? V ... . t a 'i 'I I''' I I I -'( ' 1 i.i i . : i ; ' i . J l . - -'.I-, ! " i m .... r . . Are the Supreme ievement in Radio iich ' - - - ttSZni t Iv, - -i AeFola Ss Just Reduced a- Amplifier-unit at same pricei 4. ' "T i Radlibla II $97. 50 i . .... ... ....... ' Nothing-better at any. price for head set use. - You can hear the east on this i : v" v " c, V ' i " - .' l 275 1 j ICin of .thera-.aU iVVe: rcccra mend and Guarantee thls .sst ' . and havejard; alii over f.ths United iStatts ,vnthjt. :Pin6 . : fn::h";d;;:5 mahcirany.e sCold , trininiinsc rTho hema set for , excellence, i Malia Him Happy tHxs CRriiuiias ; . - With d Radiola , ; ."The West Side circle of tie la dles aid ortie Jason Lee Metho dist church, met at the home ol Mrs. Nellie Knox Friday afternooa to .elect, the new officers for the coming year. ' Mrs. C. T- rioveland was chosen president, Mrs.. Charles Dennlson, vice .' president; Mrs: Alfred Vick, secretary, and Mrs. Richard Erlckson, treasurer, with h Mrs. Nellie Knox, nress corres pondent. .. The ladies of the circle are rmaking up a miscellaneous box to be sent' to the ' children at r the jCa'na home- neat , Corvallis, and everr member or . friend" of the chftdren ts urged to bring '"or send something' in the J line of freteh or canned fruits; toys or clothing for children from the ages of tour to sixteea years. The articles should be left at the home of Mrs. A VIclc. 1495 North Liberty street. not later than Friday, December As a surprise to her. man); friends here comes the announce ment of the marriage of Mlsa Loy al Gray to Mr. W. H. Odell which becarred.. in Oakland, California, on the twenty first day of NoTem ber. Mrs. Odell is. a graduate of Salem high, school (class of 1922)' and was prominent among the school and social ' activities. She later, attended.. Willamette unlver 1 series of card- parties and dances are planned ' for the winter. , : All Artisans who hare not yet been solicited are urged to tele phone .'Mrs. Terwilliger, 724, nd state what articles they are will ing to donate. " ; ; ' " Two Are Employed By - Income Tax Department : Kruce Montague of Portland, forwerly with the internal revenue department, has' been selected by the state tax commission to assist In the organisation of the' state Income tax department. It Is prob able that Mr. Montague will re main in the department perman ently. ' ' ' .- . The commission is meeting al most daily, now preparing for the organization of the new depart ment. . ". : Govemoc Pierce explained that Montague is not to be the head of the income tax department; "but said Earl ' Fisher, state tax com missioner," wlir be the head of tne department.' v i j In addition ' to Montague the commission win be assisted by G. R.' Harper,' a Portland tax expert. who; has volunteered . Ms services and who will work" without pay; The first 'job ahead of the. new employes will be the preparation of blank forms for the returns. Cfovertaor Pierce and' Secretary of State Koser' Will go'to Portland nea week ' and submit tentative typewritten forms to severaVattor neys whose opinion will have cen- scity. Mr, OdelLls In the service aideraJrte weight, - It fa said these will bte- men rwho " supported - the income tax bill.- The governor be lieves the forms win ' be off the press about December -' " -They will be mailed out to the people of the state the; first , week In January, and it is - expected the returns will; begin to come, ia Im mediately. of the. government and is station ed, at San.. Plego I for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Odell expect to make their heme in Portland, Oregon, after next June. , Something different In' the way pf . style shows : was the playlet. Treasures of the Hope i Chest," ment of MiUer's store Friday l - cn TOr onsiness get night. In which tha models dis-i tm a? played dozens of filmy things in P xjix Mucn netter. it gone all the dainty and luscious shades f rom "worse to bad. Boston Tran. and colors.-. Negligees, breakfast I script. jackets, boudoir caps, "undies" of every imaginable mode, some tail ored, , others, beribboned and . lace- tnnvned all brought forth , a chorus of rapturous . "oh's" and ! ah s from the spectators. Over three hundred women of I Salem and- the vicinity responded i to the invitations sent out by the store" and were ushered " through k locked doors behind drawn blinds into the ready to wear department where, on an attractively arranged improvised stage, the models posed and pirouetted, demonstrat ing the beauty an virtue of the numerous, pieces. . ; 4 ' Mrs Monroe Gnbert spent Fri- I'" j' '000' f GfoK ? . I of the World J - . . - r . ' TbAt Is Your Dream Content? Psychologists are ' discovering that the dream content of .' radio v?!. Saurday in Portland on t&n fearful and WOBaertuL:Dna ,! " ,.-!vn: fcoUgTpfbftoi8 reports tliat the J ,Zl "T 4 rrabn8 "Objects aoout which his SSTiWH1. Utt, dreams once -centered.-no longer "Color Cupboard-, art shop on 1 . . I, t Sandy boulevard between Fiftieth L 1 I.Z JZ WMV HkJ-tUOl sucvo trepeneurs report that a number of orders have come into the shop since, the opening V last month. their latest being an order to de corate six kitchens in a new apart ment home In the Rose City park district. A number ' of Salem friends have been visiting the shop, and all are enthusiastic in the praise of its originality and artistic showing. Mrs. Robert N. Stanfield arrived in Salem yesterdayto be the house guest of Dr. and '"Mrs: William Lytle for a short time before leav Ing for Washington, D. C., where she will spend the winter. Electronic Reactibha of Abrams Highhr EndQrsd.by HahmnnUn7?QiMdttee-- ROTt of'thc Comraittee Appot ? 1922;. hyl the International Hahnemannlan Association to Investigate the ADrams Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment - : . This committee consists' of Dr. ing the basic facts.- They are Eugene Underbill of Philadelphia; Dr. Henry Becker of Toronto, Dr., Harry B. Baker of Richmond. Dr. Benjamin C. Woodbury Jr. of Bos ton, Dr. Harvey "Farmlngton of Chicago and Dr. Guy Beckley Stearns of New York City, chair man. Of this committee, Drs. Baker and Becker had already attended Abrams clinic and; ex perimented with tjje method, and Dr. Woodbury was familiar with the theories as he had previously visited the- clinic. Drs. Underbill and Stearns went to San Fran cisco and during , a considerable period of time were in daily at tendance ' in the clinics. While there, : with other interested phy sicians,' they engaged in outside experiments to determine if there was any relation between the re actions of- Abrams and the cura tive remedy. Mindful of the duty as a com mittee, all of its members who have done actual experimenting have kept in constant "touch with one another by letter and have met in conference, in - part or as whole, several times. - In this way each, man's experiment have been checked by all the others Also this committee has kept in formed regarding: the controver sies which have found expression in various public prints. Mv.ch ef the literature in favor of the methods1 has been highly colored. Some of it, obviously commercial. Notable exceptions are the -articles by William Boyd, M. D., of Glasgow, describing experiments which he had conducted; ' the book of William F. Hudgings, an exponent and simpllfler of the Einstein theory, and the report of T. "Proctor Hall, M. D.. to the British Columbia Academy el Science. . On- the other hand, In the con demnatory" articles beginning with the editorials and pamphlets of the American Medical Association Journal and continuing the art! cles in Hearst's International, and in the Dearborn Independent, we have not' found any statement which was of value for determin highly- prejudiced ' and condemn without evidence. , When this commUee began its work, the conservative part of the profession had - already become prejudiced against a fair investi gation.: Partly from natural an tipathy to new methods which In any way appear revolutionary! in character, but. doubtless largely from the fact that the kind of publicity resorted to, had tended to throw discredit upon the meth ods whilst attracting a horde af opportunists who were concerned only with personal -benefits. This created an - embarrassing situation for the members of the commit-' tee,-but we determined not to al low this circumstance to hinder in ascertaining and presenting the basic facts to this association. The original committee has been augmented by associates who have joined: in the experimental and practical -work.,' Associated with Dr. Baker have been Dr. C W. x Tabor and Dr. John ; M. G. Rvland: - with. Dr. Becker. ' -his daughter. Dr. Beatrice Becker; with Dr. UnderhHi; ; his son, Dr. Eugene UnderhilL Jr.. and George Tale Wilson, electrical engineer r with Dr. ' Stearns, Dr." W. J. S Powers," Dr. M; El tinge Gore,: Dr. J.' W. Waffensmlth and ' Herbert Morris Pilklngton. electrical ex pert and technician. - Abramsr claims may be summed up as follows: ' : :s 1. All substances give off radi ant, energy 2. - The energy from" the blood of an: Individual represents all the attributes of that individual in eluding his -disease-processes. - 3. ' Each disease and attribute gives off Its own peculiar kind of energy. ... .. . . , 4. . These energies can be trans mitted, by metallic conductors, can be .differentiated from, each other ; by means of coils of wire having different degrees of resist ance and the potentiality of each energy can be estimated, by arbi trary units -of measurements.,,."" 5. : Each, of these; epergies when conducted to a living human is brought into relation with an- subject, causes- definite reactions, that identify" the energy. ' - 6. The reactions nave i u slight changes in the tone fome of the hollow organs of the body or at least a change that can b detected by delicate percussion, by rubbing the superimposea vj of the body with glass; or hard rubber rod, by a difference ot tex ture of the skin at detected by th t ins-or- and at times by a change In color of the skin, over: the or gans in which the reaction place.-'"'; . '" .' ' 9 ''L- 7. These energies -are ;of a vi bratory character, and each disease has its-own particular vibration. SVCeriaia drugs have a similar vibration ta certain" diseases and therefore those drugs havo-a. des tructive action on the diseases, to which they correspond in accora with well-kn'own - physical Jaws. ; 9. J An instrument called the Oscnioclast has been devised -by Abrams and .itvis claimed, by nun that this apparatus develops t a form . of. enerer having a range of vibratory rates ' similar to the ran r nt rs.tes ; inherent : in the different diseases of the body. There is but one way to deal with these claims, namely, per sonal. .examination and experi mehtatlon, , ,'r)' ?--,-: ;' Thla committee began by in vestigating the . poeslbility of ob taining the reactions. In present ing the results,; we simply submit the j facts without entering into any of. the controversies regard ing the explanation of facts. " Residta of the Treatment, - We' have ; observed apparent curative effects in some of the most difficult types of cases; We will not burden this report with statistics although" we could give a series of a few hundred cases extending back : over a consider able period of time- We feel that it Is sufficient at this time to re port In this, general way. . ; Summary. . We have demonstrated that re actions of. a very delicate charac ter can be Induced by means at the blood of an . individual that other person provided certain con ditions are established. From thla we deduce that some sort of energy is given oil: irom mai blood. - We believe that this energy rep resents' both 'pathological and physiological processes in the in dividual from whom the blood ia taken. -. s ' ' . ' We believe that more or lees ac curate deductions can be made as to a diagnosis of the condition from, which the donor of the blood suf f era nd theBe conditions can beauite accurately located. , ; xf0 have ...demonstrated that these reactlons-'Tcan be utilized in selecting curative measures. In conclusions' Your commit tee feels Justified in reminding you that, in physical science, wfcat yesterday seemed, impossible is to-daycommon-plaee. The phenom- ena of these reactions constitute a. new field if medical research. ' - Respectfully submitted: ; Eugene. Underhill, M. D. Henry- Beoker,-' M. DJ ' ' Harry B. : Baker. M. D. 'Benjamin C. Woodbury. Jr., Mi , ,iiL. v 'vr - i- ' v Harvey Farrington, M. D. Guy Beckley Stearns, M. D. - - - Chairman. Homeopathic Recorder, October - 15,-ifzs; v - - Uinton Named Head of Horticultural Society .' ; THE JDALLES. OreL. Dec 8. (Special)- -Q. D- Mlnton of Port- land, formerly a secretary of the Oregon Horticultural society, was selected president of that body in the session held herej L. T. Rey nolds was - re-electeJd vice-president; C. Lv Long ot the Oregon Agricultural college was chosen as secretary-treasurer - and Colonel, Henry E, Dosch of Portland was re-elected on the board of trus tees. ; ... . ; ., -. V;':. . Inclement weather has caused, attendance at the sessions of the society here to be poor. A ban-' q.uet was tendered members of the society tonight at the civic audi torium by The Dalles chamber of commerce. The sessions will close ' tomorrow.. .. .:.-: -." Jerry -Have. yon ever come across a man who, at. the slightest touch, caused you . to thrill, and ' tremble in every fiber of. your being? . Mary Yes- the dentist. Lon don Passing Show. with a gnashing of teeth to the remembrance' of some haunting doggerel of his slumbers such as this: r- " Radiol Radios where have , you - been! Everywhere, anywhere, waddo . you mean? " ' Have you been up to see old planet Mars?' ,ir-.V: ':- '" Farther than he ever twinkled- i-i) 'Mr stars! A much freckled lad told us only: yesterday that his experi ences are- very similar, but curi ously enough the boy's dreams show indications' 'of more erudi tion. They go about like this: "- Oh why, Hawaii, can you hear 0 OREGON STATESMAN AUTOMOBILE CONTEST Votes Polled op to Noon Saturday, December 8th. . rvrrtrrrn J 'til M 1 1 ! ; - :;F.:S. BARTON,-ProP.il.-j ' Masonic Temple Phone 1200 Wtfh maliar At and keABer ar Mrs. J. Fl Smith left yesterday I Than Vrlse: Seattle or Bend morning for San Francisco where The jargon that the younsers sue win th ior a. snort time be-1 f mi m - . , iur cununwns ner journey to f Los Angeles where she will be a! guest at the home of her daogh-l ' 'Have Yoa Got It? ter, Mrs. v. J. Cox. until some t " Another unexpected : deyelop- tlme in February when she plans ment in radio- is the malady on i returning jo Salem.. known as s "ridio ; ears?' which Is II proving quite as pronounced in its The five fraternitlea connected effects as housemaid's knee or with the Willamette- lnniversltv 'dressmaker's hump but is much held open house )ast evening more difficult to stamp out be when between' the- hours of seven cause the patient invariably re- tnirty to eleven o'clock almost 1 tuses ' ta e-orr nis earpnones five hundred college students. long enough to receive treatment members of the faculty and towns-1 One youth in the advanced stages people visited the - houses where wa pounding out tne rouowmg they were conducted through on not long ago, "while the specialist an inspection tour and later serv- whom his parents had summoned ed with light refreshments in the sat by helpless: form of punch and "wafers" Onn I Tot bugs who listen fn on this house is one of the large events! In Canton, O., or Jackson, Miss., on the social calendar of the unl-Snap out a radiogram and say vefsity, and it has been much If you wish a Radi-O every day. looked forward to by all the stud-1 i Signed, Wireless Bug. ents. The sororities will hold ttiAis Annn Vam.a 0 a a w ' :...uK04irMy,wcem. . ij. it possible to measure the irer o.o. - . , I' .. - . . . j. : i voltage or an eiectric enarge oy . f - I the distance that a spark will The Salem assembly of United 1 Jnmp? Artisans are plannlnr an sIIat i ' v It is possible to do so with fair bazaar" Thursday, December IS, j accuracy if the - sparks -are be- to, oe neia in the IOOF hall, over tween oaiis or otner rounueaoo the ' Opera 1 House pharmacy. In Jects, not pointed or sharp-eor-addition to articles on sale a nered ones.' "For the best results chicken dinner will ' be served the balls . should be as large br irom 11:30 until 2 o'clock, de-1 larger than the gap between them signed particularly .to meet the j The following tajbH fives the ap needs.. of business, men and wo-1 proximate voltages for .sparks of men. , r ; - - I diflerent lenxtns between four- Eight booths will be estahtutiAA inch balls: and a -variety of articles of wear-1 One-tenth inchU . 8.1W0 volts mg apparel,, fancywork and cook- j One-quarter inch .. 20.000 volts ed foods and candies will be of-! One-half inch ..... 40,000 volts iered, Card tables will be avail-1 One inch . J. . a . 7,00 volts awe for'500" and bridge, with a Two inches 125.000 Yolts nice prize to be offered the win-i Three inches ". . . :i5.000 volU ners.; Refreshments will be serv-1 Four Inches .. J . . .200,000 volts ed to .players' at; 4 o'clock; About about 200.00VVolts the - proceeds from . the bazaar will I readings by, this method ' are not ub1p me ana team' to she sufficiently reliable- competitive drills in Oakland. - caur., next August, at which time Cncle John Breaks Into Verse. tuere wm De S500 in prizes of- In the Radio News for Deeem f ered. The, t 8alem assembly is ber. Uncle Jtthn of KHJ. Los An- anxious to capture one of the mainlgeles, gives us some clever arerse. prizes." ' - '.; :Tu' : IWe -didn't Ttridw' he "could: do It. ...... t". . . rr?. vaaar, a'Uia, Jpui Cm OF SALEM ' . Best. Glenn, 1715 N. Liberty Barrloah, Mary, 1780 Hickory Beckendorf. Mrs. A. L., 2237 Nebraska Ave. Brady, Ruth. 1555 N. Capitol Bernard, Chas., 1662 N. 5th Bllxeth. Olaf. 545 N. 21st-. Bonesteele, Raymond, 345 Market Briggs, Miss Marie, 398 N. 18th Barlow, Herbert, 1730 Fairmount Ave Bass, George, 1244 N. Front Cook, Leslie, 1247 Ferry St. . . . . . . . . Cummin gs, Evelyn, 1357 N. Winter ., Dearinger, Erma, Oregon Theatre . . Ely, Raymond. 147 Marion 102.200 ..... , . ."320,100 ..514,900 ..420,100 .290,400 460.950 . 400,900 302.400 390.200 240,200 .....240,100 525,925 ....... ... 500,200 525,475 Eyre, David Jr., 1026 N. Summer 100,400 Dlffenbach, Glenn, 770 S. Commercial . i . '. . Goodrich. Harold, .725 H, lfth , . . . . . ... . . . George Koehler, 1750 State ............. : COUNTRY ........100.025 ........ 49.400 ...... J. 401,200 Abbott, M. L., Stayton. . . . . Bradley, Robert, Chemawa ....... Berchtold, Joseph. Mount, Angel .. . Bayer, Fred, Rt. 1. .............. ... Barry, Mrs. Joe, Lyons. ...... ...... Darling, Grace, Rt. 8 Salem, Ore..,. . Dennlson, Mamie, Dallas . . . , . ... . . ........ .,. .103.900 .............240.200 .......... ...501.950 ............ 49,600 ..300,100 300,100 ..512,100 Foster, Fred, Rt, R,. Box .119 A. .. . . . .. .. ..... . .... . . 42,200 Edmundson, Paul. 2146 N. Church.. XMwards. John. 295 N. 15th. ...... . Eschteman. Mrs. Bert," 176 S. Com'l . Fallman, Ross, 2130- N. 4th . . . . . . . . Gillstrop, Robt, 2030 N Com' Goode, Melvln. 1135 Waller. . ; Gwynn, Harold. 1407 N. Winter. Gilmer, Faith, -3 32 N. 19th ...... . Hamby, Henry, 1345 B St r Hershlner, Frank, 2304 Hazel Ave. . . Hileman, Katherine. . . . . Hunt. Bill, Fire Station Howell, Mrs. 2515 N. 5th'. . . I .' HIrsch, Richard, 1335 Madison..... Jarvel, Pat, 2500 N. 4th. Johns, Bethel, 1696 N. Liberty .... Johnson, Eunice, 1525 Highland. . . Klossen, Henry, 645' Ferry ........ Kershiner, Alex, 2304 Hazel Ave... Lainson, Stanley B., 441 State Lear, Dwight, 1298 N. 20th. ... Lewis'. Edward, 224 N. 15th Luthy, Miss A. M. 1497 S. 13th . . . Mayes, Oscar, 729 N. Liberty Miner, John, 2645 Portland Road Miller, Letha, 2255 N. Church. . McAdams, Walter, 1935 N. Front McCoy, Maurice, 1507 Fairgrounds Road. . ...... Morehead, Mona, 1549 Broadway Morrison, Lena . Mitchell, Nellie, White House " Newgent, Howard, . ; . . . Nafezger,' Wm, 1534 Broadway.. Nelson, Doris, 780 N. Cottage. Paulus, George, 383 State, Paumala. Nellie. 806 N. High Plank, Eloise, 2365 S. Com'l Price, Chas. IL, 372 N. Church Peebles, Jesse, 2395 N. Front Pence, Viola.. 1825 N. Com'l N Plant, Mr.." Armory Plant, Wlnnifred. . . . . Qualley, Edythe, Oregon Theatre 135.100 ...405,100 . . .403,300 ...101,200 . .. 98,200 99,100 ..102.400 . .400,100 . .261.500 . . 90,206 ..464,200 ..526,900 .....108.200 490,200 84,200 ....220,400 ...227,400 Fashing, Mrs. Harver, Rt. 4 . . . . , Fpley, Mrs., Rt. No. 7,..,......... Gough. Blanche M., Mehazna . . , . .'. . , Gllson, Nellie. Rt. 2 Amity. . . ... Ha worth, "Evelyn, Stayton i V . - . i Hochbergr- Mrs. Florence, Monmouth Jones, Harry, Stayton . . ; ...... 90.400 ........ 399,100; ,525,950 ......104.400 ........390.400 300.200 ....... 107.200 . . .250,200 .......103,100 92,100 .240,100 .......525.950 430,100 ....... 98,400 ....... 99.200 103.200 ....... 99.200 ...390,490 ... 75,200 ... 90,100 ...525.850 ...340,400 ... 64,100 ...163,900 I.. 101.200 .. .364,100 ... 92,400 ...392,400 ...154.400 .. .230,100 ...340.200 ...101.200 138,400 W a A A -m - iiwtz, Angeiine, euDiimuy acn inn Srk Y.1,lta,k Chemawa. ........... v. .............. . 10 9,4 0 0 Kites, Raymond. Rt. 8 ;......,..... m ....... . 98 700 Klnzer. Ralph, Hubbard. . ..... . . . .v.. ....... ... . !26o',100 Larken, Gertrude, Rt. 1.'. .................. ... 104 500 Lewis. Orvil. Rt. 3, Box 272....fc..............t i09 4oo Mason. Ethel, Mill City ... . ,v i . . ... ... ..1 525.100 McClellan. Mrs. T. M., West Stayton. 400 too McCaUiaterC L, Shaw. . . . t t 'm ' XX'lOO Manenhal, Mabel. Qenrais, Rt. I .............. . . . . 2 0 6 A 00 MorrUon, Ma. Carl, Rlckreall. .. . . . ; . . . . . . . V McKee. Geo., Amity, . .v. .. . ... ..,........" looinn SeSn uby lT"- I " M.'JSlOO pSr.:::::;::-5??i- - - : : - : : :::::: :txII:J SS Savage. Miss Maud, Rt. 7 . ; f Stalling. iW. HvSilverton. Rt. 2. . . . ..I " ' ' ;;;! J Schackman, Dean,. Rt. 3 South, Miss Lena, Independence . . Sweney, Marlon. Hubbard ., ShephercT, Jas..' Rt. 1. ......... Speaker, Robt., Rt. 4, Box 15B. . Bturgis, Francis," Brooks . 100,200 ..240,100 .. 80,400 90,400 ,..196475 ...290.400 Thompson. Mr,, a N., Rt. 8. Salem .. .'II r" Tumbull, fa. S, Rt. 4 Box. .19.-.;i..m.l " iH'Ui Teal. Mrs. Albert. Falls City. .. m. ,.' Vandermark. Lee. Scott sum.- ' M ? -890,2 90 Vaughn, Mrs. Ida, Rlckreall. .... . ! ! " " " Weaver, Lloyd, Rt. 6.i... . ... . 93,490 Wllley, Clara, Aumsville, . . . ' ' ' ' . 4,290 Wright. Felix. , Stayton 4 3 0, 1 0 0 Wall, Margaret. Jefferson ... . 90,490 Royston, Opal, 2759 Brooks Ave.... Allen, Martha, 625 N. Winter. ...... Shlerman, Alex. 214 Water........ Snook, Frank. 2409 4th. ... Sills, Macel. 758 N. Com'l Snyder, Mrs. W.. 722 State... Safren. Morris, 246. Marion Standish, Cllnten, 2095 N, 5th. Samuels, Mollie, State and Com'l Shaefer. Lloyds 2 60 Mission..-. . . . . .-. . ...... . Suing. Elmer. 1297 S. High ..j.'. Snider, Gladys. 2144 N. 5th Varley; JoV 5 0 Electric . . . . lUi-v. Ward.' ConnelF 1487Broadway . . . . . Whitlock. Elmer. 2415 Hazel Ave.. . . . ......... Weir, Leo, Valley Motor Co. . ; i i 5 2 5,3 2 5 - . . nil 48.400 ...380,100 ... 60.200 ...187,700 ... 75,200 . ..110,600 ...300,100 ... 60.200 103.400 ... 49.400 140,200 ...103,200 ... 514.050 ...526.900 69.490 Weathers, Earl, Rt. 8 .416,200 .100.200 Zielisch, Verna. Rlckre.ll. , -300.900 Haroer. Edwin. oAri. o ;...... .106.200 Bates. Mrs. C. F.. Rt. 6, Bo irSain ' V .-xOO.290 Bryer.,Ru,ox2? f0b8Cr,Pt,Oa O aVe By carrier in the city of slim r 1 1 ' 1 - -' By mail In Marion and Polk ! '-' 1 By mail, outside of Marion .n D',w -'7' s ' month; fi.50 io?3 nionthV 23 oo untles o cents a year. . moni -00 for 6 months and 6.00 a u - - - - ' . . . ... ....... .. gaaaaaaaaaS" (WWW