The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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. Who will volunteer to dance In
" chorus for charity In exchange for
. Instruction in stage dancing by
c professional call Chamber of
Commerce Thursday 7:30 p. m. .
Extra Special
140.00 Mahogany splnnet desk,
now $32.00. At Hamilton's. dl8
Spare Is Rented
The state ... industrial t accident
commission has rented two rooms
on the third floor of the Salem
city hall for the storage of rec
ords oL? that . department. Be
cause of the suggested condition
of the state" capital there Is no
room In the state house for the
records. ,
Moving to Salei
- Frank Sever, denpty state treas
urer, will hereafter make his home
In Salem, having rented rooms in
the Court apartments. Mrs. Sev
er, who has continued to live in
Portland since her husband was
appointed deputy treasurer about
two years ago, has moved to Salem.
f ' . """"awaajaBa
Wanted-- . t-''.
93500 loan on city property. In
terest paid monthly. See W. A.
Liston, 484 Court St. ; 13-dl8
Certificate Asked '
The Malheur. Railroad, com
pany has applied to the Interstate
- commerce commission for a certi
- flcate of public convenience and
necessity authorizing construction
, of a line. from Burns to Seneca.
f Notice of the application has been
I received by the public service
.' commission.
3 BIrs. Rose Conrsen-lteeC
Successful vocal teacher of Port
v land will open vocal classes in Sa
V lcm. after the holiday. . For terms
, address 308 Bush and Lane Bldg.,
Portland. .- . . ' ' d. dl8
Wright man Receives Gift 1:
Frank. Wrightman of Salem,
deputy grand exalted ruler for the
Next to Bligh Hotel.
- , Hot Coffee and Sandwiches
. Baked Virginia Ham
ad Coffea. 1 5c. ;
Drop Zaaad Try Oar Cofft -"A
plac whera ladiea can trad"
Royal Cherry Trees
.- .vTtfi rnrinM Inn nn nil eTserrr and
prune stock. Sales yard and'of-
f ice at Cherry City Hotel, 13Q 5.
-. High. . ; I ...
? 1IATH13 irrjESEEY ;CO.
Dfflce Phone 1758.... Res. 10F4
;f Equitable Savings A loaa
, f - Association ,
, i V Portland, Orecon.
! ; lEarry G Heeney, Representative,
j t 01 Masonic Rids. Phone 1849
j Ul Onm Baniiag . Napboas 457
. Iht Searey. Bell Insurance
General Doauranca
uiny" Bu '
Traak Waf ar
' (Formerly Dr. Scbenks) r, ?
I SU3 S. Cottage bu . . -
Grafted Walnut Trees
Xatprevcd rwndi Pmn Trees
iK Oraeral Kawery fitock
j SalM Tard and Office, 644 Terry 8t.
A. J. BIATHIS, Propi
- Office Ihone 109. Res. 114031V
- ostxopAtiiz
. ' The Original and Genuine Spin
al Adjustment Treatment, bxiu
full. Painless Adjustment that
gets1 results. t
Osteopathle Pbyslclaa and .
Surgeoa . - '
CSS Oresoa Rids. Salem.
1 .. 1
Orteonithn VaysieUa and fcargsea
BlMtraaM Xlac-sesU ana nt
Dt. Akxsaat lUtked.)
'. Estab'Jshcd 1863
General En!dnj Business
Office Honrs Frcra 10 A. ZL to 3 P. U ;
gffl0! MARCUS
Has Gifts That Will Delight the Heart of
. - . . the Most Critical - -
V .i)o all your shopping In ono store aud avoid con-
; fu -kni. . We fcavo something for every member of
Oregon south district of the B. P.
O. E. is the recipient of an elegant
smoking stand, a gift from the
lodge at Marshfield, presented
men ne visited that lodge last
Wednesday, f it is made of Oregon
myrtle wood," and is on display at
the club rooms of the Salem lodge.
Van Winkle to Defend
Governor Pierce vesterdar ent
a letter to Attorney General Van
tvinaie requesting him to defend
the tax conservation and supervis
ing commission of Yamhill eonnt
which has been ; made a party to
tne .mandamus action brought by
several banks of the county court
to compel the inclusion of several
items In the county tax levy which
it is alleged the commission has
eliminated. Members of the Yam
hill commission called on the gov
ernor personally.
HaUowell Orchestra
Concert and Dance bv El Karax
Grotto. Armory Wed. Eve., Dec 19
- . dl8
Dr. Pound Leaves Today
Dr. B. F. Pound and faily will
leave today for Washington, D. C,
where Dr. Pound has received an
appointment to ' the army dental
college. While Dr. Pound is ab
sent from the city, Dr. A. E. Ber
ger, his associate, will have charge
of his dental practice.
Legion Meets Tonlgn
Capitol Post No. 9, of the Am
erican legion, will hold its last
meeting of the year aft the armory
tonight. All eligible . ex-service
men are Invited ? to attend the
meeting, which will be followed by
a feed. The committee investigat
ing a permanent home for the post
is expected to make its report.
Error in Proof Reading
- Through an error in proof read
ing' the Sunday Statesman, the
cost of the new First Church of
Christ,- Scientist, church to be
erected on Chemeketa near Liber
ty was given as 85000. The cost
of the building will be 835.000.
16-Inch Block Wood
' Three - larga loads for 115.00.
Quick j delivery. Fred S. Wells.
Phone 1542.
Woomen Plan Social Friday
" -A social evening." featuring a
Christmas program, is being ar
ranged for an open.meeting of the
Women of Woodcraft and,.,, the
Woodmen of the 'World.'!. Theiaa
tertalnment .will be given Friday
night. '
Bill Hunt and Eddie Richards ,
In the main event at the armory
tonight. Show starts promptly at
8:30. Ladies tree. dlS
P-T Association Meets
' The regular meeting of the Lin-coIw-McKinley
Parent-Teacher as
sociation will be held tonight. The
McKinley school recently had been
beautified "and improved by," a
largo number of shrubs.
Pioneer Itadcrs Confer
; Pioneer leaders of. prego'n and
Idaho met for a three-day confer
ence in 5 Portland last week. The
meeting was attended by Edwin
Socolofsky and Loyal Warner, who
returned-!-Sunday i-. night. -, The
movement is going strong since it
was taken up in earnest last fall
and only, minor changes fin the
manual and. score cards was af
fected at the meetings. TheAs
sociatlon of Boys Work Secretar
ies was organized at the meeting.
This commission will meetJFebru
ary, 17-19 in Portland in connec
tion with the interstate ' YMCA
convention, which opens two days
earlier . j . . -
JLmas. Trees . " '
Order sow. : Flake's Petland.
We deliver. . 4-d7tf
Stolen Bicycle Recoygred . , ;
A bicycle that had been 'recov
ered by the police was': claimed
Monday by Norris Kemp. Ray
Nelson, 780 North Cottage re
ported that someone had stolen
the seat from his bicycle.
Physician Meet Tonighl
The Polk-Yamhlll-Marlon Medi
cal society will meet tonight at the
state hospital for - the insane at
, we've rot it.
7:30 o'clock. Dr. John C. Evans
of the state hospital staff will con
duct a clinic which will be an ex
hibition of cases illustrating syph
ilis of the nervous system. ?. Dr. L.
F. Griffith, assistant superintend
ent of the hospital, will conduct a
clinic which will be an exhibition
of cases illustrating hysteria
Huntington's chora and sleeping
sickness. j . V'5' -i--; : ".
The Public Should Know
1 That the only test of value by
Dr. Abrams method " is the serv
ice of a physician graduated' at
Abrams college In San Francisco,
or a college recognized by him.
To date Dr. B. II. White Is the
only physician in Salem qualified
and equipped to use the Abrams'
diagnosis and treatment instru
ments. There are some 50 imita
tions of Dr. Abrams' machine.
Persons in Salem are now adver
tising and using one of these imi
tations under the name of Abrams.
Adv. ' d!9
Building Permit Issued
A building permit was issued to
R. E. Boatwright Monday by Mar
ten Poulsen, city recorder. It was
for the construction of a $1500
dwelling at 655 Twenty-first. 1 .
Reclamation Funds Provided :
Hubert Work," secretary of the
Interior, in a telegram received at
the offices of Governor Pierce yes
terday, said he Is doing every
thing possible to obtain reclama
tion funds for the state of Oregon.
He indicated In the telegram that
funds for reclamation in ' Oregon
will be included in the 1924 bud
get. ' ' - . 4- .
For That Christinas Gift
St. -Andreasberg Roller, , "The
canary with a college education."
Flake's Petland, 273 State. dl9
Church! Property Being Cleared
In preparation to moving! the
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
the northest corner of Chemeketa
and Liberty, has been nearly clear
ed of several large trees. . These
have been cut up into wood and
the big roots divorced 'from the
ground. The church, which; , is
Just across the) street, will be
moved in the near future.
Rowley Not Confirmed
: That , he cannot be confirmed
until committees from the chuches
are appointed and get organized
for? the work, which has not yet
been accomplished, is the state
ment made by F. P. Rowley act
ing scoutmaster for the Turner Boy
Scout troop. ... ., Previous announce
ment had been made that his post
tion had' been confirmed bjj tg
meeting Saturday night. This
was a Joint meeting of represen
tatlves of the two churehes to de
vise some plans whereby a better
organization could be perfected.
Boxtmr at the Armory
c: Tonight. Starts promptly at
8:30. 5 bouts. Ladies free. ai
Rural Carriers Get Rest-
Rural mall carriers will not de
liver mail or make their usual
route Christmas day, according to
information given ye&terday by
John - Farrar, postmaster, city
carriers will make one delivery,
and will be on- duty until noon.
Rotarians Plan Surprise ;
Whatever is In store for the
weekly luncheon of the Rotary
club Is a dark secret and members
of the entertainment committee
refuse to divulge their plans until
Wednesday noon, i ;
Holly for Sale J
r City View Cemetery.
Advertising Class Postponed , .
, LTnon request of several mem
bers of the Y. M. C. A. advertising-
class, the meeting from last
night was postponed until Mon
day night, January 7, The mem
bers are busy with the Christmas
rush at present. ' ;
McCroekey Is Sneaker
Benoit McCroskey, president of
the Salem high school student
body, spoke upon "Boy Work", at
tho Christian church In Dallas
Sunday night. McCroskey is also
president of the , Older Boys' con
terence. - ' ,
Speeder Is Fined
For speeding. Cuy Asher was
fined $10 in the Justice court Mon
day. He was arrested by II. W.
Meyers, spe;lal officer.
Doran Goes to Prison . ,
, Louis Doran. was taken 1 to the
state prison ; yesterday from the
county jail and has started a 10
year sentence following .his . con
viction of sodomy. ' After his con
viction it was announced by his
attorney that Doran would appeal
the case, but changed his mind a
few days ago. Doran was arrested
in July and was sentenced about
two months ago. ' - .v
Extra Special
840.00 Mahogany splnnet desk,
now 832.00. At Hamilton's. dl8
Plans Extra Edition '
An exceptionally fine edition of
Lend a Hani.! prison publica
tion, is being arranged by the edi
tor, who hopes to have his maga
zine off f the press early next
month. . The magazine this month
will be one of the best ever pub
lished at the institution, both re
garding editorials, special articles
and material. ;
Four .Speeders Arrested .
Four speeders were arrested
over the week end; by. Officer
Vogt. Donald R. Macy. 365 South
Seventeenth, was fined $5 when
he appeared before Marten Poul
sen, police judge. Clyde Madson,
439 Court, appeared but decided
to take 24 hours before entering
his plea. ; Mrs. Remoh XJlover.
1694 Court, failed to appear. V.
H. MacKenzle, 2000 South High,
was cited to appear December 21,
at 11 o'clock. -
For Xmas should be ordered as
early' as possible. "We expect a
big rush. . Order yours early and
give us a chance to install It prop
erly. Salem Electric Co. Masonic
Temple. Phone 1200. - d23
Woman's Arm Bruised
In a collision between the auto
mobiles driven by her ; husband
and George W. Kendall, 235 N.
Twenty-fifth, Mrs. O. W. Thomp
son received a bruised arm Satur
day night. The accident happened
at Wilson and Commercial.
Matron's Job Sought
Since it btecame known that
Mrs. , Blanche Coe, police matron.
will not seek reappointment, a
score of applicants have sought to
land the position, according to
Mayor J. B. Glesy. The appoint
ment will be made in a short time.
It-is not known whether there
will be any new appointments in
the personnel of the patrolmen.
El Karaz Grotto-
Presents, the Hallowell Orches
tra in Concert and Dance at the
Armory, Wed. Dec. 19, 8:30 p. m.
School Clerk Dies . .
C. A. Hoover, one of the direct
ors of the Manning Bchool, district
13; was conferring with Mrs. Mary
Fnlkerson. county superintendent
of schools, yesterday. - L". A. Jones
who died last week was-e'erk flf
district -13 and ,r, Hoover -.was
arranging for the election t of a
new official. ;
1 ;u H-
Tefcts Are Scheduled , i
5 Teachem examinations wJU. he
given. TVedneiday for one year,
five -rear and -life" papers.- The
tests will be given: at the . First
Methodist church. -
License Granted v
Harold B. Gilbert ol Portland
ind Vpr raroenter of Aurora.'
were granted a marriage license
yesterday, t
Extra Hoeclal
$40.00 Mahogany splnnet desk.
now $32.00. At HamUton's. dl8
Estate Settled ffe
The- eiUte of George O'Brien
has been settled and the admin
istrator discharged. 1
Administrator Named .
R. S. Marshall has been named
administrator for the estate of
Ml Be
REMET.TBRAWCE from Oregon are
absohzterjr distxactxre, Serest
and they will be moit welcome by yom
friends.' ' " ; ' - -; x-
When shopping look for, call for Oregon-made
products, liighty Cue pres
ents they make, too. , J ' . . .
' Oregon. Ttfatity is known the world
over. Let a, genexons part of your pur
chases be .Oregon goods thus advertise
your state and at the same time boost
payrolls which fuiiush employment for '
Oregon men and women and keep Ore-
gon money at home
.Every Oregon label is a certificate of
employment . for Oregon wage earners.
Buying Oregon gifts is an agreeable way
of helping the workers kiddies to realize
a happy Christmas through steady pay
found in shops
giad to help
Thomas Mahan and the appraisers
appointed are J. C. Gilbert, P. E.
Jensen and Charles Fonnal.
Administrator Named
: Sadie Jepsen has been appoint
ed administrator for theestate of
W. C Baker.
Talks at Methodist Church
Rev. T. H. Gallagher of the
Sunnyalde Methodist , church - In
Portland delivered the sermon at
the First Methodist church Sunday
morning. Much favorable com
ment is heard on the sermon.
Trumm Takes Agency
. W. H. Trumm, who for the past
six years has been engaged in bus
iness in Salem, has taken the
agency for the Jewett and Paige
automobiles and today is unload
ing a carload of Jewetts in his new
sales room. Mr. i Trumm an
nounces that while he will not be
able to secure any Paige cars before-January
25, he will be pre
pared to service all Paige and
Jewett cars in the territory. '
Objects to Stages
Because stage drivers had been
driving machines on his property,
Frank Durbin deemed It neces
sary to erect barrier to prevent
the custom. Consequently when
one of the posts was found -broken,
he blamed the stage company.
They' knew nothing of the mat
ter, they said, and suggested that
perhaps it might be one ! of the
telephone company's trucks that
was to blame. After a denial had
been obtained from the telephone
company. It was discovered that
one ' of the 'state trucks, hauling
wood, had caused the damage. It
had been the practice of all stage
drivers when proceeding to the
stage terminal to head their ma
chines upon the propetry owned
by Mr. Durbin, and then back into
the station.
Charles B. Hill was a Marsb-
f ield caller in Salem Monday.
Joe Turner, of Mill City, was in
the city over the week-end. ' t
i Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryan of Dallas
were Saturday night and Sunday
visitors in Salem. i f
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Frana
were recent' visitors in tbe city
from Dallas.
, Mr. and Mrs. Lvle M. Davis of
Roseburg were In the city yester
day remaining over until today.
R. Gi Balderee was a guest of
the .Terminal hotel last night.' His
home Is in Dallas. - r
Mr. and Mrs. AT Krause spent
Boy Your Christmas L
Candies at the Spa
' 1 . n - -."
f ' . - :
Made right here In Salem.
Strictly fresh. .
Hundreds of beautiful
Finest quality possible to
Late shoppers will find a
full -assortment.
A real candy store opera t-J
ing its own factory; employ-'
ing a large ' force of help
that live here.
For . - Merrier - Christmas.
-plenty are to be
We will be.
or phone
TheAssocintrrl TnArtfriea
',-.'.TC3 Cretan EsxTLTa; T.-.-
Sunday' visiting their parents In
C. E. Barrey of Blin Slough
was in Salem Sunday. ' '
C. A. Kells, YMCA Secretary,
was a Portland visitor yesterday.
- Charles E. Wieder, of Albany,
Is spending a few days ion business
here. v 'r:, .-. : -: r :
B. B. Doughton. of he Lebanon
district, spent . Suntay with his
brother, I. B. Dough Aon.
Mrs. Li Van lelle, Pendroy.
Mont., writes, "I Sike your Cough
Medicine very w m. My little boy
6 years old, had , a very bad cough
and after using . FOLEY'S HONEY
cured relief." For coughs, colds
and hoarsenesy. there is no better
remedy on th tV market today than
COMPOUND. It has stood the
test of tlm a, serving three gen
erations. G jrt the genuine; refuse
substitutes. Sold everywhere.
Adv. '
Christrras Spirit Well
Manifested in Salem
The 'Individual Christmas Bplrit
is betajg manifested as never be
fore h J Salem and there are so
many i Christian people who are
planning to bring the spirit .of
Christ to many little hearts that
j Candy
A box of candy is always
Acceptable ' .
Societle Chocolates "
91.00 and $1J50
Krauses High Grade Candles
20c to 30c per lb. .
. . - t ..... " .. . T
Seals, Stickers and many other
articles appropriate -to the sea
son..' .
12th and Center Sts.
Has the
a Future?
All members of the Logan
berry Growers sxcnane and
all other, growers are 'invited
to the
Chamber of -Commerce
Thursday Afternoon
of Thfc AVerk
v 1:30 o'clock. -
H. H. Haynes who has returned
from the eastern markets' will
tell what eastern' people think
of the loganberry.
c.-& c
Just at the time you are trying: to save on your .'
Christmas Shopping
' t : - . ,
. .'.. " -
Holiday Slippers
AH of our men's and ladies' Quality Felt Slippers, regu
i lar $2.00; Bargain Tuesday....::J.....$lj59
All Christmas Tree Ornaments, one-fourth less i
?5.50 Ladie's Silk Umbrella, Bargain Tuesday.... $4.50
75c Fancy Large Turkish Towels, Bargain Tuesday J..59c
25c satin finish Candy, Tuesday Bargain, pbund.....19c
New crop Almonds, Bargain Tuesday, pound 19c
Ladies' $15 Felt Slippers, Bargain Tuesday :.98c
Lower prices on Baby Knit Wear, Coats, Caps, Leggings
for Bargain Tuesday - . -
A Few Grocery
1 lb. 4 oz. Pride Mince Meatj...L....:....:.A.....10c
89cgood grade Broom, Tuesday ...i....J.:......69c
Barton's Best Fancy Hams, Tuesday ...;.......26c lb.
Bacon Squares ; ; ..15c lb.
2Ys lb. Schillings Best Coffee.: ...j... 95c
Va lb. Schillings Black Tea l....M:.r......-......39c
No. 2 tin Fancy Pack Crushed Pineapple,
Bargain Tuesday ........i..........;...0c'
Three for .1 55c
5 lb. Schilling Baking Powder.....:....., ..$119
Fancy glass humidor of Prince Albert or Velvet, Christ
. mas packing, Tuesday
Make your dollars reach by doing your Christmas buying
at the C. & C. Store, 254 N. ComV Phono ZZ0
would never be told of Him in any
other . way. This : is the statement
made to Ensign Holbrook of the
Salvation army. -
This beautiful way of celebrat
ing that day of days is taking hold
of x many of the classes In
many of the Sunday schools
around town and there Is not a
day passes but some one of the
many under Shepherds of the Mas
ter tell of . their desire to hove
their charges bring gifts for some
who are less fortunate. . ';
'As far as the Christmas and
winter relief effort of the Salva
tion army is concerned this year,
the receipts so far from the ket
tles and checks sent in is far be
hind that of las year.
Ensign Holbrook says' that at
Thanksgiving time the that .way
that the Christian people in the
Sunday school classes put out ma
terial blessings in the way of good
ies was far beyond describing. .
. . The ensign says that ' Christ's
people are not forgetting the cele
brating of His birthday in a most
appealing manner. ' .n.
if 9
Hartman Jewelrv Store
The ERA Clinic
Diagnosis and Treatment . of 5
" JHsease by the -
Abram's (E. R. A.) Method
Children's Cllnle Dally
Consultation Free
Dr. Harrison I. Folk,
Dr. Paul G. Stapran
Hours1 10 a. m. to S p. m.
Cor. 15th and State (1484 8tate)
Pure Clean
In Every Pound of Our - !
. .
So. waste ;-,. Very little sh.
rhe right size for your stove
range or furnace.
'Phone 1853
Good Coal and Wood. -Broadway
at Hood,
; ' A. A.
Buying gifts for ycr
men folks need net I
a puzzle cr cji c
travagance. Our fr
prices emphasize i.
advantage of ce!c.;
Cheney Tic
(None Better)
(Quality First Then Pi
Percales and LlzC
51.75 to C2.C3
Fibre Silk ....... C3.
Silk Shirts ...C
) w - Silli Son
75c and Cl.CD
Fancy Silk Sen
Silk and Worsted
52.00 to 03.50
Auto Glo
51.50 to C5.C0
.r -
' Men's '
Men's LTcatKsr ar "
Felt Slippers 01.C
Lisle Sox , .
....... .
Fibre Silk .;..5r
Silk Plaited Z:
Fancy Wool & Cotton U
Cassimere Sox Z"
Wool Gloves 5 '
Linen Handkerchiefs,
at 33c and Z':
Initial Handkerchiefs,
: at .......l..
Men's and Boys Bells.
Cashmere Sox .
Kum-Part Cuff
, Battens Z
Arm Bani.3 lCc and 2
Suspenders ....
r '
. ... u .
A. A. Ch:'.