The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 03, 1924, Page 7, Image 7

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    , .-a
! Deaths Decrease, Births In
i crease, Say Figures of
I Dr. Cashatt-
i'l"" ' ' gggggMI'l ' I II
1 L'jnnnnni n n i i . .y . . . s , . ... t . . ,,..r....,ir ti a . ,,, , , v
' . i a . mm m n m aa m k h m . - wh, - mmt - -m. . . m. mam?. m m m m- m m r . m m is
- 1 n ii
ii ii i ii ii i i i i ii ii i f i i ii i i ii ii it if it ii ii ii ii ii ii ii i
i h a ' k a a as a- a a a a . a a aw a. a mm, m m a a a a a a a a a a a ' a a . a a a a - a i
1 1
, 1
! jThat the community was health
lor in 1923 than
m tte statement made Wednes-
!?.V D C E Cashatt. county
health officer. With the excep
, tion of diptherla, which while
snort-Uved. gaVe considerable
mere were no serious
ClildCtnica dnrlno- tha !.
r. T " J CM . .
i As some physicians are slow in
uuiu5 in ineir reports concern
ink births
statistics ! for the entire year are
not available beyond December 1.
a img period there were
,aeaina reported and 4 S3
births. In
; deaths and 488 births for the en-
jure preceding year. Th deaths
i include those at state institutions,
f All figures compiled by Dr.
v Cashatt ere for the Salem district,
: hch includes th 8 Various state
, institutions, ! which contribute
greatly to the large number of
, deaths. While all vital statistics
! are recorded, no effort is made .to
segregate births and deaths from
those directly in the city.
Business Men Urged to
: j Support, the ."Wallulah"
Since the-"&ntract'Xor printing
. "Wallulah.' the a- aual publica
! tion of Wlllamet' university, has
.been withdraw - from a Eugene
Ilrra And plaeed with a Salem con
cern, the b1ard of directors of the
; Salem Business Men's league has
v adopted a resolution expressing the
hope that Salem business men will
, generously support the periodical.
The following resolution was
'r adopted: j..
i ,i To whom It may concern: The
s .board of directors of the Salem
, Business Men's League passed the
. following resolution on January 2,
9 "Whereas, at a meeting of the
( Business Men's league, held De
'cember 27,1 1923, the matter of the
, awarding to an out-of-town firm
.of the printing of the Willamette
funlTerBlty year book, known at
the jWallulah,: was discussed, -and
. "Whereas, mention ; was made
of the discussion by the press of
. the city, and we believe that as a
.result . support of the Wallulah
may be wfthheld by some business
I men, andN.
"'Whef . .T'it-'bas come to our
, IcnOwledsa that. the contract for
. printing the Wallulah has been
" cancelled ifri the out-of-town
firm and awarded to a Salem firm;
' therefore, be It "
"Resolved,1 that the board of di
rectors of - the Business Men's
- league hereby expresses the hope
Jhat .Salesa business men will ac
z'corJi generous support to the Wal
; lulah, ahd that the press of the
city may give equal publicity to
the tact that the contract has been
. transferred "to a Salem firm.
' "By order of the board of dl-
Tectors, C. E. McAfee, secretary'!
Week of Prayer Services :
' f Will Be Held in Salem
By a plan developed by the Min
isterial unlou of the citj. all of
the churches wilt " cooperate in
special "Week of prayer" aervicea
next weekj Ftouir series Jnfthe four
V districts wlllv be held as follows:
. North, south, "cast ?and central
, groups. In the northern district,
, first- meeting January 7, ,at High
land Friends church, Rev. Mr. Gil
lespie speaker; Tuesday, at Jason
' Lee, Rev M.-C. Clarke; Iwednes
l day at Church of God speaker,
, Rev. Thomas Acheson; Thursday
V night Id their own churches; Pri
; day night In the Free ; Methodistt
church. Rev. I. G. Lee speaker.
Central district: Monday night,
Baptist church, Rev. J. J. Evans;
Tuesday, in , First Evangelical,
Rev. Blaine E. Kirkpatrlck; Wed
nesday In First Christian church,
Rev. W. C Kantner; Thursday In
First Methodist church. Rev. W.
W.j Long;i Friday, iff Presbyterian
chUrch, Rev. C, C- Poling.
East district: IFirst meeting on
Tuesday night In Castle Chapel
church,: RL.j Putnam iand H. W.
; Johnson, speakers; Wednesday In
Evangelical church, Rev. George
' Chapman, speaker; Thursday; Naz
erene ; church. Dr. C. E. Powell
speaker;' Friday, Central Congre
gational church. Rev. David Has-
' sell speaker.
Dillard Elkins Heads
: State AccidentBoard
! - ( . '
, The state Industrial j accident
; commission was reorganized yes
' terday ,and Dillard A- Elkins of
Eugene - was . elected chairman,
; Mcceeding W. A. Marshall. Elk-
Ins is a Democrat and an appointee
i of Governor Pierce. " The law re-
quires that not more than two of
) the thrjeel members ot 5 the fcom
mission ahall be of .the same po
; litlcal faith.. Elkins and E. iE.
: Bragg"' ire 'Democrats . and- Mar-
shall Is a Republican, Marshall
. has ; ieiedf on, the ! commission'
f since "It "was organized 'ten years
i ago, having been appointed origi
; bally by GoVernor West.
1 , It won't be euch a hardjwinter,
hfter U. ' There " is Tery little
''eheik'i literature la eight.
- Mil I II II III If II I I I f I I U II 1 I I II I... I I I 1 I l
iiei i i i il l i i i i i i i ii ii ii l in i i i i i i i . i i i i mm i i ii ii
Gale &
f - - r.
Every Garment of Ladies' Wearing Apparel Such
That sold up to $30
Ladies Suits that sold up to
S40-S45. Now go at.
25 Ladies Dresses
to $30. Now go
Ladies' House Dresses and Aprons
that sold up to $2
Ladies Wool Sweaters that sold up
to 56.98. Goat
Ladies 50c Brassieres at
Ladies' 98c Brassieres at
Ladies' Kid Gloves
$3.98, now pair
15c Ladies' Handkerchiefs at
Ladies' Very Fine
These shoes have been !
selling at $6.50 pair. Now...
' '" " ' ' " 1 """ ' nil iir mill .i.v,t..i,.ii ,..r, I,,-.. ,., .. -. . .
rj " "'" ... ;" ' ' " -pn" ' " ' - ' m ; , , n' " 1 - , ',,.,,
Co. Winds
Stock Goes for Whatever Can Be Realized in
to Close the Doors Quickly
r n
Worth of
that Sold up
at . . ..
that sold up to
Kid Dress Shoes, 3-4 heel.
es, o- neei.
Up Its Affairs and
A i r m i?c nr
m nil mi in ii mm I I ji I ill ii o b ..ii i mmm 11 i.u n . mmm .ml mm mi in n u I m 1 1 n .1 .m. ilLll..JBIIMHVaiBaBaiRaHaaBaiSaaBBPaBB)npHaaSMnVBn
Merchandise FR
Men's 15c Dress
Pair . ... . .
Men's Fine Wool
le Wool
Men's Work Shoes
$5, go at pair.
Men's Fine Dress Shoes that sold
up to 6.50 pair..:
Big Lot Children's Shoes 7Qc
Pair ... I ... . . . . . . . I 4
Mens' Collars 9 0
6 for . . . . . .... ... . wtJ
Big Lot Ladies'
Warner's Corsets that sold up to
$3.98 go at. .
Ladies' Corsets that sold Up to $1.50
Now go at .1......
f arreias
I $2.50 yard must be
Sox O,
. . . . ... . . 0
Sox " 3 8
that sold up to
Dress Shoes
w?"1 H n
mac soia up to U 1 C
sold. Yd..
Sin DTjTT)
the Remainder of the
y I
as Dresses, Goats, Skirts, etc.
First Gome, First Served
Be Here Early! Remember Friday 10 a. m.
Men's Overalls, pair.. 98c
Men's Heavy Blue
Shirts to be sold
Men's Dress and Work Pants that
sold up to $4. Go
Large Size Bed
Ladies' 20c Hose
2 pair for . ... ....
Children's Buster Brown Stock
ings that sold to 49c. . ..Pr.
Ladies' Silk Hose
Mill Runs of $1.25 to $1.50
Grade. Pr. . " .. .r: . . ..
Wash Goods, Etc.
Romper Cloths, 27 and 32 inch Ginghams, Per
cales, Crepes, etc. 1 Tr
All go at, yard;.:....v.:......v J ? .
Lot Wool Dress Goods
Chambray Work
at ..I....?....:.
at pr.
Sheets g
. :
.... .J.
( n