The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 26, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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    Siere, Tlhier amid Everywhere
, , . .. ...... ,
Raislnq the FarriU
I rTt c OeTss nw OWN
- X m -
bin east
Several on Commission are
' Slated to Relinquish Pres
- ent Titles
.. - . . . , ,nsncn
y Arty way a compromise saves a lot of argument I. j i
: NEW YORK, Dec. 25. A New
Year's shakeup- In the organiza
tion of the New; York Athletic com
mission boxing control today waa
forecast Monday when it became
known definitely that William
Muldoon, ; chairman of the com
mission for. the past two years
would retire from office when his
term expires January 1.
Besides Muldoon, two pther of
ficials of the commission are stat
ed to relinquish their posts, it
was said authoritatively.: . One is
Frnk Dwyer of Genera, who with
riuldoon and Frank E. bower of
Brooklyn, composed v the ' actual
commission. . . The others John
Vanderbush of Schenectady, a
deputy commissioner.
Muldoon has had a stormy ca
reer as head of the commission.
His so-called edicts when he dom
inated the ring game often came
under the fire of critics, who ac
cused him off overstepping his
authority, . Among these decis
ions, one barring a proposed' Jack
Dempsey-Harry Wills heavyweight
championship match and, another
about a year ago prohibiting
Dempsey from engaging in any
title contests' here, were promin
ent. Muldoon also figured in deprlv
ing several world's champions of
title recognition in New York state
at various times for failure times
to accept challenges.
I )FWHEP-S piCTUCie WILU "VJ 0U OXUU rVf A h' -AMpr THING WE WU WftW trwun- ;
. j
Field Goal in First Quarter
Decides Winner to Christ
. mas . Contest
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 25. In a
tard fought contest here today the
Haskell ' Indians of Lawrence,
Kas.; defeating -an eleven repre
senting the Olympic1 club of San
Francisco by a 7 to 6 score. The
Indians apparently outplayed the
Northern California team in every
department of the game but show
ed an inability to amass a large
number of points. : "' .
Both teams made their scores in
.the first period. The redskins by
far -accumulated greater yardage,
making 20 first downs to but five
for the Olympics. In the fret half
of the game Haskell had the ball
the major part of the time and
used straight football throughout.
The second half became a punt
ing and forward passing duel in
which the Indian team gained ad
vantage in punting but which was
offset by the forward passing of
the Olympic men. The Levi broth
ers, John and George Carpenter,
and Elkins starred for the Indians
while the northern California team
substituted so many players that
the work of no one man was out
standing. A 25-yard pass and a
series of line bucks in which John
Levi went over for a" touchdown,
was responsible for "Haskell's
core a few minutes after "the
tame started. The goal was con
verted. : A " short time later San
Francisco had ' a" - chance to tie
when a Haskell man. fumbled .a
Ii ickoff, Needles Olympic quarter.
Toasting Iho tobacco
costs a fortune but it
oaves tho flavor.
falling on the ball behind the goal
line. The try for goal failed.
A large crowd saw : the game
which was played in Washington
park, scene of local baseball ac
tivities in the Pacific coast league.
It was the first football bame to
be played on Christmas here in
more than a decade. .
Ixt Phoenix Phoenix Junior
college. 20; Webber college, 0.
At Los Angeles Haskell Indi
ans, 7; Olympic club, 6
Scott High Will Meet Colum
bia Gridiron Warriors
New Year's Day
TOLEDO, O., Dec.: 23. The
Scott high school football team.
national inter-scholastic champions
left here this afternoon for Port
land, Ore., where Columbia prep
school will be played New Year's
day. The ' game will not involve
the national title. A revival of
the Toledo party at Portland is
scheduled for Saturday morning.
PORTLAND. Or.. Dec. 25 The
football game between Scott high
school eleven of Toledor Ohio and
Columbia University, of Portland,
will be played here New Year's day
I as . originally planned, according
to announcement made here today.
The game was in doubt for a time
because of difficulty over finan
cial arrangements but this matter
waa adjusted satisfactorily. - As
sistant Coach. Keller of Scott high
who is In Portland today, tele
graphed Fred L. Siebert, faculty
manager of Toledo, that, the team
should make plans to start west
Immediately and word was re
cevled later that the team had left
Toledo late this afternoon.
Greb Awarded Decision
In Match With Loughran
PITTSBURG, Dec. 25. Harry
Greb, of Pittsburgh, middleweight
champion 6f the world was award
ed the decision over , Tommy
Loughran of Philadelphia at the
end of their ten round match here
this afternoon, I Loughran used a
left jab to Greb's jaw very effec
tively, but Greb was too fast for
him and out-fought him all the
way. ?':,
; Greb weighed' 168 pounds, and
Loughran 168. '
Jack Taylor, Omaha Negro
Heavyweight, I akes I en
Round Contest ;
25. Jack Taylor, Omaha, I Neb.,
negro heavyweight was given the
decision over Battling Siki, the
Senegalese pugilist in a ten round
bout today. ; .
Siki, who apparently was not In
the best of . condition forced the
fighting in the first five rounds
and there were" numerous stiff
mixups in which wicked punches
were exchanged. Then Siki's lack
of condition began to tell and he
was forced to hold frequently dur
ing the remainder of the contest.
When Slkl started to slow np Tay
lor, took the offensive, hitting the
Senegalese boxer hard and often.
At the end of the bout one of
Siki's eyes was closed and blood
was. flowing from his mouth and
nos.' ; ; f J '
Taylor weighed 1 8 0 and Siki
VANCOUVER. B. C. Dec. 25.-
Members of the Vancouver hockey
team returning from a prairie
league invasion, defeated the Vic
toria six here this afternoon in a
Pacific Coast Hockey league game
by a 3 to 1 score, taking first
place over the cougars in " the
league standing.
CORVALLIS. Or., Dec. 25.
The Oregon Agricultural college
basketball team was off today for
California on - a i barnstorming
tour, the first game of which is
to be with the Knights of Colum
bus in Oakland, Cal.
SEATTLE, Dec. 23. Elmer.Tes-
reau. big sophomore fullback of
the University of Washington foot
ball team, may be unable to play
against the United States naval
academy New Year's day at Pasa
dena because of a boil on his knee,
his physician has announced. Tes
reau spent most of yesterday in
bed under orders and was un
able to work today, although get
ting up.
.Loss of Tesrean for this game
would be one of the hardest blows
the university could receive. Ca
pable substitutes for him have not
been developed this year because
of lack of material. Fred Abel
would be the most likely man to
nil in at his place. With Abel at
the fullback position the backfield
would ' have speed but not the
punch' that Tesreau puts into it
nor the defensive strength. .
i The Huskies had a - rest Mon
day and worked out yesterday
after which many members of the
squad left for their homes to speed
Christmas. The majority, pf (,the
men live in nearby towns which
permitted their : going home and
returning In time for practice on
Wednesday. . ,' .
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Dec. 25.
A comparatively short formation
and signal drill marked the fin
ishing' touches of preparations of
the navy football squad for the
New Year's game against the Uni
versity of Washington at Tourna
ment of Roses park, Pasadena,
and the cooler brand of weather
that prevailed in contrast to the
fog and. wet grounds of the last
four days, enabled the players to
put lots of life into their work.
Twenty-five players will make
the trans-continental journey. In
charge of Lieut. B. F. Perry, re
serve , off icer of football; Head
Coach Folwll, and other offic
ials. The party left this
noon for Chicago. , Arriving
there early Wednesday morning,
the players will engage in a lim
bering up practice before resum
ing the journey.
'"The only other stop en route
will be at the grand canyon. Pas
adena will be reached December
30, according to the Itinerary.
Tommy Gibbons Agrees to
Meet Fulton at St. Paul
- ST PAUL, Minn., Dec. 25.
Tommy Gibbons today agreed to
meet Fred Fulton in a 10 round
bout in St. Paul during Febru
ary. It will be Gibbons' frst lo
cal match since his bout with Jack
Dempsey at Shelby. Mont., and
part of a program which he be
lieves will lead to a return match
with the heavyweight champion.
Bears Defeat Wildcats
In Christmas Day Game
PHOENIX, Aria., Dec. 20.-
Outplaylng their opponents with
trick shifts and versatile aerial at
tacks, the Phoenix Junior college
Bears defeated the Weber college
Wildcats of Ogden, 20 to 0 in a
Christmas day game here. The
victory gave Phoenix the junior
college championship of Arizona,
Utah and southern California.
Portland Commission ;
May Change Bout Hour
PORTLAND. Or., Dee. 25. The
Portland boxing commission today
was considering holding the New
Year's boxing card the evening of
January 1 instead of in the after
noon as had been planned. Two
ten round bouts for the card have
already been arranged. Fred Ful
ton against George Lamson and
Danny Nunes against Weldon
Wing.. The rest of the card has
not yet been announced.
NEW YORK, Dec;! 25. Chess
players of nine eastern colleges
and universities will compete here
in championship s play which be
gins tomorrow,
The Oregon Statesman Automobile Competition '
I nominate us a member of the Oregon Statesman
Automobile Competition:
by ...L
ote Only four of these entrv blanks will h
i: J fcr any ona member. Members may be nora-'
tc : J by themselves or their friends.-, ? ; - - ;
We Can't Run
Why not take advantage of
that fact?
FEW DAYS AGO a woman asked our
assistance in renairincr a certain electric
appliance. V -
It was an inferior appliance. It had been
sold to her by a salesman who burst into
town, "worked fast" and disappeared.
There was no one to reimburse her, no one
to make proper adjustment.
A local merchant would not have sold her
that inferior appliance. This company
which submits all types of appliances to care
ful tests would not have sold her that ap
pliance. And if we had, by error, she could have
found us like your other local merchants
right here in town, ready and willing to rec
tify that error.
If you haTen' electric racunm cleaner,
. you aren't taking full advantage of your elec
tric service. Let's bring a Eureka Tacanm
cleaner . to your home and show yon bow it
.saves your time, your strength, your health.
No obligation whatsoever for the demons tra
Porta amid Ranhvay, Lffgfofi
amid ' Power s
237 N. Liberty St. Phone 85
Salem, Oregon
Navy Football Warriors
Are on Way to Pasadena
ANNAPOLIS, Dec. 25. The
navy football warriors tonight are
speeding toward Chicago on the
first leg of a journey that will
terminate at Pasadena, Cat., De
cember 3 0, where on New Year's
day they will clash with the Uni
versity of Washington.
The navy players are trained to
the minute as the result of three
weeks of strenuous work, and
tbere is confidence at the academy
that the middies will be returned
The -final lineup of the tean
w'ill be dependent upon the gene
ral condition of the players after
the long jaunt, the coaches said.
Call a woman
lays for you.
a hen and she
There Is;; Also,
Note this important difference in the way gasolines ex
plode. One kind explodes instantaneouslyr-ceforiafes.
It depends upon a single crash to pound the piston
down.: ' ' v; ' ; ' ' '.
Compression is limited by the tendency of such gaso
line to explode prematurely. This means. loss of power
and efficiency. ' ' : . i
It means increased vibration also, thus more wear arid
tear. Some explosives .would work: this way.- on guns, to
the ruination of the guns. ' 1
-The Prolonged Thrust
Union Gasoline explodes in a different way-Mike smoke
less powder in big guns with a progressive and sustained
explosion non-detonating. "
It thrusts the piston down with a powerful but con
tinuous impulse. " ; ; ! ,;. .
This permits higher compression, for, as authorities know, com
pression is limited by the tendency of a gasoline to detonate.
Sp more power and higher efficiency result-from Union iVbn
Detonating Gasoline. Smokeless powder is used in big guns be
because it doesn't detonate and its better power carries the projec
tiles farther. :. '
Snap In The Pickup
This increased smoother power in motors means more speed and
a stronger rush in the pickup. ' ' ; , ; '
You find more power on the hills a new "lift"r with no "knock
ing" due to gnsoline. ' : . , , , , .
The sustained impulse reduces vibration, which means less wear
and tear. .,..: ,,:.:-.
And the higher all-'round efficiency means . increased fuel
economy. ' ' ' '.
So Union Non-Detonating Gasoline affects your car In several
desirable and important ways. - -' V
- Union is always uniform.. It doesn't disintegrate, thus doesn't
deteriorate in storage. A11 the power that , is put' into it at the
Union plants is delivered when you want it in your car.
. . of California d