.
ri eA IaaaI tTm I vlaiilioT nf TTijvrfrta ranlcfnfir uem-
Ohio polled 1,182,000 abide by their former agreement.'
.n nf .niiao. i DermanenL canitai loans.
... . . . l r,. j w.i M. Kk.i.ho. .f rinfM, nnlrinc Dem-1 veni.ion. . In ii I r-i.:. n-..
Hons nreceedina December 30 will aoout au.uuu or loans ior cur- u r... r "T1 v " " .-"I ntnr Johnson stated that he rurtianu Cieuirtc UUliiUdiiy
i!!!t:M Had Blowout Last N ght
m w - - . . i . . tt- i v. .... .-j,. Aiaoima us eiBWKu umo
inef as soon nq vou renort S50.I r.xpaiuiinK i ivuiu i - ,
StiU7n D-ring the past tew years, the and Oregon City, the only two cit- tive Edmonds . of Pennsylvania.
. ir a IrfrUrf fmit maTket. hav been In- les In the state outside of Port-1 chairman and ranking Republican
Will CQIWCI IUWI Ul 4 U) liuis " I .t- .J l
v m vrnn9T nTn. creased from ZS carioaa inincu who. mMr,irniwivi -v.
. .... . r in 109ft n AfAv ft rorthnd mar- Mr. Eddv anneared for Robert merchant marine committee,
her 30, ana saiurasy, January r . ------- ff tt.i...., . fi.iiv work
aets, ana ine name oi mhikdu n, oliius, tuimau wivtvi . uumi iuo -
Sid into Great South bay tonight
after the crart; had gone to the
rescue of three men . In ' a speed
boat that had grounded in a storm
In Fire Island Inlet. l
M ... I. A. 11. U
1 B Mil remuiiuce iu un n wir - I , . ., . k I . . . . . . v.. -A
tABt 'nrtrnt "be handed In not later no -been spreaa 10 every corner c.oip.igu, wuo ws u.u, .eu om iu'n
than U-St i. TSatufdiTja u- otthe globe. Fifty-eight million present. He w.sMntroduced by will become more pr less a regu
(Con ' (Continued page U Mayor J. B. Glesy, 1 latory and adylsory agency. .
WILMINGTON. Del., Jan. 3.-:
to -go on the ballot but that his - PORTLAND, Jan. j 3 When The government's suit against the j ,
opponents were trying to defeat three feeders blew ' out ; In. the Chemical Foundation; Inc:, for the
the intent of the law by prevent- plant of -the Northwestern Elec- annulment of th& sale to the Foun-. '
In the primary from .taking trie company -here tonight, all datlon by the alien ; property cus-
place. lights of that company In a large todlan. of; 5700 seized enemy dye!
He stated it took two supreme downtown district went out. and., chemical- patents, was dis-.
court decisions to put his name Service waa not. restored for missed by Jodge Morris In federal
on the ballot In South Dakota, several hours. . .court here. , ,