.' What a Difference! AND there's Just as big a difference in the methods of ... xV. vacuum cleanings This is the day of the Vacuctte the wire-leas, nonelectric vacuum cleaner. . Hundreds of thousands of women are using it every day. . So are hotels, railroads and public buildings. The Vacuctte cleans won . .dcrfully, using revolving brush and deep cleaning auction combined. No cords to untangle no light plugs to bother ' ' with. Light, easily handled and absolutely troubleless. Re -ttnarkably inexpensive to buy. Convenient payments if you 1 desire them. A demonstration in your own home places -you under no obligation. Why not phone for one? : , " ".-,-. i - - - She's a Lucky ' Woman Who' ? Gets a Vacuette j , "Christmas snow" crumbled popcorn bits of string and paper -how the Vac net te does "eat them up-" ,.H "' lucky woman who will hare the Vacuette to help pat the house to rights the day after Christmas. j There's still time for a demonstration. Phone today. R. E. HOE YE 143 Court St." SALEM, OREGON.' Phone 111831 Ks piafi to Suu mrick nonelectric vacuum cleaner BOLLS $3.98 ; DOLLS $2.98 DOLLS $1.98 AH "Mama" Dolls FX ft r Just Received Several Cars of Utah and Rock Springs Phone Us for Prices We Guarantee Our Coal .. COAL OR WOOD Larmer Tranttei Lc. 469 State St.' Phone 930 FIEfiY. ITCHY SlilN if QUICKLY SOOTHED WITH SULPHUR Mentho-Sulphnr cream will soothe and heal skin that is irritated or broken out with ec- lema; that Is corered Wltb uglj rash orpimpIea; tr is rough or dry. Nothing subdues fiery, skin eruptions so quickly, says a noted akin specialist.- i - The moment this sulphur prep aration Is applied the itching stops and after two or ; three -s applica tions, the eczema is gone and the skin is delightfully y clear ; and smooth. Sulphur Js so precious as a skin remedy because it destroys the parasites that cause the burn ing. Itching or disfigurement. Mentho-Sulphur 'always heals ec zema right up. , A small jar of Howies Mentho- Sulphur may be had at any good drug store. f-yii '. f China has many titles of cour tesy. Including "president." . II : - of hd or throat Is tonally ' benefited by the vapors pf- VAS'Of tua Everything must be sold. Our shelves arje to be stripped clean of :. all merchandise; We want to turn over thb building to the land lord clear, and clean in the shortest-time. possible. , , Here are a few prices. 1 Remember 'everyingtriustrbe - :bld cut - , ' ',. ' f: ' 32 inch0 Dress Conghairis W ..t.:;.;.T..V....... ' .l..:;..::19c 27 inch Brcis Gmghams. yd. .........U19c Table Kaplans 18x18, each ..t..9c 35 inch Percales, yd. ......i .r....l.....:........119c CO inch'Tabls Damask, yd. .; ...1 !!..: .i49c i G5 inch 'Mercerized Damask, yd. .:..Jl:.....:.i..:.......IU88c G5 inch h'?Jf linen damask, yd. 1 1J..1 01.44 Ladies' Kid Gloves, black, grey or white, pair ..........SI. 00 33 inch Sl!i Poplins, yard :J. 151.12 Ladies' Heather Hose, pair ..;..-.....J44c and GOc . I Ladies' Light Weight Union Suite .:.r.l..l:i......f.59c and79c Ladies' Winter Weight Union Suite $1.19 Ladies' Heavy Winter Union Suite .... $1.88 ? Ladies' Light Weight Vests ........::::....::33c, 36c, 39c Fixtures for male, show -cases, counters, tables, window fix tures, mirrors, 'cash register etc. GALE '&! COMPANY Commercial anbrCourfSts, " "T. "" Retiring from business OREGON "Zau. LIBERTY 'VMary of the Morfes." BLIGH "Alias Phil Kennedy" ; "Oregon Trail.', GRANCWShrlek'ot Araby." ; A: picture of a thousand thrill-o-watt power, "Alias Phil ' Kenne dy," shown for the first time here at the Bligh theater today." The picture is a classic in the manufac- ture of gooseflesh and the raising of hair, and the audience enjoyed hugely enough excitement and sur prise to last a long time. Mr. Hawley is familiar with the Baldwin building plan, having vis ited their factory many times and considers them to be one of the best piano builders in the world. The price,- Mr.' Hawley 'states, is the most reasonable he has ever knowna piano of this class to be sold for. There may be some who remem ber the galaxy of Mack Sennett bathing girls who made such a hit everywhere a few years ago.' Well, they don't .compare at all with the beauties to be seen In the : latest Mack Sennett comedy feature. The Shriek of Araby,' coming to morrow to the Grand theater un der "an AJUed Producers and Dls- tnoutors Corporation release. There are blondes and brunettes. ana among some of the prettiest of California's native daughters are to oe seen. Florence Fair, who made her debut in Paramount nlctures in the screen version of the play. l-ean Kieschna" with . Dorothy Dalton, has been cast for th nart of Madame Dufresne in Allan Owans Paramount production Zaza," which comes to the Oreeon theater Friday. Gloria Swanson has the star role in the picture. - Chapter Ten of "The Oregon Trail," the Universal screen chap-" ter history of the Oregon" TraiK which will be seen at the , Bligh theater today brings a historical sequence as important as the new episode, of the red-blooded V- ro mance of the characters Imper sonated by Art Acord and -Louise Lorraine. The item of historical fact is, the work" of Washington Irving, James Fenlmore CooDer. Edgar Alien Poe and Henry Wads worth Longfellow, contemporary authors of the period who mirror ed the life of the day. inas. w. rlawley Jr. Cuys Monarch Piano j Selecting a new piano Is gen erally supposed to be a difficult task. But Charles W. Hawley, Jr. popular organist of the Ore r on theater, does hot seem to think so. The Reputation of the -niano builder is the principal point to ne considered,- says Mr. Hawley. "Having worked in the factorv of the Marquette Piano V & Organ company for a number of years. knowing the t aref dl and expert woramansmp that la required of every department in a reputable factory I m ."fully aware df the risk ne takes in buying medi ocre JpIaho." , Recently Mr. Hawley was look ing for a piano' to rent and' while in the Tallman-Piano store he be came so Impressed with their line that be purchased a Monarch Piano, made by the Baldwin Piano company for use In his home. J NEV CORPORATIONS I ' . The following articles of incor poration were filed yesterday with the state corporation department: The Woods company, Portland; Incorporators, A. W. Woods,vK. F. Fraier, Ralph M. Cake; non-par value stock; mortgage and loan. i E. R. lvle & Co., Portland;' lrP corporators, -E. R Ivle, Matie I. Ivie, R: M: Biirley; capitalization, $10,000; merchandise. . " W. J. Brett company, Portland; incorporators, 'W.' J Brett, H. E. Cowgill, George Alstadt; capitali sation,' $10,000; Jogging machin ery.. : , . ." Rainbow: Orchard company, El gin; incorporators, C. E. Moore, S. E, Harris, Dora . Moore, Joseph ine Harris; capitalization, $10, WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR - x FURNITURE AND TOOLS Capital Hardware & Furnituro Co. . Best Prices Paid 85 If. Com'l St. Phone 047 A t BIG NEW SHOW TODAY Rides like Tom Mix . Shoots like Bill Hart Wallops like Jack Dempsey BILL PATTOTv v ' - IN ' ' , . "ALIAS PHIL KENNEDY" Tbo rictnre With a Dozen' Thrills 1 ii n ' . "IUXOJEIl FOR. DAD Sir. and Sirs. Carter DeHaven Comedy "OREGON TRAIL," BLIGH TSZATrr ' mm STARTS TOSIORROW EVE, 7 P. M. ' pmsnts can mnpm : in ! 1 Direction txj y.P3ctiart jones ' A desert travesty . guaranteed to make anybody laueh away : any kind of trouble 0a M) I ASOLM ZtWMk. K T STARTING TOMORROW GLORIA Dwan GREAT-artists of stae and opera have played "Zaza." But never with the fire and emo tional intensity .that Gloria Swanson -gives the role. You'll marvel at her superb performance. And you'll rank "Zaza" with i the best pictures of the year. !. , LAT TIMES TODAY "THE MARRIAGE MAKER" - ; : ! today Tononnov' OF TB T,lth A Cast of 40 Screen Cc!:!:n. - ties Incladir.j BESSIE tovn BRYANT YAS!ICURri BARBARA LA STARTING SATUHDAY By EBIERSON HOUGH The Covered Vi-oru 7e crary neW and second hand dishes, kitchen i utensils, hard ware, furniture, stoves nnd nmjjea v ' SEE US WE SELL FOR LESS Cr.::id Sicfcrand Bargain Eic"3:j H. Stcinbock, Prop. " , . Fhonc 390 Front and Center at Countv Rrirlrr Give i -- 1 mm the :Thmgs MkEn: WomH "18 rid Choose Here, Where the? Choosing Is E 3d Give Him Shirts Give Him Hosiery Give Him Ties ' . if Give Him -Gloves Every olor, every price,' silks and 1 Silk ;and wool, wool silks a won- The most complete selection- to.. For driving, for dress every madras, $2.50 to $7.50. a derfnl selection to choose "from f choose from, 1 50c to $2.50. . 1 " 1 style, '$2.00 to.S.OO. P. ' w ( flu--" r - Give Him Hitkbk BELTS and BUCKLES A Real Gift for Him ; . A most complete selection. Fine engraved buckles, genuine leath er straps, from. . , ' 51.00 to 55.00 Bath Robes , !? Smoking Jackets A useful and most pleasing gift for him $5.00 to $20.00.- , ! ,'Let'Hs show you See our i windows 1 j 5 , I- -Give Kim Svirctcrs - Sport Coats, a real gift for every use. - Let us show you from cur large showing " " ; 53.50 to 510.C0 ,11 LJ1-JliTL-u.. VL1. A. ZOSEL :ELUSZ.':'CCCL"2Y :.r-.t ; ; . Vo Cuycr.il Sell Evcryl!::n Cv ! Pricca A.