The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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i t
Br BETTI KESSI, Phone 108 ;
Theresular meeting of the Yw
rark circle of the ladles aid ;of
the First Methodist. church has
been cancelled .for 'this, week, hut
the otherlclrcles tffll meet as fol
lows: South CentralTMrrs. H. R.
White. 2009 south Church; West
Central. Mrs, J. H. Baker. 645
Court street; f East ' tJehtral, Mrs.
K. L. Farmer, 909 v .Chemeketa
Etreet; Lucy Ann Lee. Mrs. A. A.
Lee, 1515 State ; - Naomi, Mrs, J.
W. Beckler. , 1 : north 21st;
Southeast. ilrs. O. W. La Barre,
1835 Ferry.
Leaving by "amotorlfor ' southern
California 'Sunday,". Mr', and. Mrs.
O. O. TtfcClellan of Keizer expect
to be'awaf about six weeks. They
are; to'; be the guests In ' Long
Beach, -California, 'of their ' son
and daughter. Kola and Alice.' w, On
their trip home they expect "to
tiu, in i Dimutr oi me ,cmes
of northern California. . . I
J Word comes " that Miss; SyTria
White,' daughter of 1 Mr. and Mrs.
E. G.'Vnite, and "Arthur W,Gard
ner of Long Beach, California
were married Thursday afternoon
at VancouTerWash.-rae'coople
were; attended by Margie Parnren
tler SrSalem,' and E. "JL .Wagner
ot JnglBeacX. Cailtoniail t
The Tlllicum dancing. club will
enjoy s Christmas party at Derby
hill this evening.
; After spending the past week In
Portland visiting with Mrs. fRob-t
ert jStantield before, she -departs
for the east to Join her husband
lav Washington, D. C 'Mrs. , Wll-j
11am i Lytle Jias" returned : to her
home here, vlt was. "planned that
Mrs. Staafield should visit Mrs.
Lytle , here but the r plans - were
reversed, and Mrs.,- Lytle r spent
the , week asr Mrs. " Stanfield's
guesCv ,.-v-.rA- -..,".'", J
soi .'siift f '' ? r.--.'--"-J. t
.UPqt the? regular meeting -of the
modem: writer's section of the Sa-i
lem Arts league, Mra. F."S. Bar-;
ton will - be - hostess this evening.;
Because of the recent death of
one of the members, the Leisure;
Hour club bas cancelled the Dec-j
ember meeting. " ' '' I V ;
TheAdolynk club will be en
tertained i at 4 the .-home .- ot ;rMrs.
. i ii - -
errow afternoon;
t J f . - 1 t i-, Mr A ; .
. 4 V-
?i 'T w-w
i f s
- i - .
A Victrola brinc3 into I the hbme iimm new sow
human friendship. It is p. real member of- tKefamilyi iv4uc1i'(.cr'-:
tainsyin soothes, according to the hour s need. Ahd its
reccurcea for, pleasure aje unlimited,, for with it the whole rich
xtcre.cflihq world's greafest rriusic, the happiest gems of pure 'wit
. VN.f"-rr- - ' '.'l.t - .I-'."' . i'.. r -i -
anq .enierr-aiiimenr tne veryjaacct mts or me dance iloor are yours
cn .VicSfbla Records by world-farnbus artiste and orgamzaSons; '
.Ycu viH r clvays be iatisfied with the Victrola. It is the
cKcice of me greatest artists, who endorse its unerring register of
the onnal voice or Unstrutnent ?
We have Victrolas- styles aU pricei Select yours here.
ror vnrisimas. . 5 .
if f
"I t
1 t
. - 1 . .1 .- : - .-
Why not talie advahtageof
. that fact?
FEWDAYS AGO a woman asked our
, ftssistesce in resairiaz a certain electric
1 -'acsliiscew'-''-' ":'t - ' "
. "- It was an fafcriof alpplianc,e. It lia3 been
soil-to ' her. by a- rccsnfan who btirst into
town, fwcrca fastmd disappeared. . v
. . TLere sslas fca cr.e la reimburse her, nd one
Via inake.properdjsstraent.. - O'- v
i -"A local rr.rrchar.t troald not have oJd, her
Inat inferior .'jr-rlljince.: .Ttia. cenpany
.which satrili all lypc3 of appliances to cafe-'
ra tests -wouij not nave sola ner that ap-
pliance."-;: ,! ;-7' . -i-y t, : r - ';:?u-.i x:X:ihIX: ivt i
And if we had, by error, shew could' have
found cs like your other local merchants
rizht here ia town, ready and willing to rec
tify that error. ,,r - ;: .,- .r ,
If you haven't a electric yeumm cleaaer,
yoa aren't taking foil advantage of your elec
trie servicer Lefs brini a EarekA vacuum '
-cleaaer to tosut borne and botr yoa how It
saves your time, "j-our strength, "your health, y
No obilfatkm whatsoever for the demons tr 3 :
Uon. -: -1 - . , ' - .
4 -w !!;() t.'J.t .tit
Jesse tteorge, torn on
with a luncheon and afternoon oC
bridge. . ,
, r Mr. . and' "Mr Rassell';Catnnj
will be hosts 'to the members .of,
the Merfy-gofbund club this ev-;
ning at their home oh Chemeketa
street. ' ."" ' " ' '
- -3U-ttj d&fol'Ju .sJfsT.
" 1 A1 pretty 'little1 party 'was "givenj
yesterday afternoon 'at' the rD.''A
Biewert' home on Ferry - street
when ; Mrs.' Siewert invited in aj
number of "small 'ones to 'help her!
little daogh tert r OpAfr celebrat
her fifth birthday. After the at
ternoon -of reames, the' ctildre
were seated around the. table dec
orated 'Jn" plnki' and)- white, withj
carnations' and . "ptok .eandies. The.
climax to the .altera 00 n tor .4he
little ones came f when - the. large
white caka.with'Jthe burning can-;
dles. was bTought into the room
and later cut: atod served with the
pink Ice . cream v; s. ; y-t.u-. i k -Ai.:
; The' invalid gcandmother (whose
seventieth birthday . occurred iop
Sunday, Was brought' into. the din
ing room te-share in the happiness
of the party.. s.?-,.. ,r v fJ '- 1 f.
The. children who attended, the
sAlebratinn . included-, Allan - and
i&eaa SieWert, Maxlne .and lieien
i. DueK Jrene , WolXr Don popper
ot Tacoma, ."Washington, and .Ken
neth Hilfiker. f v Jtt i: ;
Mr, and s. J, B.r Carruthers
of - Wetaskiwlo Alberta, , recently
came.toi Salem for an extended
visit at the home of Mr.rad Mrs.
Charles Lisle. t irhe n visitors wijl
remain There , fqr An..- indefinite
length ot, time, wishing to avoid
the severely cold, weather of Can
ada. , Mrav XZarruthers , and . Mrs.
Lisle are sisters. , , x ,
..Accompanied by her aunt. Mrs.
E-J. StulL.Mlss ylvla,Thompson
departed unday .for Sj Coiunmus.
Ohio, where during the! holidays,
she will be married to Frederick
Aldrich. They 'are making ) the
trtpby " way of Los Angeles -and;
Chicago, where they vui spena &
few days before -continuing their
Journey, to Colambusr . . !
The wedding, is to take place at
the .Trinity ; church , with only a
few friends and, relatives in , at
tendance, t -. . f
. , During , the- Jtwa , weeks before
ner departure Miss Thompson, was,
much feted with , showers, , din-
ners ana .iniormai ariairs piannea
tor ner ana ner most intimate
friends,- 'u: r a - ' J I
; -1- '.. T, v- ,S 1.1?.,.-., .... ... . . j j i I
.: Fromt tbelniyersity iif Oregop.
Qomes Jthe announcements f. thd
pledging of Mary Catherine iWest'
rority, one c the , seventeen- .wo-
men's living organisations repres
ented at the uaiversity. Miss "West
is a freshman in the . school of
journalism, and holds the distinc
tion : of being the. nly .Ireshman
woman on ,th,e 'Emerald staff.
She has written a number of musi
cal criticisms for the Emerald;
winning .'therefrom.-: mnch com
mendation tor hr ability..,.
, .Dorothy Phillips ot Salem is al
so a' recent pledge of Alpha Omi-
cron Pi.
The last loint meeting to
held between the literary, societies
at Willamette, university j before
the holidays,,. was that of .Friday
evening ...when.." the Philodosians
and Philpdorians met in. their so
ciety halls tor a. Christmas party.
The evening passed with ' much
mirth and merriment with games,
music and many' clever stunts" spe
cially arranged tor the affair, t
V "The onr of Veterans' will hold
a special: Christmas meeting this
evening at "eight "o'clock in the ar
mory, inviting as their guests,
the Sons and Daughters of Veter-
Fes Gclo,
end as a - y 7
, ; . i i I
'-Tako - V
'ttrJSZ- . I :
.... . f - - . -t
. ; The First ' and Original
. Cold and Grip Tablet -;
'The! bcx bears this signature
Mrs.; C A. Downs, Mrs.;AUee E.
Edmundson, Mrs. j Kenneth Hall,
Mrs. E, C. Hickman; Leila John-
son, Mrs'. C." A"". Kells, Mrs! "Blaine
women en the faculty1 the treat-
ment of the' women students,-and
their opportunity to obtafn posi-j
tions on the faculty as assistants,';
fellows, br Instructors, la taken In
to ' consideration j 'The- universitv?
has already-been accepted by the
rating- board tor scholarship; stan
dards,but other requirements are
necessary for ; national snember-
Shlp"!1:;'-'-' ' .'i'-'i.vj;
Mra. s Ai 'W. Cooper, regional di
rector, spcrke to" the Women con
cerning the raising tot money "f or
this" national club house in 'Wash
ington D. C., and the matter was1
immediately put1 in the -hands of
a committee 'to be ' worked v out
Uteri -i'. - 'IVf .' ' vuj '1;! ,
T!; Other 'women on"the committee
from ' Portland : were Mrs. ' Marsh
and 'Miss Rockwood. - ' "4 !
;i Some-' delightful n numbers' of:
music were furnished by two-Phil-;
ippine students" from the depart
ment of music at "Willamette uni
versity. J Miss Frances Richards
spoke entertainingly of her sum-:
m'er's -visits in Italy,- withpartlcu
laf mention of Naples, and Miss;
Helen Pearce gave an interesting
account ot their visit In' Germany.
? The 'officers of the local chap
ter' are, ' Miss t Frances Richards,
president"; -.Miss- -Marie1 Churchtll,
flee : president ; - Mrs." Roy Klein
secretary and Mrs. James H. Fair
child4, if eaturer i '-tcif ;ri
"Membeniot the association ire
Mary 'JPindleyi ' Merle "4 Mckelvy
Mrs. C. L. Sb,eman, Mrs. Geprge
H. Alden, MrsrlES. "T. Brown, Miss
Sally BushT Flora M. Case, Susan
Chester.5 Mrs.: L.- J. Chapln; Marie
ChnrchlU, Mrs. -: LV-'0. Clement,
Mrs. 33 M. Devers.'lfrs. J. H. Fair-
child,- Mrs. F.- Franklin, Inex
Goltra, Mrs. " Georg ; Hug; Mrs,
Roy A. Klein, Mrs." William L. Ku-
ser. Mrs. Albert Laughridge. Mrs.
Millar McGHchriat Mrs. Leigh I
Mclntire. Mrs. : C. ; M- i Panunzio
Frances . M- Richards,,, Mrs. Rayl
mond Walsh. Mrs. Horace; wmis
ton, Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Mrs.
Grover C. Bellinger, ; Leora Car-
jrer, Mrs. A. Ai. Chapman,. ...
Mrs. .J.- Ray 1 Pemberton, Mrs: AI
C.JF." Perry,' Mrs. E. C. Richards,
jirs. E.'. E. Sherwood, Mrs. 'Mar
garet B.1 Leavenworth, f Mrs. G. E.
Alien Helen "Hannah Uii,ir3?
Mills, 'Mrs.s W., F.'Farg6,Mafgart
et Covington, Marlon Wyman and
Mrs.. Paul Acton. : " - " ' ; t
, , ' . " . ' ,.' ,
For their December meeting the
OAC club., hascast aside all
thought of business and.wlU meet
In the )Voman's club building Frl-f
day evening; December Zt for, a
real Chlristmas tree'partyand fpl-j
Ic. j. There, will be a tree with .can
dles, apd tinsel," and maybe aSan-i
ta Claus to present the gifts to the
good children;, both, big and little.
A1, members, o f the 3club, "ex ita-t
dents,, and students ' ec'prdially
invited - to join in.' the j eyenings
pleasure, and , each r-s asked, to
bring flve s or. ten -cent gift .for
himself and , the menbers, of the
family. , Guy .L. RsLhbun, ezGAC
an4 now athletic coach at WiUam
ette" university,, will -give a talk.
and the.remainder of the- program
will be - furnished by the children;
of the members. , Jrg.,'Lvis .rif-4
ntn is cnairman or. jtne-. entertain-,
meat committee with. Mrs. -David
Wright, : Leo ' SpiUbart and Maria
Wilcox as assistants..
The A&rt regular buihe mein-i
ing ot the club, will tftkq jlactf on
January 10; at the bome.ot ,Mis
Ruth Moore in the Moore apart-j
ments. - f c
about 100 scholars- in those dis
tricts. . .
The valuation
Of Silvertoh U
.scholars and th Jiiga scnoo ,exr
penses will be aoout .)s,j, jv-cc-rdlhg,
to ibose t Igjires .we 'aim
era woald" have to ,'pay, 22t I f or
each scholar and fiilyertonj only
, The point liwish to. brJng;ont. U
.hlsi -Is i; fair tor a.farraere:t
pay $227 when, Sllxerton would be
paying only, s 5,8 Xor5 each scholar
- Itaqokf, to the writer .that) th.
cities are Just: trying to put .ai ?:
tie znore 4axes on -the .shoslder
of the- formers.";,, in hf j;yic
LPoint- and Silver Cliff districts the
last two ears there are four f ami
llles 'h"os Jost Vtheir little farms
and mbve$ 'o jtown.. Today tiere
ara vlO .empty .houses in & radius
of wo miles; of rny farm. , Lesi
than five years a jo every c a cf
those houses was occupied. And
stin they aretrylcg to pu t ino re '
taxes' 6n"us larmerswhot" are '
in the country, "When.XSe liver
toil "school board is1 working on a
plan " to ricreae thej tuition bf
the farmers high school 'scholars
from about 3 lo Jf 227, it sure
ly doesn't look. - much like tix
reduction Tor"lhefarrners around
Silverton. Respectfully yours,
Siiver'tnn. Q , Dnc 14.
ar-rwrc r 7
Coff ri Jar-t U4 J rm 0
T Jaquet on 4SchooU y
last editorials of ar certain- Salem
paper, "Tax Reduction,; puts tb.e,
wTite'r'.'in inhicT of ;whav is goingj
OQ at Silverton about .auhiont'high:
school 'they're trying to ' organize.)
e,;;-wrtter''ls:vjphsJrm"ah' . of ,'the
victor Point 'iBchooJ district, about
eigh miles "south of Silvertpn and;
15 miles, east of alem. j Silverj
vmr . is anoiner aistrict joining?
oursi We have four schoUrs "gb-1
Wg !to 'the Sivertbh high schoot1
The valuation of "our" two "districts
is $155,13$.""Our high school tu
ition is": $468? The Silverton
school b'oard is working on a plant
that would "raise ' ijur .tuition t'o
$936. The '. average cost! "per
scholar in Mar on county is about
$113. .'The " valuation 'of 2 3 dis
tricts that ; they'ere figuring ;bn
Uklng In 1s IS.78M23. ,We have.!
ri . .. ; . -r. . .', , ij;-; -; " ;'; i;! rt"'" - jl' -
On Specifications anPerfomdnci T
4C f n" '",-;-i l oj Vi t Ir'r t-- r '""J
Hamil ton-Beach Electric ieneldni2y iriz3 "
." 'v a .-W s.
$3.uuciown andxuiperjtxontn
.. .'I ; .vi'i-v .ta;a iV-ti cl v-'
An Appropriate.Christrnc3 JPrescst -
340 Coort Street
j ; -.
Good Fcrxitrra
' ' IT 7 :
- 4
. v i J.
- iy wm
i With the regional committee of
the AAUW as their special guests,
the members of the local organisa
tion met at, the .yWCA Saturday
for e covered rdish." luncheon. r In
order that thA.wonennight neet
ln,v av more informal way during
the meal, .two Jong tables, were ar
ranged Id jthe flinins room or. the
luncheon and ?programi ?
Mrs. Laura Northrup, chairman
of the committee on recognition
bfj colleges for the northw4ert,--re-ported
in a j;euerii wijr.AqncVrn,-
ing tne Willamette tour ot inspec
tion. The 'committee -will make "a
report to the national meeting ot
the organisation which : will take
place in Washliigtaa, H3n
Aprfl, afc which-, time -Wi"amette
university will be V voted upon."
In considering a university "for
the accredited lisW the narahef of j
u s real Dargain. ic su a low cop
and medium skirt. Made in dur
able oirJc or white coutili sizes
4 to 36 an3 cons only iJC&
If T-. dealu cn trt it,wndfiaatcd ;
- dun. aiaa-awl $3. :
1 aend tb coraet.
V ' 11111111
f br A ti 7.;v;0,
Infitnts to 3 Years
) t lnttnulo3-.x
Full Lcnsrth
i t
I v
Thread Silk, ;full
; length arid -;
' half socles "
Cf -f
Christmas is a Sort of Clearing House f or the
Bank of Kindness. ; It's the time of all times
to further loving attachments of every na
ture. rGifts should convey a lovirig.ouc
from donor to recipient! It's a wonderful
time. to6,.for clearing up misunderstaridih3
ofahy6rt - -
-t Our Gift pouhter which are heavy laden 1
Tiapc 6eei planned to save you time end v
, to offer suggestions 'as to really isorth white gifts .
Silk Hose -;;. Gloves Handkerchief s - tlmHrcHos
;JeweI4. Handbags 'Tafecaian BI!icL-.;
Bedspread --m Towels Sheets Bathrobt !Zi
UnderAVei rIvunonos -Coats Dresses imcl Thou
sands of other Beautiful Gifts.
Vie- Vi-v I .
Every5 woman la "a lover 6t pretty furs,
ther STAiwayr3a."lopsinjrfor -just :jm
extra scarf or choker for sbmeparticu- :
lar costume of herfl that thev Aon't fl
justified! tn" choosfiip;; for themselves. "Assortments are very interesting
aua men are especiauy mvitea 10 cnoase nere. i..-
; t ; Every woman should have at least one crey , squirrel choker, they are
so fashionable. They are double furred style front selected squirrel skirs.
u t ,t , H, priced 512.50 and $14.53
V .. . .Extra quality "Fitch furs in choker style, also scarf style, they are eft
lustrous and rich in color. Priced $143 up to $23.75
' Othersjare Mink, FpxFrencli'.Cney, -'Opjpoum'
Receive careful attention
We pay the postage or
express within a radius
.of aihundred miles . j- -
TSatisfaition Guaranteed
'On every purchaser; or;
your money cheerfully
refunded. .. .
' ' 'rT r- - i .V...-i. -, V-' . .
? sC r .rj
- n - t-.v - r .i
- Sa!cn Ctcre,
-4C3 3 tat a CL
I r
J 1