OH fi i i- 4' V t t 'i - I V f I - " - t f ; ; ):' . ) V '-Vv:'. r 4 Si,- v. 'V- t I 1 f . . f. THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1923 wiiJ I'ltxlt it mi I Hit t JIU I ' llliJ IF-II ill S' eI wt ill EVALINA SHOPPING GOES 7W 'mm' . .. . J .i t iV i NO, other gift: TNSTEAD : of landing on.- the ftsChristm5 outside looking on the Inside,'' time, can take, the regarding those lovely- art- rajft. place--of flowers, pieces Maarlne Beale Lee Is making at Por ter's Art shop, why not go on in and learn just how r It's : done, r Mrs. ;Lee Is giving lessons every Tuesday, . Thurs-, day and; Saturday mornings and Wednes day eTenlng, and It is so easy to learn to do that, good loo k 1 n g . polychrome ajid decor tire art! Why all'jrott need; is a Wt of giimp . tipn,; a wood founda 'tiOn jjeeso. with paints, ahd ,Mrs. Lee'a Instruc tion i-r and prestol '-A . can die stick, or v frook ends; just like those in -the window,, you s hare "been coveting. Among her fln- 'ished pieces -yoja'-wU fiod,-nany for flowers, speak a language . ot ', theirown 1 En-:i folded In i the , heart of a naif a . message no words' can eyer- J . telL : Wtt the 1 bright blooms of a flowering plant '-' goes a cheer-that lasts fpr months. j While thejasHortmnt Isorplete, 'why not make your selection from, ; the gorgeous array of blossoming and : foliage plnt at BREI OTaAUPTS FLORAL. ClOP. : Be : font' message .what it may, for . sweetheart, mother or friend. In .V this shop you 'Will find the exact flower." - f MR. NEIMEYER will help you tasteful gift suggestions, solre your gift problems with '; ; "drtLer l and amber. J?EIMEYERS DRUG J .new ,3TIrT ?TOtRE; f-t STORE. 17S North Commercial." J? f" ln , , ' m9f0mZi " 8UCf glfp for the home as floor jiampcs, priu9 lamps, uaveupusi tables ' and sewing . cabinets in choice ff mahogany . or- walnut. and r many, other . suggestions. Those new hand bloeked linen draperies will make marreUous ,.gifta . i ? ; hH'-' "; ' -. ' J'' ?"f S - ni- I SNT ; it , terijbieXwen we on't know how to satisfy ihat Spirit , of the Yuletide that Impells us to ' make our friends and lored ones happy on Christmas with gifts? --ThJs minute. we are; all planning THERE lothlng that vwJUt , gladden the heart of. a. wpman more than an electra "cooking uteuslL ' Gire her a conreziien helpful electrical device. o,t only 7fJ2Tt TAZl 4.K-. .... us hare considered a gift that nes attractjTe in. appearance, bt etfi- b k . fa part - of jclenfi economical and useful, and -JCLVi.E?. ia.-.; !ut ..JttL. J!v "fw.-JL.w Christmas eTer since that day the wwrr -7-Wise Men came from the east? ments re the electric stores, waf. r- Vrt Wj v t i.i,fB-- fie irons, percolatora, , toasters. Irons, etc, at THE RAX 1 FARM ER HARDWARE STpRE. Conk munity plate Vis ; anojLhet " sugges tion fr'om)tbis:torej "Thejr crry . it in seven patterns.. v: "v DOXy ou thfnk a dainty little head band, tor the sutv-deb, or a hand -made corsage for -the young matron would make . An awfully .attractive gift? Jdst one look ' at -.' those, in ' Mrs. C.." A Crimm's FINDING SHOP will con--i Tince ypul . Balcony, Derby Bldg. Can yon think of anything else that will brtng so much happiness to erery member of the family a3 will; MUSIC? Not ; on Christinas : day alone but every day of '-the year. MOORE'S MUIC HOVSE is bubbling over 'with everything imaginable in'a musical line from-"' rAMASCUS M BRASS, in pieces T plain or inlaid with silver and copper; Borghese reproductions in t he form . o f sconces, - plaque, bookends, boxes; trays, boxes and candle , sticks of . Persian lacquer; Oriental rugs, and many other f i t t's of rare , charm and indi viduality I found at the GILBERT ST U D I O & ' CRAFT S H O P. There were some of the cleverest : small gifts, too, . and lovely pic tures in the fam ous GILBERT ' FRAMES. ' a m v 1 .... . (. THE bargain counter at DAR . BY'S DRUG. STORE "holds some amazing bargains. Ton ' can't af-, ford to pass it by. With her evening clothes the fashionable woman now is wear-, ing a step-in corset of silk elastic in some festive and often bizarre shade. -'.') . j - ."; - v ' VirHAT would the kiddies think ' - . I- of a cunning little soft furry, ball of a puppy for Christmas? won't 'bei Something alive, that ' really oreatnes ana runs witnout wtna ing! . Thinlt of the companionship ot such a gift. ""Canaries," too, make ideal gifts, especially for the shut ins. I heard the Roller ' ("the canary with a college edu- iMtlnn'M ntnrlntr whIIT itnnnRil colorfuLw. perfect PviBtLAKE'S PETLAND. and reddest terries imaglnibleAnd; ; -urelv such melddv would brleht- en the dreariest Ay. . Kittens, guinea pigs,, goldfish all kinds of pets bird cages, dog harness' and pet supplies of every descrip tion can be provided by Mr. Flake. A PERMANENT WAVE badly done Is rdear" at any price, while, one well done gives, so much 'satisfaction that its vajue cannot be estimated in dollar and cents. MRS. IRENE SCOTT at-the MAR- 4NKLLO -BBAUTX SHOP,is, unns ually. conscifntious In . her work and has for the past eight years had phenomenal success using the Nestle's oil process in permanent waving. - .'.. rISTINCTIVE gifts for fair la dies" lingeries of dainty silks, fragile, yet durable, in a range of tints from pale blush to vivid flame.'. Where is the mod ern. Eve who does not covet those lovely pieces in underwear, negli- gees, pajamas, boudoir caps that MILLER'S are showing in crepe de chines, georgettes, satins, rad ium silk, crepe t supreme, and the ! exquisite Philippine' hahd'embrot- dered fine, cottons. Of recognized .beauty and durability are the na tionally advertised Kayser and Tanltr Fair underwear this store offers in' the silk' jersey and the softer Italian silks. ? : GR perhaps you are thinking of a sweater, a knitted vestee, or a silk gown for her! Besides all such things, MRS. O. C. LOCKE, 115 " N. , Liberty ..street, has some clever things In the approved cos tume , Jewelry, : and the newest things' in perfumery. ' ; : a , ; CHRISTMAS simply complete without a holly wteath tc hang in the i witkowl. In passing by PLANT'S FLOWER SHOP (185 S. Commercial J, some stunning fwreaths caught? my, at tention. - Well made they are, and I KNOW someone who would just' love - a bathrobe, don't you? too. T5" 2 Especially a nice downy Pendleton robe , in Indian design, 'bound throughout with satin, w I th .. long silk waist cord, s u c h a s those you w 1 1 1 find at C. P. ,B I S HO P.. 8 W OO L E N MILLS , STORE! 0 There are robes in dark and light cccors for men and women with comfy slippers to , complete the gift. Such gifts will last a lifetime, for In a Pendleton robe there's always comfort. In " "the-j warmth" that ever fails."".. THE SALEM HARDWARE CQ. has some splendidly sturdy toys,-made ""strong"" enough t withstand the. rough use of any yonng American. DECIDEDLY . clever -are the aprona and children's clothes I found at MRS. LAMMER'S needlecraft shop Ln the Derby building. There were just heaps of the best looking .things all fin ished, and ready f Or, gifts, as well as numerous stamped articles of unique design and surprisingly simple to make. - H ALWAYS to serve with the very beet only, the GRAY BELLE -has .-anticipated -your Christmas. I T is not always the most ex penslvely dressed woman who appears Jn the list of "best dress era, but ; she whose gowns har- pianoato French harps. 4 They monlze with "her own figure and cay,the Vic-tor. Brunswick and , personality. .Such distinction and Individuality In dress does not - necessarily imply extra, expense especially when such a designer as MRS ALLPHIN . is. at ; your ser S rise. She Is a perfect ' genius in ! adapting, the . prevailing mode to -your own personality!' MRS. ALLr j PHIN'S GOWN SHOP, 331 Oregon Bldg Sonora phonographs, the Buescher aad King f saxophones, coraet3. trumpets, etc, and a wondarful holiday array of string, instru ments as violins, mandolins, gul- tars, banjo?, ukflelea banjo-ukes. We cannot think of a more Merry Christmas than a Musical one. Yours - with : Christmas checr, :doore's ' Musle House. . they are surprisingly reasonable in price, as is everything; else in the potted plants and cut flowers In the shop ' ; ' r '.r..i . s. .. .... ; r 3 , FOR yottV little exchange gifto, or for the more. coster things, I know .'you ' girls will find Just what yoUf want among MIS SWARTS' attractive assortment it ' the NOYELTT SHOfotSyk things i hosiery, corsets' and the Kayser Bilk underwear you wilt tind here; t besides the damty utue rionon-, . gifts. 1 1 6 North Liberty St. ' i : IN the way of the newest "thiitf ff in electric appliances of the a " ; proved makes, FLEENER'S hae . , everything to offer. ;s For, the hope" ?; ' chest, or for the college girl, can ' you think of anything more ap propriate than the stunning ' new'T Armstrong vUble : stovein white wants with an extraordinary sup enamel?.. With it you can prepare , piy of the famous Gray Belle can a whole meal at. the table. It dies In exquisite gift boxes of silk cooks three tilings at a time " lined leather, or polychrome. : or - toasts or - .poaches ': 'between ".the1 heat uctts, hroils or poaches eggs below, and " fries above the ' heat units. For pleasure and eatisfac tlon, convenience and. economy the Armstrong table store. Fleen er's Electric Shop; ' 4T1 Court street. the less . elaborate , Japanese bas kets. : Such" a gift to any woman from any man will be eloquent proof of' his good judgment and discrimination, as well as a token of " supreme affection.. Prices range from; 11.59, to as high as $25. llfHY not save the extra expense of a new gown for the holiday formal when that old one will T come back,, from, the STANDARD CLEANERS as fresh and new as the day it (Came from, the. shop. In the competent hands of the MAS-' TER CLEANERS AND DYERS, . soil spots fade as If by magio from the most fragile of materials. A bit of color will freshen that . negligee or JtbPse faded Jundles." e";. k ry f;- . SOMETHING 5 in leather las sure to pleiso the "eternal mascu line." E. SHAFER carries the best and largest-stock" of leather gopdsjn the valley. His 35 years in thes lother. goods businees as sures, dependaWlity.in quality. --' ' ' . . - : THOSE chic blaci enamel vanity packs -with the neat gold1 trim ! diBCovered at PERRY'S DRUG : STORE, - will , make-; smart " gifts " for your girl chums. This "store can only supply you .with a full v line of Jonteel, Hudnuts or Col- gates perfumery and toilet dain ties, .v. ' . v; .Hri.t'.-,-' ...... . CURLING IRONS are inbre thah acceptable gifts. . At HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP I found one $1.75 iron with a two year gu antee, and another guaranteed for only one. year for $1.25. Reason able, don't you think? r It 1