The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 23, 1923, Page 13, Image 13

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    t:: j or.zG 6:1 itat;':: ian,: sale: Oregon
Jewell and Conners, an athletic
pedestal down to two ctlierr.
the Eligh today.
young man and a quaint and com
ical partner, ' offer an ' up-to-date
satire on the universal craze of
golfing. One of the members does
the longest Jump on his hands on
record, Jumping from "a 14-foof
.r . -1 M i i I 'Tit
rCivIlIiatIon can progress
far. There is a limit to tlie r
that can be occupied ty t'.llb
i - 1 1 i e ii. a
1 " 5
i OREGON Zara. , ... - C -
GRAND Shriek of Arabay, Man
- Who Played God.
.' BLIGH Vaudeville, The Victor.
. LIBERTY Man Next Door.
Ccnilnj to Orccn
Richard Barthelmesa Is one of
the happiest young men in motion
.pictures. Happy because he has
achieve! stardom, happy because
there are no long waits. between
Us pictures, chappy because he Is
being supplied with an ' infinite
variety ot roles, and; tAppy be
cause his producer-director is cast
ing his pictures with "highly tal
ented players. . ;
,As ' an example' qt cast ; selec
V. tor a ,Hichard Eartheimess
jlcture, ''The:. Fighting . Blade,"
his cewc-L First National picture,
the feature of, -'next'' week's pro
cram at . Oregon, night be in
stanced. -' Tula is a John S. Rob
ertson production based on the
conflict between the cavaliers and
the roundheads, or the forces, of
the kin?, Charles I, and Oliver
Cromwell. - .Names that were fam
ilar to ." the picture-going1 public
were as naught to Mr. Robertson,
unless those - names had back of
them true histrionic skill or abU
K Continued from page ; Z)
Miss Wenger and Mrs. Harms'
Contralto solo . . , "Mary's" Vision
' Mrs. John J. Roberts "
Chorus Finale , . ."Glory to God!"
First rrebytetriAa Chnrcb.
The Christmas musical program
at the( First Prebyterian church
will be given Sunday, December
23, at 4 o'clock by a .selected
choir of IS voices; under the di
rection ,ol-. H.' II. Hobertsan.' as
sited toy Ira Claire Love, violin,
Ejroa Arnold, organ, and Frank
lin Launer, piano. . :j .
At the regular morning service
at, 11 o'clock, the church Quartet
will sing the following' special
numbers: " ' ' y.--..
Anthem "Wonderful Story0 ...
(With soprano cillsato i by Mrs.
; Robertson); - r
Anthem "Sleepi Daby "Sleep, "
- i ... . . . . . ; . . . ; . . . .'. . ." Adams
. IContralto sola by. Mrs. . ;.
- Rosecrans)
. The . prosran fir-, iho Yesper
service at '4 o'clw.k p. m. presents
te.-; Christmas Car-Uta, "The
ilTIice orFeace-'by AEtford, and
Includes solos,, duets and male
.chorus, as follows; , .
' ' - ' TAr.T I '
Introduction Organ and piano .
Eyroa Arnold ' andr Franklin - -.
,;'Xauner , .
Chorus :"Siag. O ..Heavens-' " "
Soprano. and sJto4ust -"For Iha
; Lcrd Ilat'a J Ccnforted fHis
i . . ' , ."
lll-i Nilss and Mrs. Galloway
Hzz3 zzlo "Tta Heavenly King"
' - "'Ilr. Carton
C-crus -"And Thcro Shall Come
r rtii"". ; .
.Tenor solo "Fear Thou' Not-v.
!r. Driz!ihal. . '
CLtrus "C;a cf God" "t
Ccztralto E3lo "Hail. Bethle-
Zlti.' Rosecrans .with violin obll
gato by Iva ClaireLove . . ;
- FAUT 1I ' t .
llaie chorus "6 Holy Night"
Corrano solo and chorus "3her
. - Vere Eheierds" " " ' '
Mrs. Robertson
raritone solo "Joyful All ,Ye
Nations Rise" - 1 ,
Mr. Earti ; "
Ccpran&- and eenor duel nail
the Heaven Prince of Peace"
-. Ifiss.McIntyre and Mr. Young
Chorus "Glory to God" :. i
Coprano and alto duet "Bright
Ctar cf Hope" ' ' -t . :
" Mrs. Robertson and Mrs.
'.v"z''f ;.. Rosecrans : '- ? .;
Tiale chorus "March of the Magi"
Copraao solo "O, Blessed .'Lord
' Itn. Hohertsoa.
Chorus-i-"Blessed Bethe Lord.
. God"" v.,"u:,--i"-,-. -v
The personnel of, the chorus U
mads up of the' "following:
Copranoa Mrs. Robertson, Mrs.
II. J. Millie, Miss Augusta Niles.
MI33 G Udys Mclniyre -J- Altos
TIrs. I!crcl Rosecrans, Mrs. Tom
Galloway, Mrs. .Ward Willis Long,
Mrs F. N. Prinkhall.' Tenors
Hi H. Robertson, N. M. Flnlcblner,
r. N. DrinkhalU D. A. Young, F.
Z. Carton. L. N. Myers Dr. L. E.
Earrick, E. A. Kenny. :
- ;y, Jason .Lee"' U-'" - V"
A From EtumanaeL; by i Alfred
r.ierly. -' - i ' - "-
Overture Instrumental ;
HailEmmanuel,- Hall!" Solo,
' trio, quintet and chorus V
A rrophecy" Recitative "
"O tay ot Wonders Solo and
iraorus ,
"1:313 of
Joy" Duet and
- ---v.-
"Gentle . Shepherd Duet and
. choru3 ' - " '- .- - 4 '
"Dear Galileo" Sola
"O Clestlal ; Abode" Duet and
chorus ,. . .: -.-
"To rasturc3 Green Ho Lcadcth"
Balo ; -A-'.Vf " ; v5"4
"la Joyful Acclanation-Solo and
chorus' . 1 - '
nc:;!co: O -'a" Cslt -
: , Ha L ili Cono Quartet
Thomas Tilcijihaa
h Ccmincr Llcnday
In Woman Proof
'-"Perfection in motion pictures!
"By . perfection is meant plots
which are flawless and convincing,
acting which is subtle rather than
crude, .sets which ar beautiful
without a jarring noteoZ the ar
tistic." .
1 This Is what the mod'ern Amer
ican theater audience demands in
its motion pictures, according to
Thomas Meighan, star lrthe Par
amount picture,. "Woman-Proof,"
which will be the feature at the
Oregon beginning Monda
''Today motion picture produc
era are concentrating on giving
a fine artistic finish to. lavish
screen , dramas," 1 said Mri Meig
ban. - In the struggle td reach
this result, many traditionsW the
screen have been swept as!
; "The Famous ;. Players lasky
corporation, to cite one instance,
has cat down its production Wore
than 25 per cent, so tljat tl
tire studio " forces may ; be
centrated - to- a greater degre
making bigger and better pict
During the past few years, 8
more pictures have been prod
annually. During the ensu
year only 52 . pictures will
made." This, in my , opinion.
one of the most drastic chani
in policy ever made by a motic
picture corporation. ,
Hcrt Picture at
i Grand Wednesday
fessions! That is the thrilling ex-1
perlence of Naida Carle. For
years she fought for literary suc
cess, the most heartbreaking ot all
struggles. Recently her stories
won recognition, and on the same
day she received news ot her suc
cess as a scenario writer, she was
Informed that ' she had been se
lected by William S. Hart to play
a role in his new Paramount pro
duction of "Wild , Bill Htckok,"
which will be shown at the Grand
theater starting Wednesday with
such well known actresses as Ethel
Grey Terry and Kathleen O'Con
nor. X Miss Carle Is seen as a dance
hall girl in the picture and the
role affords her ample opportun
ity for the display of her mimetic
talents. ;
George Ar!!ia. andU thoJ)i'Jnc
tire Prodnctions actorawho jnadeJ
The Man Who Played God,t to
be seen at the Grand today, went
Into high society with a vengeance
for scenes in thi3 next Arlias film
feature." Ltlj'---
- "Only money need" apply" might
well 5 ha ve been 'the; motto - of t the
location . searchers when' they se
lected the' spots for taking the ex
terior scenps for "ThoMan;Who
Played God." , - ; .
. . LAST TIMES - '.TODAY 1 ' ,
! -
- a
I 1 i - T ....- I
r. . god" ;: '.:-
, ' - - ' With the Incomparable J
1 f -: ) 7 " GHOKGE ARLISS '
1 - t ' ' y' r
- . . . .,.... - ' . -' i . . .
ED WYNN, Starring:
A solid year in New York, three
months in Chicago, two-months in
Boston and one month in Phila
delphia, besides brief visits to the
larger, eastern cities, is the record
fc- date Sot Ed Wynn,- "The Per
fect Fool," and his uniue musical
off ering which comes to the Grand
tieater, for one performance only,
Christmar night, December . 25.
This comedian's entirely differ
ent style of entertainment is just
th speedy, . xlppy. sort f I for the
Urtd business man and , the busy
hoasewif e. ,r The two , acts and 1 9
sceses of kaleidoscopla splendor
anct the bevy , of bouncing beau
ties, delight . the eye. a The many
musical gems titillate ; the ear,
while the ludicrous antics of "The
Perfect Fool'.' Incite , the risibili
ties to the fullest. . , V ' I ...
i f " '----(
i-' Fiaal fihotringf fZasa .
The final showings ot the Allan
Dwan : Paramount production i of
t'Zaza, which opened at- the; Ore
gon theater Friday', will f take
place there this afternoon ; and
eyening. Gloria - Swanson is the
star, supported by 1L B. Warner
Ferdinand Gottschalk and others.
The story is one of . a French
music haQ, a melodrama of a great
heart appeall . , - ,
i-- -fe'
An uproariously fun
ny burlesque on "The
t -
and .
- .f .
! ,
, t .
in "Perfect Poor
in "Perfect FobrV
. f - Melodies of Yesterday,. The
public has been fed on jaza until
we .felt .some - of the old folks
should' hear their favorites so we
are "giving ? yon some old-time
songs and dancea. .Lovers ot good
singing have '-a .wonderful treat
coming at the BHgh "today. ": : '-1 '
Russell Sisters present a pleas
ing and dainty .act, consisting of
harmong singing and dancing with
special scenery and; beautiful elec
trical color effects At the BHgh
today. M - , f
- r t -:r;
.V 5 r- I'-. 'Hi r : -
. IN - .
: r r
- - -
AMllkm'S Hart in Bie
"Paramount - Picture
tWild.: BilLHichoh!.
Man Next Door ' i
; ; ; Is At Liberty
'The Man Next Door." 'by Em
erson Hough, author of "The Cov
ered Wagon," "North of 3 6,.
"54 40 -or,. Fight," and "The
Mississippi Bubble," is showing at
the Liberty theater nntil tomor
row. - ; r . ' S
iThis Is one of the most fam
ous of tho long list of novels of
American lite . by -? this popular
writer. . It deals with life on: a
great ranch in Wyoming, and tells
the story of motherless girl who
is reared ,i by hard-fisted cow
punchers. . 'f i '."j ' 4- ''
. .Bonnie ' Bell Wright , is : the
daughter; ot the : richest cattle
man in the state, and the' girl Is
petted and pampered . but never
spoiled f by her Indulgent father
-. t '
.... I
, Thomas Merman in trar
V 7 paramount Picture
. - VVbman- Proof
.- by Geortfa Ada :
and Curly, the foreman ot the Cir
cle Arrow ranch.. When the girl
is 16, Old Man Wright Benda her
to a ': finishing, school in the east,
and upon her return- the old cat
tleman Relieves that Bonnie Bell
must have the luxuries of an east
ern metropolis.
-; Frailer and Locktee' present a
very ' different kind - ot offering,
containing some wonderful whistl
ing; mimicry performed .in a novel
way; . haraony Yeinging; ' and
comedy finish that will appeal to
the most, ' hardened ;f an. ' Those
boys hate advanced far beyond the
"sawing wood." "street car,"; and
"skylark on; the wmg'? 'styles of
tcL At the' BUgh today.
' Katire Ixwer lloor and Ii)f- r :
VSV V ,st s Balcony ; . , . . . t
J; Viti Neit 3 "ow Balcony ; -
CVi Mk- UHIlcry
SANrTA ClAUS IN t5NtH4wt-.t t .... . k
ALL MIS GOODNESS . Dlrzl" tV. . TT ' .
NEVEP CREATED SO MUCH iJ-i x; -;t' .V ' ' S
. i -...-.-.. i ..........
; k k -: ifi TCP
Fcaturinir ;
A Story of a Ilanch Tcraboy Tc; -.-.the --'Luxuries; cf a Gt::l Cli 'y'
: I.:
! !
a ,Tn
. u.. IU- .
of .:
-f I V' 't i i J ... - - . -.' .,, ' . . . ,