THE OJtEGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREQON 4 FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, 1923 L V i V K CAB t i I i 1. 1 Sr NORWICH UNION INSURANCE BOCIETT H. HankirdL Jr. Reeideat Ageut 371 State St. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate T. K KUKIi IMvrr l.att.t it bash Bank) n r. If AUTOMOBILES I m. T JC8T AS GOOD- BUT A DARN rl better repairing, thsa any other I ' Shop in Salem. Jack Doerfer Motor : Re) air. 410 H. Commercial St. 1 WK HAVE NO BANANAS BUT WE fmmn know bw to repair your car aa 'well aa an j aieehanio any where. Try . ; LANITAM OARAGE 1B10 N. Oom'l St. Phone 890. Bl4tl 1 AUTO TOPS PROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBTJRO WE are recognised as tha best top ahop in he territory. Why not get the heat I . W. E. ORUNERT "1 : 2SC But Si. nl5 ! BATTERY AJTP ELECTRICIAlf PKESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE l Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferria Bros . Phona 1803. 418 I wo lCoj Hi D (Cowrt. ' I D - BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES ?H tarter and generator work; 171 Sooth TIRES AND ACCESSORIES USED PARTS 13 t 1-2 OFF. HIKE'S Ant Wrecking House; 424 North Commercial. Phono 828. - TRACTORS A C. HAAO CO, 444 PERRY ST. I Phono S10. Clatraa tractor. Oliver im- .. ! . pi ---- ' - - BICYCLES and REPA1 RINGf i LAOTD K. RA3CSDEX DAYTON ICY t . - etev and veoairinarT 8W Cwrt f - BUSlNESSICARRSj 5 UXAjrCE SERVICE , SALEM AUMBULANCE SERVICE ,-Pltone 60S; 178 8. Liberty. ly ana a.rht ' nlOtf ARCHITECTS PRE EM A If 8TRCBLE, REGISTERED , f Arealtaeta. wlO Bank of Commerce CARPENTER 'WORK OP ALL KINDS aa y or contract, jtunm -apwcmnj. All work guaranteed-Reasonable, Phona taW. aZOs CARPET AND RTJO WEAVING. 1. 1SALEM CARPET CLEANING AND I Fhsff Rar Work Rag and flnff rugs , a r , VMM any size without seam a. New " . I mnUrssaea mad to order.. Old mat ' 4 traeeea recaade. Faathora renovated. I t i I bay H kinds of old earpata for flnff ! 1 j ruga. 11 Vn and Wilbur atreets. Phono i if Otto r. ZwicEer, rrop ' 'CHIMNEY SWEEPS CJIMNEY SWEEPXNG T U R N A C E tteaiif. P. -Coaaeiima. Ray I. Farm- ;-r Marowaro eotnpaay. CHXEESB PHTSICIAM A. L. T. DICK CORES ANY KNOWN Hiaoaao. 1 B. riign pi. rnoni . CHIROPODISTS F. SOOTT, GRADUATE NA- UniTaraity Bctencoa, vaicaav. Temple. Phono gao. CHXROPRAOTORS j ' ftHs." SCOTT ft SCHOriELD. P. S O. ii Chlropraetora, 414-19 O. 8. Bank Bldf. f'hone 87; rea. 828-R. RRUMOND.. S28 OREGON BLDO-. Paooe 1438. CLEANERS AND DYERS 0ALEM CLEANERS AND D T E RB snna cieapea ana pmmvu, . 4 Suite aponged and preaaad, SOe. 15 8. Oo'.. Phono 188 covsuLTnra enqireers JL'IVIL, CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION ; Constructing Enrineer. 8nreya, oatt- aaaton. Joo. H. xtoex. ax wei" BMir. Phono 75. DRUO STORES ,VM. NEIMETER "JUST DRUGS," ' T5 N. Commercial. Phono 187. ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A 8 O N I C baiding. Phono 1200. fLECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY Co. PhonlT.4ja4flerRif ARCHIE FLEENER. ELECTRICIAN , liouM wiring by hour or contract. Es T tiaatea furnished. Phone aO. 414 Conrt St. I- fllALIK'S ELECTRIC 8H0P ELEC V irial, .Bachine, repairing. eontracUng. ' ' Stt Conrt. Phone 488. nNANCXAL - J7 oT (caaa PHTVATK MONEY n E to loan farm property. . ANDERSON RUPERT 4U7 Oregon bldg. - per eenu 80S Salem Bank of Commerce t 6 LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM l on eity or nra " "V, . !i posit eompaay, T8 Fonrth Street, Port (and. Or. - t . ) FARM LOANS i J aaMAMfln it aa atffl t aruranc, n.o7. --"V. ' 't Ifl 'orr! - .ntira Willam- lU "J,1!Wtn A ROBERTS SOS Oregon Bldg, Salens. Oregon t rofl TVT-1T TlrflT lonrer time, no commission. Protects ! '-: .r.inst adversity. City loans. lowest - - A - f MtW IASBBL UWMl rates, njontniy iMnwniiwi p-i Vt tnent priv ilegea. J . 0 Siegmnnd, room - p, over uao-n FARM LOANS r AT e PER CENT and dtt PER CENT i ' ANDERSON RUPERT C7gon Bldg, Balam, Ore. I can make yW arm or. eity loans, best j I j I inn - av w v w . . w mane t uui v. - i J 1 Mrrico cWe- yo need loan, see V 4" me: and If yon -bar money o place, i y ,Bii---I rlwaya hare taker. G. W. t ' V Laflar. Oregon bldg. , ' ( a-UAWKXNff ROBERTS. CITY LOANH mem rmwm IXORI8TS E rUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS " . i -..tka. daaorntlana. O. F. - k Breithanpt, floriat, Xtt V. Liberty ! " bono 880. rRATERNAS f i ORANGE LODGE JABON LE E Memorial No. SSO meeta In Odd Fel i ' Town baU rmtf and J filtb Tnaaday of tb m antk. AU PTJRNACES . nrnv FOR FURNACES SIB LI oi.ji.'" - - .... ii. a. T roo npeieae. f. rsOMEBODY NE WHAT BUSINESS CARDS I FUNERAL DIRECTORS 8ALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREO- aora. SIO Center. Phono 1056. FURNITURE STORES JIESE FURNITURE CO. QUALITY furniture for lose money. 878 Conrt Phone 464. ' PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE NEW and aecond band furniture; 271 N. Oommoreial. i JUNE. JUBX WE BUY AND SELL FURNITURE, too la. and Juak. 978 North Oonuner eiaL Phone 588. LAtTNDBXES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 810 8. Liberty street. Phone 25. Olden largest beat. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt aarrlee; 1284 Broadway Phone 165. MACHINE SHOjr THE GROSS AUTOMATIC ELECT RIO Steam boilera, Tuleaaiiera aad tube platen. Parry C OampboQ, SIT N. Liberty. . i MXSICAJi MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 51 7-W. - MXT8IO P. P. THOMAS : AND MRS. ZENA Thomas, violin and piano instruction, Aeeredited by the State Board , ef In traction. Studio 665 N. 16th, pbone 1H8J. d3 V.MtATlTROPATHIO PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE AND eknonie dlaessoa ; 415 Oregon Bldg. Phone 110. NEWSPAPER AGENCIES News i Dealers THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM SALEM agent una Hixaon. Pbone 1067J. Of- fice 'pbone 839. d3- RURSEET STOCKS FOR SALE OREGON CHAMPION uooaeDerry pianta. oao per taonaana. mile south of ' Ohemawa or write to Denber, Bt. 8, Salem. n20 COMPLETE LINE FRUIT AND NUT tree. Frnitland nursery, office 544 Ferry. Phone 199 or 1140M. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City ror aery Co, 426 Oregon Bldg, Phono 78. FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearey Bros.. 287 State. OPTICIANS M0RRI8 OPTICAL COMPANY ORE I gon Bldg. Rooms 201 to 804. GLASSES FITTED BY THE BOW OP tical Co, 25 State acreet. opposite Ladd: A Bnsh Bank. "Cao Qalit) Proven Phor-ona ' P APERHAR OING AND PAINTING PHONE OLENN ADAMS FOR' ROrSF .' deeorstiag, paper banging, tinting, at Reliable workman. TEN CENT KALSOMININE IN UEAPTI fn) eolors; 91 dooa a room. Hu n Burn. IT (, Coniinerrial. PHTSICIAR OP FHYBIOTHERAFHY DK. JACKSON DOCTOR OF PHY81 . otherapy, treats aU . ailments, women' troubles especially. 2S N. Cnnmni: PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL . work.. Phono 4 317-J. Shop 127 Union treft. A. I. iJodfrey. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FRANK R. KELLOGG. PUBLIC AO constant, eystema, bookkeeping, auditing. 21 Oreron BlHg RADIATORS. TENDERS. ETC. RADIATORS FENDERS. BODIES made or repaired. J. C. Bair, 230 State. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. - refuse of all . kiada removed. Caapool cleaned. Phone 167 or 1007 J. SO0S SCAVENGES SERVICE (SUC riresur;to' Neal f Sea vengor) Garbage - and refuse of all kinda removed by the month, , Raaaoaabla r a t o a. Phonos rot- S2 : residence 205S SECOND HAND GOODS SALEM BARGAIN HOUSE BUYS ANL ' sella ' aecond hand furniture, tool and Junk; 820 N. CommordaL Phono 492 WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH : lag sad shoes. Beat prices paid. Cap Ital Exchange; 242 North Comma rcia' Pbone 1S6A-W. I STOVES AND STOVE REP AI RING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED ' 40 years . experience. Depot National fence, aiaoa 2ft to 28 im. high. Paints, oils and varnishes, ste, loganberry sad I bop books. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Coart street. . Phone 124. TRAN SPORT ATIOR CENTRAL MOTOR BUS LINE Central Stage Terminal. Salem. Oregon SALEM EUGENE Leaves Salam 7:15 a. as.; 9:15 a, as.; 11:15 a. m. ; 1:15 p. m.; 8:15 p as.; 5:15 p m.; 7:80 p. m.: to Oorvallia only. , PARKER'S STAGS LINES J. W. Parker, General Manager Central State Terminal Salem, Oregon. SALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Stats Terminal: 7 a. m.; 11 a. m.; 8 p. m leaves Silver ton New 8tsnd: 8 a. m.; 1 p. m: 6 p. m. Salem- Independence- Monmontb Dlvisioa: Leaves Salem. Central 8tag Tarmiaal: 7 a. m.; 9 a. m.; 11:10 a. as.; 8:10 p. m 5:10 p m -tavea Monmouth, Monmontb Hotel: - 9:13 a. m.; 1 p. a.; 0:15 p. m. Loavea Independence, Roavor Hotel: . 8:80 am.; 9:50 a. as.; 1:15 p. m. 4 p. .; 6:20 p. m. Leavea Central Suga Terminal, Balam, for Dsllsa at: ' 7 a. m.t 11:10 a. as; 5:10 p m. Leaves Gail Hotel. Dallas, at 8 a m.; 1 p. m.: 6:15 p. at. We make . connections at Saloas" to all ; parts of tbe valley, f Extra trip by ap- poiatmeat. J W PARKER. Qsnornl Msaagop WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO Office, 801 South Oommoreial St. Tea par eant discount on domeetie tint - rates paid, tt- advaneoJ'v.No- dedoetioae for sbaeneo or say eaaao aalesa water 1 abas off year premises. ;eds YOU HAVE BUSINESS CARDS VETERINARIAN FRED W. LANOE, VETERINARIAN. Office 220 South Liberty. I'bone ll8 Km phone 1Q48.T. m9 FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS A THREE ROOM FURNISHED APART- ment at 446 Union. Very deairable. . ..... n21 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT 2 rooms and .kitchenette. Convenient, clean just the thing for newlywedo 555 Marion St. Phone 1524. &16 FOR RENT FURNISHED APART- ment, 3 rooms, free heat, light, water and telephone.. 592 N. Summer. Phone 1078. i. nl6e FOB RENT APARTMENTS, 691 NO. Commercial. FURNISHED APARTMENT GROUND floor, near city hall. No children. See 277 N. Liberty St. nl6 HOUSES 1 FOR RENT $12, bouae 4 rooms. 920, house 7 rooms, bath. $25. cottage 5 rooms, gsrsge. $25 house 8 rooms. 3 lots. $30 bungalow, 6 rooms. FURNISHED HOUSES $25, rottage 4 rooms. 9351 bonae 6 rooms. 3 lots. $60, house 6 rms .at 447 Center. $2 H bouae 6 rooms, 3 sores. 1 0 acres, good buildings. ; CHILDS A BECHTEL 140 State St. . nl6 SIX ROOM HOUSE, GOOD WELL. El ectricity. Close to Jefferson nignway and car lino, $15 per month. Route 4, Box 8A. Pbone 86F6 - n!7o ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS, steam heat, close in, 544 Ji. Commer cial. Phono 1549J. n20 FOR RENT APARTMENTS AND looping rooms Leonard Hotel, in a. Front 8treet. PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY 7". wording "Famished Rooms." price 10 eeata each. Statesman . Barlaasa Of fice. Gronad Floor. IFOR RENT UNFURNISHEDI APARTMENT 3 FOR RENT 5 ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment. - Oarage, : largo grounds, first floor. 2073R. n!6 FOR RENT-Miscellaneousl FOR RENT $12, bouse, 4 rooma. $20, bonse 7 rooms, bath. : . $25, cottage, 5 R, garage. $25, house, 8R, 3 lots. $30, bungalow. 6 rooms. FURNISHED HOUSES $25, rottage, 4R. $35, house 6R, 3 lota. $60, bouse, 6R at 417 Center St. $25, house, 6R, 3 acres. 10 acres, good buildings -, j " ' CHILDS A BECHTEL f ' 540 State St. ' a!5tf FOR RENT TYPEWRITERS U'ECIAL STUDENT RATE FOR TYPE writera. Four months $10. Under wood Typewriter Co, SCO Masonic KMI t. - ' -tf FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE: OAC BARRED ROCK PURE Bred cockerels. C. Bruck, Salem, Ore gon, Route 5, Box 91. nlC FOR SALE SLIGHTLY USED ECRE ka Vacuum cleaner at a reduction. Phone 1403M, Uoeye. nlO APPLES DELIVERED, $1 A BOX; 3 for $2.85; 5 for $4.50. Baldwin. King, Spitsenberg, Vanderpool, Northern Spy email Delicious. Ward K. Richardson. 2395 Front. Phone 494. n9 11-14-16 FOR SALE RED HILL BURBANK PO t a toes, sise and Quality guaranteed. B. Cunningham, Phone 21 r 2. n20 PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 1" BY 7 wording "For Sale, Enquire at." Priee 10 eonta each. Statesman Bnaiaea Office. Groand Ftoor Beautiful Oregon Rose And eleven other Ore gon aongs together with a fiaa collection of patriotic songs, aacred aonga and many old-time favor Its ALL FOR 25e. (Special prices la quantity lota) Especially adaptable for school Mania Ity of home singing. Bead for Western Songster j 76 pages aow in iu third editioa Published by OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 8. Oommoreial St. Salem. Ore. FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS 10 cents s bundle. Cirenlatioa department Oregon Statesman. APPLES DELIVERED. $1 A BOX; 3 for 22.85; 5 for $4.50. Baldwin, King, Spitsenberg, Vanderpool, North ern Spy, small Delirious. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front. Phone 494. H9-11-14 16 BIRDS, FLOWERS AND PETS FLAKE'S PETLAND. BIRDS. FLOWERS Pets. 278 State tf. FARM PAPER POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the boat and oldeat Journal in the West. , The articles and sdvertise- ' meats are of special Interest to tbe poultry breeders of the North waat. Northwest Poultry Joarnsl, 211 Com mercial striae. Salem. Oregon. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST form pspsr, send 15s to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregoa for a three months' trial subscript! oa. Maatios this ad LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONE HORSE. WEIGHT about 110O -lbs; harness. Price f---Soeolofsky. Phone 970. nietf FOUR REGISTERED SOW PIGS. BIG type Poland China One registered boar tir out of March litter. One reg istered aow and aix piga. Champion . atock of Oregon. See H. H. Harris at Oleson's gsrsew. .Phone 666. n!6e Classified Ads in The Statesman Bring Results Classified Phone 23AdTertIsIng Iopt. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rats per word: Per Insertion -Three insertions , 2a 5e HELP WANTED SELL MADISON "BETTER MADE" SHIRTS direct from our factory to wesrer. No capital or experience re quired. Eaaily sold. Big profits. Write for FREE SAMPLES. MADISON MILLS. 503 Broadwav. New York. saa miaassagaa aacga FEMALB REFINED WIDOW, UNINCUMBERED, Position, housekcpins, city or coun try. H42W. 18 WANTED LADIES OF GOOD APPEAR- anre, and personality to demonstrate and take orders, $5 to $10 per day. Salesmanship experience preferred but not essential. References required. Phone 1873R for appointment. a!6 WANTED ELDERLY HOUSEKEEPER for family of three In country. Light work. Phone 619J. n!7e E MALE AND FEMALB WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper aubscrfptioaa. A good J reposition to the right people. Ad resa the Pacific Homestead. Statesman Bid sr. Salem. Or. SALESMEN! SALESMEN HAND COLORED -CALEN- dare. Hustlers earning -big. write Hugh H. McCleery, Washington, Iow4 Ladies Wearing Apparel BKESSMAXXJra DRESSMAKING AND DESIGNING. Carrie Fisher, McCornaek Bldg., over Millers. nl5tf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7", wording "Dreaamsklng" ; pries 10 esnt each. Statesmaa Batlpsaa Office tirnnrtA Floor. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING.' PLEAT ing. Anns M. Busick, over Miller's store. nlotf SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING pleating, buttons, atamping and aeedls work; 828 Oregon bldg. Phone 879. MRS. 0. E. MIIXER HEMSTITCHING stamping, buttona. Room 10, ever Mil lor'a store Phnna 117 BKaEsaBsaKaassscxsE39BKaasaSBsasssBSBsai LADIES TAJLOatUrO D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN and women. 474 Court St. W. J MAYER LADIES' TAILOsUNU, . long eoata aad aaita. Room 7. MeCor rb Rldg LOST AND FOUND j LOST LOST OPEN FACE (SOLD FILLED watch. Return to Statesman. Reward. LOST A CHAMOIS BAG CONTAINING an F. C. Paddock hospital pin. Iavalier and small ring. Finder phone 1078. n!7 LOST WALTHAM WRIST WATCH BE tween Salem and Silverton Saturday night. Initial, A. Knutaon on inside of case. Reward. 318 Mill. Mra. Win. Dick., Silverton, Oregon. nib r MUSICAL Instruments 1 A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated etandard music Semi classics and ballads; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School. Me remark BHs. MU8I0 STORES SHERMAN. CLAY CO, PIANOS Steinwajrs, Duo-Art and others. Moore's : Music House. 415 Court street. GEO. O WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet music ssd piano atudies. Repsiring phono grapha aad sowing macaiaea; 482 State, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO t OR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Fnml ture Co.. Mdaie Dept. FIAn'O TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pl eas tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. PERSONAL' GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. FREE for stamp. CORRESPONDENT. Toledo. Ohio. dl3 I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR any bills contracted by my wife, Mrs. Florence Lewis, who left my bed and board last April 26, 1923. Ray Lewis. nl7 REAL ESTATE City, Who? ' I want a Salem property ia exchange for s fine home in Lebanon. Will give anyone a good ' trade. See my agent, Win. Fleming, 341 State St., for detail. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW SNAP Juit completed, with best of material and workmanship, up to dste in every wsy. It's -a dandy, with large living and dining room in one; 2 bedrooms, each with a large closet. Bath and toilet. Medicine cabinet: beautiful kitchen with all the bnilt-ins. Cooler, wood lift. Breakfast nook, full ce ment basement, front and back porch. Corner lot. Sightly location; deairable neighborhood. A home that ia a real dream for tbo email sum of $2300; with terms. Ixok the town over then come to ns. We rsa prove to you that it is the beat bny for the money. s i See CHILDS A BECHTEL 540 State Street. nlfitf EIGHT ROOM HOUSE ON CORNER LOT one block from poatoffice. Aa excel lent investment at 6500. Five room bouse on Center street near Capitol. Basement, furnace riot 66x156. Variety of fruit and bearing walnnt trees. $5000 Four room modern house in Oaks . sd ' dition. $3950. Verv easy termsv 'f -WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor , 216 Oregon Bldg. 15U F - 1 1 &Q ME B QJjliBLJ Section One week (aix insertions) One month Six mouths' contract per mo. 12 months' mntMI wtmr mn Minimum for any advertisement 25s 1 REAL ESTATE City THE OREGON FIRE RELIKF ASS'N operctea art a low cost and issues a NON-assesHtble policy. They can serve you, if you desire sound protection at low cost. Standley A- Foley, Agents, Pbone 3-17. ; nlti Best Buys and Exchanges 4 room bungalow $1250; $300 cash balance easy terms. 5 room bungalow, 2 lots, close to car line, $2250; $500 cash balance easy terms. 5 room bungalow. Bleeping porch garage, fruit, beautiful lawn, a prop erty worth $4500, owner leaving city and will take $3400 on easy terms. . 4 room bungalow, garage,, 1 sere ' lot, fruit. Will exchange for city not over $2500. 5 acres, 4 mile from city, modern 7 room hou.s barn, roop, fruit, pave ment. Will exchange for city not over $5000. Well paying meat market to exchange for residence not over $3,750. Confectionery for 'sale cheap. Grocery doing $200 daily for ealc cheap. . ,' Socolofsky 341 State. Trades A good five acrea just outside of Spokane for anything in the valley- or Salem. Lebanon fine reaidence for Salem similar quality. Forest Grove small fruit ranch for Salem, etc. Cran berry land in Washington for Salem. Sea Win. Fleming, 341 State St. nl6tf A TRADE I have s 6 room house, bsrn, .ehick , en bonae, yard, woodshed and store house, and 4 of a block of ground in Cottage Grove, value $2500;- for a 5 or 6 room house in North or West Salem. J. A. MILLS. 331 State St. . , nldtf ILL HEALTH FORCES SALE A 6 room cottage well built, prac tically aa good as new, big lot or with less. Close in, modern. See Wm. Flem ing 341 State St. FOR SALE GOOD FIVE ROOM HOUSE paved atreet $2500; $300 cash. Seven room bungalow, two lots, paved street, east front, bearing fruit treea, $3500 ; ' easy terms. New house, corner lot' $675 Exchange, choice ten sere trsct well improved for home in Salem, 65 sere farm $5500. Take city property or acreage to half value. Modern house 'for rent $25. ' F. L Wood. 341 Stste St nlOtf PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY wording "Rooms to Rent," price 10 eenta eseh. Statesman Bnaineaa Of f... fiea. Gronnd Floor. 3. PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7V'' wording "For Rent," pries 10 eenta each. Statesman Business Office, on Grwtd rimf I REAL ESTATE FARMS I FARMS FOR RENT FOR RENT 145 ACRES, 8 MILES South of SaU-m. Inquire 1141 Court. 18 FUL IT FARM - FOR RENT 25 ACRES in fruit and aome farm .land. Good buildings on rocked road, half mile from pavement. Will sell implements and team. C!. B. Query.' Phono 77F2. n21e SMALL RANCH TO, RENT TO A young or elderly couple for a term of years. Land suitable for poultry, ber ries, fruit and nuts. Will give right , partiea interest in property if they as sist in its development. A. O. BOHKNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple, Salem. Or. nl5tf TO TRADE . FOR TRADE ' 6 9 acre farm on good road, running waler; for house and lot or acreage in or near Salem. Somebody can make an pxnellent trade. Why not you ! For Sale 4 room bungalow with full basement'.. Ha breakfast nook and convenient built-ins. Fine location. Take it for J800 and only $500 down. 6 room bungalow just off Capitol street. Has full concrete basement, furnace, fireplace, - bardwood floors, . built in conveniences and cedar sid ings. A nice corner lot and garage. You can" not beat' tbia for $5250. Large 5 room bungalow with base ment, close in for $5000. Upstairs rati be made into three nice rooms. A very good buy. If it is a house, a lot, a farm, or a trade you want see me. RICH L. RE1MANN , - " Reahor Office phone 1013 Res. phone 726R 229 Oregon Bldg. nl6tf TO TRADE 80 ACRE DAIRY FARM all stocked and equipped, 12 good cows 50 tons of hay. Price with atock feed and equipment $7,000. Will taka house in Salem as part payment, balance good terms. Thomaaon, 331 V State St. nl4tf REAL ESTATE Suburbaa FOR SALE City and farm property. Snap, 5 acres, 2 miles east. Small house, barn, coop, well, small fruit. Choice land. $1500. See Latham A Tompkins for bargains. 331 State St. nl6tf One Acre Snap Just outside of the eity on road with a neat little house feet and s aleeping porch 8x22 a good corner.' ideal location store. I want to aell quick so the price down to bedrock. $1200; terms. This is well S20O0 or more. If yon want I aeo my arents CHILDS ft BECHTEL 540 State Street - Look it up today: paved 12x20 ft, on for a I put Price worth i anap nl6tf. TRANSFER HAULING T RAN SFER-HAULINO WE MOVE, 8TORE AND SHIP HOUSE ,bW goods. Our specialty is piano anl " furniture moving. Ws also make coun try trips. W handle tha boat eeal aas wood. Call oa as for prices. Wo givs good measure, good quality aad good sarries. Laraer Transfer Co. Phona 99C CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 State St, Phone 989. Distributing, for warding and storage oar specialty. Get m rsts. 8e 20c 15e 1 o. f USED CARS FOR SALE 1 You Betl We have just the car yon want at a price much cheaper than yol expect to pay. Oleson Auto Exchange. 173 S. Liberty. Phone 066. nlG 1918 Ford Touring $7& This car is in very good mechanical" condition lias good tires and top. tie painted. Phone 22 or 1599M. CHEVROLET V&ED CAR DEP'T. 349 N. Commercial St. 16tf, USED CAR BARGAIN S 1 Ford touring $90.00 Ford coupe - $425.00 Ford touring $50.00 Essex touring . $550.00 Dodge touring ..! $485.00 Msxwell touring $90.00 Chevrolet touring .. $100.00 Overland sedan $550.00 1922 Gardner .'.$800.00 Briscoe touring ; $50.00 EMF utility ear $50.00 A special price on s new Grsy touring car, 1924 model. We have othera for your selection. Come in and pick yours. F. W. PETTYJOHN CO.. 219 N. Commercial St. . altf GOOD USED CARS GINGRICH Mo tor Co, 219 State. ' al-tf USED FORD CARS FROM AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 1916 touring $75.00 1917 1918 1919 1920 1915 1917 1919 ' 1918 1923 1922 1923 1919 1919 1920 touring ; $125.00 touring- $100.00 touring , $225.00 touring $235.00 roadster gtio.oo roadster $125.00 roadster- $185.00 $265.00 ...$495.00 $425.00 coupe.. coupe., sedan.. aedan..... .$625.00 delivery truck $165.00 ..$335.00 truck.. $235.00 All cars rusrsnteed to be in good running order. Liberal terms. Open evenings snd Sunday VALLEY MOTOR CO. 260 No. High. Phono 1905 i " nStf WANTED Miscellaneous J WOOD CUTTERS WANTED TO TAKE contracta apply C. B. Query, Phone 77F2. - 21e EATON EATON, practical hatters, formerly 0. B. Ellsworth eatsbliahment First elaaa hat work of all kinds. 291 N. Commercial. ' ' CEMENT CONTRA CTOBS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT ,,48 N. Summer street. Pbone 74-J. - - WOOD FOR SALE FOR GOOD WOOD PHONE 1879W. 'dl5 WHITE IN FOR PRICES ON WOOD. H. A. Kuenxi, Silverton. St FOR WOOD CALL C. B. QUERY PHONT 7772. n21e JUDD WOOD SERVICE, OLD SECOND growth fir, oak sod mill-wood. Care ful attention to each order. Phone 108F3. Judd'a Wood'a Good. D12. BEST GRADE OF WOOD ' 4 ft. and 16 inch green mill wood Dry mill wood Dry second growth fir Dry old fir. - 16 inch BLOCK mill wood is the best ' fuel to save your dry wood. Prompt delivery and reasonable price. Fred E. Wells, 280 8. Church, Pbone 1542. B9tf " WOOD SAW PROMPT AND UAREFUL aervice with wood saw. Phone 108F8. - N19 FOR SALE 16-INCH OLD FIR ANB second growth 4-foot and oak. Phon, 10Fa M TV Mavfteld Bust of Davenport Is Shown in Los Angeles SILVERTON, OR, Nov. 15. (Special to The Statesman.) Silverton friends of the" 'Homer Davenport Memorial fund received word of the- added efforts of Mrs. Adelaide Davenport-Armstrong of Los Angeles fn the raising of the fund. Mrs, Aiynstrong. a sister of Davenport, and herself an artist of considerable ability, recently gave an exhibit at Hollywood, Cal. of a portrait bust she had made of her brother. To this, the first viewing of the bust, a group or artists authors, actors, painters, poets and sculptors were Invited. Mrs. Armstrong has made three of these busts which will be sold for the benefit of the Davenport Memorial fund. . Blanks We carry in stock over 115 legal. blanks suited to most any. business transactions. We may have just the forrri you are looking for at a big , saving as compared to made to order forms. . ' ' ' ' V; ' '' ::' '; ;' Some of the forms, Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will forms, Assign- , ment of Mortgage, Mortgage Forms, Quit Claim Deeds, Abstracts form, Bill of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes, Gen eral Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, Scale Receipts, Etc. These forms are carefully prepared for the Courts and Private use. Price on forms range from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, and on note books, from ' 25 to 50 cents. " 1 , PRINTED AND FOR SALE BY v The Statesman Publishing Co. PUBLIC NOTICES .... i .. notice op final. settle-' - mk.vt : . Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In the Coun ty Court of tbe State of Oregon for the County of Marion, his duly verified Final Account as ad ministrator .with the will annexed, of the estate' of Tamar Dancy, de ceased, and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 26th day of November, 1923, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of eaid day as the time, and , the County. Court room in the county court house, in Salem, fn Marion county,' Ore gon, as the place for hearing said Final Account and all objections thereto - Dated at "Salem, Oregon, this 26th day of October, 1923. WILLIAM II. DANCY, Administrator, with the will an nexed,' of the estate of Tamar Dancy, deceased. A. O. Condit & Ronald C. Glover, Attorneys for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. o27-n2-9-16-23 notice of fixak settle-.-. mext - ' Notice is hereby given that, the undersigned has filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon tor the County of Marion, his duly verified Final Account as ad ministrator of the estate of John Dancy; deceased., i and that said court has fixed Monday, the 26th day of November, 1923, at, the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day as the time, and the County Court, Room in,the County Court House' In Salem In Marlon Coun ty, Oregon, as the place for hear ing said Final Account and. all ob jections thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 26th day of October, 1923.! WILLIAM II. DANCY Administrator of the estate of John Dancy, deceased. A. O. Condit & Ronald C. Glover, Attorneys for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. o27-n2-9-16-23 S3uC J,f ',yv. .v,',.L , - : - ' ' 'I. "v i ' t " , 1 t ..' . ' 1 'Jh t" " , . ; , . ; :m ml y :m i :' m , , s si ' ; i : ft., , lr m ''W a--1akiiislsS-Wi-ii-ii-ii'i-iiifi-M-iii-iiXi iiiiiiirn i n i IiiXi n - nn n afSiTf n.'i m in i, i n n-. . - ..fn i . n - . ts V Archfbafd ' Archlpenko,' the "Russian acolptor, , who" has com 1 . to this country primarily to establish a school for sculptors in New i York .city. Is considered by many to be the world's greatest living iscnlptor.' Just before , leaving Europe to come to -America , wfth his ' wife he was engaged- in making .a bust' of. President -Kasaryk; of Cxecho-SlOTakia. Examples of Archlpenko's work are In ''nearly All j , the museums qf Europe, as well as in the pQaSAak)np4t several j That Are LEGAL BLANK HEADQUARTERS At Business Office, Ground Floor. COMB SAGE TEA NTO Gil I U Darkens TtcautifuUy ami Jest,ores Its Natural Color and LtiKtre tvi' Once. Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added,' will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beauti fully dark and luxuriant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way Is -to get the ready-to-use preparation Improved by the addition of other "ingredi ents .a large bottle, at little cost, at drug stores, known as 'Wyeth'8 Sage i and Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While gray, faded . hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and' (attrac tiveness. Hy darkening your hair with Wjreth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one cao tell, be cause ft does it so naturally, so evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair," taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have dis appeared. After another ,appllca- tion or two your hair hecomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years younger.- Adv. HavelYbii Lost ! a j.'i ;r'?l t it.Sc i -ortl - t.'i;r'?l t :?: I .itl - Anything o.1' -.II 4u- ;iir.?ll ti ' - u" f3'!gaafa' -' r: v. 7 Look for It On the Classified Page 4 Legal i