The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 22, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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IHIeire, There amid Every where '
Raising the Family- WhenMa tcomeisSenilmental us Trageqy for
. I
r . . - i
-tfm-KIH' MUSH
Jwo Oregon Jersey Cows
r- o . iij
rium aame neiu win
' Gold Medals
cms tin
T .. : : -
I 1 sTT. - s - X I " 1
'III ftr w.
" 1 1 1
J Jersey cows In' the herd of Mr
Arthur & Stauff, Rlckreall. Ore
gon, are making history.
An official record of 749.18
pounds of fat at fire years nine
.months' of age (class AA) was
completed by Olga of Aihwood.
which cow " will he awarded an
American Jersey Cattle club gold
medal. . Olga carried calf 172 days
and was milked thrice daily. Her
previous records of 791.23 pounds
at 4-6, 58S.96 pounds at 3-3 and
402.56 pound at 2-1 are worthy
, j ' l 0 I
4 :
Jackie Coogan
IN :
A masUrfal pictarization of.
Dickens' world famous classic
i i : , . . . .i 1
"Toby Oliver's
Country Store" j
Bligh Theatre
We haro another shipment of that high grade feed
molasses now in stock and can quote you the lowest
price erer made In Salem. . - . ,'
You will find Molasses a profitable feed to mix with
your hay or straw as it is a great appetizer, a great milk
producer, a tonic, a great fattener and keeps the animal
in good condition. f.- - .
Used as a feed for dairy cattle, fat cattle, sheep,
hogs and horses. j
' Gire it a trlat and see the results. , .
Phone lOO.
201 State St.
of mention. On the last mentioned
test she obtained both gold and
silver medals, and on the one im
mediately preceding, a silver
i Her sire needs no introduction
here, for Holger 109744. one of
the three medal of merit bulls,
would have .merits covering pages
of Jersey history. Her dam is La
Creole's Darkey 243570, credited
with four register of merit daugh
ters. , i :
j The other Jersey to win a gold
medal is Thora of Ashwood. Sired
by the great medal of merit bull.
Holger 109744, and out of Emer
ald's Girl of Fair Acres 279294,
Thora could be expected to be a
Jersey of great productive inherit
ance. By yielding 15,266 pounds
-of" milk testing 5.42 per cent, and
872.83 pounds of fat in 365 days,
she qualifies for an A.J.C.C. gold
medal. Thora began her test at
five years of age and carried calf
197 days, and was entered in class
AA. Total number of milkings
1095. ?
On her preceding record she
finished a record of 743.55 pounds
of fat, begun at three years . ten
months, and awarded both gold
and silver medals. She produced
13,080 pounds ctf milk testing
5.68 per cent and carried calf 216
days. On her first record . made
at 2-7 she made 9456 pounds of
milk with a test of 5.35, and
506.24 pounds of butterfat, carry
ing calf 21 A days.
"Jim" and "Bai'? Say
At Their Place You Can Buy
Gasoline for
?.hut Per Gallon
A 30x354 Cord -for $7.95
We have many other things to offer
J"-- ' " ! . '"
"Jim" ; "BUT
Smith & Watkins
N. W. Corner Court and High. :
Phone 44
Big Salem Lad Has Chance
for Oregon Varsity String
Next Year
Eugene, Nov. 21. (Special to the
Statesman.) Rex Adolph of, Sa
lem, who has played on the frosh
football team since the opening
of the university this fall, appears
as likely material for next year's
line-up. '
Adolph is big, fast, and plays
splenodid football. In the game
played with the University, of
Washington freshman last Satur
day, he held a right end position
and acquitted himself with honor.
He has participated inmost of the
games played by the frosh this sea
son and his ability as a linesman
has won hinTmuch praise. )
Adolph is a freshman in ; the
school of business administration
and a member of the Kappa Sigma
It's a good idea, to convert all
the savages. No telling when the
Christian nations will need them
as troops.
' Saturday 1
Nbv.24, 2tl5 p.o.
Reserved Seats On Sale at the Gate
70 0 Admission Bleacher
4000 ASSsston (Covered
; ... ;, ? i ; j Reserved for Ladies.
Science to Have Littie
Chance at Annual Oregon
V Championship Game
EUGENE, or., Nov. 21 Coach
Shy Huntington of the University
of Oregon football team believes
that the game Saturday with the
Oregon Aggies will be just a mat
ter of fight, and that science will
not have much chance. 4
j Coach Huntington Is cheerful
over the condition of his team.
"They are in better shape now
than they have been before this
season," he declared.
Turgesen, halfback; Von Der
Ahe, tackle, and others who were
in poor condition or out of the
game entirely when the varsity
mixed with the Cardinals, .will be
back in the lineup against the
Aggies.' .
Strenuous practice is going on
this week In preparation for the
traditional battle Saturday. To
give the team "longer practice,'
Coach Huntington has had Hay-
ward field illuminated so that the
squad now rehearses the funda
mentals of football signal practice
and tackling until dark every
night. , I
COLLEGE, Corvallis, Nov. 21.'
(Special.) Past defeats seem un
able to ruin the hopes of the Ag
gies for their inning in he an
nual clash with Oregon next Sat
urday. Coach R. B. Rutherford has
been drilling his fighters in pass
ing, punting, blocking and signal
drill. It is hoped to have all of
the stars in the lineup. .
The booting of Gill, supple
mented by Tebb, Tousey and Price
is expected to play a big part in
the clash with the Oregon Web-
footers. Gill Is sending long
spirals down the field into the
hands of Tebb and Carpenter,
ends, giving the opposition little
opportunity to intercept. ,
Olmstead and Johnson are
working in the place of Captain
Millard Scott, who has two brok
en ribs. The loss of Scott is keen
ly felt.
Rich, center, has been doing
well on the offensive and holds
the line against attacks like the
veteran that he is. Layman and
Day, guards, are to be relied upon
for good work.
(Continued from page 1.)
Judge Killits at $75,000 which he
will n6t be permitted to make un
til after a complete record of the
case has been drawn.
All of the convicted men. Im
mediately after being sentenced,
were take.n to the Tarrant county
jail where they will remain until
they either make bond or their
appeals, which they, say they will
make, are acted upon.
: Only one of the 14 men who
stood trial in federal court for six
weeks was acquitted and he. A.
Face, Neck and Arms Family Sfade
Smooth, Says Specialist ;
Any breaking out of the skin,
even fiery, itching eczema, can be
quickly overcome by applying a
little Mentho-Sulphur, declares a
noted skin specialist.. Because of
Its germ, destroying properties,
this sulphur preparation begins at
once to soothe Irritated skin and
heal eruptions such as rash, pim
ples and rin g worm.
It seldom fails to remove the
torment and , disfigurement, and
you do not have to wait for relief
from embarrassment.; Improve
ment quickly shows, t Sufferers
from skin trouble should obtain
a small jar of Bowles Mentho-Sulphur
from any good druggist and
use It like ld cream.
M. Delcambre, on an instructed
verdict ordered "by United States
District Judge John N. Killits.
Dr. Cook , was found guilty on
12 counts, as were all other de
fendants save Cox, whose verdict
found him guilty, of eight counts.
The jury was out 20 hours. Dr.
Cook who made himself an inter
national character because of
sheer effrontery, was conducting a
cold blooded, deliberate confidence
game, disguised as the Petroleum
Producers' association. Judge Kil
lits asserted. n
permits in the Deschutes terri
tory. 1 -
The conference lasted two days
and was held at the office of the
district forester In Portland.
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough
Mrs. Will Hall. R. No. 3, Eax
ley, Ga., states: "I am writing to
all who suffer from coughs.polds,
croup or whooping cough. I can
not recommend Foley's Honey and
Tar too much, and I can't keep
house without it. Have been us
ing it since 1919 and have found
it the best medicine there is for
grown-ups and children." Best
and largest selling cough and cold
remedy In the world. Refuse sub
stitutes. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Grazing Forest Iand
ALBANY. Nov., 20 From a
conference with officials of the
Deschutes national, forest and the
district forester, C. C Hall, Santl
am supervisor, and II. G. White,
chief forester, returned to Albany
Saturday night. Problems con
nected with grazing on the na
tional forests were the occasion
for the conference.
The Santiam national forest has
a large amount of land suited to
grazing .which is largely used by
3heep owners from Eastern Ore
gon. Due to their location It ii
necessary for them to register" for
(Continued from page 1.)
place their exhibits, taking more
than ordinary pains in making
them presentable. Paint brushes
were brought into play brighten
ing Iron and metal. Every indi
cation points to a record breaking
attendance at a record-breaking
Following Is the list of indus
trial displays: Oregon Growers
Cooperative association; Theodore
M. Barr; Salem Brick & Tile;
Statesman; Salem Baking; Valley
Packing; Cherry 'City Baking;
Cherry City Milling; Oregon Gravr
el; J. W. Maruney; Santiam Wool
en Mills; C. F. Breithaupt; Han
sen Sash & poor; :Oregon Pulp &
Paper; Spaulding Logging; Salem
Iron Works; F. II. Burger; Kay
Woolen Mills: A. L. Frazer; Salem
Fluff Rug Works; Capital City
Bedding; Buttercup Ice Cream;
D. A. White & Sons; Capital Jour-
Ludvvig Piano $145
A dandy good Ludwig for only
a fraction of its former price when
new. This piano Is in good con
dition. Terms $6 a month. Geo.
C. Will, 422 State. St.
nal; Rodgers Paper; Gray Belle;
Capital City Cooperative Cream
ery; E. E. Brink, West Salem ; L.
W. . Gleason Clove: Commercial
Book store; Marion Creamery;
Upjoha Gladlola farm ; H. E.
RIdeout; Salem nursery; Pearcy
Brothers; N. D. Elliott. '
Mike's Auto
Wrecking House
Has moved to larger quar
ters .on .Center .St., .near
We sell used parts from
50 to 80 Per Cent
Auto Repairing
Guaranteed Work.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Return Limit Monday
. For The ; ' ; "'.
U. of O. Homecoming
Special Train Saturday for the U, of O.-O. A. C.
. Football Game.
Leave Salem ----10:45 a: m.
Arrive Eugene - - - - 1:00 p. m. '
Game called - - - - 2:15 p. m. .
' Leave Eugene ----- 5:30 p. m.
- Arrive Salem - -- -7:30 p. m.
Leave Salem ...8:35 a. m.; 10:20 a. m.; 4:t5 p. m.; 6:45 p.m.
Arrive Eugene 10:50 a..ui.; 12:25 p. m.; :45 p. m.; 8:55 p. m.
J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem.
Is the center of attraction. The winter rains make slioe wants felt. All broken lines
must go at some price. If you have not bought already
womens 200 Pairs Ladies' Dress Men. Work shoes
OxfordS ShoeS Heavy Brown Bluch.r lace.
, . . Mishko soles. The best
Brown, black and grey, low Black and brown high cut shoes.' French and Louis work GhM c'nM.:.i
$4.95 $1.95 ;$4;95
1 .... ' ' ; - : 1 i- J
Ladies' Pumps and Sport Men's Dress Shoes and
Oxfords Oxfords
Black, brown, J. Ooze and tan calf, low New ttyle., latest lasts in black and
heels, all styles. Regular $9 and $10 values g 8,2eV Regular values S7.00.
$8.95 1 $4.95
Growing Giris' Ladies' High Cut Dress Boys shoes
Shoes ShOeS Dress or School Wear,
Black and brown lace, low Black and brown, lace and button. hi?h Sizes 8i4 to U', 3J3
w"2 or low heels. Regular value, to SlO.So
$4.95 $495 $395 1
Patent, Vici, Suede and Satin High, Baby
Louis and low heels. Regular $10 and $12
Men's High Grade Dress
Staple lasts, new toes in black and brown
calt. 1 nese ore our regular 9 sellers.
.. ... -