The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 16, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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First Christian. Church Cntr' an4
Hia struts. J. J. Evan, minister;
Mi Haiti. Hit car II, missionary. Th
l-aw ( Brotherhood" will h the topio
for Ernrymsa's rtsss. taught by the pas-
tr. Ta. class i a-rowing and is a part
af a moxt art in srhool which open at
:41 wila Dr. Epir l charee. The
ClirUtmaa spirit l show-lag itself in the
rlassesj ami departments. The ehnr-h
servic. begins at 11 .'ciork. Fine moii"
bjr a ladies qnartct. "Tba One of
4aiar frwa4" will be the stm.a topic.
perist number will be given by Ltits
and Lorltss Robinnon at tho T :30 serrK-e,
also s violin namber by Ines Wood. The
juvenile t bora will add interest to the
sers-ie. fearrawa and Possessions" will
be the sermon theme. At o:30 the young
people meet in aa interesting Christian
.adearor session..
Court Street Christian Corner North
fereateentb and Court afreet. K. I.,
fataant, raiaiater. - Ilible school 9:45
a. m. Everybody boost and aver the top
wa go with 200 In attendant, today.
This ia the losinr ' day of oor Hone
Feree meeting. Owing to the holiday
season being on we thought best to rtose.
Hevmon 11 a. m.; "The Christian Only."
Christian Endeavor societies meet at 5:30
and 6:30 p. m. Kvsngelistic service 7:30.
Sermon: "The Only Safe Course to Fol
low." Building board meet Monday
evening. Midweek rhurth school Thurs
day 7 :45 p. b. Thoawr who are to help
in the Christmas are naked to meet Ma
day night. JCverybody welcome to these
aerriee. . . :
Catholic Chnrch--ReT.' J.K. Back
paswr. ComoiQB kb nisss at 7 :40, chil
dren's fnaas, 8:30 and high maaa and
eenaea by the- pastor. 'Ye Brood of
Viper. Who Hath Showed You to Flee
from the Wrath to Come!' at 0:3u
The t evening set-vie., preceding benedic
tion fat 7 ::(. will bo iciven to answering
the Varioaa qneaiion which, have been
naked concerning the Catholic church and
religion. Everyone ia invited to aend or
leave questions pertinent to religion and
Catholic practices., and . the pastor will
gladly answer them: (if neat in time) at
this service. Kveryoae is cordially in
vited. . ! '
EFXfcwO?AX '
St. Paul's Chnrch (Episcopal) Corner
Church and Chemeketa street a. "The
Hooao of Worship." Rev. H.'D. Chamb
ers, rector. The third eiuaday ia Adveat.
Holy Eucharist at 7:30 la the chapel.
Church school at 9:45 to which all chil
dren are invited. Morning prayer and
sermon by the rector at 11 a. m. The
subject will bo "The Christian Minis
try." All are cordially invited to wor
ship with vs. Full vested choir.: The
young people' a society will meet ia the
pari a house at 6 p. .iu. The subject
being, "Is the Bible an 1 aspired Book f '
Leader, Miss Myla Chamber. All yonag
people invited.
First Methodist Episcopal Chnrch
Coi -ner State and Chnrch streets. Blaine
EL Kirkpa trick, D. -l., minister. 8:15,
old-time- class meeting in the northwest
room down stairs. 9 :4 Sunday school,
11. K. Shanks, superintendent. Come,
we will find a place for yon. 11 a. m.,
sermon by T. If. ; Gallagher, pastor of
Hunnyside chnrch, Portland. A full
rborua choir under the direction of Prof,
llobson, with Prof. Roberta at the pipe
organ, will render several selections of
Christmas music. 5 p. n., junior league.
6:30 p. only the scoond chapter of
the Epworth league will meet. 7:30, the
pageant, "Striking the Hour," under
the direction of C. E. Powell with ever
100 in the east, will toe riven; admission
free. Something special In connection
We Can't: Rum
Why not take advantage of
that fact?
A FEW . DAYS AGO a woman asked our
assistance in repairing a certain electric
It was an inferior appliance. It had been
sold to her by a salesman who burst into ;
town, "worked fast" and disappeared.
' ' There was no one to reimburse her, no one
to make proper adjustment. j . ;
A local merchant would not have sold her
that inferior appliance. This company
which submits all types of appliances to care-,
ful tests would not have sold her that ap-t
pliance. ;
t And if we had, by error, she could. have
found us- like your other local merchants
right here in town, ready and willing to rec-
tify that error.
. , If 70a lutTen't mn electric Ttciram cleaner,
, ; you aren't taking full advantage of your elee
trie service. Let's bring a Karelut vacuum ;"
I cleaner to your home and show you how it k
; naves your time, your strength, your health.
" ; Jio obligation whatsoever for the demonstra
I Hon. ..... t. , , ,.'
N. Liberty St. Phone 85
Salem, Oregon
Cosmilbiinj atiomi Ramg'ea8
This range is very compact, taking up only 41 tf inches space. Suitable
for use ia any season, and dispenses with the necessity of two ranges in the
-kitchen..- . r:, 7! ; t'-i . .;-.; : v, ; .". : $ ;
Slany desirable features and conveniences are embodied in the construe- .
tion of this most perfect combination range that cannot be had in any other.
It is exceptionally beautiful in design, sanitary, easy to operate and be
sides proving efficient, will ornament any kitchen.
The sectional top plate has four 8-inch Superior Covers, including a Re
ducing Cover, for use with' Coal or Wood, and four Superior Centrifugal Burn-
ers and jone Simmering Burner for use with gas. For itlanufactured or Natural
Gas. .,,- .-v.- : ... ..-:- - . , ". '
T Puts the
1 . Ccsikination
; ' in your home.
Sg . . .
"l g urn'OOf-fSSACM V
Puts the
Wood Range
in your home.
We will be glail to extend credit to those who desire to furnish
their home., complete or to buy a piece or two to beautify that one spot
that seems so bare.. Come ia ami select your furniture, pay a Uttle down
and the balance in small weekly or monthly payments.
. .337 TO 377 COURT ST
"VcScll FcrLcrs"
with, the chnrch airht service stert Thars-
dar airbt. Come and see, 6 :30 to 8 :45
p. m. - -. -
LesHs Netnodlst Eolscooal Chnrch
fouth Commercial aad afvers streets. If.
f . Pemoertoo. pastor. The Mundar pro
rram of this church ia follows: . .Suo
day school lor all a km at 0:45 a. m.
E. A. Rhatea. superintendent. Epworth
leacae for the yoanr people at 6 :3U p. m.
Mora iat; worship 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject: "Gifts and a Gift." Keening
meeting at 7:30. Subject: 'Th5 Con
querinr Forces of the Gospel." You are
most cordially invited to attend, all of
these meeting. You will enjoy the s;os
pH preach inic, the flsd music, the happy
aiaxing, the Rood fellowship and the
Christian spirit of this church. We will
be (lad to welcome you. Come with as.
The pastor- will preach at both services.
' Free Metho list Church Corner of
North Winter and Market streets. Rev.
iMortimer C Clarke, usator. Sundav
school at 0:45, J. M. Clark, superintend
ent, classes for all sues and agea,
Preaching; hoars 11 and 7:45. Class
meeting at 12 noon. Mrs. 1. Cooler,
leader. loony people a meeting at 0:30,
leather D. Cook, leader. The Kund am ra
tals Bible class meets Tuesday evening
at 7:15. Thursday evening- the third
quarterly meeting begins with the distric
elder, W. X. Coffee, preaching Thursday
end Friday with regular quarterly meet
ing services over the sabbath. In - the
abaenee of the pastor the pulpit will be
r illeo on Sunuay morning by Jars. Ethel
1L Clarke and in the evening by Mrs.
Anna 1-ong-- Yob will receive s cerdisi
welcome at each service.
'- Scandinavian Methodist Episcopal
Fifteenth and Mill streets. David C.
Hassel. pastor. Sunday morning worship
11 o'clock. Snnday school 12 'o'clock.
Gnat Anderson, superintendent. Epworth
league 7:15, Esther Erickson. leader.
Evening service at 8 o'clock. Mid-week
Bible atady and prayer meeting Thursday
evening at 8 o'clock. The Girls' club
will meet ' Saturday evening, the 22nd. at
the parsonage. Yob are cordially we),
come to all of these meetings.
First Evangelical Church C. C. Pol
ing, pastor. The regular services Sunday,
the 16th of November.. The pastor will
preach both morning and evening. Hub
Jecte for consideration are. ' 'The Pre
eminent Christ" and "God's Thooctita
aad His Word." The Sabbath school
will be held at 9:45 a. m., G. .N. Thomp
son, superintendent. Large men's Bible
class, taught by P. A. hLyera. Ladies'
clsss taught by Mrs. O. Beers. Large
class of young men and women taught
by Mm. Poling. Class for young mar
ried talk- taught by Mrs. Siefarth. 1 aen
classes for the Intermediate and jnaiors
taught by Miss - Pauline iRemington Mr,
Ian Taylor and the beginners in charge
of Miss Anna Mile. A class for esch
one aad a teacher for each class quali
fied , to rare for the pupils. Christian
Endeavor at 6:30. - Welcome to all who
; ' Evangelical Chemeketa street, f. W.
Lauaer, pastor. Sermon 11 a. m.' oh
ject. "Going Forward." Subject ; for
evening service, "Be Revived.'' Monday
school at l-a. Edward Zinn. leader.
Evangelical league 6:30. Sermon at Aus
burn at 3 p. m. Prayer service 'Wed
nesdsy and Thursday evenings.
'V' ' -". -: ; BAPTIST
" "Satan's Masterpiece" will be the
object of Rev. Dark t aermon 'his morn
ing at the First Baptist church. Special
music by the double quartet and a solo
by Miss Gladys Stevenson. The Sunoay
school meets at s:4 a. m. end Strang.
ers will receive a hearty welcome. , The
young people's meeting at 6:SO p. at. In.
the evening at 7:30, the anbjeet of the
sermon will no The Measure of God a
Love." ; Prayer meeting en Thursday
evening at 7 :3u. The Sunday acnool
will bold their Christmas exercises next
Friday evening at 7:30.
First Presbyterian Church Minister,
Ward . Willie Iong. Sunday school :4S
a. m. . H. E. Barrett, superintendent.
Orchestra music; classes for all. Morn
ing worship 11 o'clock. Sermon, "The
Church With a Future'' le the aixtft la
a series on 'The Seven Churches in
Asia." Quartette music. "Gloria in. Ex
eeisls." - first claas kindergarten for
children during morning aerriee. Three
E Societies meet 6 :0 p. 'm. Sermon
7 :SO p. m second - ia a pre-Chriatmaa
series, "What Must I Believe Concern-
in r the Virgin-Birth of Christ I" A
popular singing of Xmss carols will open
tae service, sow, : me noiy cuy, oy
Mr. Bartlette.
- First Congregatioaal Oiurch Liberty
aad Center atreeta. W. C. Kantner, min
ister. Sondsy school at 10 a. m. with
Interesting classes for all ages. Record
attendance last Sunday. Miss Mary fake.
MriBteadesL Morning worship at 11
a. m. Sermon subject. "How We Ought
to Think of the Church.' At this aerv-
ice there will be public reception of
members into the fellowship of the
church. 6:30 p. m, young people s
meeting. 7:30 p. m, brief address;
'Some Italian eaiate of the Xew Testa
ment Timee." There will be aeries of
hoantifuL instructive nletnres of Italy
that will be of interest especislly In rievr
f the fact that Italy ia in Ihe limelight
at present. The choir of the cnurca wui
furnish a high class of music at all serv
ices. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 :30
.i m. Toole, "way Jesns i-ame.
Chrisunao cantata Suadsy, lcember 23
by double quartet.
Central Congregational Chsrch Sooth
Nineteenth street. Harry W. Johnson,
minister. Sunday school sad morning
vrarshiB at' 10 a. m. Young people's
meeting at 6:30 p. m. , Preaching aerriee
at . 7:30 p. m. . ..
I First United Brethren Corner Twelfth
and Mission streets. C. W. Tibbet, pas
tor. Sunday, school at 10 a. m Mass
Olia Gobler. superintendent. Preaching
11 . m. Subject, Entire Sanctifies-
tion" (continued). Evening service.
Christian Endeavor, .6:30, Miss Marvelte
Edwards, leader. Mubject, "Bible Pasa
agea We Should Memorise and Why t"
(Each Endeavor to memorise one paas
age). Preaching at 7:30 p. as. The
Sundsy school will have appropriate
Christmas exercises -on oaturoay evening.
Dee. 22. at 7:30. Parents especially in
vited. All are cordially invited to attend
and cooperate ia all these services. - Yea
will receive a hearty welcome. Comet
1 Castle Chapel United Brethren Church
Corner of Seventeenth street and Ne
braska avenue. George Chapman, pastor.
Saaday achool 10 a. nu, C. P. weha, sup
erintendent. There is a class for you.
Come. - Morning worship 11a.m. Chris
tian Endeavor ff:30. Topic of the even
ing, "Bible Passages We Should memo
rise." Junior CE 6:30.. Preaching at
t:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thumday
evening 7:30 p. m. You are cordially
Invited to all these services.
; s- LTJTHEKA1C ' - '
1 Christ Evsng lical Lutheran Chnrch
State and Eighteenth streets. G. Koeh
ler, pastor. There will be divine service
with aermon in German at 10:30 a. an.
Sunday achool (English) at 0:45 . m
Young . people' meeting at 6:30 p. m.
Evening service ia Engiwh at 7:30 p. m.
Hubjeet: "The Ideal Home. Mid-week
meeting ejn Thursday at 7:80 p. m. iliible
school on fiatarday from 9 to 12 a. am.
The confirmation class meets at 1 o' cloak.
? 8t Jnki'i Evangelical Lnthera
Sixteenth and A streets. II. W. Oiv,
naotor. There will be regular Sunday
services In the German language at 10:30
m. Sunday school If.nglishl be gins
at 0:30. The Bible class under the direc
tion Of the pastor meets at 7 :30 p. a.
All visitors aad strangers are rordislty
invited to attend our evunday achool U-ible
eiase and regular services.
Christian aad Missionary Alliance
Tabernacle, Ferry street, near Church.
The sperisl revival campaign now being
conducted by Evangelist C, Orville Hcn-
Jiam will continue daily at 3 and. 7:30
pV m. except on Monday. Kaaday, lee.
23. ja the dosing date of this campaign.
Crowd ere still in attendance daily and
sboet forty seals have thus far confessed
conversion in these meetings. Special
divine healing services are announced for
next Tuesday at 3 and 7: SO p. an. Sun
day services are : aa follows: Saw's
sonool at p. as., classes for ell. Evan
gelist's topics, 8 P.' m- "Has r God
Changed!"; 7:30 p. m.. "Kgmea
Wreckage." Atl are cordially invited to
attend the closing meeting of tbUT auc
eessful campaign. - ' . -
TZXE&DS . -Highland
Frienoe Highland avenue
and North Church street. I. Ct. and Ida
J. Lee, pastors. Revival services are
still In progress at this church. . Rev.
willing to walk in the light are gettiag
greatly blessed. - The services for Saa
day are as follows: Bible school at 10
a. as.; preaching at 11 a. m. aad 7:30
p. m.; Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.;
Junior Endeavor at 8:30 p. an. An
nouncements will be made on Snnday
concerning the revival aneetingi. Come
and hear a good gospel message.
South v falem ' Frieada Chnrch 4Tomer
of Commercial and Washington streets.
Carl P. and Minnie G, Millrr. pastors.
Sunday school at to a. m.. Dr. 1'arl K.
Miller, superintendent. , Classes for all
agea aad sepsrste rooms for nearly every
class. Worship" and preaching at 11
a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.
Evangelistio meeting at 7 :S0. ' Prayer
meeting Tbnrsday 7:3 p. m A wa.rm
welcome awaits yon at all of these aerr
ices. -.
Bethany Reformed ChurchComer of
Capitol and Marion streets. M, Denny,
pnstor. Monday school lO a. m. and
German preaching aervice 11 a. m. 'o
evening service.
Glad Tidings Mission 3434 Court
street. C. S. Johnson, pastor. Sundav
sehool at 2 p. m. Services at 9 and 8
p. m. Meetings on Wednesday, Thuraday
and Saturday evenings. We believe in
the full gospel. We believe in the power
of God to save, to baptise In the Holy
Spirit and to heal the aick. Mission is
open every dsy. Mid-day praver meet
ing from 11 to 1 o'clock. Everybody
hearing. Sunday night at 7:30 p. m .
corner of Fifth , aad Gainec.
Church of Ood 1348 Xorth Church
street. J. J. Gillespie, pastor. Sunday
school 10 s. m. Come and bring your
children, and study the story of Paul'a
first convert in Europe, and her baptism.
Preaching service at 11 a. aa. Young
people's service 6:45, and testimony and
preaching service at 7:&0. Prayer meet
ing with K. 8.; Gross. 1590 Highlsad
avenue, Tuesday evening at 7 :30. and oor
regular prayer meeting at the ehapel
Wednesday evening at 7:30.
International Bible Students associa
tion meets every Sunday in Derby halt,
corner Court and High streets (apstairs),
hours from 10 to 12 a. m. On Sunday
afternoon at 2:30 there will be a publie
lecture by W. A. Baker of Portland.
Subject, "All Nations Marching to Ar
mageddon. Millions- Xow Living Will
Never Die."
First Church 440 Chemekeia street
Annday morning service at 11: evening
service at , subject of lesson, 'God. the
Preserver of Man." Sundsy school st
9:30 a. m. Wednesday evening testlmon
isl meeting at 8. Reading room, Mssonie
Temple, open 'every day except holidays
and Sunday, from 11:15 to 5:3) p. m.
All are cordially invited to our services
and to our reading room.
Jason Lee Memorial Methodist chnrch;
eornr North Winter aad Jefferson streets
Thomas Arheaon, pastor. IKoy Walker,
assistant, in charge of Junior chnrch.
Sunday achool will coavene today st 0:45
a. m. A splendid opportunity is offered
in this session to those who love the
word of God. Classes for sH agea led by
consecrated tf achera. Two servicea of
public worship at 11 a. m. The pastor
will be in charge of the adults in the
auditorium. Rev. Walker will conduct the
service for youag people dowa stsirs.'
The Epworth Lesgue devotional aervice
for young people will be held at 6:30
p. m. down stairs. - Testimony and praise
service for sdults wilt be held in the
suditorium at 7 p. m. Brother Joseph
Barber will lead. Publie worship in
charge of the pastor at 7:30 p. m. The
choir assisted by the orchestra will lead
In a rousing song service. The public ia
most cordially invited to all of the acti
, vitiea. You will enjoy not only the wor
ship out the fine spirit of ehnstisn fel
lowship. The Junior and Senior churches
will unit for the mid-week devotional
and study period on Thursdsy evening
at 7:15. On next Snnday morning at the
church school hour the young people wui
fine Christmas program, and at the hour
evening service the choir will furnish a
progrsm of Christmas music.
Seventh. Day Adventiat ' Church X. C.
Em t son, pastor.' Sabbath school at 10:30
led by Is.- T. Madsen. The lessons are
of special interest being about what con
stitutes a "Christian Character." The
offering on the 13th Sabbath this qasr
ter goes for missionsry work in South
America. Just recently six hundred and
twenty five were baptised there - in. one
day. ' Our goal is fl per member.
Preaching at 11:30 by the pastor. The
subject for this Sunday will be. "The
Bible . Put to the Acid Test." Is it a
book we can depend upon I If peoofe
knew how to test the veracity of the
Bible there would not be so many doubt
ers. This is a subject yon will enjoy
Harding Memorial Drive
Deferred to January 1 5
PORTLAND, Or... Dec. 15.-
Postponement of the Oregon cam
paign to raise $50,000 toward the
Harding memorials mausoleum,
shrine and university chair of di
plomacy -was unanimously decid
ed upon at the mass meeting of
admirers of the late - president
held - In Judge Evans' chambers,
courthouse, Wednesday, : Mayor
Baker introduced the resolution,
which gave, as reasons the fact
that the community chest cam
paign had not yet closed; that the
holiday season was too near at
hand and that many merchants
and business men were balancing
their books. The date set for the
, . n. jii ijutf nn - J r "" " -WWSS
U. " , A
Sir. Raj ford Ely -,
Rayford Ely, 147 Marion street.
Salem. Oregon, started at the very
beginning. He has worked him
self up each day until we have
found him on the honor roll. Mr.
Ely has the system when it comes
to getting them. ' for no matter
what happens he la always very
cheerful. He asks his friends to
help him from now until January
opening was January 15. In the
meantime, however, C. M. - Idle
man, chairman , of the-county me
morial association, will'; proceed
with organization of his forces. -
The principal ' speakers last
night were B. F. Mulkey state
chairman of the memorial com
mittee; CM. Idleman and Mayor
Baker.', - IN- - - ' ..;'
A resolution was adopted de
ploring the death of ex-Representative
C. X.- McArthur.
American reverence of ; aristo
cracy is waning. Not a single one
of the new novels contains an earl
with the. gout. W
BERLIN, Dec. 15. General von
Ruedgisch Pasha died recently ia
Berlin at the age of 9. . He bad
lived in Turkey several years,
having trained the Turkish caval
ry, at Constantinople, Tripoli and
On December 1 an article ap
peared In a Salem paper as fol
lowst - - k
failure to deliver the,
' charter promised the local
chapter of the Women of the
Kil Klux Klan at the time
the Salem klan lodge was
chartered, November 10, at
thi fair grounds, - has cost
Fred L. G if ford's state or
ganization of women around
$75 in real cash-money, ac
cording : to Information re
ceived today."
f wish to state at this time that
the above is a; malicious lie, and
that the writer absolutely knows
this to be the case. .
'At that time there never bad
beenfa ladles' organization started
iriSalem- the members belonging
to the old Ladies of the Invisible
Empire never had bean taken Into
the Ku Klux Klan np to Decem
ber 10.
As far as the. Ladies of the -Invisible
Empire being through with
the Ku Klux Klan forever-is con
cerned, I wish to state ' that it Is
not altogether their fault, as the
Ladies of the Ku Klux Klan have
complete. say as to whom they take
Into their organization.
We wish further to say that the
Ladies of the Ku Klux Klan In Sa
lem are absolutely , loyal to the
state-organization and do not in
tend to brook any interference
from Mrs. Mark Skiff and her fol
lowing whatever; -V
aC. STARR. r Adv. dl6
J Mp
For Any Member of the Family, Friend or
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Look for
Blue and
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"Extra Large, Fringed N
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$22.50 "d $24
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Pure Virgin Wo ol Bed Blankets
"The Warmth That N ever Fails"
An Ideal Gift for Mother or to the Home.
Search the world's leading markets and you'll find no
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colors In block plaid and broken, also plain white with
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$13.50 and up to $28.50 pair
See Our Dis
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An exquisite Pure
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In pink, and green
broken plaid colorings.
Large size; - weight
four pounds; single.
Priced very reasonably
rv,,.rsn ..
b-n a t e in- r-reschiBT o evrel'-tit-
r sni . -' w : o t stteni r? ri I