The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 15, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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New Bungalow and Furniture , at
Sweetly sleeps the
soul contented,
In a home that's
' owned not. rent
ed. ;- -
Tuesday Next, Dec. 18 th, 1:30 p. rri..
Located at No. 1575 W.4th Street
..v.iv:.-. i:s- :'i -r" - : v
This is a very comfortable bungalow with living room, 2 bed
rooms, kitchen, bath, toilet, cl osets, breakfast' nook; : Front
arid hack norch; lots of built-ins. ': electric liehW city water,
nicely decorated inside and well painted on outside. A well,
built home for a small family. j Has garage, wood shed, ce
ment sidewalks and drive, graveled street, four blocks to v
school and three to church, four blocks to Salem-Dallas high
way. This house was built two years last; August and the
owner spared rip extra expense to make it a; cosy, comfort
able home. Will be sold on following terms! Tlie purchaser
to assume a contract of $ 1 300 payable $20.00 per month and, .
interest, at 7 per cent, balance of purchase price cash at the
same time and place. They will sell the furnishings: of this
home which is just like new and suitable to be placed in any
home as follows:' j
1 6-hole polished top .Orbin DeLuxe range, coiled with ,
?. nickel base and large oven.
1-Gem" Heater, board and pipe. - """--r- -r- .....
I. Dubfold upholstered in Craftsman leather! ' ;;
V Waxed Oak Buffet ' j
-1,1 solid quartered oak 8-foot Extension Table
" 3 quartered oak Leather Seated Diners
L .I White Elnameled Dresser 1 .
, s One good Bicycle . . 1 y . , , M
: 1 Axminster Rug 8.3x1 0.6 n
: ' 8 Axminster Fluff and Wool Rugs, small , . ; "
I quartered oak dresser with good mirror "
Bungalo Bed with 2 inch square post. In ivory finish
:. k with steel, spring an? floss mattress.
: I 2-inch Post Simmons Bed with steel spring and felt mat-
1 Oak Frame Plate Mirror 1 4x24 '
; 1 Eureka Electric yacuum : sweeper with all the attach
: ments. A good one. - j ; '
1 Maytag Electric Washing machine, like-new.
1 Electric Iron , !; ' ' ,
1 Drawer Drop Head Singer Sewing Machine, like new
- 1 White Enamel Breakfast Table and four Chairs to match
' Curtains, Electric Lights and Globes r I
Refrigerator, Lawn Mower j 50 feet garden hose lj
Extra Chairs, 3 Oak Rockers S i
i 1 40 quarts extra fine home canned Fruit r -
- Sanitary Couch Pad, Jardienieres and Plants Taberettes,
. Stand Tables, Camodes, Lamp, Vase, Kitchen Utensils, : !
: Aluminumware, Glassware, Dishes, Crockery, Garden 1
Tools, some mechanic tools,1 tool box, Boiler, Tubs, Wood, J
Shotgun, Alarm Clock, Oil Mop, Ironing Board ;
Curtain Stretchers, Cross Cut Saw; Stools and many other , !
articles which space will not permit to advertise.
Terms on personal property cash.
Auctioneers Note '
Every homeseeker come to this sale.: If you. want,
good furniture which is all like new we have' it for you.
Don't forget the time, Tuesday; next, 1 :30 p." m. Tell
everybody, you see. ! ' ,
F.-G. Tracy Owner, 1575 4 th St., West Salem
Expert Live Stock, Furniture and Real Estate
Phone 511
Res. 1610 N. Summer St.
t i
There and Every where
Prominent Portland Fighter
: Will Complete" Training
i r for Hunt Go
: Eddie Richards, prominent Port
land fighter, , who meets Bill
Hunt of "Salem in fhe main event
at the armory next' Tuesday night,'
will arrive today to complete his
trafnlng. Richards added another
scalp to his . already large collec
tion when he put the Indian "sign
on . Blackie Rice at the Portland
armory Thursday night. v -
The colored man from Calif or
nit took the Ng 10 in the fourth
round pf what was scheduled to
be a six round go. Richards won
his only other fight in Salem
when he knocked out' . Fred Hall
about two years ago, but Bill Hunt
U out to cut his batting;, average
down1 to .500. ; Opinion among
the fans seems tor be about evenly
divided as to the outcome but
they .all agree that the winner .will
know that he has been -some
The local , management has
made a ruling that main event
boxerB mus tappear In Salem at
least two days prior to the date
of the smoker. This will Insure
the: fans and the . management
against last minute substitutions
or such an unfortunate occurrence
as happened at the last smoker
when one of the boys got lost in
the,fog,and did not arrive In time
to go on. 'S ;
help but be one of the winners
on the big day, January 5. Miss
Evelm wishes her friends to know
she ia out to win and needs their
help from now on until the end
of the contest.
(Continued from page 1)
fense demurred, the demurrer be
ing overruled by the court. The
defense ia to file answer to the
complaint next Monday. It is be
lieved this legal sparring which
has delayed the case may have
caused the report In Silverton that
the district attorney was not go
ing tp prosecute.
1 Charles Petrie. of Mon-
was a Salem visitor yes-
; (Continued from page 1.)
end it1 is up to-you to make the
biggest plaai yon ever made or ex
pect to make.v , :-
1 The. territory has not been half
canvassed There are hundreds
and hundreds of new subscriptions
to secure as well s renewals to
collect. ' Do not take up your
time finding excuses. Get the
votes. If is the early bird that
catches the worm. Be the bird!
1 Miss Evelyn Cummfngs of Sa
lem, Ore.,, leads the whole con
test today. Miss Evelyn has been
doing some very fine work, and
her many friends wish her suc
cess at the end. Miss Nellie Mit
chell holds second place, and John
Phillip Td Brower and G. F.
Brower, off Freewater, were in
Salem Friday.
Charles Bowman was a Rick
reall -visitor-in the city yesterday.
. Or. E. E. Hickman, of Gervais,
spent. Friday In the city.
James A. Ormandv. Portland.
general passenger agent for the
Southern Pacific, was a' business
visitor in Salem yesterday, find
ing time to 'run out to the IIHhee
golf course for a game with R. O.
Snelllng and A. M. Pierce.
Senator M. R. Klepper was here
from . Portland yesterday.
F. E. Fredrickson and William
a. naggman, or staniKMd, were
recent visitors in Salem.
, Charles K. Peterson was In the
city yesterday from Crane. -
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lepp, of Dal
las were in the city recently for
a few hours. ,
Mrs 4 Charles 'Huddleston, at
tendant at the state hospital who
was injured in an attempt to sep
arate' two combatant. Inmates, is
beginning to recover from her ex
perience, though a dislocated
shoulder and cut in the head are
still giving some pain.
Richard Shepard, manager of
fhe St. Francis hotel, Albany, was
I business visitor in the city.yes
terday. '
i Rev. C. F. Trimble, Dallas, was
in Salem Friday.
E. It. Welder, of Albany, is
spending a few days in the city
looking after his laundry busi
nesh. i J. T. Edson of Silverton was in
Salem yesterday on business.
, , Clark Seible of Sublimity was
tjx Salem Friday.
.George Mlorrls ot Cloverdale
was a business visitor in Salem
J. E. Whitehead of Turner
transacted business in Salem Friday.
S. H. Van Trump went to Sil
verton yesterday.
Josiah Wills, county superin
tendent of schools in Polk county.
was in Salem : yesterday. .
'(Continued from page 1)
Evelyn Camming
Varley third. Mrs. A. L. Becken
dorf also is on the Honor Roll.
These contestants are showing the
public just what they can do by
staying towards the top of the
list, Mr. Connell Ward, Miss
duel Mason and Mrs. Carle Mul
ier on the outside territory have
been doing some very fine work.
The contest editor ih unable to
mention quite' a few others, but
tha public will notice that they
are not far behind, so let me see
you contestants croop up toward
the top of the list.
Miss Evelyn Cummings of 13157
North Winter street Is the leader
in the whole contest today. This
little girl, age 12, has been doing
some splendid work in the past
week. She is in the 7th grade,
junior high. She Is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cummings.
Has always lived in "Salem, and is
a very popular girl among- the
younger ptt. - Miss Evelyn Is try
ing hard to win one of these val
uable prizes at the close of the
crontes t. and I am sure if she
keeps the good work up she can't
form to another; that is the farm
into cash, and direct the invest
ment of the cash into securities,
net income of which to be paid to
the widow for her life, and at her
death the securities, which are to
take the place of the land, to be
Sheldon-Sherwin Co.
Opens New Store Today
The Sheldon-Sherwin company
are opening a women's furnishing
store today In the, new Adolph &
Waters building. The room oc
cupied by the new firm is the
first one en the south end of the
building facing Liberty street.
The store will carry a full line of
women's furnishings, notions,
piece goods and other allied lines.
This is the first day the store will
be open and a general invitation
is being extended to the public to
visit the store and find out the
lines of goods carried.
distributed In accordance with the
donor's scheme. This original plan
of distribution is not departed
from, the form of the property on
ly, is changed. The urgent neces
sities of the widow will be cared
for, and the remainder of the es
tate not broken in upon.
"Circumstances often arise.
which had they been anticipated,
would undoubtedly have been pro
vided for, and that so far as may
be, it will endeavor to occupy the
place of the donor, and do with
the property as he would, had he
anticipated the emergency."
C. L. Ogle of Wood burn Is ap
pointed trustee to sell the land,
pay the taxes, and invest the pro
ceeds, paying the net income to
the widow for. her life time, and at
her death, distribute the remain
der by the will. ,
Judge Bingham said yesterday
that he knew of only two other
similar cases in which the last will
had been changed in form but not
in fact. One of the cases was in
Chicago and the other in Wiscon
sin. He said that while the proceed
ings were somewhat novel and or
iginal that under the system used
power must exist somewhere ' to
grant relief and that such power
must necessarily be found in the
equity court.
The widow's suit to sell the
property, thereby in part setting
aside the provisions of the will,
was opposed by the children of
the deceased.
NOW Is the time to have the
ear painted for Fall and Win
ter use HERE is the place to
have it done!
Superb workmanship plus
defined, aristocratic, distinc
tive color schemes and the fin
est quality paints and var
nishes insure genuinely satis
factory work.
181 9 State. Corner Front.
- . PHONE 037
, The Oregon Statesman's Big Automobile
y Prize Contest
Good for 10 Votes
Tata Coupon, when neatly cut out and brought or mailed to
Tb Contest Department of THE OREGON STATESMAN, will
count for the person whose name is written thereon.
Cut put neatly. '
r.Void after Dec 15, 1923.
Hauser Bros accomplished the
Impossible Tlast night when they
defeated the Union Oil basket ball
team which has not been defeated
before thfs season. This makes
the championship a three corner
ed tie between the Anderson &
Brown, Hauser Bros, and the Un
ion Oil. ;, ' . '
The score last night was .12 to
8 in favor of Hauser Bros. The
winners took the Union "OH team
completely by surprise and swept
them off their feet. -T - .
started for the Union Oil
team and every player tor Hau
ser Bros, was a star wun special
mention for Jones who played a
fighting game throughout. ; Lleske
at center made five of 12 scores
chalked up fc the winning quin
tet. Gonxans was an outstanding
figure for the winners.
The Central Pharmacy default
ed by non-appearance to the Bank
ers. The championship games
will be run off during the coming
week beginning Thursday. The
champion must win two games out
of three. , .
L. Hudson ...... .C ... . uodgtn
C. La Fave ... .KO. . . .ComMock
R. Hummel . . . .1X3. . . .Egleatoa
Summary: Field goals. Hudson
7; Rlcket 5; Tyler 3; Hummel;
Arnold 6; - Eglestoa 2; Wlnigir
and Smith. Foul goals: Hudsoa
4 out of6; Arnold. 4. Referte,
John WIens. t ..
Qeaf School Quintet
Wins From Monmouth Hi
Playing a corking game replete
with fast and brilliantplaying on
both sides the Oregon school for
the deaf beat Monmouth high
school last night by the score of
33 to 21 at the deaf schooL Both
teams were good at passing but
the deaf boys were- more expert
at basket shooting. Lloyd Hud
son played a stellar game for the
school,' securing seven goals. In
the second half the visitors came
back strong and increased their
score from 5 in the first half to
21.' Arnold starred for his team.
The lineup and summary: -OSC
W. Rickert RF . i.i Arnold
C. Tyler . .. . . .LF. . . . . . Smith
Officers Elected By
. - Central Congregation:!
At the annual meeting of the
South Nineteenth this week John
Brockman was elected new deacon
to act with E. E. Elliott and Alvin
Meade, whose terms have not ex
pired. Ames Bernard will suc
ceed himself as a member of the
board of trustees. , ' ',
C. C.' Harris was elected super
intendent of the Sunday school de
partment, relieving Mrs. Bert Ed
wards, who has given faithful ser
vice in this department for the last
five years. Albert Powell is to ts
assistant superintendent, with
Mrs. "Slbert Powell as deaconess.
Laura Tantis will be the church
treasurer and Ruth .Van Patton,
church clerk. ' , '
In their report the board or.
irustees announcea mat me uua
get for -1924, .Including all local
expenses and benevolences, wai
within a few dollars ot being com
pleted, though the fund wit
which it was hoped to repair tha
church had not been completed &S
yet. For 1 9 2 4 there, is $ 2 3 0 7. 8 0
already pledged or In- sight for
the coming year.
Mike's Auto
Wrecking Houro
Has moved to larger qua
ters .on .Center .St .near
We sell need parts from
50 to 80 Per Cent
: Auto Repairing
Guaranteed Work.
Copyright 1923 Hart Schaffner & Marx
With a Gift of a Fine OVERCOAT
Cloth that W
Satisfying m H
Made from the world's, finest woolen fabrics they'll give you certain
satisfaction. So good, looking;, warm and comf ortable, yet so InexDensivS
when you have experienced their long lasting quality. ' ' . WKive
The Best at
$40 to $65
Other Fine Coats
$25, $30, $35
This store is Gift Headquarters for the boys and men folk. See our
wide selection of things he needs, wants and wears. "
GOOD CLOTHING The Only Kind We Sell ; I