TIIE OREGON STATESMAN. ' SALEM. OREGON --' SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1923 4 I a r. Gills Give Party J The, young women living at the YWTCA held a Christmas party last night in the association rooms. i . V- V,' . ; , -: . , Special -Halrcuttlng . : -if At Marlnello Beauty Parlors. S5c. 245 N. ilih, ' " - - ' Buy Him Bath Robos - "t.- " r Smoking Jackets.- Shirts. etC at the Man's Shop. Duds for Men," ? : v7 ':V-d22 :"' ( Ucrasen Issued " " :; "' J ; , "- V: Marriage licenses -were "issued j yesterday ; to A. W, Oberg and Martha Jotto both of Aurora; ;. Edwin Corbtn, Valets and LIUian ; rarks of Salem. . .. Auction Sale - 1: Where? Song Shop. When? .Today at i:30p.m.. d22 Alton Corell Blore Talkative ' Alton Covell, IS, who was re- ; EqulUZla Cartons Q Loaa ; ' ! . Association ! V Portland, Oregon. . ' : ; Carry Q. Heeney, ncpresentatrre, i 1 Xlaaoslo 2. - rUon 1S43 US Ozasoa. .Sa!lS3as ; Tstepaaas 4A1 ths Scaycy, HX : Isssrsrce ' . Geaexal Izjuraaeo nok Waga . liYuno-rxrcmic rnriiAPzirnc nTrruTS . (Formerly Dr. Echenki) morn: '. -' - - iici Tie Cr!l;xa,l and Genuine Epln al jLdJastaeafc Treatment. C kill- fill. rals::; A&Justsient , taat czli results.' , ' k CstecratUa rrslsa-aa Csrsoa"'; . . C23 Orer ZlZz. CaXera. 1 . , - I i S3S V. Ei. SWT II SIU MMUait Tianm C5 . : Sa. Hen 4AiJ Dn.n.if.viiiTE Cset29ia rta3tfs aad TrMtaua DAnilEIlS Gcncml Enldii B'jsincsa . ernes rrcx 10 a. il to 3 p. u : . - ' . "Well, "folks, tho ilinc lgettins mighty 'short. " K" Better come la and select that present today. - . 'y Serviceable gifts are the rage now. BOUGHTCN cr MARCUS CS3 N. Commercial ' Anno'jncir.j the Openir cf Our : j;cxt Door to Oyster Doaf Cafe in Eew Adoljli & Waters , Erllllr. Corner Court aa4 liberty Eta. ' i We will have on display Innumerable plants suitable for Christmas sifts. -.Among them being, such old favorites as: t ' Cyclataea, Poiasettas, Rutber Plants, Heather Ferns Potted r : ants er all kiads. ' :' - -J V.a wi!l also be glad to have you call at our Greenhouses, 1276 11. liberty. : ',' ' - A. d. s:.iith ; C g n o.c e n s Rcisins 15 oz. Seedless or Seeded' , 2 for .....:.......:...:.A..v'.........25c Rdisins Fancy Cluster, 15 oz. pkff. 25c Xmas Candies..; .-Ci 30c, 35c lb; . Oranircsi Apples, Graj3e Friut i Wnlnits, Almcnds, Brazil, Pecan Nuts Celery, Cauliflower, Lettuce , .1 : - v-Svcct Potatoes ; ! Place Your yould Be Celved Thursday night at "the state prison to serre a life sentence for the murder of his step-mother. Mrs. Ebba Covell, near Coqullle, was more talkatire yesterday. When he was received at the pris on he refused to answer any Ques tion asked by newspapermen, but In the prison "yard Friday after, noon be answered, questions. Co eHwas photographed yesterday and- his .finger prints were taken.' after which he was put to work In the yard, . Ha .'apparently v had overcome his fright and outside of his deafness, . smiled 'and though not communicative tb a great de gree, waj at least clYll, Semi-Annual . Clearance sale of millinery, coata, furs, gowns, etc. M. Buffe Morrison, The French Shop. d22 Estate Valued ; , :( S; The esUte' of Diedrich Peten has been appraised at 143,298.77. The appraising board -. waa 'com posed of J. Keber, Mark Warn pach and Frank Kloft.t j - ?if Jacobs Oregon City O Virgin wool auto robes. -Soe cial , prices. , Mosher, the tailor. 471 Court. - -' . - d21 Woman Prisoner ReceiTed "n, For . the next 13 ' months Miss Ila Fae Slack. 21, ex-assistant postmistress: . at Fildebrand, in Klamath county, will, make her home in thae second story of the big gray house at the end of State street. Miss Slack was convicted of appropriating postal funds and was sentenced to McNeill's Island, but owing to a lack of accommoda tions, was ordered transferred to Salem. With her arrival the fe male population of the institution Is Increased to five, all of whom are federal prisoners, whose' of fenses . range ;from murder to smuggling of : Chinese and the peddling of narcotics. A New Lot i '-' Of smoking stands arrived late for holiday presents. Hamilton's. - :. - d22 Divorce Complaint Elmer H. Cross has filed an answer to the complaint of Thelma Cross . He denies "? all " of . the charges made in the original com plaint, r- .. : i... .. -., , 11-111' iL:.:' Phone C23 P- Orders Early v Appreciated -r - -1 Marion lias Christmaa Tree ' " A large Christmas tree was be ing placed in the lobby of the Mar ion hotel yesterday. This tree Is one of the largest to be placed In the down' town district, , V r Buy His Gifts ':::.'sV, H S At the Man's Shop, "Duds for Men.' . i' - d22 Visits Clnb Meeting r i j ! : .Mrs. Mary Tulkerson, county superintendent ' of schools, visited the "progressive Teachers' club at Central" Howell Thursday night. The group is a voluntary organiza tion of the teachers from' Bethany, Parkersville, - North- and Central Howell, - Lablsh " Center, . Hazel Green. Other districts have been invited to. join with the original group, r A study of reading" meth ods will -be taken up. J. W. Fox of North Howell is president and Carl Morris of Hazel Green is sec retary. ' The club meets every two weeks on Thursday. -This is the first; organization of Its kind in this county, : Mrs. Fulkerson says. r:, . f . ' . , ; I; ', A Bautirul Holiday Dance ; ( At the Schtndler hall Saturday Dec. 22, 4 .'v.7' - d22 Radii l; For Xmas should be ordered as early as possible. , We : expect ; a big rush. Order yours early and give us a chance to install it prop erly. Salem Electric Co. Masonic Temple. Phone 1200. d23 Christmas Program' ' A Christmas program was given last' night at the Auburn school. A. L. Linbeck, one of the directors, and a prominent newspaper man and poultry raiser, "acted as St. Nick and distributed the gifts. Select Your Gift i''ST u . i rom our , large snowing. - oee . - . - our windows. The Man'a Shop, ."Duds for Men' : 2d22 Pioneer Paper Ready ? , S J Volume 1, No. 2. of the 'Pi oneer Trail," publication of inter est to all members of the Salem Pioneer clubs, was distributed last night by Loyal Warner. Informa tion. on the basketball . league. fmonkey" tournament 'and educa tional trips was published in addi tion to other items of interest to the members. - Holly for Sale City View Cemetery. d25' Boy Him Rath Robes Smokine Jackets. Shirts.' etc.. at the Man's Shop, "Duds for Men." Auto Hits Pedestrian Though he was struck by an automobile driven by C. B. Wil liams. 80 -North Cottage, a man refused to give his name - to the motorist as he was not ' injured. according to a report at police headquarters. The accident oc cur ed while Williams was driving south on Liberty near State. " The man walked, into , the automobile. Williams reported, i , ... . . Auction Today s. . All gifts, pottery; vases, framed pictures, etc. , Tbe Song Shop. Starts at 1:30 p. m. . " :, d22 Bicycle Is Found - A bicycle was found back of the Court apartments and taken to the police station yesterday by Offi cer - Edwards. - The . handlebars were broken. Eleventh Dlonr ' - Arrivals in smoking sets will in terest prospective buyers. C 8. Hamilton. d22 Who Is Going to Buy ' This one. A new Durant Tour ing car, 1923 model, run only a few miles, at a big reduction at Vick Brothers. d22 Teachers to Have Meeting ; - Portland will have as its guests many .teachers of the state for the annual - ' meeting; of " the State Teachers' association December 27 to 29 inclusive. G. W. Ager, ot FUXERAIi The funeral of Peter Kngle will be held from St. Joseph's Catho lie church 'this morning . at 9 o'clock. Rev. J. R.. Buck will offi ciate.- , - ; . ' - . . r DIED COLEMAN James R., died at his residence .on the Turner road, December 2 1. age 71 years. Is survived by his . widow. Eliza, two : sons, Russell of Eugene, Curtis of St. Paul, two dugh - ters, Mrs. Edminister of San Francisco, CaU Mrs. Rodgers ot Salem. . Body . at Webb's Fun- eral parlors. Funeral announce ments later..; 1 UeW&Clough avc . Fen?. , . . DIrecters - " n- T '1 .- Rigdohj Son's Bend, is president of the associa tion. Salem will be represented with a large delegation and, .the Marlon county contingent will rote for Miss Cornelia J. Spencer, Port land, .for ' the new vice president to succeed H. E. Stan age. . of As toria. The location of the state interscholastie basketball tourna ment will be decided. Lin the past these championship ' games . have been sponsored' by Willamette university. - ' Xmas Carnival Dance Tonight ; Ldvesly station. Ladies free. ' Hhrine Club Elects ' ; M At thfl annual meetinc of thes Salem Shrine ciub,' A. D.' Hurley was elected president and - Hal D, Patton named rice president Carl Pope ' was ; elected secreary-treas- urer. Other 'routine .business oc cupied the remainder of tbe meeU ing. 1 ' . ' ; : Semi-Annual " . ,; Clearance ' sale ' of millinery, coats, furs, gowns, etc.' M. Buffe- Morrlson, The French Shop. d22 Select Tour Gift" ' From our large showing. See our windows. The .Man's Shop; "Duds for Men." , . . d22 Fire Fatalities Reported- '.. Fire fatal accidents out of a total . of .- 670 industrial casualties were reported to the industrial ac cident commission for - the. week ending December .20.: The fatal cases "were N. C. McKiddy, Ne halem. fireman on engine; D. C. Hemmlnger, PortlandUocomotlve engineer; : Charles A. Fox, Glen- dale, engineer; Axel Erickson, ClaUkanie, hook tender; Glen Crayton, Lowell, pondman. Of the totaPnumber of accidents, reported 343 were subject to the provisions ONE CAR OF ROCK SPRINGS EGGCOKh WILL ARRIVE NEXT WEEK . This is the ideal fuel for your Range or Stove. Plenty of heat very little ash or soot a long lasting fire, and just the right size, tod V& up to 5 inches.. No big lurops to break. ;r , L..V, T ' - , ' ,-" ' ' ' " .' Phone your prders jn now and get delivery direct irom car. rnone xooo. , ?Li. ft'.' illmaim;' . Good Coal and Wood Broadway -'..- "v H The Tub TUts There is no bettergift than the useful gift, and nothing would be appreciat- ; ed more than a WOODRQW WASH ER. This is a gift thafwill be useful not only this gala Christmas time, but every week for years to come. Take the drudgery of .WASHDAY out of the home, and you will find a vast difference in the gaiety and pleas ure of the whole family. 1 Mail or bring the coupon below and place your order, early, for Christmas delivery. : ' Y-'" '"'-h This Coupon is Rood for Five Dollars to be applied on first payment on Wood row Washer v if purchased this week . .i t. Balance on very easy terms ." . : - I am interested in yout Christmas offer on the Wood row Washer. ; Please have your salesman call on me. ' Address - . , Phone .J. . Dale to call W. E. DOOLEY & CO. Local Salesroom: Ilalik's Electric Shop Phone 4&3 Branches In: Seattle Tacomn ' OlympU -Aberdeen Centralia Kelso rr of the workmen's compensation act, 127 were from firms and cor porations that have npt elected tb; come uhder the act, and four were from public ; utility corporations that are not subject to the act. : " " 7T-- , I - Bay His Glfta At the Man's Shop, Men." :-v.u: 'Duds for Mall Box Vandals Active . ' Reports of continued' acts ot vandalism on rural - mail boxes have been received by John Far rar, postmaster, the latest reports coming from r route 8. : Not only were .the boxes . torn . down, but some of them were carried away. Several weeks ago reports of sim ilar depredations from other rural routes were received. The United States postal department provides a heavy penalty for conviction of this and similar offenses. t . Dance at Macleay Saturday ' ' Dec. 22". Lady and gents prize., -722. '"Grafted Walnut Trees , Jmprvni rrenea Fran Trus 0nrml Mnrary Bfet - BiOm To and onica, 64 I rry St. FRUITLAND NURSERY - J k A. J. MATHXS, Prop. , Orflce Phone 109. . Res. 1140JL Fuel Co. for all -purposes . at Hood ThsCcspciiB&v Is Vcrth $5.00 fcr Her Gift -A VccdrovVashsT with a lifetime Mt, Vrrnou Anacortcs Everett - V : : V DAYS -if - xiias iV:fe Hartmaq Jewelry Store Days Are Getting Xong Perhaps It was not enough to be noticed,' but the sun is shining a little ' longer today than it did yesterday, ; for Friday; was the shortest day of the year, . Alrdale Puppies "TTTr."" , ' For Sale. : 6 weeks old. Phone 1195W. v. ' -i 4d2S Dollins Trial Today. ' ''. T " In the justice court at 10 o'clock this morning William Henry DoIt ling will be tried on a charge of petty larceny. He was arrested in Portland Thursday; and was brought to Salem by Officer Of son. Dolling spent the night in the county jail ' . Auction Today; The Song Shop, 1:30 p. m. d22 The ERA Clinic ;. Diagnosis and Treatment of ' Disease by the V Abram's (E. R, A.) 4 Method Children's Clinic Daily ' ! Consultation Free v ' ; Dr. Harrison L Folk I ' Dr. Paul G. Stapran i Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m'.' Cor. 15th and SUte (1484 State) Jimni and -Bill 'SuajG Xmas presents for the Tire or Tube Robe . -" ' ' Clock ?. Visor.- - ' ;' Bumper Whisth Tool Kil Flash Eight Spot Light , Parking Light. Set Spark Plugs v":Wndsheidi'aeahex, 337 N. Liberty St. f !...( I ,Z .' Spitxenbcrs Apples, COc . Ward' IC Richardson, phone 494 1-4.22. - - Salem's Dally Burglar. Was committed some time Tues day or: Wednesday, C. -W. Corby; r ;J r . BOLLS: :$.33 1 ad $2.98 BOLES S219G SL98 BOLLS V ..;.- All f 'Mama" Dolb III - , I:-, i.. ., j can There are many of Shmleifo "Jim" Smith 8r: Watlnhn "nav A Present for the Dear Old N. W. Cor. Court and High Why, nottalio advantrD c thatfac'? TAf,FEW DAYS AGO a wcn:n c:ir .a. assistance in repairing a certain ckclri; appliance. v It was an inferior appliance. It hed lz::i sold to her by a salesman who burst into town, "worked fast" and disappeared.. There was no one to reimburse her, no cr. 2 r. to make proper adjustment. . A local merchant would not have sold 'her that inferior appliance. This company. "which submits all types of appliances to care ful tests would not have sold her that ap pliance. And if we had, by error, she could have found us like your other local merchants ; right here in town, ready and wiliir.sr to rec tify that error. ; . . It you haven't an electric Tacunm cleaner, yon aren't taking fall adrantae of your rlec i trie service. 'IiCt'g hrlns, ' Uurclca Tacntm cleaner to your home and show you how it ''saves your time, your strength, yonr health. No obligation whatsoever for the demonstra tloa. . . I-, -and .PoiyQC' -G 754 South Thirteenth, r; ; - ! th. police Friday. T.zzr residence jvas ransack cl t' "toothing other than a rar : sin?. " ' " ' ' '(Continued on paga 7) MMssMimW!! them to pick hoir, Horn Vase . . . Jack I.Iirror Heater ' "Bar Cap Step Plate Stop Light Motometcr Set Lisht Eulb i Fire.Extir. Bu5r J . Phcnc44 SalcmOrcjcn''' Portland, Ealcta, Ore.