b iio W b Li Li: : M m J u vJ )MLIg ' : " ' ; " -u.m ' i , r j-yfr'i . . -V..:. ,!!,,.,', ' . , '.. i i - i -i ,,, , 'nil, , ,,;, , , , i ' Wednesday, Decemlber 28, at 8 o'clock Uiriiici k T i wySiii" r " ' , Viiii Flour 49-lb. sack . 1 ,63 Perfection, 49-lb. sack...,.! 1.14 BREAKFAST FOOD j Puffed Wheat. ...:i.;,. .;.12c Puffed Rice . 1 6Vic Post ToastiesLi.;..! ......!.. ;8c ICellbsjfs Corn Flakes...:.;:; 8c IveUogsYFlaked Bran.,.....:; 8c Pest Bran nakes.:;.--L.:...12V2C Grape Nutsl .1: .;.16V2C Shredded Wheat.ulu:-.. ... 92C ! Roman Meal 2 f or..::..i:.t.:..'-;67c ' Larjicjplrsr. 'Pearls of Wheat 25c Larse",p!is. Albers Wheat ' Fldrcs.:..::;:........: !.26c Albers Cradced Wheat !,14c Cream of Wheat... 22c Uncle SamVFbod.:.?:.:..:..33,2C Albers Oats9 large pkg.... 27c Peacock Oats, No. 10 sack..l.47c Mothers Oats . .. ...1:29c I? ' ,,,''.:RICE ; Fancy Blue Rice, 6 lbs..;......L.45c Southern Head Rice, packed . by M; J. B.- Brandenstine in 2 and 4-lb. pkjjs. c : 2-lb. pkgs. - ..20c 4-lb. pkgs...:.-..i:.:;.........;..L.39c Semolina s Macarohi......i-..:L- 8c Spaghetti, r Macaroni and . Noodles, 3 pkgs..,.. ..,..L23c CANNED MILK Darijxold, 10 cans ; Dricld, small, 5 for. 95c ......24c 1 I - - m m 1 Mdiridao December 3 JL Our annual and only sale takes place for these five days of each year. You will do well to purchase enough of these standard groceries to. last for several months. v We hesitate to use the word "SALE" because of its being so prominently displayed throughout the past few months but we would like the people to know that this is a real sale in every sense of the true mean ing of the word. For instance the saving on a barrel of flour is 40c, on a 35c item the saving is 7c to 10c and so on thoughout the store. ; - Our object of this reduction is to reduce our' large stock before inventory. It costs money to inven tory a stock as large as ours and if we can give the people half of the amount that it cost us to inventory by .reducing our stock to half or more, we feel that we are doing "a good turn" for our customers. ; After December 31st the stock will go back to its regular price and we will start inventory on what is left. -. ; : . . . . .; : " . v We cannot guarantee that all items listed will be available all week. No goods will be bought to re plenish our stocks during this sale. , ' NOTE1 i-This is not old stock that has accumulated for months. Our turnover is very rapid and you will find nice clean groceries. - - - . li ; WE DO NOT ADVISE PURCHASING SUGAR IN LARGE AMOUNTS AT THIS TIME POSTUM 50c size Instant Postum.......-.39c 25c Postum Cereal..:.. ......224c Hershey's Cocoa, J-lb. tins 17c" Lipton's Instant Cocoa. ....: 1 7c Cocoa in Bulk 3 lbs..;..l ...j.i23c Shasta Tea, Vz Ib.t black or ' green.i ........22c CANNED FRTJIT 6 Preferred Stock Pineapple, No.2V2tins .:.: J 51.83 6 cans Rosedale ' Pineapple, Ifo.2J4!tins ... .11 .LiL .31.79 6 cans Singapore Sliced, in : No; 2 tins. $1.10 6 cans Pineapple, No; 1 tall tins : ..97c CANMCD FISH No. 1 tall Alaska : Salmon... .L 13c No. 1 Fletcher's, regular 35c . grade:....: ::.f.::.....;..:.30c California Sardines, No. . 1 - Oval in mustard spiced or tomato sauce.i.... ..... ...: i.f. . 14c Fancy : Norwegian ' Smoked, 1 ' packed in olive oil... ....... ....13c Yacht Club, size :.,.23c. Curtis Kippered Sardines.. . .1 . 1 7c' Tmy Tot Sardines........:... j..19c Domestic Sardines.. v........:.74c Dunbar's Fancy Shrimpl....... 19c American Beauty, 2 cans. .....35c Monopole, 2 cans...........l...l .37c No. 1 tall can Oysters, regu ' rpHce20cspeciaI.......16c Preferred Stock Oysters...... 35c Minced Clams . w..;... .L,23c Oysters; Clams and Shrimps, ' in our opinion, will be very much higher before new ' ; pack. '.,' , , BAKING 1 lb. Calumet: ...,....27c 2Vz lbs. Calumet ...57c 5 lbs; Calumet..I ... . .....1.03 10 lbs. Calumet ..$1.87 6 ozs. Royal Baking. Powder 22c 12 ozs Royal Baking Powder 37c 2Y2 lbs. Royal Baking Powder.....!. ; ........ . ..T.$1.25 5 lbs. Royal Baking i Powder. $2.25 1 lb. A & H Soda ,6Y2c Yeast 8y2c STARCH Argo Corn Starch......... ........ .11c Argo Gloss Starch. 11c Kingsford Corn....-..:.... 13c Kingsford Gloss 13c Linett, the New Starch..:.;..'... 9c '.'MATCHES- 8c Handy Box Special, made to hang on hail,' this sale.... 6c Silk Tip 'Matches, regular 2 - for 15c, sale price.V.......:.:. ; 5c '; I'll' i ' in j i 1 I Crytal White Soap..:.. .. .4 P & G White Naptha ..4i2c Fels Naptha.......:...;::........... 7c Ivory Soap....i..i...:......:i....: 7c Guest IvoryV 12 bars. .i.GOc Cocoanut White Soap, pure ' vegetable oil, 6 for..:.....'.1..23c Sunny Monday, 6 for.1........ MOc Sunbrite Cleanser.. :. 5c Old Dutch Cleanser..::;. .;. 7c Citrus Washing Powder 2 for 45c Palm Olive Soap....:...:;...:.... 7c Creme Oil Soap......i...;..:...... (Jc at 6 d' CANNED VEGETABLES Lilly of Valley Corn, regular , price 23c special....:....... l.;19c Fancy Iowa Corn, the very . - best grade, sale price..:..... 13c Maryland Fancy corn::........12c Royal Club Main Corn, reg ular pricie 22c, sale price 19c Lilly of Valley Golden Ban tam, reg. price 25c, sale price : 21c U-Tah-No Peas, field run, a very good quality, regular price 15c, sale price. . . ..... . 1 3c Lilly of Valley Peas, regular ! price, 25c, special..........,.:.21c Royal Club peas, reg. price, 22c, sale price.:: r....L..J..19c Supreme peas, the highest grade pea packed in this , country, reg. price 35c, per can, sale priceJ.......l...;::::L26c You will malie no mistake in buy ing a good supply of these peas at this low price. : Campbell's Soup, dozen ...1.10 A BIG SAVING ON BROOMS ' ' .4. This is the time to buy good brooms. They will be 50 per cent higher before sping house cleaning. , Our Blue Tip Broom equals any . SI. "25 on the market, sale price--;.......:.............. .......1.890 Green Tip Broom equals any 90c broom, sale price.::i:.::79c Red Tip equals 75c broom,' sale price........:. ...... ..61c Mop sticks...... 17c Woven Mop Heads, regular ; price 55c, sale price.... 39c . i ' ' I ?7 i s Crown Flours.:.......:. Gold Medal...........;.. Drifted Snow........... v . ... 1.75 .... 1.G5 Olympic ..................... ... 1.G5 SYRUP -1 Quart size Liberty Bell......:...42c Half gallon size Liberty Bcll..75c 1 gallon size, Liberty Dell QIAO ' ' j - -r - - - You save 15 per cent on Liberty Bell Golden Marshmellow, No. 5, 53c Golden Marshm'llow No. 10, CDc No. 10 White Karo....:..:. 73c No. 10 Amber Karo......:....t...GDc COFFEE 1 lb. American Club, regular price '39c,special.....!r......r.34c 3 lbs. reg. j $ 1 .07, special 01.00 Peaberry Coffee, regular 35c grade, 3lbs............. ... .....93c Our. special blend Coffee, reg. price, 30c special ....2Gc MISCELLANEUOS Snider's Catsup........ ...........25c Lilly of Valley Catsup .. ..... .20c Royal Club Catsup.: lCc 10 lbs. Pure Cane Sugar.....:0Dc Perfection Soda Crackers, No. 5 wood box. .. .43c Bulk Sultana Raisins, new crop, lb;.......l.....-....'..........10c 25-ib. box:.... : . ::v.::; :....52.40 2 ozs. Buckeye Vanilla..........21c 2 ozs. Buckeye Lemon..........25c National; Biscuit Company Crackers and Coolaes, all 15c size ............... 12c All 10c size....,;..:...........,.... Cc Pacific Coast, 15c size:..'..l.i.l2e All Independent Cracker Co. t 15c pkg.,..;.;....;. :... i