THE OREGON STATESMAN; SALEM, OREGON CITY :NEWS;INi. Carroll Wrtftfit Releal . ' . ...... -.. . . . wuq- m provision that he leave th Ity Vithin 48 hours CarroTl Wrlirht." 110S Broadway .' was released from the city Jail yesteraay oy order of Judge Mar ten Poalsen, Wright was arrested December . 3 'by Officer Edwards and was sentenced to 20 days in the city jail for using: obscene and profane language in the. presence ot a woman and waa fined $20 for being drunk. . . ..- Bay It Prunes) DirectX. ,,Slxe and . Quality guaranteed: none better. "Red Hilte" - brand, unirrigated famous tnlu- Edward Dencer, growbr and Hacker. Route 3.' Box! 158 phone. 88F2. dl6 -BaUdta ; Permit Jsspied " f , Harriet Ai Bond has been issued a, building permit for a., dwelling costing $2500 at 1820 South Cot tage. ., A double jgarage- jis to be built by O, iX'Cummlngs at 1396 North , Fourths The garage Jw 111 cot i3oo.. t": ; mountain regions of Oregon." Tn question, everyone. Js. ask,ln. if '.'who jsi the mail SurelxjMma otnq or.tna DusiusJiS men.;.piss- II em must' koow.' 'and Derhaps he for speeding Thursday 'Tiight by f To- date Dr.1 Ur-lU White is the might be glad to get in touch with Officer Vogt. O E. Schnnemah, ifonly physician in. Salem Qualified lone- of his old r childhood ptay iuriir rouTTcenxn,.wa Arresi-' ed yesterday for having defectit brakes, ' . The Women's Clnb Chora , Concert Monday evening, Der cember 17, First Methodist church. Benefit Old People's home f Admission 50 cents. Tick ets on sale at Moore's and Will's Music Houses. dl5 Visits Schools - r Mrs. Mary Fulkerson, : county superintendent of schools, visited Oakdale, Mehama, St ay ton and Howell, schools Thursday. . ; Holly for Sale- City View; Cemetery; - d25' and. equipped. to use. the Abraras mates. Mr. Parker saysr that, the diagnosis and treatment instru- picture will hang in his showcasa ments. ; .There are some 50 imi- for the next tea days and that rations' of Dr. A bra mr machine, he will be glad, to have anyone Persons in Sal-ir are now adver-1 Identify this character tising and using one of these imi tations under the name of Abrams. I Attend McArthur Funeral r . Governor Pierce and Secretary Accordionist De luxe "1 I of State 'Sam 'A' TCnxpr will attend Florine, at the Bligh theater to- i th .funeral. ot the late Clifton N.lEarlv." aay ana tomorrow. - v - d.15 McArthur in Portland today. Sevi eral other state officials are ex- Si Fatal Accident - . j pected to attend. 1 : l: . Six fatal accidents 'out of a total! of 572 casualties were reported Sirs. Junk's China from Oregon . industries to the Canitai Hm? stnra nnd etttdtn J a . A m m 'A . I -. srate mausinai acciaent. commis-i 579 x. Cottage. ." dlo si on for tno weeK endine Decern-I - oer 1 a. i ce isui cases were: i . . . ,.fl,;Hiyn.nuer.wa.( The Spokane. Portland & Seat morning, subject, "Created in the image rf God,"! is especially. Jor boys and girls, four boys and, pne rtrlto -Selp in, .the, delivery.,. yp- nmg suoject, -Huildlng My Life Structure Ro Jt Will Stand the Test of Eternity.7 'BYPU at C:ir,l All are invited: . v ' -' Mra. Troerer Hw a tew ' Pairs' of. peppera and salts left atr Nelmeyer's. , dl6 Divorce SnJc Filed " . 4 Zadle Weiner ias filod suit- for divorce from Ralph : M. Welher She. charges- -desertion and ,asks. that her maiden name nf Miles bd ter; .D. B. .. Eraerick, .Hillsboro, restored ' to he?;- groundman. or . the total num- I' - . 1 her of accidents renorted 493 wer Deinnrrcir Filed : t subject to the provisions of the The Portland Railway, Light & I worfcmen compensation, act, 79 head rigglngman; Harry Andrews, tle Rallroad company has petition- Astoria, -grain sampler; J. A Mc- ed the pabllc service commission Lean, VaronU head, rigger; John for relief from th fencing law PllgerPorUand, locomotive fire- pebitivo. to a nart of its line, 4n man; O. v. Sim. Rainier, carpen- M,.nma. ri.i.i. ties. Name Withdrawn Several persons and firms, of Marsnffeld whose names, ; were among those signed to a, petition Federated Glabs to Elect s The Federated clubs 'ot' Salem wijl hold, annual; election of offi cers Tuesday night. In the audi tocluni of the-Chamber, of Com merce. NonUnation wilt be made frnm ITia flnnr vitH .0 hallnt vnfa f oVowingThe i(organteation f f f fh - 'ZU:s com poppa or represcntau.ves . from variouaclHbsv In . the jci.ty, Dr, Henry,,. E; tM;0rris, is president and MJss Mi&f J?laIr,c6ecretory. , Power company fias illed with tnel'Were from firms, and corporations -...tit. - L 1 I frinf riavA rtrt alAft Gil i f fm a nn and: Horse Raisers", association of I public utility corporations that are Oregon and . others against the I not subject Jo .the act. Southern Pacific company and others, alleging that the-commls- j Xetkwear That Men Lake sion Is without jurisdiction over the question of reparations InvolT- : - Mel O Dee Saxophone. Font , Featured at the Illigh: theater today. .'and '"tomorrow. , dl5 Silverton Does .Well . , u vReporta from Silverton are that If or many rears. over 3 00 . worth of Christmas seals have been sold in that com munity. The proceeds pf the sales Card-oi-Tlninlrg . . '. . , . . . We- wisb to-thftk - -er many friends nd relatives t far- 'their kindness anu h'elp duriifg bur, be- .rw 1 1 . . -r4;-tB - . nni that fill floral nffArinirc TITra -WaIHo I re B8ea 10 CrellB a IDna UHV j.n. MVii. fthn ti,p toes, to the State Tuberculosis as-1 ShntK riar RhntfJ ' ' .'At s sociatlon. U Complaint Against Dance Halls- Many complaints' against the management of dance; halls outside the city limits are " being circu-j lated. The ity' has- no authority over these dances, and thoserinak- complaining against the rates and service of the Coos & Curry Tel ephone company have requested the' commission to . strike their names from the petition. They 1 claim that they signed under ; - a misapprehension. , Those request ing that, their, names be taken off ar' RchroftdAi 'JB-' TTnhrart.' W' Close Hour Earlier -S' : i IT. PhilliosrCentral Market. Stanff Beginning tonight Salem bar-1 Grocery company,' C. W. Wolcott, ber shops wiir 'close-Vat 8 o'clock Marshfleld Electric and William" Saturday" nights Instead of SjHagga, o clock" as, has Been the custom Cheney cravats, 50c to 32. A. A. Clothing Co. Masonic Temple. Store Has- New- Idea 'Hdiyour Christmas: Shopping Earllv, These signt? have greet ed Salem folk for the last two weeks, varied only by the signs In the posftofficei which reads. Mall Your Christmas Packages It remained for a down town confectionery to capitalize the slogan by reversing the order and Informing their patrons "Shop Late If You Want To. Our Stocks are Always Complete." Now father may rest , assured that he may" go Into at least one store the nlght; before,, Christmas and, .get motner a box of candy and feel that he is not doing wrong by po doing. This shop Is also a manu f acthring plant and when stocks run low it speeds up production of sweet meats.' Other shops who ask their patrons to shop early are not In a position to renew Btocks 'so readily, so "Do Your Christmas' Shopping Early" is good; atfyice. besides being con venfefarfor the clerks. Aihby Dixon Aonointed iovernort rierce' yesterday apt pointed Ashby Dixon, a Portland attorney, as district" judge for de4 partment No. 1, . Portland and Multnomah .county, "to . succees Jqdge J. W: Bell, who has resign ed, etfeptive January 1., . .. . ' . , city except' one have : signed ' the agreement.'' ' TEe Shops close at 6 o'clock on i other nights, and 8 o'clock: s the dait opening hour. Air sheps ta tte somc Businea Man Will know. the old mountaineer appearing In photo on exhibit at Parker-Shrode studio... -die Xma. Trees- Order now. We deliver. - Flake's Petland. . 4-d7tf Employment la Sought In order to assist tex-servio I man I'unltnl PnU NA. ' S OT ' Bfl Ing the; complaints are referred to -. , , u.-v .olmv - . . . -'v, - .i . American legiuo, am eoiauupusi. the statates.wMeh prescribe that m.mnXHWynmttt .nr.r, tn it own 'dances can be outside pf .cor-Lumber, and others who were Jn Home at Auctioo-l-f - ' ' '. A real 1 clever fee w ! bungalow ; will be sold at - auction . Tuesday j next, including the furniture, at , 1575 West 4th st,, iWest Salem. Woodry & W6odry are'; the auc- Ask To Be Heard , ,.f ' ... The Multnomah-Clackamas Mu tual Telephone, company has asked the public service commission for permission to be heard in the hearing to be given the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company tioneers. See today!" paper for fn lt Bprviee nn th RaaA iuu j particulars. ;;: : : am Line road. Rates Will Stand, The Colombia Stages and the Royal ;: Blue .Hoes, , operating be- llcenses court. granted by,' the county License Granted-,, 1.. .. ..... r. A marriage .license was issyed yesterday to .Henry C. Anundson Mrs. Troeri Goods at Nelmeyer's. d!6 the list and an effort is being made to placfe these." Those in charee of this work are Robin Day and.Harry Scott. . Vandals Are Acti1 ' : Not content -, with 'stealing spare tire . f md . rim, someone Larry Semon-. Of 'vaudeville at the Bligh to- Uon for the reason .that the corn- day' and tomorrow. ai5ia . Hid not file their schedules with the commission. Included in tween Portland . and Seaside, are I . r . allowed by, an order of tbe pu blic j Terton ' service commission yesieraay, iu , - . -. put into effect a reduced schedule . lished about two weeks ago, but have hot legally been in opera- 4 , The Principals' association of Marion county will meet today at the . Salem nigh school. Dr." A. Hughes of the Uniyersity of Ore gon is to be the speaker . WIpo mfor.r r A'ttlsrt At I "TTl minimum CBMge. , ' z , I oaiem. people are spenoins wiA nrn tna Trr Tarf vr . fT Iran J ' I . " . . - . . i ntj " rtf'vyvM v,"' 4n mnrnnnr rA lob mill tuu n.n'.o iVri. 6A8 , South ttlihC . were ITjZA-'rZSZ9 ILiT -.wy i i . t r r r' '- " - i . ' - ' i iHiRfiinic LiiHir w : uwil iUiuuuwa i i - .1 iv . mm a S!:: evergreens .fqr decor- it'; ,;neater today ud Thursday night, he reported to the ;Uoiu , geVeral 'J j ;,fple -wera out.las' carloads Of; peo- last. week,, and many morrow. 115 Dr; Fred Stickler will, address the Marion County School Board association, today at the Chamber of Commerce rooms. A morning and afternoon session is . sched uled. . BaMsin JDnoe-- , . . . . r ' 4Lt Dreamland : Saturday. n,Ight. Best music and floor In ! valley. Cat Corners. Charge U 6n Charge of cutting eornersV , , plloto appearing in display jiroia xiurns, u ssuum wc"l"lCase at the' Parker-Shrodo studio street, was arrested ai laoeny an antomoblla - homeward, bound I .i-.w carried a tree. It ia expected hat Cobb. 16. and Millie May mora will bo out next Sunday..- hpV?ft,i.';2i hoth of t . ... . ' ... '- I Rtavton. were wed this morning Five Dollars. r L ' f V at fha rnnrtfinno hr Judeft B,. M. Will, be ; giyen I to the . person Th motne- Mrs. recognizing mountain ' character K- . c bb aBDeared as wit ness and ' gave her consent to the Hayesville Church . 4 tHayesville Sunday school, 19 o'clock. Brother Arthur Rylander is an interesting speaker. , His State. Needs .Store Room , : Because of the congested con dition of .space at the state house the state Industrial accident com-. mission is' looking about for some place' to store a fot of .its old recbrds. Rooms on the third floor of the city hall will prob ably be rented for the purpose. FOLEY PILLS BRHfG JIELJEF -.'FOLEY PILLS ..are the best I have tried.' My kidneys work a lot better since I received . your gen erous offer," "writes John'W. Bro- gan. Adams... Mass.. . FOLEY PILLS are a diuretic stimulant for the KIDNEYS and while being ta ken 'close attention should be paid to the diet. Avoid sweets, pastry. starchy food, alcoholic drinks, tea and coffee. 'Df Ink plenty of good fresh ' water, and keep the body warmly clothed. Refuse substi tutes.- Sold 'everywhere. Adv. It is good ; policy to regard the neighbor's affairs as nothing to speak of. " Hftmai Jevvelrv Store. i oie. Court yesterday by onicer 1 , Edwards. , Ife was cited rtoappecri Tnrkey gbootM Scheduled- vwu , auw. S. . I f JuDOrLuulLv LS Wtt iUI ant Don't Miss V:,.' .'1 : -v'-r - The bargain Dance al Dream- agJng a turkey shoot Sunday, Dee una Saturday mgnc uenu eenj4; ladles free. FollotT the crowd, .,: V-. .. 16 roarrLige. ' The I groom gave nia oecnpatfon as1 a farmer. Albany DembcraL ) ' Ont From Sileta E, 1. Chaleraft. in charge of the key for ChrMtmas dinner if given hy.Tom, who4s xnan- iTnUed lndlan agency at axtne a turxey snoot ouuuj, -1 o,,. a.i i,tnv tir. xo ana ai xjiuciiji south of Salem. Ammunition Is obtainable at the .grounds. t Ball is Forfeited Non-appearance t the police j i Potted Plants , 1 tdanr-assortment. court yesterday "resulted, in' l0hand. 273 State, bail being forfeited, by,W, R. Al-1 1. i f : v r " 1 Flake's i Pet " ' - d!6 Vin of. JUebenon and Henry Aim of Silverton. . They were arrested ay - He alaO visited Chemawa, where 'he 'was formerly superin tendent of the Salem Indian school. Miss" Chaleraft accompan ied him. She visited at Chemawa arid iTso took the, opportunity to do some - Christmas shopping at the S&lehf stores. i If You Want , Td Make Some Xmas Money LADIES W APPLY ROOM 221 V Terminal Hotel -iWed Fri. and SaL No Phone Calls Answered,- or Half-Time.-. y . 1 TREES5 and ; ' Bale Yard and Office ' Cherry City. Hotel.. 130 s: Highest. f MATHIS. NURSERY, CO. 1758. Res. Phone 1074. . I J Eqnitahie .Savtnga J . ? . r ;. Aseoclatien , ' Portland,-Oregon. - Harry G. Keeiiey Representative, cor M onie mag. nume xito BSlOrtgoa Bofialat TWpa 487 rhe Seavey, Bell Insurance h: Agency r ;:; , . General Uunranee , "BlDy- Bn ' Frsak Wsgar iili. llYDRO-inJSCTRlc" rnEitAPEunc msTrruTE , 5 (Formerly Schenki) " ' S. Cottage St. rHONE 1182 The Public Should Know. r . That. the onlytest Pt lr & Interesting' Picture , yr. Aprams memou -.. An pxtremely interesting of a' physician graduated "at Ab rams 'collegei inT.SanTFrafacisco; or a college ; recoKn-cu; wm j Grafted Walnut Trees H Iinvrvd -Twneh Prnii Tr SUM T ad Of Oca,. 644 ferry Bt FRU1TLAND NURSERY A. J. TV t. 4 THIS. Prep.. . Office Phone 199.' Re. 1140M. -OSTEOPATHY .The Original and Genuine Spin al Adtnstment Treatments .eriu- tnll. Painless Adjustment geta results . " ' " , . ' DR.X. C.MARSHAliL Osteopathic Physicia . ourgooa 22S OregOB Bldg. - that 4 ... . $ I 80 v. Ui YstloarfSaakrNIataf mu ass Bw. FaoaM aaay TrtMiKiiiiii Tiiiiiinili ml . 4ir. Abzasw MMkeaJ- i - BUSH BANKERS Establikhe'd 1863 Gciicrdl DKnTnng Biiilnel ' ji. v-s f vCj-" ...... , .. .-. t i" ' .' -' - . . pic ture Is shown,-this morning in, the display cases of the Parker-Shroda studio in the pidridge building on Commercial afreet.' A real moun tain character of the old Jesse James type. The man . in the pic ture . was, at one time . some 50 years .ago. a schoolmate of one 6f Uie most popular professional men of Salem, but is today living the life of a recluse back in the SEE DpUGHTOM &MARGUS for all kinds of useful gifts. We certainly have a complete line of .gifts with plenty of experienced salespeople to care for your wants immediately. f 286 N. Commercial. - 1 i -. - -i -. . . - . BUCK At the ; residence of her , brother, 1680 State street, Dec. . 1, . , Henrietta E. Buck. , age! 69 years, survived by two ; sisters in Ohio and one brother, E. E. Elliott, of Salem. . Short funeral services (will be held . from the Terwilliger home Snr 1 day at 9 a. m., after which the remains, . accompanied by her brother, will be taken to-Morn-J ing Sun1 Ohio," "for burial. . ' W ebb & dough Lea&j Fcstral ''-i"1: "J-"" P. ; Expert. Tim ha Ira ers Rigdon& Son's - tlOSTTJARl 1 . r - .1'" I 111 i mnmi Infants to 3 Years Silk Fibre full ".length HOSE Thread Silk full . length and half socks ey 8 'Nobody hatrs to hear the worda. tjcild jrou ;So'' -worse nan fh person who. s?4Vl Rfio sayf . Prpad haftpMress-fa'nd'yw are mor .qf T aispecfiss; than many 'a millionaire. - , - Why pay a doctor bill when you can go to the wJndow.aneT remove the pane? 'i:, '1 !' The ERA Clinic DLagnoHls and Treatment of ,- . Disease by the - Abram's (E. lit A.) Method " Children's Clinic Daily Consultation Free !, . Dr. Harrison I. Folk, Dr. Paul G. Stapran , Hourad-lo ;am'. to 8 p. m.": Cor. 15th and. State X14S4 State 1 a XMAS CANDY ff A box lr candy is , always Acceptable SocUU Oliocolatea S 1.00 and $1.50. . Kfaysea HlL Oral . Candies 35c to 91.50 Mixed Chrlatntas Candies . 20c. t soc. par lb. Seal. SUckea and 1pW otlrer articles appropriate' -. ; to tbe season. . ' ..v..-.'v'., . '-U-;. little lady ?; . . . Mrs. SI.-A. Bronson, : 4 ' ' Hrop. ' . . - 12tl and Center Sts. WEATHER -WiU It Rain Tdmorrow? ronKult'TlilM , PROPHET COUPON Prophet 69c.; ;vvp4 Good, for - .I',) 'c.r - ';!',; .r!:l'H One o-s j,- i-.--.u.' t iiY-Srl 17. i ',"1 - 5IADK JIN AMERICA -NOT, THEj, Cin2AP DITORTED IQXD It -ia aurpriinRly rlial.lV 'nloeai." Weather' cenditioas. Made", on : utrietly cit-nlifir prinipl,i - V ha awured a special price on a quantity and lone as they last will sell them tor exactly-what it costs la retail them only 69c it yon . lring- this coupon. "S ' j'.-- ; ' . When -the vealiier is to he fine the two- children wiii be out; whpnh ntormy-athr is approacHlng the witch will come out for 8 to- 24 hoars ahead of rain "or snow. ; The hons-U made of. hardwood, ia f?wis stjle, and dfcorat'd as in tie pictnra, with tberinoinnter, elk's head, bird's net and birds, et. It ha four windows and two doors. ; AJv-rtJpd for f l.OO Our Iric for a Limited Time, With - the Coupon 69c X'7V ho"e hould hsTO one. Come and get yours at oac,e or nail your order. ) Xail, orders Ae extra.' 4. . . . , i. - : AN KXCEIiLET CttT PGR AI OCCASIONS PERRY'S DRUG STORE .-v. rtiy .' fF7t ...JF-" ra war av 115 S. Commercial Street. CLASSIFIED "ADS IN THE STATESMAN BRING REGtJLI . ex i i- r i ii ii i ii a. ii si ar .... i i Wilt.TK;MPhon6fiTd&fi Iri Your Honie This vijLristinas T1 H I J I i ii Victrola Companionship U Vktrbla tbanwtes loneliness and teditim frorn tnose long hours yvhSLo tKo fainjly is at school or? SwoTat. Housework , gets ; done so much more pleasantly to the ac companiment of cheerful music. jThe afternoon's sewing or the ' hours of relaxation slip by happily tor the music ot your Victrola and i""the glcirious company of Victro la7 . artiats, the world's greatest. There are few'better companions than aJ Victrola-rnone so adapt able to your moods and wishes. -iIt'a so easy and convenient to own a , real Victrola; why deny yourself this most sensible of pleasures? ; .Come 'in and let us explain out easyiayment plan. ' - Si i ) (i 'Mi If., i ; 1 .. . )' I) A i 1 "i u.y , Office Koura Frcn 10 A. IL to 3 P. IU lUi . . tsssjswssssssssssssssawBc