The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 03, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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'. " . , '7 . ' . . . 1 ,
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t ;
! -H
L ' f '.. - "'.r. ... . y
In Xew Itosldence- r J
- Wrd - A. Irvine, private secre
tary to Gorernor Pierce, and Mrs.
irvine have moved from the Court
par'tments, where they, have lived
ine they came to' Salem a year
gon to a residence at 995 North
ltl.l JL ' ''.J'-''- i- - ....
nier street. ,
Dont Forget j
Bishop's Woolen Blanket Sale.i
This, weather - demands - Woolen
Blankets.' Get them at Bishop's.
franchise ,Asked
The J Middle Fork Boom', coin
pan of Marshfield has applied to
Jibe public service commission for
authority to boom and raft logs
on " the Middle Fork of the Co
quille river. -;
Dance Dreamland Friday
i Elite ! Orchestra. Ladies Free.
New System Sought-- '
rtJThe- Automotive i Freight Trans,
portation association of Oregon
hau petitioned the : public service
commission to adopt" a uniform
freight classification similar 1 to
the Western - classification . now
Mused' br the railroads. '
. t-n?- ' tir ,','
iWell Equipped Hemstitching--.
'And art shop for sale In Salem.
'Fr particulars write 1275 states
man.' - dlg-30 Jl-3
vHrrfring Today i '
.The public service 'commission
'Will Conduct a hearing in Salem
) today oo -application of the Terv
wllliger-Boulevard stages for per
mission to operate. ' The arplica-'
: 8.:0. STONE, MJ).
General - Off ici ; Practice
2 Cancers Treated T
Office, Tyler' Drug Store
157. 8. Commercial Street
The ERA Clinic
! a ' Diacaosfa and Treatment of
' -v'T
.brain's. (E. R.. A.) ; Method
s.:.-. . Qiildren'a dinic Dally :;
-ft-Hti H Conaiiltatloa'rrec,''-;
, MJt uauun Mm f uuv, ,
rf ?llour 10 a. a. to $ p. isut
'fortieth and State, (1484 State)
'tqilUble Sartnga JLoaaT
t'thi&u f AsaoclattoB1 ' -j ; t '
f!fijt, fi- Portland, OresoW S W
iarry 0. KenT,-lpTeentatlv,
pi ifasonle Bids , u Fhone 1840
, lit Ortfos BafldU.
Tsfavaoaa 5T
Xtr Bearer, . Bell Insurance
T" "T""" ."Otatral Isiuran'ee . x
flDrV BII.
- f , .J VBalE :Wa
nrcitAPEunc institute
- (Formerly Dr. Schanka) ;
:f 249 a Cottaxe Bt, 4 . r
The Original and Genuine Spin
al Adjustment-Treatments Bklll
fuH, Painless djustmeal that
-aTt,reinitt.: -
? Oaaeopathle PhysteUa-aad -j
,' . : Snrseos 4 J .
t23 OreXda EWr. " Salem.
!' ; vi, DV.Abrams Electronic ' t "
Diagnosis :and treatment. The
: public should know that there are
some fifty limitations of Dr.
' Abrams machine. V Persons In Sa
lem are now advertising and using
ona of these imitations under the
name of Dr: Abrams. t For I the
truth; ifbout the Abrams TMethod
'U address Dr. Bl H. ; White S 0 6 U,
S. Kat'l Bank Bldg. Salem. Ore
R . u ill -'General Banking Business
;Offke Bouts From
:"X'J;;M Kalcui,
j awxaaia muaia '
: ; ; T;; Sulphite, and ftlanila .Wrappings, also Butchers Wrap
j 'pings, Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, Glassine,
1 Drug Bond, Tissuf. Screenings and Specialties;
Won Is protested by tr.'S.- King,
manager of the Portland-Multno-mah
stages, whose vehicles touch
the same places that .would be
covered by the new concern. The
Terwilliger --Boulevard line is ope
rated by James Chruftensen and
Louis Maggettl. .
Dilli-hunt Resigns
1 Dr. It. B. Dillthunt of the Uni
versity of Oregon medical college
in Portland has resigned as: offi
cial physician in Portland for the
state industrial accident commis
sion. His reason is that bis time
la largely taken up with the work
of the new Shrine hospital for
crippled children. His successor
has not been appointed -by the
commission. . ..
Enjoy the Kcophone
The latest and ' best in
Fleener Electric Co, 471
street. .
- J4
Last Day for Fees
Yesterday was the final day for
persons or concerns holding water
rights in Oregon 'tor pay their li
cense fees to avoid penalty
amounting -'to one-fourth - the
amount oft the fee. More than
450O was received. -Previous to
yesterday 1924 license, fees in the
sum of $1044.18 bad been paid.
Elite Orchestra at Dreamland-
Friday. Nice and warm. J3
Bohie Reappointed
Whitney I Bojse t .Portland,, a
brother of R.iP. Boise, of Salem,
was yesterday reappointed by Gov
ernor. Pierce' as a Member of the
state land settlement commission,
to serve four years. The. gover
nor reeently-appolnt4Jt- Alexan
der of -Pendleton to succeed Loyal
M. 1 Graham of Forest v Grove.
Other members of the commission
are , Charles -Hall of larshfield
andaG. H. Baker of ' Bend.; There
is still one vacancy on the com
mission, which was left upon the
expiration of the term of W. P
Stranborg of Portland on January
1, 1923.
Floral Meeting Postponed '
' ' The meeting of the Salem. Flor
al society scheduled for - Friday
night has been postponed, until
Thursday, Jan; 1 7, according to
information furnished by Mrs.iJ.
A. Churchill, secretary. Mrs.. I.
T. Harris, president will leave for
Eugene in a short time and it is
expected that another president
will be named to succeed her at
the next meeting. - -
Don't Forget
Bishop's- Woolen Blanket Sale.
ThisWeatn'eT HemaUds Woolen
Blankets. Get them at Bishop's.
:;,. . ' . j4
Runaway. Girls Sent Horn
Two runaway Portland girls,
Margaret Barnett, 13, and Violet
Porter, 14 were stopped In Salem
yesterday and1 returned 'to their
Just Received
Several. Cars of, Utah and
.re j.
Bock .Springs
Phone Us for Prices -We
Guarantee Oar?Coal
Larmer Transfer Co.
469 State St. Phone 930
Grafted Walnut Trees
' XUltea rrtae Bdae
i GnrU Hnrsery 8ok .-
las Yard aa,omc, 614 Ferry 81 '
Ortice Phone. 100. :, Res. 1140M.
" EatablUhed 1868 ;k 1
10 A. M. to 3 P. M,
homes on a 3 o'clock stag. They
had no apparent plans for the fu
ture nor quite decided where they
were going. Violet got as far as
California about four months ago
on a similar expedition. She ad
mitted traveling conditions were
better than they were yesterday.
Highland P-T Meets
The Highland Parent-Teacher
association will hold its regular
meeting at the Highland school at
3:30 o'clock this afternoon. A
short program will be given.
Declarations Filed
Declaration of intention to be
come citizens of the United States
were filed yesterday by Albert Vile
and Lars Kaarhys, both born in
Norway and now living in Silver-
ton, v t
Facial Packs of Vita Clay-
May now be had at the Model,
the Oregonian and at Miller's
beauty parlors. You will find it
truly different and better. ; It's
nature's way. ! j2
Married Yesterday-
Wilhelmina PunMne and Frank
L. Johnson were married yester
day by Judge P. J. Kuntz. Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Prescott were
witnesses. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
are former state employees! and
Mr. Johnson is now a guard at the
federal prison at McNeil's Island
for which place they will leave
today. I
Licenses Issued
- Marriage licensese were issued
yesterday to Frank L. Johnson and
Wilhelmina Purvine of Salem and
Carl T. Lorenzen and Hazel Hart
mah of Silverton.
Still Delivering Mail
Though the mail man may be a
little late in making his rounds
as a result of the snow, no trips
will be suspended on rural routes,
BRONCUSHIO At the residence,
890 North Liberty' street j Jan
uary 2, George Broncushio, age
72 years, husband of Mrs. Rosa
. Broncushio,. father of Charles
and Maybelle of Salem,. John of
Texas. Rocky of TacomaJ Don
ald of Virginia and Mrs. Anna
Wood of South Dakota. An
nouncement of funeral later by
Rigdon and son.
ROSTEIX At Victoria, B. C.
Mrs. Frederickia Rostein. age
78- years, mother of Mrs. Ida
n Hartman and Mrs. Eva Levy of
Victoria,. Mrs. Rose . Yerson of
' . Port' : Townsend. ' Mrs 1 Lillie
Adolph of Salem, Louis of Van
couver, "Joe of Seattle and Ed
ward ' Rostein, Salem. The re
mains will be brought to Salem
for funeral services and inter
ment, The time will be an
nounced later. Direction Rig?
don & Son.
COdVERT In this city, January
1, Ashur D. Coovert, age 50
years, an employee of the Stiff
Furniture company, husband of
Mrs. Lora Coovert, brother of
Lon Coovert of Bend and Mrs.
Letha Banister of Los Angeles.
Funeral services- toda,y, Thurs
day, Jan. 3, at 1 p.m. from
Rigdon 's mortuary, after which
' the remains will be entombed in
the Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum.
Webb & Chugh
Lei'dinj FcatnJ
V Expert Embalmert
Rigdon & Son's
" Uaequtled Serrlei
Ours Is a modern school
where every advantage of
progressive thought en
courages you to do tjhe
very best that is in you.
You will find all courses
planned with your needs
In view. Enroll in either
the day or evening classes
itVa's announced 'at the postoffice
yesterday. Deliveries will be
made as usual and the regular
schedule" continued provided the!
roads -are not blocked. - '
Two Meetings Postponed
feno and inclement weather
caused the. cancellation and post
ponement of twoi Cnfeetings
scheduled for yesterdajr.i r The
baby clinic at the Chamber of
Commerce was not held Wednes
day afternoon and the meeting of
parents or boys belonging to the
Salem boys' chorus at the YMCA
for last night, was ordered post
poned until next week.
Establishes Office
Harold L. Cook, for many, years
identified with the Hoy Scouts of
America in an executive capacity.
has established an office at rooms
416 arid 417 Oregon building, as
public Istenokranher. Previous, tn
his venture into scouting, Mr.
Cook was for many years connect
ed with the Office of the state en
gineer as stenographer. In his
new location Mr. Cook vrfll be as
sociated wfth. Percy A. Cupper
and Robert J. Simonson, consult
ing engineers and attorneys-at-law.
Mr. Cook resigned as executive of
the Boy Scouts of America last
Don't Forget
Bishop's Woolen Blanket Sale.
This weather demands W'oolen
Blankets. Get them at Bishop's.
Seeking Home for Pig
Anyone who wants a perfectly
gOod hog, with excellent ancestors,
may procure such by communicat
ing with W. H. Baillie, rural school
superintendent, and paying for the
porker's board bill, amounting to
around $20. The animal, originally
a spring pig, was exhibited at the
state fair by an Idaho man. He
sold the pig to some boys, but the
fathers would not permit them to
take the pig. Believing the ani
mal sold1, the owner returned to
Idaho.- The pig was discovered
three days later in a pen at the
fair grounds, and has been taken
care of since that time by Mr.
Baillie, who reports that the pig,
now a hog, weighs around 250
pounds. A letter received from
Idaho yesterday Informed Mr.
Baillie that lie, could dispose of
the pig and use the proceeds to
pay the board bill. Other pigs
from the same litter are being
sold by the Idaho-man for $75,1
in order to close out nis stock.
Harold L. Cook
Public Stenographer, 416 Ore
gon Building. Phone 412. f3
C. E. Council to Meet t ;
The Marion. County Christian
Endeavor council will meet Friday
night at the YWCAlo'oVtine'Sr-Ten
rangements for the visit of D.
Ira Landrith on January 14 and
to. discuss other jilas for the,
The Vita Clay Guarantee .
.- Is binding. Every, druggist in
Salem is instructed to return your
money without argumferiT' if 'you
are not pleased. Ask for the spe
clal introductory Jar at 23c--J5
Open Forum for Lion
Members of the Salem Lions'
club are urged to come to the
Friday luncheon fully prepared to
relieve themselves of,, anything
that they might, have upon either
their minds or chesf. The meet
ing will be an open forum at which
time any subject may be discussed
as suggested by the members.
Rer. Martin Fereshetian will pre
side as chairman -of the day.
War Veterans to Meet
.'.Department of fleers,' council of
administration and past comman
ders of the Veterans of-Foreign
Wars will meet Saturday after
noon, Jan. 19, according to infor
mation rceivedr yesterday by Bol-
j I OREGOW--r--jL1BE1"Y-7H GRAND ?
Corinne Griffith
Conway Tearle
Elliott Dexter
Harry Myers and
Hobart Boswoth
' . i '
Bifocal wearers: are appreciat
ing more and more the super
iority of Kryptoks. Modern,
eyeglass efficiency demands ap
pearance as well as comfort in
two-sight , glasses. Ordi nary
bifocals, with : the lines or
humps on their lens surfaces,
are unsightly and do not meas
ure up to present-day standards,
of popular tas,te and refine-;
ment. I
Kryptok Glasses, by; invisibly
combining two sights' in a sin
gle pair of lenses, remove the.
popular objection to double-,
vision glasses. In this respect
their merit is unique.
If you are in heed of optical
service or advice of any kind,
come in and see me. I am al
ways pleased to be of' serrice to
'ou- it.. x
My prices are very reasonable
for the materials and , services
given. I guarantee satisfaction
in every respect. ' If glasses do
not give satisfaction, they will
be changed f re$ for a period of
one year. Phone 723. 210-11
United States Bank Building.
Dr. Mendelsohn
ton Hamble, past department
commander, from James McCar
rpn, Portland, department .com
mander for Oregon. The place of
meeting will probably be in the
veterans' room! at the armory.
James S. Ca-, Jr., of Portland, is
the other past .department -commander.
Accident Victim Dies-
Injuries received by Asher D.
Coovert, 908 North Twenty-second
when he was struck by an auto
mobile while riding his bicycle
Friday night, proved fatal Tues
day night. In addition to his wife
he fsi survived by a brother, Lon
Coovert of Bend, and a sister In
California. Funeral services will
be held from tpe Rigdon mortu
ary this afternoon, with interment
in the mausoleum. Mr. Coovert
was B0 .years old and employed as
a cabinet makep by the Stiff Fur
niture company, "
Alcohol $ Per ial
Nelson Drug-Store"
Deckebachjlealty Speaker
Frank Deckebach, of the Mar
ion Creamery, Jwill tell members
of the Marion-Polk County Realty
association about dairying in this
district at the; regular luncheon
of, the organization at the Mar
ion hotel today noon. The lunch-
-Vill begin promptly at 12
o'clock and will close at 1 o'clock.
i '
The instrument that has revo
lutionized the radio. Fleener
Electric. j4
School Board Meets Friday
, t will not be necessary to re
sort to condemnation proceedings
in order to obt'ain title to two lots
in North Capitol in order t,o be
gin work on the" new junior high
school, it was stated yesterday by
Dr. II. H. Ollnger, chairman of the
school board. Arbitration will be
employed, with a representative
of ttie school board, the city and
two men settling the dispute. The
board will hold a special meeting
Friday to meet with W. C. Knight
on, of Portland, and work out de
tails Of the contract for the school.
Homer H. Smith Ins. Agency
Over Miller's for 1924 Calendars
Free. ' ' f d23tf
Lost Packages illeld .
Several improperly': addressed
parcels and about 100 letters and
cards are beipg held at the post-
off ice and clerks are making fvery
eriort to locate the senders of the
persons who should receive! ih'e
lnall. Some of, these have notjhfng
but the names, others no address
es some lack the state and others
are evidently misdirected; as; fhe
street does not conform with; ajny
in the city. Every effort will i be
made to deliver or return the infail
before it is. sent to the dead letter
office. Six films., evidently droo
ped into the office bylralstake are
being held. These are Dicturei of
a middle-aged woman of medium
si? e. , . :
Chamber's Picture PostponedUt
liecause of the snow, the Grind
theater was forced to cancel the
picturization of Robert W. Cham
bers novel, "The Common Law."
scheduled for last night. Regu
lar shows were held at the other
theaters. I ',
Cooloy Ihiys Out Zosel- I
Announcement of the. purchase
of William Zosel'8 interest in i the
Man s Shop, on State street; .was
made yesterday by Ellis Cpoley,
who has been associated with Mr.
Zosel for yhe last two years ; He
will Decome sole proprietor after
March! 1. Mr. Zosel expects- to
leave:, soon for California, j The
8torej will be conducted under; the
same poieiies in the future! as it
has in the past.
Club! Meets
The Business and -Professional
Women's club met last night at
the Chamber of Commerce rooms.
Jn the absence of Mrs. Ora F. Mc-
I Intype, president, who is ill; Miss
uiadys Steele presided. Because
of thje bad weather the attendance
was twit large.
Wanted to Buy j
B4ne grinder, power machine
preferred. Snyder, 750 Highland.
I ' lis
Basketball Officials to Meet
Officials of the . Commercial
Basketball league are arrijging
a i meeting of the YMCA Friday
night. Plans for the annual iban
quetf and:tne"awarding of medals
to the winning team will be made.
Fce4 Totaled j
Fees received by the public
service commission from automo
tive transportation companies; dur
ing pecember and turned Over to
the 'state treasurer aggregated
$7302. For the, entire year 1923
the iotal was $4,928.25.
otal was $4,J
First AppUcatl
The First Application
Of Vita Clay makes the black
heads disappear and the wrinkles
wince. Soon they get discouraged
and do not return. Ask any Salem
druggist for the special introduc
tory jar at 25. j jt
Convicts Pre:iew' Picture 1
Pre-view of ;Rex-Beach's picture,
"Big Brother,?' was enjoyed py in
mates of the state prison Tuesday
night through "arrangements . made
by Manager Hile of the Oregon
theatre. Warden A. M. Dalrym
ple was high in his praise of the
film, which will be shown locally
in the near future.
It Will Tighten Up
The sagging skin of middle life
and restore youthful bloom and
vigor.- Vita . Clay it's nature's
way on' sate at all Salem drug
stores. Ask for the special intro
ductory jar at 25e. j3
Reckless Driving Charged
L. M. Hurd, of Portland, was
arrested yesterday by Officers Ed
wards and Thompson on a charge
of reckless driving. He was re
leased under $5 bail and cited to
appear in police court this after
noon. Faulkner Case Continued
William Faulkner, paper mill
employe charged with assault and
battery by Mrs. Lettie Staats, his
mother-in-law, will not know of
Tor 17 j ears the Benrliley's and
Canips continue their feudal tar
nage with terrible loss' and suf
fering to each Then canw IMUy
BhcII and the end of the fend.
LIBERTY "The Gun Fighter." f
OREGON "Common Lavr."
BLIGH "Peaceful Peters,"
"The Common Law," the fam
ous Robert (W. Chambers novel,'
has been done Into pictures by the
Selznick company and will be
Bhown at the Oregon theater for
two days commencing today. w
Next to; the story value perhaps
the most outstanding feature of
the disposition of his case for SO
days. After his appearance iff the
Justice court Wednesday ' after
noon Judge P. J. Kuntz took ;the
matter under consideration.
Faulkner was released upon his
own recognizance and cited to. ap
pear February 2.
Dry Kiln Catches Fire f
Fire of an .undetermined origin
called out the fire department at
7:45 o'clock Wednesday morning
toahe hardwood plant at Front
and Rivera Considerable; damage
was done to the kiln but the plant
escaped as a result of the prompt
action of the department. .
Board Meeting Postponed ';''
the meeting of the official
board of the First Baptistchurch,
which was to be held last night to
consider the .question whether Dr.
Llewellen Brown should be em
ployed as the pastor here, was not
held because of the weather, and
probably will follow the regular
prayer meeting service tonight.
L. L. Thomas of Coos' bay Is a
visitor in the city.
Wayne A. Stuart of Albany ar
rived in Salem vesterdav for a
few days' business trip.
O. C. Brown and wife of Rose-
burg are registered at the Marion J
W. A. Woodward,' Albany drug
gist, is in Salem on business. ' -
Paul Townsend of Gervais was
in the city yesterday. 1
Hazel Long- and Ruby Allen,
students at Eugene Bible univers
ity, have returned after spending
the holidays at home.
Mr, and Mrs. Deb Long of Pa
cific City have returned to, the
coast where Mr. Long is teaching.
They spent ' the; holiday vacation
in Salem.
. Chri3 Kowitz, assistant city at-
torney, spent New Year's near
Lebanon. He reports a - foot of
n'6w Ifi he" CrabtfeV vicinity.
-Rita Reid, daughter of -Mrs.
Cora Reid county truant officer,
has returned to Corvallia where
she is attending OAC.
The Misses Ruth and Margaret
Griffith have returned to the Uni
versity of Oregon after spending
the holidays with their parents,
Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Griffith.
Dr. C. W. Davis of Stayton re
turned home , yesterday after
spending the night In Salem as
the guest of fhe Terminal hotel.
, Miss May McDonald and Mrs.
Mark Hayter were Dallas visitors
yesterday? i
Capital Hardware
& Furniture Co.
Best Prices Paid
285 N. Com'l St. , Phone 047
A Story of a Strong Man Cast Into a Soul
Searing Inferno by a Vampire 4 Sweetheart
Ll,ft? e
this productida1 is; its .rast ; which
co-stars CorinneGriffith.; Conway
Tearleand Elliott Dexter, and car
ries in their eopport auch celebrat
ed ' players as- Doris May, Ilobart
Bosworth Miss 'ii if Pont, Bryant
Washburn. Phyllis Haver, Harry
LMyers. and.Wally Van.
She was a girl wjio bartered her
troth to another to satisfy her con
suming lust 'for his, faithless
friend. And as the neighbors
gazed upon t her they wondered,
even as do countless' others, what
the world .ia coming to. - This
problem strikes the ' fire that ex
plodes toe bombsheir of , engross
ing romance and plot in the new
William . FbX?f eature,' "St. Elmo,".'
which comet ,tb. the Grand theater
tomorrow for three days. V
"Bringing the house down,", to
use a theatrical" expression, "The
Gunfighter," .: William Farnum's
latest William Fox production,
opened at, the Liberty theateiMast
night for a two dsy engagement.
Embodying-many-score of thrills,
"The Gunfighter" isTa: production
that cannovavoid a fortune of ap
plause. It i3 tremendous in scope,
thrilling In ;. development; Offering
a variety of entertainment seldom
equalled. . '."; . ;. .
LJiean teetn tne.
right vyaywith,
a dentifrice that
does hot scratch or
scour. Wash' your,
teeth clean with j
rr. rn
. i ,
(. -i
1 1-