The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 16, 1923, Page 7, Image 7

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; Oregon State News
I Lj. ' .
Booth-KeUy SHU to Open
I The Booth-Kelly mill has been
. fiut down temporarily from last
Saturday; tmtil today, doe to the
necessary work on the dam. The
i planing mill resumed operations
today. .. , A temporary retaining;
wall was -erected and banked with
dirt so that ' the mill pond could
I be refilled for use today. Work
on this dam is only soinp on Sun
idays and other days when the mill
lis not toLoperation. This fact has
I caused the work to be slow. In
J the mill pond are about 1,2000,
00 feet of loss waiting to be cat.
I The mill turns out about 165,000
I feet of lumber a day.
t , A new set of machinery has been
lnstaUed in the mill. It is a new
I trim sa.w on the unstacker" trans
jter. It will take care of all nn-
trimmed lumber before it goes to
i the dry sheds. . Men are working
pn new rump boxes which will be
put on Ford truck beds. These
boxes are something which has
nerer been tried before. They fit
- on the bed, and hare a slip bot
tom. -After the truck has been
I loaded and hauled to where it
I wishes to dump its load a lever
i slips the side of the box out and
the load falls through a . release
door. These boxes will be used to
haul dirt, from the hillside to fill
the dam. j '
The mill win work steadily
through the j winter months and
the export work is very nearly
completed and will be shipped
soon, r t .
Snow on Green Springs
GRANTS PASS. ; Nov. 15.
There was lots of snow on Green
Springs mountain last night states
M. H. Hutchinson, of the Grants
Pass Auto company who returned
from that point last evening with
Jim Manuel and Wayne Wimer.
The party had been in Klamath
Falls on business and in coming
over the mountain ran into a
heavy snow storm. The roads are
said to be good with the excep
tion of some 203fmlles.
Xo Jfcw Developments
There ahe no new developmnts
in the Siskiyous tunnel murders
and robbery of October 11th. A
nation wide hunt for the d'Autre
mont brothers wanted as suspects
Is being conducted by federal and
railroad detectives, i Every pos
sible clue in connection with the
affair , has been run down, and
OF -.f-:
World Wide In teres W-You Will Want to
Sunday Nov4 18, How Many - Years Since God Created Adam?
Evolution .Theory or the Bible,' Which? .-
Sunday, Nov. 25, European-'Finance -American Farm Trouble
-Whyf - . v . ;
Sunday, Dec. 2. The Greatest Coming Event' of the 20th Cen
tury Now Being Advertised. What Is It?
Sunday, Dec. 9. Churches Competing With the Theaters, Dance,
( and Etc. What Will be the Result?; .
At The Seventh , Day Adventist Church
Corner of 5th and Gaines.
Song Service Preceding Each Lecture
V- r, .7:30 P. M. j
' Come and Bring Your Friends.
Admission Free
now that the circulars giving the
descriptions of the brothers have
been distributed over the Pacific
coast, suspects are being picked
up in many i states. A watch la
still being maintained on the Sis
kiyou forests, but this Is such a
wild and impenetrable region, ex
perienced woodsmen could elude
capture .for weeks. It Is expected
that the hearing of the evidence
in the train robbery will be among
the last matters taken' up by the
present session of the grand jury.'
Medford Mall-Tribune.
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
Copyright 1921, by Newspaper
Feature Service. Inc.
: - : i
' ' , Tumi i II j ii ui I "'ill' 'M ' I I Jl!""in I "
1 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Trade Where1 Your Dollar Goes the Farthest
Regulation Army, wool shirts JLIHIL i .iiL.j:-.Ji.$3.56
Spruce Division wool shirts ....:..:.-.f...,...-...-..$2.19
Regulation Nary pea coat ........... $8.65
Submarine rain coats i . $7.00
Regulation Navy wind and waterproof suits, pants and
-, blouse with hood. '
O. D. lace breeches, all wool .. $4.50
O. D. Wool Army Blankets .... .... ..... $3.20
Calfskin leather coat lined, with moleskin doth,
body and sleeves i $12.50
We buy for cash and sell for cash and have one price to
' erery one. ; I :
United Army Stores
The Above Prices for this Week Only.
Marion Hotel Building. 230 So Commercial St.
I think there Is no feeling
sweeter to a wife than the knowl
edge that her husband is her
champion even In little things,
that in juvenile parlance he Is
on her side" in any controversy.
If more husbands understood this
feminine quirk instead of assum
ing, as so "many . of them appear
to do, that the wife's side of a
contest must be the wrong side,
the divorce mill, I like to fancy,
would have many Idle hours.
There was a warm little rush
to my heart at Ricky's recital of
the way he had circumvented Bess
Dean's pretty attempt to pur
chase a pair of sneakers for me
two sizes too large. Impetuously
I put my arms around his neck,
pulled down his head to mine and
kissed him. "
"I know It's silly to care what
size I wear." I said, "but it was
awrul-y dear of you to"
"Dear nothing! Dicky re-
joined, kissing me warmly. "If
you thing that daughter of wick,
ed wiles is going' to stage " any
thing like that and get away with
it while I'm around you have an
other think' coming, that's all.
And while we're about It let me
Issue another old tomato can.
This fool fishing , excursion to
night is the last stunt POS-I-
TIVE-LY, with a long I' that I
share with your foxy friend. I'll
go through 'with the thing tonight
fill the last canioeis electrocuted.
but 1 nothing more, diding in -this
direction. If she doesn't vamoose,
I'm going to get a sudden wire
and beat it t ill she's gone."
I Can Tell -
"Oh, don't do that. Dicky!" I
Implored. "She only has a few
days more." j
"Can't help It," he declared In
exorably. "Me I have spoke!"
He struck himself theatrically on
the breast. "D'ye remember old
Betty's . slogan?- Enough am
enough, but dis am sumpin else
again!' "
"I remember," I said, laughing
in spite of myself at his imitation
of Lillian's old servitor. "But I
Wish " -i : :
"Don't do it," he interrupted!
Save your breath. What the
Yqu, Doubly.STVye W?1 Our Week-End Specials
Grocery Buys
4 large crepe toilet - .... . 19c
Why Coffee in tins T When you get it
freshly ground in a chaff extractor mill '
for less. '" '!
Best Peaberry 35c or 3 lbs. $1.00
A very fair blend at 23c lb.:
An extra choice btend .29c or 3 lbs. 83c
Fresh New Lemons, per doz. 19c
Large sack of fresh rolled oats ..48c ;
Nutola the new popular butter sub
stitute .. r25ci
Buy your bacon sliced, we will slice i
as you direct-this week with- 1 j
out additional charge for slicing. i
New crop seedless Baisins 21bs. 19c
SchillinsTs Best Baking; Powder, a J
large 2lA lb. can ...Jl.OS
3 lbs. bulk Cocoa -19c
Good pick ups here and there. j
New stock of , ladies' waists just re-
ceived, specially priced -?29
New lot of boys heavy, hosiery.-,
double heel and toe, specially
rr-inoA p.Kc - fnr this ; week 3 i
Men's heavy f ull cut bib overalls 1.55
Child's heavy long sleeve coveralls 98c
3 Pairs heavy socks special 50c
Men's guaranteed tan color rain-
coats . ?4.o
'.Eiccp'ficrJ Vatils n Sees :
Not old out of date stocks but new j
good leathers sold th C. & U j
way of small profit1 and quick v ;
You G&n't Do Better Than at the
Child's lace stitch down skuf f er last
in dark mahogany, sizes 5V to
8 . . . ....... .... w.....,.$1.85
Ladies' new mahogany Oxfords, j
medium, broad, sensible toe
welt stitched ...:... .. ...$2.98
Ladies' or growing girls sensible ;
broad toe shoe, mahogany
color, a wonderful value at $3.90
Ladies black gun metal, a shoe for
hard service, yet neatly made '
; and shaped .............. . ...$3.50
In all our shoes, men's, boys', girls, I
infants' or ladie', you will v
agree they are very reasonably :
priced. . 'I
New Felt Slippers
Received this week, get yours now
Detore sizes are gone t later.
Ladies' Hamilton Brown Quality
felts, new rose colqrribbon
trimmed- . $1.25 j
Ladies' brown fur trimmed leather H
soled . .. ...$1.75 i
Ladies' grey leather soled Juliett ! !
style : -.T .... .. $1.75 j
Ladies' satin quilted, American
Beauty and lavender ...$2.00 .
Men's grey quality felts - ...$1-50 1
Child's felts at little prices. 5 !
Children's: red felts, comic, trin r
med in sizes 9s to 2s ....69c ;
Child's blue felts, sizes 5ij. to 8 .69c J
Child's red bootees, sizes 5 to 8 89c
Same as above in sizes 8Vfe to 11 95c 1
devil . do 7 you suppose ails that
girl, anyway?" He pulled me
down beside him on a settee,
rolled himself a cigarette and Jit
it. I saw that he was 'is a re
flective mood, bo I did not inter
rupt his train of thought with an
answer, for I knew he neither
needed nor expected one.
"I used to think Bess Dean a
mighty attractive girl,', he said,
"and she is, in many respects.
Mighty -easy to look at, bright,
keen, unusually good talker,
game for anything but, say,
what's the matter with her? She
gets on my nerves. Now I can
tell, any man can, that she isn't
really attracted in the least by
yours truly, yet she manages al
ways to rope me alongside when
there's any stunt Agoing on.
What's the answer?"
This time he stopped short and
looked at me expectantly.
Lillian Is Troubled.
You have summed up her qual
ities wonderfully," I said slowly,
"except in one thing. Bess Dean
isn't game for everything, that is.
she plays the game everywhere
but with other women. There she
lets her ruling passion vanity
ge; the better of her. She can
not bear to see any admiration
addressed to another woman, even
when the person proffering it is
the other woman's husband. There
are lots of women like her. There
isn't any real harm in her, but
I can't explain it- she gets on my
nerres, too." .
"In other words, she s a goat
setter." Dicky stretched his arm,
yawned, and I knew the discus
sion was at an end. "But she
isn't going to attach my nanny
or yours after this evening. What
tonight will bring forth, the Lord
only knows."
He strolled away, and I sat
quietly for a few . minutec, idly
wondering what Bess Dean would
say if some "power the gift wad
gle" her to hear Dicky's stricture
Lillian's soft ' call at the , door
roused me, and I welcomed her
gladly. ;
"You'll think I've taken leave
of the little sense that's left me,'
she said whimsically, "when I tell
you my errand."
"I'll promise. not to judge you
too harshly," I laughed, drawing
a chair up near my low table.
"Suppose we get real devilish and
have a cup ot tea while you 'ua
burden your soul."
"You're a wlz. Madge I knew
I wanted something, but I hadn't
brains 'enough to find out what it
was. Now I know it's a cup of
your tea."
I lit my tiny canned-heat con
trivance, -put my doll-sized kettle
over the blaze, brought out my
tea service, and some slices of
cake with which thoughtful' Mrs.
CoBgrgve kept me .supplied,. And
when -the water had boiled down
i -ij-i - .li
as we naa aoae bo many times Be
fore, to that1 most potent of femi
nine nerve soothers, a cup of tea.
"Now you may speak," I laugh
ed, as we finished our third cup,
and the last crumb of cake,
'What's on your alleged mind?'
as Dicky says."
(To be continued.)
Friends Deny He Will Resign
Declare Loyalty to
Party, Will Prevent
New Governors Elected
By Realty Association
Adoption of the multiple list
ing bureau constitution and by
laws; election of. a board of gov
ernors and a change in name oc
cupied the , Marion-Polk County
Realty association at its regular
luncheon Thursday. The' board of
governors, consisting of five mem
bers, is, John Scott. W. G. Kreu-
ger, George H. Grabenhorst, A. C.
Bjornstedt and Karl Becke
In accordance with the nation
al board, the association changed
the word "Realtors" to "Realty,"
it being pointed out that the first
word applied more to individu
als engaged In he real estate busi
ness than the latter.
The association endorsed the
proposal of a clear field next year
when the YMCA conduct its drive
for funds to erect a new building
on its lot on Court street.
Marvar embroidery extremely
bright and odd in design is among
the novel trimmings popular to
day for the still fashionable over
blouse. The white voile blouse
Is smarter at the moment than the
blouse of crepe de chine-
There are certain of the season's
colors which look . especially well
under electric light, particularly
if the material be velvet. These,
shades Include sapphire, cherry
and orange so pale as to be almost
yellow and flame. v
94 AIR
Beats Electric or Gas
A new oil lamp that gives an
amazine ' brilliant, soft, white
lirhtJ even better than gas or elec
tricity, has been tested by the U.
S. Government and 35 leading uni
versities and found to be superior
to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns
without odor, smoke or noise no
punypine up, is simple, clean and
safe. Burns 94 air ana yc
common kerosene (coal oil).
. The Inventor, v. M. Johnson,
161 Union Ave. N., Portland, Ore.,
ia of ferine to send a lamp on 10
(days' FREEJ trial, or even to give
one fkeis to the first user m eacn
tocatltv who will helo him intro
duce it. Write him today for fall
particulars. 'Also ask him to ex
ptata bow you can get the agency,
and without experience or money
make'250 to 1 500 per month.'
A rumor has reached Salem
that State Treasurer O. P. Hoff,
who hag been ill for many mouths,
will resign in the 'next 10 days
and that Governor Pierce will ap
point Jefferson Myers of Portland
to succeed him.
Mr. Hoff is at present in Port
land under care of physicians, and
has not been able to attend to of
ficial duties for many months.
While his illness is severe, it, is
said that, his condition is not nec
essarily dangerous for the. reason
that he has no organic ailment.
His nervous condition, however, is
said to be bad and at times he
suffers much pain from neuritis.
'-It was first reported that n
event of the resignation of Mr.
Hoff the governor would appoint
Robert E. Smith of Portland as
his successor, but Myers now ap
pears; to be the governor's choice.
Gmith played exceedingly close to
the governor early in his admin
istration and was around the ex
ecutive offices much of the tim,
but of late months has not been
here. - Myers is a member of the
advisbry committee to the state
irrigation and drainage securities
commission and his policies rela
tive to reclamation are in the
main! harmonious with those of
ibe governor. -
Friends of Mr Hoff here scout
the rnmor that he will resign and
said they felt sure that he would
not resign because of his loyalty
to the Republican party.
"If he were to resign," said one
of them, "the governor would ap
point; Jefferson ' Myers as state
treasurer, and that would give the
state ' a Democratic administra
tion." This was the opinion expressed
by.Bonie who have visited Mr Hoff
recently in Portland.
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H!l Ull IIIMili
On All Our Pelts and Manufactured Pieces
We would suggest that you make your ,
Christmas Selections Now
521 Court Street
Practical in the Art of Remodeling . '
i mnia BU.MI immi mrmi'iiiuii Ki.imiiiMiminiiiTOmkumnmOT
t 3
2 E
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5 i:
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Among the newer short fur
coats are some which reject, the
ness for a box coatee.. The sleeves
of these short coats are Inclined
jacquetto hip line in all its snug-i to be wide.
About air fame Is good for Is
to serve as an ' alibi in case ypa
wish to write a book.
A Lot of People Are Going to Buy Shoes At
i it, ii
For Friday ' and Saturday f
One Lot Ladies' Shoes
Black, Brown and Gray. All have high
heels. All sizes in the lot. Reg. $8.00,
$9.00 and $10.00 .
For Friday and Saturday
One Lot Men's Sheas
Black and Brown, practically all sizes.
Not the latest lasts. Shoes that sold fcr
$8.00 to $10.00
For Friday and Saturday
"Men's House Slippers
' (f -
Felt and Kid Slippers, soft
or leather soles
$3.00 Grade $4.00 drade
$1.95 $2.95
For Friday and Saturday
Ladies' Dress Shoes
High Cut Shoes in Brown and Black, 1
Lace or Button, High or Low Heels. Our
Regular $10.00 Seller
For Friday and Saturday .
leather soles
J v ......
S3JS0 Grade $4.00 Grade
$1.35 $2.35
For Friday and Saturday
Oxfords; Pumps and
Patent, Black, Brown, J. Ooze and Tan
Calf, high or low heels. All styles. Reg.
$9.00 and $10.00 Values
-: For Friday and Saturday
Men's Shoes and Oxfords
New Styles, latest lasts in Brown and
Black. Good line of sizes in lot. Regular
Tell Your Foot Troubles to
Dr. Williams
He will give you good ad
vice and instant relief. Of
fice Hours 9 to 5:30.
Phone 616 for Appointment
For Friday and Saturday
Men's Dress Shoes
Men's Brown and Black Calf, blucher or
bal, lace, new toes. Our regular $9.00
and $10.00 values
Our Repair Work is done by
Expert Workmen
Old shoes made as good as
new. Reasonable Trices.
Rubber Heels j I
Wednesday for 25c '