The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 12, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Early . Games to be Played
Away From Home, Later
Ones Will Be Here ,
SPORTS Here, There amid Every where r :
Raising the Family- Pa wilt have to keep Smoking twenty four hours a day now 1 - " j
. . x . . Jtr i .1 i . f i l r-. r l . J t - - w i i i - a f i . . - II t w . . .
The major games of Willamette
university's basketball schedule
hare been tentatively arranged as
a result of the Northwest con
ference held In Portland Monday.
On account of the standard gym
nasium equipment ; not being in
stalled, all the games during the
month - of ' January ! will bo held
way t from the home floor. Begin
ning with February 1 nearly every
conference team will play Wil
lamette at Salem.
The schedule as It now stands,
subject' to change vis as follows:
January 18 Pacific university,
-there. ... .
January 19 Multnomah Ath
letic club, there, i; j, "
- January 24 -Whitman ' college,
February 1 University of
Washington, here. :,
February 8-9 College of Pug
et Sound, here. "' ;
February 12 Possibly Linfield
college, here. - : ,
February 15 Possibly TJniveri
ilty of Oregon, here.
February 20 Whitman college,
here. 1 : ;... -'
February; 22 University of
Idaho, here.
February 26PacIfIc univer
sity, here: ; tr .
February. 28 Washington State
college, here.
' Local fans are looking forward
with anticipation to the perform
ance of so many, great teams here.
Of especial Interest in sport cir
cles is the game with Idaho on
February 22. The University of
Idaho hoop artists last year suc
ceeded in winning the Pacific
coast championship. It Is seldom
that Salem sees such a. fast team
play as the Idaho squad is predict
ed to have.'
' At 'the conference Gonzaga uni
versity of. Spokane was admitted"
to the conference.' According to
Coach Guy L. Rathbun Willamette
monitor, who returned from , the
conference 'Monday evening. It
was the sentiment q? the conven
tion that scholarship should be the
basis; of athletic merit and rating
Apply Eoncilla Bcautifier casmic clay to
your face, and rest while it dries, then
and see and feci the wonderful "
j t irnc in the color and texture oi the
' (kin. ; S
i Guaranteed to do these definite things for
ihe face or money refunded. Clear the
complexion and give it color. Lift out the
1 I nes. fiemove blackheads and pimples.
Close enlarged pores. 1 Rebuild facial tis
; sues and muscles. Make the skin soft
I and smooth. .; J :
; Vou can obtain regular sires from your
? favorite toilet counter. If not, send this
r d. with 10 cents to Boncilla Laboratories,
: kndianspolis, Indiana, for a trial tube.
. Confining Work
In a dark, poorly lighted, of
fice has ruined the eyesight
of innumerable people. If
your work; is confin.'ng and
you are experiencing eye
trouble better call and let us
examine your eyes.
4- .
Oregon's Largest
OpUcal Institution
Phone 239 for Appoint
. Calem, - - Orcgoa
The Oregon Statesman's Big AutomobOe
Prize Contest i
Good for 10 Votes
- This Coupon, when neatly cut out and brought or mailed to
The Contest Department of THE OREGON STATESMAN, will
count tor the person whose name Is written thereon.
Cut out neatly.
. ! " ' ! ' ''' ' ' ' " ' ' TT"
'rather than the fact that a school
has winning teams.
Th bleachers at the Willam
ette gymnasium will, not be in
stalled before January 15 while
the : permanent, standard goals
will not be in place until the last
of January. When commenting
on the gymnasium equipment
Coach Rathbun says:
; VWhen the equipment: comes
Willamette will have as tine a bas
ketball outlay as there is on the
coast, including equipment for
both' the players and ;the specta
tors. ' The bleachers are of the
n.A1nfn a ntft V tl 1 I Yl ft VA
footrests and : are designed to be
the : most comfortable - bleacher
seats available. I J;
The seating capacity will be a
maximum of 2000 - while more
more than 1600 'persons can be
comfortably seated.; .
Meeting of Basketball Lead
ers Called to Set. Dates :
for Title Games. " .c
Ther Anderson-Brown' basketball
team beat the Company P team
last night by a score, of 23 to ,10,
and the undefeated.; Union Oil
team won over the -Bankers by a
score of 17, to 9.
The f stars fof the Anderson
Browns were Ilarra end Lennon.
and for the Soldiers Mason and
Melcholr. In the first half the
Soldiers held the" A-B to a low
score of 12 to 10, but in the sec
ond half the A-B boys, because of
their youth, pulled ahead without
difficulty. t:
. The Union Oil had. jao difficulty
in keeping ahead of the Bankers
and the long shots of Ashby and
Pug Ross were features of the
game. ; The Oil team had a safe
margin all the way.. Most of its
100 per cent pf victories have been
by one-sided scores.' ' i) .
The games were cleanly played
and few penalties were exacted by
the referee.:' i . . .
Next Thursday night the Bank
ers and the Pharmacists will play
and probably the Hausers and the
Union Oils will play a postponed
game. .
The end of the season is near
and the teams finishing first and
second will play for the champion
ship, two out of three, on dates to
be fixed. A meeting will be held
at the YMCA Thursday noon to
set the dates for the champion
ship and postponed games. . It
looks as If the championship will
lie between the Union Oils and
the Anderson-Browns, with . the
Hausers finishing about third.
Mike's Auto
, Wrecking House
Has moved to larger quar
ten .on .Center .8t .near
Bridge. : : -
J We sell used parts from .
50 to 80 Per Cent
Off ,
Auto Repairing
Guaranteed Work.
Void after Dec 15, 1923.
I DIM Jiill
-: - - - . j a a - i
1 1 it if 1 1 i I Millie nrnri 11 urn i nr-r-T rnnnv i.iiiu i nm. i nmiurii
Three Men Censured for Ac-
1 tion in Connection With
. Selling Club
CHICAGO, Dec. 11. (By The
Associated Press.) ; After two
days of argument, the board of ar
bitration of the National Associa
tion ; of Professional - Baseball
leagues tonight voted to recognize
Harry A. Williams, a former Iios
Angeles sports writer, as the legal
ly elected president of the Pacific
coast league.
Williams supplants William II.
McCarthy of San Francisco, who
charged that Williams election
was Illegal .on the ground that the
Seattle clab, which voted for Wil
liams, was financed by syndicate
baseball. 1 McCarthy declared that
William Wrlgley, JrL owner of
the Los Angeles clubjind principal
owner of 'the Chicago Cubs, , fi
nanced the purchaafrbf the Seattle
club by lending money to Wade
Killefer, the manager and Charles
L. Lockhart, president. Both are
part owners. - M i r:1r-
' The board of arbitration, in its
decision censured Wrlgley, Kille
fer and Lockhart for the manner
In which all three acted In con
nection With a" tote that was given
Wrlgley when the' Seattle club was
purchased. John. J, Sullivan, an
attorney and one of the principal
stock holders in the club, was! de
clared not guilty of any improper
conduct In. connection with fthe
deal. The board also decided that
J. Cal Ewing was entitled to vote
as the Pacific coast league repre
sentative in the national associa
tion meeting.
President Williams announced
tonight that he would attempt to
bring the three club owners oppos
ing into a meeting with the five
which elected him in an endeavor
to restore harmony in the league.
He said he personally favored re
storing a modified draft agree
ment, and would urge his club
owners to give consideration to
the draft. -
Boxing Smoker Postponed
Until Next Tuesday Night
The boxing smoker that was an
nounced by Matchmaker Burris ot
the Salem boxing commission for
next Friday night has been post
poned until T next Tuesday night
for the reason that the Portland
smoker has been postponed to
Thursday night of this .week.
; Burris has matched Eddie Rich
ards of Portland and Bill Hunt of
Salem tor the local card, and Rich
ards would not be able to appear
In 'Portland '. Thursday night and
then in Salem4' the next ; night,
hence the postponement of the lo
cal smoker. ' '"' :: "
Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis,
backache, stiff neck, sore muscles,
trains, sprains, ; aching joints.
When you are suffering so you
can hardly get around, just try
Red Pepper Rub. f
Nothing has such concentrated.
penetrating heat as red ' peppers,
and when heat penetrates right
down into pain and congestion re
lief comes at once. , :
Just as soon as you apply Red
Pepper Rub you feet the tingling
heat. In three minutes the, sore
spot Is warmed ' through . and
tnrourh and the tortur is gone.
Rowles Red Pepper Rub. made
from red peppers, costs little at
any drug store. Get a Jar at
owe. Be sure to get the genuine,
with the name Rowles on every
package. Adv.
(ConUnued from page 1)
man. They demanded that every
congressional district be . allowed
at least one delegate.
1 The negro speakers said there
was no threat in, their protests,
but a sense of injustice. The result,-
they said,- amounted to ap
proval of Democratic disfranchise
ment of the negro in the south
One speaker recalled that Senator
Lodge of Massachusetts . was re
elected by a majority of 5000 and
declared that'; Mr. Lodge would
have been defeated but for votes
of f'15.000 journeying Georgians."
Defending the reappointment.
Senator Howell of Nebraska,
chairman of the sub-committee in
charge, said it was designed to
meet long standing complaints 9!
"scandals" relating to southern
delegates and their control in past
Juniors Beat Seniors
In Willamette Debate
The junior class debating team
of Willamette university defeated
the senior team Tuesday after
noon by a 2 to 1 decision. Th
Question for debate was, "Resolv
ed, That the United States su
preme court should be denied the
right to declare acts of congress
unconstitutional except by ucanj-:
moust decision."
The junior speakers were , Raw
son Chapin and Daniel Taylor who
upheld the negative. It was the
general impression' of the audi
ence that these men had made &f
exhaustive study of the subject,
and could speak on any phase with
Running a close second in orde;
of merit was the senior team com
posed of S. Padllla and P. Tuanio
Both of the debaters used perfect
diction and concise arguments.
The judges for the debate were
Dean Alden, Professor Laughlih,
and Professor Erickson.
The next interclass debate will
be ! held December 19 at chapel
time and will be on the same ques
tion as the previous debates. In
this debate the sophomores wiP
meet the juniors to determine the
class championship. The sopho
mores earned ' the right to meet
the juniors by defeating the
freshmen by a 2 to 1 decision
Monday afternoon. ,. ;
VIENNA. Nov. 14. (By mail)
Thirty-tight per cent of Aus
tria's population lives in cities, of
20,000 or more, according to the
new census.: one-tnird or tne to
tal population of the present re-
; Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
Past Through Freight to All
Valley Points Daily,
bpeed -Efficiency-Service
- Salem -Portland-Woodborn
CorvaUis - Kngene - Jefferson
Dallas - Albany-Monmouth
Independence - Monroe
. : Sprlngeld
l NOW Is the time to have the
car painted for Fall and Win
ter use HERE is the place to
have it. done. - rvt--
Superb workmanship . plus
defined, aristocratic, distinc
tive color schemes and the fin
est Quality paints ' and ' Tar
nishes insure genuinely satis
factory work, -rf.
219 State. Corner Front.
PHONE 037.r .
1 1
pmuTnAPT t? nwrn
Detailed Plans for Junior
High Building Announced
;s . By Mr. Hug
'. Preliminary work " on the new
junior ' high school on Capitol
street got under way last night
when a contract was signed with
W. C. Knighton. Portland archi
tect, by the Salem school board.
The building will cost approxi
mately 9190.000, and it Is hoped
to begin work around March 1 in
order to have it in seadiness for
the opening of school next fall.
This amount will include slate
blackboards , and other necessary
furnishings', and is exclusive of
about; $20,000 which it is esti
mated will be needed for furnish
ings. .
According to neer outlined by
George 1 lug. superintendent of
ichoola. the building will need 30
rooms, which will Include an audi
torium to be used as a study room
having a capacity of 500 desks,
' '
il j- ' : : , !'Vl!
Each ftuckle rests on a
background of richly col-
r ored satin In an attractive
gift box. Styled and
made to endure for many,
many years. A perfect
trouser support and a
pleasant reminder of
someone's Interest 1 n
someone. The Initial
Buckles and Beltograms
are artistically engraved
and the Belts hand tail
ored of sturdy lasting
leather. These Belts and
Buckles can be selected
from a price ranges begin
ning at $1.00 and up to
$6.00 for the set.
Buckles Only are Subjert
to 5 Percent Iixnry Tax,
and will accommodate a minimum
of 900 pupils. Included in Super
intendent Hug's suggestions are
five rooms each for English, his
tory, civics and mathematics; two
each for penmanship and spelling
and play rooms; one each for
Latin, science, manual training,
mechanical drawing, domestic sci
ence, sewing, music, art, library,
lunch and an office. While the
amount of money available may
not permit the entire schedule,
this will serve as a working basis
for the architect, and he will work
out details to the best advantage.
Under preliminary plans; Mr.'
Knighton contemplates , concrete
watts with . a roughcast exterior,
stairways enclosed with fireproof
walls, sand finish plaster for the
walls similar to those in the pres
ent high school building, and the
first floor about three feet from
the ground, owing to the. location
of the structure. There' will be
no basement, and the building will
probably be two stories, covered
with a pitch roof, though all plans
will be subject to change and to
meet the full approval - f be
school board. The $190,000 al
lotted to the building will include
the necessary architect's fee.
Prior to entering into the con
tract with Mr. Knighton the ques
tion of title, to the property was
raised. It appears that two men
An exquisite gift the right gift and one most cer
tain to please and to gracefully serve Father, Son,
Brother or Friend.
50c? 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00
SETS $3.00
Consisting; of Belt Buckle arid
Beltogrram, attractively encased
in Gift Box.
Satin lined Boxes 50c & 75c
A Man
C. P. Bishop, Prop.
own individual lots in block 14,
one of these on the north and, the
other on the south, each fronting
Capitol. r The city council prom
ised clear title,, but has offered
the property to the school board
less the value of the two lots. The
board In this case will have to as
sume the responsibility of evicting
the tennants and may have to re
sort to condemnation proceedings.
Mr. Knighton agreed, owing to the
certainty. of obtaining a clear title,
to run what slight risk might oc
cur along with the board in order
to get the preliminary work and
pencil sketches under way as soon
as possible, cooperating with the
board to the best of his ability.
This move was made in order that
the contract for the school might
be let as soon as possible and be
fore contractors are loaded with
work for the spring building sea
sop. In -the event condemnation
f roceedings are necessary, about
hree months will be required to
obtain title, too much time to lose,
it was the concensus of opinion. ;
Lighting arrangements! in seve
ral of " the city schools are being
Investigated and will receive, fav
orable attention,-it was Indicated
last night. The re-slating of some
of the blackboards also needs Im
mediate looking' after, and prob
ably will ; be attended to during
the Christmas vacation.
1. . , .. : 1
50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and More.
With Shrine, De Molay, Elks and
Blue Lodge emblems. Beautiful, see
Sterling' Silver Front Buckles
. . . . $2.50, $3.00, $3.50
in Hammered and etched designs
with burnished borders and engrav
ing spot,
The alott illustretjotrsleut
'fo manntr in -whitb ,1,
Hickjik Btlto&am is used
Chain jour watch to your bdl
nd carry it convtnientljintH
little pocket
Needs More Than One
Salem, Oregon
Community Federation
Will Meet at St. Paul
The Marion County Community
federation will hold Us December
meeting Thursday .night at St.
Paul with a program beginning at
8 o'clock' and lasting until 10
o'clock. John L. Brady will give
the principal address, talking on
"Community Spirit." '
In addition three minute talks,
and the various subjects, will be
given by Joseph Keber, president,
ML. Angel, "The Federation In
1923"; A. N. Puikerson, secre
tary, "The 192 S Corn Show"; C.
E. Wilson, secretary of the Salera
Chamber of Commerce, "Commun
ity Exhibits for the 1924 Cora
Show"; W. H. Baillie. rural su
pervisor of schools, Marlon coun
ty, "Boys and Girls' Club Work."
and George W. Hubbs, Silverton.
"Roads and Highways." '
" St. Paul community will pre
sent a short program and refresh
ments," according to S. J. Smith.
The program committee consists
of A. N. Fulkerson and C. E. Wil
son, v - 1 . .
LIVERPOOL. Dec. 11. Wheat,
close vto d lower; December
8s, 11 Hd; March 8s, 8d; May
8s, 6d. I
Read the Classified AdSv
! I