SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1023 aaamBaai!1! fi . . ... X3MsBmm section -. ... pttocM 3 Advertising iept. ... - - - i ; - CISSIFIED ADVEBTiaiMXNTS t" . - - ssBBxBaes . ' Em for wordi v 11 ' Ptf laaertioa - " - '- e Thro tasartim Norwich union TXBX INSURANCE SOCIITT J-- W. H. Burghardt, , Jr. t Reidat Agea. 371 Stat fit. MONEY TO LOAN Ob BmI Estat , ? Ti bford Orr 'I, A nsh Fanh, - T r AUTOMOBILES auto .sx?AZSzara GOOD MECHANIO CAN SAVE YOU many .-dollars on yoor - repair bill through knowing (iMtlj -what to d . and , how to- do it without any mdm veseaxy delay." Jack Doerfer Motor-R-pair. 410 8. Commercial. la-dl6 AUTO TOPS jsbsv. jtr (sate' 7"'",srl' If Auto Tops . W. It fiMISSKP 256 Stat St, Salem; Or " - r" : ' - ' " 1 FOR 'RENT FURNISH EPi " xi!. TV y.wri NICELY FURNISHED APARTMESTv AT .658 Center St. Phone. 92M. 2a-dl9 A NICELY FURNISHED -APARTMENT 590 UNION ST. Phone 567J. 2e-dl9 FURNISHED APARTMENT 3 ROOMS, -heated, close ' la. Phoae 1078, 692 N. - ummer. - - -. 2 PW 1 01 RENT S ROOM 'FURNISHED iartment with priraUbeth, Clos in. 'inon 1516M. -; - '- 2-dl2tf I-MIIAN'S AEAUTrETTS NICELY far , xushad. 265 S. CemmereUI. 2a-j4" ?"C3 EXKT-APAjSTM.KTa ' MX VO. iTonMBerHa A J'OR REXT Wo3m far' isbl hoo&e tar. 2 nontnl , notk"r furnUned bouae 4or -3 mnntbs. For bale -4 room new honae, $3000 1 " r-om eottsge 8330O; 100O acre farm "U lorted. $100 ie aere; 40 aere ' Hra) 'fully equipped north of Bale . 1 1500. By Gertrude J. M. Par.-- - . , . ' - , - . - , -v Sn-dlStf rrl REN T LARG B HOUSE AT 74o orth Winter. - Immediate poaoB t "on 33, or eall Stateamaa baaineaa . '! i --( . n28tf L ' 1GE FCKNISHED ROOM. 1173, K, v owth.itMt. Phone '2080M. 2e-dl8 INISHm ROOM APARTMINT .xirat bath. ZiZ N.rl2thr St. S0HU8 RENT V- AP1BTK1JT8 AD ' 'eepinc roona Leaaard Hotel. S4 X. j root Street. . , .,".' rEINTED CARPS; SUE 14. BT 7", wording "EBraiahed Koonria," price 10 eeata ear. Suteeia . Bmtiaea 'Of IFOR RENT UNFURNISHED APAETHrJTTS CMEORTABLB. rULT UNPURNISH ad ezeept for aew tanre. CSS N. Front. 8a-dl9 UNFURNISHED THREE ROOM APART '. meat, eras range and heating etoT. Firat floor 411 North Summer. Phone ' odd. . . 3a-dlt 1 "JISH1!D - APARTMENT FIKST fsoor. 292 N. gammer. ' " 3a-dl8 HOUSES &0OM HOUSE OX STATE. JNQUIRS at 855 Ferry. 8b-dl9 I OX RENTNICEST FURNISHED S room eottar near atate b erase. , Piano, - isewiac machine, Paon 1992M for ap pointtoeata. Sunday all day, week day p after p. m. Kference reanired. 1 . 8b-dl F01 RENT.' , s . A; 8 ROOM MODxiN HOUSE AT 25. See Wo. Fleminc, 341 Stat SU ' - - - ; eb-dl5tf 1 071 RENT A S ROOM ilODERN keqt . "mth Salem $10. be Wau 1'eir Tif f . .- $w t FOR SALE Misaellaneous 1 AT TURKEYS FOR SALE 2?. - ; PHONE 4-d22 i:iS FRO EVER HAS GOODS AT COST at Neimeyer'a. 418 EEK END TRAVELING CASES, GOOD -ine. Splendid at y lea. Max O. Buren, .179 N. Com'L . , 4-dl9 . IIEN IN NEED OF FIRE INSURANCE ae aa for rate. Staadley. Foley, Areata, Baah Baak Bldg. K. 'Vte 347. 4-416 I 1DIES J UR OPPORTUNITY. " TO . tret a food paying, long eetabltahed bnaiaee in Salem. - Don't fail .f. In . Toetigat?.. No. .960 Statesmen.- 4-418 - V" FOSD TOURING 192S bodies $75; 1921 Ford tonr Ing bodiee $27JiO. Ued Corner, Fer- ry and, CommerciaL ' -...- . 4-dlO I SALE -A EST OP CIIADMAN'S ' cy eloped a of I aw, It ol, tit 0d ntaa'a distionry of Law. , B. S. Fea eide, 201 S. Water St. 4-418 I . MED OAK DINING ROOM , BET," 54 inch table-, five extra leae; al teren lather apholatered rhaira for $65. S74 N. Bummer. Phone 4oW. - .- 4 die i 1 SAIE PRCE,TRr-3 5. LC3AX i arm Nursery, Kt. 6. iux 121. 4-di l5 21 30 "TTMAS TKEJ:3- CALL T.T. Crorr 46F14 or 461J: ' 4-dl :tili7F5 avi rsw-ccr or I'.on 1 :;W. - 4-dl9 r: :.r.x r ;; ct from Ci-ow... f .r?. Buldwios, Newtons, hand a. wom.s. Uring ynnr boxes, v. S. aj, .1803 Court U ""r 6 A Rm F. fXK TK 1, -CnAI 1 -I b!sSy. i.x O. i.jrfn, 179 2S. Ci-n- '. 4 ' -i 30 Ou wMk (tlx Uaortio) -On . month 1 I' tlu earn tract par o -IS 13 Amu' i contract, par 13 Klijna tor Mr dvrtint 35 FOR.SALE Mfscellaneoiis 8 ROOM HOUSE TO BE REMOVED OR wracked. Corner Chemeket sad High. Charle Weller... 4-420" I HAVE A GOOD PROPOSITION TO OFF- er psrty wisnmg to mt inra l.'to $15,000,1. Address ,729, JBW , -:. "v- 4-416 SPITZENBERG APPLES 75c: THREE for, five fr-$S,,.Uvre4,.rd .K .RicWdson. Phon 494.'- ' 4-414 XMAS TREES, 15e: 25e; 60 ; 75e. DE litered. Phone 652. -iT LOGGING OPTORTUNITY ! liogging eamp, 10x13 donkey. Good timber, stumper only. A real itioa for some one. See Rich Lv f-ei- nana, 229 Oregon Bldg. .Sltf PRINTED .CARD V SIZE 14 BT 7tt" wording "For Bale, Enquire at." Priee T 10 eenta eaea. SUUamaa BbiIis Off lea, Graaad Tloox. AUTO TENTH $IT50 AND UP. MAX O Buren. 179 ". Com' I. : 4-1$ MARSHALL STRAWBERRY PLANTS $3.00 per M. Ff B. Garrett, ronte 8. Anrora, Oregon. 4-dlO Beautiful Oregon Rqse ; And eleren ather Oregon aonga Sogetaer wlla a tine eolleetioa of petriotle aonga, 1 aacred aonga and many old-tin favor ite. ; - - AIJ FOR 25e. -.... TtSnecIal nrieea in Jauantlty tota ' " Especially- adaptable) ie. eeheel eomaiaa' - Its An aiagiag.- Send tori : t Western Sohkster 4 huM knr bag ow la Ua .third dltla OREOOV. TE4rTTEd XTnTTTTLT ' ii5 8. Commercial 6t. - &Iem, Or. 4- "Jt BBAUTIFUfa. RUG JUST NOW A . . L rj. 1 l. tt.u. m Jh ..j wfjuuciisii las, v AsmxTTaAf Ocwtt'I.v : UNDERWOOD TYPEWWTEa CO. Hare-yonr ai achine ": repaired '- by ti people - wbo- ma, ka la. oeeial rental rat to tadeata. 800 ' jUaaonia hi" Phoae 262. - , - tticU GOAT HEAT, Fir.ST -CLAS3, , YOUNG - aad lat,-5'e rt-r poaad by 'WbT ,ot half, f DTPTd - South , . ?ata market. Phoe Ts4. 3 -" - 434 rOB SALE CLD rTEWSP APER3 1$ j, eenta a hand!. Creueti' departmevat . Orga Statesman. -:. :M YOU CAN TUilE YOUR PHOTO. C3 eHy at thia a tore. Man O- Bares,. 179 ' N. O"!!. ... v--. 4-dl9 LIVESTOCK 17 t- WEEKS JOLD PIGS- FOB BALE. D. : M. Burnett, Jefferson. Ore. Phone 383 i 4-dl9 FOR SALE OR TRADE . SPAN OF light males. Jo . Waitnsan. Sublimity, Orgoa. Root 1. ": 4a-dl : F0TTLTKT .V..erW Vhy Delay? . I Plaee yoar order for 1924 v ehleka with" the White Hatchery,' lh hatebery wita repatauea.ior gooo. cateaa. Bat arrival, full count guaranteed. Mem ' her of Aerrediteil " Hatcheries 'Sonoma County. f'A" had 1 "AA" stock.1 Price right. ' Sea for catalog. WHITE ' fT TCTTFRV; rVtalflwa; CaHf t o28tf I ? HELP-WANTED- r i' IUI.. -i . ! I t A SEllL MAtiSO" ' ' "BETTER f. MADaT1 ' 6HIXT3 oltiet from oar faetory- . to - wearer. . K capital or xprlae Ve qnired. Easily aU.'Blg pre fit. WriU for .TREE SAMPLES. MADISON MTLL IMVt Bread wT; K Tork ' - AGENTS 25 DAILY .TAKING, ORDERS FOB . $3.82 raincoat. Promptest -deliveries. 'JWr delivar,'' eollect. EASTERN - RAIN -COAT, CO,, 91$. Roosevelt, Chicago, w - 1 fig-dis BECOME REPRES ENTATTVE iXA&GE Concern. Establish yourself perman ently. Simplified method selling shoes Factory to Wearer. Yoar daily profits larre. i AopW - irnmedlately. STYLE AROU SHOES. CiacmnaU. - - ' - 6a-dl6-28-80-JB BECOME BEPRE SENTATTVE 'XARQX - Concern. - Establish -yourself permaa ntly. Simplified method selling shoe Factory to Wearer. Yoar daily profit large. Apply immediately. STYLE - ARCH SHOESL Cincinnati. - . 5,.dl..8Q.j8 PEMAX3 LADIES EARN $20 WEEKLY-SPARE time, home. Leading pobliaher wanta - hoarsti enerf etie repreaeatativat,-. d i - dressiag circulars, mailing orders. Send lOo for masii, " information. WOLFE GILBERT OOfiP, 1658 Broadway. New " York. . - 5b-dl EtF.CTRICITY TAUGHT BY EXPERTS ., Earn While you. learn at bom. Eleo .. trieal Baojc .aad Proof leseene Free. Satisfaction guaranteed and position seenred. Write to Chief Engineer Cooke, , 2144 Lawrence Ave., Chicago. So-dl6 MEN WANTED TO SELL OUR GOODS ' in country or city. Be : independent " hare a business of your - vi with . steady income. We sell -on time If yoa wish. " Team or hnto needed for coun try. No outfit for eity We train you a selling xperine seeded. Me Connon A Company, Winona, Minn. , Mention this paper. : 6e-dl6 RAILWAY POSTAL CLERKS START . $138 month. Railroad pass. Expen ses paid. Test examination fro. Col . ambus Institute, Oolumbas, Ohio. VilJ! AMD FEMALB TYPISTS: EARN $25-$10O WEEKLY, Spare, time. Cnpyig Authors' Mann crlpta. Writ R. J. CARNES. Auth ors' Agent, ,C-44l. TslUpoos. G., for - partiruiars. -e- i, . . 5d-dl4 WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO 'take farat paper subscription. A good 4praatiea. t . the ' right people. Ad dra the Pacifie Homestead. Statesman W'- P1ww. Or. AT.y1fT!W WHOLESALE HOUSE. 15 SUCCESSFUL years with a strong, ; well advertised lin for retail trad. We have imme diate opening for two capable men , with good record. - Men able to earn four t eight thnssod dollars.' Per-nisaent'-ennetioa. Mile F, BixUr Co Dept 843, Cleveland. Ohio. - . - -r 5di6 SALESSfEN .-i- .SELL SOMETHING everroody must hav- (read thia -lin , -over r"n nd not that w aaid must). It i &;ra U. 8. protested article, "a r-esitiv neee!fy because f gevera- "ment ruling, with ' yearly , repeat, ex clusively owned snd controlled, by n. If yoa sr an order taker you should . HJke " to t 0 ..a,. day;.:. if -.yoa. 'o s t..if.i:iiaa yoa-will el-f "a.a (ft M Ter sy. '" Most dstrsMe ... cti.i wi.a fat'?!- -in thoa m vim, "y. J'-nm Laadt. i res. S'-S. 1 . HELP WANTED j SAXESMEM . . SALESMAN WANTED Lir hastier, good" personality . and ability. Good opening for right man. 924 Statesman. - - . , 8-dl I. PERSONAL T0UNO LADY WORTlf $50,000 PRET- tj. wui marry. .Clo J, Box, Cimarron. Xaaa. . ... 7-dl CATHOLICS, WISHING TO MARRY mwMJST FKEB. . . Addreaa HOME ' CLUB. L-Box 23, Grand Rapids, Mich. : T ' . t-die IP LONESOME, 30IN OtJR WESTERN- vra. Jtenawe. reasonable. XtdSes free. Direct Methods. Stamp, please. 9 Box 32, Vaaeoarer,, Waahington. - 7414 ' - "f EPILEPTICS -"" : 1 -"' At last a treatment which positively stops all seizures from first day's use. -No bromides or narcotics. Guaranteed. Information free. HUNTER LABOR ATORIES, S07 Main St.. Little Sock Ark. - - 7-414 LEADING CLUB, LARGEST, MOST RE liable for lonely people, confidential descriptions fr in plain sealed n- '' elope. Thousands wealthy members. If tineww write." Established-19" -years; Old Reliable Club, em copyrighted) Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland, Califor k i. - .... .v, 7-dl MARRY IP LONELY MOST 8UCCE8S- lal "mm .Maker''; bundreda "rich . strictly confidential; reliable; year ex perience; descriptions - free. Th Baeeassfat Ohth'- MRS NASH, . Box 556, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA.. t d--i6 REALjiESWETC'tyi j BOOM MODERN BUNGALOW! ! FOR mat., 1135 Snipping St. . See P. Xi. -Wood- -w i . $-dl9 WANTED' An offer - en my bouse i and lot at 889 Oak street. See my geat GHILDe - BECHTEL, S49 etate Street. 8-dl6tf VACANT PLAIN HOMES 849 RURAL - Avenue and 748 N. Winter.; Will tnak "7a i proposition oa oither that you - eannot tarn down. ' .1 BECKE HENDRICKS V. 0. Bank .Bldg. - ; 8-dl4 FOR 8 ALE , . ' - Fine building tots ea.Fsirmount HUL Price $500 to ( - , . . - w. h. gk -;rt-x co. ."'1.tat he- .. ;8-dl$ - -v. MUST BB SOLD . 5 room' plastered bouse and garage, paved atreet and ear . line. Paventeat i paid". ; A snap for $1860; term. . ...THOMASON 331i4 Stat Bt 1 v a-dltf A XMAS GIFT PAY $250 DOWN ; and giv your family a -real TCmAs. Just completed modern - attractive five room Colonial bungalow; three roomy closets, convenient kitchea with break , fast aook, 1 fireplaee nd basement. Price $3750 : paving paid. Not the small eaah payment and aee me Sunday : at 475 North 24th St. ; Hewlett xrwn ' er: and builder. 8-dl6 IS YOUR BENT HIGH! WE RPEblAL 1 le on. properties that must be moved : aad bv home that yoar rent wO hay - Com in. A dandy brand new for $500 , down, So. Salem. BECKE A HENDRICKS . - . - ' U. S. Baak Bldg. ; ; 8-dlB i ' WHY NOT! ?". BuT ft horn with your money yon pay for rent. Hsr ar a tow with ?jeoial lew prie far- quick val. SOO Bvcgalow for -$5500. . ; $8500 Bungalow for $2500. " $3S0O Bungalow for $2800. $3000 Honae, 5 lots for $2500. : f $1600 House,' room for $1800. $1000 House, a Iota, for $900. , . ..Jf U' a house, or vaeant lot you want, see" CHIi.D8.-i 3EUHTEL., 540 Stat BUr r f - 'l jm-jt l 1 s-dlCtf " BEST Btrr&'AND EXCHANGES Furnishings f a apartment hons, , f $50. . ' - - , i . ' Famishtng of ft boarding boos, well ?locteL$lS00. , rt . , Conf ecUonery. cheap rent, long time lee, $15o0; terma. Brick hotel for ranch, $31,000, will assum om. t .i 1 Gaa Tilling gad accessories, good lo- cation, $5500 . and invoic stock.. V" 4 room and bath, new bungalow, basement, furnace, laundry trays; built la kitchen doable garage, $2500. trm. SOCOLOFSKY, Realtor iki $41 Stat St. - 8 d!8U - FOR SALE - Large a tor building and apt. "boose, well vioeated. Beating ,for - $10O par TO0VAS0Nr$$Vv Btat St ' $-dl8lf FOR SALE TEN BOOM HOUSE ON - paved street, good locatioa $3500. Seven- Tonni me in fine condition, r- . aer . lot $2300. Strictly modern eras - -" la f4900. Tea sere tract : do ; in nth uuUdiDgs. $2000. Tea 4er tract dose ia n pavement,1 strictly, modern buildings, .$12,000, WiU tak a tons part pay. 125 acre farm a trad for auburbaa home, 477 acre stock raaeh . for valley' farm,, ap to $20,000. Good ' closed ear to trade for close in lot r hoaa and lot. . For rent six room hons $35 ; Seven room furnished nous ".$30; small hons $10. F. LWood 341 Stat St. , , ' 8-dl6tX SEAL HOME FOR $3200. TERMS TO suit. 4 rooms on pretty corner soth. , Close to schools sad ear. Fireplace, ' frait, te. . .. BECKE A HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. J - 8-416 $800 BUYS ; ... r A three room hons in South Sslem. $100 down balaae $15 per monthrln terest 6 per eent. W. H. GRAB ENHORST A CO 275 Stat '.St? - eVel$, 7 ROOM HOUSE, LOT 75x1507"$ ENO lish walnuts, 4 cherry aad other trait " trees. Paved street, elos tq. school, fin location. Certainly a bargain) at $4200 and easy term. - 4 room house, basement, furnace, Nd ' better buy in,. Salens for -$2500. . ; . V Furniture -and ' less of ' apartment heus in valley town j of ; three' thpn aad population. ; , Fireproof, . concrete building. A good proposition.' .'. i . 4 room new bagalowr . "basement, $2100; eaay terma. ----. 5 room house and one-fifth acr,f ground ruitsble '. for garden.'.'.' Paved street, close in. $3150; easy erma. , 6 room strictly modern bungalow, "Just off Capitol street. Nice corner let and garage. Prie $5250." An, ox eellent bay for the moaey. - ' - ' , 4 room modern bun gakrsr, garage, well located $2400 and easy term; ". ; - 5 - room bungalow, . close In. paved .jetreet, garage. A anap at $3760. v RICH L. REIMANN Realtor"'""." i -v " . Office Phone 101$ Res.' Phen "726R 229 Oregon Bldg, 8-dl6tf SMALL PLACE ON MARKET ST. CALL ?room 2 at 265 p., Com'L 8-418; FOR SALE AT A VERY REASONABLE priee, a fiv room hoaa.. en 20th and Le streets, corner lot. Call and ileal -direct with owner at C-O store. ft-d!7 FOR SALE; TERMS WELL BUILT house, good baerrent, ' bqiH-tns, good neighborhood. ' A bargain. Must tell to settle estate. Call 2 to 5 'clock 1030 Hood street. $-dl4 " ! - ' f MALL APARTMENT I - "pTiaH npsrtmerit deal A amaTT in SKtwnt and rood vny'mtt p rmoeltin. i e n.. on thiA, "Sv'm, IZaii, bl f - Ft, ..' f I REAL ESTATE-)ity 1 HOMES IN $4750' TO . $6750 . CLASS. -We have seven dandies today choose : from. Immediate possession oa threo ; See thes before you leap ' r BECKE A HENDRICKS.., U. a. Baak Bldg. t-dl8 5 ROOM MODERN NEW HOME, WELZ, located -oa paved -street, $3700. Cap be bandied, for $500:, eaah aad, balance monthly payments. - ; a 5 room homo oa Center' street, close in, modern conveniences. , Ixt 64 By 156, fine trees aad shrubbery. $5000; .good terma,----.-..-. - -. - .- "-. 10 room . plastered . hons .with bese ment and fcodern conveniences, close in, tw- kitchens $3200 rash $300, and monthly payments. This i ia -excellent condition.- WINNI PETTYJOHN. Realtor- , 216 Oregon Bldg. 8-d9tt PRINTED CARDS, 8I2B M SI 1"t ' wording Boom to Boat',' - arte )0 cent - each. Stateamaa Baalaes Of ' fie. Oiwaad Ftnor - LITTLE CORNER LOT SNAP SOUTH - with fruit. $200 cash take ' Mondsy. Perfect title .and abstract. Other for :'1S down. "i - BECKE HENDRICKS U. 6, Bank Bldg. .8 die MODERN HOME - r At 1465 Chemeket street. 7 rooms, located on creek. Priee $6500 for jqaick Bale.- - - -, . . j . - - . . - . W. H. GRABENHORST A CO , " 275 Stat St. . ft-dlS 4 ROOM HOUSE, TWO LOTS, , EAST front. $1850; $200 dowcv.$20 moOta. 4 room'modera. honsa, psved street clos in, $4800; $300 down, $40 a . month.. 4 room onngilow, cement hasement, fireplace. $4300; $30O down, $40 -per "month.. , . . ... , 7 room bungalow, corner tot, B- Sa , lia, $3400: 800 down, $40 per month. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE f ' 492 N. Cottage. 8 d8tf 12 ROOM HOUSE CLOSE. IN AT BAR- gala. 8me couple can make thia good hem and exeelbiat iacoane. .Soma terms . U. 8. Baak Bldg. - 8-418 PRINTED CARDS, BUB 14", BT 7', wording ''For Bent," prie 10 ooato - aaeh. . SUtaamaa Ttnrfaassi Offle. a . Growad sTmor. - - t REAL BUTS IN HOMES Jesnd fiv roAm.ungalow'with mod era plumbing,. $1850 on easy , terms. 7 -room- home- near acboot and . ear s line; ' uodera i plumbiagf aad lights, ga . rsge, cornet lot. immediate, possession ' Price $2100; - $500 down will handle. ; Modern hem on creek With -plenty s( food, garden land. Seven, ropma. U large, fireplace and furnace. "Prie $6500. Located, a 1465 Chemeket. 8t, . W writ fix inaarane. . . . W. H. GRAB ENHORST A OO Kealtora v 275 Stat St., C. S. Baak Bldg- ..;.. , . . ,. 8-dl6tt KBINO TAUR REAL ESTATE AND FCC? insurance troublea to as. It oar tp cial business. ., BECKE A HENDRICKS J . ' - U. S. Bank Bldg. . "" S-dl t REAL ESTATE FARM$ 40 ACRE FARM WILL TRADE FOR boas at Salem.' Fine- soil, family-orchard, ft mite from Rosebnrg.- Box 804, Rosebarg. Oregon. 9-dl6 1 , . ... .i " POULTRY, FARM v Positively best 20 acre buy. Highly Improved. 550Or good terms. CHILDS A BECHTEL, 640 Stat St. 9-dlfltf $750 BUYS A FINE ONE HALF ACRE -. tract on paved . St. and car line.. $50 aad $10. per month interest 8 per eeaU , W. H. GRABENHORST A CO i ' ' ' i 275 Stat , St. - JUS - TO' 'EXCHANGE ! 7 ACRES WELL IMPROVED PKKTB . $4500." Trad for small business t rooming house.1 't? THOM ASON, 831 ' Stat 8t . ' ' , , . , 9-dftt - " FOR SALS FARMS . ' 280-aer farmj ,200. acre- in -oaltt ration." no better soil. Fin bnildiag. - Plac - I fully couipped and tocked jnst on i pavea tugnway, near rail road atation, and school. ..Included la implements it complete threshing oat fit and clover holler. Price only $190 an aer and terms. . . . n Also 137 acres, f iv anOe koath of Sslem o hlghwsy, 25 acrea f beaver dam land and no red hill soil on. the place. Well drained and good oil. ' Priced ht $125 'pen acre; good .terms.' RICH L. REIMANN -M ' ' ' Realtor - 1 Of tic Phone 1018. sRes. Phon 716R 229, Oregon Bldg. 9-dl6tf 5 ACRES, CLEAR. -WANT SMALL farm. -Two housea, bam, frait, good soil, Ad joins good city in valley.' High school, college. , Se owner. Mrs; Alloa Rich , ardson, 2395 Front. ,- - 9h-dl6 TWO "ACRES FINE LAND " Good six room house. ,.. Good poultry house. ; L . v v .tooa wooasaaa. Electric light. On mil from b A business 'district. Some cash; balance. $100 per TM . witnojiy (Mr cent iatrsi. . Prieo ONLY l200. ', . A. C BOHRNSTEDT : 147 No." Commercial Stj, Salem, Dragon. t;. TUCBEB T11CBERLAND i- , ' . First class timber land located .ten .. mil onlh.jiear Jved .Pacific high- way. 160 acre. Prie- 65 por acr. Se a at once. r W.. O. GBABENHOR8T A CO - v . '- - 5t5- State St. " 9a-dl$ TO EXCHANGB '-'- " TRADE ' . "' -; A' $8000? EQUITY IN A FINE PORT- -tend residence for a. similar Kquty rn a small farm. See Wm.- Fleming,. 841 '-fftaf'St. bd!5tf f"USED:CARS FOR SAUE - L-..J.-... ...... :i "-rT-i FOR SALE BRANT . GOODjCON ditioa $50; terms. Se Hunt, Valley yVMotor. Phono 1995. , 11-dlg WE HAVE JUST THE USED CAR k'OU i want. "Com ia and look over our sleek. WELW WELL! DON'T YOU.- ii i.H - tbat -fom had takes our adviea ; aad bought a " good used car at this time ..last year I - Now ths moaey has all been 'pent aad yoa have nothing to -show for it. Olesoa Anto Exchange, 178 V B. -labeHy. Phon 666. Il-dl6 WHEN IN THE MARKET FOB A NEW -, or "tosed rear keep in touch with our L bulletin. , . : C- '- J t Ford I : $2d 00 22 Ford : 22S f0 ,v 1$ Buick , .HOOiO.- 19 Baick"'-. : Z - 23 Buick sedan, 12 ) '22 Buick "4" roadster -.. 6mP ' 88 N. Commercial . i ' , OTTO J, WILSON ; (Jj o) USED, CARS FOR SALE! 1923 FORD TOURING BODIES $75; 1921 -Ford touring bodies $270. Used , csr corner. Ferry and Commercial St. ll-dl ..USED .CARS FOB LESS Chevrolet touring In god condition 200; Ford roadster, aom extras, very gpodvalue... , j. i j i $a. lodge roadster, Hassler shocks, 5 "cord ;' tiros, overhauled,. .maay xtra.X$45o: Maxwell touring, new tirs and battery, was overhauled thia summer. -Buick Six, - look . like - new. , & See this ; :. .$600 CHEVROLET USED CAR DEP'T. 229 Stat St. Phon 1000 11-dlStf ' SPECIAL HOLIDAY' SALE ' - r OP USED CARS - - -Light delivery . .---$ 50.00 Buick roadatsr 10.0O Chev 490 ' touring ; 100.00 Overland "4". roadsUr Elgin SiX touring 175.00 too.oo raig , 7 -passenger . B9O.0O aoo.oo 450.00 S5O.0O 495.00 Uvcriana touring Chevrolet Babygrand Essex tonnng Dodgo - touring. -1 9za Gardner coupe (like new. - F. -W. PETTYJOHN CO. , ." : 219 North Commercial St, Salem. Or. t . ' .. ' . . 01-dl2tf GOOD USED CARS GIN GRICH MO tor Do, 319. Suto. . al-tf USED FORD CABS FROM AN 'AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER J9I5 ; touring , , , . . ; , , 65.00 . 1917 .touring ........ ,.$ 95.00 1918 touring iftl on lvz touring . ; ...... -.,r (8395.00 1921 coup 1923 coup $365.00 495.00 19i Unlivery 165.00 .,1920 track . ...... $235.00 - AH car guaranteed to b la good vaaning: ordeir. .194 r bcens with every .car. Liberal term. ; , ' Open -i Evenings an Snnay t ' .VALLEY MOTOR CO , 566.No. High Phon. 1995 f,. WANTED Employment"; POSITION WANTED BY EXPERIENC ed commercial maa and clerk. - Addrens WANTED-Miscellaneoas TO LEND rftl200 ; $1500 and $2,000 on approved aoanrity, 7 per seat in terest. W, A. Liston, Agent. 13-416 WANTED--PARTY WITH $500 TAKE interest in going business la Salem, r Unit be active, cither . in store or on , outside, i Good money for right party: Address 923 Statesman. . 13-416 WANTED TO BUY NEW 6 ROOM bungalow. Mnat he withia- 12 block of ' business district ;. on paved street, hav : basement furnace and laundry trays, - and bo .real - vain .for - cash. ; . Phon 1092 Sunday. , W. A. Liston, Agent. . . . -t 18-dl6 REGISTERED JERSEY COWS .. WANT ed. Stat -what yoa have and prie. Address ! 'Dairy Farm." Car Statea- ' man. ,-'' . , - d4tf . WOOD FORSALE. DEPENDABLE COAL AND DRY WOOD a all slse. - Prompt dell very. Phon 1855. HILLMAN FUEL CO. 14-d9tf FOR DRY WOOD CALL 0. D. QUERY. Phon 77F2. . m27tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft.: and 16 laeh green mill wood , Dry mill wood . . Dry second growth fir Dry old - fir. 16 inch BLOCK .mill wood U the boat fuel to'aav your dry wood. Prompt delivery and roaaonabl prie. . Fred E. Welis, 280 8. Church. Phon 1542. 9tf 1 W- SALEM MARKETS ! 4 People who did not bur Thanks giving turkey and who waited for. cheaper, birds are not likely to be disappointed, for Chriatmaa, . ac cording; to all present : indications. It ia predicted the .birds' will be several cents leas -than , for the previous .holiday, and will retail between 82 , cents and .35 .cents a pound, Qther fowls will probably UJwer- i . ... fcaiem . people wno use vegetaoie oysters . wll be given an oppor tunity to. enjoy tneir favorite ciisn next tweeVt as this vegetable has made - iU.- appearance upon ., the Portland i markets. - ,-. . tiwarar awn iv No, 5 Wheat , . . .. o No. S red wheat, sacked nfw Okto rtr:... ',: ..". 45 O 48. Cheat hay 2&tS f ii ..$12 ' $11 Oat hsy Clover haV baled .-Price emoted are whole! and al prices received bv farmer. No ratal price r given, -except noted: EGGS. BUTTER BUTTBRF AT , Creamery butter , , P Q 5H Butterf at delivered ; 50 Milk, per ewt ,. Eggs, aeleeta . , , i ," ' ' ,, ,- Standards , Pullets f.'-.n ' -' a2t POULTBi . Heavy h'eas , Broilers r . ,' , , l Heavy. Spring , -20 -18 .lfrs 144 atoouam n -ligns bea . ' . PORK. aCUTTOM AJTD BEEP Hoga. top, 150-225 Igs, cwt ., ..:,. ,17.111 Hog, top, 225-275, ewt $6.50 Hogs, top. 275-800, ewt $4J0 0 $6.00 Light sow, ewt , futur Rough Leavy - , 4a Top veal, drssd 8 Q 9a Cows , 3 k d 04c, Top Iambs Heavr lambs ....ioc -7 Q - PORTLAND. -. Or.,-. Dew rl 5. Grain futnres: t Wheat, bluestem, baart. soft white, December," Jan uarys $1.01; western white Pec ember, January ,$1; hard winter.' northern sprlngv western red Dec ember, January 96c.s - - j - obssi , ,. i t No. 2 white feed December, jTan nary $32; No. 2 gray December January ZUr ...-. f . - . com ' J - ;. No. 2 . eastern yellow shipment December $30; January $29; No. 3. same, j December $30; January ' Mill run, December, January. $23. - . . Dried Frait n TOr.IIv Dec. ,15 Evapo- ratr J ?;tea .(lull. . Prtities nnset- o, pTrJfi fr,' TT'i'-'e g-"5""". Of Reliable1 Business" AMBULANCE SEBVXCB 8 A L E M AUMBCLANCE SERVICE : Jr-hoao-oce; 173 S. Liberty. lsy and night ,' "'"i . t , nlOtf " ARCHITECTS FREEMAN A STRUBLE. REGISTERED - Architects; 6iO Bank of Commerc iBttlldlsg.. '--T:-;' vi.-;ftvti BATTERY ABD, EXECTRIClAN. PRESTO-LITE ; B ATTE B Yi SERVICJI . Btaiion. , x.xprr pattery aaa riearre' Wk. Fsrri Bros.. Phon 1803; 41$ . .Courts j . .- BV D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES . starter nd geaerator wrk;.A71 eoau iAmma i si i VVIUUIQH.IBI, - , . . . 4 . L . BXCTCTLES ABI) BEPAXRrjra LLOYD E. BAMSDEN DATTON BICY - tele ni rephirtag; $87;Coott. , - t BIRDS, rLOWEBft AND PEtl FLAKE'S PETL AND. BIRDS. FLOWERS Pet. 978 State tTV-B .. , . t tr. . - cUBPET AND BUO WBAViNO SALEM 0 AR P ET, CLEANING ,ND Fluff Bag Worka Rag 'and fluff ruga woven any sis without .seas) a..-New mattresses mad to .order, u id iut tresse remade. " Feathers renovated. I bay. alt kinds of old. arpt.. for. fluff rngs. jlSMk snd Wilbur, streets. Phon -1134.- Otto P; Ewicker. Prop. - v f . CEMENT CONTRACTORS -, FOB CEMENT WORK OALLr AT - A SI r N. -Summer street... Phon 674-J. j CH330TBY BWBBPSV - CHIMNEY SWEEPING F URN ACE cleaning. F. Counellmsn. Ray L. Im- -e rfsvdwar coimianv. .1 r i OHTMBSB PSTSICJXAw )R L.. T. PICK CURES ANY KNOWN - d1ses. 158 9. HighSt.'Pioh 381. CHIBOPODlSTS. PR. i.8. t'onal SCOTT. GRADUATE HA" University Sciences; Chicago. Science i soa 640. Jta asoate Tenrpie. rB - ? CHIROPRACTORS tBS. SCOTT A SCHpFELD P. S. f O. Chiropractor. $14-19 U. S, Baak Bldg. Phone 87; rea." 828-B. -. DR.- REDMOND. 823 , OREGON, BLDG., - rnon loae. ' . - ' clBaners and dyers SALEM CLEANERS .AND DYER B Suits eleaaed aad pressed, $1.60. ; Sponged nd pressed. 60c. r. 1215 8. Com. "... Phone 1869 CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL, CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION : Constructing Engineer. . Surveys, esti mates. Jno., H. Neef, $19 Oregoa Bldr. -Fhoa 778 CORSETS SPIRE LLA CORSETS SOLD BY ALICE A Miles. 451 North 21. Pha ' 1903J. -, : --. - " , DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING -AND .DESIGNING.. Carri FUhsr. MoCornack Bldg,. over Millers. - alStf PRINTED CARDS SIXB 14 : BY 74 - wording "Drsaamaking"; - . prico 10 oats ach. Butamaa Bastaas's Offloe DRUG STORES WM. NEIME5CEB "JUST DRUGS,' 175 N. Commercial. Phono 167. - ' -' EIXCTRICIANS SALEM ELBCTRIO CO. M A S 0 N 1 0 balding. Phono. 1200. . ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934. 322 N. Liberty, . ARCHIE r FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN Hon wiring by boar or oa tract. timatea ' famished. Phono 380. 414 Court St. . HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP . ELEC-trical- aaaoain repoiring; catraetiag. 837 Court. Phon 488. r. POULTRYME BEND BIGHT TWO eent stamp, for Vpbelal thre asoatha' trial for tha host and old journal in th wst. Th rticls aad. advrtis mnta r f special ; lntrt to th pitry breeder - f - tb - Nortkwsevt. BorUwsa Poultry JoixaaL 311 Oom- i. mareisj .. Salem. ; Oregoa. IF YOU WANT ' TO GET THB BEST farm papor, ad IS .- the Paetfl Homastasd. - Balny Oregon for m thr moaths' trial sohscriptiaa. Mufi . ..this ad. " ; ' : . FINANCIAL FARM LOANS - 8hk - No adidtional xpens ANDERSON A RUPERT. - 406. Oregon Building GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS W pr cent. 803. Salem. Bank of Commre 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM 0 city ot 'arm property. Kaaerv p- osit company, ia Jf ourta sttr, Jrart- na. w. FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer tim, no commission. Protect - .against adversity. -City loans, lowest rat, monthly instalment, . pre-payment privilege. J. O. Siegmaad. room 8, ver Ladd A Bush baak. FARM LOANS Insnranc money, any amount 3 per coat, , . for o, 7. 10 ..or 80 years, . with . fail prepayment privilege entire Wiliam- tu talley. "J,;'J" - ?.- HAWKINS A ROBERTS 305 'Otegoa Bldg.. Salem. Oregba - , LOANS LOANS LOANS , I .saa make yur iarm or itylaa, boat service. give .-If yon need loan, a - .me; and if :yuhav money a place, . . .... , : , virr , ae m a ?iways nav -saaera. . .w, Laflar. Oregoa bldg. ., ' - ' w. HAWKINS A BOBERTS. CTTY, LOANS, '.brweTrt rate ' : '1 rxjOaOftTa CUT FLOWERS.. WEDDING BOUQUETS - funeral , wreaths, dacoratioas. - C 1. ' - Brsithsupt. floria, 228 N. Lfborty. 'hem 380 .... FUNERAL DIRECTOR ft Salem mortuary, funeral dtbeo ?tn onfT ptMtne 1854 "." f FURNACES 6EAGROVE FOR FURNACES SIBLI eo i-ipeiess. . soa. lioa .r srry at. Phone 8S5W fUXNITUX2r.TC:3 FURNITURE CO. QUALITY - z tt. in f r I..s sr.oacy. .478 Cort and Professional Firms Arranged la J;LiLctic-l Order for Quick ncfcrcace ' - rUENTTUEE STORES PEOPLE'S FUBNITUBS STORE NBW' ' and- tecond Band fumlr: 271 M. '. Commarfda4. - -, - - - - - ' - HATTERS EATON : A ' EATON, practical batters, , formerly CjB, IUlswrth stabUshmjaW ' First class "hat work f all kind 39J v nr. fioesmeraia'v HESfflSTITCHiNG HEMSTITCHING.; STAMPINGi PUCAT- iug. , Th Petit. Shop, Boom 6. o-rer Oahj.'-.-- .:'- -"- -a--"-y -o29tf SALEM ELITE H SM ST IT; (X NO plsating, bsttonk, stamping Mrfti 7 wrk; $28 Or$oa tM. PboVm 379. MBS. OL E. MHA.EBV HXMSTTTCHING tsmpisg, bnttDna Boom 10, ova MD tor'a ttor. ..t Phon JUNKJ JUNK I A. JUNK WE PAY- FULI VALUE FOB any kind of stoves, f urn U ore metal.' i.arfer nd iank. ; wUlamtt.Bafin - Uoas. 975 North Commercial.- rnons . 598. . nltf SBaaaaBasa-haueaBaaBeaaaeWBsaas ixjasssa TJUZeOSzara if - L M0SHER -TAILOR. FOB MEN od woman. 474 Court S4. 1 ' TJlVaTDXTEB. SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 81ft- B. Uborty str4. J Fboh . .Dtdosi. lrgest bi,.-XstabUsb4 1889, , CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY; QaaBty work; prompt ; Wvio; 1264 IBroadway : Phon t5. ' - MATERNITY H0MB ..,. Court 8trt Christian church Mater nity . home.- 1899,-Stat. Ope a December ' 1ft, whoa '537. ' ' d-12tf ,M2DI0AS Mountain balm cough sxkxdy .A Phon S17-VM. ; -.- v : " ' ifUSId. LESSONS, b ;BOUB SB! IN BUSINESS. 'PIANO playing. ..Popular yaopat staadard . jnasie. Semi-classic and .ballads; ,12 ieaaona. Waterman Piano Soheal. Me- IComack Bldf. f .'. -. -V : :':-: ifUftiarSTOBra SHERMAN. CLAY A OO, PIANOS i Steiawaya, Dao-Art aad thrs. Mr's Musis Ho. 415 Court stroat, ? '. GEO. a ' WILL PIANOS, - PHONO ' grsphs. swm. mschines,. shost masie, sad piano stadia.: . Repairing- phono igraph aad aowlag . machines; . 433 SUt. Seiem, . . TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOB A NEW i rViotor n 3maawiak. H W Stiff FsrsJ tnr Co Musle Dept. - , . '. - t NATUROPATHIO PHYBICIANft DR. A SLAUGHTEB ACUTE AND chronic - dis s ; 415 Oregoa Bldg. r -Phon 110. ,- - ; , NURSES FOR - PRACTICAL - NURSE PHONE 196TW. " ' - 35tf NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT, NUT AND SHADX TREES . Poarey Hroa, 387 BUca. COMPLETE LINE-TREES SMALL. frait. ornamental. Capital City Nar- aery oo., sag oreroa io. raoa t, OPTICIABS GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tieai Oo, 825 BtaU axr. ppalt Ladd A Bash Baak. "Um QiiaUty Prove Shar-ona." MORRIS . OPTICAL COMPANY GRX goa Bldg. Boom 801 a SOA PAPERHANGINa ABB PAZNTXVO PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOB HOUSE deoorsiing, paper hanging, tinting; at. Baliabl workmaa. , . - TEN CENT K ALSO M.IX INN IN BEAUTI fal oolorai $1 doe a room. Mas O. Bursa, 179 N. Commercial. . PHYSICIAN . CP .?HtQT2XBAP3Y DR. JACKSON. DOCTOR OF PHYSI Otherapy, treat all. aUmmts, womea's troubles espeiny., 3 65 N. Commercial crreet, TboH -1C91;. - . PIANO XUSZZJI EDWARD WXLP. XXPEZIENCZD PI SS tanr. Last rders t'i' Msaie Store -. -. . 4 '; ' e PLTJKBEsTO PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. . Phon 1397-J.: Shop 1ST Uaioa street. ' A. L. Godfrey. - . i t C " RADIATORS, FENDERS, T0. RADIATORS FENDERS, BODIES mad or repaired. JC- Bir. 238 Btsf. ," SOAVENGEBB SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE CESS pools cleaned and dead animals removed - Garbage and refuse of nil kinds remov .d by th month. Ressonable rates - Phones: Office 529; residence 2058. , 8ALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE, refuso of all kind removed. Cerpools eleaaed Phon ,167 or 100TJ. ' SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND Mils second hsnd fumitur. tool and Jank; 830 N Commercial. Phoae 492. WANTED EVERYTHING IN OIXrTB . .lag knd.shees. Best price pld. Cap . ltal .Excbanre; $43 North OommirciaJ , I Phon 188SVW. ' -i x iA -f BTOVES AND ftTTOVB BBPAZBXJra STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yra' xperieae. Depot National fcae, sis 28 so 88 ia. high. ' Paints, .oil aad vanish ea, etc, loganberry aad .. hop - hooka. Salem Fame - aad Stov Wii tM WH ftwos llt - , 1 - T3UiTHATnj WB MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUES bold good. Our specialty la plan as4 fsraltar movtag. W also mak :wa , try trip. We hsndl the beat coal. an : weoA Call oa.aa for priee. Wo giv good measare, s good flaality aad good , serrfc. Larmer Traasfer Co. Phoae 9S( CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO i324 Stst Si, Phn 933. . Distributing, f or- . wsrdihg aad atorsgs oar specUity. Ge u rate TBAXSPCSTATISa - -CENTRAIi MOTOSBC I LI.- 5 Ceatrai Stag Trrminal, f - a, t.' ; , - SAL? M-EUVEi Lev Ealem 7:15 a. m.; 9:15 a..,; 11:15 a. 1:15 -p. sa.;8:15 ' m.; 5:16 v. na.: .7:80 p. m.; to Gorvfc. air. PARKER'S STAGE I TNT 3 3. W. Parker, Oenerai iiaaa-- .. Central Btat Terminal f -. . s. 7 SALEM-SILVERTON DiV "-.A JLaav Salem, Ceatrai Stat rj ermine!: 7 a. m.; 11 a. m.: ft p. m. Leaves filverton, -News , f iaal : -A a. 1 P.m.: p. f;. 8alem-Xadpondeaee-Aramouth. 1 . vis. son: Lhiu Salem. Central fatag lei-miaai: T a.m.i ft a. n-: ll:lu a- m. ; 3:19 p. m, 6:10 p. as.- -s '- . : .Xntm Monmouth, Vcnmnulh !L.:J; -8:14 - te.r 1 P. ;,!i5 p u. Lvee Independence, BeaT? I - !: ,8:30 h.a.! :50 a. m.; 1:15 p. a X : 4 p. .;. if- P. ?. - - - i . leaves C'ri riag Termiaal, lm. " ' for lis t: 7 t .-7 . :.: 11:10 to t 8.-W p. m - Loaves Gait- Hotel, Da".. t .- . I t a.; 1 p."ta.T 4:15 p. m. Wt mk connections at r -to a3 ; Jptrts f th vai.y.' Axtra tr.- fcy sp pointmant. . 1, FRED W.-". RANGEy . VETE: Ti-T IAN. - Of fie 220 South Liberty. !. Hsf .-Kew. rWa. iecT. - V WATT3 SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWE2 CQ - OfflceVftOl Cooib Cairgsreial EC T per eont ,, iittm&t . on domosti C4 rstos paid ia aivsae. dacw0-3 , for. absone or any . o,axiMS wii' AlMJMMlU iBBBmiBBBBllll ' iTili!? '"Illl. M I Tl T II l C1TYHU00ET1S W Uiaillil Finished ; Document To , Bo Presented to City Council . Monday,-flight .-An. ordinance coverlnr the city budget for -1924,; Which was ap proved by - the. '-tax ' conssrvation commission, has. been drafted by Ray L. Smith, city attorney, and . will be presented to the city conn-. cil Monday night. Inasmuch as the budget must be In the hands of the 'county,, clerk" and county ' assessQS, by . December 28,. It , i3. . practically; assured that It will be passed, as there are no otier -meetings until next year. - - The ordinance places the budj et at $225,182.46. C:tliltei revenues . that will , be receive j during -the year" re: tt-cral lie ense-fund, $7,090; -receljts froq the city recorder's office, $10,C30; interebt on : city funis, $800; re . ceived fTom city bocds, issue R, $6709.67; .. and "receipts froa premiums on sale of city be -da, $2S00, a total of ?27,0C:.67. leaving $118,877.79 to be k.Isl and assessed for the general f -ni. . Special street and highway fand assessments are $18,295; eerer and drainage fund. $60,000, itil a special emergency fund of $1. 000. 'I Included In the brll i-;et of $225,182.46; Hthe rrovl ca of a special taxation' neceLafy to raise $35,400 for 'the purpose of redeeming 1924 series of 10-year general obligation sewer construc tion bonds and to be set aside in a. special fund; $24,600 will be raised by special taxation for tlft construction; of new sewers. The $1,000 emergency fund will also be raised by a srsckJ tlx. t In, addition to the ordinance it' is expected the. council will make a disposition of te profits Iran the auto camp . grctJ3. II rs. blanche Coe, police . matron, -will submit her annual report. ' GccdPduItry !' 3 . "aBaaaaBBBBSBBBBBBl ,." V An intereitlr-; and well attend ed .meeting of poultry men ct tha Auburn district east of Ealm, was . held In .the Auburn school house Friday evening. Roy Elod gett, served as chairman and a very entertaining little program preceded, the address of the eve ning, the program being as fol lows. ' . Song, "America", by all; piano Solo, Mrs.' Lloyd A. Lee; .reading, Marcla Feustrnan. Professor Fox of the poultry husbandry-department of bregoa Agricultural col lege at Corvallis, waa then intro duced by , Chairman Elodgett, and he delivered a most Interesting lecture on egg proiction, hi3 re marks on-breeding, housing, feed ing and care of the poultry flecks to secure the greatest c;g provluc tion and Still snaintain health and vigor In the flocks, were helpful -to all poultry men rrescat. ' Much Interest is growing in the poultry business In t-a Aul.:rn district Snd many cyod t.-ed-plants-have been c.tatUshed in that, progressive community, in cluding a large new hatct ry. known as "Lee's Wis"e-ie II: ' ery." In . which . LI c ; I A. Le a ' well, known, ii"----: - ct coTJimunlty is e?it:' "'-." moth Ci-" ..T"! ' ' X. V . i