V V', 1 ' 12 V - M a ! I i Is ! V 1 1 .Jg m . CATHOUC s Re. J. R ' Back, pastor. Communion 1:30. children's mass and run tnonion of all societies at 8:30. High maas with sermon by Rt. Bev Abbot Beraard, O. 8. at 10:iO. The Forty Honrs"1 adoration will close on Sunday Br with rmoa by the Rt. Rct. Ab bot o. Mv-Angel, procession and beae Everyone both Catholll and aon Cathohe, l, welcome to all services. ,7:S0 P- . -A , -' . - CONQBXOATIONAZa Tint Congregational Church Liberty and Center atreets. W. C. Kantner, min ister. Sunday school at 10 a. m, Clata all age with competent teaohers. New -elasves recently ' formed and others ' re-arg-anixed. - Preparing fox Christmas. Oeaae with us. Coma to oar men's class, t our classes for women, for boys, for girls., and ur splendid primary depart ment. Miss Fake, superintendent. 11 a. m., morning worship, sermon' subject, "iLifhta Great and Small." 6:30 p. ta., young people's meeting. Hiss Young, leader. 7:30 p. m., brief address, "What Is a Man Worth f Pictures of Russia, the much discrssed . country of Europe. The best of niusie at all services. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Sub ject, ..Living in God's Presence." Lead er of tha inusio at this service, Mr. T. fit. Xackeasie. - . ' Central ' Congregational.. Cbnrcb South Nineteenth street. - Harry W. John sou, minister. Sunday -school and morning worship at 10 a. m. Duet by the Gleaaou aiMer.- Short sermon by the pastor on "following sth Master." Young peo- Jrte'e meeting at 6:30 p. anu, Harold Bus ck is leader. Preaching servica at 7 :30 p. as. Sermon theme. Denatured Chris tianity." Annual meeting of the church railed for Wednesday evening. Election of officera and other important business. JCe meeting Thursday, evening.; - CHRISTIAN .'" First Christian Church Center and High streets: J. J. Evans, minister; Mies , Hattia Mitchell, missionary. "The Land of rYiendlinecs," a missionary play, will 1 bo given, on Sunday evening at 7:80j in place of tH sermon and regular program. It considers the problem, of emigration and America's xaslonsibiHty. . A welcome ts . extended to the public. "The Old Paths wil be the sermon topic at 11 o'clock. The ladies' quartet adds greatly te the devotion and i aspiration of the worship. The yennjr people meet at 6:30 in. ' lively gathering and for spiritual values. - Large numbera arc in attend ance at this meeting. The Bible school invite the publie to its sessions opening at 9:45 with class period at 10 o'clock. lr Epley has charge of the assembly . period and program. Court Street - Christian Corner North Seventeenth and Court streets. R. L Putnsm, minister. Bible school 8:45 a. to. Now let ns go over the 200 mark tedaf. - Morning worship 11 a. m. Ser mon: What Must Men -Believe to be 8evedt Endeavor ' societies meet at . &:30 tsi 6:30 p. m. .Let us have a good attendance of young people. Evan- JeUatia aecviea . 7:30. Sermon "How re Persons . Made Believers ! " Our heme force is growing in interest each night. ' 8 object for .week i : . Monday, .Turning te God;" Tuesday. "A Model Co version j'S Wednesday. f,Can a Msn Be Saved Out of the Church f" Thursday, "Salvation Throaga the Blood;" -Friday. Wka-WUt It bet"" We pload for a true understanding, of the scriptures aad invite, yoa Ve hear this plain, simple ex planation of the Word of GoeV "Where taa , scriptures speak, wa speak, .' aad where the scriptures are silent, we are silent" is - our aim, ,..00010, ;. hoar aad examine ior yourself. , . , v- EFXSCOYAL St. Paal'a Chareh (Episcopal) "The House of Worship.'!. .Corter Church aad Chemeketa streets. Rev. H. D. Chamb ers, rector. "Seooni Sunday in Advent." -The usual serrices. Holy Eucharist at 7:30 a. m. Church school at 0:45 a. m, all childrea invited. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 . m. Vested choir with violin, accompaniment. Tbe Rev. T. F Bovta -of Portland and the rector will exchange pulpits tor the day aad Mr. Bow aa. will Uka both "the above services and preach tha sermon. All. invited to : warshiy srtT St Paul's. The "XP8, will meet in the' parish house at 6 p. m. The subject will he ia tha form at a debate on ihe"subje3t,-Reaolved, that the Bible, . should be taught ia the public schools-"-Mr. fiormae Barariek wi be tha leader and the speakers on the affirmative aids will be Mr. B. H, Vuneyr and,. Miss Francis r MeKinney. The negative side ' wtU ' be taken by Mrs. Kent - and Mist Ruth Kuha. An. young people invited. : ; .'-'-' 'artTHODIST 1 j. First Methodist Episeepai Church Corner State hud Church streets. Blaine E. Kirkpstrick. D, D minister. . 9:15 a. m.olii-time class meeting ia tha north west room down stairs. 9:45 a. m.. Sua day school, H. F. Shanks, superintendent. The place WEST FUR COMPANY . ' i ' -'v :'' 521 Court. . After December 10 New Location 190 N. Liberty. All dopartments are well organised and ready to ; car for all ages. There has been a steady increase. Come and make one more. In the absence of. the paster, silent" is our aim. Come, head and and Dr. Z, E. Gilbert, district superin tendent, at 7:30 p. m. Ep worth leagues aa usual at 6:30 p. in. and junior league at 5 p. m. The church night service win be in charge of Rev. J. V. McCor mick, 6:30. to 0:45 p. d. Jason Lee Memorial If. E. Church Corner North -.Winter and Jefferson atreets. Thomas Acheson. pastor; LeRoy Walker, afsiMant in charge of the junior church. : This cburh gladly invites the public te share with it in the services of the coming Lord's day... A personal greeting and welcome to strangers. The theme of the morning sermon will bo. F "Sunshiae and Showers," by the pastor. Ia the evening Kev. JLo Roy Walker wiu preach 3unlay schooj. will convene -at 9:45 a. m. with C. M. Roberta in charge. Three-separate departments - will function and there - will be classes for all ages. Epworth league' will - convene at 6:30 p, a. with a wide awake session for young people. ! Testimony ' and praise service from 7 to 7:30, for adults, led by Bro. Jos. Barber. Evangelistic service sad congregational sing et 7:30 p. m. The choir will furnish special music both morning' and evening, assisted in the evenin.r J by the orchestra. The league program at 6:30 will be in charge of the foreign students at Willamette university and will be a real treat to all who come. Union service of junior and senior churches on Thursday evening at 7:15 p. m. Eyerybody invited. . - - , . 1 "'' -' Leslie Methodist' Episcopal Church South Commercial and Myers atreets.' ' II. F. Pembertont, pastor. " Yoa are cordially invited to attsnd all of the services of this church on Sunday as follows : Sun day school at 9.45, E. A. Rhoten,- super intendent. Epworth league at 6:30. This is especially for the young people. Morn ing worship at -11 -o-'eloeki Sermoa sub ject: "Gifta and a Gift." Evening meet ing at 7:30. Subject.- "Dariag, Kevolu tiea and (Love." . You will find these meetings of profit. You will be warmly welcomed and will enjoy -the day and be better fitted to meet. life's problems after a Sabbath a pent in worship and praise, Scandinavian M. E. Church Fifteenth and Mill streets. David C. Haaael, pastor. Morning worship every Sunday 11 a. at. and Sunday, school . 12. i Gust Anderson, superintendent. .Epworth. league 7:15, and evening . service 8 a'clock. The Ladies' Aid will meet Thursday, Dee. 13, with Mrs. W. Anderson; 205 Lincoln street, st 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs day evening 8 o'clock. , Welcome ta all of our meetings. . - , " J ' - , Free Methodist Church Comer of North Winter and Market streets. Rev. Mortimer C. Clarke, pastor. -Sunday school 8:45, J. M. Clark, auperintendent. Classes for all sixes and ages. Preaching hours 11 and 7:45. Class meeting at 7. Tha young people will take the hour led by Luther D. Cook. The fundameatala Bible class organised by the pastor was responded to by 26 last Monday evening. It. meets next Monday, evening at 7:15. Lesson, the first two chapters, of Genesia. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:3. The pastor's message Sunday will -be: ' Noah' a 'Dove," an Emblem of the "Work of the Holy- Spirit. - Ia the evening aa evangelistic massage, "Without Christ." All are welcome to every service.- Center Street M. .E. Church North Thirteenth and Center streets. Geo. 8. Boeder, minister. ' Sunday school 10 a. m., German and English classes. - Preach; ing in German 11 a. m. The Epworth league meets at 7 o'clock,' when the new officers of the league will be installed, after Which there will be preaching in the Engliah language. A cordial welcome. . " i,-. ' PRESBYTERIAH '' :" First Presbyterian Church Wsrd Wil lis Long, minister. 9:45 a. n.. Sunday school, Mr. H. E Barrett, auperintendent. 11 a. m aemaon. "The Church That Waa Mere Dead Thau Alive,' fifth ia the aeries on the aevea church of Asia which , are being given by the minister. 6 :80 p. sc.. Christian Endeavor soeieties. 7 :80 a. m, popular evening service. Con gregstiottal sing, special music and brief gospel message "Tha Birth of Christ in Prophecy" by the minister, Tuesday, IO- a.- m. to p. m Ladies' Aid sale in the church parlors. ee ' complete, an nouncement elsewhere. Thursday, 7:30 p. m-,. church prayer hoar. Topic.; "Why Do People Go to Church 1" Psalms 122. Saturday. 2"-0 p. m-i. Starilng Lifh Bear era party ia tha church, parlor. ;. CHSISTIAH SCTXSCB ' First k Church -440 ' Ohemeketa street. Sunday morning service st, 11; evening service at 8; subject of lessoa sermon: "God, tho -Only Cause and Crestor." Sunday school at 9:30 a. tn. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting st 8 o'clock. Reading room,. 209 Masonic Temple, open ( V to. buy your iitw- -is where expeii? ence has proved the styles to be the smartest, the quality to be the highest, the values to be the most exceptional every day except holidays' and Sundays from 11:15 to 5:30 p. ni. All are cor dially invited to our servicea and to our reading room, , ' Church of the ' Xaxarene Nineteenth and Marion streets. C, Howard Davis, pastor. Sunday - school, 9:45 a.- m. Preacning, 11 a. m. and 7;30 p. m. YP 6:30 p. in. Children's meeting, 7 p. tn. A cordial welctme to all. South Salem Friends Church Corner of Commercial and Washington atreets Carl t and Minnie G. Miller, pastors. Sunday school, 10 a. m.. Dr. Carl E. Miller, superintendent. Worship, -Al a. m., special music. At '6:30 the foreign missionary committee will have charge Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m. You are invited to attend all of these services. Christian and Missionary Alliance Tab ernaele Ferry street near Church. Paa tora. Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Caswell. 425 North "Winter street. . Special revival campaign servicea are now t. in progress under- the leadership of Evangelist C. Or ville . Ben him, musician aad Bible preach er. These meetings, are conducted daily at 8 aad 7 :80 - p. - nr. except Monday. Sunday servicea : Sunday school, 1 p. m. Spirited ainging . with orchestral accom paniment at a and 7:30 p. nu will pre ceed the- atroag messages of the visiting revivalist. Bright ' and convincing testi monials from tha many new comers will also feature r these . meetings." Fvangeliet Benham announce for Sunday topics: - 3 p. m., "The Bride and the Beaat;" 7:30 p. m., "The. JJext World Criaia." A cordial invitation is, extended to all. ' 'XiTJTHEBAN Christ Tfvsngelical Lutheran Church State and Eighteenth streets. Q. Koeh ler, pastor. Morning service in-German at 10:30; Sunday achool (English) at 9:45 a. m. Young people's meeting at 0 :SU .p. m. ' Kveniag. service in ngliah at 7:30 p. m. Bible school conducted by the pastor on Saturday from 9 to 12 a. m. Catechetical instruction from 1 te 3 p. m. The Iorcaa society meets with Mrs. T. Boehmke -aa Wednesday at 2 P. m. A hearty welcome.: 1 Seventh Day Adventiat Church Corner of Ptf'.h . aad Gaines. Sabbath School at 10:30 a. m. and preaching at 11:30 a. m. Young people's meetit& aV 4:30 p. m. (Saturdays).! Prayer ' meeting oa Wed nesdays at 7:30 p. m. The annual week af prayer begina Sabbath. All over the world earnest prayera will bd ascending to -God to put an end to thia long reign of' sin. Meetings every day. The Sun day night lectures are growing ia interest and also in attendance. ' Over 20O were out last Sunday, The subject for Sunday will be of more than usual interest. It is, "The Churches. Should They Have Dances, Boxing Matches, KissiiTg , Beea and Comic Pictures Conducted in Them I" What will be the two results t Come and hear it discussed. . 7 :30 P- . V. Erntson, pastor. ; ' , 5 r j . -? i i'i 't Bethany ' Reformed Church Corner of Capitol and Marion streets. 4 M. Denny, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m., and English preaching service, 11 a. m, o evening, service. ; -' t - ; . First United Brethren Corner Twelfth and Mission streets. Sunday school, 10 a. m.. Miss Cell a Gobler. auperintenOent. Preaching, 11 a. m. ' Subject, "Entire Sanctidcation." Kveninjf services. Chris tian Endeavor, 6:30, Miss Evelyn Craig, leader; special music (piano aad violin). Miss Marvelie Edwards and .Nina Craig. Preaching, 7 :30 p. m. ; You are invited ta attend aad cooperate ia all these serv ices. . Wa teach and preach the Word as foupd in the Book of books. C. W. Tib bet. yttor, ? , j: j . : Glad! ' Tidings Mission 343 H Court street. C. S." Johnson. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Services at 8 and 8 p. m. W believe , ia the old time gospel ' and the old tune power ol the Holy Spirit. ' It you are hungry for' more of tbe spirit in your life, come to our meetings. . The Lord ia bleating us with his presence ia every meotin?. ' We prsy for the sick. Our phone number ia 2U48-M, . Call us if yoa are in need. We supply clothing to needy families. - Church of God 1346 North . Church street. J. J. Gillespie, psstor. Sundsy school, 10 a. ia.. i- Van Lydegraf, super intendent. Classes for all grades of scholars. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Subject, - 'The Conversion of the Samari tans. Their Healing. Baptism in Water, aad Their Beseption of the Holy Spirit Baptism." Acts 8:5-17. .'Sunday school at Salem Heights, 2:30." Young people's servicea at the chapel. S45 - and testi mony aad preaching service, 7 ;30 p. ra. Prayer meeting with ; It. ti. Grass, 1590 Highland - avenue, Tuesoay evening 7:30, and Braver meeting -at the chapel Wed nesday eveaing, 7:30. We kindly invite all who can to 'attend the services.' f Evangelical Chemeketa street. - P." W. Launer, pastor. Sermon at 11 a. m. by Charley Cady. Sunday school,' 10 a. m., every one be on time. Evangelical league 0:30 p. m. Song- aad praise service 7:3p. First Baptist Church Comer X. Lib erty and Marion streets. ; Sunday school at v :4a a. m. 'tis puipu win again w supplied by Rev. K. E. Dark of Seattle. Sermon '11 :0O a. m. I "How to Make Ninety Cents Go Further Trha a Dollsr-f Speeisl music by the doable quartet, snd Mr. Jeon Pearcy . will sing "Hia- Eye is on the' Sparrow by Gabriel. :30 p. ra. Intermediate ana csentor u x trJ. 7 :80. Sertnoa, ".The Gsrmants 4hst Uod Made. Mid-week prayer service , a Thursday evening at 7:30. Apple You have actually -sent a bill with my clothes: 1 What an insult! , How dare you? ,. r-Tailor It 7 was- all - ournew bookkeeper's fait, sir. ' Ho got you mixed up with those who pay. Pearson's Weekly, i ; ' The correctness of our courses idf matched by the exactness oft our - school Kappointmentsv f We ' take a personal interest in the welfare of our students, not only while they are in school. ' but . after they f graduate. START HERE!! CZOtNNOW! .( V STUDY U ": i23 Ce-I TO RECEIVE CARE Army Hospitals to Be Opened . to Women Who Served During War SAN FRANCISCO,. Dec. 8. American ex-service women who need medical attention, whether for disability incurred In the war or for Illness or injury suffered since, may receive such treatment from the government, it has been announced here by Eudora M. Clover, administrator of disabled SqO I Full Flayored Footj of Full Value (&"BETTE R-y ET" V1CTROLAS M From $25 up All Uie latest Our term will Purchaser," We satisfaction. If you purchase a phpnograph here and it should not prove satisfactory in every kv ' t J ; J ""'f ' i -1 way. we will gladly exchange it. OTHER CHWSTMAS, SUG Mandolins, Ukeleles, Banjos, Band Instruments. (Full line of Victor Brunswick Records. service women for the American Women's Overseas League. . : "Tholeagu.e Miss- Clover ex plained, has received this assur ance from the war department. It means that all women who' have been or may be enlisted under such status as army nurse, navy nurse, yeomanette or marinette will be eligible, on producing an honorable, discharge and a proper certificate of disability, to : care and maintenance in a government hospital or home.. The duration of the disability,' or the time and manner in which it has been in- YEiS Your eyes should be tested regrularly, and if you are in need of glass- I es we will fit you per fectly. MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 801 - S OREGON BLDG. Oregon's Largest Optical Institution Phone 839 fost Appoint . ments. Salem, - Oregon 1 G 6 jpQgjjQj jc3P ft YMF PCd: &d & "'! to $60(Je inpyU, suit any "Reasonable guarantee 1 00 per cent .1 erman, Clay, & 'Co. .Pianos, DG3'S flicted, will , make no difference, ! according to the announcement. Such; permanent disabilities as old age. will entitle a woman to care for the rest of her. life, but entry into a government institution will entail no obligation to remain, a patient being as welcome to enter for an operation or a brief Illness. The government will pay the cost of transportation to eligible appli cants. ;V j'.; " '; : ' In view of the comparatively few women claiming such atten make most appropriate CHxristmaa gifts and "are most" of their usefulness BROWNELL ELECTRIC 379 State Street mm (g) 9 - - , -. From $45. up to $450 nn LlWU -1 ..... , . s - tion at this time, tho national sol diers' home ; at Danville, 111., has been designated for all patients of the immediate future. - There two brick buildings have been set aside for the exclusive use of the wom en. There also is hospital with more than 200 beds. , r, It is estimated that there are approximately 52,009 women elig ible for this benefit should they need it. " . ' ' r ? R ea d the Classified Ads. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES -v, Successor to ' WELCH ELE0TEI0 CO. X: -: v :i'1f--V5-'.teM , j ' te" : AVe have about twenty : dif f erent - Flat Top Period Models for your inspection. Call and . Ipolt; them over. From 0 1 C 0 up to $450,00. ' J Make small, payment ; and we will hold your selection until Christmas. r- v-jfci 1 . Steinway arid Other rif n a j Kelly rlf ye z fore j r j . that note now I can't zy . O'Erien- But if I wa.it UA pay It ril niver get It. list? ven' Register a Officer -(Just bawled oat). Iot a: man in this division will ta given liberty, -this' afternoon, y- Voice Give me 'liberty cr giva me death!A ;";-.-;;.v ; "- :'. - Officer Who said tl-L?-TVoice Patrick Henry Aws wan.' ' V " appreciated on account . , . , COMPANY , Vhot.9 tZZ DuiiG & Q D, ti errrrffiirKr ciiaa as a asva FromlOQupWCS . , . V.ery.cl&tsyjtiodblx . Guitarc, Recordi cJco c 409.-415 Court Szzl Sd'im, Orccn A ... i Practical ia tiie a tofc remoHejlihg - rev" . rsr ; . . j f ... 31 ui 1 f