I 1 - HI " ' - UiL,,,,-,. SOMEBODYlEEDS WHAT! WHAT. YOU HAY Classified Section Phone 23 Advertising Dept. ; ' amaBawaaassv mt , -aw m m o- rsm . n e- M - as .. s. ' -... m - l 1 - -- ; r CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rata per wordt Per la sort ion -Three insertions , Se 5o NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. H. Burgbardt, Jr. Resident Agent 371 Stat St. MONEY TO LOAN Ob Real Estate N . T. K. FORD fOver I. add A Bush Bsnk for rent furnished 1 APARTMENTS ONE AND TWO ROOM FURNISH KD . , apartment. 486 N Liberty. n21 FIRST FLOOR. 2 ROOM APT. May exchange werk, 1915J. nlo A TFIREK ROOM FURNISHED APART meat at 48 Union. Very deairable. n21 FOB BENT APARTM ENT&. 891 NO. Onmmareial. ROOM FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS TO RE liable adult only. 575 N. nigh. n21 A NICE FURNACE HEATED ROOM TO rent near the Capitol. Phono. 1330W b21 FOR RENT FURNISHES ROOMS, tram heat, close in, 544. N. Commer cial. Phone 1549 J. - n20 . FOB BEST APARTMENTS ANB sleeping roonvs- Laanara Hate, 254 V. Front Street. - PRINTED CARDS. SIZX 14' BT T". wording "Fnrnlshod Rooms," price 10 cents each. Statoamaa BuImm Of fice. Ground Floor.- forwent unfurnished HOUSES FOR REXT 5 ROOM HOUSE. OARAGE ' lance Jot, Water -d lifut. 410 Oregon Bldg. n!8tf FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR 8ALI: PRUNE TREES So. LOGAN . rarm Nursery, Rt. 6, Box 121. . B4-11-18-25 FOB SALE PRUNE TREES. 5c, LO .. gaa Farm Nursery, route 6. Box 121. T 4-11-18-5. CHICKENS AND GEESE DRESSED TO order. Stock turkeys for aale. Call ifi5. ; i 18 FOB SALE STEEL- R.tNGE IN GOOD condition. Phono 1184R or tall at 54 So. 16th. Monday. Bl$ -. f 5c. BRINGS YOU 10O IMPROVED ' Oregon. -Strawberry plants for your garden. Phone 981W. ' 18 FOR 8 ALE REGISTERED FEMALE v cockerel apaaiel. License paid. , Phone 1484K or call f64 Jbo. iota. no APPT.ES DELIVERED. BALDWIN, DB- lielon. Kinr. SnitifBoerg vanoerpoor. Ward . Richardson 2395 Front. Phone 494 Bl& FOR SALE ONE POPALAR. ONE GAS range and one heating' stove. -. 7 K. I: iommerciaL FOR SALE f 2 HEAVY W0ODENL tanks about 4x6x3 ft. Two inches . clear lumber,- ideal for farm uses. Caah price $10 each. See Ray at Oregon Growers' , nlani. ' Salem. - T n30 FOR SALE RED HILL BURBANK PO- c t a toes, aiso and duality ruaranteeo. n- Cuanincham. I'hone iiu. ssu PRINTED CARDS. 8IZX I" BT 7 IX - warding "For Sal. Xaoalro at." Price 10 ceata each. Statawaa BnarBoaa Of flee Gromad : J ; Beautiful Oregon Rose ' Aad elevea other Or goa aonga aogetkar with a flM eoUaetioB of patriot! aoags. aered aonga aad auury old Ua lavar- ; f-:' ltag ' - yy r' ALL FOR 15e, . " I (Speetel prioao la maatlty loU) ' ' Especially adaptabla for acaool eemmaja Itj K koata aiaglng. Semi lot Western Songster T fe now in tta Uird aditioa ' Pabltakoa - - - OREQOJT TEACHX&a JfOKTHLT tlS aV.Cttansareial St i Salaas. Or. FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 eeata bwaaU. CiromUUM departmaat Ortrea eHateamam. - . ' XXVTSTOCX , -.:-.. TIGS. 6 WEEKS OLD. T. Kl SIMPSON . Rt. 1, Salem. Phone 83F13. nl8 1 CHOICE PIGS. 8 WEEKS OLD AT $5 - each. 1 splendid male bog '10 months $25; very heavy breeder. All are thoroughbred Chester Whites. E. M. Palmer, Macleay. n20 FOR SALE: ONE HORSE. WEIGHT about 1100 lbs; harness. Price $35. Socolofsky, Phone 970. alotf . POULTRY Why Delay?, Place yonr order ror 1924 chicks with the White Hatchery, the hatchery with a reputation for good chicks. Safe eirival, fall count guaranteed. Mem ber of Accredited Hatcheries Sonoma County. "A" and "AA" stock. Prica right. Send for catalog. WHITE H ATfTTFR Y. Petalowia, Calif, e28t.f I - HELP WANTED SELL MADISON 'BETTER MADE" BUIRT3 direct front oar factory to www. i No capital or experience ra ejilrwL Easity sold. Big profit. Writ , fer FRER SAMPLES. MADISON 5 MILTJ 0g Braadwav. New York. i AGENTS :$23s DAILY TAKINO ORDERS FOR $2.82 raincoats. Promptest deliveries. We deliver, collect. EASTERN RAIN- - COAT CO.. 913 KooMVrlt. Ch;cag. ' ' -- -- nl8 AGENTS WANTED TO SOLICIT AO counts for Collection Arency. Highest com. paid receipt of claims. Exclusive - territory granted. Federal Credit Uu rean. Rues Bldg.. San Francisco, els E.XY TO SELL LADIES' STYLISH Shoes.' Youngsters Boot. Factory to v JW. J,fit Daily. Big Season. Writs Quickly. Organising Sales Force. STYLE-ARCH SHOES. Ciarin- - tlj " " - d9 AGENTd SELL GUARANTEED , HOS . lerr. direct from mill to wearer, salary paid for full time or apare honrs. All atylea in cotton, heather and silks IN ; TERNATTONAI HOSIERY MILLS. ' orrtt(iv,n Pa. n!8 FXMALB ' WOMAN OR GIRL WORK FOR ROOM board, small wag. 1015J. al$ So 20o Six montaa' contract per no 15 IS mpntaa' contract, per mo lie . Minimal for any advertisement 25 HELP WANTED MAXB MEN AGE 18-40. WANTING RY. STA- tioa-Office portions, $115$250 month. free transportation.' experience unnee- ,eessary. Write Baker, Supt, 509 Wain wright. St. Louis. ml 8" LEARN AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICITY - at resident school in Denver, or by mail. . PosiUona secured. Satisfactory r salts guaranteed. Johnson s Auto motive Electrical School, 729 Broad way. Denver, Colo. nia SALESMAN TO SELL ADVERTISING calendars and novelties, starting after Christmas taking advance orders fori calendars. Heavy Dusiness nrsi three months of year. Active man re ceives large returns. Prefer man handl ing line exclusively altbourh would en tertain one handling another line giv- ' inr major time to our line, u-tve ref- ' erence in first letter. V. iS. Walsh, 560 Mission St, San Francisco. nl8 MALE AND FT.MAT.B TYPISTS: EARN $25-$100 WEEKLY, Spare time. Copying Authors' Manu- 'J. acripta. Writ K. J. CAKNtS, Anth- ra' Agent. C-441. Tallapoosa. Ga for sarticulars. : n!8 W ANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO I take farm paper nbaeriptiona. A good Jroposmoa to the right people. At reaa the Pacific Homestead. Statesman Ratem. Or. 8ALESXE CASH IX QUICK ON BIGGEST MONEY making proposition out. i Most desir able, permanent connection for - live wire salesmen. Our men making $30 daily upwards. We will submit oosi- tive proofs which "will open your T. . it a .... i article. Positive necessity. Repeaters Answer quick. Jerome Laadt. Pres. H So. Dearborn, Chicago. nl8' SALESMEN HAND COLORED CALEN- tfara. Hustlers earning big. Write Hugh II. MeClaery. Washington, Iowa. : f24 I LOST AND FOUND -t a! 1V0ST LOST t OPAL NECKLACE. DURING Fair week, on State St. Finder return to 475 Month 18th et. Reward. n20 PERSONAL! LADY WORTH $33,000 DECIDEDLY pretty, lonely, will marry. Box -1022, Wichita. Kansaa. .. nl8" CATHOLICS. : WISHINO TO MARRY. BOOKLET FREE. . Address HOME CLUB. L-Box 23. Grand Rapids. Mich. ! : - nl8 MARRY IF LONELY MOST SUCCESS ful "Home Maker"; hunreds rich; strictly confidential; reliable; years ex perience : descriptions free. Tho Suc cessful c-iuo.' Mrs. ah. Box 556, Oakland, California. . . n!8 MARRY IF LONELY MOST SUCCESS fnl "Home Maker"; hundreds rich; strictly confidential; reliable; years ex perience; descriptions free. "The Suc cessful Club". MRS. NASH. Bx I uAaii.iu, lAUiuiuu. ,al8" LEADIN0 CLUB. LARGEST. MOST RE- liable t for lonely people, confidential descriptions free in plain sealed en . velone. Thousands wealthr members. If aineere write. stabliahed 19 years. Old Reliable Club, (name copyrighted). -irs. vnrnoel. Box 2S, Oakland. Call : ' fornia. , - - nl8 GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper - published. FREE for - stamp. CORRESPONDENT. Toledo. Ohio. d!3 REAL ESTATE City CENTER STREET LOTS Improvements paid. Price $700 to $900. , Come in and see the platt. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. i 275 State St. n20 Own Your Own Home 4 room house $850 at your own terms.) New modern. 5 room home, $2600. -7 room house just off atate $2100. ; LATHAM TOMPKINS I 381 s State . St. . , 7 ROOM HOUSE AND ACRE OF LAND on Chemeketa atreet. . $3500. 9. acres of good land, location splendid for sub dividing : $ll,0OO. Attractive heme on Court street, $20,000. Attractive home on Court atreet. $15,000. .Ger trude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage atreet. i ,Bl7tf ' f SPECIAL - . Don't forget - that 4 room house at $850: $loo down. A neat 5 room plastered house good. I order SZSOO: siooo down. A good 7 room house on paved atreet has basement, . 1 block to car. f st50 ; $500 down. ) J. A. MILLS . . I , 331V4 State St. nl8tf PROPERTIES THAT -MUST 8ELL Are the ones below the market. We ape- ciaiise on Estate Properties and those priced to sell. For example, we have 38 lota south in nice home district and owner make this proposition. They will evil any lot their own for $50 less than any similar lot may be bought for in the district. i BECKE A HENDRICKS , I U. S. Bank Bldg. - ! GOOD BUYS 4 room bungalow at 865 S- 21st. St. .Trice! $1200: $100 down. 6 room bungalow with basement, fireplace and; garage. Price $2SjO; terms. Restaurant, rood eQuinmcnt. well lo cated 2 Mi year lease, f rice for quick sale $2500. 4 room modern bunsalow with '4 basement and fireplace on 'pavement, $3000: $800 cash down. Wanted listings, reasonable prices 1 and on easy terms. e write fire in surance. : - ; W. H, GRABENHORST A CO, Realtors 275 State St. U. S. Bank Bid. i , nldtf ' ILL HEALTH , FORCES SALE A 6 room cottage well built, prac tically as good as new, big lot or with less. Close in, modern.. See Wm. Flem ing 341 State St. , MUST 1 SELL I OWNER GOINO AWAY Good 7 room bouse, lights and water, garage, 5 lots, best of garden Soil. Ber ries, fruit and shrubbery. Price $2500. Small payment down, balance Mke rent. Located ia X. Salem, near school. ' SOME. OTHER SNAPS $50. house 2 lots, nai. $900, house 5 rooms, 2 lots. : aiaoo, hoiie, rMm. 2 lots. $2809. new modern bung-alow, base ment. car line, built for a home. Terms. $55(iO. best hnv in -Salem. Modern Jmnralow 8 rooms, -garage, fruit and shad- 'treee. Large lot. paved street I FRO FORTIES TO ECXHANGE FOR BUSINESS PROPERTY i FOR BUSINESS CHANCES FOR CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS FOB FARMS ANY SIZE . - FDR APARTMENT ItOUsESr m C11ILD8 A BECUTEL &IV SUto St. Oft Wk (lil IbMTUoBS) Ou month ,. 1 REAL ESTATE-City ' INVESTMENTS IN SALEM REAL ES- late are just a 'little ssfer than any thing we know. We will be-pleased to ahow you good inrome , property that win net you 7 to 14 per cent and con tinue to increase in value. Why take lea f BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank 'Bid-. , ' . FOR BALE 4 room bungalow with fall basement. Has breakfast nook and convenient uui-iaa. rine location. it is yours lor e.ovv ana oniy juv aown. 6 roo'n bungalow juat oft Capitol street, lias full concrete basement, fur- nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built- ins. and all modern conveniences. A nice corner lot and garage. Yob can sot. beat this for $5250. Large 5 room bungalow close in for $5000. Upstairs can be made into three nice rooms. A very rood buy. A nice modern 5 room bungalow with basement and garage, corner lot. Will sell reasonable or trade for larger mod ern nouse. 5 room bungalow with 1 acre of ground. Fruit trees, chicken houses. garage, paved street, and in good lo cation. Only $510O and reasonable terms. Would you like to trade your city prop rty for a wonderful opportunity in Canada I 4 room bungalow on street car line and good location for $2400. Very reasonable terms. 6 room bungs low. close in. on paved atreet and fine location for only $3000. If it is a house, a lot, a farm, or a iraae yon want see me. RICH L. REIMANN ' Realtor , Office phone 1013. Res. phone 72CR 229 Oregon Iildg. . J8tf Best Buys and Exchanges 4 room bungalow $1250: easy terms. 7 room bungalow, part modern, lots of fruit, fine location, garage, some furniture. $2150: $600 cash, balance qzu monthly. r -..-j , , s ,; 5 room new tangalow. modera, paved street, owner la vin-jf. $3350; $650 cash, balance- $28.2d, monthly inter eot included. . ' Green bouts and residence doing good Dusiness, fb.ouo; terms. Market ia good location, good trade, .cheap rent. $.500. . . , Grocery doing good, business, good rrawo ior aemng. ' .. ? Want to trade for vacant lot. Money to loan, houses, to rent. Socolofsky 341 State. nl7tf RENTING A NICE HOME f WK HAVE 4 fine homes in $4500 to $6500 clasa that are priced right. All have hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage, pavement, etc. Immediate possession on J three. If you see these you'll move. UtCKE ft HENDRICKS V. S. Bank Bldg. t Who? I want a Salem Drooertr in exchanre -for a fine home in Lebanon. Will a-ive anyone a good trade. Nee my agent, I nm. iteming, 841 state St.. for detail.! EIGHT ROOM HOUSE ON CORNER LOT on block from postoffieo. An excel lent investment at 6500. " Five room bouse on Center atreet near Capitol. ' Basement, furnace ,iot 66x156. Variety of fruit and bearing wainiro ireea. eouuu. Four room modern boot e in Oaks ad dition. $39 j0. Very easy terms. , WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 316 Oregon Bldg. alStf Trades .. A good five acres just- outside of opokane for anything ia the valley or Salem. Lebanon fine residence for I . Salem similar X)oaUt7. Forest Grove small iruit ranch for Salem, etc. Cran berry land in Washington for Salem. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State St. nl6tf FOR SALE GOOD FIVE ROOM HOUSE paved street $2500; $300 cash. Seven room bungalow, two lota, paved street, east front, bearing fruit trees. S3500: easy terms. New house, corner lot $675 Exchange, choice ten . aero tract well improved for home in Salem. 65 acre farm $550O. Take city property or acreage to half value. Modern house for rent $25. F. L Wood, 341 State St , ; :- alOtf PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BT TU", wording "Rooma to Boat," pries 10 esata each. SUteaaua Baaiaasa Of flea. Ground Floor. 1 PRINTED CARDS. SIZX 14" BY TV." wording "For Rent," prloo 10 oent aek. Suteemaa Bnsinesa Of flea, d wrmnn rinor REAL ESTATE FARMS 1 TIMBER I.AX1 320 arrea located nine miles ont ML miles from paved road, j Estimated f mm fifteen to twenty thousand , cords of I atandinc timber. , Ahnai ou i. I ' tivat-d. Old buildings. Price for quick J sal $65 Her acre. . 1 W. 1L URABEKHORS? A f C I ' 275 Stat -St. n20 ' ' FOR EXCHANGE 153 acres. 7Q mi . im onHu.iUn balance fin timber and pasture. Good' buildings, located 5 miles south of Cot- taxe Grove. Or. Want to trade my -Hiy- ui - tovuv tor small, well im proved plaee m Marion county. - F. W. HORNBACK ' 6. Ave., Eugene, Or. n24 TO EXCHANGE . Two well improved farms near Sa lem for large stork farm. . Must be aroeaeo and eqnipped. ? -. 5 room plastered house. rara?e. iiaved ,rpet and car line, pavement paid, for terms. It s a good buy. Nice lot on paved street, pavement nui. ior jrsju. THOMASON, 331 State St. nl8tf s svAPr ' A FINE POULTRV R.INCH Not 'ar out 20 acres dark Inim ferlte aoil. New poultry houses, equipped for v" nens. uood house 5 rooms-, hsse ment, light and water system. Hot and eoio water, bath, rood barn.- good road. " r school tin Kill, f ruit Uwner in the east. Must sell at a sacrifice . Price !.5:'.0u: !5rm." W 10 ?0- We won iau t $? ti .9n I'tm road. OXE ACRE SNAP Ob paved road near street car line, just outside of city, with amall house. Priced for quick dal st $1200: terms. STOCK OR DAIRY FARM 550 acres. $10 per acre. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME Two acres all kinds of frail and ber ries. Modern bungalow, electric liehts. water arstem. basement, garage. Poul try house. Located just outside the city near car line Price reduced to $4.oo : terras. Take a modern liunga lw in Titv as part payment MANY OTHERS AT LOW PRICES See CHIMS BKt'HTEL 510 State St. FARMS FOR RENT FOR RENT 20 ACRES. Vi MILE from Anmsvillr, 4 or 5 acres fruit trees, mostly prunes. 4 acres pasture j rest for garden and grain. 7j3 N. 20th St. Salera. Phone 1246J. n21' FOR RENT 145 ACRES. 8 MILES South of Salem. Inquire 1141 Oonrt. jus- FRUIT farm fori rent 23 acres in fruit and -soma farm land. Good I building on rocked road, half mile Imhi t wn,s n t IVill . 1 1 imnlimwnli and team. C. B, Query, l'liona I 1 I a n e ad the Liassitieu Ads. Hf REAL ESTATE Suburban 1 j . ONE HALF ACRES Xear the city, $50 down, balance $10 per month. Price $000. See as for bar gains. W. II. RABENHORST CO. 273 State St n20 I USED CARS FOR SALE FOR SALF 1923 Ford coupe, run less I than 1000 miles, spotlight, extra tire. I fijO; terms. Bonetteele Motor to. I ul8 J FOR SALE like new 1921 FORD SEDAN LOOKS $150 worth of extra equip ment. $550; . terms. Bonesteele Motor Co. nl8 FOR SALE 1922 Dodge touring A-l shape, shocks and extra equipment, $650. 1918 Dodge touring, new top affd curtain and cord tires, $350. 1921- Dodge sedan, looks like new, $850. 1'921 Oldsmobi'.e, cord tires, A-l shape, $185. 1920 Ford delivi rv, $150. BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. nl8 COMPARE OUR VALUES WITH ANY PRICES ON THE PACIFIC COAST 1923 Buick Six Sport model, bran new. The last car we-' have in our stock not having four wheel brakes Will sacrifice. 1922 Buick Six. Sedan, a remark able car. This is the best value in a high class closed car we have ever of fered. Quick sale $1200. OTTO J. WILSON" 388 N. Com'l. Phone 220. FOR SALE AUTO, A-l CONDITION. See owner at 1145 Croaa street. Bar gain if taken at once. nl8 1918 Ford Tourins $75 V ' This car is in very good mechanical condition. Has good tires and top. Re painted, i'hone 22 or 1599M. CHEVROLET USED CAR DEP'T. 349 N. Com. nl7tf 1921 Cleveland Roadster Wire wheels,-5 good tires, spot light n everything. $350. Clleson Auto Kx chance. 173 8. Liberty. Phone 6P nl8 SOME GOOD BUYS IX USED CARS 19'20 liupmobile in first class shape. 1625. 1923 Ford touring, just run 4 months. $425. 19JO Ford touring, good running con dition $225. 1922 Maxwell coupe, (4 Fans.) taken bark. $875. 1920 Overland. $200. i We have some more good nsed cars but the above are real bargains and we will guarantee these. O. B. GINGRICH MOTOR CO. ' Corner State and Front Sts.. I'hone 635. nl8 ubui UAH BAKUAias . rord touring $90.00 ..$435.00 Ford coupe rord touring Essex tourin; .. Podge touring Maxwell touring ... Chevrolet touring Overland sedan ,-. 1922 Gardner Briscoe touring $5jfef)0 $530.00 -.flflo.OO $90.00 ..$100.00 , $550.00 $800.00 $50.00 $50 00 EMF. utility car A specisl price on a new Gray touring ee 1Q91 mAlol ' We have other for yenrT'kete'ctlotL' Come In and pick yoora. - j----F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 1 i 219 N. Commercial St. ' - J . - rnI4tf GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH CX0- ft-r W 219 8tt. USED FORT CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1916; touring $75.00 1917 touring $125.00 191 . touring- j $100.00 1919 touring , ,. $225 00 1920 touring... ..$235.00 1915 roadster.-.. ..$1IV.00 ..$124.00 1917 roadster.. 1919 roadster.. 1918 coupe ..$135.00 $265.00 1923 coupe.. $495.00 $425.00 $625.00 1922 sedan 1923 sedan.... 1919 delivery.. 1919 truck 1920 truck-.... $165.00 $335.00 .$235.00 All ears guaranteed to bs in good running order, Liberal terms. Open evenings and Sunday VALLEY MOTOR CO. 260 No. Hirh. Phone 1995 BBtl WANTED Employment REFINED WIDOW. UNINCUMBERED, Position, boasekeeninz. citv or coun- ry J142W. nl8 WANTEChrrMiscellaneous WANTED-r-PEARS. WARD K. RICH ardson.' . nl8 WANTED SECOND HAND FORD with starter. Call 1956W. n20 WOOD CUTTERS WANTED TO TAKE contracta apply C. B. Query, Phone 77r2. naie WOOD FOR SALE 1 SEASONED SLAB WOOD. $5.50 PER cord. C. L. Dempsey, Rt. 3, Turner. nil FOR GOOD WOOD PHONE 1879W. dl5 WRITE IN FOR PRICES ON' WOOD. H. A. Kuenzi, Silverton. . d!4" FOR WOOD CALL C. B. QUERY PHONE iili. nzie JUDD WOOD SERVICE. OLD SECOND crowth fir. oak and mill-wood. Care ful attention : to each order. Phone 10MF3. Judd'a Wood'e Good. D12. BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 16 inch green mill wood Dry mill wood , lry second growth fir Dry old fir. 1 16 inch BLOCK mill wood is the best fuel to save your dry wood. ..Prompt delivery and reasonable price. Fred E. Wells, 280 S. Church, Phone 1542. nOtf WOOD 8AW PROMPT AND CAREFUL aervice with wood aaw. Phone 10PF3. I NIB FOR SALE 16 INCH OLD FIR ANB second growth 4 foot snd osk. Pbona mn M v Vavfield i Sometimes one sees a .really normal waist line today though so far it has fortunately appeared only upon the slim figures. When it does appear it is accentuated by an ingenious sash of Dresden ribr DO n. ' WhCD the meek Inherit the - - K wnot m Hmn Ihtiv wITl wa s s. as tvumb, aa a. a amj tuv iiu i v Irettlne oven with tho.T""WT now arrogant. , PUBLIC NOTICES 1 WOOD BIDS Pealed bids will be received by the County Court of Marion coun ey, Oregon, up to 2 o'clock p. m. on Monday, November 26, 1923. for cutting 250 cords of old and second growth fir wood on. the county farm, U-mile west of Hop mere. Wood to be cut by May 1, 1924. The Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. U. G. BOYER, n-14-18-23 County Clerk. ADMIXISTKATOK'S NOTICE OF AIU'OrXTMKXT Notice is hereby , given that the County Court of Marion county Oregon, did on the Sth day Aovemher. 1923, duly appoin Louis F. Kobow administrator of the estate of Fred Kobow, de ceased: that letters of adminis tration have duly Issued to said administrator therein and he here by notifies all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent same to him with proper vouchers at the law office of C fM.-Inman In Breyman block, a Salem, Oregon, within six month from the date of the first pub'l cation of this notice, to-wit: No vember "11, 1923. - ,A ' LOUIS 1?. KOBOW. f n 1 1-1 8-25. d2-.f.'(ij ; Administrator WOMAN'S HOTEL HAS BIRTHDAY irv w vSt- v-vSf Miss Mary A. Lfndsley. Miss Mary A. Lindsley is th manager of the Grace Dodge Hotel of Washinirton, IJ. C. an bostelrv devoted exclusively to women. Re cently the hotel celebrated its sec ond birthday. Tips are not allow ed but the service standards bave created favorable comment and the labor turnover is small. . Suggestions Made to Aid Mailing Christmas Gifts WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. (As sociated Press by Mail). Cooper ation in mailing Christmas gifts is being sought by the post office department. Here are .the sug gestions of ' Third Assistant Post master General Glover: ' t Mail earlri j m 'j Prepay postage fully on all mat ter. : . Address allJmatter plainly and completely, gftfng4 street address whenever possible..' : f Place sender's name and address in upper left corner of address side. Pack articles carefullp in strong durable containers. ' Wrap parcels securely but do not seal them except when bear ing a printed label or indorsement reading', "Contents: Merchandise Fourth Class Mail. Postmaster This parcel may be opened for postal inspection if necessary." as sealed parcels not so labeled or in dorsed are subject to postage at the letter rate. . Parcels may be marked "Do not open until Christmas." Insure valuable parcels. Do not inclose letters with par cels, as doing so would subject entire parcels to letter postage. Written greetings such as "Mer- y cnrisimas, nappy ,ew lear. "With Best Wishes," and names, numbers, or symbols for the pur pose of description may be in closed with fourth class (parcel post) mail. Books may bear sim ple 'dedicatory inscriptions not or a personal nature. Other written additions subject parcels to letter postage. Communications prepaid at the first class rate may be sent with parcels at the . fourth-class rate by securely attaching the en velopes containing the letters or other written matter to outside of parcels. Black felt cloches are still the most popular hat with the young er girls. , Colorful trimmings, such, as a broad green velvet drape about the .crown, are used, "or tnr; Just" an unusual rhinestone pin. :- ' ' ' ' p CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of Reliable Business and Professional Firms Ar ranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference AMBULANCE SERVICE SALEM AUMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 666; 173 S. Liberty. Day and n'ght nlOtf ARCHITECTS FREEMAN ft rVTRUBLE, REGISTERED . Architects, :..510- ,f Bank of Commerce Building. AUTO REPAIRING WE HAVE GOOD REPAIRMEN. IN fact we have the best in Salem. Jack Doerfer Motor Repair, 410 S. Com mercial. ' nlS WE DON'T PERFORM illSACLES BUT we do give you honest to goodness re pairing at reasonable rate. Bring us your car. LAXHAM GARAGE 1610 No. Commercial St. Phone 890 nl7tf AUTO TOPS - r ? W. E. GRNERT 256 State St. Opposite U. S. National Bank nlS BATTERY AND ELECT RICXAJf PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE . Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferris Bros I'hone 1803, 418 Court. R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South (jommeretai. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING, LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY cleg snd repairing; 887 Court. BIRDS, FLOWERS AND PETS FLAKE'S PETLAND. BIRDS, FLOWERS Pete. 373 State tf CARPENTER CARPENTER WORK OF ALL KINDS day or contract. Built-ins a specialty. All work guaranteed. Keasonabie "Phone 768M. n20e CARPET AND RTJQ WEAVING SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND Fldff Rug Works Rag and fluff rug woven any size without seams. e - mattresses made to order. Old mat tresses remade. Feathers renovated, I buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff rugs. 13 Va "and Wilbur street. Phone 1154. Otto F. Zwieker. Prop. CEMENT CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 4. N. Snmmer street. Phone S74-J. CHIMNEY SWEEPS CHIMNEY SWEEPING F U R N A C E cleaning. F. Councilman. Ray 1. Farm er Hardware-company. CHINESE PHYSICIAN R. L. T. DICK CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St. Phone 283. CHIROPODISTS R. S. F. SCOTT, GRADUATE NA-t-eual - University Sciences, Chicago, Masonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS !RS. : SCOTT 8CHOFIELD. P. S. C, Chiropractors, 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; res. 828-R. DR. REDMOND. S28 OREGON BLDG. mone 163S. CLEANERS AND DYERS 9ALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS Suita cleaned and pressed, $1.50." Snits sponged and pressed, 60e. 215-8. Com .J '-: Phone 1868 CONSULTING ENGINEERS ' CIVIL,, CONSULTING, CONSTRUCTION , Constructing Engineer. - ourveys, osti matea. Jno. IL -f Neef. - 819 Oregon Hide. intone 7ia CORSETS SPIRE LLA CORSETS SOLD BY ALICE A. Miles. 451 North Slat. Phone 10O2J. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING AND DESIGNING. Carrie Fisher, McCornack Bldg., over Millers, . nlStf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7' , wording "Dressmaking"; prlc 10 cents each. Statesman Basiaeaa Office Ornnnd Floor DRUG STORES WM. N EI MEYER "JUST DRUGS." 17. N. Commeretal. Phone 167 ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO.- -MASONIC buidioff. Phone 1200. ELECTRIC - FIXTURE A N I SUPPLY Co. I'hone 1834. 222 N. Liberty. ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTSICIAN House wiring by hour or contract. Es timate furnished. I'hone vaO. , 414 Court St. U.4I.IKS ELECTRIC SHOP ELEC- trical machine repairing, contracting. 3-7 Conrt. I'hone 48. FARM PAPER POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for epecial three months' trial for the best aad eldest Journal. ia the west. Th article and advertise ment are of special interest to the poultry breeders of th Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Oom anercial stjt. Salem. Oresrosi. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to th Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon for e three month' trial subscription. Mention this ad FINANCIAL WE HAVE $5000- PRIVATE MONEY to loan on farm properly. ANDERSON A RUPERT . 407 Oregon bldg. GOVERNMENT LOANS ON FARMS 6',4 per cent. 303 Salem Bauk of Cttuiuisrco FINANCIAL 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on city or farm property.: Reaerve De posit company, 72 Fourth Street, Port land, or. ... - ... FARM LOANS AT 6 PER CENT and ' 6 V, PER CENT . ANDERSON A RUPERT Oegon Bldg., Salem, Or, I AAA LUtiia L.CBS 1.1 lT.ni.Bll longer time, . . no commission. Protects against adversity. City loans, lowest rates, monthly ' instalments, pre-pay-ment privileges. J. C. Siegmund, room V. over Ladd at Bush bank.- FARM LOANS Insurance money, any amount 6 per cent. for 5. 7, 10 or 20 years, with full prepayment privilege enure Willam ette valley. -....- HAWKINS A ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bldg, Salem, Oregon LOANS LOANS LOANS - l ean make your farm or city loans, best service given If yon need loan, see I me; and if yon hav money to place, aee me I always have takers. G. W. Lanar, Oregon bldg. HAWKINS ai ROBERTS. CITT LOANS lowefl vtee : ' FLOBIBTS -f CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING B0UQUETP funeral wreaths, deeoratioaa. , O. r Breithaupt. florist. 128 N. - Uberty nn so FRATERNAL OYAL ORANGE LODGE JASON LEI - Memorial No. 580 meets la Odd Fel Iowa hall ovary first. ,t h I d -aad . into Tuesday or the at ontk. Al Or a reman weleoaao FTJNBRAX DZBBCTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIRSC tors, 810 Center. Phone 1658 ' FURNACES SEAGROVE FOR FURNACES SIBLI jcoe Fipeless, $85, 1165 Ferry St. Hnnne KXSW nS4tf FUKNITURIf STOKES JIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture lor less aaoaoy. 878 Omul FhOB 64.'. PEOPLE'S FUTIXITTJBE STORE NfW and aecond hand furs I tare; 871' K fmnmarciaJ- :- HATTERS EATON EATON, practical hatters formerly .C B. Ellsworth aatahllahmjmt " First clasa hat work of all kinds. 891 w. uommereiai. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING. PLEAT ing. ... Anna M. Busick, over Miller's store. . - nl5tf SALEM ELITE H EMSTITCHINO pleating, buttons, stamping aad needle work; 328 Oregon bldg. Pbona 878, MRS. 0. E. MIIJ.ER HEMSTITCHING atampiag. buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler atore. Phon 117. INSURANCE SEE ME' IN MY NEW LOCATION FOR ijife. r ire. Accident, Auto aud Indem nity . Insurance, or a Federal; Farm Loan. , ..Some good 'Stock and Dairy jtancnea at uarxsin prices. - A C. BOH RN STEDT, Resltor Bush-Breymsn Bldg. 147 N. Com. St. Salem, Oregon. .-,.'. LADIES TArxoimra D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN . aad women. 474 Court St. W. J MAYER LADIES' TAILORING. long eoata aad eait. Boom T, MeOer- ck Bldg. . XAtnroRiES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, - 818 B. Liberty . street. Phon 85. Oldaat . Urgett best, EatabUshad 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt aervice; 1864 BroaJway Phone 165. 11ACKXHB BHOr THE CROSS AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Steam boilers, valeanisera aad - tab plates. Perry O. CampbaD, 817 B. Liberty. " - MEDIC AX MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY I Phone 517-W. -. I ..4 .. MUSIC -LESSONS P. F. THOMAS AND MRS. -ZENA Thomas, violin and piano instruction. Accredited by the fetate Board of In struction. Studio 665 N. 16th, phone 161SJ. ,- . d3 A COURSE IN- BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular eyneepated standard ma sic. Semi-claaalca and ballade; 18 lesson f. Watermaa Piano School. Mo- Cornsck Bldg: " - - . MTJSia STORES SHERMAN, C-'AY CO PIANOS gteinwsTs, Dao-Art snd others. Moor s Musi House. 415 Court strset. GEO. O. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, aewiag maehinea, sheet masie. and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines; - 482 State, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. II. L. Stiff Faral ture Co.. Music Dent. NATUE0PATHI0 PHYSICIANS OR. A SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND earoaie " diseases; 415 Oregon Bldg Phone tlO- - . NEWSPAPER AGENCIES s - r ; 1 News Dealers - THE PORTLAND TE1.F.GRAM SALEM art" 1. 1 ;ts fUxnon. .. Phone 1067J. Of fice - phone !::!. - -. d2- KTJRSEBY STOCKS FOR- S A LEA PRUNE. -TREES. 5c: L-O- , gan Farm Nurst-ry,- Route . .121. Bl 11-18 25 FOR .-'SALE OREGON CHAMPION j (Jfiowlierry pUntt. SD0 per thousand. - mite, snfith ; of -tJheniawa or write t - Deuber, lit. 8, Salem. a20 FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES I I'eaxcy Brv 23? BUM. NUESEEY STOCKS COMPLETE LINF: FRUIT AND NUT trees. Frnitlsnd nursery, office &44 Ferry. Phone 199 or 1140M. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nur erv Co t2A Or-eon BMf.. Phone 75. OPTICIANS MORRIS OPTICAL COMPANY ORE gon Bldg. Rooma $01 to $04. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW Op tical Co, 829 Stat acre, opposite Ladd A Busk Beak. "Us Quality Proven Bhur-ona." - FAFBKHANGIN0 AND PAXNTTNO PHONE GLENN. ADAMS FOR H0USK deeoratiag, paper aaagiag. tlatiag. eti. Reliabl workman. TEN CENT KALSOMININk? IN BEAUTI- fal eolors; $1 dooa a room. Mas O. - Bars .178 W Commercial. PHYSICIAN OF PHTSIOTHEBAPHT DR.: JACKSON. DOCTOR OF PHY8I- otherapy, treats all ailments, women troubles especially. 26$ N. Commercial aerreet. Phono-101. r FIAnTO TTJNER1 EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pl an tuaar. Leave orders Win 'a Masie Store PLUKsnro PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phono 1397 J. Shop 1ST Union street. A. L Godfrey. PUBLIO ACOOUyTAJfTS FRANK R. KELLOGG. PUBLIO AO- oountant. ayiterna. Bookkeeping, sesvics, asssMaJassmMan?wii?M Ma a a RADIATORS, TEND EES, ETC. RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES aoad or repaired. J. C. Bair, 219 State. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. refus of all kinds removed. Cospoola cleaaed. Phon 167 or 1007J. SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE fSUC- eessor to Nasi Scavenger) Garbage aad refuse of all kind removed by the month. Reasonably rates. Pheaee: Offica 838; resident t058 SECOND HANS GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOU8B BUTS AND sails laeoad hand f ami tnr, tool and Junk; 820 N. Commercial. Fhon 4SI. WANTED EVERYTHING IN CIjOTH- tng aad ahoes. Beat prieea paid. Cap ital Kxehango; $48 Nortel OomaareiaJ Phone liH W IT0 YES ASS STOVE EX7AISJX3 STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' zparieae. Depot National fence, tii SO to 28 ia. kirk. Paint, oils aad vanishes, te, logaabarry an! V. V 1. O 1 W - , D . . . wp oaiwB ffVDot aaa divti " xr . A M . . . m . k . .1. WW SW PBS. X BBBf lit. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 1-8 to 1-2 OFF. MIKE'S Auto-Wreekinr Ho a e; -424 North CornTaejiajPhone .628. ' TRACTORS 4. C. HA AO k CO, 444 FERRY ST. i'hone 210. Cletrac tractors. Oliver ira plements. - TRANSFER-HAULING WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP &0US3 bold goods. Our specialty ia plana any furniture moving. W also make eon it try trip. W handle the beet eeal an wood. Call oa aa for prieea. W giw food meesor, food quality aad food rvica. Lamer Transfer Co. FbonS3C CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 229 Stat SL-Phoa 888. Diatribating. for warding aad storsgs oar specialty. C one rate . TRANSPORTATION CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LIN3 Ceatral Sag Tensiaal. Salem, Cregoa ; SALEM EUGENE Leaves Salem 7:15 a. m.; 9:15 a, m.; 11:15 a. m.; 1:15 p. so.; 8:15 p at.; 5:15 p am.; 7:80 p. as.: t Corvallia only. PARKER-S STAGE LINES J. W. Parker, General Manager Central Slat Terminal Salem, Oregon. SALEM SILVERTON DIVISION Leave Salem, Central Stat Terminal; T a., as.j 11 s. a; f p. a Leave Silverton News Stand t a. at.; 1 p. at; 8 p. as. Salenvlndepeadenc-Monmouth DIrlsioa: Leave Salem. Ceatral Stag Terminal: 7 av. m.: 8 a. m.; 11:10 a. am.; 8:10 p. m. i:io p s Laavas Monmouth, Moamoath Hotel : 8:15 n. as.; 1 p. at.; 8:15 p. am. Lvs Indepoadenra, Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a m.; 9:50 a. am.; 1:15 p. as. 4 p. m.;.8:30 p. aw Leaves Central SUg TermiaaL Salem, for -Dallas at: T a. an.; 11:10 a. at; 8:10 at. Leave Gail Hotel. Dallas, at 8 a. as.; 4 p. at.; 6:15 p. ss. Wo msk eonnections st , Salem to all part of th valloy. Eatra trips by ap poiatmeat, - , -" . J W. PARKER, fteneeal VMtrw " TYPEWRITERS TOR RENT SPttCIAL STUDENT RATE FOR TYPK- wnter. Four months 810. . Under wood Typewriter Co, 800 Mstonie. Blrlr OS tf VETERINARIAN FRED W. ' LANGK, .VETEKINARI AN. Office 230 Sonth Liberty. I'hone 1194 ues. phone ijmcj. m'l" - WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO, Office, $01 Sonth Commercial St, Ten per cent dlacouat ea domestic flat rate paid ia advance. No deductions for abeeae or any caese aalea water (a ah rf wwf rtramleea a n n a a a o trj tu Have You Lost Anything Look for It On tlie Classified .;:;i.;3-Pao:e ,.. a K3 ri n ri i 3 t r m ca ca ci c..3 r : r