THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2C, 1923 IPIED ADSGommuei rings andlWac'Cc CLASS CyOff CLASSIFIED SECTION Phone S3 A drertUlng Dept. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rat per word: Per insertion ., ,, . ,. Three Inaertioaa , , ., 3e 5e norwich union itrk insurance sooixtt W. H. Burgherdt, Jr. Beeldeat Agent 871 State St. MONEY TO LOAN . On Reel Estate T. K. FORD ffvr Ladd Busb Ban) AUTOMOBILES 1 AUTO REPATAINO Expert Auto Repairing Service car i connection. Ja ek Doerfer Motor Repair. la-d2J AUTO TOPE mm Auto Tops W. E. GRUNERT 25 State St. lb-d2 for rent furnished I FOR RENT FURNISHED MODERN ma 7SS Slate HI. 1-fli afartkxsts SEAMAN'S APARTMENTS NICELT fur- POR- RENT APARTMENTS, 891 NO. Commercial. SOCK FURNACE HEATED ROOM TOREKT Bear Capitol ouuaing. van - . .-'-..-..,.; ; ' : Se-d27 vxrna . a v nT u r M TR AND sleeping rooms. Leonard Hotel. 254, N. lyoat Htree. - - , nntvoi-n rum aim U" BT 7" wording "Furnished Roomf.' prUe 10 'rents eaca. statesmea oiuimh fee Oroond floor. - - FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED HOUSES TR. RENT - A MODERN 6 ROOM vita large sleeping porch, bsBesaeat, . uhwil wo bloeka from Liaeola school. Wat. Flminr. PfcoM . 1734M. - 8b-d23tf fOR SALE Miscellaneous! TEE WILLAMETTE BARGAIN HOUSE vv975 N. Commercial, Phone 688 :-vtMi furniture, stoTee, ranges, bouae- hold rol and r tools. . Our expenses tre.low? we.eaa gif. yoa a ""."iVa gain. ' -28 beautiful Oregon Rose ' iad eleven ottw Oregoa soar together -with a Has eoUsetioa of patriotie senga. aacraa aoara sad ataay ali-Uiaa lavw 'T--' "iv'ALivo!ii'- ; ' ".fSfloclal prices ia quantity .lota . XcrtoctaOy adaptable Jor aebaol eommasr lir or homo siacisc ' Bea tot ... . y . " iVestenv Songster ' f'; ;iq paa bow U Its third oditioa - ,'- Pabfland ' "OREOOS TEACHERS MOKTHLTj JIS a. Comaiereisi SW . . . gslasa. -Ora. PKISTTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY IH" -wordisf Tor Sale, Enqaira at' Prlca 'JO cent each. Statcsmaa Boalncaa - Office, Groaad Floor. - CKZRWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. .i-aro toot aaacaiaa rrpairo by tas peopl who aaaka It. Special rratal rrva to tadssU. 100 Uaaoaia -Bldf. I hoaa ttZ. 2f GOAT. MEAT. FIRST CLASS. YOUNO sail 1st. 6o per poaadr by wholo or half. Deli-orod frea. , SoaU Bf'" market. Pboaa T8. 30 FDR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 seats a bundle. Cireaiatioa Aeparttaeat oikuti rtateun an XXTXSTOC-C TAT( CORN f ED DUCKS FOR CHRIST dinner. Phone- BF3. 4a-d26 : - HELP WANTED j BZT.I. MADISOX 'BETTER MADE' bxIIRTd direct from .oar factory to wearor. No capital or experience ro- - uird. Easfly sold. Bif profile Write fT FRZE SAMPLES.. MA DISOM ' V ILLS. SO Broadway, Kew York. ICaXJE AVX msftT.B WANTED MES AKD WOMEN TO 7 take farm paper saboeriptioos. A. good -propoaition to tie rifbfc paopla. Ad drssa the PaeifU Homestead. SUteamaa I 'r.. Pale. Or. ' f: T, LOST AND FOUND XaOtT. : LOST GOLD WRIST WATCH WITH black ribbon. Phone '2002J. Reward. ' 6ad2T .REAL ESTATE City j FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 ACRES land psUore. ' Will take car aa. part payment. Koas Condit,' AnmsrUlr, Ore ' gon. " . 8-d26 NEW 5 ROOM HOUSE. CORNER LOT, modern in arery detail. 4 room boose, : , practically ,aew, $3000. Gertrude 3. Sr. Psga. - 8-d25tf $2100 BUYS .A good 7 room plsatered boase with r n i(rn plnmbine and eleetria lights, f Ttz corner lot. Immediate possea i n. . Thia property is priced below t'rp aool and ear line. . - r & co. On week ; (six insertions) 8 One montli '. 20s Six montba' contract per mo 1S 12 months' contract, per mo 12o 31 in imam for any aUvertteeaaeBt 25e 1 REAL ESTATE City J Insurance v STAXDL.EY FOLET Ladd Bosh Bids;. ' 8-d26 FOR SALE POUR ROOM HOCSE. Good lot, Hooth Salem $850; eaay terms. Firo room bouao four lots. $1600. Six room boos corner lot $3300. Strictly modern homo eloae ia $6000. Tea acre tract close ia $2500. A rood house Tslao $3500 sod cash for a small farm. Want to bay fir or tea acres, must bo cheap. House to rent. , y. Lu WOOD. 841 State St. S-JSStf SOME SPECIAL LOW PRICES For the balance of the week at the following brand new baagalowa: $2800 Strictly modern 4 rooms. $3AO Strictly modern 5 rooms. $3500 Strictly . modern 5 room a. S50O0 Ktrietly modern 5 rooms. - $6500 Strictly znodera 6 rooms. : U Ha a lot or a suburban house sea CHILDS 8t BECHTEL -. 510 State St. 8-d25tf i i BARGAINS DON'T OVERLOOK THAT apartment beasa close In that will pay 15 per ceat aa the investment; also that a room reiideace 7 block from the buslneaa center, for $3000. $300 cask and $40 a mouth, ineludint inter eat. .base are real bargains. Scott Jk -Harris. 208 Oregon Bldg. 8-d23tf J ':!. - CTPECIAtf . 7 ream plsatered boase, east Salem. Bear Center street. A bargain for $1900. . We hare a buyer for a little bouse. Will pay $100 cash and $15 per month. ft ' Stock and equipment aa 80-aere fsrm for sale. 8600. Three years leaae for 1-3 of crop. - c -. - Small grocery store well located for asle. - . i If yen hare anything to exchange ". See THOMASON, S31s SUte St. -. r ,. - 8 d22tf . : ." . FOR SALE ;. room boagalow, baaement, well lo cated: new, only $3100. Easy terms. 6 room strictly modern bungalow, just off Capitol BU , An exceUent bay for $5250.. ,, New 4 room modern bungalow, well located. - A snap : at $2800 aad easy terma. - - i - 8 fine lots, facing east en Capital St.. 'parement paid. $468 each. Yoa will hsTS to act amick if you waat to secure aaa of them. List your property with me. If it ia a boase, a farm, a lot, or trade' yoa waat, sea me. , RICH. L. REIMAXX ; - - Realtor Office Phone 1013 Kee. Phone 726R , . , . . 229 Oregon Bldg. 8-d22tf STRICTLY MODERN 5 ROOM HOME, completely furnished with high class furnishings," fnrnsce, f ireplsce, gsrsge, close . in. A bargain at $6300. - WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor ' 318 .Orego Bldg. 8-d20tf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7" wero-ag. " tm nmat, jmvm cents each. - Statesman Baaiaeaa Of fice. Ground Floor. . PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7", WOTamg xor noni, yi.m each. Statesman i Business Office, aa Orooad Floor.' ' ' REAL ESTATE f ARMS 1 LOOK-- -v;. . 24 sera fruit, ranea neany m , bearing orchard, t room modern bouse bnilt ten years ago. bara aad oat build ings. Priced for eoiek aale $6300; W. IL GRABENHORST CO. '. 27 State St. . 9-d23 FRIDAY SATURDAY SPECIAL- , - 11.65 seres. . acres ealtlrated. - ' 9.65 acres stump easily cleared. -All choice hill land. 8 miles from Salem. 5 room bungalow. . Barn and otae building. Cloao to FJeetria Railway. . Pried $2,500 easy termi. A. C. BOHRN8TEDT ' 147 No. Commercial St.. Salem. Oreroa. f uSED CARS FOR SALE I YES WE HAVE TflE BEST USED esra ia Salem and lots oi mem. vie aoa Auto Exehaage, 173 S. Liberty. , ll-d26 NERR-A-CAR A BARGAIN AT $85. Call at 1441 . Com-i. xi-mii- USED AUTOMOBILES AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU ' Lia-ht deliery ; , $ 50.00 V-A iMrliir ear - 65.00 Chevrolet 490 touring Bairk Foot roadster -Elgin Six touring lOO OO J 00.00 200.00 125.00 225.00 450.00 SSO.OO Ford touring Orrrland Four roadster Podge touring F.aaez touring Podge tearing (1922) 7-fassenger i'aire 350.00 nr v wv VVvr 1 NX rv 219 North Commercial Sk Salem. Or. , H-d22tf GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH M0- tor Oa 819 State. a-u HAS IT EVER-OCCURRED TO YOU that some firms psy premiums on usea cars in order to sell new ones I That thia premiam ia often -passed on to their customer. Oar aim is to bay our used ears at tba ri$bt price aad sell them so that each customer forma a link ia the chain of our selling organization. Make it a point ta see our used cars. 1922 Ford touring, double Hasslers, speedometer, etc. $225. - 1921 Ford touring, runs and looks like new, remarkable -aloe. $250. 1920 Port touring car, quick aale price $250. , , .-- ; , . -1918 Buiek six taurine a real bar gain. The price "aa ia" $300. ' 1919 Buick six, has bad most excel lent car. $525. ; 1922 Buick 4 roadster. $625. 1923 Bnick sedan, could aat be told from brand i"r csr. $1850. - , . OTTO J. WILSON - USED CARS FOR SALE 1 USED CARS FOR LESS Ford road iter $295.00 Maxwell touring 135.00 Mas well touring 65.00 Cherrolet touring .... 300.00 Dodge roadster 450.00 - - Terms if - desired -NEWTON CI1HVROLET CO. -227 N. High. ' , Pboae 1000 - ' . ; ll d22t( USED FORD CARS FROM AW AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1915 touring , a C5.00 1917 touring - . , T , 95.00 1918 touring ainn on 1923 tearing f o on 1921 coupe $.. on 1928 coupe ,. i j i , f-a. na 1919 del eery - , , , ,, inn 1920 track 9S35.00 All rare gasraatoed to bo ia good -raaaiag order. 1924 lie ease with arery ear. Liberal terms. Opes E-eoinrt aa 8aaaya ' , VALLEY MOTOR CO S60 Ka. High Phena 1995 ; l-' tl-d7tf WANTED Miscellaneous STUMP PULLER BIO TYPE JUMBO preferred. Call . 117F11. ; 13 d30 REGISTERED JERSEY COWS WANT ed. State what yoa bare aad price. Address "Dairy Farm." Care Statee wtan. - - d4tf WANTED Employment WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEP er by espsble young womsn. Refer t eaces if required. No. 1185 Statesman. r I3d27 WOOD FOR SALE " GOOD WOOD PHONE 1879W. REAS onable -prices. ' 14-425 OAK, ALSO 16-INCH OLD FIR AND Second-growth 4 ft. We do hauling of all kinda. Insured carrier. Phone 19F3. M. D. Mayfield. 14d20U DEP$N DABLE COAL AND DRY WOOD in all sixes. Prompt delivery. Pboaa 1833. H1IXMAN FUEL CO. 14-dtf FOR DRY WOOD CALL 0. D. QUERY. Phono 77F8. a27t BEST GRADX OF WOOD -4 ft. and 16 iacb green mill wood Dry aaitf wood -Dry second growth fig , Dry old fir. 16 lack BLOCK mill wood la the bast fuel to save your dry wood. Prompt delivery . and reasonable price. Fred K. Wails. 880 8. Chorea. Phone 1543. - ' fifttf Accidents Mar Christmas Observance at Spokane SPOKANE, Dec. 25. One man dead, and two- dying furnish, the darker sMe of the Christmas cele brations here.- Mrs. O. C. Schmide was rua down by an automobile IasUnixht aa she hurried J0r a street car after attending a thea ter. She Is not expected tolire. Fred E, Misselhern, 42, a cotter hot himself in the t head at 'his home after he had watched his' family' .open ' their Christmas presentsvthis morning. He is be lieved fatally Injured. : ' Mt3. af Isselherti said he had re cently been promoted and thought he had .been worrying . abou't his new work. ; - . . x . .:. .tfi, ; An unknown man killed .him self ; at the entrance c to- Sajcred Heart hospital here today.; No mark, of identification save a ,ta tootd L' on his right arm was found-to identify him. - ' " The; objection', to a pineapple', is that; it' tastes toq much like pine and not enough like apple. , Speaking of the - Community chestjit seems, to us that for some time past .we bare been a member of thev League of Donations. TO'TAkE .' TURK POST." ' Henry Lane Wilson or Craw fordTl!l lad., probably will become Ambansador to Turkey after the Treaty of Lausanne. . restoring, diplomatic relations between the United States and Turkey, la ratified by tbe Sen ate. Mr. Wilson discussed tb Ambassadorship question with Presideot jCoolldge and. It 18 'understood, received an as surance be would' be named unless there are unexpected C'ZezliUi.' l p i. -in ,a..iaa, m H , ; v,-. :: j 4 , s. j ' ' V ' : t At - i -V ! if ' 1 H ft y f J X i. p, . I f ! ? h Pi ii t f I , - - v U v v - Ti V . , . " 1 t $si, . -, , ' , - , : '( 'c-.s.-J,J'.i . - ' CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business r AC COUNT ANT Accountant SYSTEMS INSTALLED. ANNUAL State ments; Income Tax Returns, prepared. L. A. Weatacott. Phone 1602J. j!6 Ajarxxjuros sxrvxcb SALEM AUMBULANCE SERVICE Pboaa 666; 173 8. Liberty. Day aad night BlOtf ARCHITECTS FREEMAN STRUBLE. REGISTERED Architects, 610 Bank of Commerce IJullding BATTERY AND EIXCTRICXAJr PRESTO-LITE B ATT R R Y SERVICE Station. Expert battery aad electrical work. Ferris Bros.. Phone 1808 - 418 "Court. .-. ? . R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES tartar and generator work; 171 South Commercial.- ' BICYCLES AND BXPAZAXHO LLOYD B. BAM8DEN DAYTON BICY elesandrepalrinij8JJCourtiiiM BIRDS. FLOWERS AND PBTJI FLAKE'S PETLAND. BIRDS. FLOWERS Pete. 878 Btote tf. CARPET AMD RUG WEAVING SALEM OA BP KT" CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff ruga woven any also without seams. New mattresses made to order. Old mat tresses remade. Feathers renovated. I buy aU kinds of eld carpets for fluff rugs. 18 V. and Wllbar atreeu. Pboaa 1164. Otto P. Zwicker. Prop. OXMENT CONTRACTORS FOB CEMENT WORK CALL AT 48 N. Summer street ' Phone 674-J. - CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F U R N A O E oleaalac. F. Couacilman. Ray L. Farna er Hardware toawsy.- i CHTJTESB PHYKCIAH ' IR I. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN d'iseoae. 153 8. High St. Phone 288. CHIROPODISTS R. S. ' F. 800TT, G RAD U ATX NA- t'oaal university eeteacea, vaiwp. Usasonie Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRAOTOKS 4.RS. SCOTT 8CHOFIELD, P. 8. O. Chiropractors, 414-19 U. 8. Baas mag. Phone 87; res, 828-R. DR. REDMOND, 82$ ' OREGON BLDG Phone 1688. - CXXANXRS AND SYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND D Y X KB Suite cleaned aad pressed. $1.50. Baits sponged aad pressed. 60. 1215 S. Com. - Phone 1888 CONSULTINO EMGDSEERS CIVIL, CONSULTING, CONSTRUOTiON CeastraetiBx Engineer. Surveys, eeu : metee. Jao. H. Naof. $19 Orsgon Bldr. Phono 77a. SRZBbUCAKZNQ DRESSMAKING AND DESIGNING.' Carrie Fiaher. MCrnaek Bldg., over : MUlera. -. .:: t - v . al5tf PRINTED CARDS SIZX 14" BY T", wording ' "DrasstBaklac"; prlca 10 : neat each, Btatosmaa Baslnesa Office ' Oronad -Pleae. - "' - -" - - - - ' ' 'DRUGJ1T0RBS WM. NEIMEYER "JUST DRUGS.' 173 N. Commercial. Phono 167. - 1XECTWC1ANS SALEM, ELECTRIC . OO. M ASONIO - buiding. a-pone liuu. . .- - ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND. SUPPLY Co. . Phone 1984, .323 N. Liberty. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN liouse wiring by sour or eoairac. timates famished. Pboaa 980. 414 Court St. , .? HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEC- trlcJ machine repairiag, eontrseUiig. 837 Court. Phono 488. - -- FARM PAPER POULTRYMXN . rSEND EIGHT TWO ceat stomps for apodal three months' . trial for the bast aad eldest journal ta - the west. .Tba articles aad advertlse meata ar4 of special Interest to ; the nwaltr breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. Ill marcial atrot, Salem. Oregoa. IF YOU WANT TU GET THE BEST farm paper, sead 15c ta the Faeiflc . Horn as toad, Salem. Oregoa for three aaoatha' '- trial . aabscriptiaa. Meatiea this adl , . ' - FCTANCIAI. . FARM LOANS, v eA , - - No -adidtionei expease ANDERSON RUPERT. . 406 Oregoa Building - GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 816 per cent. BO BBiem snna oi vommerce B LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM oa City Or- farm property. Heserre ur posit company. 12 JoutU Street, Port faad. Or. r ' m FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer - time." a oommissiea. Proteeta against adversity. City loans, levari rates, monthly instalments, pre-psy-maat privileges. J. 0. Siegmnad, roam 3, Tar Ladd Bush bank, , - -. :-; FARM LOANS 1 -lasuraaeo money, aay amount 6 per coat, for a, 7. lO or 20 years, with fall prepayment privileges entire Willaaa- ThaWXINS ft ROBERTS ! . 80S Oregon Bid, Salem, CrafOa . f-v X- ' T AltTQ TiliVt ' t caa make yon farm or city loans, best service cxven v ii you sna wmm, me: bad if you have money to place, see me I riwsys have Uhars. O. W. Laflar. Oregoa bldg. - . - OAWKINS ROBERTA CITY LOANS. ratea - .- FLORISTJ CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, . deeoratloaav C F. Breithsupt, florist, 128 N. Uborty. . i baa $80. ' FUNXKAXi DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIRSO tors. tlO Center. 1.a FURNTTTJR' ' STORES ilESB FURNITURE OO. QUALITY tarnJtmre fo leas moaay. 678 Court Pbwae 464. v - - .-- - PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW . sad second hand furniture; 1 71 H. Cff-rrff ciii. - : ; .. ;. :v..- 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference ; f FURNACES SEAGROVE ; FOR FURNACES 8IBLI i eos. PlDelens. $85. 1165 Farry St, Phone 885W e24tf BATTERS ' EATON A EATON, preetleel battara, formerly C. B. Ellswerth ostabliabmeat Firat elssi hat work at all kiada. S91 J rVwoanereial ' HEMSTITCUING HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING. PLEAT lng. Tba Pctita Shop, Room 6, ovor Galea., . -29tf SALEM KLITB H III ITIT- JIRQ pleating, buttons, stamplag aw. saodle . work; 828 urecoa aiag. rsfci a. MRS. C. E. MnXER HEMSTITCHING 1 t tamping, buttona Room 10, over Mil ler store. ' Phono 117. ' JTJHXI JTJNAt JUNK WE PAT FULL VALUE FOB aay kind of stores, furniture, metal, I .per and juak. - Willamette Bargain louse, 975 North Commercial. Phone aaa. - - - - LADIES TAJLOSDrO D. K. UOSHIB TAILOR FOB aad women. 474 Court 8a. XATODRIXR SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 819 8. Liberty street. Pboaa $5. Oldeaa largest beat. ; EstabUshad 1889. . , CAPITAL CITY STEAM , LAUNDRY . Quality work; prompt aarrlaa; 1164 Broadway raene les. MATERNITY nOXB sraM4 aaa.-.s, rV o ( sKnvla lyf avtsai VVHtl a-taa-r-pm vus OS vrwa - w---- aity home, 1899 State. Opea December a v snie d.lOtf I f. Tnon oat. w ICBSXOA-t MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY . . Pboaa 81T-W. ' .. 8CTJST0 LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO .pla-Hag. Popular ayaoopated ataadard musle. Semi-elssslee aad baHada; If leaaona. Watermaa Plana School. Me- Ooraaek Bldg. ' - -: ICTJSZ0 STORES SHERMAN. CLAY- A CO, PIANOS . rUelnwava. Duo-Art aad ethers. Moore's Musle House. 418 Court street, - GEO. a WILL PIANOS, PHONO . graphs, sewing mschiaeo, sheet musle. aad piano atadiaa. Vepairtag paoao ; grapha aad sewing machines; M State Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOB A WsTW . Victor or Brunswick. H Zt. Btift Fmrnl tare Oo, Muaie Dept, ' - " ' - - -: - VATUXOFATHXO PBTYSirJIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER AOUTX AND i. ehrecie dlaaasea; - 418 Oregoa Rlds Paoat 110. Kuxsxa FOR PRACTICAL NURSE . PHONE - 196TW. --- --- -- - a25tf . XrORSERY STOCKS FRUIT. NUT AND SHADS TREES Paarey Broa W Stota. COMPLETE LINK TREES SMALL fruita, ornamentals. Capital City Nur- eery Co.. 426 Oregoa Bldg Paona 76. OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OF tics! Co, 826 State street, opposite Ladd v A Bash Bank. "Use Quality Provus Bhur-oaa." -:v . ; MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORB-. goa Bldg. Booms 801 so 964. PAPERHANGrsra AND FADTTXNa PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOB HOUSE decorating, paper haaglic. Uatiag. aU. ' Reliable werkmaa, TEN CENT KALSOMININM IN BXAUTI fal eelors; $1 does a room. Max O Bursa. '176 N. Oommerclsl. FHYSXCXAV OF PHTSIOTHERAPHY DK JACKSON. DOCTOR OF PHYSI - Athorapy, treate all ailments, womaa's troaoiea especially. sa a sctreot. Phone 1091. ' . PIANO rOXERS EDWARD WKLF EXPERIENCED PL aaa Yaaar. Leave ardsra Win's Mania -Store. ; - ' ' ' ' PLTJXBXBO PLUMBING REPAIRING AND OOIL work. Phone 1897-J. " Show 137 Unioa street. A. L.' Godfrey. -. - -RADIATORS, rXNDERS, ETC. RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES made or repaired.' J. C Bair. 236 State. SCAVENGERS BOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE CESS pools cleaned and dead animals removed Garbage aad refuse of all kinda remov ed by tbe month. Reaseaablo rates -Paeaee:--Office 629; residence 2058. 8ALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refuse oi aU kinds r amoved. Oatpeala wtoBBod Pbeuw'IST r IftOTJ . SECOND - BAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUTS AND i sails Mooad hand darfeitan,' tool aad ! Junk: 880 N. Commercial. Pboaa 496. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH lag aad shoes. Beet prices paid. Cap ital Exehaage; 846 North Commercial Phono 1866-W. '' STOVES AND STOVB REPAZRXNO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED . 40 years ' experleaea. Depot NaUeaal fence, alsos 86 to 38 in. high. Paiata, ails aad araisbea, otc loganberry aad bop hooks. Salam Fence aad Store - : Wrwa 9.56- Orwut ereaet : Whoae 184 . TRANSTER-HATJXXNa WB MOVE. STORE AND 8 HIP HOUSE hold goods. Oar specialty la pinna ami furniture mering. Wo also soaks coun try trips. We kaadla tba boat coal aad t wooA Call aa as for prieea. We gi food wieasura, good qaallty aad gaad sorrtea. Larmer Traasfer Oa. Pboaa 68C CAPITAL CTTT TRANSFER OO Me ets to St, Pboaa 88$. Distribatinc for i warding aad storsgo our amoeialty. Get TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central Stsge Terminal, Salem, Oregoa. , . HALEH-EUUEaS Losvaa Salam 7:15 a. m.: 6:16 a. m.: 4.,c - - .-.. 111 . mm 9 ;I5 p. m.; f ;J0 p. ia.; to CorraUa anjy. TRANSPORTATION . PARKER' 8 STAGE LINES 3. W. Parker, General Manager Ceatral State Terminal Salem, Oregea. BALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Ceatral State Terminal: . 1 a. m.; 11 a. m.; 6 p. m, " Laavee 8Uvertoa News Stand: A a. m. ; 1 p. m. ; 6 p. m. Salaa-Iadependaaee-MoamaQth- Diviaioa: Loaves Salem, Ceatral gtaga TenaiaaU 7 a. m.; 9 a. m. ; 11:10 a. sa. 8:10 p. aa 8:10 p. m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: ' 8:15 a. m. ; t p. m.; 6:16 p. m. Laavee ladependence. Beaver Hotel: . 6:30 a. m.j 9:60 a. m.; 1:16 p. S 4 p. m.; 6:80 p. m. Loaves Central Stage Terminal, Salem, for Dallas at: 7 a. as.; 11:10 a. at.; 8:1 p. an Loaves Gail Hotel. Dallas, at 8 a. m,; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. m. We make connections at Salem to al parte of the valley. Extra trija by ap - peiatmeat. J. W. PARKER, General Manafor. VBTBRINARIAN FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN. Office 220 South Liberty. Pboaa 119) Ree. phone 1948J. n WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT S) POWER OO Office. 601 South Commercial St. Tat per eaat discount oa fleas actio flat ; rates paid la advance. No dedction . far abaeavee or aay eh at H mil areai GIVE UP HOPE FOB Position ' of "Dixmude" 1 Un certain; Last Words Were for Assistance , PARIS, Dec. 25. (By Associat ed Press) Hope that the' French dirigible balloon Dixmude, last re ported floating out of control over the Tunisian coast will be saved Is apparently waning,7 judging from a communique issued by the navy department at 7 o'clock . tonight. Tbe communique begins. ' . "News received, this afternoon tends to Increase the uncertainty of the Dixmude's position", and then says that investigation has shown 'it to be doubtful if the lights reported to have been seen between 6 and .7 o'clock Sunday night could have been from the Dixmude, It Is pointed out that the reports did not say the body of the dirigible had been seen. Investigation also has shown that the reports from Blzerta and Sfax on the Tunisian coast Sunday afternoon , to the effect that ' the Dixmude was going out to sea in an - apparently damaged condition were incorrect. . The statement says:;" r'r. ... '? :;-; A wireless message ' received from Fort Flatters in the Saharah, Sunday morning reporting the Dixmude drifting toward the gulf of Gabe and asking for help seem ed to have been the . last reliable news from the dirigible. (Fort Flatters is about4 30 miles BQOth of the Gulf of Gaoe.) ? ' The normal crew of the Dix- mude numbers' 33 including staff but 52 men of whom 17 were off! cers started at 6 o'clock last Thursday, several o them , obtain lng" permission to make the voyage as they were only a few; hours short of the 15 hours flight which is necessary each three months to secure a flight premium. - APPEAR OFF OAK Yaquina Sailors, Missing - sT mar 1.. -ml I n aince monaay mgni, Sighted at Newport - NEWPORT, Or., Dec. 25.- Eight members of the Yaquina bay coast guard crew tonight appeared oft the entrance to the bay after being missing since- they left Waldport, Or., 20 miles south of here Monday night. Throughout Monday , night and" today the guardsmen in their gasoline pow ered lifeboat had battled j one. of the. worst gales of the .year and with their food supply 'gone . and their supply- of .. gasoline almost exhausted, coast, guardsmen here feared that the men would suffer severely before they could reach shore. Tonight the launch anchored beyond the whistling buoy which is located about a mile beyond the harbor entrance, but observers ashore said that the anchor .was dragging and that the barometer was falling Indicating another gale approaching. - i-rj::''; i 'i The harbor entrance was bar red" to the launch by a foaming line of breakers. When the launch left Yaquina bay Monday' for Waldport, it had - gasoline enough to last for 25 -hours. It now has been at sea for 27 hours. NEWPORT, Or., Dec. 25. Just before nightfall the men in the lifeboat, which is 28 feet long, could he seen struggling against the seas with their oars. Efforts DIRIGIBLE COASTURDSMEN were made to communicate by flashlight with the crew, but no reply was received. The life boat Is open and a trapaulin was all the crew had aboard to protect them from the elements. Those aboard tbe craft are: Captain Christoffer Hunt. Charles Ha r wood, engineer; Kd Green-, brook, iA. Gustafson, F. Calkins. Kenneth Foster. John Stockman and J. Norwood. ' One other man belonged in the crew but did not go along. HUGHES CHANGED CONTEXT. CIIG Soviet Editor Says American Able to Claim Only "For- , v mal Triumph" (By The Associated Press) . MOSCOW, Dec. 25. M. Steklov editor of the soviet organ, Ixves tia. declared In today's issue of the paper that the American sec retary of state could claim only "a formal triumph" in his quota tion of an article from Izvestla of November 7, 1922, to substan tiate his charge that tbe Soviets conducted - active ' revolutionary propaganda In the United States and ; that there was no real dif ference' between the communist Internationale .and the soviet gov ernment. M. Steklov also accus ed Secretary Hughes of changing the sense of the article. "Mr. Hughes," writes the edit or, "having extracted a few lines out of the general context of the article added several lines of his own, thus changing the sense. De spite the external coincidence of the separate words I still categor ically declare that, by citing my words in the manner Mr. Hughes did, he consciously committed for eery." '-'';' II ID SET. AFIRE Body of Slayer of Wifa and Two Other. Women Is Treated Roughly JEFFERSON, ;Mo.;. Dec) 25- The body of John Snow was ; ex humed early today from the soli tary , grave where it was -.buried yesterday and placed in : the cot tage where he killed his wife and two . other women on Saturday. The house was then" set on' fire The charred Jbody was found "in the ruins later in the" day. 'County Attorney Weston - M. Hilton has begun an . investigation in - an ef fort to determine who was respon sible.. ; li , - - ' - The , countryside k was stirred when it" was learned , that Snow, after killing the wife and son. 'of Deputy . Sheriff Frank C : Jewett at. their home In Whitefleld, liad come to Jefferson where his wife, her unt ; and grandmother ' lived and had shot the three . women, then ended his own life. Although the Jnedical examination- charac teriied. the murders as ."the' work of a mad man" threats that Snow's body- would be burned were -said to have been made the next day. I Funeral services were held yes terday, for the three women killed here and burial was in a cemetery in Jefferson. .Authorities refused permission for the burial , of Snow's body in the cemetery, and it was interred without ceremony in a grave on the farm where his wife had lived," ; Jf County authorities 'were not notified of the exhumation and burning -until several hours after the cottage had been destroyed. ; - ,Funerals foriMrs.. Jewett and her son will be held some time this 'week."" "'"-V""' It is the theory of the officers that Snow who had been separated from his wife and placed under bonds to keep the peace -because of complaints that he had beaten her, killed her and her relatives because she refused to return to him, and that he killed the dep uty's wife and son because they refused to let him. take the deputy's automobile to come here. -. ' ; II , , I'" t' ' ' Federal Censorship Is : Plan of Presbyterians LOS ANGELES. Dec. 25. Fed eral censorship ol all American motion pictures "at the point of production" will be sought by of ficials of the Presbyterian church at a national congress to be held In Washington, February. 13 and 14 and to which numerous rel'g- lous and civic organizations have been invited to send delegates ac cording to &n announcement here today by - Dr. Charles Scan Ion, secretary of : the department of moral welfare of the Presbyterian board of Christian education. Apparently there t a limit to everything except the amount of gum a small boy can park in his lace." - ' CORPSE EXHUMED IfflilS GLOW Oil Chancellor Marx Broadcasts "Political Greetings" Over Radio for Fans ' (By The Associated Press) BERLIN, Dec. 25. Chrisamas was a gloomy day in Germany. Chancellor , Marx motored to a broadcasting station late in the afternoon and dictated a lugu brious "political Christmas greet ing" for the edification of several thousand radio listeners scattered over Germany and nearby state. This was the government's flrtt attempt to use the radio for the general dissimulation of official pronouncements and the chancel lor's : wireless yuletlde greetings consisted of a melancholy Inter mingling of retrospection- and prognostication. "We are an. impoverished peo pleso poor that thousands of our fellow citizens are thankful that they are able to get a meal these Christmas " days through the munificence of for eign charitable Institutions," the chancellor declared.- He' -caia cordial acknowledgement of Am erican, Scandinavian, Swiss a&J other outside relief work and ex pressed appreciation tor the un derstanding of any sympathy for German distress .mntfested : ia those qurters. . ' ' Listeners-in were reminded by the chancellor that the govern ment's taxation program and 're trenchment policies were destiaed to bring additional individual pri vation, but that these were un avoidable if the nation's economics wereto be '. saved . from complete collapse.' , Reviewing the situation in the Ruhr and the Rhlneiand, Chancellor Marx said: VThe German people and tba German government purpose ' to meet their reparations obligations to the full extent of their abili ties,, but this would be impossible jf we were ; to be hindered from having full disposition of our most productive areas. Bayonets and oppression will never produce ITbSSSV pC,. o!e of the Ruhr, and RhineUcA A' granted their freedom tLry oy id 'promptly show their-cl 1 .rdcrcnthusiasm for work, desrMs their' pi.C'sent statd'of "jitter-iiz ir Ibh'm'caf ;snd; physicaLpiivatla. ''o -are a; con$uer4; nati 'i." he', continued "but a rpeeple b?l demands to' live" bcaufty U has t,b v ngnt'to iiie, woric.ana. happia 4 Let ps grit our teejh indthat c !j he ts.'Jost' what' gives up the f!:-t. Let us work and not despair." . .'.s Several' of: the Ttelchstag . Ir? d ers'alsp ent Cbrlstmkh grecti;;i and reflections, on the situaM a over-the radio to the listening '-t-a CHRISTMAS TREEST U STRAriGEfsOClCG v - (Continued from page 1)- they , are.' all Celeetial chefs, Tor there- isv a cosmopolitan , InlVr mingling of the races, there. TLry draw no color, line; Eaat is cot East and West West there, for the service. Is - carried on Ly vail colors, ranging rom" that of -tbe prow's wing to yellow And tan and the variegated types 'of the Eura sian;'; No 'color .line tnere! i -Eut Santa' Claus presided . at, every humble feast. . . .-. . ' i MEXICAN REBELS SAY, v REPORTS IfiACCURATE . (Continued from page '1 ) - uei Digues is expected to'beln without delay. ' ' ' ' With the mala body advahci2 upon,. Guadalajara' from' the east under, the command of "General Joaquin :Amaro, reinforced with the victorious troops from Putb- la. cooperttios is expected frcm the Cavalry column under Gener al Laxaro Cardenas' which v. as previously reported ' operatir. against rebels throughout the Zac oalco district. ' , Confidence expressed in official quarters at Guadalajara that tbo offensive will be as .effective : as the recent Puebla victory has Iv- en Tise In official .quarters to the belief, that the capture of Guada lajara' and dispersal of Insurrec tionary , forces Willi be follow el with anotfer. of general Amnesty for the rebels throughout the re public on the conditions of re nouncing' their' most . Important leadera and of their surrender to are substantiated by the attlui loyal commanders. These repcrt3 are substantiated by the attitude adopted by the centrdl govern ment upon tbe Puebla occupation when enlisted men and lower rank officer were given 15-day am nesty to rejoin the colors. ACTRlSiH IX MQVIKS NEW YORK, Dec. 23. Maul Adams has become a r t'en r'" lure producer It was . .. , ! today by Guild Made Piclarr 3. I with which sbe is associate . , . will have direct C supervision ! eaveral ' r roiuclIoz3. GERE