t : r j ., s . . " : : i- ... ' ''. TWENTY-FOUR PAGES TODAY L -i 'W" - V I t'ir- iiu.- :- , .-v. ""r ? 1 1 , y f . t.f : v-i4JJk I i I ft-"1, : - FIRST SECTION - PAGES 1 TO 8 ;-" - : . ..: . i f " - CnVENTYJTinilD YEAR. :.,v ;. .sale orecon; fetjDAy aiorninq; deceer uZtoiL' ; k -v a i : i Erics Five cm.. . . . . ....... . ' . " , . , - " ., , t , n .' I ; I : ' 1 j '.. r- ... . 77- . : .... .. '.. 1 .1. I ! i i 4 f, 1 H 1 . 4 v ; ! IT ' - V J ; V IiIiTSHEil War Law Violators Will Be Released Csfcre Christ- ;:rni3l'li Leavenworth Are Affected -t. SPECIAL COrr.!lTTEE ' , MAKES ITS REPbRT .Oflcfstis ! I.bt Condoned In Any : Scabs Sines ; flo Pardons Granted WASHINGTON' Dec. IS. The . ,P?ef tor "amnesty -wolch'baa been presented repeatedly, to three , a jtloaal .administrations was grant ed Ilrially today to President Cool ?ldge: In . commuUng the' sentences j . of all. remaining imprisoned riola- : tors or war laws..., - ... ' The action of the president will -''Si. ToriaC boit the . release te?ori! Christmas of 31 now serring sen tences In the federal prison at - cf tlje espiona'rract ' TTwof Inese aea we .coziYietea at nansas guy ia 1119 aloni" With 24 other il. ' .leg'ed ;membera'of J the: t) Wj w, Slae, otTthea" were""conVicted"in Chicago together with William D. T' (Els' Bill) Haywood, general sec, Tctary treasurer of the I. W. W.1 4-nd. he others were found guilty - - u sacramento m 1919. - , 't Committee Reports. ' 'r-'Mt. Coolidge acted upon receipt ; ", et a Vecommendation for amnesty fro nit the special committee, he ap , pointed sereral weeks ago to make ' A. disinterested study of the ques I , tl; of clemency for war law riola- t; r s. This committee was com- jx'e4 of Newton D. Baker, secre ; tary of wars during tha war period; - MijojvCeneral JamesQ.; Harhord . TrlioaerTed brerseas as head of the .-. scprice of supplies of the Amer- - lean; army and Bishop Charles H. Erenfc of the Episcopal church who r was - thief of the army chaplain s serrice during the war. -. , ; The report of the special com ;". ml t tee was not made public buf the YiThite House announcement of i th 9 president's action said a ma- - jority of the.. committee toembere xarored amnesty. niiOluiirLJI.i Staid Flax Industry Is Stead ily l Getting Nearer fo ; j run uperauon The first fcMjment of tow from the.Rickreall warehouse has been made,- and another 'shipment'" Is ready. and a third nearly ready.' ' Part of the machinery of the Istate, flax Industry is In opera, 'tidn at Rickreall, pending the fin Uhlng of the new warehouhQ at the penitentiary, outside the Vail, "and the new machinery building Inside i the. wan. About half the eteel work for therwarehouse roof Is, In 'place, and the timbers are leing Jaauled for the roof of the -machiier buildin. jiff-. J C , 3Iahlnery Coming Over' r-" As soon as the buildings at the penitentiary are ready, the mach inery at Rickreall will be mored oyer, and otber machinery Install . t J -sq that all the operations may la carried on at thf penitentiary; and tl.ere will be some operations. t will! be a day and night job to T'-i- irbe flax of 1923 out of the ay; for; the crop of 1924; but 'C erintendent Robert Crawford says it can and will "be done.. How creri tbefe is surely no "time tor Cday.'anjr where along the line. -A cod dealof flax seed id al ready on hand, baring been thresh ed t Rickreall, and "aome of , It wl'llb worked up as soon as the vsrehduse roof Is on. There are cri ers ca hand from the drug trade, and consequent need tor : i-te. .This should be by January ' 10. at the latest. S'.Sl. -'S: THE WEATHER-" : 4 ; OKtGON; Rain west, probab ly rain, or snow east portions Cunday; moderate- to fresh southerly winds. LOCAL WEATHER ' (Saturday) I Uxim'im. temperature 48. : . terr?rature 40. OF W! IS MDE t 1 . ' , urt-nro wsflttT ' ? J ' I piact . I i . - . - I V WOWHCt Hcumv. m,, tV :- ' ' ' I- ' . - tesi TfsssssS ttn - hmls -- cwff justice' MC 'v T 77 15 etoicw , smn hs vrmr i (J 'JV Hefwts !, FftrtHhuci RNt . I f Vfl tSL2rfi8H ' Thomas Allen McBride, chief justice of the' Ore gon supreme court, has the frosts of some 78 win ters resting on his locks. '" Counted in years he Is the. oldest member of the bench. But Time, some way, has nerer been able to make any impression on the judge except to change the color of his hair to an Intellectual white. As for his mind, his spirit fifth, Oregon district comprising Clackamas, :Wash bnd his legs they haren't. slowed-down a bit. : The ington, Columbia. Clatsop. , Wasco and Crook coun- ""tq - uu iuicimuu-u ui uuuuu au ia lies, ana serrea iu .yeara in tnat capacity.' .Then -sUll able to. cast a, wicked fish-hook : , . he was elected circuit judge ef the same district Judge ;McErideVhas seen law in operation in and served 17 years. V i s -i'i;C Oregon in about all lu Various phases'and methods in 1909 Judge McBride was appointed on the both the laws that are printed in the statute supreme bench by Oorernor Benson, succeeding.' books-and those that are Juat. sort of underatood. Justice Robert S. Bean, who is now federal iudge- alL Before he was a lawyer,' even before he was of i 4 ; The:, venerable Jurist la "now serving hisifiith: age, young McBride worked in the gold mines of term as chief justice of the Oregon supreme court, eastern. Oregon, where law,, while not necessarily he and Justice Burnett, because of their seniority, in printed form struck quickly and sharply against alternating In? that position. 3 j r' the man who .violated, the. liberal ethics . of . the . ; The judge la socially inclined and his fraternal earlier day. In those times the six-shooter might connections are with the Masons, the Shriners and represent either law or lawlessness depending on the Elks. But he is also very much of a home who could draw first As fOr the courts, it wasn't man. His home Is on farm In Columbia county. Infrequent that a man was sentenced one day and: near St. Helens and he returns there from Salem hanged the next. nearly every week-end. I e! 4 ' Perhaps it was the practical and expeditious He cornea of a family famous in Oregon and the methods bf those times that developed in the future west. His father was a minister and i phyBiclaa Chief Justice ap expeditious way In reaching the big "and was known , publicly all over the Ute.- He' Idea In a supreme court opinion, for example. As the state as United States senator. He as George the years went on the judge didn't fail to become " served as minister to the-Hawaiian islands by ap modern, but he became modern in a sensible way. pointment of President Lincoln. f A brother served His opinions , are something .inore .than disseru-. W. McBride. who also .served Oregon as speaker , ttona oa law; they have a literary keynote running of the, house of representatives and as secretary of through them that is.not fictionJy.any means but statew.Another. brother,- John R McBride k was that makes the document Interesting to most any chief justice of Idaho and a prominent lawyer of y,2tK r tht state. Another brother is Dr. James McBride Chief Justice McBride Is an Oregonian by na- of Pasadena. CaL .. . : tlvity. 5 ,H ws? born in Yamhill county in 1847. Cbiefi Justice fkcBtide was married; February and after he had received his common school edu- 7,M875. .to,Mary .,E. Merrill. His son George cation he matriculated with McMinnville tfollege McBride Is ;aa . attorney tn Portland. A daughter, recently rechristened Linfield. MiSs' May McBride, lives at home. ' usl"r. EE8ERVE OFFICERS OIDZE SECTOR Petition -for Membership to aix! 1 ;n nauonai urgamzauon - Signed Here I Petition for a Salem sector of the .Reserve," Of fleers association of the United Stats was signed by! nearly 25 reserve officers of Mar- i ion and. Polk, counties at a meet ing held in the armory last night. Col. Carle Abrams was elected temporary president nd Captain Allan Carson temporary secretary treasurer. ;"- r .V-l.;V; :- i V i Capt.i Arthur 5 tselirtger; AO. ORC. secretary ' of the Oregon chapter, addressed the meeting, outlining the objects' of the asso ciation. Addresses were made by CoL F. J. Arnold, cavalry DOL. AC of S. O-8. 96th division. Maj. Oeorge W.; C Whiting, infantry, DOL, (9 6th division ; Col. William A. Aird, Infantry. ORC;' Lieut. vCoI. Hartwell W. Palmcn cavalry OR C :' LTeut. . Col.llleniry. C- R. Aiken, field artillery, ORC. and Lieut. Vere Painter, quartermaster corps DOL, 96th division. Major Gjed stedt of the adjutant general's of fice, urged those present tor help put' the organization across. - The next meeting of the Salem sector will be held, Monday, Jan uary 14,i the hour and'toeeting place to, be denounced; later. ij: f' r ';.' Volcott Buren Finishes. , At ' University in June UNIVERSITT OF OREGON, Eugene, Dec. 15. One of the 28 persons who will receive a degree f f qm' the" CnrversTty bf Oregon In 'January,-12,; fs Wolcott; Buren c! C ,r . Il5 will be jrranted a ' ' f V:- e:rartr.:tr.t OF OREGON JUl&E T. A. licBRTOE Principals' . AssbcMtToo 1 C I. , Wars Upon the Cigarette The 'Marlon County Principals' association went on record Satur day as favoring the proposed ac tIonof Goyemor Walter M. Pierce in his. campaign against cigarette advertising, particularly By means of the billboard. The secretary was instructed, to write ; the gov ernor, commending him upon'- his stand.! F. E. Fagan of f Wood burn presided.; Nearly 25 princi pals were present. W- ift'-. Intelligence tests were discussed with Prof. D.. Hughes, Univer sity of Oregon, speaking-upon the subject In general.' A scheduled discussion of athletics and of de clamatory contests was postponed until the next meeting.' The meet ings, which are arranged so ag to be "held at regular, intervals dur ing the school .year," are' held every nine weeks. Will Telf What East f 1 i ..Thinks of Loganberries II. H. Haynes. of the Salem Bak Ing company, will tell the Cham ber of Commerce what the east thinks of the loganberry when he speaks . at the regular- luncheon Monday noon. By cooperating with the loganberry growers last August, the Chamber of Commerce sent' M." Haynes east in an erfort tp establish; a new mirket tor fro zen loganberries. He made an ex tensive trip talked to a great many pie manufacturers and : business concerns, .and will make a com plete report of his investigations. Though Marion county has more acres In hops than In loganberries. there are more growers interested in the berriesj- they)arje.ln-smali! :iertracts.,t.f)r.c,seht' there -'are 4231 seres jof lanLerrii inlh!3 cc :?V:t 7r0' or Zf) rcr:i , . . .... ' ,. . .( " Z. h -Vl i For some years Mr. McBride taught ia. the country schols of Oregon and in 1870 he w(t-id mttted to the bar. First he practiced at Xa Fay ette, Or., then went to St. Helens and -'then tto Oregon City. . ! t; In 1882 he was elected district attorney fnr- fho, mm sale lks o;j Nearly Six Hundred Doitars for Soldiers' M6nurnent t 111 i. . nl.! runu Mireaay nceivean - Returns irn M11 rnlfltti or In trntn ..j. - . ' w- . mmm . . v h. the recent tag day sale of the fea lein War Mothers, fo ihe'iold'irs'' nio'unment fund; to go. . towards ?a monument to be erected on the court house grounds, i : -s, The total so rar received Js t.'84.40. aim - non ir iVrfi" ni Mrs. Carl Chapter , turned tn'Ihe largest Bums: Mrs. Alrfpn rnTlprt. ed 3115 and Mrs. Chspjer, 33515; iuc "luai tuiiicu iu 11 uui uipi f.iu- ual tag sales was by Mybelle ijar ker, $31.16. Those who, wdrked hard . with, splendid succes I;ere Mrs. Mark J5Vlff fr. "fteA triwl. and, Mrs. J. A. Carson j Mrs-Sraah mincer. Mrs. Joe. Martin,, Miss Pauline Welch and Charles Kay Bishop, f The last named Was the only boy who volunteered, a'nd he This' was much appreciated' by the War Mothers, also tho; &ervce4 Of members of the SalvatIA' Army, who can always be counted" on. f I- Frjn Outside &ints The Salem total is nV jil and outside towns $ 1 (J 3.0 9;..Tee was a most generous rfesponse front Sublimity - and But'tevflle. Sublimity sent $ 1 0, at dT promised more. But ierille sn'nt 1 1 ota ft: mostly in SO cent collections anow- people htere. Turner Wnt Sli,90. There are only, partial 'reports from several outside points, and no reports at all as yet from 6th- - The War Mothers expect to keerl ioint. .till tere s"Wouh'. money tf I y a"crc-;iatl3 t z.crs non INTO: HARBOR ! AT BOSTON Far Vamer : Party ; of, 1773 Is - Re-endcted in Old South , . Meeting House VBDSTPN. "Mass pep. 15ptn Boston's old South, meeting house frpm'wMb Iecemter. 16. 1773: a band of colonists disguised aa Mo hawks, went forth to the. famous tea. party was re-enacted today In commemoration of Us 150th annt versary. . , s , 1 ,y rThe Dra'matle association f' of Boston college portrayed the' pour-; ing,,of.the;.tea,on-i which thecol-. pnists. refused." to ' "pay a..' tax,, into Boston harbor the event that led directly to the revolutionary war.' Salem Principal Chosen . s r j V Secretary of Association .. . " i . ". t. A LB AnV 6 r.l Dec.- 1 S-Schobt superintendent." athletic coaches high rchoOl ..principals, and. stud ent" managers of seven Willamette vaHey. " towns '. here todky for the pUose" of J arranging , football Schedules, the formation of, a dis trict league and for discussing the; athletic composition between the valley schools in general... E. A. Hudson, principal of. Albany high", school, -was chosen as , the t,0st chairman, of the association,' which' was perfected at the. meet ing. Principal , J. O. , Nelson o( Salem was chosen secretary, ;: The association went on record as fav- or,ins a divIsiDU of .the state into dutricts tor a .better organized athletic ' program. BY PIIIT IS Kill New Schedule irr Vogue This Vwccn, III oioicomaii o Greats Contest V ;: 4 Sh .(lif the Contest Editor.) t This week We are going to ef- f er to the contestants anew bonus' offer . Every $1 S.O 6 worth of sul scrlptlons ; turned in between the dates of" December i7 and Decem oer. 22nd, inclusive, you ; will j-e elyeJiSO.OOO extra votes. It joq can only secure a total of. 115.00 on subscriptions during this week you. will have won the extra bonus of ,15 0,0 votes., I If you can se cure more than one club, by all means' do so for the bonus of 15 0, 000 . vote's will. , be ; awarded .On every clubf of, 115.00 you secure. These bonus, .votes "are, in addition to the regular 'schedule of votei and do not interfere with them id any. Way'..- They can consist of ne subscriptions, or old, by carrier or mail, -and may range, from ' one month up. 1 Send or bring ail subt dcriptions as you secure" them. Wf aeep an "accurate record, and. wil award you ;the.. bouiis on all the 1 1 5.00 clubs you secure. . r j . I am . also otfering this "week 925.00 In gold in the city of Sa lem.td the conteEtant who turns in the most money on subscriptions f am ajso going to' give $25.00 in gold to the contestant on the out side territory" .of Salem, who se cures ' -the ' .most ; subscriptions These ""gold pieces; will mean -4 great deal ia you " during' the Christmas 'Holidays. It will mean Chrlstmasprese'nf.j tlia yod "didf not expect to get and it may mean mofa , to jyouV. Nowiet me . se4 what you can do' towards . win--ning one of these extra bonus of fers or, $23.00. in gold. " 2' I ' 'Mr." Harr, Plant of Salem, Ore gon, holds the lead1 in" the "race for the Champion. T Overland . Sedan with a iotal of ,6H98p .votes. , , j Mr. Plant started in the contest qgite. ,tate Tand jt6day he bas reached the - top notch. ; He asks his' friends to heli) him during the remainder of the contest- Mr Radford Elyj boldS : second place. Miss "Glenna Russell and ' Miss HazeT, Peetz, both' ou the our side territory, tie with a loUl of 61i, 97.0 votes. Miss Russell" and Miss feet are.' near neighbors.; .Tfte both afe very deserving candidate IVUEnt, adf also Ask: thelf friends to, help them. Airs.. Car) Muller ls4 affdlBgrpne fat. ha reached the six hundred and four teepth thousand tnafk.;- She. is jtn other wha decided late" in the con tsfc"cC;wofkr4rid r today fwe find her. among the. leaders.,; There are many more In the' contest who' 1 ant, unable 'to talk abdut today! and who have reached the six hun dred, f nd twelve t,nousih'd mark and are ok tha Honor Roil ! ;;Kext,week ' wllf giro us a bettel saowins pf au the candidates. Ix the contest, ; Now you ire winnln two good ptferai this week.- Let me see hat you all can do and jd q; n ol .walX' ii ntit, the, end : of" th4 week. to turn them in, but brlni or teed" then to ir.- daily so tia't I : : t . it . ' . IIJ FIGHT Nelson GivenPIace, on Rules Corfifnittee and; Senate Forces Plan Defeat of Senator Cummins. . H0WELLS AND C0UZENS i lO COME UP! MONDAY Plan to Elect Democratic Member if Other Mem- , bers Fail' of Election t ... ;.t t . . . WASHINGTON. ' Dec. '15. House Insurgents wbnV the fight today for place on the rules com mittee which shapes, the legisla tive program of Che house. , At the same :' time senate1 insurgents strengthened their lines to prevent the" re-election " of Senator Cum mins, Republican, Iowa, as chair man af ' the Interstate , commerce committee. ;;- v . -. . .s By a 'vote of 193 to '2,- a Re publican party conference approv ed the assignment of Representa tive Nelson, Wisconsin,' the Insurg ent leaderto the rules committee in place of Representative Tilson, Connecticut, who withdrew volun- tarlry in the' interest of harmony; This dissipated any hopes of the Democrats to increase their mem bership on the' committee from four to, five The Republican conference ac tion was. taken in the face pf a threatened insurgent'- Democratic coalition which might have cre ated in the house Monday a situ ation similar to that in -the sen ate where there -ware .increasing signs' of a' combined insurgent and Democratic vote for the election of Senator Smith, Democrat, South Carolina, as head of the interstate commerce committee. -. - .. Aba ndon Caucus . -.. ' , . ' Convinced' thaf the-of gahlzatlOn Republicans and insurgents stand ing together will have the votes to put through tho house Monday the standing committee slates a -now- drawn, ' Democratic leaders having abandoned tbe party cauc us which had beeh' called for Mon day forenoon to consider jhe rule committee question. Cnce the as signments r are, ratified .:t by the house the various, committee .wJl) be able to function and Chairman Green of -the - ways and meins committee has sent out word thai consideration Of i tax " reductlo--legislation will begin next Tues day. - F , SatisfiedT, that ' neither .of th compromise v candidates they have proposed for the chairmanship of the interstate commerce commit tee Senators Howell, Nebraska-, and Couzens, Michigan- will irc- celve the support of organization Republicans, at least, some or jtne insurgents are laying plans j to throw their votes vonce more-to Senator Smith." Some of them say they will have, strength suf ficient to elects the Democrat, bui others mako' rfo prediction. ? Rumors of further defections in the Democratic ranks were current during the brief session held' by the senate today but these were denied by a number ,of Democrats who said that with, the exception of Senator Bruce,Maryland, whc voted last Tuediy ; for Senator Cummins.; their lines would .re main intact. La Follet' Favorable Election? of Senator - Smith,1 if the "old guard refuses .to acdept either Senator Howe'l er Couzens. was endorsed today by Senator La Follette of Wisconsin, the in surgent leader, who declared In a formal statement that this would be a "clear-cut victory for the Progressives; in the senate and In the country.? V; -ry - "' Senator La Follette' s'ntatement was Issued (rem hit' home 'where he is recovering from an attack of grippe, and was the first public announeemet.lronnim'xTititfif. fight since the senate deadlock began last Monday. " The Insurgents' plan as outlined today Is to vote for Senator How ell on the first ballot Monday and then, if he fails to obtain a majority,; to switch to Senator Couzeds. Should,, healso , fail, to gain sufficient support for elec tion, some of the group at leas'; would tbrcv the(r'votesto' Sena tor Smith, who received five votes from Republican insurgents and the two Farmer-Labor senators from Minnesota last Wednesday r-1 f-H-1 cf !-n ci hIlDt EARLE SANDE ; ; s MAKES RECORD " IN EARNINGS Son ; of J Salem . Man Rode v . Horses , to Victory Ttiat '" Netted $444,125 NEW Y(3ivK." Dec. r15:. Eafle Sande, Premief . Amerlcan Jockey, established a new mpney winning record' in. 1923.when he rode horses - to victory that ' , netted $444,125 tb his employers, accord ing tb flgures'made Public today: Sande accounted, for 39 impor tant stake triumphs in the east and middle west bat his most not able victories were astride -Zv, Rancocas stable three year old crack. Sande vhad the mount on Zev Jn allrbutjone of,' the .colt's 1923 performances, Including (the $ 1 00.000 Internatioaaf.race - with Papyrus and the Kentucky iJrby. Sande and Zev met defeit twicer In, the Preakness, andthe $50,000 championship stakes at Latonia, All of Sande's winnings,? ow- ever, were not' in the colors of ttie Rancocas stable. ; He rode fb sev eral other eastern owners. Includ ing Rear-Admiral Carey , T. ;Gray son,, whohe .coltf My Own,' the jockey piloted to a number of vlct torles. , '; . . 5 , i I -FINAL FLASHES ' r (By tfae Associated fnu) . VERA CRUZ, Dec. 15. Revol utionary 1 forces according - to El DIctamen are, In possession of P ebla. and trains" already re run ning between Puebla City and thli port. The capture of Puebla wis affected by forces nnder General Antonio Villureal. ? LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. Dec. 15. Two railroad englnemen were killed and more than a score of persons" were Injured when .Miss ouri Pacific Trains No. 103 and No. 106 crashed headon at Amboy Switch, '40 miles north of hers sh'ortly before '10 o'clock tonight: - : SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 15. A report was received here tonight by -Joseph -JT. Tyman. general man ager of the' Bethlehem" Shipbuild ing corporation that his daughter, Mrs. James L. Tatter sail, .was kill ed at Santa Ana, Cal.T There were no details. Havana. Cuba. Dec. 15. Two boats were reported to be in dis tress In the Gulf of Mexico, about 100 miles south of Mobile, accord 's g to "wireless Information recelv nl tonight,.' - w'-i i : . : .' SUPERIOR. Wis.. Dec- 15. William McCann. . sentenced to erve a life term- at ne Wisconsin leaitentlary at Waupun, for" kill ing Frank Allen at Lemington on ugust 6 . list, .was captured at ouderayi5 Wis., tonight ' : ' . LEAVENWORTH, '.Kan.. Dec, 17. Benny F. Casey, ,who shot rid. fatally injured D. -W-- Burns, record clerk and parole officer at the Mate c penitentiary, Friday, while Casey and Charles O'Kelth s'ere belna returned to the prison at aLnslng, has been apprehended at . Humphrey, Ark.,, a , short disr tance from Alicia, Ark. STUTTGART, Ark., Dec. ,15. Elevens men. Including two: Jus tices of the peace, were arrested here late today on charges of riot ing; assault and battery, malicious mischief,, and. aggravated; assault in , connection with a recent j at tack upon the editors and tbe plant of the Free Press, a local weekly newspaper. All of 'the men are prominent rice growers. i; BOGOTA. Columbia.' Dec.." 15. Many persons Jj ave been killed and a targe number, Injured by an earthquake which today, destroy ed two small towns In tie region of. Ipiales near - the Columbian- Ecuadorian frontier.; : LITTLE ROCK,' Ark. De. 15. Several persons are reported to have been injared in the collision of .twotralns.lateton.Ight on .the Missouri Pacific railway at - Am boy switch several miles north of Little Rock.. . ' T HE HEAtfH N URSE me - Dr. B. F. Pound says: , - - - "Marion county needs a public health nurss, tr;o necessary. It needs' to expend "more money for health proportion to what it spends fpr highways. The state of Pennsylvania's budget includes f million doitars for "health and one million five hund thousand for roads'; Mafion county is sr-tidin-r C--- on its roaiis.in five yeata and .nothing fcr health. ul know the work of the Pennsylvania hc ith c. which J. observed -when,! was in Harrisbur b?t A That state known all over the country fcr Us r health work." :: vw i Dn Pound is 6ne of -a' number of Salem physi:!:.ri specialists who have contributed their time without c. at tho various health clinics conducted undrr t!ia ( " -of the Ilsrioa County Health cr:?c:iticr. c uami REPOflTB .llE!!fiLT,i. Meagre Informaticn Grci . Irr, From Border Pcir.t: Mexico Contain Litl!: ' formation SQ.i0RA AND Sir.ALC". ; HELD BY FEDERAL : i i- f Offi SiS Statement Ir ior Texas, Ci. -) Esl 'If 14 - . ; -si -1 1 1 i AtsodatM Tnt 1) The meager reports on th? VoVuiionary movement in lit 4ili or.t ,em receiTed by wa; border Jporats contala Iitt! 3 latjlrig t& actual military cc butjcoitinue totelI, accord;, tlejr sourer, government or 1 luttonary of garrisons and '. maintafnifii tlielr' allegiance to government- oz.ct generals Wdies br"froops',vJoining fc with General Sanchez, the r lutidnaryV leader. rfionora Vnd Slnaloa are dec! in an official message receive San Antonio; ffora llexico Cit. be still In the. hands of Ul troops with General'. Angel FI announcing' his loyalty to Pi dent Obregon, '' The sar.'3j!::: says that Thmplco also" ls"gua: by loal troops. . Romor Denied :; A rumor - reaching El ra the revolt of federal trcor : CassaGrande3 state of CL! hua the garrison comprlslzr 400 men, was denied ty L: officials at Juarez. j.UMi official ; statement ly Jlexocaa xovernmcat lTr Del Rio Texas, "repcrt3 tLit cause of the 'advahse cZ"tzl troops the insurrectionists General Enriquez Estrada, abandoning hhn. - Wan Is Sp'c Can't Read er ' Mystery surrounds the Id:r. of an jelderly man who walked lo the police station Saturday ; was held overnight for invest: tion. He had last his speech, apparently was unable either read or write. Questions put him by the police were answc by & nod of the head. Dr. C. Cashatt, city 'health officer, amined the : nan,' but could 1 determine the cause of the I of vocal powers, which he bellai to be . recently, possibly within t last 24 hours. r The man appears to be a wc ing man, about 50 years oil. r though his personal effects, c slating of a small bund'.? clothes in a gunny sack. Mew Load Ruling Bcccr,:. Effective on Dcccrr.!::: Beginning: next Saturday, I cember 22, a new ruling will into effect In the county gove ing the' weight of loads which 1 be hauled on unpaved roads. '. order by the county court filed. i the county clerk's of:: yesterday. It will be in effect 1 til May 1. USader the stafe law a weight 600 pounds to the Inch is pen sable, but under the ruling by t court a restriction of 350 pou: to the inch is placed. The order states in vehicles t! have an entire tire width c! Inches or more the concentr: weight bearing1 on the surfacs the highway at contact with tread of the two wheels on an 1 shall not exceed the product cf sum of the entire width , of two wheels of such axis multi; by 350., i