ACTUAL VIEWS OF MEXICAN REVOLU TIONARY PROCEEDINGS. YOUTHFUL OREAM REALIZED f J, ? - CD Catherine SpalilnOregon Sunday Emerald) t . k A dream of a: yoata -In hlgh school, a rosy dream, though over--shadowed by. an "if." and theii a dreanf o a collegewnan, materialis ed : and, ; reaped. ;.Th yputhf al d reamer -4 whose dreamt came true, i William Arthur Rdsebraugh the t?10? ?node seholar to Oxford. V-osebraneh. who" measure over, six feet .In, height. weight 155 pounds shar chestnut-brown nair, and blue-gray eyes, strikes one at exemplifying a typical Am rican . college man. - He . walks with dignity, la' well-groomed, and displays nis poise. ,: , "How did I jeel 'after examin ations were Dyer?', he removed his pipe, and mused as he prepared his answer to the" question, "i was pretty low v just before' bear- , Ing the results of them. Why. it didn't sink In; for a couple of days. T thought it might be mistake." hls reply was" almost boyishly ton- aifected. Rosebraugh wasn't 'in formed of his being chosen until a' relative who had read the de- Hslon in a paper phoned "his 'con 'gratulatlons. . ' 4 The Oregon' track' star 'express- -ed the desire to win hit "blue" (Oxford's blazer la bluet In track 'in which Oxford competes in ath letics against Cambridge for One . schooL "I intend, to try out all English games, soccer, tennis" and growing." Included in! those with 'which" he will probably- experl- CLAY AWAY- THE YEARS t -pjy Bonciila Beautifier casmi j clay to v, jur lace. and rest while It drs. 4hn , r -nov and see and eel the wonderful .. : c Terence in the color and'texturc of the t Un-. v , 5. . - ;.. Guaranteed to do these definite thing fot . tie face or money -refunded Cleat th : tofnplexfcsn and give it color. Lift out the I -. Remove blackheads and pimples. , Cioe enlarged pores. Rebuild f acial tis- je and muscles. Make the skin soft end erriocjh. r., S - - - "' ; You tan obtain regular sizes from' your favorit toilet counter.' U not, tend this ; r A. wilh 10 cents to Bonciila Laboratories, ndianepolis, Indiana, kU a trial tube, r men wjiv..jq rugby and cricket. Students at' Oxford Are-required to spend three or four hours' each day wth sportt, he declared. - ' Oxford, England, far about $C miles out of .London. : Rosebraugh. plans" to commute 'back and forth frequently,- spending much of ,hit ume ai injB .rjjinji or, court" in London.; Seeing an .uninformed look appear, on the. reporter's facj he hastened to explain, that when the, legal - profession in England; wat like a guild, apprentices . to this occupation.. used, to meet at these inns and, talk over questions ot legal inerest-Vla England of today,, they are. passe in that re spect, but every student of law is now required to "take "a"' few meals each month at the Inns ot Court , before! theyT are entitle! to Rosebraugh1 will d this- maamuch as he desires tio, hang-, up xn his wall "arf, "English ahingfa. The novelty-of' thai atfat ilsoappeals to him. I'-: , ' ; Ilosebrangh will finish his Uni versity work in. the spring take his bar examination soon after,-brnaa up on his tattn; ('tis-even said Oxford examination -question ant sometimes written In the Latin language),. and will leave some tme in the fell. Oxford begins In early October. A- peculiar; system of - school t at tendance, prevails, in, the: English Institution, There' are ?ix weeks of Svhobl, followed by'alx of vaca;on, wilh a lons'tr yacatidn Occur fliiz .ii .the" summrduying 'whicljL' the Oxford sch'3a.s jcenerally travel la J.urope. Thi Jrnated ix wek oi vacation ae, not wsbi;', iuo Rhodes scholar stated, for ' i 1 then 'that .mosr Tof the tforkl la done,, time' 'during, the' six school aeeks, beinir.' taken up wlt. at tendance at le:?asi7R6sehraugV ana lor. tha summer vacations are rathej- Indefinite yet, but he hopes to travel in Europe, to '.'ob serve "poliii'cii Institutions," view the lives, oflthe . people there. a3 tee the-artTtreasuresV , t ' . f.T "Do I tika teaT'Vhe thot the quizzical look 'and typical gaze of a lawyer as he answered the query after having, made certSlnhe":was Onr GON STATESMAN AUTOMOBILE CONTEST , i m r, - ti--vci- i - a i ii I 11 IM II It II - -II . " r. . - - - " t ? . ' . Votes Polled up to Noon,' Deceiabef 24.;. CITT OP SALEM VT. : . ..V.. . 380.200 . .a , . . y590.400 ' AUea. Jlartha. MS"!. 'WThter . BSrriball. Mary ' 1780 Hickory Becfcfentiorf; Mrs. A. L:,4223T Nebraska Ave.J IV. 1 710.1 00 -Btjuiv. iranr. isss n.- cayitoi . . ...... .'; . .V, . . ... . 700,100 - Elixeth. 01af,;545 N. 21st. ... . 711,295 Cotsk.. Leslie, ;1247 Jerry St . i . . . iV . . . 570,100 Cumralngs, Evelyn. 1857 N. Winter. . . ..'..;... . .'. . ;712.375 . Etiwar Js, John, 295 N. 15th . . ; . i . -."I i i . 91,400 Ely. Raymond,-147 Marlon.";. .V;.. . .2. 710100 , . Edmundson, Paul, 2146 -NChurxi'. . . .,.. ,..;. 5.20,100 LTichieman. Mrs. Bert, 176 S. Commercial 620,100 George Koehler. 1750 SUte. ........ . .600,100 Owynn. Harold. C07 N. Winter. . ,500,120 Gilmer, Faith, 232 N. 19th ..i ........ .632.100 Ilunt, Bill, Fire Station.. .2712,100 Hlrsch. Richard. 1345 Madison. ... : .'. .'. . .710,100 . llamby, Henry, 1345 B St.. . . . ... . . . .'. ( . i490,100 . Hileman, Katherlne, 1809 Waller; . tV.710,200 Jslinson. Eunice, 1525 Highland. . . ... . . . . . 690, 100, Klossen, Henry, 645 ' Ferry. . ..... . . . . ;.. .710,20Q ' Lewljf, Edward. 224 -N. 15th .V. ... w ..... . ... .... i .700.100 . Lu thy. Miss A. 1L, 1497 a 13th. ..... ....71000 I IcCoy, Maurice. 1507 Fairground Road ,'. ..71 0,9 4 0 Mitchell, Nellie, White" House ; 7 1 0,5 4 0 ' ' Kewgent, Howard, 337 S. 18th. i . . iV. ,710,200 . Paulus, George, 383 Slate.............. iVx 600,100 PaumUIa. Nellie. 806 N. High ...... ,S:V. i700,100 Price, Chas. H-, 372 N. Church I if .'.V.v;. 620.200 ..Peebles. Jesse, 2395 N. Front. . . .. . .'. : . , i t J .400.200 , Peace,' Viola, 1825 N. Commercial .. . . . . . . .-.v-. 600,200: ' Plant, Harry. Armory; ."...;.....,.....; v .... i . 7 10,9 0 0 ; Eaook, Frank, 2409 4th. ............ . . . f .. 500,200, CAfren; Morris, 246 Marlon ........... T. ...0Q,10Q, Suing, Elmer. 1297 S; High. ......520,400 .Varley, Job. 560 Electric............ ....710,480 Ward, Connell, 1487 Broadway. . . .. , . . . . . . ; . :j.T10,100 Weir. Leo, 1420 ChemekU. . . .... . . : H-il'iri it .". 710,100 IIoehler, Geo Salem ...... ... .'. ; . . .' .'. . . l. . . V. .T00.100 , i, - - - . - , , - - i )' 1 , 'U: - i f " " I n I' ! , ,';' ',--vjwf r " 7' T'" - " - X.- f - if ' :" -..! . ..... ..... .: . . ... . '.. . ,. .. r-'.:r ) i i y.t : II..' f I Illustration above depicts Fed eral artillery on the way to Vera Cruzw.On extreme-left is seen President Obfegon'.on bis pri vate train -on -the- way to take command of his forces. Other scene of - Federal forces en camped near Ve'ra'Crus.' i COTJKTBX -iiarrx, un. JDe, bjopa. ...... ... ...... . Berchtold. Joseph. Mount Angel. ............... Darling; Grace Rt Z, Salem.". . . ....... .. , i DenniBon, Mamie, Dallas. ........ .... i. . i . . . iraugu, Diiacoe m., jueauna . . . . . ............. Harper, Edwin, Gervais ..... . . . . ... .'. . Hi . '. Haworth, Evelyn, Stayton ............ . '. v ii'.. . Hochberg, Mrs. Florence, Monmouth Kintt. Angeline, Sublimity .... . . . -i i . Klnzer, Ralph. Hubbard ......... ... . . . . . i V, . Mason. Ethel, Mill City i ...... , McCalllster, C. L-, Shaw. .................... Mrs..T. M. McCellan,. West Stayton, Oregon. ... MeGrew Henry, c Woodburn. . ................. ManenhaL. Mabel, Gervais, Rt. 1. , Muller, Mrs. Carl, SUverton ...... . ... . . . . . . I . Peets,' Hazel, Turner. . . ... ............ Reid. Erol. Hubbard ... .. i " . . ' Russell; Glenna, Marlon - Speaker, -Robt Rt, 4, Box 15B; ...... Sturgis. FTancis, Brooks. ........... . . ThOm psoa, Mrs. G. N., Rt. 8 , Salem . . . . . ....... Teal. Mrs. Albert, Falls City , Turnbull. RobC. Rt. 4, Box 76, Salem, '? f . . . Vandermark, Lee, Scotts Mills. ................ . . Wllley, Clara. Aumsvllle. . . . t . . I i ............ Wall. Margaret. Jefferson ........... .'. . .... 'i: . . TOung. J. F Shaw ............v.... f . i. .. Zlelisch, - Verna, ; Kicxreall . ........... ..'.I . . Shaffer, Isabella,' care Anton Shaffer, Mt. Angel. ... .702.100 ; .712,200 ...600.100 ...712,200 ...712,500 I . .500,100 .;. 620,100 .V.690,lt)0 ...500,100. ..1568.421 ;;f 70000 .. .400,800' ..,712,100 ......61,225, ...660,100 ...712,400 .V. 71 4.1 00 .. .641,250 ..714,100 ...600,100 i.v. 361.200 ..710,20-0 ...590,400 ...6Q0.10Q, ...540.200 ...712,100. ,..712.400 .-.700.580 .'..300,200 ...300.200 1, The subscription rates of the Dally Pregon Statetman are as follow: ... . '.. .' - '.. g - .'i-;i:iV''S.--: . - By carrier In the city of Salem, 60t' cants a month; 11.50 for 3. months; 33.00 for 6 months; 36.00 per year.'' j .f'.', By mall In Marlon and Polk counties, 0 cents a month S1.25 (or t months; $2.50 for 6 months; $5.00 par year. By mail outside of Marlon and Polk counties, 60 cents month; 31.50 for" 3 months; 13.00 tor 6 months and 66.00 a 'year. ' . ." '" ." .' . - --: ;"--'-, j.. '..; hot being jested with. '-"Yea, very much." 'However, the English boil it too long, making It a little too strong, he continued,; feigning the countenance of one who was re signed to cultivate the "stronger" taste, or else make his own. - Discussing the subject of wheth er the . income would cease pro vided the scholar married an En glish girl, the Rhodes man smiled and declared - he - believed . single ness of the candidate tor the schol arship' was; a requirement for : ad mission'; onlyt J but he committed himself in the statement that be didn't believe in International mar riages as a theory," although they might turn out all right in prac tice. : ; , Arthur Rosebraugh was bom In Portland,4 hut attended grammar school in ! Tillamook, . and . high school In Salem, where he how re sides. He entered the university In the fall of '19,' leaving at the end of the first quarter to attend OAC, where he remained a year. In : January '21, he returned . to :he university, from. which he will fraduata I rom law ' In the spring it the age of 21. :! 'A ?y-.i. 7: Although he admits being a llt .le ' more dreamy than a lawyer should be, Oregon's honored, rep resentative' is not content to lim it himself to the . practice of law exclusively. . He intends to -enter .diplomatic, servlce.-work pn some' commission, or ally himself in the government service onmatters- of international " concern. OUCWUE! PAIFJ FRDMBACK St, Jacobs Ah! Pain is gone! Oil acts almost like magic . Quickly? Yes.- Almost instant relief ' from ' soreness, - stiffness lameness and pain follows a gentle rubbing, with St. Jacobs Oil. " 'Rub this soothing, penetrating oil right on your -painful . back( and' relief comes. St. JacobsOU is- a harmless, backache, lumbago and sciatica cureVhlch never dis appoints , and doean't v burn. - the Skin. - ' -- Straighten up lT:Qu!t .complain'? ing! ' Stop those torturous Stitches.; In a moment yoi wlll-,forget that! you ever had a weak 2 tack, be-. cause" it won't ' hurt br3e stlf t r lame. -DOn't' sufferf-- Get a smalt trial bottle ot old, .honest' St. J$ cobs Oil from'-your druggist now and get this "lasting: relief. AdyJ Community Club Holds , . 1 Meeting at Mt. Angel - Accepting an Invitation extend ed' them' at the last meeting of the 4 Community ' club by Rev. Father- Alcu in, more than a - hun dred members of the club motored to' the' college on the evening of Decem'ber. Il.-i- - a . ', They were accorded a' hearty welcome by the -Rt. Rev.-Father Abbot Bernard Murphy, O. S. B., and the Fathers Alcuin and Odilo. s-'-A ; pleasing, program was pre pared for the visitors, which be gan with an. inspection of the biology laboratories and there to the various , other departments, class rooms, museum, study and music halls and the chemistry la boratory'. Interesting short talks were given in explanation by the heads of the different depart ments, as the crowd wended their way through the building led by the Fathers Alcuin and Odilo. ; m. Arriving at the college auditor ium4 a fine surprise, ,was In store for the visitors. First the assem bly; -was "I addressed " by Father Alcuin, rector of - Mt. E Angel . col lege," who expressed his gratifica tion to the visitors for the numer ous attendance. . He ; spoke very feelingly of the future of the col lege. He told- his " listeners what Mt." Angel college has done, and Is -still doing for the education., of young entrusted to; its care. ' He dwelt. on the . necessity of a good educatTony'and lauded Tils prede cessors for the excellent,' work they had performed. He asked ! for a better understanding be tween city and college. . lie felt that - there, is really need r for a better acquaintance between .".the two. f The problems of eaclr -affect the other" Jh that they are" bound up, in; the., purpose' of giving the best. of. their services to - those within their precincts. lie asked for - the cooperation-: of the com munity. in the things presented bj the college in the class room; tb.e stage and the campus.- He invited the community, to "attend the ath letic . meets,;.thus t -slwwiR; ' that they are alive; to tin thini-; by the college, . and tho ! -nt body. ,t i ; '.: .- ; ... . I ... 1 - t . .Father. Alcuin's" address was .re ceived with fine, app'ause.., Fbl lowe d then' a selection. by .the col lege orchestra under t the leader ship' of Pro.f.y,C. I). Van . Perre. The audience 'were then-entertain ed by fwo, 'burnt t cork" .artists. Several vocal as well as . instru mental olos;tollQwed, .and after the final selection by the orches tra, J. J. Keber, in thename of the conimunit' club, expressed his thanks for- the cordial welcome and pleasant entertainment at the hands, of college faculty and the student body. ' The . sentiment of the visitors were voiced by three reusing cheers -Mil Angel. yews. Motley Crowd Celebrates Xmas at Ellis Island NEW YORK, Dec' 23. :In all languages, by those ot most creeds and colors - of the earth the ad vent of Christmas was celebrated here .in . the huge registry hall of the Immigration station at Ellis Island."--.'1. ' -.. ', Of., the motley crowd of 800 half were clinging to the hope that CHICHESTER S PILLS MUwl am jrnr vntrM u i ham. tmUtd Mtk Bio RJMi . S SOLD BY CSL'CGtSTS BBOHi mi If press criticisms count ' for anything, " and" w ' have , every reason to , believe they -do, the originalLfStetson's' "production of VUricie iTomV cabin' which will be seen In the Grand theater,, for matinee and ."evening perform ances, on. Monday Dec. 31, " the matinee commencing at 2:30, has caught the public fancy. The dif ferent theaters where the offer ing has been presented are said to have been crowded At ever,y per formance .and no reasonable doubt remains but that. , the season's gross business, will. reach a figure that wiH astonish -the theatrical world. For" a play' holding-1 the boa'fda for over" CO years.-durfing which periodnot a single day has elapsed h"en' It. bas been entirely abseit irpni he theater, : "Uncle Tom's' CabinV-' sti'll " exhibits won der n I vi tali t y : Scior pedV r f d icu led and rejected by, the elite of. the aiore C Important i theaters, a few years ago', It is'now ensconsed in the very homes of art and refine ment, and thousands are weeping and laughing nightly at Its t ous Incidents. '."'-''.. I doubt whether there haj been' soravfsh and adequate a -ductjon of thiff well known c. as that Which tee "original company will bring to this The 'reputation of Xeon W. ;. burn,' the dean of - American 1 trical' mantfgters, as a produc- r big "productions Is well kno most , theater gpers, but few ; aware, of the , fact that this r son's' production of the late J rtQtJJeepber ?towe'.s masterpiece Is one of the r stupendous ever' sent on tour. many t actors 'and actres?. , pleasfhg - reputations 'and pr ality have never, nver before I seen In any pje.nlatlon of 11: wlL.fenowa.'playXl The cor- 7 numbers about. "30 " persons, i3. eluding a fixtette of genuine t'-rk-Iesv who have been especially P1. gaged to . present ,thelrt ol ! t 3 southern melodies, so essential : -a' proper and satlsfactoryiprc ' -c-tien of "Uncle. Tom's Cabin." cf I he iloors of" the United ' States had. not .been closed irrevocably against", tbenY." " They "sat and lis ten'ei with their more fortunate companions to the carols of church lingers and eagerly stepped In line lo" tatfe a gift from Santa Claus, who had something for a'ch. The carols were sung in many, lang- It's hard to understand what some motorists are driving at. fs'rTrl tils V 1 ... v a 1 ; Just Received . Several Cars of Utah and . ' ' Rock Springs " ! ; Phone Us for Prices We Guarantee Our Coal COAL OR WOOD Larmier 'Transfer ' Vc ' 469 State St. Phone 930 Grand Jion: MATINEE And EVENI." c r30ii.E33. stetso;: THE - ' grandest; - ; MOST- . .. ; -COlfPiJETE ; ASD l EXPENSIVE SCENIC " PRODUCTION HUMAN . .: EYES " 1 EVER.' BEHELD Tfirv I Ul.i CflOL BAD AND qRCHESTIIA -. r - -f afl.S.CUOOLED I ACTORS U ACTRESSES STREET PARADE DAILY PRICES Matinee C3c I 2 ...4... Eve.B5c. g2c 1.13 LIBERTY NOW SHOWING u E f-.: - t ... . ' P A i Drama of Life Behind the I Footlights i GRAND , --. -- ' STARTING TONIGHT 7-9P.M. . YV-HOOP er up! rThe two-gun '. ?" man is back!, , As quick on the draw as ever, -and ready to r thrill you as only Bill Hart knows how ! It's a triumphant return for the daddy of Western thrillers, and " one jrou don't -want to miss! , ; ' ' jrpg HIS 4 FlRSTl PICTURE i - fqr ;xwosoLfb -Years . .w,i,i-Ji...iniikiiAjiy -r'- 7 uiiinuiiiu.iy -. nifw l . rmJ . ,-;;:;J::) V:;...Vx.. I pi'tR'r "--u GRAND THEATRE'S Merry Christmas to Salem's Kiddies! . FREE! ALL children under J 10. years of ' age accompanied by .an adult during the run of this big western picture. -' ; " - V 11 """" J It , y 1 ? jVU Ao - IN mm OREGOU NOW SHOWIHG If. : Proof' . HATS off again to W r r star ; and . author c f "Back ' Home and Broke." fWoman-Pxaofr 13 another winner! COMING FRIDAY rj"e liner Rose - ; - By DAVH) BELASCQ vu:u u w. '1 i... I i