The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1923, Page 1, Image 1

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0 (to ..
Tha H0!.!E Newspaper
AdTertiser's ret yetnrss frc
tLelr aia la tte tatcs.aa I :
It-is read. lntbd bonr i thrz:
oat Salem and: "all ilarioa i
Polk counties. .' ' ; . t
r" i . r- vo that Christmas Gift
I '.-i. It's about tLat time of
S ! I ! '::
1 .1
V V"
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f . V, r-
LC -vr J-'VArV
1 1 nil r r r uri .i -- :
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liL . !iTILL
!!0L . iFiiSI
Fiv-f ::ro Fui!;3 Crests Tck
r r ci C:.rni:r.:h:p fcr
v :'j:.:h:jt REFU3LicAr:s
- i -.y.'ArTIINGTDN, Pec,. J7. The
; la-t-9 eesate'erer. t!i9
C"TtI:i;cf an interstate comtnercs
committee chairman contjrmed to
dzy tut-tie house perfected. Ita or-C-z'.zlzzi
by arroYins its stand
iajr corinltt-e elate.-. I
1 FiTe i-c r a tallou were taken by
I the r- "T!ilr will-res aru'e t ot
! lr? to'nerrowtwiththe expectation
I tt t t-e lUrutlicari,,, Insurgents
I viil iie i"ti.'elr support to Senator
) "h cf r -ithXarollTja, the rank
fir j D; ocrat on the committee,
t TLli vc.a'Ot.the.X'em6-
crata woald In his election.
J II ''-'rortHI First i '
I . 'The. "iJisargtats, today supported
I first L itor llowtll, lUpublican,
I .c trasta- e- 3 then -Casator Cou
ins. Iteptit::can; Ulchlsanr whTo
Vc-zt!:3-!r.-t. :!! :r. rrtclTel.12 TCtca.
In addition to that of the insar-
"senti he drew carport from Sen a
f tors Cumiahis cf -Iowa; "who "hia
i been endorsed by the Republican
party conference for ILe'cLaTnuan-
ship; Goodlnsl Idaho; ! Jones.
I T7asair ".?-:.: "Nortc!t, .SouUi.JDar
.iikota. iii 'lvrah, Iia'.x :
' ; the 'ballets tb Dem
. : ccrats-T&ii eilid'.r f:r Crator
-'Ciith eTcert-Eeaal.r .Truce "cf
T'.Haryli-d," iiocontauc4; -to-sup-
port Senator, Cummins. r.
I j Orsaalzatloa ' ... "I Up
The housd wc ind up Its orgaal
zatlon which ha I been hansing;
fire for two weeks Sa quiclt order.
''v!.Detiora.ts demac : i dslte cij
. the Republican committee asslfn-
meats whlch had been revised to
Include-. Representatlra Nelson,
WisconaTi, the - l-s urgent leader;
on the rules committee but failed
to Crl'r. t3 ratificalicnCTotel the
iasurgents. with three exceptions,
.-roting with ths Republican organ-
--lzatlon. . v ,. "' ' . ' '; ' I
The Democratic slates were ap
? proved by a viTa Toce vote.-
' The house action enabled com-
; mlttees confrcrti. with pressing
j legislation finally to. cet down to
; work, the a pproprlatlons commit
: tee neetlss at once to perfect Its
' organization. Division "of: the
' committee into sub-committees for
- the framing of the- annual , sup
ply tills will be completed tomor
4. row. .. ' " 1
Ways and. Mean to M.eet .
The ways and means committee
which must pass on revenue legis
;lattea before It considered
1 by 1 the house will hold Us initial
. ; meeting tomorrow with the pros
; ' pect that an effort. wilL be made
i I to give the soldiers' bonus bill pri
i ; ority over the Mellon tax reduction
; jrc"raxa.l v-:''- '".'v''l:
Two' members of - the committee
: Frear, Wisconsin,- a Republican
lasurgentr and. .Ralney; : Democrat,
Illinois, announced today that they
; would offer resolutions to side
track tax revision until the bonus
: till la reported to the, house.
Y . i f'cCoy t :v:s "Attchlicn
To F . z n 3 H Ll 2 , Question
Newton McCoy of the public
! I service commission said yesterday
r I that he' will devote" practically all
; . ' of his time, to the. rate case of the
- ' ; Pacific Tt-rtosa J5. Telegraph
s company until an order Is Issued
' I la 'the; case. "JIr,"' McCoy declined
- I , to -'say, when' he:' -ht the; or-
l ; ' dcr.vould. t3 "out,", tut Intimated
th&t it would be very" early in the
1 ; ycr, prbaps., duri- January.
TL s latest j hearing In the case
,-ii completed : the latter part of
OREGOX: Rain .Tuesday;
cart', jortioa; fresh :
a. S
Seventli C re-ren Man T.IrJtcqi Ilnown K: dt Desire
Baker f .lir is Fcurlli
.Enter Kace for majr
. PORTLAND, Ore., Decj 17. tate Senator W lh Stray
er: of Baker tonight announced his candidacy-for. the demo
cratic, rionuriatian for. United States theforthcom
is$2Iav primaries.; . : : ri-o ; , '. ijjl' Hit "u 5 i It'll :
Other democrats, seeldn?.
Hilton A- Miller . and. Gecrpre- Mansf ici J; - -Oil the republican
cida, Senator Charles Ii -LIcNary.flJsypr-George; Baker of
Portland and. K. K. Kubli are in the contest. : j -;
; ilL'JSDllP
Mandamus May: Be fnstitut-
ed By Attorney to Make -;
Affair C0rrje;to Trial "
Mandamus proceedings will be
instituted in. behalf .of . Dr. A. ' k:
Wrigbtman - by, I.. H.; McMahani
his attorney In .an effort, to force
P. J. Kunts, justice of the- peace.
to-set a-date for trial, unlessGov
ernbr Walter If. Pierce decides
before- tonight who wilt prosecute
the defendant,' it was - stated yes
terday afternoon. Attorney Mc-
Mahan- declares hi3 client Innocent
anq ejiueq;o,an eri iriai-i,
Dr. -wrisatman,, prominent Sil-
vertcarphyfeiviaa,,. was '. arrested
some time ago by II. : H. Lants,
state prohibition officer, and
fcrousht iato the Justice court.
Though Governor Piercer- said
yesterday that he would immed
iately order the attorney general
to take charge of the prosecution.
thatofficial denied having had any
notification regarding the "case;
John Carson, district attorney, de
clares' he is not to prosecute, for
the governer-had notified him-the
prosecution, would be handled by
the attorney generator "I ''" f
Monday Justice 'of the- ' Peace
Kuntx get the Dr. Wrlghtman case
for Thursday, : "providing that It
is satisfactory to the attorney
general.'. -r -v ' ?--'
When asked, if this date would
be satisfactory, the attorney; gen
eral desi? I- that .head. anyjtin
to dO with, the hearings
tovuivz f-rlher;hs teea hard
from ;tte coverror- a.'
ge'stioa V-aj r.ada: ttattbe-' attor
ney general wpuld take charge, ac
cording to District Attorney. Ctx
son; .-; ' -, - .. f . .-t.
And so the case; rests- at prts-
ent, with. the . probability, of newJ
dexelopments today.
HillUUl-lt 1 ;
Federal ' Mexican. Txoops
Launch uttensive Against
TCOGALES. Ariz., Dec. If Fed
eral forces from the Tepic garri-
have, launched, an eastward ptl en-
91 re, . atairt., the . reoIutionJ$ts'
ctror shcMAt Gua4alaiarii anX a
battle on that site appears-near
with the advance of -Obrcgon fed
eral .army fr5ms theJe?st toward
the stronghold, according toL off I
clal dispatches - reteired- here lop
day. ;. . . .- ,.- . . '
" The offensive of the afmyfrom
the west, which numbers SO 09
troopers, who last week pursued
several hundred rebels toward the
Jalisco capital, will '; prevent' the
retreat of the revolutionists west
ward into Nayarit, the dispatshes
stld- AuVic'c j receivecTby Colonel
ChanezHus'taniente,.prsOaal -Vep-i
resentatire here of Governor
Flores of Sinalda, told of the two
movements.. , , ..
. Indications ,- that -preparations
were under; way for a sangnlnary
struggle for, ' supremacy of the
stronghold! inl the central ;parjt of
the republic were contained 'In ll
advices ' received here. ' General
Meya's army will entrench at Ear
ar n n'eecri! i g to' word received
-' - i t:.'--.'--'-J out
- mm
cf crccratic Party to ;
Frtraary, -
the nonir.aticn are. 7. Ei ICinj.
.'; :Q5liEPiT
Loss h n City Helcf to Mi ni
. mum, Says Fire Chief in
Annual Statement
3 Traveling' 23 S miles.: the! Salem
lire. 1; department t answered? 154
alarms daring the last year accord
Ins to the. report ol Harry, Hottoni
chief of-the department, presented
to the-clty uncil last- night. Four
out-of-town ' calls were made by
the department which, traveled 2
miles to reach these fires. . - !
The loss of buildings within the
elf y' or'Salem" was ,: 1 5,8.1 6 of
which S13.976 was covered by in
surance, according to tae'reporj:;
Loss of contests .oj .tie buUdixiil
was: given as 118.550 "on which
117,032 worth of insurance - was
carried, r,'- i'"-t--u:j i': v. - i H
' For. the firea outside of Salem
to which the laical department re
sponded the loss was 145,000 en
which insurance of $124,830 was
carried. the equipment of the 16
cal department was reported to as
in good repair 'except one of the
two combination . chemical aind
h,osA cartwliJch wa said to "hve
seen Its best days. ; t ll
: . .. ... :.' ' 1-
rne council tasc mgnt voieafio
accept the-bid -of the Valley Mo
tor company for a light-car for
use by the- Tire department, i pro
vision for which; is made In the
budget of 1S4.. irwaa understood
that no contract would be entered
to tith the motor company not
would any, money . be paid down
until' after. January 1. The car, is
to be uslirfor Jight service in the
opartmento. rir ' ii
.MPoulsen,, eity .recorder, re
ported: - to the fcouncil last night
tba,t a rating man from the Oregon
Fire Rating association -was fin
town and' was arranging the ref
rating- of ' the-' city, property which
was promised , several months ago
following tbe: purchase of addi
tional: fire equipment by the city;
: .iilS GIVES
: nr Tii
Baker Gives Hints as to
, . What- Losans Need for
4 4 ' Better-Marketing
-The-only solution , to the prob
lem of the loganberry grower lies
hi the orgaaiaatioa if growers'
association, setting aside 1 centra
ppudj' ;esdless of , what ; price
mayf be-received, the hiring of la
good man who thoroughly under
stands the- eastern markets and
tie purhiss of sales in one or two
cities a r a time was the opinion
expressed by II. 1L Ilaynes. of tie
Haynes-Foster Baking company,
LWith plants in Portland and Sa
lem, who recently v spent threo
months in the east investigating a
possible outkV for the, fruit.
v CTrovif r Are Ir"Joraat
" One 6t the'' greatest mistakes
made by growers is. - in' sending
fruit east without knowledge pf
conditions, markets or of the mer
its of the fruit, Mr. Haynes sat!
Y0tt "must bear in mind that
eastern people .know little' about
Oregon B.d Portland and nothing
ofSalera or. of lc-anberries. My
'suggestion" would ' te- to set aslda
1- cent a pound for a good men.
have-' neat, card jr'atel static
TO BE FiiiEf'O
s - -is " -r
For First Time Representa:
.tive cf That i Gavernment
Directly Addresses United
i States. President
Russian :.!CooricraWes, Re-
portea-ta BeComing to
i, Thia Country ;
MOSCOW.! Dec 17. -Foreign
Minister Tchitcheria'e note-asking
resumption of! friendly relations
between Russia and America, ore-
sent the firet intaace of a mem
ber of the ''Soviet government di
rectly addresslag the president' of
the United : States, r Once in 1921,
the soviet central 'executive com
mittee senl 'iar communication " to
the American congress but PM-
vio'us communications front VM.
Tchltcherln, Utvinoff and - other
members of the' government have
been seat to the secretary of state.
. Ooolidge ninth Amity::
It appears that the Moscow gOY-
e)rnment Is really hopeful of re
ceiving aa answer to the: present
offer. '; President CooIIdgeV ref
erence to Russia 4n , his 'message
to. congress" wh)le not 'altogether;
pleasing to tHe vBolshevIkl; "Was
considered 14 bfflcial circles here
M.W;S ortrar4lfiK4 Tcheria's
no.teis naderstopd to. mean exa,et-
IX jwhaV itl saya .that ntha soviet
government li rea'dyrto jd4 Aiytn
its powcr-'so far-as theii.atty
and interests of Us' country, per-
mlta ttf -bring . abont a .friendship
with 'the-United States. -i.
iiow zarKuaniaiaa xeaay iq ge
in thir dirtctibh in the'ease of bet
claim against the X'nited states for
the American; intervention In.
beria and- the archangel region is
not clear but. frpm . unofficial
soarcea It appears, that the . ques
tion of debts would, not be con
sidered greatly t important in the
event, negotiations were brought
-bout,. - ... t..-.;. , j -,V, i ...
uooperauves uomuiz ;
". lit is recalled that Karl Radek
in an article in the of ficial Pravda
last y eair said Russia was ready to
buy " American, recognition. -s
The - soviet aovernment : Is rept
resented . as believing " that hpvf
Jnbre.thaa ever there is a. para
mount necessity .for. some "stabil
ity in . Rusao-Ara erica n relations;
Russian cooperatives are said, to
be' .coming, to, the. United; States
and its- further reported that ...a
syndicate recently was " formed
there to finance tne saipmeni pi
American cotton to ' this country:
: Both the ' business and political
interests are, coming' to , the view
point hee and. seem, to be turning
towara tne iaea or.- aeaung
Russia. and the. Russians, undqubt
edly have, heea encouraged by- the
efforts to briQg about partlcipa
Hon In the 1 reconstrnction ot, tQ
country by the -Americah-EnglUb
syndicate represented, by Walter
L. .Brqwn. ;'. ' . .
Head of 'American :Legion
Wonders at Effect of Re :
t lease of Prisoners f
' - 'J" Ct'j i, 3; i
INDIANAPpLIS, i Dec. 17.--
John R. Qolnn, J national "com
mander pf. the American legion, in
a" statement Issued from'- the le
gion national headquarters here
this aftejuqoa; wonders "what efr
feet the action i oJ-President Coot
ldge in releasing violators of war
tlmeavrs': UlijSaturday? '.'will be
on the ne-a generation.;
The statement read: " - -. ,"
V'JThe' i president ',-ot ,' the. United
States ha'sj released. 3 1 criminals.
I cannot but wonder what the ef
fect! wilt be upon' the; next genera
tion, v , Suppose another , war were
ihtminent. .Would . the,1 radical,
cowardly, ahpatriotic1 and alien
groups within our nation choose
service in the armed forces of the
country Tor,': would w they, choose
spending ; a limited time in Jail f
Would they prefer the-loss ot life
toithe: tempdntry loss, of liberty?
v ould they; accept on the one
hand the certainty" of eventual re
lease from the penalty of their
crir? e ' cr-.V-oalt-jlh eyi.acrcpt " t ' e
l-rfiriy cf 1:5a tzi lirtb frl fr -
Blizier,:Berkrenendx Harinj
A d m 1 1': Receiving ' Wcney
- for Enforced Assistance
KUGTBNE, Or., Dee. 17. With
the arreathere this - af ternoonr of
CharIesP7 Blasieri western ' Lane
county ' homesteader, the trio ' of
ranchers who: secreted the three
me a who robbed, the bank at. Flor
ence of nearly ? 8.0 00 last Tues
day are la custody. -
'The other two. men under arrest
are Nels Berkren and Jack Har-
ment to the sheriff - Berkrea-and
Haring kepi the three robbers, at
Berkren's nouee .; from Tuesday
night until Saturday; night when
Blaster piloted .them, through, the
edge of Florence to the railroad
station at Cushmai Cwhere he said
he. thought they, boarded a freight
tralnf or 'Coos Bay hut that . he
was not certain.
. Blazier said he received 8 200
for his assistance, being threaten
ed with hia life if , he - .refused.
Berkren andr Haring - were paid
81.500 for shieldine the robbers
from- th posse,-according; to Ttheir
confession and more than 81.000
of the. money was-recovered," on the
Berkren place. Berkren ahd.Hlr
iBg said that' Tonv Murray, 23,' is
one, of. the-robhersy' but that "they
dtd .not know the others wnose
ages are; 20 and 21. T Murray JItes
somewhere in vv asningion, taey
stated,' but had been in the west
ern part of Lane county frequent
ly. . , 1 ' , '
-- 'fx - -
- V
s. riS;.
, i .j-
- i ii J' -A t t
Splendid- Gold Prizes4 to ? Be
; : Awarded . m ; Statesman ;
ti;: ufnrti;
viuiucdi i Hid iiccrv , .(.
, r'(By the Contest. Editor.) r :
This week we . are offering ' to
the1 contestants in tne Statesman's
Big Automobile Contest- two -valuable
offers.- On otferiis 150,000
EXTRA- VOTES on every 815.00
worth' pf i subscriptions.' ; Tfliat
means that yon. will ?alst receive
the votes on the regular achee ule.
It will hot be very much of aa ef
fort to tne contestants to ' ieenre
815.00 worth of subscriptibns,'and
It will: be a great help 6 you to
have; that 150,000 extra Votes.
: lI am also going, to : give to" thfe
contestant in the ' city 1 of Salem
who secures the most" money on
su barer iptlons - 825.0Q. ln i gold, I
am: also going to-glye to the-con
testant on., the. outside territory of
Salem. 825.00 In gold. This prize
will mean some thing to you and
something for Christmas. It will
mean -something that ybtt did not
expect to' 'get.' i The citycbnteslr.
ants do not have to compete with
the ediintry, so you see it la not
as hard as ; yon" thought "it would
be. '-This offer starts December
17th and ends December 2 2nd,
lust 'one; week's"-wor'kvrt : ...f.S
Mrs. Carl Muller of Sllverton,
Oregon leads' the- whole race in
the contest- today ' with' 630,925
votes.' 'Mrs. Muller hai1 been; layw
lag Very-low at the first and today-she
surprises her friends bjr
heading the list." riw - i
. Mr.'HenrjrKlossaff-"of Salem',
Oregon .Is second: in-(he list with
$309J)vV ,.totea"C enrx JU'' iu'st
twenty-f ivV Totes behind Mrs'. Mul
ler Heary.Js. the.,boy. who , just
'won bna of the. diamond.' rings and
he claims that - he la; going', to car
.rjr . of f . one . of thp. cara it possible.
.MlssGlenna RusseJlVjof. Marlon.
Oregon, cornea third, with 877,08 D
L Miss Russell haa been do
ing. some very fine: work and the
result, puts her. where she .Is ' to-
day,. . . . . , . . ; i
From 0e Hbnor"RoIl today be
eidea thcT three above are Miss
Hazel !Peetx; Conneli . WardV Henry
Nugent : ldrrlal iM4Coy, Olaf
Blixeth and.Mrs Beckendorf.-
r -WeliopeTto see some heATy. rot
ing toia , wees: ana .many new ones
oa the-HDhof Roll; for: there rarp
raome of the contestant who have
bees: asleep, during:, the first part
of the contest' and' today. are grad-
ually treeptnjrtowaf da the top-,;
" - i Kbw ''remember . that these-' two
valuable', off ere. open ' December
17th;, and: close"; December 9 22nd.
At .least get one of -the ! 815.00
generous off era,
; NEWFOR'TWaslw Dec.rl7.-r--
-A huge-, still, rone :otrther largest
ever- unepvered -4n Pend O'ReiUe
ccuntyr a qaantity-.ofr moonshine
1'1'jor.snd- Janes. rasuanna a lad
r it -'
Representative- Gamer of
Texas;Says 0niy.525,CCD
Income - Surtax Payers
Would Benefit
i.- i 1 1 1 ' . 1 -1 ;:'iv- ";
V- - - . ; E i 'Jk
Congressman Believer Many
Democrats Would Co Fur- '
ther Than Sponsor
. WASHINGTON, Dec. ,17. Sub
stantial relief would be afforded
by the Mellon tax reduction plan
to- only 525,0 00 individual Income
surtax payers, Representative Gar
ner of Texas, ranking Democrat on
the- house ways and; means " com
mittee, declared tonight in a state
men t. '- ';'.' """'.;: '
u He" asserted however that "most
of the administrative amendments
embraced in Secretary Mellon' s
tax- recommendations an dseveral
others not Included should have
early and "favorable considera
tion'." '"'-. "" - '
V-'"-e'vb ''Specific.-"'
, Commenting on the benefits to
be dertved Mr Garner ' said that
congress "'coiild repeal ' the" entire
income taxes' of the 6,136,000 with;
incomes, of .85,000 or less 'which
would involve 'a loss of only. 8 9 '
000,000-:thereby. leaving, the .525,'
000 large income surtax payers as
the chief beneficiaries of the plan!.
?. rr ant astonished,;.: said Mr,
Garner,7rttthe amount, of false
or, misleading jnformtiohthat,4s;
being, so systematicallyyted out to.
the' American people Cto theetfect
that . freat and. wholesale tax.' re
ductions woul4 result to the people
generally; under' the Mellon plan.
Such, propaganda is a. fraud on the
country -iit ' tn;? '::lir: - . ;
,- i-j ..Can't. ?frtifiol j
There la mo; probable; opposi
tion to .the. removal of such" taxes
as those on telegrams and admis
sion to theaters I am willing
even to magnify the Mellon pro
posals to any ordinary extent and
anxious ? to aid - in ; seen rih g t he
tallest I measure of equitable in
come: tax reduction, but 1". cannot
Justify . a : policy that would 1 nilt
relief r to ; the '' American people
measureably to Mellon's 52 5,000
large income surtax - payers there-
by. Ignoring if not by implicatioa
excluding each and all ef the oilivf
methods of .wholesale relief which
1 have pointed-out.", ui't-.-v.;.
"Tl PORTCaND; Or. Dec- 17.r-T.
L. Scroggin, former: presidentof
the First National bank of Sheri
dan, Or., went on trial in the fed
eral court here ' today . charged
with misapplication of funds of a
national bank'
Message Sent to State Chairman of South Da-
I kota. RepubUcan Adnuiiistratiori Accused
il of Wistful Wishing
. Former Cabinet Member. "' ' : ? . .'
. . .... - . .
time director general of. the
nounced his candidacy tor the Democratic presidential nomi
nation in a telegram to VV. W. Howes, Democratic state chair.
Trtan. PiprrA. 5L Tl. . . 'f r-'A:-' ," - - ; - -
: Mr. McAdoo's formal acceptance of the platform adopted
by the Democratic proposal convention already is in the mail
t The telegram to South; Dakota Democratic state chair
man read: '
5 "Havinsr filed myformal acceptance, of the platform
adopted by the Democratic
by South Dakota law l cesvre again to express, my apprecia
tion of the honor conferredtipon merby the convention and to
say that I am willing to fight with and" for the people of
South-Dakota in support of the progressive principles
espoused by the convention. , - ' ' .
' "We rV-!l "?t r.o relief from the burdens now oppressing
' . -r- irx-ry 'direction throu-n th- F-
Hard Surface Said to
Proper . BaseNorlK Ti
. PavedNew Autonit!::! v PrHr-r
L A'J1 - : '1 it ' v : - - : 1 -f '" . .
iicincti approved Dy
Who is responsible, for the pavement on a. city
The residents and" property i owners : who petition fc r
pavement but, who have, nothing to say " t:.
tract for its. construction, or the city council which 1.. :
contract and later.makes the assessments ?
. . This;wasithe question put to the councilnicn b t :
when. the ordinance ; assessing the1 cost asinst ths ; l
property owners ;-of: the new pavement on North Trent
came up for final passage. A" property owner cn th t z
was present and. asked, .?Who Will take care cf th: :
ment?7XHe:wfent on to; explain that the .gravel i:J ,
had been provided on this street hsd been remove I r r '
pavement constructed directly on the soil vrhioh h-
siaerea an maaequate oase.
City WiiF Pay. Fifty Dollars
for- Information About
' " Law Violator ' - "
' ":,The citjj council last night voted
to offer a reward of .8,50 .for in
formation leading . to-the. arrest
and convictioa- or; the person: or
persons responsible for the: injury
recently to Miss Avis. Hicks. The
accident happened . ate State: and
Twelfth ' street "andrther Sersofr re
sponsible for. the accident did not
stop: to' render: assistance nor, did
he report ' the accidents . In addi
tion' to this he'cut a corner, caus
ing the accident.
" Information was asked pf the
city.,, to , whether, the
city, could' properly sgrant a re
ward' since, it was prevented from
paying such a - reward several
months ago. ;
Attorney Smith " said : that the
city ' could not pay a" reward for
tlif conviction; of a persoa for a
crime not punishable: under its
charteri ' The persoa responsible
ftor' hurting Miss v Hicks, whose
skull was fractured, -can be tried
on several eh'argea. punishable un
der the city charter. ' It was point
ed out by the attorney that if the
1 Per8P was found the state might
la." aaaiuonai action.
Mavor ' Giesr said. - that he
thought perhaps some persons in
Salem : might hare knowledge of
the guilty person or persons . . ; ; .
OOQU1LLE, Dec 17 Altoa Co
Veil who was found guilty "of "mur
der in the first degree last Sat-,
urday, will be sentenced today by
Judge Kendall to Ijfe imprison
ment at the state penitentiary.
Platform Accepted by
William Gibbs McAdoo, war
American railroads, tonight an
proposal convention, as required
. i V "1 I j '
be Laid cn BcilXi'Z
... -.-.'
Alderman -Wenderoth ti: :
he considered the pavement i
red to would not" last i r ? ;
three years. Alderman
vort said that water steal
pavement; fc"o'nlr.j a , tiL.
that: it , was a "rctt: i 1 1:
workv- ". '
': ' ' Cavintyls f 1
Alderman Van Tattea f- .
the residents tLire tsi r I
black p.'wenpr.t cz.1 th.'. tia c
ty built tL? 15 E"'l
"county" had never put C
good road yct" a z d r -' : ,
specific, instan cs'-' ;
others the Sllverton L: :.t
Alderman D:"cy ri ". V -cil
had a contract v ; ..
ty and. that if tl .? r
not good tfcs c.,, L." . .
county to ac cd u..t.
was "an issr. mer.t"cr "
lay'i.i V... . ....
rolves a lCiJ t ' j
passed tip "r';I t' '
that due cc
give a to the cc
property or - -r
they ha 1
. ." c
the stu a -: : ; :
U'. ' .T- r;. '
1 The" resGlui-; to
Twenty-fir:t. str"t'- f:
street to tl? Tr :
adored aft-, r a 1 :" cl t-. .
to ; assuraej the cost cf t! ;
ment at som future t! -e. J,'
maniVaa patto v
guarantee that the cjij rc
no more money throui tL".; :
jectthan through tha Oil:z
improvements. A met: : I.
Patton for. reconsideratlc i t'
paving project, later la tl .
ing, was lost. '
Parking Iw "rrci. 1
The rtaffic'ordicace, V - r
Ing restriction sectioa cL . :
was the subject of --r '
tests at the last-raeetlr cl
council, .waa . upheld, ty tL '
cil last night by a lar-a :- '
Alderman Van Pat f: i
fair right-but did : t
e hough. He now. ha? . " :i:
the couneil provin? t j
ments to the traffic c
relates to Jay wakir. z
ter of the street and tLa c.
parking of for-hire vehicle 3.
. , Watch Booze Dostroyc I
- Mayor Giesy introduced f
last night which would s.
the present ordinace perta!-"
the destruction of istcxi
liquors. The present proviso
f,he chief , of police shall r
order from the police J-': .
then destroy it at his will,
amendment provides that
mayor and city attorney ni
present when it Is destroy
if -they are unable to attend,
conncilmea shall he .chose
the judge to act in their plac
A motion to suspend tha :
and pass the bill to the third
Ing lost on the objection of
man" Patton who said he cor
ed it a libel on the police d,
meat. Mayor Giesy Insist
the contrary, that it was a r
tlon for the police derr
The bill will come up sp
reading at al ater meetins c:
council. '
Papers in Schcc! Z:
Are Served L';:;i T
Governor. TiercS yc '
served with a eery cf
plaint in the salt Lr. .
United lati district
Portland to restrain t'
r. H. Van V,-i',.la. - - '
eral, and Zizzl-y 1
attorney cf :'"'-:.
from cr.'
and r:l
t '