The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 11, 1923, Page 9, Image 9

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The auditorium of the Woman's
club building "was well tilled at
the December meetinsr which tonfe-
'place Saturday- afternoon, when
me 'ciud met to observe T edUCa
firm rtv."Wfh tr J A fhnli.
' ill, chairman of the educational
committee of thn state federation
no waII net t 4 m Af V . w a
V.0 W Va, c ums UUM VJL 1,AX7 OaiUC
vfcOmSnittee of the ' Salem club, " in
charge of the program, the wo
men enjoyed one of the most1 in-
leresting afternoons of the Sea
SOnJ ' '. - ' - ' !
I A letter from the educational
, committee of the "state federation
to. the Salem Woman's club was
read by Mrs. Churchill, : In which
.the women were urged to Interest
their ; congressmen In ' the passing
- of the TownerSperllng' billrwhich
provides for a department , of edu
cation with secretarial bead to be
. included In the -president's cabi
aet; it also calls for -an apropria
tion of two' million five hundred
thousand dolara to aid the states
ln" carrying out their various edu
cational, measures without ; the
control of the: federal government.
'"Questionnaires Were presented for
the m'embers to fill out, regarding
lugsestlons of ommlssions or au
is In regard Tto the. present
sAurse of study.: 1 j;.
1- n, 1 UU(I "V f ls WUI I.UQ
'dlan school at Chemawa, attract-
;ve ' In - their uniforms "of red 'and
. hlte, sang two songs, after
hich Mrs. Harwood Hall read a
paper explaining the work the
government Is doing for the. In-
'.Hans in the country and especi
ally just what kind of training
the government school at Cheme
ra Is ; giving ; this generation of
Indian boys and girls. In her
tpaper, -Miss Mabel -Robertson,
s head of the history department of
Salem high school, outlined ' the
ntnn f the study of history In
the. grade schools, showing the ef
fect this background has upon the
high school student's decision of
whether or. not .he "shall 'Incorpor
ate history among his elective.
Miss- Robertson dwelt at length
ppon the "modern" ideas " and me
thods of teaching distory In -the
trades, in order to make' It more
Interesting 'and attractive to the
children. ... ;,,: . . ! , . .
y ' t -ti -;r ...... ' T-m - fart 'tirotrr
X IX HIS nuuicsa, s w " e e
Doney, ' president of Willamette ,
linlversity," spoke of the club as an
adjunct of the schools, for '.afters
tchool, 'unless one's -education is,
put toue, .lt Is lost, Jtnd 'Invtb.e
club worlcwiere thwonaen are
working with and for the vital
Issues of the (day, It is most ne
lessary to keep adding to the
tore of knowledge "gain'edin'the
schools.-' ... Jf. - . : -j-. 3"u A
During the business hour which
(preceded the club program, reso
lutions of thanks were passed lor
i the gift donated to the club by 'at
lumber of Hhe individual mem
bers. 'A lfttter'from 'the Itead of
the Associated 'Charities of Salem,
tasking for one . jnember tb be
chosen to represent ' the Salem
.woman b ciuu uu mo uuiu y . di
rectors which is to be made up of
representatives from the yarious
telubs of the city. The represent
tive will be chosen at the next
meeting. ' v
Nearly- one hundred , -women
partook of the dellghtful tea hour
in the cheerful new tearoom - In
the culb house. ': Mrs. 'Seymour
' f C. Brushed 'Wool -Coat Style
1 ;L-.,
cut out Neatly
The ' Oregon Statesman's Big Automobile
Prize Contest ' '
Gcod for 10 ?Qte3
! This Coupon, when" neatly 'cut out and brought or mailed, to
ntt f TH13 flREOON ETATESMAN.'-wlll -
coaat for te person whose name is written 'thereon.
- VvUl A - a v "
Jones, president of the-club, pre
sided .over the " tea : table, which
was centered $y holly with Its
vivid red berries, and red candles
burning' In ;oId brass holders. Dur
ing 'the hour, Mrs. Arthur Rahn
sang charmingly for the pleasure
of the occasion. Those ' serving
on the -social comittee for Satur
day were: j Mrs. "Curtis 'Cross,4
Mrs. II. A. Cornoyer, Mrs. Harry
Hawkins. -Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs.
Prank ' Spears, Mrs. " Paul Hen
dricks, "Mrs. j John" Cnrrbrd, irs."
Connell . Dyer and Mcs. C. E.
Bates. : ? .;:;:
. The next meeting , of : the club
is scheduled tor January 1 2. vhen
Mrs. Alice' H. JDoddrchairman of
the art department, 'will' sponsor
a program concerning, taces, with
a special lace-making exhibit.
The Tomarco class of the FIrst
Methodist .church is meeting, this
evening at the home of Professor
nd Mrs; T. ;S. Roberts on North
Summerffor a social time. Some
thing unique; in .the way of a
Christmas party is being planned
for the occasion, and the'-triany
members anticipate an interesting
evening. ; ; . r .
. i.j -, -s-1 ; . . ' . ;
Honoring Uhe birthday of Mrs.
C. iCSpauIdlng. Mr. and 'Mrs:
Lewis Crif f ith presided over a
pretty family dinner party 'Sun
day. An artistic basket full of
fall blossoms ; were effectively
used as a centerpiece for the at
tractively appointed table, where
covers were ! placed for Mr. fand
Mrs. "C. K. SpauWIng, Mr. ahtf
Mrs. Walter Spauldlng and daugh
ter.: Leoner Mr. and Mrs.;; Clifford
Spaulding and Jean and Clifford.
Jr., of Kewberg, MrsrBeulah Mills
an Roberta. ' I la and 'Charles
Mills. ' !
' ' .'
Meeting Svlth Mrs. Karl Kogel
as hostess the members of the
Community , Bridge club enjoyed
the usual "af tertobn of cards "yes
terday. . From the scores of the
three rtables! Mrs. Wright, who
was Invited to rtake the place of
Mrs. Lou ' Grote, 'won tne hign
number. Before the guests de
parted the hostess served light
With Christmas only fourteen
days in advanced "sboppers are
coming out in tbusy-numbers, for
it will soon be time 'to" be "seeding
the gift packages to7 the members
of th$ family - away from nome
and many are! the cards and let
ters of greeting that' will be flying
to all parts of the jwrorld. bearing
their .messages of . cnristmas
cheer. This year, as in the past
number of yearf, the little Christ
mas seals bearing a red double
cross are being sold tb help in the
fight against : tuberculosis in the
country.; :i ";,-;l-A. ...v
f Tot 'the 'past week the sale of
the seals has been conducted In
Salem and Marion county with
many prominent f society; matrons
and "club women assisting in the
work.' "Mrs. J. A. Carson Is man
aging the sale in the county and
Mrs. Grbver C. Bellinger is man
aging the' sale by maiL Mrs. Fred
LH. Thompson and Mrs. P. G. Bow-
ersox. with .their assistants, are
In charge of the bobtbsale ' In the
elty. Ten committees serve for a
period of one week from Tuesday
Hi ;
y ' " . -
to" Tuesday continuing r until
Christmas day.. During ' the. past
week the following matrons took
charge of the various bpoths
TheFIrst National BanksG.
E. -Schunefrtan, assisted jby-Mrs.
Fd oekJr.. Mrs. H. A.;Cftrn.
Villa Huekestem.;s. -L,
W. Gleason. Mr. John . I Rand.
Mr:E.A. -Kurt, Mrs: Guy Smtth
and Mrs. Albert ; O'BHen. tad
and Bush bank Mr..,, Morton
Peck. 'assisted by ;,Mlss IFrances I
Richards, Airs. ?E. ' C. Richards,
Beta Chi sarorityvgIrls. Mrs. Paul
Hendricks and lira. Everett Hob-
son. : Kafoury's, .the following
WOolpert and Mrs.iD. !X. Beeper.
Millers, airs. James isicnoison.
with Mrs. A. J. Rahp,.Mrs. ,Lew
urumn, Mrs. - j. w. tiarDison,
; Mrs. George Hc, - .Mrs. . William
McGilchrist. Mrs. G. F. Chamb
ers, Mrs. C. B. -McCuJlough. Mrs.
Chanlerl Mrsi L. S. Sheldon ''and
Dbfqthy Brant. ;;Worth and", "Gray.
Mrs.MKarle Becke with Maeyie
.Hunter. ; 3llrWm ' Lovell, Mrs
Mrs. B. -E. Forbes. Mrs. K. E.
Brosius and Mrs. - ,W. B. AtotU
At the sBank of Commerce. 11
ttainhV .White with Mrs. Jarne
T-- 'lf.n 'DAtiton. 'fro I
At?C 1 I a, t nail sis in7i . CTw I
i -a m t T .r -r I
land, "airs, jcrsb ywrRr, jus.
t.i- iLTisiiiAr lir Attn
w "
t-svw- : r- rri :i n f i ii tf i hi i
"i .
0at. . - " y . " " 1
U3l UlllVCf AWi in. : WW llliwui wv
had tire following .wonen. helping
during Uhe ' week: Mrs. Merle
Roseerans, Mrs. Lynn Smith, JlUs
t,'tiinTi -MlaaHtfrtAnte'lifrs. L.
F. Barr and Brs. Armln Berger. I
Tfewneipers 1 ror tne 'wwk' nave !
not as yet .been announced. . f
Ranheterian cliib, Mrs. Ronald
fitnver invited' the members of I
the club as gnests for a charming
One" o'clock luncheon -precedin g
the regular afternoon meeting or
the club. Voilets and green can-1
dies centered the table "around
of the club whose birthdays Occur
inthe spring aAd summer imonths,
ana a cemeruiece ui iun
fcftllv' and red "candles- was used
onhe'table whereon covers were
lt rt thnoa Vnrn In the fall and
laiu w " . T
winter months. The red and green
qt toe caumw uu mc
further carriea out tne vansiaiM
m & a r A .
mbtif. The places were maraea
mv small elided wfsh-bones.
After the luncbeon hour tne
club 'ebnvened for a Short busi-
mens session during which the fol
lowing officers were elected lor
flie year: 4 President. frs JanieB
Westr secretary. Mrs. Cecil Haw-
ley, and treasurer, Mrs, Lee JRnr
run. i ne pcnusiwi vi u v " "
inpiniios- Mrs. Carl Abrams. Mrs.
Charles :E. BatesMrsGrover C
Bellinger, Mrs. H. V, Compton,
iirs. Elliott Colony. Mrs. J.C
Evans. "Mrs. Ronald - C. G lover.
Mrs. James G.-HelUel, Mrs. Cecil
Hawlev. Mrs. A. 'A. Stewart. 'Mrs.
Our Smith. Mrs. Ray L. - Smith,
Mrs. Frederick H. ThontpsonMra.
Le Unrah. Mrs. Floyd Utter, Mrs.
Jamea West. MrsJ Otto J. Wilson
Mrs fPbll'Newm'yer. vho was
elected, to Uke' the place or Mrs.
Roy f. Shields who just recenuy
moved to Portland.
The retlrine officers are: Mrs.
Rnnaifi voiovar. President: Mrs.
wnintf 'rsntfltiv-' vIee-Dresident;
Mrs. H. V. ComptOn, secretary.
After the election the new presi
dent was presented with the,gavel
in "behalf of Rapheferlan.: r:"
The remainder of the afternoon
was passed with ebatting andew-
ine curtains for the nurses om-
Ing room In the new Salem hos
pital. , :
The club meets again the nrst
Thursday of January
Mrland Mrs. J.; M. Clifford mo
tored to Corvallls- Sunday to 'spend
rtav with friends among tne
OAC faculty.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Garbade 'bf
Portland and Miss Gayle Acton
of Dallas, were i: Sunday : dinner
guests at the home of ' Mr. . and
Mn tjoti n. Roberts. Miss Acton
spent' the weekend at'the'Roberts
Mm ' M.
llr' -aWd Afrs. Allan 'Hopkins of
Portland were guests during the
past weekend at the home of Mr.
and -Mrs. Walter Klfk
ilr. and Mrs. Rov "Remington
have returned from eatsern Ore
gon i where they have been spend
ing the early winter' day?-
-Tne"afiernooVeluh:of the East
ern Star will be entertained today
In Masonic '"hall by the officers of
the ehanter. The t ladies Will
bffne tnelr sewing and the "time
will be nntssed -with the - usual
chatting and needlewors:. a
short Christmas , l nrogram ; has
een nianned for the event.
'Hostesses'for the -afternoon .Fl"
be .Mrs. Ralph .Thqmpson, chair
man 'of the social 'committee, with
her 'helpers. Mrs. Betty f Smith.
Mn .William " McCall. . Mrs. 'Ann
tCline,1. Mrs. FMnk rTWinto, ; Mrs.
Pratt. iMrs. Ida : Babcock, . Mrs.
Rose Babcock, Mrs. ; Mareus and.
Mr.rM.C. Petteys. .
nM.,t nl 1nwr thafr vital
ity . The best standard family
fT :"rfiffnilNrPPfrt"5
iJ VZ. " 3
Th An. of Veteranfi Auxiliary
vflld , reEUlar meeting this
nIng-?nHihe 4rmoryat 8 0.clock,
ltn UJvi l election -rot of fl-
- p. ' A" full - attend-
ancela ,deSird.
T t ..1 m -
00s of 'Veterans will meet
ihieveningat the armory. .
:The Jnlor .Guild :of tke St.
.'"! s Kpiscopai cnurcn.wni mwi
Ihis arternpqn at 2:30 at the par-
u ,' f -
jdlst'eMrchiwill hold their nionthi
iy meeting at tne nome 01 Mrs
F,tL. ,Utter tomorrow afternoon.
'The 'EtoTktar club will meet, at
the home of Mrs. E E. Fisher this
afternoon. v ! r ' "
The ISalem; chapter War Moth
ers meets .tomorrow afternoon in
".r ttt. "r . : 'Ti
"Y' -ZTTJ . ,f
anl Ilf ihe MT"1
Ll.Bl u-
The Home "Missionary society
of. the Jason Lee -Memorial church
r ;-...-- . -
w(U hold tits 'Quarterly tea at the
hftta' itr:A?;M. Olouerh: 8.rfl-
- - : . -- t. - r - w--- -
North Church street. Friday af
ternoon at-z:J
rT?? regular biisine,ss meeting
ot J?todr Trtntchie1 tent, Daugh-
.""r y
al 1 the armory 'tomorrow evening
1- 1 . 4- i ll.
at eisnt .o ciock. ai
: lucmu .i.uu.
of ;-(qf fleets. AH members Of tbe"
tent: are urgea io- oe prmei.
Fallnwinsr th - business a short.'
bra lion ot the anniversary of the
organization of the order, of.
wMcecpnber 12 ,
l ' ' ' x
l The AAUW will "give a cover
dlsn luncheon Saturday -at the
;fwc A?. All "members 'are ' uged
0v biing as .hr-guest,. at .east-onV?
person Uhiible for membership vi
tne association.
f -i
- There' will-be a' general meetiiig
I . v a.i.m A. toovna this
J iuc oaicui : .11 la v .Cu? .u.w
j evening -at' eight - o'clock fn -thei
i eaucanonai room 01 tne puunc
i library
R e a d the Classified Ads.
Thfi most whplesxyrnefat for JryS
Special 'Services Conducted
By Christian Missionary
: Alliance'
f " Special ; revival service Is being
Conducted; In', the Christian MiSr
stbtiajry "Alliance -Tabernacle - 'on
Ferry street. Mr. and "M'rs. Cas
well are pastors.
Rev. C. O. Benham. the evan
gelist, is a spirit Tilted, fourfold
gospel preacher, and A real live
ire ' in the'eause of Christ. ""As
he bends the mighty bow of gos
pel truthMke arrow of conviction
sinks, deep, into the hearts of the
listeners. - It is -wonderful to see
the ie,6plo flock, to ' the 'alUr.
Many ar,e being Vonveried "many
tieaied and bel ieve'rs Til led with
the ifolv iihost. """ T
wVefy little work Is dofie'ln the
nidiefiP :xiii'rnB-i'rirtnte to tm to
the altar but tiie iefrvent eifectual
r-rayers 'of jthe- Christians cause
titn "silvrr net" to settle down on
thh nrnulo when the altar call is
jfclveu, and Jesus draws In the net
'An hour "each "afternoon 'is' de-
Voted to Bible study and the les
ibna ' for fhe past ? week were on
the "Bride of Christ'
To Chn.e assembled all 'Biblical
history -becomes a Imng,' present,
reality as the evangeUHt .goew
through the ' Old Testament and
nAlnt,niit thn varirma t vnea nf flip
mride of Christ as thev are nor
Ltrayed these: and thenMvidly pic
iuresthe time wnen (jnnst ana
His .Bride shall -walk beneath the
ever verdant trees, whose leaves
rtrall not lade and whoBe fruit
shall not ' decay.
Saturday was a real spiritual
feast"' dav. . Rev. 'Weber or New
berg was present In the afternoon
ana.aooKe on divine neaitne. lie
pointed - out to his audience ' the
seflptures. bbth in i the ' Old and
Kew Testament which prove .that
miracles were 'not Just for the
aboktdlic age' and "that Jesus heal
today as he did when he walked in
JiHrea"ftnd Galilee. '
; In. the evening the tabernacle
was' filled to the utmostrrepre-
sentatives from Aloany, Turner
i Silverton, ttewberg, .Seattle and
V t x , 1 T;.
k - '
"I ii
' A'" slim and graceful little woman with dark -eyes, olive skm and OTrly black liair, arrived ia
-New .-York.bythei steamship. Tyrrhettia, .assembled her ten children around a pyramid of. trunks on
the pier and waited for the customs men to insp ect her possessions, mostly dcing-eosturaes.- She
is Mme. Calliope Charissi, a real" Greek, proud of her Christian. 'name commemorating the pagan
muse of eloquence and epic poetry. Each one of her children, who resemble her strikingly, has a
Greek name. s She is. a dancer and so are all the children, ages ranging from 7 to 20. In the family
'are a set' of twins, a boy and girl. The reporters asked as a Greek comedy chorus: And why did
.you not bring your husband -along?"- - That the gay little woman t answered, "was impossible.
They would not let him off. "He is an engineer in a power house in Paris. Perhaps he may come later,.
. Photo shows, left to right: RiU, Ivan,lMarie and Andre ' wins), "Elan, Kitty, Beatrice, Eusta,
Kicko,'Noel and Mme. Charissi (above). - - : V. -
Canada were there and poured out
their hearts In adoration- to ' our
Lord. ..
. Rev. W. WV Newberry, dean of
the Simpson !Bible "Institute at
Seattle, and Miss Mary A; Funk, a
returned ""missionary from China
were present. '
- Miss "Funk 'was 'the first 'mis
sionary sent by tne Christian Mis
sionary 'Alliance to China, having
gone ins188S.s '
In .'speak!ag.6f how Tiiarvelously
God was working at the center in
the Yangste valley, where " she be
gan her'fwork. Miss Funk said that
there were' now 4 4 " missionaries,
i6- stations, 39- out-stations, .120
native workers and 1216 church
members. - That htere- were .also
two other nisisiohary 'centers In
China one in the northwest part
and one in south China. "
After a-short 'talk by Miss
DSdl ypu ever cook
Tsith salad oil?
Frying with Wesson Oil is not a new
way;to:cook. You don't" have to learn
Itow. You always melt any tat to a
liquid long before it is hot enough to
fry in. With Wesson Oil you start
with a delicious - salad oil, instead of a
melted fat that well, frankly would
you care : to eat -your ordinary frying
fat raw?
There is no difference in the way you
fry but aa amazing' - difference in
what - it i tastes like. . - -
... . . . -r'r'..r?ty
vg ,
Funk, Rev. Newberry gave a very
Impressive, and timely address on
What Shall Be the Sign of Thy
Coming and the End of the Age"
He preached pre-millenlum style,
and cited his audience' to the many
infallible' proofs in the Bible as
to'the pre-miflenial coming of Je
sus." which shot' the post-millenlum
theory all to pieces; Mr.'Newber
ry stated that tbe-post-milleniunT
theory, was man-made r cm "big
man" fand hot from the Word of
God.-' ; r;;"; v :
.The meetings will continue1 this
week, . Bible study each afternoon
at 4 o'clock and ; preachlhgt
7:30. -; .- :;- :
... With Donald McCrosgan, from
Albany, at the niano. lRev. Ben-
ham with his cornet -and an -excellent
choir, a great ."Hallelujh"
time is expected. r u
-y- -4 ,f . 1 t .
Everybody is cordially invited.
YouMi miss a great treat If you
are notpresent. -
, : J j
i Back from Rome
ALBANY, Dec. 8. Msgr. Ar
thur Lane, -pastor of St. Mary's
church, returned last night from"
an extended trip to Rome, Italy.
By Tirtue of his office of Monsi
nor, he is a member of the pope's
household and . it was in connec
tion with this office that he mada
the trip. - . .' .
. In Rome Msgr. Lane had an au
dience' with the Holy Father.
Msgr. Lane left here September
18 abd.'went to France.'where lie
visited . the " western 'and "southern
provinces, from Paris to Marsail
les 'on "the'Mediterranean.' 'Front
Marsailles he went down the coast
to Rome, where he spent a month,
on business and pleasure.
i r':i
v r - I