TIIB OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM OREGON . WEPNESpAYqiORNINGDECEMDER 20,1023 CIT7: NEWS IN X To Teachers Convention: ' j Mr. and Mm. F. P. Cooper o( " .Arago, Coos county, are In the city ott their way to Portland to at end the convention oT the State "Teachers assoclatloa. T They teach 3n the high school at'Arago. They are accompanied "by ther dangh er. Miss Margaret - Cooper, and are guests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Sv A. Stone, 373 Leslie street. 3Iany Towns, llaro. Tree--' ..Salem was joot the only, city In io wmameiie yaiiej to ooast of an electric lighted Christmas tree; for the holiday season, for several ot the smaller towns be tween here and Portland also had Iruge decorated erergreens. Amity, HcMInnvilIe. 'Dayton and several others had good-slxsd trees . at prominent ' -Intersections. . These were lighted n a few instances all sight, but others were more eco nomical of the electricity and tarn ed oat the lights a little after mld . sight. . . V 192-1 Calendar Free . 'i Homer H. Smith -Ins. Agency, over MUlera), W;. d23tf Italn Mixed wiu Boowv ,. 'M ; futile ' of fort to snow was .made early Christmas morning nd again Christmas night' While . the, flakes ..were noticeable, they failed to materialize in anything .resembling a, real , snow.' " . The thermometer was lower last night than at any time daring the past few' days. .'V Slay or CelseV Lions Speak ' ' "What We an Do fdr Salem In 1924" will be the subject of an kddress 'before the Salem Lions club at' ther regular, luneheon at the Marion hotel Friday. ., noon. Frank Struble, local -. .architect. will preside as chatrmaa. of the day.'. - - ;. v v. liospital Patient iiarapes - : ' Ed Weber, 25, escaped from the Cottage Farm : shortly . . after 8 o'clock Tuesday morning, and had not been taken : late last night. Weber, ; In Tlew of recent threats against another man-at" th a farm. Is believed to be a desperate char acter. ' He Is a Bohemian, dark complected with dark hair' and brown eyes. He Is about 5 feet 6 inches tall-; and weighs 138 pounds. ".'Weber, was 'received t the ' state hospital from Multno mah county .and Is believed to be n his way to Portland as he has friends 'and relatives in the vicin ity I East Seventy-seventh:' and Clickatat streets. . . ., r Lelgi Coming Here O-; , . , ; -Walter Leui, wbo'is.now in the St. Mary'e hospital at Albany fol lowing an automobile accident Sat nrday night, ts expected -to- be able to .be , brought-, to" Salem. In about 10 days. Four, ligaments In one leg were severed by a piece. ot broken glass.' -.He' will. be, at his Equitable' Barrings A Association -r '.. lrtlad,,Oreeo,. . Larry O. .Keener. EepTeeentatfre, fOl llasonio Eld . . Phone lfcVl 1S Omcos Banftaa- Its Bcarey, t Bc3 Instrrance '' ; ; Actacjv.'; '; 'i,.' ( ' ' Geaeral Xninraaee - ; nYDHO-ELECTRIC nXEOAPEUTlC INSTITUTE . ( Formerly Dr. Sehen ka 't l'..y:'iBA9 8. Cottage 'fu- , fXIONE 1182 , . ! J . 63Te6patut . . - The Original 'aad Genulna Spin al Adjustment Treatment.' Skill full, Painless .Adjustment that gets resalta. ' DI5. I. C XIAHSHALL A - CsitczMAo VhjtisiXM aa4 -:. C23 -Ortsoa Zlis. ' . ' Ealeau I . ." " ' "" I I fat u. a. jratssaai ssax xsscntg irxaas tsa , - m. nM DR. n. H. WHITE a Ort;nj taysiutaa aaa S Baclsseis XMscBotU aa4 1 1 r . BANICERS . P " V EstablTshed 1863 'v General Dnlzinz Business - . - , . ...(.-. . Offica Hours Frcn 10 A. IL to 3 P, 1, 1 . Announrins the Opening of Our FLORAE 4 SHOWROOM '. Neat'Door to Oyster Loaf Cafe in New Adolph ft Waters DoIUInff. Corner Court and liberty 8ta. We will hare on display Innumerable plants suitable for Christmas lfts. Among them being such old faTo rites as: Cyclamen, Poinsettas, Ilubber rianta, ' Heather " Ferna Polled Plants of all kinds -: We will also be glad to hare you call at oar Greenhouses. 1 57 J N. Liberty. -' T - A. D. SMITH " sister's- home, -2708 Lee, after be ing returned to Salem. At Marnny's J ' -. Poinsettas, begonias, cyclamens, Jerusalem cherries, - palms - and terns. 211 Miller St. Phone 916. A - Automoble Damaged V . F. A: Elliott, state forester, re ported 'to the" police t yesterday that while - his automobile was parked in front ot. his. residence at 1530 State; street, an automo bile ' bearing; license number 130161 ran into the rear of It, and that botbr cars were " dam agea. . .. Collision Reported? CD. Bo wen of Sllverton turn ed in a report to the -police yes terday to the effect that he figur ed in a collision at Fourteenth and Court streets..: While he was go ing north on Fourteenth he Col lided with a i car bearing license number 141364 that was - going west on Center street, 'Both cars were considerably damaged. Fender Smashed The fender of an automobile be longing to ! N.; F.. Corgea, 1375 North Summer street, was damag ed yesterday when another auto mobile bearing license number 42445 backed; into it at 1375 North Summer street, according to Mr. Corgea's report to the po lice department. - '- Orange v Persian cat. 174 9 W. - Beward. Phone Kngene Jlan In Accident - Thomas H. Spooner, who gave his address as the Osburn hotel. Eugene, reported to police head quarters yesterday that while he was driving In his automobile north on Capitol street he was ap proached by another - car going east on D . street. In "order to avoid a collision- Spooner says he swerved from i the street and hit the curblne. . The other drirer proved to be J. Clark, and he also turned In a report of the mis han at headquarters. The left rear wheel" ot Spooner's car was damaged. ' . . , Two are Damaged J Two automobiles were damaged slightly yesterday, according to a report at the police, station, An a collision at : the intersection of Center and Church streets. A O. LaRant of Vancouver was driv- Ing east on. Center when He was hit by a car bearing license num ber 95041.tj,"t f-viu-. Special Hmircottb8' 1 At Marlnello Beauty Parlors, 5c 2 45. N. High. . . d2 Bis Muffler Found ; A comfortable big wool muffler Is on display at the police station. TVE PAY - CASH FOR YOUR FURNITURE AND TOOLS Capitol! ' Hardware & Furniture Co. Best Prices Paid 285 fi. Coml St. ' Phone 047 Royal Ann : Cherry Trees Big redaction on all cherry and prune stock. , Sales yard and of fice at Cherry City Hotel, 130 S. High. - : ' - . MATHIS NURSERY CO. Office Phone 1758 Res. 10F4 The ERA Clinic ' Diagnosis and Treatment of - - -.. Disease' by the - v Abram's (E. i R. A.) Method Children Clinic Dally ;: Consultation Frco, t J Dr. Harrison I. Folk, Dr. Paul G. Stapran Hour -10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Cor. 13th and State (1484 State) BRIEF awaiting a claim from Its owner. It was found on North Commer cial street Monday night by Off! cer Branson. Offering for Il-Uof The Christmas offering taken at the Center street Methodist Epis copal church for the starring in nocent cnuaren in central Europe ana which will be sent to the board ot foreign missions in New York, totaled 102. In January an offering for the Japan stricken people will be taken: .Notice - Those who are interested in the learning of practical automotive work, which can be had in Salem at 173 8. Liberty street, under the supervision of II. H. Harris who is In charge of the state automo tive school which is held at above address on Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1924, may come' in and get full Infor mation for both men and women. Classes for women are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Classes for men are held on Fridays and Mondays. II. H. Harris. d28 Entertainment Announced ' The Oregon Statesman automo bile contestants and their friends are .giving an entertainment and social evening at 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening, December 27, at Auburn hall, route No. 6, Sa lem, (half a mile east of the state hospital). The public is cordially invited to come and .have a good time. General ' admission 50 cents. Free ante service from the Statesman ; office from 7 to 8 : 30 ' FEUD IS FATAL HAZARD, Ky., Dec. 25, Four men are dead, another is fatally wounded while a sixth is In a ser ious condition In a hospital here as a result of three shooting affrays u FCXERAlsi r:b: Funeral serviced for the late Mrs. Ruby Ilazlett Riches, who died In this city December 22, will be held from the residence, 1 M miles southeast of Turner, to day at 1:30 p. m. Interment will be had In Twin Oak cemetery at Turner. Direction; Rlgdon & Son. Funeral ' services for the late George W. Eof f, pioneer of 1 8 4 8, will take place today at 2 p. m. from the Rigdon mortuary, the Rer. F. W. Launer officlaing, con cluding service at Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum. ; ' v . ;';;dhjd '. i'i SCHINKEL At the residence, De ' - cember 25.;Leona JMa.rie. Schin . kel, age 21, years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred II. Schlnkel. sister of Mrs. , E. V. Anderson of West Linn, Or., and Miss Sa die Schlnkel of this city. An nouncement of funeral will be made later : from .the . Rigdon mortuary. V WALL- Jo this city, December 24, John W. Wall,- age 52 years. The remains were forwarded to Portland from the Rigdon mor tuary for funeral services and interment;. . i . . ' ' THOMPSON Sarah Ann Thorn p eon. age 88 -years died at the home of her daughter at 404 South High street. - She is sur vived by her daughter,: Mrs. John Kirk of Salem, Mrs. James Elliott ot Detroit, Mich.. Mrs. W. C. Casselman of Chester Tllle. Ontario, v ' Canada ; ! Mrs. . . Frank Brown of Portland, and -. Mrs.. Jennie Proebste; and three sons, Thomas, Samuel Thomp son of Pendleton, and Herbert of California. - Remains were shipped to Pendleton where they will be Interred. Webb Fa neral parlors in charge of arrangements.-' KLUNICK Mrs. Bertha -Klunlck died at. her residence,. 1468 Chemeketa street, Dec. 24, at the age of 80 years. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. McElroy of Salem and one son, Albert Klunlck of ' Portland. The Webb Funeral parlors are In charge of arrangements.' Fu neral announcements later. GREIG Eliza Grelg age 64 died at Corvallis, Dec. 22. She is survived by her widower James Greig. two, sons, David ot. Sa lem, and Arthur of Kings Val ley, Or.: four daughters,v Mrs, Violet Norton, Mrs. Edith Ay ers, Mrs. Faustina Dunn and Mrs.. Malcolm, all. of Kings Valley. . Funeral , services will be held -at the Webb Funeral parlors Thursday, "Dec. 27 at 2 o'clock, with Rer. Hickman In charge. Interment will be In City .View . cemetery. '. I - - "v: WebJi & Clough Dircclcrt Rigdon & Son't houtuahy osncEu DID GREAT Mil Employees' of the Salem Of fice Had uleared the . Decks By Noon. The employees of the - Salem postof flee did wonderful work In handling the holiday mail, outgo ing as well as incoming. Of course the -outgoing mall .was kept cleared away all the time, regular day and night forces working on It (and isome of the : boys Jetting their time lop over into the hours of both day and .night workers) and the substitutes and extra men and women doing their best. Every piece . of ' Incoming- mall was cleared away and out of -the building by noon; and all of it de liveredor supposed to be;, though it Is not certain that some mem bers of the force on delivery' work did not lap over a little after that hOUr h ; k : 'V ' . ;.x Orders had been given .ty the higher-ups that all work should' be finished by 12 -o'clock." in order that - the -hard-worked - forces - - all over the United States might hare a chance to enjoy theirs Christmas dinners with, their families. This is the first year, or at least the first one for a long time, that, such orders have been given. The pri vilege must have been enjoyed by many . thousands of faithful . em ployees of the department all over the United States. It was certain ly appreciated by . the Salem' em ployees. ; -;: . , . . - ' J One collection of mail was made yesterday morning in the down town district. How much mall do you suppose the boys found in the mail boxes? They found six let ters and two postal, cards! So the hammering for sending Christmas mail early certainly took."- , If - It took as well throughout the country as It did in Salem, Uncertainly deserves to go down in history as a most sue cessful working out of a propa ganda campaign in the interest of the public and of this most im portant service of Uncle Sam. t . "PEBFECT FOOL" :!' Ed Wy n n Treats - Salem Theater doers to Some thing Different It was something new in Salem. A real stiff breeze, blown in from the, outside world an airy 'noth ing, yet one ot the most entertain ing plays ever presented here. Ed Wynn is different : ' The Perfect Fool" was a dif ferent play than ever before seen V ED, WYNN 1 but the more interesting on ac count. Ed Wynn is a show in him self and a mighty good one. "W; Probably the best single act was Grafted Walnut Trees ZUlUa Phums Bdace4 " General Knrwry Stock gales Taxd sad Office, 644 rerry 81. FRUITLAND NURSERY A. J. BIATH1S. Prop. Orflce Phone 100. Res. 1140SL CAPITAL? EXCHAWGf: 3l2N.Coin,l; I'lione 130SW IS HIT AT GRATJD . . .i.ii i '.111 .hi.i..- . : zr t - i'7 ! ?: ft?? .- w : a A The , . (1 Li I Man's VI R(J Store : Sdjk 1 Thai Sella fej VL For Less rV the Japanese f. rlo. The next was the three! worst acrobats' but the quartet of ; girl singers -was so fetching that it pleased .the and lence more than any other num ber. "The Perfect Fool" had a good house which was richly deserved. From the raising of the curtain to the going down of the same, it was round after round of high gradehlgh class tun. There was not ft bad line in It The kind of a play, that makes you feel good after: yon leave the theater. Ed . Wynn la , a great actor. Unique in his conception and or iginal in his Interpretations. . He gave Salem a great show last nIghf.-'--i-cV !.-' v-j -. V PACIFIC GALE VISITS COAST OH CHRISTMAS . v, -. , -r. t '. i (Continued from page 1) Engineer Pike and Mate Warder were rescued by ships in the vicin ity when the Tyee dashed onto the rocks. The master . of the Tyee whose name was not received here was one of the four lost.. Previous, records for velocity of wind at Tacoma, 48 miles an hour in 1907, and at Seattle, 64 miles an hour, December -17, 1912 and No vember 13, 1914. , PORTLAND HAS RAIX PORTLAND, ' Or., Dec. 25.-- HoIIday suspension ' of business prevented the full effect of the storm -Monday- night "from being felt in Portland and vicinity today. Wires were down to some points north and toward the coast, and rail service" near the coast was' in terrupted : by storm damage; ! Wind 31 miles an hour which pelted a heavy rain: swept Port land at the . height of the - storm shortly after 11 o'clock last night, but It soon subsided, the storm here being an offshot of the severe blow at sea. The wind reached a maximum velocity of 72 mles and hour at. North Head at the mouth of the' Columbia river last night, but at 5 a ra, had dropped to 48 miles an hour. ' Storm warnings hoisted late yesterday were kept np today. Vessels . In, the harbor at As toria were reported jostled about severely at the peak of the storm, with some minor damage.' Traffic AccldentsTatai For Two Californians LOS ANGELES, Dec. 25. Two men were dead and a man' a wo man believed dying as the result of the traffic accidents in and near Los Anzeles today. F. M. Bran- ton, 52, was killed and his wife probably fatally injured when an automobile driven by Mrs. Edna feledsoe, 20, struck them as. they were on their way to pay a Christ mas visit. Mrs. Bledsoe was jailed on sus picion of manslaughter. L. L. Boswell, 22, was killed in a col lision between his automobile and a street car and Jack II. Brown, 28, who was riding with him re ceived injnries from which sur geons tonight said he would die. Children Dead After Eating of Fireworks PENSACOLA, Fla., Dec. 23. James Burleson, 13 months old. and Ida Bellevann, 18 months are dead as a result of , eating fire works known as "dancing devils", The children' Picked np the objects that in color resemble chocolate candy and chewed on them, caus ing the fireworks to explode. They were badly, wounded and bled to death In a short while.' . Wiflacsfte Valley TirisferCo. Fast Through Freight to All Valley Points Daily. 6peed-Efflctoncy-Serrlce Solem-Portland-Woodbiini Corvallis Eugene - Jefferson Dallas Albany-Monmonth Independence - Monroe . Springfield SHIP BY TRUCK Next Christmas What? You enjoyed this Christmas because your eyesight was jfood. Will you be able to see the dawn of the next .Christmas day? Better have your eyes examined lest they fail ; .you.. MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 801-5 OREGON HUX. , Oregon's Largest .Optical Xnatltutlon Phone 239 for AppotnU " xuenta, -. , Salem Oregon . TimiFT WEEK PUSH IS ADOPTED HERE Special Significance Placed on Each of Seven Days in Movement Thrift week, designated as. the national observance of the anni versary of the birth Of . Benjamin Franklin will be held beginning Thursday, January 17. The move ment is an economic one based on the principle that thrift Is a funda mental of success, prosperity ; and happiness. ; it Is fostered , by the YMCA and endorsed by 4 7 of the leading' industrial, religious and educational - organizations J of the country. Committees have already met at the YMCA and outlined for the observance of the movement In Salem. "... Each of the seven days has a special ' significance; according to national plans. The -first day, Thursday, is known as thrift day. with Friday -as budget day. Sat urday is designated as pay bills Help Us iacate the Store Buy What You Want at About V2 Pric ' Fixtures'are all for sale. Mirrors, tables, counters, chairs, etc. Here are a fer prices: . v S2-inch Dress Ginghams' j Yard . ...... A . - a 1 t 27-inah Dress Ginghams. . Yard 36-inch Percales - Yard . Good Quality . Children's Black 1 Quality. Children's Black - Ladies winter weight-Union C1 1 P Ribbed Hose, Pair ...U....lOC ' Suits, Suit ..::.i...0lelt Ladies'. Kid Gloves, Pair 1. 36-inch Silk Poplins, all colors, t . a - . TKa srrow in this pic- ' ture pc!trs to the '. Ungar Building scrof , the street from the ; Orcgonian Building. ''It is next totKe Scliing ; FVuitding and within t half a clock frana : . Meier, nd FTnk. , . Woolworth .store can be seen in the distance. OOBBB S1SSI1 MILLERS tj-iUNlCiPAL1 2nd Floor N. W. Bank - . . ,-.... fbrtland -Seattle , flayt and Styiday.as, share woth ers 4ay .f Lif oll'sut!an'4e; day,' copies Monday1 ,sndi3 f olleWed-,bjrown your, pwskhomeJajraWeAneaaay. the last day of thrift week, is known as make a will day. - , Two. Women Die After . Drinking Poison Booze MBW YORK, Dec , 25. rTbree persons, two,of them women, more than 60 year's old, were dead, two were in a,'crlllcal condition and more than a score of others are in hospitals tonight'1 las a' result .of drinking poisonous . Christmas liquor." Some of-the -victims were In a serious condition-- - . Hf.-t.t -J. : . .r . f 19c 19c 19c iCTsii V0) , mm ... jr mmmm. ' .40-inch all silk Georgette t pfY 'f: ,' Crepe, all colors, Yard 0 vi J 40-inch Crepe De Chine, all n - - colors, Yard v t- - Xadies light weight CA , 7( . Union Suits ...i OJC and j C $1.00 ?J1? 33c,2Gci3Sz 79c Men's heavy shirts GALE & COMPANY Commercial and Court Sts. . Ungar: : "Building AVe arc "offering first mortgage leasehold at 7 eerial gold bonds pf the Ungar Building. ' Pronounced by experts the best of its kind located in the very heart of the best retail district ot Portland, across .from .the Ore eonian Building-r within half a . block of Meier and Frank's We recommend it to the most conservative investors., " Send your name and address for cirr culac giving full information. : Name. Address. , DLitf. PORTLAND - - i - San Francisco Oakland f Los :Too Late for Schaef er's Coys!i Syrup to help you unless you actually have passed into the last stages cf tuberculosis. V '...- 4 ' SCHAEFER'S DRUGSTORE 135 N. Coro'L Phone 107 blue Chambray ... JtJ w ins . - . . ; i ( .,, . . . ...7 (.'. : ' " ' . ' : ,"'"' I ' k Tclsphone fcfaia 4195 Angeles Chiczzo