THE OREGON STATESMAN, oALEM OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, J 923 j CITY NEWS IN BRIEF -jP V hc r.raiul Master of the : Vl Grau.l Lodse A.F. & A.M. f of Oregon, a Joint' meet- Ins of Salem lodge No. 'f. and Pa ci lodge No. t50 vMHbe held in the lodge room on Saturday, Nov. 17lh, at 8 o'clock, in observance of Father and Son week! All Ma sons are invited to , attend and bring their sons or some one's son. The members of the De Molay or de are invited to attend. An ex cellent program has been arrang ed. By order of the Worshipful Master of Salem Lodge No. 4 and Pacific lodge No. 50. A.P. & A M n!6. Brash College to Front ' Brush college community made aa' enviable showing in the Pacific-International Livestock : ex position in Portland last week, three ranches la that community having received" recognition in in ternational - competition. These were the Triangle ranch, owned by McCall & Co.. with Duroc Jer sey awine;! Mrs. Lee Gibson with White Rock poultry, and Theo dore Madsen with Holstein cattle. None received a first award, but the fact that they placed is con sidered a signal honor for the community. , Report Filed The appraisers have fixed the valuation of the Michael O'Neil estate at $23,332.11. The ap praisers were H. S. Radcliffe. Wil liam Fleming and D. D. Socolof 1 sky. i A separate report was filed for property owned in Clatsop county which was valued at $200. A Young Lad- i i Has under consideration a mod ern Montessori kindergarten sys tem for Salem provided, a suffi cient number of children can be enrolled. 'Mothers interested may receive an interview by addressing D-4 7, care Statesman, prior to Saturday. nl$ Trn-Acre Prune Tmct In McGilchrist district for sale or trade. E. E. Fisher, M.D., 514 U. S. Nafl. Bank. n20e Kstate Valued- r - Appraisers .valued the estate of Anna Loe at $13,090-9?. Tho3e making the report were Ole A. Loe,- Ida L. Winslow and T, P. Risteigen. - All Pythian Sisters . 'I Are , requested to meet at the hall at 1 o'clock today to attend the funeral of our late M. E. C, Dora M. Campbell. Myrtle Bech tel. P. S. nlC Bond Fih-d William E. Hanson has filed bond, as guardian- tor-- Frank K. Moore. , ;' ' K. P. and Ij thJan Kilters , The funeral of Mrs. Roy Camp bell. M EC. Pythian Sisters, will be I held thla afternoon at 1:30 from : Rigdon'a mortuary. Dean A. Schu i maker. V. C. ' nl6 Appraiser Named ADnraisem for the estate of J Cassius Ide were appointed yester - day by Judge Downing. They are i F. A. Erixon, S. A.' Hnghes and - Samuel Wood. Appraisers for the estate of George W. McRoberts T were also named as follows: James v T. Bell. Mattie Leland Erickson . and Nels Erickson. Fennel Home Burglarized ' While he was away from home yesterday morning burglars en tered his house and stole about $25 in cash. W. Fennel. 803 North - Salern Smoke Shop . Next Door Bligh Hotel ( "Oriole" Chocolates In Boxes or Bulk. Magazines Kodak Finishing Work A Place Where LadJei Can Trade. FRUIT TREES We carry a full line of nursery stock. Italian prunes a specialty. Mathis Nursery Co. ; Silverton Highway SALEM : OREGON Phone 10F4 Equitable Savings & Loan Association r Portland. Oregon. Harry G. Keener, Representative, SOI Masonic BJdg. Phono 1846 41 S Orfa BaiM'a TalvpaoM 45? - The Scavey, Bell insurance hoU-- Agency-: f General Insurance Hnjf -Birr Fraok Wr i HYDRO-ELECTRIC niERAPEUTIC INSTITUTE (Formerly Dr. Schenks) 24 SL Cottage St. fllONE - - - 1182 Liberty, complained to the police. Entrance was gained by breaking a lock on one of the doors. Of ficer Edwards is investigating. Many People ' Have taken advantar of the special prices on rugs at C. S. Hamilton's. n!6 Final Hearing Set Ronald C Glover, administra tor has filed his final account in the estate of Henry Pasco and fi nal hearing has been set for De cember 18. Local Woman In Hospital Mrs. II. A. Smart, wif nf Off!- cer Smart of the Salem police de partment, was operated upon yes terday morning at the Salem hos pital. Bull Pups for Sale Extra choice Bired by registered dog. Priced for quick sale at Flakes Petland, 273 State street. n!6 Finds Hag- E. S. Robertson found a brown bag on the Pacific highway last night. It contained the name of H. C. Seymour, state leader of boys and girls clubs whose head quarters are in Corvallis. . Goes Fishing - Dr. and Mrs. R.Lee Woods and family spent last week-end at the coast where the doctor was suc cessful in catching four large sal mon by the trolling method. Apple, 33c and Up Choice ; Spitzenburg. 85c. 4 for $3.20; Baldwins, 80c. 4 for $3; no worms. Bring your boxes. A. B. Page. 1605 Court, corner 17th. Phone 537R. nl Woodmen Plan Entertainment Plans .ve been completed for an opeu musical program to be given tonight by the Salem camp. Woodmen of the World, and mem bers of. the Circle ot Women of Woodcraft. AH members of these two fraternal j organizations and their immediate friends are invit ed to attend tonight- The pro gram will be given in the WOW hall, formerly the Elks' temple. Travelers Insurance Money To loan on farm property. 6 per cent interest, no additional ex pense. Anderson & Rupert. Ore gon Bldg. ! nlCtf Institute to be Saturday Woodburn will have a local teachers institute Saturday with a special speaker for the day. Fine Worst ed Wilton , At. the price of wool Wiltons, at C. S. Hamilton's. nl6 Organizes Club W. H. Uaillie. rural school su pervisor and industrial club lead er, went to Hayesville yesterday to organize a sewing club., He al so visited the Oak Ridge school yesterday. ' - ": lie Prepared Why not get ready for some position before it is offered you and you have to lose it because yoa are not prepared. A begin ning class . In; shorthand will be started at the Capital Business college Monday. Nov. J 9th. Call and see about enrolling. nl6 Resolutions Adopted - The resolutions passed on the death of Judge 1. Bushey by the Marion Couirty Bar association, were adopted j yesterday by the Marion county circuit court at the first Joint' session of the two de partments held since Judge Bushey's death. Judge Kelly was sitting in department No. 1 and Judge Bingham for department No. 2. : Apple Iellvered 3 boxes for $2. Ward K. Rich ardson, phone 49 4, 2395 Front, n!6. ' ' J ' "REMEMBER" Week Nov. 24th to Iec. 1. Great reductions on all station ery for that week. Wait and look at our ad. next week before you buy.- ' LITTLE LADY STORE ' 12th and Center. ; , 'osteopathy The Original and Genuine Spin al Adjustment Treatment. Skill full, Painless Adjustment that get results, it DR. L. C. MARSHALL Osteopathic Physician, and Sargeoa 228 Oregon Bldg. Salem i y SOS 0. . WUonl luk BmJldlar I Tamt SAt Km. Fboii 49J I DR. B.H.WHITE I I Ortcopathi Fhrslctsa ana aaraaaa I Elactronk: XMatnocU anS Traatatan j Dr. Abraata afathed.) I SaJem Orecoa LADD & BUSH BANKERS, Rutablishcd 1868 t General Backing Basinesi Office Hoot from 10 a. tn to 2 p lH'fault HenringM TMlay Five divorce cases will be heard today in Judge Bingham's court beginning at 10 o'clock. Those" scheduled to be heard are Jones vs. Jones. Varty vs. Varty; Matte son vs. Matteson; Rowland vs. Rowland and White vs. White. Lost Boston bull, brin die and white. Answers to name of Duke. 541 Center street. I'hone 50-M. Re ward. N-16. Licenses Issued Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to Wilford LaFountain and Vera Otto and Lucius L. Short and Cornelia Savage, all of Salem. Goes to Ietroit Mrs. Mary Fulkerson. county superintendent of schools, went to Detroit yesterday to visit the school. She will return this evening. Administrator Namel Nellie -Kunkel has been named administrator for the estate of Jo hanna Knapp. Inventories Made The estate of John W. Rankin has been valued at $3,211.85 by the appraisers appointed. Thoy were N. P. Rasmussen, C. H. Pe terson and Gerald Volk The Thomas Shanahan estate was val ued at $941.09. The appraisers were Guy H. Smith, William Brown and W. M. Darking. Hamilton's Gigantic Hug Sale Is still in progress. You had better buy now and save money. n!6. Albany . SpOrder Arrested Because he was traveling to ward home at the rate of 36 miles an hour along South Commercial between Meyers and Rural, Hu bert N. Conn, Albany, was brought back to the police station where he deposited $15 bail to obtain his release. He was cited to ap pear this afternoon. Judge Perform Ceremony Judge P. J. Kuntz yesterday offi ciated at the wedding of Wilford La Fountaine and Vera Otto in the justice court. Christie E. Ot to and Almira Ishain were the witnesses. On Way to California Several automobiles carrying rooters for the California-Washington game to be played in Berk eley Saturday passed through Sa lem Thursday. Huge banners, ir purple and gold, declaring the oc cupants of the automobiles 5 were rooters for the Huskies." and were enroute"to "Bear" territory were displayed. Tiavelers Insurance Money To loan on farm property, C per cent interest, no additional ex pense. Anderson Rupert, Ore gon Bldg. n!6tf Homecoming Signs Appear . Window cards announcing the Oregon-OAC football game as the main feature of the annual Home coming on the University of Ore gon campus November 24 are be ing displayed in local stores. This same probably has more interest than any other played by Oregon teams this season. Neither OAC or the university has anything to lose or gain in conference circles, but as each is a deadly rival of the other, it is generally the clas sic of the season. If You Have a Car For Sale f Why not hit the Want Ad trail Ulg Day at . umsvllle-- Today will be gala day in Aums ville. At noon' today a, dinner will be, served and the afternoon will be given over to a fair where many articles will be on display and placed on sale. At 5:30 sup per will be served cafeteria style and in the evening a program will be given. The boys training school band will be present and furnish the major share of the music. Wager, the Salem magi cian, will entertain the crowd in side shows; After the days' en tertainment is over if there i mything left it will be auctioned off. This is a school benefit. Dancing at the Gray Delle ft to 12 this evening. Cover charge, 50 cents. 16 Youthful Tourist Quest loned : Because he could hardly see th driver, two occupants of a f livVer coupe were taken to the police station yesterday by Officer Ed ards. The boys said-they cam from Pe Ell, Wash., and though they had -no drivers permit, prov ed to the satisfaction of Chief oi Police Birtchet that they had at Webb & Clough Leading Funeral Directors Expert Embalmera Rigdon & Son's MORTUARY Uneqnaled Serrie tempted to obaid one. The boys were reurning from a trip to south ern Oregon. While neither was much higher than the counter at the station, the larger of the two claimed to be 16 and the other, the owner of the car, 20 years old. This boy was partially blind and was making his own way in the world by playing an accordion to make payments on the car. He claimed to belong to a family of 10 children, and had the other boy along to act as chauffeur. The pair planned to stop overnight with an uncle in Oregon City. it up from its conception He an nounced that he was a candidate for the director or head of the state income tax collection bureau. For Kent Unfurnished down town apart ments. Phone 15C3R. nlG Deported to Mexic Matias Lopez and Sylvesters Arnelas, patients at the state hos pital for the' insane, were yester day turned over to federal authori ties for deportation to Mexico, their native country. The two men" said to have entered this country from Mexico unlawfully. Extra Special 9x12 rag rugs, $9.85, at Hamil ton's. nl6 Forestry Hoard Called To grant owners of timber lands a hearing on matters pertaining to protection of timber lands from tire, F. A. Flliott. state forester. has called a meeting of the state board of forestry in Salem on No vember 24. The meeting is held each year on a corresponding date Another J-scy Sale . J. W. Vandervelden will have a Jersey sale at his farm near Roy on Monday, Nov. 19. . This is a complete dispersal sale of his en tire herd E. A. Rhoten is sales manager. Tinveler Insurance Monej To loan on farm property, 6 per cent interest, no additional ex pense. Anderson & Rupert, Ore gon Bldg. nlCtf MioiLige Allovlateti'-r; 9 The car shortage distress on the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon is being alleviated, according to lh-3 Southern Pacific's feport yes terday to the state public service commission. The company re ported a surplus of 33 open cars, while the shortage of closed cars had been reduced to 391. Collie Puns $10 Kacli At Flake'a Petland, 273 State nl6 Tax Candidate Yisitor Clarence Ruff, Portland, an old frfend of Warden A- M. Dalrym ple, was a visitor at the state pris on yesterday. Mr. Ruff has had considerable experience with work connected with income taxes, havH ing been with the federal (;ommi8i sion for nine years, helping build 6 fpp. WEfflS tips UNTIL IrC XMAS Hartman Jewelry Store Alter Tlteuler Darning At the Gray Belle, until 12 this evening. nlC Salem Residents Have Accident When their automobile skidded on the highway 11 miles south of Ashland and hit a pile cf rocks, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Legge and daughter Margaret were forced to return to Ashland and wait for their car- to be repaired, according to word received here The Legges were on their way to southern California, and left Salem late last week. xl2 llriissels Itusjs , Priced as low as $18. SO, at Ham ilton's. nl6 Xo Clews to Kob!eV,v Though ,the recent robbery .of more than $1400 from the home of Carl Moser, Silverton, is being investigated, there are no clews. The case is being investigated by John Carson, district attorney; Lyle J. Page, deputy district at torney and Sam Burkhart, deputy sheriff. The robbery occurred be tween Saturday night and Tues day morning. Onr Entire 'Line Of russ is on sale for a few days at C. SI Hamilton's. " nl6 Building Totals &14.4O0 Though the month is but half gone, building permits totaling $34,400 have been issued by City Recorde'r Marten Poulsen so far this month. The building, stimu lated by the fine weather, is said to be exceptionally general for this time of year. A permit was issued yesterday to J. H. Robert son for the construction of a one atory dwelling at 1310 South Twelfth, 'to cost $2000. Motion in Phez Case Is Set for Hearing More than 60 farmers are in terested in the motion for exe cution in the case of The Phez company against the Salem Fruit union which is set for hearing Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. This morning all default divorce cases for hearing will be on the calendar. ' The case of the Foreign Mls-i sionary society against the Oregon Realty Exchange wilt be heard Monday. November 19; the appeal from the decision ; of the County court . in Uhe Watt guardianship case, Tuesday, .Nov. 20; the di vorce suit of Day against Day, November 2t; Ford against Stev ens, Friday, Nov. 23; Sales against Silvers, Monday, November 26; Shaveland "against .Shaveland, Tuesday, Nov. 27; Bush- against Bonham, Dec. 4. Friday. Nov. 22, a joint me morial will be .held in the Linn onnty circuit court for Judge Bil- Steinbock's Demand Trial This afternoon at 2 o'clock Hen ry and Mike Steinbock will be tried in the police court upon charges of violations of a city or dinance. The men are accused of obstructing an alley and of piling junk on the parking sp'ace near their place of business. Shop on High St. Candy Special For Friday, Saturday and , Sunday ! 59c For a 1 Lb. Box of FIFTY-FIFTY 50 Assorted French Mixed Crystalized Bon Bons- 50' Assorted Chocolates 8 Flavors tar nokth miom STftcrr MASONIC TIMPtl SALEM. OREGON -3 ?Hiir;nr SPECIALS THIS WEEK Dressing and Shaving Mirror An excellent square; beveled glass mirror Specially priced $1.33 Cream Ivory Large Dressing combs 79c Palm Olive Shaving Cream Talcum Powder Soap Regular Value 70c All Three Special 49c Prescriptions Filled Accurately and Promptly. . CENTRAL PHARMACY Woolpert & Quisen berry Phone 276 , ', Bank of Commerce Bid?. 1 7N 4 f jeu and, Judge . Whitney, both former v-i-ounty ; judge of Linn county. ;f Judge Bilyeir died lafct year soon after resigning from of fice, :-:' " -; "- ':." 4 "Outsize' Tops that SLENDERIZE Stout Ankles a HI fitting fopt exaggerate width. la Stylish Stoat Outsize you can secure your proper foot size rj with tops ranging from an Inch to two and one half Inche OYer : size. fOTYUSH STOlVl The narrower width are "out lize" through the tope only. Available In Black end Brown Glazed kid. Widths CtoEEE Sizes 4 to It John J. Rottle 107 X. Commercial St. Extra Special In Our Downstairs Store 500 ORIENTAL BASKETS 49c, 89c, $1.49, $1.98, $2.25 Remember This is a Special Selling, Not an Every Day Event Make Splendid Christmas Gifts They are artistically woven of split bamboo, hand-colored in various metallic tints, as gold, sil ver, mulberry, copper, mauve, blue, trreen, jade and rose, some have flower designs, others hand painted Each has a cover, may be used for candy, kerchiefs, sewing, trinkets or as lunch baskets. They Go On Sale Today Salem JStore, 466 State St. Portland Silk Shop 3S3 Alder St. SIL FASHIONS: 1 v LOVELIEST DRESSES ARE EXPRESSED IN - - - '.: The Coming Holidays, Thanksgiving fand Christ mas Demand New Dresses for there is to be much entertaining, dinners, dances and parties A Shipment Just Received Very Elaborate Models If you want a new dress you will find it here. Canton crepe, canton crepe satin and charmuese also velvet, are fashionable. There is nothing that transcends in elegance" and correctness as these materials for dresses for party, wear. ' wi "She walks in beauty'' will be said of the matron who goes ( gowned in this-grey canton crepe model in slipon fashion with self sash both sides tieing. Rich cut steel beads are the chief adornment, they are profusely in the Paris manner. . ' : . ' .. - . Another beautiful Dinner Frock is this one of heavy charmuese in a rich seal-brown in sleeveless slipon fashion, heavily embroidered with brown and golden brown, crystal beads in motifs of flower and tracery effect, the colors match beautifully. This frock must be seen to be able to appreciate its beauty. A band of genuine fox fur at the bottom, a flange of charmuese gives the effect of a bow and drapery at the side. Many other lovely models too numerous to mention. We invite you to come and see them Priced 316.95 up to $125.00 YOUR MAIL OUDEUS Receive prompt and care ful attention. We prepay the Kstage or express within a range of a hun- died miles. Salem Store, 406 Slate St. Tor Hand Silk Shop. , .383 Alder St. n it 1 1