TIID br?CON WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 26, 1923; -" - ': Ta4 Drilv Knmt V4i Vr THS STATESMAN rPBtTSHTOO CO XT, "315 South Comarclal HENDRICKS x ,. FrUt CXRIK ABBA1C3 8craUry , Th AtsoclaUd hni H elulYlj,,nitUd to tk m for paBlteatiea ( all ws"wpthi erwditaa t It w Mt Uanria ertdiUd la this papw aaA ala U Jok I Brady - - '" . :'V' "--v BU81SE88 omcu: : - - TTwm T, Clark C VVrfc. 141-14S WmI Mtk 8t. CUea, HrutU BmUd- , : . . -la. W. 8.' erotkwahl. s . (Portlaail Ofie, 301 Worm ter Bl!f,'Pha 6637 BBoadway, C. P. "WiUiama. ilxr.) TXXEPH0XE8: TS'?as Offie Lw Dpartmaat . - Jll-10 as 106 ZBtoroi at tho ?itorflco. la Baton, mi 1 . m ptti a (; - . -" t, T i$ v -r.s ' There are many facts concerning the work; of the' American lied Cross tnat ought.to be, better. known K' 4 f ; l As, for in&tncc:. - . . - . " ' - v : Jit spent about $164,000,000 W World. wari relief work, at Lome and abroad ttom July i; J917;.to-July 1.192X-tri-; - - ince 188i it his .administered over $20,000,000 or the tile purpose of disaster .relief Rendered such reliefln the Unit ed States alone in the' past year In 72 disasters, expending nearly $1:500.000: : v. . - - W . . - ' : . ' ' ' ' ' lias 40,000 nurses on its roster; leads in puoac lieauu mai t'ers fhasV1038: .'public' health nurses; has issued, since 1914, r"1.427 certificati to women of this country! who have com- rMed.tfie Red Cross course in home hygiene and care of the i ' : k maintains nutrition "eervice, cutting costs , and improving r itritive; quality.orfood ; , does extensive first - aid work, also 11 'i--aving work.;,, -- V . ' i ' i -i' - f . i - J - During . the t World war . nearly 8,000,000 women were en r;ilddin the United States as volunteer workers; itens of thotis c - li of ahese ar still .carrying on ; hundreds 'of thousands of rijgee. garments have .been made for the refugees in Greece; c rgical; dressings arei mad in .numberless places; and so on tLroirgh a-long list'.. . ' ' . I t t '. Bepresentd in 119,,I53 school rooms arc enrolled 4,764,000 cLildreff in the American Junior Red Cross, working fundamen tally for the peace health and happiness of the world. In con tact by.cbrrespoiideuce with the children of a score of countries overseas, this branch, Jy. means of sympathy,' friendship and r.attat: trust,1 is lielpingr to lay. the' foundation of the future j' if e1 and prosperity -of thevwoiid.-- r - 1 - v. "Vfith an expenditure-of $2,600,000, the American Red Cross cl s tktd "and sheltered and'fed'shelpless people at one time nuin tcaKijrjiearly a million, and stamped out the threatened "begin :.' :-3 of pestilence and epidemic disease, after the tragic debacle U Ast4"2IinorV including the destruction of Smyrna. - During; the -last 10 years has spent on an average of $1, C . j,C00 a year in. disaster work- alone; in the ast five years an c. :rs-:e of .$1,400,000 a, year. ' - I : .Hade immediately, available over $5,000,000 for relief work cflbr the earthquake disaster in' Japan, i The Pacific division vw s tasked :fors $400,000 and contributed $l,50O,0DO,ii6r elmost peri cent of ; its .quota. , Portland guaranteed its quota im 'ru ?diately- by wire, and; subsequently "sent in jthrec times the c : ount; rcquested-i l-.".,,r,;--TtV " A' t ' In its home, service work there are now 2671 chapters ren c ria service.- (There are :in the United States 3065 coun ts s, a nd approximately the same number of Red Cross ,fiaP i a.). They have' rendered help in the past fiscal year to 328, 7 J ex-service, men and ' their families ;: to 13,686 service men c 1. their families, aud io 42,47 ..civilian families. These local t; ptcrs expended forAome'service relief during the last fiscal ycir.- tl,G0O,000, and ' the ; national organization expended for all ed.": ex-service men and women . during 1 the same -time : 2,111,000 - i -0 r-:-.:r f '- t Oile of the primary responsibilities of the American "Red Crc ' . is the welfare and rehabilitation of our ex-service men. There are still -24,000 veterans, receiving treatment in the' hps : I'l.s of the United States to" whom the Red Cross is extending rvlce supplementary to that which "the government can fur : L'.i.- The. tuberculous patients show's steady increase--there "re r.ow over 11,000 of thescj and the same is true of the psychi tri c t B e ' shellrshockcd " or mentally diseased or disordered. There-are six types of Red Cross membership : Annual,5 $1 ; t ril utin?,-$5 1 sustaining, $10 ; ; supporting $25 f life, $50 ; itrrn'1 1f ll '- . " . - , sz '-f..4 .?,."- -The first four are annual memberships l" ; T A t 'd ot t hese. ouly 50c 'J rom each goe$: to : national head-tnrters-M-bat iis; ifrom a supporting ( membership $24.50 re-r.-ain.H in theiarehapte.r,for,"the chaper'spuiTposes; and $9.50 i ; 1 C 150 respectively jremainhig at home on sustaining and con tributing memberships. (The one-payment memberships of $50 : r. 1 CiCO are remitted ; in full to national headquartersl) i The$l,400,000 for disaster relief, the average for, the past five years, uprto"; July 1st,' represents practically three-fourths cf last-year.'s membership returnjto' the national; headquarters. . The President; of the United States - is president - of tlii? ri crican Red .Cross,. The . great organization works- under a . Lirter of Congress... v . : - :sv- -'- The Pacific division. has its .headquarters in the CiviCAudi- tonani, SanrFranciseo ; it embraces Alaska, Arizona, California, Ilaho; Nevada, Oregon, Utah;aud, Washington.. "VTm. Carl Hunt i 1 1 5 division-manager ";X".r;. .-vV-iT--;: r ' x ' ; ? -Tv. The Red , Cross ivthe greatest relief and service organiza- :n ever organized-r--' "And itis justified iri carrying on by any one of its var iovji sctivitfeS' for the .good of the,nationJ ahd-of mankind in 0C..t al j " , -.--. ' V '"' " ' ' .: : - : - ' . I'--.'.' f Its'limiU 'aree64ermuious-iA lifeU Itsjservices touch every phase of good will activity r -And its future' would be assured, ought to !e assured, if for r othing else than the activities of the American Junior Red Cress, teaching the children of our nation tho gospel of unset . : i t-erviee as the basis of future happiness and brotherhood; - ri:jciples of brotherhood that must embrace the whole wide ' rid if there is to bc expected crsK Titorpiu It i3 a fact that cooperation has ; . J 'ror times than it hao auo- 3. yet It has made steady aJ . .i andis coming1 to be recoc 1 as- the onlf 'protection the . I-cers' haro - against tho de- li'tt the consumers. . f ," U; to this time Vhcncrcr'a con--f tas "rebelled at ;the -hlsh ! '.-si the reaction goes , to the ;sl producer. ' There are feW res '-w herc tho blobd-sackins lli Urins L'ctweori produc . I consucrf tfottThare ' been 'loose. ' CoojoraMon'is the . s tate; ''. It " undertakes 4 to i a"frouuct to the'eonsum I nt: tt'3-sarae time-pay; the r a -fair price. -For -more ! I rr i rears cooperatlTf ! 'V3 1 -.a ttrasHDS each - St, SUa, Onf J. ti. BRADY I - f If taster , - Editor ? auasgar Job Dept. Llrauiatio cam Society Editor , MS 1 St Orcgoaas seeaaa'-eAM'aiaUar. t -ttt v fti ft. ' I a time of universal peace and if year Tiadlcatlnr themselves more and more. , . ; 4 . . . ' ' -The treat wonder . Is that any thing: so advantageous has had, to struggle for every inch of groand. One of ' the outstandinr; reasons has been that the cost of admin istration in- (he cooperative .plan Is so apt to become" excessive.'" It is just as necessary to have cheap although competent, administration as it la to , co opera te. - Kvcry -4ay tome worthy institution is wrecked iipon the ' rocks "of high adminis tration costs.' , :"'";-- . STANDING FO ITUSQU AI113 r For years the-world has both ered about putting-round things m square holes and. square. thlnpi in round hulcs. It lia.3 been a hard lesson to - learn that jihiBgs; -must fit in' this world specially have we naa aiaicuuy in learning' na applying: this to hnman character The, world demands mnch of . us We may think if Is tolerant,' but It is Imperative. ; It is a hard task master, - and despite all alleged philosophy to ' the contrary, only the fittest survive. The man who Ls weak, the man. who vaccilates. the man who cannot say "no," is the victim of his own credulity and - weakness. The man who stands up four-square and looks the world In the face, will always succeed If his determination forti fies his ability. The race is to the strong. , . ; XOTWASTB V Complaint - Is made that cutting of Christmas trees is waste In that the young stock la taken- We take it that the evergreen tree performs its best purpose when It is used In Christmas exercises; In add! tion to that there were thousands of young trees, almost millions ot them growing in the . fir regions and -they need thinning out. There is no economic loss in cutting these trees, and certainly a fir tree could perform no nobler, purpose than to use to gladden the homes of the country;- l '- " ; ; 5 . ; Ot course there must be econ omy ot all our forests, and ft is dangerous to kill young things. but we can afford to raise these trees for the express purpose of using them for .Christmas decor ations. , FEELING POLITE The best definition of a lady is a woman who makes anyone feel perfectly polite all the time. This definition was recently given by a school girl, but its application is so ; general that i t does not even need to be applied to women. We must confess that we do not have at polite age. : The subtle refine ments of life are rudely jostled by what is commonly called good fel lowship. -.The few really polite people are at a premium' because they .bend, neither , forward .nor backward. . It ls almost as bad to be too rigid as too lax,; but the happy medium, the -upstanding man or' woman, has a softening and. mellowing effect upon every community in the country. . A SUGGESTION ; In many places where a public nurse Is regarded as an experiment and not accepted as a fact, ' the Metropolitan Insurance company has paid half the expenses ot a public nurse. If there Is any dis position In Marion- county to be little the work of a public nurse, this big insurance company which knows can, be relied upon to help. If - finds it' profitable ' to employ nurses to help Its policy holders. XO OXE NEGLECTED If -anyone in Salem was ne glected Christmas, the fact has not been made known. Never has the Christmas spirit been so wide spread in this city, and never have so many people labored personally to - see that - Christmas cheer was carried Into every , home. Salem does' not have slums but; It, does have many people who appreciate the .neighborly- kindness- that was extended yesterday The volume of mall this year has broken,' all . records, which means that the people are getting close? te each other all the time. A. Christmas greeting is Inexpen sive, tut It certainly carries a' lot of good cheer wherever It goes. .Sometimes a man will swear' off smoking lust before Christmas' to prevent his wife giving him cigars for a present. i. ... , L PRiriGLE .i , .The T; Et Meeks; family went to Portland Sunday. On their holiday; trlpifhey,. will also visit relatives in .Kelso.. Wash. Mrs. Coburn entertained rela tives -from Salem Sunday. I Mr. Bain and Franklin San ders will visit friends In Portland during holidays. -II r. Ball expects a visit from his sister this week. i 4The Pr ingle . school gave a Christmas entertainment Saturday night. The program consisted of appropriate recitations, songs and dialogues. Among other charm ing features -were the appearance on the stage of the shepherds of Bethlehem, fairies. 5 the Prlngle glee club' and a' star drill by 10 Prlngle girls dressed in white and pink - uniforms, appeared.. Each girl carried a burning candle. This drill was . success' and Indicated that much 'pains had been taken by the girls and thefr-Instructor. .-Vftrll house showed approval of the Christmas program.-the Christ mas tree, and the nice treat which Santa distributed - to tbose pres ent. . i ' '' j, , t - ' On the square,-now,-when you say bitter things about other peo ple, it docsnt leave a, very, pleas ant taste in your mouth, docs it? J - ; CONFESSES BURNING nbTj$? JFRilENb - - 'V ' - v lily 71 J. '" Edward J. Sallstad, above,' former Eau Claire. Wis.; phonograph dealer was arrested recently at Napa, Cal.. in connection with arson, ; grave robbing and insurance -fraud. Sailstad confessed that 7 he exhumed the body of a friend, burned It and fled, leaving the Wis I consin police to believe that the incinerated CorpBe was his own. ' Sallstad admitted that he committed the crime in the hope that an : insurance policy of 120,000 would he paid to his wife and because i he lost money that friends put into a phonograph company ha waa ; president of. - -' - ' ' ' , -.. . ." - ' MY MARRIAGE Adele Garrison's New" PhaW of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE Copyright 1121. by Newspaper Feature Service. Inc, CHAPTER ZT ' What the Wounded Trooper Told My heart was, full, of warm gratitude toward the awkward boy who had just revealed to 'me the. truth of Dicky's attack on the man named Smith. . I extended , my hand toward.hfm impulslyeiy, and he grasped it shyly, waife an, em barrassed brick-red flush ' spread over his face. . . " ' - "I don't know how" to thank you. Fred, for telling me this,":L said sincerely. It means more to me than you think, and it has saved me from sorely misjudging my husband." . . v- "I thought I ought to he stammered, dropping my hand in an agony of ' embarrassment as Bess Dean's voice sounded behind us. She had? crossed the room from the veranda door without our seeing, her, and I wondered how much she had heard .of our con versation. "What a touching tibleau!'' she gibed, -."Heally,-, Madge, , . you might be poeins as: a picture of eternal- gratitude, :Fred . must have :. rendered you some signal service, jlndeed.; y rUer .voice ; was gay.linsouclant, bnt I surmised that uneasiness lay beneath her patently careful care lessness. ; She evidently had - not cared that Fred -had heard -her misleading statement 'to me con cerning Dicky's attack on Smith, counting on Fred's dumb, shyness to keep him from speech on the subject. - And - she was' keen : en ough to realize that Dicky, In the mood he had been, all the evening, would not tell me the truth con cerning the reason for his punish ment of Smith. " - Madge Score. -" , -V " ; ."'.1 . "'i-.i l .ThitT I would 'eventually learn. it from Dicky she .must '" have known, bnt I guessed that she was gambling- upon that time coming after she had left Cold- Spring. That she cared no whit for Dicky or his future'opinion of her, Jf she could gratify her. vanity, and her petty grudge against me., by mak ing me furiously' jealous of her, I was sure. si. knew, also, that she would like nothing better than to have me flame' out at her before Dicky In Jealous anger, But the a'ght of Fred in close, icontiden tial conversation with mo had startled her, 'i . ?- . ' - ; i It was no part of my plan, how ever, to feavc her guess what I knew or did not know;: The cter nat feline which lurks 'more or less secnrelyjcasbcdjln every -woman's make-np. - woke' and; tugged tnt Its bonds . demanding that - - I play with the girl's uneasiness. ' "That depends upon what ono would consider a Bcrvice,": I re marked careIessly.-v.'But I "havcj reason to 'be distinctly grateful to Fred, nevertheless. PROBLEMS " t ' - : I looked squarely at her for a tense instant, then glanced away quickly. And though she looked back ' at me as unwinkingly, there was an expression which flashed into-her eyes before she could con trol and banish it which told me that I had scored. . And I was ex tremely glad of the interruption which came just then from the inn proprietor, Kronish, for I was con tent to .let the silent, controversy between us rest just where it was. 1 ,! . . . - , .i ... A Telephone Message. : "The coffee will be ready very soon," the said. "Will you drink it when it is ready: or wait for the others?"".;-. i "We will wait ten minutes. I decided swiftly. "Then if they have not come, back you may serve tbosewho are here." - i f Thank you, madame," he said quietly, and went back to his ta bles, once more the placid, effi cient inn host, as calm as though aahort , time before he had not been Involved in a drama ot life and death.' .-"What's the great idea?" Bess Dean demanded, with laughing face but eyes narrowing in a pe culiar facial trick she has. "Any one would think; you V were the mysterious heroine, or famous de-tec-ative or something equally In teresting to watch that old fellow. I expected to see him hit his head three "times on - the " floor and ' to crawl out backwards, he was bo deferential."- "He's a bit upset by so much excitement," , I returned, non committally. ; "But let's - go over and talk to Pa Cosgrove. He looks as if he were marooned on an is land." . " ; -i . r:-'"- The shrill of the telephone punc tuated - my suggestion, which had been made .to avoid any further conversation ;- with. Bess Dean alone, j And under so , tense a strain was every one in the room i and on the veranda ' that every "voice ceased and every - pair . of eyes were on Kronish as he took down the receiver, i ) . "Yes. This is Kronlsh's place. No. Col. Tra vers is not here. Who? Nobody but them. They are all here' with Col. Travers. ' Who? Mrs. v Graham? The lady who drove the car? Yes, she's' here." - He beckoned me ' to i the tele phone," and as I walked quickly to it I was conscious of Bess Dean's eyes .boring, into the back of my head, and knew that she would have given much to have been in my place. ' Her curiosity is over weening, her desire to be the cen ter of things as inordinate. fMrs4 Graham?, This Is Ilarst ings.T l have news - which Col. Travers must know at once. Crow ley recovered consciousness long enough to say that Smith was the man who atruck him down, I think Crowley has a lot more to tell, but be lapsed into unconsciousness asalo. But they must get after Smith' at once. Whero Is Col.;Tra vcrs?" ; "Gone to get I did not finish- the sentence, for into the room rushed Col. Travers, Dicky and Ted. the troop officer's face black with" fury. I did not need words to tell" me that Smith had man aged ."to escape them. ' -' - (To bo continued) 1 Schooner Is Remodeled ; In Seattle For Alaska ; SEATTMi Dee. 23. After bo lus remodeled in. Jhls portt fol- Gap'n Zyb Lots of boys -take all-sorts of care of theitoys the first couple of days after Christmas, and then let them go to the dickens. What I want ' to ask you to do is this, use a little common sense. If you got an electric train or a mechani cal train, don't try to take ifall apart because you'll break it, sure as billy goats have whiskers. ' If you have skates or a bicycle, don't take them, apart either. They will both need care; a little oil now and then, cleaning, and. in the case of the bicycle, pumping the tires. ; -V:: 0: v: If you got a sled, there Is one thing you can do to It without hurting It. ' If you want to make it go faster and easier, take some rery fine-emery paper and use ; it on the under aide of the runners. This will take the paint off and leave a smooth surface of polished steel. ' When the paint is off, rub a little oil on and nib It good and hard. Doing all -this will speed up your sled a" whole Jot-and will not hurt it. ;."rv(. : :V , Whatever you received, or did not receive as a present, act happy over it, because the folks who sent you things probably thought that they, were giving you just what you wanted and they sent a lot of love along with the present, al though you. can't see the love very well on the outside, . , Write the folks who sent yon presents a little note thanking them. It doesn't take hardly any time to do this," as the note can be as short as you wish It to be, but It does make, the people who sent you the presents think: "Well, he's a pretty fine boy. He appreciates the thing I sent him enough to thank me for it." As for thanking mother and dad of course, it's . impossible to do It well enough, but try it Just the same. ".'''" . CAP'N ZYB. lowing her return from Point Bar row, .Alaska, last month,. the aux iliary powered schooner Boxer sailed from Seattle December 26 for Alaska for the purpose of teaching the natives there various trades, according to an announce ment made today by J. H. Wag ner .head - of the United States bureau of education: here. It is the first expedition of the kind ever undertaken by - the depart ment. ;v : ; ' ., Tme Boxer has been fitted Into a model floating school and var ious trades, . Including wireless telegraph and navigation, will be taught to the natives of south western Alaska. . y- : Doctors J. J. Meyers and Balk emas will accompany the boat, giv ing physical examinations to all students and lecturing on personal hygtene. Harold C. Wright, exe cutive officer of the Boxer, will teach radio telegraphy and mod ern cooking was taught the na tives by Cook Barcey, Geoghegan. Navigation will be taught by Cap tain Whitlara, . Chief Engineer James P. Murphy and Henry Duncan "" Published Occasionally ' 'tJDCAL; NTW5 THE. VIGILANCE ooMMnTEr t3 SEFKiNCr THF IDENTITY 0FTHI5CrTIIW 5EEN LA5T NIGHT WEARING" DISGUI5E OFU' j L THE KU KLUym SEVERAL ANIMA15K m rvCr. I LU When you look through a magnifying- glass or a telescope you must focus it by moving it around in some way. This is done so that the "lens -in the instrument will give a clear, distinct. image.: The most wondorlul lens in the World, the' lens of the human eye. has a different: method, oL convcy- lag- sharp lmajjc,s- to jrou. -This JS if The .r .... thh i sc vr s&r y. i r.V 'u ". - THE! HELLW PL A jNK '-JjJi'i By J0C17 Chairman ot tha Rtpublieaa Xlatlonal Coxamittss Secretary Mellon pro poses a plan for reducing federal taxes In the sum o f 1323,000. 000. If car ried Into ef fect It will be the sec ond reduc tion In fed eral taxep by tho Re publican party and Congress dur ing, this administration. The Republican party came Into power pledged to reduction and equalization of federal taxes. That pledge is being faithfully -kept The first year of this administration the Republican Congress enacted a federal tax law which has result ed In" fe'llevinr f ederal taxpayers of i" load Of .nearly $2,000,000,000. i A1 ""analysis i" of the. returns of In come tax under this new law shows the, greatest reductions were en joyed; by. that,- class of people which has the smaller income and by those, sections of the country where there is the least : concen tration of Wealth, a In all of tlie agricultural states the reduction in Income tax under the Republican law. has been In excess of 50 per cent as compared with collections under the Demo cratic law. This fact answers the demagogic charge that the Repub lican tax law of 1921 was framed In : tho , Interest of the wealthy while the man ot ordinary Income was not benefited by it. Secretary Mellon's proposition vould still further lift tha load I BITS FOR BREAKFAST ' , It was a' green Christmas . m ; But that does not mean a fat graveyard, as goes the old saying in the east. It means the opposite here. "AH signs fail in Oregon'.' except Oregon signs. V ' Men engaged in . the. cherry In dustry have a chance to help the Slogan editor today the last day. There, are a lot of . new things in this industry.'' ana a lot of things yet to learn. And it Is Important that they be known and learned. a If . the proposed spinning plant gets started at the penitentiary by the' end of next year, and if Salem gets a linen mill in 1924, this old ; tpws will surprise - the world In its' growth -from 1925 on; and In fact'lt Is not going to make a mean showing In the next twelve months, any more than It has in the past few years. . "W S If you have rorgottlcn anything or - anyone, in living up to the Christmas spirit,' there " Is the New Year just around "the cor ner and you can piece the Christ mas -feeling 'onto the" New Year and let It ride along till next Christmas, t ilt ought to be strong enough to endure in all seasons. : ; mm mm 'm . - . A Viennese scientist now visit ing America' predicts that tho next generation a inj this country: :will i have lost "their, taste for. whiskey and wines. For, that matter, the present generation seems to have lost it already, to judge by the stuff It has been drinking. ' ,;"'."'.'. V ;'. There is much unrest in the re ligious world and in some quar ters a clamor for a new religion. The most of this sort of talk ls .s- Animal iState ADVERTISING LET US DO YOUR M0VIKG - - . i a i r . , . w i 1 r .r m m m THE CAMERA IN YOUR EYK lens, instead of moving back and forth, gets, fatter, and slimmer in order to make the image clear. When the lens catches the im age it is flashed through to a sort of screen In the retina of the eye and It touches a' lot of nerve ends. The lens in the eye actually turns the picture of objects upside down when it-throws them on the screen T. ADA113, ' ? from those of small "earned" : come, which is income exprr In terms of wages and salarS i distinguished from Incomes i: Investments. Of the total rt ' tlona proposed in the Income t under Secretary Mellon's pin per cent would be saved to t: with Incomes of less than tV while less than 5 per cent we be saved to those with inecM c : $100,000 or over, , ' . . In addition to the savings In j come- tax r under, the Itcpct: law of 1921,. the American ccr.r ers were relieved cf paying trr: imately $240,000,00l.a year by t repeal of a great number cf r eellaneous faxes, such as t2.t r drugs and toilet articles, s drinks and candy, passenget t! -ets, freight and express shlpir.er.it, merchandise, etc. Secretary Mellon's second i posed slashing of federal taxes ! -eludes the repeal of taxes on t grams, telephones, theatre tr amusement tJekets, so-called 1 ury taxes, such as that now I posed on watches and sllvenr:; , and a number of other "nul-ee taxes. , The repeal of these t:.r. would jnean a further reductlca t the consumers of the country t ! $100)00.000 a year. - Secretary Mellon's plan. Ilia t: s Republican tax law of 1321, is cc mendable from every standpo' ;. It Is not sectional It does r t penalize -one class of citizens, ft the expense of another class. U is equitable In that It lifts t' i greatest load from those least V to- pay. It Is without partisan::.". . It Is Justified by every buslr. ? practice and by the, principles il sound political economy. - . Indulged, in by those .'who hate not. given the old kind a fair trial. v.v . A Los Angeles wife will be pa!j $50,000 if she consents to live with'her husband and drop her divorce suit.' The chances are that It is worth a lot more. ' . ' ;-. y( ; Many of the governors of the southern states - who' are - advo cates of. what are. known as state rights, want it to be distinctly un derstood that it does not apply to the , enforcement, of the prohibi tion amendment to the constitu-' tion. .They want the general gov-' crnment to do that. ' ;,f " :;- -; . ; The son of an Austrian prince : blew out his alleged brains be cause his father would not let LLa - wed the daughter of a merchant. The old "man in his Isolate" prlda ' declared that for more than 1000 ' years no ' son ' of his house 'had ' married beneath his station. Now, ' although his principality has !? appeared, he Btlll holds his ridl' culous pretension to rankand su -clal position. - There are naif " dozen dukes and princes workinl In American barber chops that an just as fluffy as Albrecht. The " boy should have kicked the ancles'! ': prince in the shins and -gone ;offt with his girl to such happiness, as. he might find. The title isn't even worth a helping of fodder '-"in a ' Chinese noodle joint. . , . , Ad Stone, ; Heavyweight, ' Stops Dan 0'Dowd, Boston PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 25. Ad Stone, r Philadelpha light .heavy weight, stopped Dan O'Dow'd.; Eos-, ton in the eighth 'round of their bout today when O'Dowd's seconds tossed a towel Into the ring to save him from further punish--ment. Stone led frdm the' start and gave the Boston feoxer a bad beating.' 'O'Ddwd weighed 180 pounds and Stone 177. " ,. . sman By.. -Xphriaiu Owl of the retina. The image is also very tiny. The .brain turns thins3 right side up again an gives them their truo size, which we say v. see. If either the eye or the bra; -gets J diseased, people s'co. massy strange objects which actually c! j not exist. The whole eye is :bul. t very much like a camera, only it Is a better piece of machinery thin the finest camera over in 3'!.