The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 26, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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Statesman Ads pay for they are
read In the "homeby Home People
It: Js, truly a Home Newspaper.
Classified Ads' -will be found ci
page seven. A page always full
of community of ferings and want;.
n n
.J V
Exploration Will Be Attempt,
ed During Summer Months
By Dirigible and Six Air
Object of Expedition to Pi.
oneer f Air Routes De
clares Sec. Denby
commendations that the navy's
polar exploration flight be at
tempted during the coming sum
mer with the dirigible Shenandoah
and using Nome, Alaska, as the
main operating base, are contained
In the report of the special board
or navai omcers neaaea ay near
Admiral William A. MofTett, chief
of naral aviation. The report was
' made public today by Secretary
Denby, who has approved it, sub
ject to possible later modifications.
In its study the board empha
sized that the mission- of the ex
pedition would be "exploration of
the north polar regions"" rather
than ' dash for the pole. The
detailed plan of operation worked
out, therefore, contemplates num
erous flights " by - the Shenandoah
on mapping and chartering cruises
to "establish the practicability of
a trans-polar air route" from
western Europe to Japan over the
top of the world
Explore Whole Region
Recommendation was made that
two vessels. Vj preferably tankers
equipped with mooring masts six
planes -equipped . for landing on
ice or water, a permanent moor
ing mast at Noma and mooring fa
cilities at certain other northern
points be employed.
"The ships with three planes
each will go to Nome and to Spits
bergen where preliminary flights
for serological observations will
be made. the report said. "When
all Is ready the Shenandoah jwill
fly to Nome via' mooring masts at
Fort Worth, San Diego, Puget
sound and Nome jbases'. thence
nprinwara : lor iue ccuuiiiibu:
irient of this mission. The explor
atton of the north' polar region
DUttll 111 VI UUC Diii'"v " -
of the unknown area' north of Al
aska. "The board considers that with
all the ships the Shenandoah and
the planes equipped as recom
mended and provided in ample
time, the Arctic exploration Is
feasible and practical during the
summer Jot 1924 without undue
risk to personnel or material...
Xome Named Base
selection oi jue iuuie mo
mnrtn because ice conditions make
It available to shipping as a role
during the first week In June.
The distance to z the pole from
Nome via Cape ; Prince of Wales
Is 1560-:nautlcaliJ miles. 1 At . a
Roeed of 35 knots the Shenandoah
will have a sae , cruising . capacity
of 4iZ0 nautical miles with a IS
per cent margin of extra radius. .
Plans for using the Shenandoah
call for helium gas inflation, re
fttor to nrovide liv-
Ine snace for : the crew,; use of
"water recovery" - to compensate
loss J of weight through consump
tion of fuel and reduction or bal
last by 3300 pounds.
Vnmd'i iiroxlmitv to the unex
plored area and to American bases
was nointed out. : as wen as tne
r9t that if l American territory.
has some local facilities, and, has
(Continued on page 3)
OREGON: Rain or snow Wednesday;-
moderate southwest
erly gales.
(Tuesday) j
Maximum temperature 44.
- Minimum temperature 37.
- River, 2.3. ...
Rainfall, .15 inch.
Atmosphere, cloudy.-
Revolutionary Forces Have Begun Military
Operations and March Upon Mexico City
Continued Declares Message 60 Lose
. Lives Many are Wounded or Captured.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 25. Charges that President
Obregon's ministry of war has been publishing inaccurate
reports of the situation in Mexico were contained in private
telegrams received here today outlining conditions from the
standpoint of the Mexican revolutionary forces.
Claude E. lngalls Is
Sick With Diphtheria
, , Claud E. lngalls J
CORVAL&IS, Dec. 25. Claude
E. lngalls Is not enjoying Christ
mas this year. He has been strick
en with diptheria and while not
in a serious condition he is being
carefully I looked after.
Mr. lngalls Is postmaster at Cor-
vallls but .in addition to that he
is editor of the Gazette-Times 'a
strong, paper. lngalls has always
been a stalwart in politics, gener
ally leaning backward in his de
voton to the standpatters but he
Is; always a forceful writer, al
ways a hater of shams and always
for good citizenship.
Mrs. Geo. W. Thompson, living
south of ; Salem", a sister of Mr.
lngalls received a message by tel
ephone at 7 o'clock last night
stating that Mr. lngalls was much
improved. :
He is secretary of the Republic
can State Central committee.
Salesman Well Known in Sa
lem Dies in Portland FoU
' lowing Accident
George L. Falk, 39, well known
in Salem, but a salesman employed
by Backus & Morris, in Portland,
died in St. Vincents hospital yes
terday mornine of injuries sus
tained when he drove his motor
cycle into the auto of Henry Wi
nans on Corbett street Monday
night at 10 , o'clock, and was
thrown to the pavement. Falk's
skull was fractnred.
- Falk was on his way to Oswego
to the home of his father-in-law
to spend Christmas. ?
Falk lived at 708 East Seventh
street. '-
BRUNSWICK, Me., Dec. 25.
Judge E. Chapman, former editor
of the Youth's Companion; died
here today. Hp wa3 70 years old.
; 1
"Obregon's minister of
said a summary, "has nothing to
up to date for example, regarding
our absolute control of the states
of Yacatan, whose ex-governor,
Carillo Puerto, is in' prison; Cam
peche. Qulntano Roo and Tabasco
excepting in the city of, villa Ger
mosa, located in the last named
"General Cavazos and Payana,
at the hea dot their cavalry have
Incorporated their commands with
forces and have already Initiated a
campaign against the Imposition
"The evacuation of Puebla- was
ordered simply as strategic mea
sure. This evacuation was carried
out In good' order.
"General Estrada has taken pos
session of Yurecuro on the Guada
lajara .Mexico .railroad iandcon-1
tlnnes aim advance on the capital.
General Romulo Flgueroa with a
column of 9,000 men well organ
ized, continues his march against
Mexico City.
The consuls at Bremen, Co
logne, Glasgow, Neuremberg,
Frankfurt and Copenhagen ;l have
communicated their adhesion l to
the cause. The consul at Helize,
British Honduras, embraced - the
revolution three days ago. i
Revolutionary forces in f ; Ta-
maulpas have begun military oper
ations and have cut : communica
tions between Laredo and "Tarn-
pico. ' General Manuel Chao - in
Chihuahua at a point near Psrral,
took several railway J trains' and
will soon appear at the head of a
large force composed of veteran?
who formerly served under Gen
eral Villa." ,
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 25. Gen
eral Jose Domlnguez, commanding
600 federals has repulsed an at
tack upon Santa Lucrecia, accord
ing to reports here. Prior to the
attack which was led by Genera
Adelberto Laguenz, General Do
mlnguez refused to join the rebels
Of Laguenz 1000 followers 60
were killed and 130 wounded. Nu
merous prisoners were taken by
the federals. - " '
SAN t ANTONIO, Tex., Dec. 25
neral Romuelo Flgueroa, who
is marching from the state of
Guerrero upon Mexico City, has
captured the town of Puente Ixt
la and is threatening . to march
upon the city of Cuernavaca, cap
ital of the state of Morelos, ac
cording to Mexico City J press dis
patches reaching San Antonio yes
terday., " ,
General Arnuiro Gobez, chief of
the military garrison in Mexico
City, who left with a strong col
umn to check the advance of
Flgueroa. has arrived at Cuerna
vaca and is preparing to -face the
revolutionists. "
Railroad traffic is suspended
south of Cuernavaca since the tak
ing "of Puente Ixtla by rebels.
Coincident with the capture of
Ixtla . General Flgueroa has ad
dressed Governor Neri of Gaerero
advising him to resign and, Jeaye
the state with the understanding
that; facilities woutd be granted
him to leave safely,-together with
his family and friends, Neri re
fused, t Because of Neri's reply.
General Flgueroa has announced
that he would proceed to send a
column to attack the - capital of
Guerrero. , '
MEXICO CITY, Dec. .25.-
President Ob'regon who departed
today from Irapuato,' is expected
to . reach the advanced positions
in the vicinity of Ocotlan, Jenjamo
Wednesday. ' -
. The seneral federal otfensite
against the rebellious force under
Generals Enripue Estrad and Man
(Continued on page 7)
Charitable Salem v Women
: Forestall Bleak Christmas
:. for Small , Family
A cheerless Christmas would
have been the fate of one family
of Salem yesterday had it not been
for the Christmas spirit which
proved itself Indomitable in spite
of the workings of a light fingered
person who robbed a mother- of
her Christmas parcels Saturday
while shopping for her little ones'
According to Miss Marian Wy-
man, secretary of thef local YWCA
the recent Statesman' story telling
of the impending tragedy, waken
ed the interest of a number of
the women of the city who called
the YWCA inquiring if the mother
had been able to locate the three
packages which ; had so curiously
disappeared from the cupboard
where she left them Saturday af
ternoon for a few minutes while
she went about on a few errands,
Learning that they had "not been
returned, and knowing the futility
of such nope, Sunday morning
after the" church hour, a small
number of women of the First
Congregational church contributed
to a fund totaling $10 which was
given to the mother in order that
the gifts might be duplicated.
Thanks to the kindness of' the
benefactors, Monday saw the
mother, radiantly happy, hasten
ing through the shops purchasing
the articles which made yesterday
a real Christmas for her' small
family. '
Evidences of Xmas Cheer
Here Were. Found Even
. in '.'China Town"
There was no part of Salem In
which demonstrations of the
Christmas spirit were not in evi
dence yesterday.
i Palatial homes displayed elab
orately, decorated Christmas trees,
and little cottages and . drab
dwelling places on all the streets
and throughout all the suburbs
gave out signs of holiday " cheer.
If you drove about and kept
your eyesjopen, you saw scarcely
a habitation in all Salem and
throughout .its environs where
there was no sign of the glad sea
son. ' -
, There is not much of a "China
town" in Salem these days. There
used to be. In the early eighties
there were about 6 00 Chinese res
idents of Salem, and they were
gathered in large part along State
street between Liberty and High;
mostly on the north side of the
street. That was . then called
"China town." It was Salem's
China town.
But there is no section of the
city ' now that may be bo termed
distinctively for the few Chinese
residents here perhaps less than
200 all told are . pretty well
scattered over the city. Some of
the families are in what are "known
as the "best" residence districts;
and the ' Chinese boys and girls
are In the public schools -not dis
tlnguished there from other chil
dren." excepting perhaps in being
more studious on the average
than the others.' . ,
Cut what is left of the former
squalidhess of the vanished China
town - clings to some places on
Ferry street between Liberty and
High, and to High street near
Ferry, and on the corner of Lib
erty and Ferry, diagonally oppo
site the Salem armory, there is a
Chinese restaurant s what' Is
known as a Chinese "noodle
joint," from the fact that Chinese
noodles are among the principal
piece de resistance attractions.
There shone forth in " this
noodle - Paee yesterday and ) last
night a well-lighted and more or
less elaborately decorated Christ
mas tree; just like thousands of
others throughout the city.
And so the patrons of that place
enjoyed their noodles surround
ed with the trappings, ot the good
old Santa Claus time. In fact.
there was sifted into their noodles
the Christmas spirit as they satis
fied ; their gustatry cravings with
the : noodles concocted under the
deft fingers of the Celestial' chefs.
Though it is not- certain that
-' Coattaued on page 7)
All-Star Aggregation Springs
Surprise and Takes Cor
vallis Men Into Camp By
14-9 Score
Visitors Draw First Blood
and Cross Goal Early in
Second Period
(By Ti Associated Pru) .
HONOLULU. Dec. 25. The Ha
waiian all-stars composed ot mem
bers of Honolulu football ' teams
and of National guard players
created a ' surprise here today by
defeating the football eleven of
the Oregon Agricultural college,
14 to 9.
The ' heat affected the Oregon
Ian8 but the all-stars consistently
outplayed the : visitors except in
line bucking. The Aggies scored
first, making a touchdown In the
second period. Gill carrying the
ball over. PTice missed goal. The
all-stars : rained the lead imme
diately afterward, taking the ball
down the field with a series of
brilliant forward passes. Falk,
former Utah Aggie, passed to Rod-
ri-gues- for a touchdown. They
kicked goal. ' .
The Aggies again assumed the
lead when Garber drop kicked 25
yards. The third period was
scoreless, Oregon having recourse
to punting game whenever in dan
ger. ; , ' .
The all-stars won in the fourth
period . when Thompson blocked
the Aggies' punt in the shadow
of the Aggies goal post, Clarke of
the all-stars receiving behind the
line. Black converted the goal.
The all-stars line, although vul
nerable in; mid-field, was y? ada
mant near their own; goal,; hold
ing the Aggies to downs twice;
once in the first period when Ty
man of the Aggies intercepted an
all-star pass "and raced 6 0 yards
to the all-stars two yard line,
Here Oregon , attempted to score
In four plays, which were unavail
ing. The all-star line i repeated
this feat near the end of tne
game "when the Aggies, fighting
furiously ; for a winning score.
were held to four downs.
Scott, Lyman, Gill, Tebbs, Car
penter, Bell and Price starred ior
the Aggies. Maguire, Clark ana
five members of the St. Marys
college of Oakland, 1922 team,
Black Murdock, Lane. Kauhane
and Hoopi ' featured for the all-
stars. .1 : -"' '
Venizelos Will Comply; With
Demand of People Voiced
By Leaders . ; ,
" i
ATHENS. Dec. 25. (By Asso
ciated Press )s-Former Premier
Eliptherio "Venizelos, in com
pliance with the request of the
Greek people as voiced by $he
leaders of the variouapolitlcal par
ties will return to Athena Immed
Informing the government of his
decision, Venselos however, clear
ly points out that his return will
be only temporary for the purpose
of acting as a .guide and advisor
in regulating the situation that
under circumstances wilt he un
dertake the formation of a cabi
He will take ship at Marseilles
December 29, according . to , his
nresent plans and he begs that
there shall be no public reception
The former premier explains
that his decision to yield' to Che ap
peal for his return to Greece was
taken 'after mature reflection and
that his only reason for coming
for the time being ! to jhelp settle
the complicated affairs kit the na
tion. He maintains his previous
resolve to keep out of the political
arena-entirely. .. . v....
President and Mrs. Coolidge
Held Typical New England
Christmas; Attend Union
Alludes to Differences Be.
tween Modernists and
WASHINGTON, Dec. 25.- The
White House today had one of its
most quiet Christmas days despite
the presence -within it of two boys
the first boys to call the White
House their homs since the days
of Charles Taf t and the Roose
velt. . The president and Mrs. Coolidge
and their two sons; John and Cal
vin, Jr., who are home for the holi
days, observed "a typical New Eng
land Christmas. They, with their
only guests, Mr. iand Mrs. Frank
W. Stearns of BoBton, assembled
after breakfast -around ' a small
tree in the Blue room -and ex
changed gifts in much the saine
manner as, the average, American
family. Then the family attended
union - Christmas "setvice -of , the
churches of the city at the First
Congregational church where: the
Coolidges worship. '
Visits Disabled Vets
- -i. - - ! '- . - - Vv :".-:F
Luncheon . . followed church.
then a quiet afternoon and early in
the evening enristmas dinner, vi ce
only departure from the line fol
lowed by thousands upon thou j-
ands of American families in the
celebration of the holidays w as af
ter dinner when the eh.'ef cxe n-
Hv and Mra. Cooldisre went io
Walter Reed; military hospital to!
join with disabled. former service!
men in a Christmas entertainment.
Bishop William F. McDowell of
the Methodist , Episcopa 1 ch u : ch ,
delivered the sermon at the union
services attended by the president
and took occasion to allude to the
controversy . now in progress be
tween . the modernists and funda
mentalists over matters of relis-1
ious belief, i
A few years ago," Bishop Mc
Dowell said, "the author of a wide
ly read book said these words:
'One of the weaknesses of the
church today is bluntly that
Christians are not making enough
of Jesus Christ,' and that sentence
oddly enough is seized eagerly up
on by two groups that do not agree
with one another at all. The highly
conservative group, always sure of
its own orthodoxy just because it
is conservative heartily approves
the statement with many and loud
affirmations about Jesus Christ
and much assertion of what it
thinks about him.
Church Said in Hack '
"The other group, weary of re
actionary conservation, gratefully
accepts this statement as covering
its own view of Jesus Christ; and
not doctrines about Him that must
now be empnasieea. Ana mere,
before we know it, the doctrine de
bate is pa, the violent phrases are
rilling the air, shibboleths are be
ing shouted, names are being call
ed and men are being tested and
classified; while the church wal
lows in the ruck pt controversy.
"This Christmas day finds us in
danger of fighting about Him or
about our interpretation of Him
rather than 'making enough' . or
Him." lt y
Senator Watson of Indiana was
an occupant of the presidential
new. the resident and Mrs. Cool
idge having extended an invitation
to him to sit with them upon meet
tag him at the church 'door., Sev
erer cabinet, members who, re
mained in Washington for the hol
idays and Chief Justice Taf t also
were in the congregation.
AH In all the day was Jhe most
complete Holiday Mr. jCooUdge has
had since " he : became president
He made only one visit to his office
hand that was only for a few ;min
utes early In the day before going
out tor his customary morning
walk, lie held o conference.
Prison Rule Bars Christmas
Presents; Kels Still Hopes
for Clemency
SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Dec. 25.
Hope springs eternal in the hu
man breast, but it faded from the
heart of Alex Kels, condemned
Lodl murderer as the long shad
ows of his last Christmas on earth
fell across the forbidding walls of
Folsom prison this "afternoon. His
wife and 9-year-61d daughter spent
an hour with him, but ' unlike
Christmas day in other years there
were no presents, for gifts are de
nied condemned prisoners j by the
prison rules. - - -
Mrs. Kels returned to her home
in Lodi late in the afternoon de
termined to visit Governor Friend
W. Richardson in an effort to ob
tain clemency for her husband.
The governor was silent, declining
to comment on the proposed visit
of Mrs. Kels, but , in view of his
repeated statements. It Is not be
lieved In capitol circles he will
alter his position -by extending
clemency to the Lodi - butcher.
Mrs. H. B. Staples, sister of the
condemned - man, ; continued to
clin to, the hope that -he can be
saved from the gallows. ' ;
Mrs. Kells collapsed today after
neighbors had brought gifts to
her children and she had read a
Christmas letter from ; her1 hus
band. He is under sentence to
hang January 4. s ,
Mrs. Kels was planning to make
an effort to save her husband hy
a personal appeal to the governor
when she fell in a faint and was
ordered removed to bed. r
Playground Commission,
Provided in Charter, to
Be NamecTfor 1924 -
A number of appointments are
to be made by the mayor and the
city council, or the mayor alone at
the beginning ot the new year.
One of these will be three mem
bers for the children's playground
board for which provision w
made in the original city charter
but which will be used the . com
ing year for the first time. An
appropriation for the maintenance
of the playground is contained In
the city budget approved hy ""the
county tax supervising and con
servation commission.
This board will be composed of
three members appointed by Mayor
Giesy. '
The terms of three members
of the library board expire Janu
ary 1. They are Mrs. John W.
Harbison, W. H. Burghardt and
Dr. Roy Byrd. ; Those whose terms
will not expire until January 1
1925, are D. W. Eyre, president
of the board; A. A. Lee, and a
H. Ohllnger. The three members
arDointed last year whose term
will expire January 1, 1926, are
Henry Meyers. Mrs. Frank Spears
and Dr. F. L. Utter.
John J. Roberts Is chairman of
the nark board and , he was ; not
reappointed for the position the
firat of last year . and has . been
serving a hold-over appointment
Miss Edith Haxard was appointed
to succeed Mrs. a. uusn o
the board, and her term will ex
pire this year. Homer Braitn is
the third member . ot the park
board and his term of office ex
pires January 1, 1925. , J
Nehraska Minister Called
To Methodist Church
EUGENE, Or., Dee. 25. Dr. J
S. Haas has been appointed pastor
of the First Methodist Episcopal
church here, according to word re
celved by Dr. S. A. Danford, su
perintendent of the southern Ore
gon district, from W. O. Shepard,
Portland. : " - -
Dr. Haas has been pastor of the
Beatrice, Neb., church for the past
six years. He Is a graduate of Ne
braska Wesleyan and the Boston
Theological seminary His church
at Beatrice has a membership of
over 1300. He is expected to ar
rive la Eugene early; igr January.
Six Lives Lost end Two V
sels Sunk; Dam
Roughly Estimated
$200,000 in ficrthv.;:!
Fallen Power Linca A '
Toll Taken By High V.i.
in Vashingtcn
fiPlTTT.P TCnih Tien 2."
Six lives . were r taken and dai
roughly estimated tonight at 1 2
000 done - by "a ' tempest t
hroiiffht Chrlatraaa dav 13
North Pacific ocean and VLz :
of Washington and British Cc'
bla adjacent to Puget Sound .
Grays Harbor.
A tug and a steamer figure
the marine loss, while two cc
miner craft were in deadly r
from which one escaped anl f
which the other seemed toni.:.l ,t
be gaining its way, . .Many t
boats ' - were ' blown about
The wind reached 80 ml"
hour on Grays Hirbor, 45 n"
Port Angeles on the soutli
then strait" of Juan de Fl.c ,
miles at Tacoma and 66 nil
Seattle.1 At Seattle and T;
these velocities broke the i.
kept by the United States
ment. .
The dead: -
Michael Grozuoff, 13, ci
cuted near here by fallen :
wire. -.-: . - - -
Gus , Quarnstrom, Aber J
Wash., killed by current from f
en electric power wire.
Windows Broken
Four unnamed members of
Crew of the Canadian tuz 1
which was swept upon the roc!
Pedder bay. near Victoria. B.
on the north side of the strait.
The other vessel wreckei ,
pounded to pieces and sunk s.1
dock near Lake Washington 1
When her crew apneared to t
her out on the passenger ti!
th fant RiflA of thfl la If ft tr -1
been her daily -task tor ten y
they saw nothing but the flc:: .
wreckage. -
rupted but was generally rest:
aunnK ine aiy.- rum every
came reports of plate glass
dows shattered, signs blown (!
nd electric wires broken. I
such a tragedy as that at Abcr.
and Seattle, authorities, t
i til i -
iiannaa iikh iivnrninc sar - rM kp
over the city, turned off the it
lights In the dark hours just
fore dawn; The storm on C
Harbor 'was accompanied by L
ning declared almost unprece J
ed in that, region.
Houses Smashed
that owing to breakage In po
lines the Chicago, Milwaukee
Paul railway was forced to t
plant its electric locomotives
steam engines to keep traffic i
ing. Two houses were wrecl.
Steilacoom near Tacoma by fa'
treem hnt tin nn war hurt. T
wood driven by waves Era:
two houses on the beach li
city. The home of one fami'y 1
was unroofed, and as they i .
bled out of it, one person was I
by a falling rafter. ! Lightiii
the building afire but the f:
were soon put out. Operat:
the Seattle-Tacoma interu.
and of five street car lines in
city were halted.
The steamship Author wag r
ing on to the rocks on the r.
-locean when she managed to r
her engines. At the laet '
from her she was making t
miles an hour and was work!:
shore. - - -
Schooner Jfakcs Tc t
The schooner Thistle Irt ;
Angeles Jast night in tow cf
steamer Jacox. The line r
The Thistle spread her fl
atter a slow fight of hours tr.
back In Port Angeles Lartor t
having spurned the ai 1 c ; . 'I
6ent to her assistanca.