FRIDAY MORNINGDECEMBER 77, 1923 0 . V. Op SOMEBODY NEEDS WHA1MYQU HAVE 1 ! ( 1 CLASSIFIED SECTION Phone 23- Advertising Dept. CLASSIXIXD ADVXXTXSXHXXTB Rstt pr word:. Fn laMrtiom Three Insertion e NORWICH UWIOH TIRE INSURANCE SOCIETT W. H. Burgh ardt. Jr. Resident Agent 371 State SV MONEY TO LOAN On Seal Estate ' T. K.FORD ( CWr Iadd ft Bnsh Bank) 1 -AUTOMOBILES 1 AUTO BXPAXKXKO LET VS; REPAIR YOUR CAR AND IT will bo done right. Jack Doerfer Motor nepair. m (Commercial. Ia-d7 AUTO TOPS THI8 KIND OF WEATHER MEANS that .you should hare a rood top on four tir. How about HI W. E. GRCNEBT, 258 State St. ' ' lb-d7 f FOR RENT FURNISHED APAHTMXBTB FOR RENT FURNISHED OR TJNFUR niahed new, close-in apartment with all modern conveniences, at ' "THE PAL ACE .COURT. ' 248 fio. Cottage St, Salem, Or. Phone 1642. . 2a-d9 SEAMAN'S APARTMENTS NICELY fur niahed. .265 8. Commercial. 2a-j4 CLOSE IN FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 445 IS. Winter. 2a-d7 rOB RX NT AP ARTMXNT 5, 891 NO, Commercial. . . - HOUSES v - MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE FOR 4 rent. H. L. Sttff Furniture Co. 2b-d9 FCRN1HED ROOM HOUSES, FUR - naca and built-in conveniences. Piano, Columbia, eewing, machine. Phone 1149 J or call 544 N. Commercial d9 ONE-HALF DUPLEX BOUSE WITH OA rage. New, modem, 840 or 845. 1 S31 North Winter. 28tf FOR RENT LARGE HOUSE AT 746 . Nartk Winter. Immediate seeseesion. Phono 23. or call Statesman, business office. - n28tf 20oas trnm - rt-evtsnrn J TOHTi r HflTTRF. . I V . L. . ... . - - . . - . V - " " - keeping room cloee'in 818; also ge f race. 700 N. High. 2e-d7 FURNISHED ROOM HEAT AND PRI vate bath. " Convenient to state house and boaines district. 1345. Cenrt St. . .. . - - 2e-d9 - ' . FOR RENT - XICELY FURNISHED alnin room cheao. Phono s!563M. ' f. :. .... 2e-do. FOR RENT FURSI SHED 1 ROOM AND kitchenette, light, neat ana .water, ova - N. Rummer. Phono iuts. v xc-o TURNISHED ROOMS, -STEAM HEAT, hot and cold water in room. Phone . I549-J or call 544 2t. Commercial. d9 FOB RENT APABTMSHT8 AND looping rooms. Leonard Hotel, ISA H. Front Street, -- ' -. - - - PRINTED CARDS. BIZS Id" BY T". wording "Famiaaad Boons." prteo 10 ceaU each. Btatesmaa ' smataoaa n lieo. Gronnd Floor. IFOR RENT UNFURNISHED APASTME3TTS FOUR AND FIVE ROOM UNFURNISH- . e apartments, cioao a. oj Lena m. - - 3a-dll H0USB8 l-OS RENT FIVE ROOM PLASTERED honse. liebta. bath, garage, on car line. Call at 1183 Shipping St. 8b-d FOR RENT. HOMEY COTTAGE AMONG oak -treeo loza uroaoway. greauiy asai ' aomined,' newly painted, range and heat er. Inquire Ben Vick, car Viek Bro. fln. Phono 1841. 3b-D9 j FOR SALE Miscellaneous FURNITURE OF SEVEN ROOMS. Quick it i-.a t itt 210 Market. 4-d8 -SUOPrORN PLAYER PIANO WILL BE - aacrificed for cash. Thi "la bargain and is worth seeing. Tallman Piano t Slnre. 395 South 12th. -d7 FLAT WAJvL PAINT IN WHITE. IVORY . Cream. Medium Buff and Pearl Gray. Any of these beautiful colors will give . wonderful eliecta. asax v. " .. N. m'I . .! 4-d9 T-n-o CATV WHTTF RrtSR POTATOES - 91.15 per hundred. PcliTewd. Pnj ilARSHALL, RTHAWBERRT PLANTS - 93.0O per M. F. B. Oarrett. route 3 JlHIWlisa V - f va ir THE CHILDREN COME HOME WET . Sad muddy, park tnem on ne c' ,, learn. Max O. Buren. 179 Ii. Com I WHITE ROTARY ELECTRIC SEWING machine. Slightly used. -18 .r? - Commercial, Apt. 5. d "APrLES DELIVERED 75e; 8 FOR $2 srs ti.uri finitinhrr. Ward Jv ' Richardson, 1295 Front. Phone 494. d7 COAT MEAT. FIRST CLASS, YOUSO and fat. 5e per pound by whole or - half. DelWered fie. South Salem ..- nurkrt Phona -T86. ' d30" APPLES 83e AND UP. BALDWINS. 8 . fnr t. Several Tarieties, no , worms. Bring your boxes. A B. iouj veon. corner xn-. - DELICIOUS APPLES, ft DELIVERED X Net first grade, but good a"e. Ward K. Richardson. 2395 Front. rPnono 494 rxnvnwnnn TYPEWRITER CO. ; Hare your machinn repaired by- the ; people -who make it. Special rental c- rate, to studenta. .800 Alasonio Kidg. . Phone S62. - - n-otf iiiioir ;rade piano, cannot be told from new. at a bargain. Term 97 per month. . Investigate . this u ll a V " .Tallman Piano Store, 'J So. 121 - 4 d7 : Rpautifiil Oregon Rose And eleven other Oregon songs" together , who a line collection oi , sarrcd eong and many old-time favor- , ues. . . . ' ALL FOB S3e. ' . Tperill.T ft hie fr chfl coiAuiua- Western Songster 78 psges now in its third edition Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 213 S. Commercial St. Salem. Ore. ; PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BT T" , wordier "Tor Sals, Enquire at." Prieo 10 rente each. SUteeauus BtalatW Off ice. Ground Floor, FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 rent a bund!. ClrcsJaUoy dspartmeat Crrjou Etalesuiaa. . One wnk (six lasertioat) Oae math. : 8ix nontha' eontrset per mo. 15o 13 month' contract, par bo. 12o Minimum for any advertisement 35 i FOR SALE Miscellaneous ) ZJVXST0CS FOR SALE 7 WEEKS OLD PIGS- 5 each. One sow, 15 month old: one jrsey bull 15 month old; one Jersey Guernsey heifer1 calf, 5 month; one Jersey Durham ow. Inquire of.E. L. Welch, 1223 Saginaw. 4a-d7 100 HEAD OF GOOD MOUTHED STOCK wea for aale at $9.00 per head, mostly whit (area but all medium wool and bred to shrop rams. .F. B. Docker, 1044 Lincoln St.. Eugene. Oregon. dlO 1 HELP WANTED 1 8 ELL MADISOK BETTER MADE" SHIRTS direct front oar factory to wearer. No capital or experience re 'qsirad. Easily sold. Bif profit. Writs for FREE SAMPLES. MADISON sllHa 808 Broadway. Kaw York. "V : .. - i, AGENTS .U----. : EASY TO SELL LADIES' 8TYLISH Shoos. Youngsters Boots. ; Factory to Wearer. Profits Daily. Big Season. Write Quickly. ' Organising Sales Force, STYLE-ARCH SHOES. Cincin nati. d FEMALE . WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL house work. Phono 2087J. ' - 5b-dS WANTED WOMAN GENERAL HOCSE- work. Phono 1839M. 1160 N. 16th. - o28tf MALE A3TD FEMAXJS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take fans paper subaeriptiona. A good J reposition to th right people. Ad reas the Pacific Homestead, Statesman Bldg. Salem. Or. LOST! AND FOUND rOUND FOUND LOOSE LEAF POCKET LED ger, containing mining stock certificates. Appl y Statesman, Boi 69. o-ao. LOST LOST BLACK FOX FUR. PLEASE RE torn to Statesman office. Reward. - - 6a-d7 PERSONAL GET' MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. FREE for stamp. OOKKESFOSUEXT,- To!e4o, unio. dl3" I1 v REAL: ESTATE :City FOR ' GOOD , BUYS . IX RE ALE STATE ROBINSON I Oregon Bldg. 8-d7 SPECIAL 7 ROOM MODERN JiUME COMPLETE- ly furnished. Only 4 blocks from btate House. A bargain lor 83500.' . Fine building lot on paved street and ear line. . Pavement naid. For 8450. THOMASON, 831 State St. 8 d7tt GOOD BUY SEVEN ROOM PLASTER- ed hoase, full . concrete basement, city water and deep drilled well. Oarage, poultry bouse. . Corner lot 90x135. Lots of fruit. Grand view of city. Easy ac cess. - Three block from street ear. ttouth Salem. Price $3200; some terms. W. C. Conner. Owner. Statesman of fice. t . - J - 8 d9 SOME GOOD HOUSE BARGAINS 8420O .Modern, hens. 8 rooms. - CIXISE IV IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 82500 House 7R, 4 lots. , . 81800 Houso-6 rooms. : f 90O Hoase 4 rooms, 2 lots. 830O0 Modern 5 room bnngslow Many others on easy payment. NOW IS THE TIME " , TO BUY YOUR VACANT LOT I i -. CHILDH t RKCliTEL S " '.' ? . 540 State St. ; 8-d7tf - l FOR SALE : "' 5 room bnngalow with one-fifth acre . of ground suitable for garden. Paved street, close in. price 83150. Small Darment down and easy -term. 4 room new . bungalow, basement. - 8 room modern ' bungalow on paved street. . ' Basement, - fireplace,- and con veniences. Garage and corner lot 94 by v 140. Cot snore than 37000 to' con struct. To settle estate will aell for 86800 and rood terms. 4 . room modern , bungalow, garage. ; well located. Price 82400, and easy ;- term;.---, t-1 ' : .,.. -. 4 .i ' : Large 8 room house close in. Price : 420H and "very easy terma. Is on largo . eorner let. ha basement with furnace :' and a garage. "A good buy for you. Furniture and lease of apartment bouse in valley town of three thousand population. ; Fireproof, concrete Du:ia , ing. A. good proposition. list your property with me.1 '' If it is a house, a lot, a farm, or a trade you want, see me. RICH L.-REIM ANN ' Realtor Office "phone 1013 , Kes. phone 726H 229 Oregon Bldg. o am FOR SALE Fire room bouse with basement. Fine eorner let. garage. Can handle same with soldier a loan. Special bargain. Trice 8-400. ., l.ATHXM 'TOMPKIN3 i331V4 State Stv .. 8-d6tf FOUR BOOM HOUSE, S LOTS EAST front. $850; S20O down; 820 per month.- ., . !. . i - , V .n a wiym ' tiAn 1na 1 n ' $2000. ' Vl M.m kntMA vlna in. DlTf (I street, east front $2600; 8300 down $3a per monin. Five room house, all furnished $ I0O0 Eleven room nouae, rani jreni, i rage, paved street, furniture. 840O0. an mmih nfw iiiiii si uifscit. I d jii sbw ery detail, corner lot, east front $3800; Modern 10 room house, close in with 11 furniture. 8800. L-. ; Apartment bouse, -close in bringing . , i . tc nnn gooa returns, imgc ,...: . i.wtr "n OOO ? ' Business lot and good building $12, Farm close in and lots for sale and , ) A i, ;riniii J. M. Pm. 492 N . rottaee St- Phone 1186. 8-dltf lllIPji".l'VP11II. BTftRR f IC. K T- ed in one of beat business point in Benton county. Owner must sell be s cause of sickness in family. Will sacri ' fice. -Store on cash basis. A big money soaker. 1L K. Sherwood, Alea. Ore. d9 , : rmt su.R 7 room., bouse corner .lot,:; garage. $2-100. A room modern nonite craie m AiiuA ri. - it,kf. Aiitaida pitv lim- ifv with bnildlngv 820OO. Exchange ' Ktudebaker aix closed car like new for bouse. 60 ecre glairy ura it. or acreage. Hobmi for renk . F. L. WOOD. d2lf 107 FEET ON CAPIIUH Bi ivcr-i. v wiv ner d-nteis $3500 The finest close tn ren dence lot for the money, nr. .id. kAtiajL modem conveniences and basement, ai block from State and Commercial, two kitclt. - ens. newiy psperev T. . -------- . Ann.-h. A'tArt Amrm wilt Manilla. Si room new bungalow,- iast Sa lem, hardwood floor, every modern con venience. 85500: $1600 down, balance ! easy monthly lerm. WiXMK PfcTTYJOliy.'BeaHae.-- 219 Orcsoa ElJs . .. : . tt REAL ESTATE City PRINTED CARDS. 8122 14" BY 7". woniing for Jsent,-- prteo 10 cents each. Statesman. Bnslaeu Offiee. Ground Floor, . f 82600 ON TERMS Don't come around expecting an up to date . bungalow but a comfortable 8 room house. Bath, toilet, E. lights, psved St, ear line and walking distance from Capitol Bldg. See Win. Fleming, 841 State St. - 21tf RESTAURANT, GOOD EQUIPMENT, well located 2 'i year lease. Price for quick sale 82500. v 4 room modern . bungalow with, , basement and fireplace" on parement, 83000; 8800 eaRh down. - Wanted-lUtingt, reasonable - prices nd on easy terms. We write fir ia soranco. - " : : W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors. 275. State St. U. S. Bank Bldg. n22tf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY T", woroing " Kooma to Kent." price 10 cento each. ; Stateaman Business) Of fice Ground Floor. , A NEAT NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW. Nice lot, garage and wood shed. $2350 $500 down. J. A. Mills. n29tf TO EXCHANGE A nice 5 room bungalow for 2 or 8 acres close to city limits with good im provements. See Win. Fleming, 341 State St n25tf f REAL ESTATE FARMS $500 DOWN AND EASY TERMS ON the balance, win purchase a fine li.os acre tract suitable for berries, nuts or fruit of any kind. Nice partly fin ished bungalow with fireplace. Other outbuildings. B miles from Salem. Near Electric railway. ' - :- A. a BOHRNSTEDT l 147 No. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. . - , . 9-d7tf Best Buys and Exchanges I 12Vi acres joining Sslem limits $100 per acre, exchange for San Diego, Cal, or vicinity.- SO acres timber well located for Sa lem acreage or residence. ; 20 acrea timber for vacant lot in Salem. . 22 seres, house, barn, electric lights, $2900; easy terms. 11 arres. modern 6 room bnngalow, electric lights, barn, prunes, berries, on the highway north, a Salem bank will carry back $5000 on this ranch. Price $7500. - , . s .' . 10 acres, modern improvements, elcc- ' trie lights, on the highway north, 5 acres in . berries. - 1 acre filberts. Want & or 6 room house in Salem. $4750, Grocery in Salem priced right. Meat market in Salem, profitable business, $3000. t . ! Gas filling wnd accessories on best . corner in, Salem, doing' a big business, legitimate reason for selling. '; , Socolofsky, Realtorf - -- 341 State . St. 9-dCtf TO EXCHANGE "80 acre fruit rsnch, Porterville, Cel., 60 acres grapes, 20 acres oranges, $55. 000. Trade for Oregon land or busi ness property. 400 acre Valley farm $40,000, for sheep ranch in Willimette Talley.- - Want a lot or oar for equity in auburban home. Want good lot for 'good closed car. For sale Modem seven room house, good as new $2300; .easy terms. Nifty new bungslow $3000. Ten acres just outside city limits with buildings, . $2000. Houses . for rent. F. L. Wood, 341 State St. , 9b dltf USED CARS FOR SALE I 1921 HUPMOBILE: FINE RUBBER; gqpd paint, motor in excellent condition Has only, run 12,000 miles. You can't go wrong on thi one at $685, OTTO J. WILSON 388 N. Com't , Phono 220 H dl3 OUR USED CARS, ARE THE KIND that will bear the most critical inspec tion. In fact we want you to bring in seme friebd who ia. a mechanic and let him psas on the' condition of the car you buy. OI.F.SO.V AUTO EXCHANGE 173 S. Liberty. Phone 666 ll-d7 USED CARS FOR LESS! 1916 Ford roadster, has 1918 body, box on rear. Good tires $ 65.00 1920 Chevrolet touring, good tires, mo tor and rear end overhauled $200.00 Special New Ford roadster, cord tires spotlight, extra tire and tube $395.00 CHEVROLET USED CAR DEP'T. 229 State St. - ll-d7tt I HAVE TWO BUICK SIX. SEVEN PA8- senger sedans; one is a XVJJ model. The other a 1923 model. The inside and outside aooearance of both of these cars cannot be told from new. They aimply are beautiful 'machines. They must be sold. Get onr price.on thesa cars before considering' the purchase of any new sedan. : OTTO J. WILSON 388 N. Com'l Bt. Phone 220. Il-dl3 .1 rSED FOR CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1915 touring . $ 65.00 1917 touring . , 85.00 1918 touring ;....,. $100.00 1923 touring . -i $395.00 1921 coupe ............ $365.00 1923 roupe . - $495.00 1919 delivery : i $lr.oo 1920 truck . $235.00 All cars guaranteed to be ia good running order. 1924 license i with every car. Liberal terms. f , Open Evening an Sunays " VALLEY MOTOR OO 2CO No. Ilisrh i ; Phone 1995 i'"'. t 11-dTtf WILL TRADE BUG FOR FORD TOUR- inz or bicrcle and cash. Phone 1128W. t Hd9 FOR SALE 1919 DODGE TOURING, A t shape. $325; 1921 Dodge roadster lots of extra eqntpment, $473; 1920 Dodge sedan, looks like new ?8ia Terms. - BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. Il-d7 BEST -USED CAR VALUES IN THE C1TX Light delivery $ 50.00 ISuick Four roadster Chevrolet ' 490" touring $ I OO.OO $100.00 r.lgin Six touring raise 7-oaasenger ,200.0O .$350.00 Overland Four touring -w.4W.iO Essex touring Dodge touring . Ford couth $550.00 $695.00 Gardner coupe. We have several others for your sel eetion. r W PEETYJOHN CO. 219 V" Com" St. . Salem. Or v. K .... s, i.f . Il-d5tf GOOD ; USED CAK GINGRICH MO- IwTo. i!9 8tl ' w-f WANTED Employment WANTED SHINGLING AND ROOF RE .pairing. .I'hnw iIK. lg-dl I WANTED Miscellaneous i RADIO. SECOND HAND, WASTED 618, care Statesman. 13 d9 REGISTERED JERSEY COWS WAST- ed. State what you have and price. Address "Dairy Farm Care Statea ' man. ottf Classified Ads In The ''Statesman Bring Rcsults'- j WOOD FOR SALE BEST GRADE OF 10 INCH AND 4-FOOT wood at reasonable price. Rt. 3, Box 283. . , .. 14-dl3 FOR DRY WOOD CALL C. D. QUERY, Phone 77F2. " n27tf WOOD SAW PROMPT AND CAREFUL service with wood saw. Phone 108F3. N19 BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 16 inch green mill wood Dry mil! wood -Dry second growth fir ' 'Dry old fir. , 16 inoh BLOCK mill wood is the best fuel to save your dry wood. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. Fred K Wells. 280 S. Church, Phone .1542. . . . : n9tf FOR GOOD WOOD PHONE 1879W . dl5 WRITE IN FOR PRICES ON WOOD. H. A. Knenil. Silverton. d!4 1 PUBLIC NOTICES 1 NOTICE OP, FIXAIj MEXT SETTLK- Notice is hereby 1 given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Marion, her duly verified Final Account as executrix of the last will-and testament and estate of George M. Grilley, deceased, and- that said Court has fixed Wednesday, the 26th day of December, 1923, at the hour of ten. o'clock A. M. of said day as the time and the County Court Room in the County Court House fn Salem, In Marion County, Oregon, as the .place for hearing said i Final Account and all objections thereto..;' - .4 r, , : Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 23rd day of Novmber, 1923. Florence M. Grilley, Executrix of the last will and testament and estate of George M. Grilley, de ceased. A. O. Condit and Ronald C. Glover, Attorneys for Executrix, Salem. Oregori. J n23-30d6-13-20 3 I . SALEM MARKETS' GRAIN AND SAY No. 2 wheat ..90c .90S No. 3 red wheat, sacked Oats - - 45 0 4 $12 & 81! $12 $1-1 Cheat hay; ... Oat hay Clover har. baled .$12 & $11 Prices' Quoted are - wnoiesaie ana as prices received by fanners. No rets! prices are given- except a noted: ClittS, SU i. XZaO. .dux mai J i t Creamery butter 49 50e Butterfat delivered ; Milk, per cwt , , $2 E?gs, selects , C .4e ritsndards . wo Pullets '- , , POULTRY Broilers 1 '. Heavy- Springs .., ' 1 Medium anit lignt nena PORK. MUTTON AND UtiHT Hogs, top, 150-225 lgs.. cwt $7 00 Hogs, top, 225-275, cwt , $6.50 UogS, top, 275-300, cwt ?.oU fclf SSO.WJ Light sows, cwt ' ;.....$5.0ff Rough heavy. 5 Top veal, dressed 8 8c Cow 2i4 O 04c. Tod lambs 1 10c. Hev lambs .IVt fit 9t SILVERTON NEWS SILVERTON. Or., Dec. 5. (Special to Thme Statesman) . Miss Winona Palmer is spending a few days at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Harold Craig, of Port land. Mrs. D. Dybsetter of Brush Creek was operated on at the Sil verton hospital Saturday after noon. , Although Mrs. Dybsetter Is still in a critical condition is ,13 said that she is holding her own. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Olsen were entertained , by Trinity members Sunday afternoon at - Trinity church. ; The occasion was in hon or of their golden wedding which occurred a short time 'ago. ti Practice on the ' American Le gion play has been postponed until after the holidays when it will again be taken up. The Legion is too busy with preparations for its turkey shoot which takes place December 16 at the Simmons farm to take the time to put on the play between Christmas and New Years as at first planned. George Thomas of Paradise road who has., been ill for tome time is again able to take up his work Mr. and Mrs. Thomas mov ed to Silverton a short time ago from their home at Victor Point. Mrs. Latham Is spending a few days at Portland. NEW CORPORATIONS 1 -7 - i The1 Walla Walla Valley ; Rail way company, which operates an electric line from, Walla ; Wall Wash.,' to Milton. Or., will buIW a new branch line from Milton to Uroapine, according to notice filed yesterday with the state corpora tion commissioner.. - "I .The following articles' of incor poration were Hied, yesterday: - D.1& D. Investment company. Portland : Incorporators. O. W, Dean, R. S. Parker, W. E. Far rell; capitalization 15000. ; 1 The Ramblers, Portland; incor porators,' Harry D. Seltzer, Oscar Seltzer, A. E. Rosenberg; William IL Caplan,Abe Davis, Bernard D Schnitzer, F. W. Coldcnberg; as sets $100. ; ' i ;'":.' le - Notice of an Increase In capi talization from $6000 to $50,0(m wasJiled by the Enterprise Plan ing Mill company of Portland. A permit to sell 10,000 shares of non-par stock was issued to the BcstJ LIniversal Lock company, "a Washington corporation.' . GliASSIFIED u Of Reliable Business AMBULANCE SERVICE SALEM AUMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 666; 173 S. Liberty. Day and night .. - nlOtf ARCHITECTS FREEMAN A STRUBLE, REGISTERED Architect, 510 Bank of Commerce Building. BATTERY AND ELECT EI CI AN PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferris Bros., Phone 1803, 418 Court. , B, D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. . BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY- eleg and repairing; 887 ConTt. BIRDS, rXOWERS AND PETS FLAKE'S PETLAND. BIRDS, FLOWERS Pet. 273 State tf- CARPET AND RUG WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fluff Rug Work Rag and fluff Tugs woven aay aize without seam. New mattresses made to order. Old mat tresses remade. Feathers renovated. I buy all kinda of eld carpets for fluff rug-. 13 4 and Wilbur streets. Phone 1134. Otto F. Zwicker. Prop. CEMENT CONTRACTORS FOR OEMENT WORK CALL AT 48; N. Summer street. Phone 67Q-J. CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F U R N A C E cleaning. F. Councilman. Ray L. Farm er Hardware company. CHINESE PHYSICIAN R.,L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN oiseaae. tag w. nign bi. rnnnt 'XJ -CHIROPODISTS PR. 8. ,F. 600TT, GRADUATE NA- t'onal University beiences, cucsgo. Jwasonie Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS LRS. SCOTT A SCHOFIELD. P. S O. Chiropractors, 414-19 U. o. uuut eiag. Phone 87;. res. 828-R. DR. REDMOND, 828 OREGON BLDG., r-none n3. CLEANERS AND DYERS SAJ4EU CLEANERS AND DYER S Suits cleaned and pressed, Suits sponged and pressed, 50c : 313.S. Cora'.. Phone 1868 ' ' CONSUL TING ENGINEERS CIVIL, CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION Constructing lungineer. ourveys, esu- mates. Jno. H. Neef, 319 Oregon Bid g. Phone 775 PRE8SMAKTNa DRESSMAKING AND DESIGNING. 'i Virrie ' Fisher, AlcCornacK tJiag over -llillers. 15tf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY IXm' wording .Dressmaking"; price jo cents each: Statesman Business Office GrftTwid Floor. DRUG STORES WM. NEIMETER "JUST DRUGS, 175 N Commercial. Phone 167. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A S O N I 0 bnidmg. i-cone i.uu. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND. SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 . Ltoerty. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRICIAN Htiiua wirinir bv hour or contract, r.i timates furnished. Phone 9SO. 414 Court St. -- HALIK'S ELECTRIC SHOP ELE0 trical machine repairing, contracting 837 Court. Phone 488 FARM PAPER POULTRYMEN 8END EIGHT .TWO cent stamps for special three montha .. trial for the best end oldest journal in the west.. The articles and advertise-, meats are Of special interest to the - poultry ; breeders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street. Salem. Oregon. IF Y0UWAKT TO GET - THE BEST farm paper, send 15 to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three 'montha trial- subscription. Mention tbie ad. ' ' ' FINANCIAL FARM LOANS No adidtional expense . ANDERSON A RUPERT. 406 Oregon Building GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS per cent. 303 Salem Bank of Commerce 6 LOANS UNDER .RESERVE SYSTEM ; on city or farm property. Reserve De posit company, .72 Fourth Street, Port .land. Or. - e . FARM - LOANS LESS INTEREST. longer ' time, no commission. Protecte gamat adversity. tJity loans, rawest rates, monthlr instalments, pre-pay- 4 ment privileges. 3. C. Siegmnnd, room 2, over Ladd & Bush bank. FARM LOANS Insurance monev. anv amount 6 Per Cent, - for 5. 7. li) or 20 years, with full prepayment privileges enure YV uuu , etto valley. - HAWKINS A ROBERTS 205 "Oregon Bldg, Salem. Oregon LOlXft LOANS LOANS t can make your farm or city loans, best service given-- If you need a loan, aeo J me; and if you have money w pure see mo I always have takers. G. W La f tar, Oregon bldg. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. CITY LOANS. lowest ratee. -" :' '. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS - funeral wreathe, decorations. O. T. Breithaupt, florist. 128 N. Liberty. ' bene 880. - . . rtTNEEAIi DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIBXO tors. 210 Center. Phone 1656. FURNACES SEAGEtlVK FOR FURNACES SIBLI foe . Pipelea, f 85, - 1165 Ferry Sty Phone 5W i o24tf HATTERS EATON A EATON. ; practical batten formerly C B.- Ellsworth establiahmeel First claaa bat work of all kinda. 291 W. Onmmereial. FURNTTURIr STORES IESB FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furaitare for leas auoacy. 878 Court Then 404. business directory and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference : . FURNITURE STORES PEOPLE'S FURNITURE 8T0KJS NEW and second hand furniture; S71 H. Commereial. - ' HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING. , PLEAT- ing. The Petite Shop, Room 5, over Gales. : - n29tf SALEM ELITE H EM 8TIT5I NG pleating, buttons, stamping txu needle work; 829 Oregon bldg. Phcj 879. MRS. O. E. MIIX.EH HEMSTITCHING stamping, buttons. Room lO, over Mil ler a store. Phono 11T. JUNK I JUNK I JUNK WE PAY FULL VALUE FOR any kind of stoves, furniture, metal, ?sper and junk. - Willamette Bargain fonse, 975 North Commercial. Phone 588. -: n!8tf LADIES TAXL0RXNQ D. H. MOSHER TAIXOR FOB MEN nd women. 474 Court St. . LATTKDRIEjr SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 818 8. liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 1264 Broalway Phone 165. MEDICA& MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH BXXXDY Phone 517-W. - MUSIC LESSONS P. F.' THOMAS AND MRS. ZEN A Thomas, violin and piano instruction. Accredited by the State Board of In struction. Studio 665 N. 16th, phono 1518J. - : d2 A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular ay n cop a tad staadard music. Seml-olasaies and ballads; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano 8chooL Me Cornack Bldg. ' 1CUSI0 BT0BE8. SHERMAN, CLAY CO., PIANOS Stein ways, Duo-Art and others. Moore s Musio House. 415 Court strset, ' . GEO. a WILL PIANOS, PHONO- grsphs. sewing saaehines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines; 483 State, Salem. -v ;" -.:,;.. .-.,;.' TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co Musie Dept. - NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. A. S LAUGHTER ACUTE AND ehronie diseases ; 415 Oregon, Bldg. Phone 110. NURSES FOR PRACTICAL NURSE PHONE" 1967W. n25tf NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT, NUT AND SHADX TREES Pearer Bros.. 237 State. NURSERY STOCKS COMPLETE LINE FRUIT AND NUT trees. Fruitland nursery, office 844 Ferry. Phone 199 or 1140M. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City .bur aery Co.. 426 Oregon Bldg.. Phone 76. OPTICIANS GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW Op tical Co, 825 State atreet, opposite Ledd A Bush Bank. "Use Quality ' , Proven Shur-onn." MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORB gon Bldg. Rooms 801 to 804. . PAPERHANGINO AND PAINTING PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR' HOUSE , decorating, paper hanging, tinting, eta. ' Reliable workman. TEN CENT KALSOMININB IN BEAUTI- . ful colors; 81 does a room. Max O. Bnran. 479 N. Commercial. : PHYSICIAN OF PHYSIOTHERAPIST DR. JACKSON, DOCTOR OF PHYSI : otherapy, treata all ailments, women's troubles especially. 265 N. Commercial ' sctreet. Phone 1091. : - PIAKO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. Leave orders Will's Maale 8torc PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COtt work. Phone 1397 J. Shop 127 Union eret. A. U Godfrey. RADIATORS. FENDEKS, ETC. RADIATOS FENDERS. BODIES mads or repaired. J. C -I3air. 230 State. ECAVENGEE3 SOfJS SCAVENGER SERVICE CESS poo's cleaned and dead animals removed Garbage and refue of all kinds remov ed by the month. . Reasonable rates Phones: Office ,529; residence 2053. SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. refuse of all kinda removed. Get pools eleeaad. Phone 167 of 1007J. SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS AND sells second hand furniture, tool and Junk; 820 N. Commercial. J Phone 492. WANTED EVERYTHING IN OIjOTH ' . lag and shoes. Best prices paid. Csp- Hal Exchange; 842 North Commercial Phone 1868-W. , ( STOVES AND STOVB REP AIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yeara' experience. Depot National fence, sites 26 to 28 In. high. Paints, oils and varnish ra. etc.. loganberry and - hep hooka. Salem Fence and Steve Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES CSED PARTS 1-3 to 1-2 OFF. MIKE'S Auto Wreckin? House; 424 North Commercial. Phono 52S. TRACTORS A. C. HA AG A CO, 444 FERRY ST. Phone 210. Cletrae tractors. Oliver im plements. - TRANSFER-HAULING WE MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE bold gooda. Our ep"ialty ia piano an( ' furniture moving. Wo also make eeua ' try trips. We handle the best real ens wood. Call on as for prieee. Wo gi ' good measure, good quality and good service. Lamer Transfer Co. Poena 98 TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 Etate St. Phono 938. Distrtbating, for warding and storage onr specialty'. Gel on ratee s,j . t. .- . :,. . - . TRANSPORTATION . CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINK, Central - Stage Terminal, Ralem, Oregon. Leaves Salem 7:15 a. m 9-15 a. m . If: 15 a. m.r 1:15 p. m ; 3:15 p. m.; 5:15 p. tn.; 7:30 p. m.; to Oorvallis only. PARKER'S STAGE LINER - J. W. Parker. Gaaerll llumn' Central State Terminal Salem, -Oregon, OAl.JJl-BlL,V r-K,lU3l U1VAS1U2 . Leaves Salem, Central 8tata Terminal: 7 a. m. ; 11 . a. m.; 5 p. m. Leaves Silverton News Stand: A a. m.: 1 s m r a n. m Salem-Indepentence-Monmouth Diviaion: JLaves . aiem, central Ktage xerminal : 7 a, S3.; 9 a., m. : 11:10 a. in. ; 3:10 p. m. :io p. m. ; Leaves ' Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a. m 1 p. m.; 6cl5 p. m. - , Leavee Independence, Beaver Hotel ,i 8:30 a. m.; 9:50 a. m.; 1:15 p. m. 4 p. m.; 8:30 p. m Leaves Central Stage Terminal, Salem, , for Dallas at: . 7 a. m. ; 11:10 a. ra.; 8:1 p. m. ' Leaves Gail Hotel, Dallas, at 'i -8 a m.-; 1 p. m.? 6:15 p m. : We make connections at Salem to all 'parts of the valley. Extra trita by ap pointment. " " , , J. W. PARKER. General Manager. VETERINARIAN' FRED W. LANGB. ' VETERINARIAN J utneo 220 South liberty. Phone AIM Res, phone 1948.T. .t- m9 WATEB SALEM WATER, LIGHT A POWER CQ . Office, 801 South Commercial St.. Tet ' per cent discount o "domestie Hal rates paid ia advance.' No deduction for abaence or any caaM aalaas watot la abet ft ran wretnieea TEXT OF PRESIDENT COOLIDGE'S MESSAGE '. (Continued 'from page 8) recognition and reward This is the American policy. - ' ''' It is in accordance, with . this principle that, we have enacted laws for the protection of the piitn lie health and' have adopted pro hibition in narcotic drugs and in toxicating liquors. "For purposes of, national uniformity we ought to provide, by constitutional am endment . and appropriate legisla tion, for a limitation of child la bor, and in all cases under the. ex clusive jurisdiction of the federal government a minimum wage law for .women, which would undoubt edly, find sufficient power of en forcement in the Influence of pub lic opinion. - i Having in- mind 'that education Is peculiarly a local problem, .and that it should always be pursued with the largest freedom of choice by students and. parents, never theless, the federal government might1 well give the benefit of its counsel and encouragement more freely in this direction. If. any one doubts-the. need of concerted action by . the states, of the nation for this, purpose,' it is only neces sary to. consider the appalling fig ures of. Illiteracy representing a condition which does not vary much ? in all parts - of the' union I do not favor the making of ap propriations f rom the national treasury to be expended directly on local' education, l)ut I do con sider It a fundamental require ment of national activity which, accompanied, by allied subjects of welfare, is worthy- of a separate department and a place, in the cab inet. ,The humanitarian side of government should not be repres sed, but should be, cultivate., t , .Mere intellicence however, is not enough. ; EnllghVenmentimust be accompanied by, - that moral power which ia the product of the home and of religion. Real edu cation, and' true welfare for the people rest inevitably on this loun dation, which the government can approve and commend,-but which the people themselves must cre- ate. '.'-. ' - ; . ' Immifrration : American institutions rest sole ly on good citizenship.; They were created by people whoiad a back ground of self-government., rew arrivals should' be limited to our capacity to absorb them into the ranks of good citizenship. Amen must hft4 kent American. For this purpose it is necessary to con tinue' a policy ' of restrained im migration. 'It would be well to make such immigration of a se lective nature with some inspec tion 1 4t the' source, and ; based either on a prior, census or upon the ' record "of naturalization Either method would insure the admission of those with the larg est capacity and best intention of becoming citizens - I am convinc ed that our present economic and social conditions" warrant a limi tation of those to Je admitted We should find adtlftionai; safety in a law requiring the immediate registration of all Aliens. Those who do not want to be partakers of the American spirit ought not to settle in America. . Veterans Xo more important duty falls on the government. of the United States than the adequate care bt its veterans. Those suffering dis abilities. -IncurreJ in the service must1 have sufficient hospital re lief and compensation..;. Their de pendents must be -supported." Re habilitation and-vocational train ing must be completed. - All .of this service must be clean, must be prompt and effective, and it raust. be administered in a spirit of the broadest and deepest hu man sympathy. If Investigation reveals any present defects of ad ministration or need ; of legisla tion, orders will be given for the immediate 'correction of adminis tration; and recommendations for legislation should be given, the highest' preference. At present there are 9S00 va cant beds in government hospitals. I recommend that all, hospitals be authorized at once to receive and care for, without hospital pay; the veterans of all wars needing' such care,- wherever there are. vacant beds, and that immediate steps be taken to ; enlarge and build new hospitals to serve all such cases. . The 'American legion will present- to the congress a legislative program too extensive for detail ed discussion here. It is a care fully matured plan. While some bf It I do not favor, with much of It I am in hearty accord, and I recommend that a most pains taking effort be made to provide remedies for any defects in ' the administration of the present laws which their 'experience ;has re vealed. ' The attitude of the gov ernment toward these proposals should be one of generosity. But I do not favor the granting of a bonus. ' --v,i. ' Coal : ; . ' .. The cost of 'coal has become un bearably highr.'; It ' places a great burden. on ;our industrial and do mestic life . The public welfare. re quires a reduction In the price of fuel. With "the enormous de posits In existence, failure of sup ply ought not to be tolerated. rThose responsible for "the condi tions in this industry should un dertake its ' reform and -free it from any charge of profiteering. The report of the coal commis sion" will ho before the congress. It comprises all the facts. It rep resents the mature deliberations and conclusions of --the ibest tal ent and experience that ever mad j a national survey of the produc tion and distribution of fuel. I do not. favor government owner ship or operation of coal mines. The need is for action under pri vate ownership that will secure greater continuity of production and greater public protection. The federal government probably hai no peace time authority to regu late, wages, prices; or profits is coal at the mines or among, deal ers, but-by ascertaining and pub lishing facts it can exercise greal influence. ' The source ''of the difficulty in the bituminous' coal fields 13 th j Intermittence 'of operation wfcicli causes great' waste of both cap U tal and. labor. That part of tha report dealing" with this protle r.i has much significance, and 13 sug gestive' of necessary remedies. By amending the ; car rules, by en couraging greater"tmrty'0f owner ship; and possibly by permittia -common selling agents for limited districts on condition that they accept adequate regulations and guarantee that ' competition be tweendistricts be! ..unlimited, dis tribution, "storage and conununy ought to be improved. The supply of .coal must be con stant. In case of its prospective interruption, the. president shoull have authority to appoint a coo mission empowered to dal with whatever k emergency , situation might f arise, to aid conciliation and voluntary arbitration, to ad just any existing' or threatenel controversy between the employ er and the employe when collect ive bargaining fails, and by con trolling distribution" to prevent profiteering in this vital neces sity. r This legislation is exceed ingly urgent, and essential to the exercise of national authority for the protection of the people. Those who undertake the respon sibility of management or employ ment in this industry do so with the full knowledge that the public interest Is paramount, and that to fail through any motive of selfish ness in its service is such a be trayal of duty as warrants .un compromising action by the gov ernment : - '' Reorganization A special joint committee has been appointed to work out a plan for a reorganization of the differ ent 'departments and bureaus of the government more. Ecjentlfl-; and economical than th present system. With the" exception cl the consolidation of the war an 1 navy departments and some minor details, theplan has the general sanction of the president and the cabinet.; It is important that re organization be enacted into law at the present sessfon. Agriculturv. Aided by the sound principle adopted by the government, iho business of the country ha had an extraordinary revival. Look"-' at as a while, the nation is in the enjoyment of remarkable prosper ity. Industry, and commerce arc thriving. For the most part ag riculture -i siitf""sful eleven staple having risen i.i value fro: i about $",30t,000.000 two yearh aKo to about $7,000,0 00,00') tor the current year. But range c ! arp still low in prir. and f'1 (Continued ou page 10).