The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 20, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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' TtTTTnoniV IfATiVTTVA TiTlnnnnnn a. "
. . i -. iuuuouni DiuikiMiiii. nr.iii'.niir.K y i .i'r-i.t r
i i i ,p
Basketball Game Tonight-
Championship basketball games
in the commercial league will' be
played at the Salem armory to
night. The games are slated to
begin at 7:30 o'clock- The final
contest of the merles, a postponed
game, will be played a week from
tonight. i ' r i I -
Radios ;'. ;'. ,r- ,f ' V
; For Xraaa should be ordered as
early as possible.'- We expect a
big rush. Order , yonrs early and
give n & chance to install it prop
erly. 1 Salem Electric Co. Masonic
Temple. Phone 1200. d23
Meyer Raze Building -;
What is commonly known as
the "H. W. Meyers Skyscraper,"
located on State near the .Red
Cross headquarters baa disappear
ed. The building was used as a
small candy and soft drink estab
Eleventh Hoar
Arrivals in smoking seta will in
terest prospective buyers. , C. S.
Hamilton. : d22
Rprfeders Fay Pi
: Two speeders and one bicycle
ordinance violator appeared - be
fore Marten Poulsen, police Judge
"Wednesday.. The speeders - were
E. E. Poulten, 4S0, North Eigh-
- " Cqnitable Savings M Lou
" Assoc latioa , -
Portland, Oregon. '
fairy G. Keeney, Representative,
fcOl Masonic Bids. Phone 1840
US Otcgm Bnaa TaUpaa 4T
- i . - .... ..
The Seavey, Bell Insurance
4 Agency
- General Insurance ;
Frsak Wifw
: : (Formerly Dr. Schenki)
'V ; Cottage Sc.
fnorn: - r 1182
Grafted " Walnut Trees
, . . . JvprTd Franca. Prmn. inu
. Gnral Unrwry Stack
, Sales Yard aad onica, Mi rtrry St
A. J. ilATXUS, Prop. .
Orxice Phone 1B3. . Res. 1140MI
.: . C3ti:cpathx
Tba Olxlnal and TJesals Spin
al Adjustment Treatment. Skill
full, , Paialeta Adjustment that
get result.
2.1 C. UAIUZllLIi :
CxttcsdLie Pbysiciaa b4 -.
i . Earsreosi . " " -..
Oregon. r j.- ;".-
ESS U. SL Si3aa&l Zaek Txl2tt '
rasas tst Baa. rasas J
on. n. H.WHITE
XlMtraala glass is aas TxssksuM
? , (Sz. Aarasu If aaei.)
fl&lffH ' , , Ore an
teenth, former prison engineer,
and it. P. Nourse. of the Wlllam
hotel. Each was fined 1 5. W. P.
Emmel. 335 North Summer, was
fined 12.50 'for riding his bicycle
after dark without a light. The
arrests were" made f by Officer
Vogt. ., - - v " i : v f : i - .H- J
Attention, BPOK f
On Thursday evening the Buck
eye, Trio will entertain the Elks'
lodge. The Christmas number of
The Elklet Is also J expected to
make its appearance that evening.
OversUred Parking limit
The first victim to be arrested
for a violation of the 60-mInute
parking limit: was John A. Krebs,
965 Saginaw, who was arrested
Wednesday by Officer , Branson.
He was cited to appear in the po
lice court at 11 o'clock thia morn
ing. Krebs parked on Liberty be
tween State . and j Court long
enough over the limit to attract
the attention of the officer. .
Dance at Macleay Saturday
. Dec. 22. Lady and gents prize.
d22. . " ? - :
Ucensea Granted
Marriage licenses were granted
yesterday to Thomas H. Peterson,
Sclo, and Esther E. Huhleman. Sa
lem; Henry Heine and Anna
Schulky, Salem, and W. W. Me
Donell aad Ellen M. Baker, both
of Salem. ' ! ,
Holly for Sale !';.
City View Cemetery
aieat Market Bnrglartaed
- Though his meat market ' was
entered by burglars some time
time Tuesday night there was
nothing taken according: to a com
plaint made to the police yester
day by J. M. Snyder, of Highland
street. ! Entrance was gained to
the store by breaking a window. '
Order now.
We deliver.
Pythiana Hold Convention
Nearly 300 Knights of Pythias
were, present hejre for the district
convention, j f Lodge ; members
from .the entire, district were In
attendance, with7 Claude W. Bar
rack, of Tillamook, : grand chan
cellor and JW C. Gleason of -Portland,
grand keeper of records and
seal, as visiting officials. The
Dallas drill team defeated a local
all-star aggregation by a narrow
margin in putting on the work in
the rank of knight. '
Holly Wreaths, AU Six
' Also an assortment of potted
plants for Christmas. , Plant's
Floral Shop, 185 S. Com'l. d20.
Electric Curling irons ? t
: Two-year guarantee; one year
guarantee marcel wavers. . Re
duction on all appliances. Hallk's
Electric shop, 337tCourt. St. d23
Service Profcfcted
Oretown Grange Xo. 354 of Til
lamook county has. registered a
petition with . the public service
commission demanding better ser
vice by. the Cloverdale Telephone
A Good Showing?
Of smoking stands Just arrived
at Hamilton's.
Young Ladle Whd Will
Volunteer to dance in chorus
for charity in exchange for In
structions v in; stage dancing,
by professional.: Call Chamber pf
Commerce Thursday, 7:30 p. m.
Divorce Granted , .
Monroe Sturgls was awarded a
decree of divorce yesterday r by
Judge Bingham from Ima Belle
Sturgls and custody of two minor
children. Desertion was the
charge on which the divorce was
granted.: : , : a -
A New Lot - '
. Of smoking stands arrived late
for holiday' presents. Hamilton's.
! .-! " 422
Stege V1U Build
. Paul Stege will build a one-story
dwelling at 1330 Center at a
cost of 3000 according to a build
ing, permit issued ;yesterdajr r by
Marten. Poulsen, city recroder J
Long Trial on Saturday T.': K: I
TrUl of E. F. Long will be held
Saturday in the Justice court. Long
was arrested. December 8 on a
complaint signed by W; B.iDun
cang, charging him with failure to
keep a meat, market in a sanitary
condition. - , . v'.vri'v h
"a" I
Estatlished 18C3
- General Canldns Business
Oflee IXours Frcm 10 A. JL lo Z V. il,
.Oregon Pulp, and Co.
Salem, Oregon . ;
Sulphite,' and ManiU Wrappings, also Butchers Wrappings,-
Adding ' Machine ' Paper, Greaseproof, Glassine,
Drug Bond, TissuV Screenings and Specialties;
Announcing the Opening Today of Our
Next Door to Oyster Loaf Cafe in Xew Adolph A Waters r.
Building. Corner Court and liberty St. -
. -: " -We will hare on display innumerable plants suitable.' for
Christmas gifts. Among them being such old faToriteaas:
' Cyclamen, Poinsettas, Rubber Plants, Heather Ferns--Potted
Plants of all kinds. , ' ' V : '
We will also be glad to hare you call at our Greenhouses.
127 N. Liberty.
of distinction and neatness is being .
built at the corner of Twelfth and Lee
streets any judge of architecture will
say it is fascinating. j
The work is being done with care and scrupulous
economy. . ; ;
...Its cost plus a slight margin Is the price at which
it will be soIdFart cash monthly installments..
cc T. S. Maclicnzie, Owner's Representative
Hotel. Lease Signed
Under a lease signed yesterday,
work , on a new , $60,000 hotel in
Eugene similar . to theone jhain
talned here by the Central "state
Terminal hotel, will begin at once.
In addition to the cost of the
building about $10,000 will be
needed for furnishing. For the
purpose of signing the lease, Rich
ard Shepard. of Albany, secretary
treasurer of the hotel company, A.
B. Parks and W. E. Powell of
Eugene were In Salem Wednesday.
The new hotel will be on Willam
ette, between ' Fifth attd Sixth, in
Eugene. fcfV-t,' ' '
At Stand ley 4
Bush Bank Bldgi
' d20
Lions Hear Health Hints
"!-Believing ; more can be accom
plished by preaching prerentlon
than by siring assistance after
contracting disease. Dr. William
B. Mott, president of the Lions
club, will tell members how to
take care of themselTes : at the
weekly luncheon Friday. . He will
speak on "How to Live Longer.''
John J. Rottle' will be the chair
man of the day. " I ,
Opens . Store Today , ....
V The West Fur company will
open up today In the new location
on Liberty - street. , George . Alder
in. the owner and manager, says
that the opening is at least four
weeks late, but It will, be open, by
noon today, sure. : Decorators and
employes -.were busy - at- the new
store until an early hour thi.i mor
ning getting the shop . in readi
Disabled Men to Meet
Edward L. Clark, ' commander
of the Disabled War. Veterans of
the World War- is going' to' hate
eharge of the meeting of all those
disabled men of the late war who
are interested. in organiting a
chapter of thY.DAV here. The
meeting will be held in the armory
Friday night at 7:30. , All those
disabled.' who hare claims that can
be handled, who hare not beenTe-
: -.. died : . j
COONEY Leo J. Cooney, 4 0, died
Dec. 18 at a'local' hospital. : Is
suxYlred byV his widow. Fay
- Cooney. of this city, by his par
ents, also three brothers and
one sister In Yankton, S. D.
Funeral announcement f will ! be
made later from the Salem Mor-
tuary. ; - ' ; !
Webb & Clough
Iczihj Fczrrd
Expert T!nha1ncr
Rigdon & Son's
uirni ii n
hablllUted to the right line of
work, are asked to come.- Tl)f re
will be a roll rail made, for those
who know say. there la nearly SO
men to work on for a" start. TU Is
urged that- everybody" who can, be
there. Those who have been hon
orably discharged from the ser
vice on account of disabilities' in
curred between the dates of April
. 1 917, and November 1 1.1 1 1 8,
are eligible for membership.
Bljr Danre) At Dreamland !
Saturday night. Ladies .free,
gents 5 Sc.. Lota of pep, best of
music and floor In the valley.
d22. :.-..:.:
Chimney Fire Calls
, For the first time since Decem
ber 8, the fire department receiv
ed a call. Tuesday night a chim
ney fire called out the department.
The alarm came from 8 5 2 Broad
way Tuesday evening.
Salem Man Injured .
Bruises were received by J. E.
Cains of the Mason-Ehrman -company
Tuesday night when his au
tomobile turned completely , over
while he was on the way to Al
bany. : Driving through - a thick
fog Gains was unable to see sev
eral, loose horses on the highway
until in their midst. In an effort
to avoid hitting any of these, the
automobile was turned over and
badly wrecked, though the driver
was not seriously injured In the
accident. - -. -
Parrhases Barber Shop
II. G. Coursey, well-known Sa
lem barber, has purchased;.' the
shop at 156 South' Commercial,
anf after being out of business for
some time, again takes his place
in the ranks of Salem proprietors.
Mr. Coursey has owned several
city shops at various times, but un
til making his last purchase, had
been employed in the , shop on
North Liberty. -
Making Christmas Wreaths
Nearly 100 Christmas wreaths
have been completed for the- dis
abled war veterans ,pf 'Portland.
The wreaths were requested by
the Portland headquarters of the
American Red Cross. Oregon
grape' and mistletoe , are being
used in their manufacture. -
Corrallls Klwaalans Organized .
That a Kiwanis club of SO mem
bers has been organized in Cor
vallis was the word received in the
city Wednesday. Though the or
ganization has been completed It
will not begin to function until. af
ter the first of the year. It is ex
pected that a big delegation of
Salem Kiwanis in addition to
those clubs in the district will be
present for the installation cerei.
monies. ' i
Wrightman Trial Today
Selection of the Jury, to try Dr.
A. E. Wrightman, Silverton physi
cian charted with possession of
liquor, will be made in the justice
court at 10 o'clock this morning.
The trial will be held at 2 o'clock
in -the afternoon. . Prosecution of
the case is in the hands of James
West,' of the attorney general's of
fice. ' : ;.
Florist Opens City Office ' -A.
D. Smith, local florist with
greenhouses at 1278 North Lib
erty, has opened temporary down
town of flees in the Adolph & Wat
ers building adjacent to the Oyster
Loaf restaurant on Court street.
He will remain here until after
the holidays and Is able to secure
permanent offices. Mr.JSmtth has
another . greenhouse junder con
struction with : a ground' space of
33 by 100 feet. lie plans' the
erection of two others in the near
future. ,
Berry Meeting Today -
Loganberry growers and others
Interested in the future of the in"
dustry will ;- meet : in ;the auditor
ium of the Chamber of Commerce
at 1:30 o'clock th is afternoon to
hear the situation discussed by H.
H Haynes, president of tbe'Hay-nes-Foster
Baking company. Tort
land, and the Salem Baking! com"
pany.i", Mr. Haynes recently re
turned from a three months trip
through the east where he devoted
himself to a study of conditions.
While he gave the major result
of his studies at the Chamber of
Commerce luncheon Monday, but
was-willing to come to Salem
again In order that more growers
might hear of his trip and what
he found out.
Vacation Begins Friday
With the last ' class completed
tomorrow afternoon, all pupls in
the Salem grade scbooh; and stud
ents in the high school and at-Wil
lamette university will begin their
two week's holiday vacation. Ex
aminations are now under way at
both the state university and OAC
Royal Ann Cherry Trees
Big reduction on all cherry and
prune stock. . Sales yard and of
fice at Cherry City Hotel. 130 S.
High. . ? ut
Office Phone 1758. Res. 10F4 .
The ERA ClinicV
; Diagnosis and Treatment of .
Disease by ' the
Abram's (E. R. A.) Method
Children's Clinic Dally ; ;
Consultation Free . ' -
y ! Dr. Harrison L Folk, -D?.
Paul G. Stapran
Hours 10 a. m. to S p. m. vv
Cor. i:t!t cad Etate (1431 Etate)
and flalm pople who are attend
ing either institution are expected
to . arrive home lato Friday nght
and on through the week-end. z
Assbit Ex-Service Vomen ,
Ex-service women of . the north-
Mrs.''L. Yah ' Belle," Pendroy,
Mont.,.wrltes"I, like your Cough
Medicine very -well. My '.little boy
6 years bid, had a very bad couch
and after using FOLEY'S HONEY
cured relief." For ' coughs, ' colds
and - hoarseness there is no better
remedy on the market today than
COMPOUND. It , has stood the
test of time, serving three - gen
erations. Get the genuine; refuse
substitutes. Sold everywhere.
Adv. '''..
west who are In need ;of medical
treatment or domiciling care will
be taken care of In government in-,
stitutlons even ' though their dis
abilities are not due strictly to
war service, according to informa
tion received by Brazier C. Small,
adutont pf,Capital Post No. 9, of
the r American legion.- Arrange
ments are being mad- in Portland,
S3!'. Spokane and Boise offices
to" take care of - such applicants.
Special homes... have.' been estab
lished' at Danville,; 111., ana MIW
waukee,.;Wis., for this purpose.
Women are'now on the etate basii
as -men who were In the service."
It la estimated that . there are
ceaTly 460 women in the country
who will seek admission at thest?
two homes " within a short time.
Only good candy is called for
repeatedly. And it takes
repeat orders to build up a
successful businessC ;
You know that, and know
ing it, .you realize of course, '
, the' importance of making
the finest candy possible to
create. We do this, and have
for 32 years made. Spa Cho
colates the standard of ex-;
cellency. '
For a merrier , Christmas
give';- . "'.
: opa Uandies
Sfade Right Here la Salem
MakeHer Happy
4- '
mm.-. . m. - BSw
- A -e-. w - "
Give Heri a Hoover Sweeper
The only Sweeper having the Vibrating Brush,
and always ready,, to go. No petty annoying re
pairs. Also agents for the Eureka and Universal
sweepers; .
The Store of Housewares "
Phone 67. 135 N. Liberty
.- j.Z .',
1 P4
i -
V-:.V Fine, furniture, the land. that you and everybody else likes to have h the
only kind we sell our customers. No shoddy short-lived affairs, but subs tan
v tially built iifetime furniture always ready to give home service.
.' Now with the Xmas spirit abroad o'er the land it is well to make the fam
; Uy gift a gift of furniture. With stocks at their height of completeness, with se
lections the best in town, -with: values at their apex, it becomes, your pleasure
and necessary duty to visit our store at the earliest moment to choose , just
the piece of furniture you need. Listed below are a few of the many splendid.
Xmas gifts we have for your inspection.
f Ten Wagons - j ;
r Electric Lamps '
llair Mirrors '
.Ladles Desks r
i Costume -
. Dining Room Snltew
I - Sewing Cabinet i
- - Hoosier CabinHs ;
i Fireside Chairs :
Jardiners . ' s
- Hugs
RIssells Sweepers
f Card Tables 1 '
Fern Dishes -
, Fibre Suites
. Suit Casea
If and Bags . :
Traya . . . -;
Fralt Baskets ;
Shopping Baskets
" Windsor Rockers
- - Davenport Tables
. Carpet Sweeper
Cedar Chests ;
Table Covers
-1 Book Enda " -
". v c . ".
: . .. .... . X. ' -. ,,. ... ' . 1.. . 'j.
.: -V.... J.''-, ,
.. , .
.it O v1
Courhes '
Davenports , v
Day Beds
.Floor Lamps
Bed Spreads
Blankets -
Bedroom Suites
Library Tables
Library-Dinner , Table
Dressing Tables ...
Book Cases -
Breakfast Rets '
Flower" Stands -
Ten Wagons ' -.Vacuum
'Spinet. Desks 1
Bud Dishes
Mirrors ': -
Clocks : -
Pyrex Rets
Buffets .
Iimps ,
Desks - - '
Smoking Stands
Cate Leg Tables.
Console Tables -Occasional
Tilt Top Tables
Sewing Cabinets" '
Candle Slicks
Windsor Chairs
Picture Frames
5 :
Many other items singularly, and in suites that would malce useful Christmas
Trade in Your
Old Fudniture
on New
340. Court St.
: f '....
Visit Our
s Exchange
123 Ncrth Ccnur.ercial St.
Pkcne 71