TILE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM," OREGON THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 20,-1023 LSOMEB0BY" il jlatf:.-i.. sT m i N 1 i 1 J i t SSIFISD STCtTTTniSl Phoca'S3 Aavti-tlslng Dept. classtfixd advertisements FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY - H; Bnrghsrdt, Jr. t: Bosidsnt Agsnt 871 8tate St. MONEY TO LOAN On Reel Estate - , ' . ' 5 :T. K. FORD fOverLartd Boh Bsak) f i 1 AUTOMOBILES 1 1 i A I 'TO TPT'V-'Q emm r-.aiix. ....... iims ,. ana spring beds. Max O. Bnren. 179 V. Cm'l. l-d20 AUTO ETTP AIRING Just' Right Thst is the only way thst It la worth 7. t? TP" esr.- Jsck Doerfer jwtj.nr -vpnir. - . . . "Ia-d20 - AUTO Of8 BUSIEST TOP SHOP IX OREGON. . : That's na. . W. E, Grunert. 2. Rttli Street. .,..-. 4 lb -420 t;F0R RENT FUBN1SHED-; APAR TMXXTS -T1IREK ROOM I FURNISHED APART ment, 254 8. Cottage, 1616M 2a.-d23 FURNISHED .5. FOUR ROOM APART , , meat with bath. Garden spot included, rloe 'in. " Inquire room 303 Oreron JBtdg. i.C- , ;t$a-d20 "FOR RENT THREE ROOM FURNIBH t : jrd apartment for adults, f irst floor: . Phone, light, wstr furnished. T. G. Albert. Mill. - , . 2a-d30 . SEAMAN'S APARTMENTS N ICELT fnr Biihcd, 26S e. Commercial. Sa-J TOR REXT APARTMENTS, 891 KO. BOTJBEB t , - FOR REXT i Voders tarnished hoas for 8 tnontlui Another farniahed houaa for Bontha. : . For Salo- 4 room new hooae, $3000 ,5 room oottare 93300; 1000 aero farm - wall located, flOO per acre; 40 aero farm folly , equipped north of Salem, 1500. By Oertrude J. M. Pre. -j n v--7 - 2b-dl3tf J FOR REXT LARGE HOUSE " AT T4 : North . Winter. I -.mediate poaaeaaiom. Phone 23, or eall Sutounaa buainee office. ' n2tf toou TH REE . FURNISHED BOOMS. CAW. 1144 N. Cotace St. . 2c-d2l1 FOR REST APARTMENTS AND sleepier room. Leonard Hotel, 254 X, v . .Front Street. . ...... 'PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY r " wordiBr "inxnithed i-Oomit," price 10 , cent each. , Stateiman Bnaiaoss Of- ' ' fi. f5ro-inl floor. - - : (for REfrr unfurnished APAXT3TS 'MODERN FURNISHED APARTM-ENT and flat. Garaje. i0 Mill St. Phono S090M. -4 3a-d25 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, 41 J K. FRONT Sa20 aousxa J HOUSES FOR RENT MODERN 5 Room t east near - arheol, $28. Another of rooms sonth for $20. Another elose in 5 room, $50. Immediate - poaaesaioa on -all. - - . . ... 1 BECKE ft IIENDRICKS '. - , ; U. S. Bank fiklf. Vd20 FOR RENT A 6-BOOlf MODERN HOUSE "AT $25. See Wm. FJeminj-, 341 Btato Kt. FOR RENT A ROOM MODERN' hooae Sonth Salem $30. See Wm. .Fleoiin ' 841 Ptato. ' . b-d9tf ;' FOR SALE Miscellaneous;! FOR flAI-E SMALL "SAFE. "PHONX FOR SALE FAT GEESE. ALIVE OB dressed. Phone 2F18. 4-42S RED CAP RASPBERRY PLANTS. NEW Bcataferth Tsriety. Frank Kowak. Rt. - . 3. Salem. :. -. V.L 4i JANUARY SALE PRICE8 ON ALL Suits 1 and oTereoatt. A. A. Clothing Co, Ma- aonie Temple. 4-d23 BUY APPLES DIRECT FROM GROWER Spitienberg, Baldwins. Newtona, hand- ' picked; no worms. Bring yoor boxes. A. B. Page, 1603 Court St, corner ' 17th. 4-422. . FANCY DRESSED -TURKEYS, r PHONB 7F11. 4-d21 i XMAS TREES. 15; 25; 50e; T5. Also Mintletoe. Delirered. Phnne -652 o FOR SALE NO. 1 FILBERT TREES, 4aHc, eseh. ; O. lu Warren, B",. Salem. 2 A STCDEBAKEB CAR, 1018 MODEL; : a-od condition,, would eoasider" a freen . row aa part rparmeat. , John. Bers. 8. Box 121. 4-d20; FOR SALE CAPON 8, FANCY, MILK fattened. Place orders for ChrtinM ; delivery. J. P. AapUwsU. Phn 21. CEDAR LINED TRUNKS AT Mir O. BumnX 17 N. Com'l. -2 :' WHITE ROSE POTATOES ) $1.15 1PER 100 lbs. oeliTered, beet quality. T0F13. . ' 4d23 CYPHERS .INCUBATORS. JBLECTRIO brooder Hish grade R I. B4 cock ereU. 8T S. 84th street. 4-d23 DRAPERIES BY THE ' YARD-SPLEN did new showing, moderately priced- Max O. Bursa. 17 N. Com'L 4-d20 n : Beautiful Oreson Rose And eleven other Oregon songs together t with iine collection ef patnotie songs, ' sacred songs many old-tunn W - " T ALL FOR 2Se. ; . -(Special prices la quantity tot") sTm-iI1r riantmhlo ter school com t lty or homo singin. Send for ?Vestcrn Songster - V 76 pages now la its third oiitio '1 v. ' '- pHbn!ie4 by ' rntmrrv TTirrr? MONTHLT '5 8. t.jn;rc..i fct. . Ealem, Ore. Rata per words ' "r :" Per I rtioa i - , - .. u - Tatwa inaartUnm , . Sg ' . . . - ! - - 3 , "ek taix insertions) tw k i 3 cm """tha contract par r-ir lffa W moaiha' eoatract, per me 13s Miaiaua for aay advert! aeweat. ,1$6 FOR SALE Miscellaneous ! FA.T-.'n;RKEY8 POR BALE PHONTJ . 4-d22 Ch BT 'MPERS. WALKERS, S CHOO- , -. - m , viiaira, wagvoa; esrts, rte. Max O. Bares. 178 N. vKmarn-) i tree v. j 4-O20 FOR - ANY YOUNO I LADY PROM weiT xo neventy, Cedar Hope Chest. Max O. Bores, 179 N, Com'l. i " 4-d20 8 ROOM HOUSE TO BE REMOVED OR wiT Cnomokota and Jltajh. Charles Weller. - -4-d20 UNDERWOOD J TYPEWRITER CO. nave your machine repaired by the people who maks it .Social rental rate to students. 300 Masoaio Bldg. Phono 262. , ,28tf GOAT MEAT, ; FIRST ! CLASS, 'YOUNO . per penua ny wnoie or hslf. Delivered : free. Sonth Salem market. Phone 78G. .3 d3 FOR SAL K OU NEWSPAPERS 10 a uunoie. 1'ireulatton department Oregon Htalenman. 19HEAD OP. GOATS AT ROUTE s- 8, nor gtl. J. V. tir. 4a (121 lHELR;W7lNTEai r.r - i i - - . i -i i - i si SELL MADISON ' ''BETTER MADE" SHIRTS direct from our factory to' wearer - No -capital j or espevienee re-! quired. Eaaily aold. Big prefits. Write for j FREE i SAM PLKS.-' MADISON Mll.r.H, 503 nroadwav. New York. MALE AJTD FEMALE WANTJTD , MEN , AND -.WOMEN , TO take farm paper subscriptions. ;Ai good proposition : to the right people.. Ad i dress the Pseifie Homestead, Statesman BMg Salem. Or. - ? , L0STAND.; FOUND L0T LOST LEATHER KEY CONTAINER iwh numorr oi Keys, name JBSido Ot -flap. Reward for return to - WIXNIE PETTYJOHN ' t, - i , 216 Oregon Bld. erd20 LOST ONE BLACK LEATHER DRIV- ing gauntlet, sise 8, Please return W Statesman.., .. 8a-d21 SUNDAY BETWEEN FIRST U. E. AND Lausaaae Hall, gold : octagon shaped ' wrist watch. Reward. Care- Ststesroan. : ; 6a-d21 L08T ELKS BROOCH, BELONGING to lady. Brown teeth with Elks head. Re ward it returned to- Else' club. 6a-d20 FRIDAY EVENING, BACK BUMPER OP Buick ear, ' between Lyons and Mill Cityresr Gardner ' plseo. Finder please notify JV A. W4dl,- Stsyton. FOUND ASTRAY, WHITE HORSE, AGE 10 OR 12. weight 1200 or 1400, taken up Dee. 1. Owtter en'l t?F15. b-d?2 1 REAL STATE City j BaaaiBnBHaKaHHnBaHmaaBaan LISTINGS WANTED ON NEW HOMES end old houses in good repair. I have 'buyers 'watting. u WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor I 216 Oregon Blag. 8-d2X STOREKEEPERS COULD YOU FIN ance your building -at good store eea. -ter location. Excellent opesdnc; for gro cery, meat and barber shop, aboe shop etc. - See Becke ; Hendricks now. - N, B. Bank Bldg. tt 8-dliO Bungalows Houses Listed below are Jnat a few of the large assortment we have listed to suit the most particular. : A well arranged i room house on pav ed street, close in for-$3150. There i enough ground to raise ail the veg- - etables yon want. Also Terr small pay . meat down and small monthly pay ments. . 1 For $3750 yon can get a S room bun : galow with garage on fa- paved street and -close in. Here is a very fine buy. A new? 4 rooia bunaralow -whh basement, $2100 sad Very essy terms. - Think about this buy. 7 room house, , lot 7 51 SO. There sre many fruit trees which includes 8 English wal nuts; 4 cherry trees. This house is on paved street, eloso to school and in a fine- location. This is certainly a bar gain -st $4200. 5 ' i If you wsnt to sell your house, lot, ' farm," or would like to trade. 1 am at your' service. : RICH L REIMAXN . Realtor Office Phone 1013- Hon. Phono 726R 229 Oregon Bldg. 8-d20tt FOR GOOD BUYS IN REALESTATB ' sea .",:; ' '. :' i . . Robinson 'Oregon Bldg. S-430 WANTED An offer on my house and lot at $89 Oak street. See toy arenu CHILDt) ft BECHTEL. 840 State Street, 8-dltf STRICTLY MODERN 5 ROOM HOMEJ . completely furnished with high class i furnishings, furnace, fireplace, garage; close in. A barrsln at $6300. I WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor m 216 Oregon Bldg. 8-d20tf IF YOU RENT WB HAVE GOOD homes, as good and better than , you ff rent and down payment will buy; South, North, East and .close in. Whst inve&tment is surer. Safer, or more profitable. Get a pencil and you'll get -a noma. BECKE ft' HENDRICKS ' f . U. 8. Bank Bldg. 8 d20 FOR SALE OR RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE on corner ef 20th and Leo St. Call C ft C Store. . . ' . ' 8-d20 8NAP1 ' BUNGALOW BARGAIN ' ! $2000 Bungalow. bath, electricity; Worth looking np. i ? $25W Buys a good bouse, 5 loUj fruit, berries. 1 $ 900 Hooae, two lots. ' a.jQO ateietlv aaadera twa ator-r bun- galow, fuTBaee and fire place. . j $3500 Seven room, 3 story bungslow4 $5600 Buys the best 20 acre tract, well improved close in, essy terms. $ 600 Down, buys ' a beautiful oho acre tract, small house, psved street. IIKt f l.UU, ' VUXl.X'O XJJLVL.. Ill, ,640 State u. .., :-18t MUST -BE SOLD 5 room pluktered house and ' gsrsge bared street and rsr lins. Pavement psid. "A sosp for $1850; terms. - THOMAbON 83114 State St 8-dl6t T. rt 1 . .ml st. nouse. '!- i-.?9t-5i. .2.n..c for 100 per - - - ; - j'', fit; I REAL ESTATE City ,) ONE NEW BUNGALOW LEFT 4 Rooms with cement basement snd fireplace. Possession soon.. On trim view lot south in district f new homes that will increase in value. Cement walks., shades, linoleums snd light fixtures. Move in. Terms. . BECKE ft "HENDRICKS ' , . U. g. Bank Bldg. : Ti d26 FOR SALE TEN ROOM HOUSE ON - paved street.' good location S3500. Sev-.-' en room house in fine condition, cor ner lot $2300. Strictly modern close ia $4900. Tea acre tract close in with buildings, $2000. Ten acre tract close in on. pavement, strictly modern buildings, $12,000. Will take a house 'part pay. 135 aero farm' to trade for suburban home. 477 acre stock ranch for valley farm, np to $20,000. Oood closed car to trsde for close in lot or house and lot. For rent six room house $35; Seven room furnished house Sao; small bouse $10. F. L..Wood .141 State St. v 8-dl6tf SMALL APARTMENT s I . Small apartment deal A small in vestment and good paying proposition. ,te me eu.tbis. Wm. vKleming. 4t State St. i ... Ti i , H diltf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7' 'wording. vitoom to Kent." prh-e 11 Tents'each:' Statesman Business Oi3 fice. Ground Floor. 4 f ROOM HOUSE, TWO ' IXrTS, EAST iront, S1B3U; i:w dovn, lo month. 6 room modern house, psved street close in, $4300; $300 down, $4o a month. '. , 6 room bungalow, cement basement, fireplace, $4300; $300 down, $40 pet month. . " 7: rootn'btmgatow corner bt,"S.Sai lem, $.1400; 4i0 down, $40 per month, GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE . '4J N. Cottage. f 8d8"tt rni XTF.D ,CA RDS, SI7.E 14" BY 7 i ' i ordinz- "For ' Rent." "uric 10 cent ejH-.h. Statesman - Business Office, on 'Ground Floor. s REAL BUYS IN-HOMES -tiood -fire" room -bungalow wilh mod rn plumbing,, $1850 on easy r terms, 7 room homo nesr school and car line, modern plumbing and lights, ga- 'rare, eorner lot. Immediate possession, Price ; $2 100; $560 down-will hsndle. "Modern homo on creek with plenty of good 'garden land. Seven' rooms all -large, ' fireplace and ' furnace. Price . $654)0. Located at 1463 Chemeketa St. -' 'We -write fire insurant W. K. GRABENHOR8T ft CO Realtors . 'i75 State 8t C. S. Bank Bldg. . - - - . . . 8-dl6tf ' " ? 1 ' ' ' s I REAL ESTATE FARMS ! THURSDAY SPECIALS Subnrhaa 6 - room house, poultry house and woodshed. 2 seres isnd. some fruit and berries. Appraised at $3200. Today's special price is $1000 cash psid, $3000. s . 88 seres river bottom, improved Isnd $6650. ' . - ; A. C. BOHRN8TEDT 147 X Com'l St. 8slem, Or. d20 TO EXCHANGE , 7 ACRES WELL IMPROVED PRICE S4500, Trade for small . business or rooming house. ' , TUOMASON, 331 State St. ' w-dictr FARMS FOR XE3TT FOR RENT 13 ACRES FRUIT RANCH close to Salem. . Soealolsky, 841 State Btreet. d21 TO EXCHANOE . TRADE A $3000 EQUITY IN A FINE P0RT- land residence for m similar Equity in a. small farm. . See Wm. Fleming, 341 Stste St. 9b-dl5tf f USED CARS FOR SALE 1 ;"Auto Insurance Stand ley & Foley . BEST . RATES 11 d20 Good Used Cars Oleson '173 S. Liberty ll-d20 USED OARS THAT ARE 1 ' PRICED RIGHT ? Light delivery . .- $ 50.00 Buiek "4" roadster 100.00 Chevrolet '40" touring 100.00 Elgin Six touring u . 200,00 Baby Grand Chevrolet . 20O.0d 'Overland Four roadster , 225.00 -Overiand Four touring 4O0.0O 1923 Ford touring . . 425,OH Essex touring . ... 550,00 lodgo touring ' 695.00 Gardner ratine like new.) F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 N. Com'l. 6t. i Sslent. Or, ll-dl$t GOOD ' USED CARS GINGRICH MO tor Co. 319 State, . nl-tf WHEN IN TilE MARKET FOB A FEW or need ear keep in touch with out bulletin. I 31 Ford . $250.G0 i 82 Ford 223.00 t 800 .OO S9S.OO I IS Buiek '19 Baick 23 Buiek sedan . J250.00 22 Buiek "4" roadster 623.00 . $8$ N. Commercial i 1 OTTO J. WILSON . j : Phnna 220. ll-6TSi SACRIFICE OWNER I LEAVING FOR east. Must sell 1923 Stndebsker Spe cie! Six. Perfect running order. 'Like new. Phone 1489W. i , : l-d20 USED CARS 'FOR LESS ! ' Chevrolet touring in god -condition $200; Ford roadster, soma extras, very good value -.-$295 ' Dodge roadster, Hsssler shocks; 5 cor4 tires, overhauled, many extras $450, Maxwell touring;, new tires and battery; ' was overhauled tbia summer. 1 - Buiek i Six, , .looks , like new. .. See this .r.. . ... ..... $600 ' CHEVROLET USED CAR DEP'T. : 229 State St. Phone 1000 ll-dl5t USED FORD CARS FROM AN , ! AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1915 touring $ 63.00 1917 touring .. 95.00 191$ touring ' r fino 00 192$ touring ., ,. .,;,.. , .,$895.00 1921 coupe r, ,..,,, ftftsna 1923 coupe , . ..'.,.: f nn 1V1 Tf ffT , , . T 1920 truck 1235.00 All ears ruarauteed tm Ik in -rood running . order. 1924 . license with vary car. Liberal terms. ; ' Open EveniMTs -sn-Snnays) - , VALLEY MOTOR CO ' 260 Ko. High ...... Phono 199S . - - ; . n-d7tf WANTEDMiscellaneous J TRADE FOR ' WOOD A RIFLE, SHOT gun aud range stove.' 1J0 8. .Com'l ; : . . .. .. . - '. . 13-d23. REGISTERED JERSEY, COW3 WANT' - ed. -State what you have and price. Address "Dairy lann," Care States- 'i. - - t -f WANTED Employment j MAN AND WIFE WANT WORK ON farm. Phone 1577R. 12-i50 l WOOD FOR SALE ASH, ALSO 16-INCH OLD FIR AND Second-growth 4 ft. We do hsulinsr of all. kinds. Insured carrier. Phi 19F3J M. D. Mayfield. 14-d2 I'hene iotf DEIfNDABLE COAL AND DRY WOOD in all sises. Prompt delivery. Phone ,1855. H1LLMAN, FUEL C0V 14 d9tf FOR PRY WOOD CALL O. D. .QUERY, Phone 77F2. . n27tf BEST 'GRADE OP WOOD . . 4 ft. and 16 inch . green mill wood Dry roili wood : Dry second growth fir . Dry old fir. .. : " ---.' 16 inch BLOCK mill wood is th beet t rnei to save your dry wood. Proaupt delivery -and reasoashle - urieo. Fred E. Wells. 280 8.' Church. V 1543. Vh.i PUBLIC NOTtCES i Xo. !7:iH la thfi Circuit Court of the Stat of Orpon . for the Counljr 'of AJarion Department No. 2. ll'i- E. Kttenrli, - r--: : y i.;.i ri;-' I riailltlff ) Jano nriimbatigh and Jhn, ) I Doo Wrunf)Kh, her. bus- ) lnti; A. Welch -and Mrs.;) 'A, Wetlch. his wife;. Oregon ) i .Electric Railway Company, ) f f a corporation; the qoknown x)'-- heirs of Matilda C.Penterr )i ? deceased ; : also, all other )j persons or parties unknown ) . claiming any right, title, j ' interest, lien or estate ) in, on or to the real estate )' , descirbed in the complaint ) , herein, . ) j Defendants. ) . ! To Jane- Brumbaugh 'John Doe i Brumbaugh, .A. ; Welch, f Mrs. A. Welch," the 'unknown heirs of 5 MaJtiida C.! Penter,1 deceased ; al-! j so, all other persons or parties unknown claiming any -right. ; title. Interest, - lien or estate in. on or;to the real estate described in the complaint herein, de fendant!. . - . In the name of the State of Ore-; gon . You and each-of you are here by required to appear and answer: the complaint fHed against youJn the abore entitled court and cause on or ' before six weeks from -the date - of - the : first publjcation of this summons, and if you fail so to answer, Xor V wsnt . thereof, the plaintiff -will apply to the court for - the relief prayed for In his complaint, namely, that you, and each f you, be required f,to set forth, the nature and extent, of your interest or estate In or clltm upon the following described premises, to-wit: . .. v Lots 1. 2. 3. 11. 12. 13 and 14 of block 1 in Brooks Addition' to the City of Salem, in Marion coun ty, Oregon. .,- Also the following: Beginning at a 'point 1 5. C8 chains north 89 degrees 30 minute" west and 22. 61 3 chains' south" from the north east corner of! the 'donation land clafnvof Samuel Pen ter 'and 'wife. in township '7 south' range 3 west of r the Willamette ' meridian. In Marion county, Oregon, said be ginning pdint being on ' the east line'of Cherry arenne. In the City of Salem. Oreeon; 'thence running sonth '89 degrees 30 minutes east 7-65 chains parallel1 to' the north line of ' the said v Samoel Penter claim: thence 'south J5;33 J chains, parallel to the1 east line of Cherry avenue; - thence north 89' degrees 30 minutes west 7.05 chains, part alfel to the worth line of the Sara uel 'Penter claim, to the' east line of Cherry aren-ne; thence north 5.33 chains, ' to the place of be ginning, ' and containing 3.76 acres Of lnd. v; - I -That the adverse claims ot each and every of the above named de fendants : be 'determined by the above named court and - that the right' of possession and the title to said ! real -property be 1 forever quieted bya decree of this court; and that by said decree, it be or dered, adjudge and decreed that, plaintiff Is the sole, legal and equi table owner of the above escribed real property, nd . every -part thereof : - that none of . the- defend-' ants above named or referred to has any estate, right," title or in terest whatever, in, law or In equity, in or to said real property, or nay part thiraof, and that each ot said defendants be forever en Joined and debarred from ..assert ing any claim, interest or estate in or to -aaid real property, or " any part thereof, adverse to plaintiff and that "plaintiff have such other relief aa may be equitable. .This' summons is served upon you by nubllcatidn ' in ' the Oregon Statesman, by order of Hon. Geo. O. Bingham, judge of the above named court, .the date of such or der being November 13, 1923. The first publication of ' this summons Will ' be ; November 15,192 3, and the last publication will be De cember 28, '1923. 'JAS. O. HELTZEL, . , . Attorney tor Plaintiff. Postolflce address' and place of residence: Salem, Oregon. Nov. 15-22-29; Dec.5 6-13-20-2T Rc'd C!:.:fi:d Ads. PUBLIC NOTICES $103,000.00 ROAI IIONDS OP MAlUONCOUNTY, OnKOON Sealed proposals will be receiv ed by the County Court of Marion County, Oregon,: at the Court House, in Salem In : sard county until December 29, 1923, at the hour of one o'clock P. M. of said day, for the purchase of $105, OOOrTo Permanent Road Bonds of Marlon County, tOregon, part' of an issue of$S50.f00.0 authorized at an ejection held June 3, 1919. The bonds" nnjfcr .offered 5 for, sale shall bf dated July 15,1920; $20,000.00 thereof shall mature July 15, 1932, and $8,000.00 thereof shall mature July j5p 193 3.; and shall be in denominanons of $50.00 or inulfiple.-t. thereof up to the sum of $ 1 ,) (l . 0 0 , f o bu 1 1 ' t h e pu rchaser, and shall bear interest at the rate of flvo mi (I one-half 5V& per rent, per annum, payable semi-annually. . All llllrs an required to en- lose with their bid a certified rvheek payable -to the onler of Mar lon Couniy, reson. and drawn upon an incorporated bank -or t rutt - coni pan y - to the amoii n t '-"of twoper ceat. of the par value of the bonds bid for.and the check of the successful bidder iWill be applied by the County in part pay ment of g the purchase price or to secure :the county against loss re sulting from the failure of the bid der; to comply with the terms of the bid submitted ' No bid will be received for a , price of less than par snd accrued interest and the bonds will be sold to the! highest bidder. " The County , Court " re serves the' right' to reject any and all bids. . The proposals should be addressed to U. O. Boy er, ; County Clerk;' Salem, Marion County Ore gon, and marked "Proposals for Road Bonds.'. The successful bid ders will be furnished with ;the opinion of Messrs. Storey, Thorn- dike, Palmer & Dodge, of Boston, Massachusetts, that the bonds are a valid obligation of Marion Coun ty, Oregon. ; ... , By order of the County Court. U. G. BOYER,1 Clerk. Nov. 29-Dec. 6-13-20. XOTICK TO CREIITORS In the District Court of the United -r:Stats,- for- the District of Ore- gon. -': v " - :. - -, In the Matter of Julius C. Wolf. Individually and as a member 7; of the partnership of Adolf Wolf & Son; Bankrupt: . '.- No. f7485 in Bankruptcy , . . ' Notice is hereby given that on the 14 th day Of December, A.D., 1923, Julius C. Wolf, individually and as a member of the partner ship of Adolf Wolf & Son, of Sil- verton, , Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicat ed bankrupt; arid that the first meeting of liis creditors ' will be held at my .office, fifth floor Por ter building, Portland Oregon on the 9th day of January, 1924, at 10 a. m., at which time said credi tors may . attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, exam ine the bankrupt, ' and transact such other businessas'may' prop erly come before said 'meeting. Claims 4 mnst be presented ' in form required by the' Bankruptcy Act, and sworn' to. 'A. "M. CANNON. Referee 1n Bankruptcy. Dated December 18, 1923. : d20 NEW CORPORATIONS I w i The following articles of incor poration were tiled yesterday: National Thrift association, Ea gene, incorporators, S. T. Dona hue. Sarah Esther Donahue. W. J- Tuck; capitalization, $5000. A Southeast . Community league, Portland; incorporators, "Edward Blake, M. E. Zehrteld. J. H. Kel ly and others; assets, $80. . "Notice of decrease in capitallza Uon from $500,000 to $250,000 was filed by the Riith Realty com pany of Portland. , Notice of dissolution was filed by the ' Mulino Water company of Mnlino. Supplementary articles were fil ed "by "the National Insurance Agency," 4 Ino. changing 1U name to Stewart. Coi & Lester. ; The Salem Steam laundry and the "Albany Steam laundry both filed notice of ' increase in capi talization with the Btate corpora tion department Saturday, the ter mor t rrrim S101000 tO ..$20,000 and f the latter from $40,000 f to $60,000. Gale ' S; Hill, attorney of Albany. Is secretary for both. The following articles of incor poration were filed: 4 En en Hotel company. Eugene; Incorporators, John v Huniiker, Bird Rose, a H. H utton ; capitaliza tion.4 f 30.000. :U r Electric Supplies ! Contracting company, Newberg; -incorporator. R. J. Moore. Henry French. -Clar ence Butt; capitalisation, $10,000. Investors Service, inc.. Port land: f incorporators, ; I. vLinn, John R. Brltz. C. ll'Remagen: capitalUatlon, $25.000.. a r A permit to sell $60,000 worth of . potea wag issued to jthe: West ern Bond & -Mortgage company of fir vAst i?t i?.n Of Reliable Business ' ACCOUNT ANT Accountant SYSTEMS INHTALliED, ANNUAL fttate- ments: Income Tax Returns, prepared. L. AWestseott, Phone ' 1602J. jl6 AMB-0XABCE 8EBVXCS B A LEM ADMBTJLANCE SERVICE Phono C6: 173 8. Liberty. Dsy and nirht nlOtf ARCHITECTS FREEMAN A 8TRUBLE. REGISTERED Architects. 610 Bsnk of Commerce Building. - - -BATTERY AND ELECTRXCXAX PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE i Station. ' Expert battery -and electrical work. Ferris Bros.. Phono 1803. 416 - Court. . .. R. D.'- BARTON ' EXIOK B ATTER1 ES starter and gentrator work; 171 bouth Coininerris!. " ;" BidfCLEs and REPAZRnra LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY- clea and repairing; 387. Court. . BIRflS. FLOWERS AND PET FLAKE'S PETLA ND-BIRDS, FLO WBR8 yets. 7S tstate - tt. CARPET AND BUG1 WEAVTNO ' 8 A LEM O A It I' K T. t CLEAKINO 1AND Fluff Rug Works Rag and fluff rugs V woven auy sixe without -seams. - ' New : mattresses 'aiads to 1 order. Old ' mst .: tresses ' remade. Feathers renovsted. I : buy air kinds of old carpets for fluff rugs. 13 Vs snd Wilbur streets. Phone 1154. Otto F. Zwieker. ITop ,CE3tEKT .CONTRACTORS FOR, CEMENT WORK CALL AT" 43, ' N.'Kummer Street Phone ST4-J. I CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPIXO-r-J' U.RN AC El cleaning. F. Councilman. Ray L. Farm- er Hardware cotnpsny. CHINESE PHYSICIAN IR. L- T.-DICK CURES, ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St. Phone 383. - CB3ROPODIST8 R. ? 8. F." SCOTT. ' ORADUATE KA toual University Sciences, Chicago. Xiawnic Temple, Phone 640. ' CHIROPRACTORS ORS. SCOTT CHOFlELD, P. 8. C Chiropractors, 414-19 U. 8. Bank' Bldg. Phone $7; res. 838-R. . . :i i. DR. REDMOND. ' 828 '.OREGON' BLDG., fitont leas. : OXXAKEBS' AKD DYERS SALEM CLEANERS ; AND DYER 8 Suits cleaned and pressed, $1.50. ' Suits sponged and pressed, 60e. 1S15 . Const j. .: Phone -1863 CONSTTLTTNO ENOrBTBERS CIVIL, CONSULTINO, CONSTRUCTION : Constructing i-nsmeer. surveys, esu " mates. Jno. H. ., KttL - 8 19 Oregon Bldr. Plione 775. DRESSMAKINa DRESSMAKING. , AND DESIGNING. Carrie Fisher, McCornack JUdg., over ICUUra. . V - l5tf PRINTED CARDS BIZB 14" BY T . wording 'Drssmakiag"; prioa 1' cents sack.. Statesmen) Business Offi - BBBaBBBuaKaasBBsscauaaBI DRUG STORES WM. NEIMETER ICST'tK:S. 175 N, Comwereiat. PhoiM, t. ELECT RICIANa SALEM ELECTRIC CO.M A S O N 1 O buiding. Phone 1200. . : ' ELECTRIC- FIXTURE 'A S I) SI H'I.v Co. Phone 184. 323 N. Liberty. ARCHIE FL.EENER, ELECTRICIAN - ; House wiring by hour or contrsct,4 t timstes toruished. Phono V8U. H "Court St. - HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELEC M. I n..ktn. -anKftvtn9 SAatraeLill. 837 Court Phono 488. ' "FARM PAPER POULTRY! SN SEND EIGHT TWO coat stamps for special throa anumtha ' trial for the bast and oldest journal ta the west, 'The articles and advertise , mente' sre of speeisl interest to the ' ' poultry - breeders f the Northwest. ' Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com 'ttercial stret, Baiem.'-Oregon. If YOC WANT TO GET THE BEST ' (arm paper, send 15c to the Pacific Homestead, r Salem, Oregon -for three ' 'months' i trial " subscripUca. lfsatioa -this' ad. ':i -'--'--. ... FINANCIAL FARM LOANS No adidtional expense ANDERSON & RUPERT, - 406 Oregon Building GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 5 : i per cent. 803 Salem- Bank ol Commerce 9 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM ' on- city or, farm property.': Reserve De posit company, T2 Fourth Street. Port land. Or. FARM. LOANS LESS INTEREST, - longer - time, eom mission. Protects ; against adversity. City loans, lowest rates, monthly instalments, . p re-pa y ; meat privileges. J. C. Siegmnnd, room 2, over Lsdd A Bush bsnk. -FARM LOANS" ? tnsursncs) money, any amount 6 per cent, for 6, 7, 10 or 20 years, with full ; prepayment privileges entire - Willam- atte valley. ' - ... ; HAWKINS ROBERTS SOS Oregoa Bldg, : Salem, Oregon LOANS LOANS LOANS I earn make your farm or city loans, beat service given -If you. need a loan, see me; snd if you have money to place, see me I lwsys hsva takers. O. W. . Laflar, Or scon bldg. ' QAWKIN3 Jh ROBERTS.- CITY LOANS, lowest- rates. - rxoRiaTs CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funsfal 'wreaths, decorations. C. r. ' Bruithsupt. florist, 133 X. Liberty - fbone 380. " :', ' 1 . 1 rUHEXAX DIRBOTOR8 SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIBIO tors, $10 Center; Phone 1856. ; rURNTTURB STORES JIESE FUENITUES OO. wouaLITY fnreiturs lor ' loss anotoy. S7S Court Phone 48.-. : . 'v- PEOPLE'S FUSNITURS STORENEW : and second fcsad fumitars; 371 K. . CoraEsrci-J. H mTQTisii?QQ and Professional Firms Arrariged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference ' ' . FURNACE3 SEAOllOVE FOR 'FURNACES 8IBLI roe Pineless. $85, 1165 Ferry 8t. - Phone WMJW o34tf -".--''-.- - BATTERS : EATON EATON. praetieal hatters, formerly 0. B. Ellsworth establishment First class hst .work ot sll kinds. Sftl SI . IVmmM-iftl HEMSTTTCHDrO HEMSTITC1I1NO. STAMPINO. PLEAT inr. The Petite Bhop. Room 6. over . Osles. - aaotf BALEM ELITE HEMSTIT iXNG : plestlng, bottons. stsmping at- Aeedle t work r 828 Oretroa bWg. PhU4 379. MRS, O. B. MHJER HEMflTITCHlNU stamping, buttons Room 10,"vr Miller'- star Phone 117." JUNK I XUNXt JUNK WE PAY FULL VALUE FOR any kind of stoves, furnitorr, .THetal. raper and junk. .Willamette Bartcaia louse, u75 Noeth -Co-umercial.., Phone 5881 ' nlStf LADIES TAILOKlNO D. . H. iIOSHER-TAIU)R . FOR .MEN. "s-n.r "women. - T Conrf St. - LAtfKXrSIE 8ALSM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 810 18. Liberty street. Phone 35. Oldest ' largest bast. - EsUbUshsd" 1889. - CAPITAL CITY" STEAM ' LAUNDRY " Quality ' work t- prompt : servics: -1364 BroaJwev Phone 165. MATERNITY HOME. rnt fatmosaati PVl V i St f i Sir hnr1l " Af itaT. uitj iiome, . 1899 State. Open Xrecember JU, p II O its a At . - MEDICAS MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-Vf. ; MU8IO LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syaeopated standard music. .. 8emi-elaaalcs aud ballads 5 12 ' lessons. Watennan Piano School. He f' Coruaefc'BMg. ' - ' - '. music stoees 6HERMAN. CLAY' A CO.. PIANOS Steiawsys, Duo-Art sad others. Moore's Music House.- 413. Court street. . GEO; O. WILL " PIANOS, PHONO 1 graphs. - sewing machines,' sheet enasia, and piano studies. Repairing phono ' s-Tsphs' and " sewing ' Bnaehinea; ' 493 fitate, Saleaa. ' - ;, - TRADE YOUR OLD' PIANO FOB A KEW , Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Fmrsi ': fure O.. Mamie Dept.- - HAT tntOr ATHIO PHYSJUtAVS ' ' DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND ehronia diseasos; ' 415 Oregoa' Bldg Phone 110. - NURSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE i PHONE B25tf 1987W. NURSERY STOCKS fSUlT; 4UT AND SHADE TREES. Pearey Bros $37 Btata. 'V OMPLETE LINE 'TREE8 BMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital ' City Nur "t V . n )r-oa bide fbttse 7. OPTICIANS MASSES FITTED-BY THE BOW OP - -.ical Co, 825 ' Stated street, opposite Ladd Hath Bank. "Use Quality Proven 8bur-ons." " - ' ' " r ORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY QRX ton Bldg. Rooms 801 to 804. ' PAPERHANGUra AND PAINTING '' -HO$E 'OLKNN ADAMS FOR HOUSE ' e4rating, paper hanging. Mating, eta. Reliable workman. - ' TEN CENT K ALSO MI NIKE IN BEAUTI fal colors; $1 does a room. Max O. Bursa. 179 N. Commercial. PHYSTCTAN OP PHTST0THERAPHT DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR OF . PHYBI otherapy. treats all allmcau,' woman's troubles eapoeUny. 265 H, Commercial sctreet. Phone 1091. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP . EXPERIENCED PI ana tuner. Leave order Will 'a Mania Store. - PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL . work Phone 1 SOT J. Shop 137 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. - BADIAT0E3, FENDERS, ETC. RADIATOR8 FENDERS, BODIES made or repaired. J. C. Bair. 238 State. . SCAVENGERS - S003 8CAVENGER SERVICE JESS pools cleaned and dead animals removed Garbage and refuse of all kinds remov ed by the month. Reasonable rates Phones: Office 529; residence 2058.. SALEM SCAVENGERS 'GARBAGE, refuse of all klads removed. Of pools cleaned. Phone 167 r 1007J. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sails second hsud furnitore, tool and junk; $30 N. OommarelaL Phono 49$. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH : , ing and shoes. v Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; 842 North. Commercial Phone 1366-W. STOVES AND ST0VB REP AIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED " 40 years experience." Depot National fence, sises 2S to 28 in. high. Pslata, r oUs and varnishes, etc, loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works. SO fhwrt erreot Phaue 124. TRAN SFER-HAULXNG WB MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOCSB hold "goods. Our specialty la plan an furniture moving. W also make coun try trips. We handle the beat coal ens' v wood. CaB o na for prieoa. We girt good measure, good Quality sad good ssrvies. Lamer Transfer Co.Tuons $8C CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 326 Stats St. Pao&a 933. - Diatribsting. for warding and storsg our specialty. Gel -wov ratee ' - '"" Ui r riTTTprTrr.i -7 TEANSP0ETATI0H CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central Stage Terminal, Kalem. Oregon. - . 8ALEM-EUUENE Loaves Salem :15 a. m.; 9:15 a. m. ; 11:15 . ss,; 1:15 p. 3:15 p. m.; 3:15 v- m.; 7.-30 d. tn.; to CbrvsUis on . PARKER'S STAGE LINES . x ?J.W. Parker, tieneral Manager Central State Terminal Salem, ifrecca. SALEM-SIYERTON DIVISrO.N -, Leaves Sslem, Central State Terminal: 7 a.' m. ; 1 1 a. m. ; 6 p. us. Leaves Silverton News -Stand: A a. ra.; 1 p. m. ; 6 p. m. Batesn-Independence-Monmouth - DivUton, Leaves Sslem, Central Stags Teruuma:: 7 a. m.; 9 a. m. ; 11:10 a. m.; 3:10 p. M -! 6:J0 p.j m. Leaves Monmouth,' Monmeatk Hotel: ' 8:15 a. m.; 1 p. m.; :15 p. ra. - Loaves Independence, Beaver Hotel: . 8:30 a. ra. : 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. 11 " ' 4 p. m. ; :30 p. u. ' Leaves Central Stage Terminal, Eatery for DaUaa at: ft .' 7-a. m.: 11:10 a. m.; 8:lrt p. 14 - Leaves 4iail Hotel, Dsllss, at a. m; 1 p. m.; 6:15 p. ta. : We make connections at Salom to tT ..parts of the valley, JCxtra triga by pointmeirt. - . , J. W. PARKER. Cenersl MsTe. VXTEEIN ARIAJI FRED, W. LANGE, VETERINARIA'f Office 220 South Liberty. Phono 11--""-Res phone 19M. - -- - - r sanwmMnaaaMHaMBBHaBasMBuasaM. .WATER, 8 A LEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CJ Onioa, SOI Sooth CoauBetdsl Et. T.I " per" cent discount on ' domeatis t i rates paid in advance. N deduct' o 4 . for absence or. any caass aalsas wat. e abut nft vier vtresalaaa. HATGilABILITV QF EGGS TAKES VI G D i Use of Pullets as Breeders Year After; Not Good, , Says High Authority ,! i, The . hatching ( results for th-- I ' ft A a . . season 01. xvzi were rainer pour throughout most parts of t' ; United States. .-.There are doubt less a number ot -contributing 'causes, ; and, according to Dr. ! A. Jull, in, charge of poultry in vestlsations of the United Stat - department ,oI agriculture, or e r' the . causes ot poor hatches 1 : been the use from year to year c pulletsas breeders.. In a gectr. I sense,-, it is apparent that t: hatchabllity of eggs depend3 upc ; the constitutional vigor of tl i breeding stock , producing tin eggs. If the breeders are health? and vigorous and are kept In cor fortable-quarters, the eggs shoull hatch well, providing the methc ; j of incubation have been satisfy e- tory. The use of pullets' as breed ers may affect this situation la the following manner: The prs c tice.of usins pullets as treedeo frequently 'leads to the use of im mature- birds. In this -way hatch ing results are affected becau 3 the young pullets do not treea to have the "abundance of constitutional-rigor possessed by older birds. f ! r ' ; , - lEisiras FiSTiiieo:.: , Mr. Bentley Thinks the Prc ' ducers Themselves Must Get Into Cannery Editor- Statesman: '. In regard to setting out mof blackberriesV' will say: At th present time, " I do not think it advisable' to encourage the peop' ; of the i WUlamette valley to e : out any more berrie3 of any kin 1. on account of the conditions c! the. market, asat the present tir- e we have more of all kinds of ber ries than can be harvested at a profit. Sowhy cbntinue? As we have the greatest country in the world for growing all kirn!.; of herrles, we had better call a halt on more planting until a tin: a when the growers (will get In the cannery , game,- and market their own goods. V : Until then I can see no relief. ' W. lu BENTLEY. ' Woodburn. Ore.. Dec. 15. 192 3. . (Mr. Bentley is a grower of an .1 dealer in loganberries. Ed.) Neighborly Visiting ALBANY, December 17. Men bersef the" Albany Chamber cf Commerce will journey to Tang": : tonight to participate in a chick c i pie . dinner and program given 1 the citizens of that place. The af fair is being given at the Soat Methodist church and will' sU; at 6:30 o'clock. Those who drive from here v : meet at the Comiaunity tou ? "6:15 o'clock, according to G. Hockensmith, chairman of t committee on 'arrangements. Ch; er members of the committee r: P. E. Ltvengood, Fred Da?, and A. M. Hammer. The proceeds of the rvr-lr.-go to the ciuirch axxj will t e -for the purpose of fh ' ' ' Lasciueut. J rortland. ; . U.s Etatestria CassiHed A!i