-THE O?kEGONTATJ2SMA!ri:SAtl2Xf.;0r.CGO .... ... ...... a r i i i ' m m la . (TIM sir i'-J i rvj iv a a , r i ' ,,- i ? i v . ' ....-: , . . . . I 4 1 PUBLIC NOTICES r NOTICE -OP f ASSESSinSXT FOR ; CX)8T OP 13IPROVnfG SOUTH I : SIXTEENTH STttEET FROM - ' PERRY' STREET TO TRAl)E 1 STRKKT. . : Notice la hereby given that that the Common council of the City of Salem," Oregon, will, at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m.. oh the 19th day envoember, 1922, or at the same hour at any subsequent meeting of the Common Council thereafter in the council chambers : of the city "hall in Salem, Oregon, pro ceed to assess upon each lot or part thereof its proportionate share of the cost of Improving South Six teenth " street from n the south line of Ferry street to the north line of Mill street.; . . , All persons' Interested In the said ' assessments are hereby noti fied to appear at said time and place- before "the ". said common council and present - their objec tions, if any their liave.ld said as sessment and :;Apply Aq -the said common council to equalize- (heir proportionate share ot said assess ment. -- ':' ?.- ---i .; r - By -order of the Common Coun cil th Sth day of November, 1923. POUTSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof Is Nov. 8th, 1923. nlO NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT FOR COST OF IMPROVING SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. FROM STATE - STREET TO TRADE STREET.' ' . Notice in hereby given that the Common Council --of the City 1 of Salem, Oregon, will at of about 7 :S o'clock i.-mj, oh the 19th day of Navemffrgaf,. t the same hnPrfnywtbfnent meetrng oPi1iilUrfMcJ JitViaft(5i assess upon each lot. part of lot oesrnietrerr'aaanrri i t 'prupui ituus-ip hare"Trt'the"Tost ot improving , South . Fifteenth street from the south line of State street to the- north line of Trade street. - ; ; ' ' . All persons interested in , the aid assessment are hereby noti fled to. appear at. said time and I place before the - said ' common council and present their objec tions, if any they have,, to said as : sessment and apply to the said common council to equalize their proportionate share of said assess znent: , ,: !w - "By order of Ihe Common Coun cil the 5th day of November, 1923. M. POULSENClty Recorder. Date 'of 'first publication hereof la Nov. 8th, 1923. - nlO C m in siniii .Sessions December 5 and 6, - and an Exhibition of Wal t nlrts arid Filberts The 'following preliminary, no tices are now being sent to inter ested parties: f j J VTo members of the Western Nut Growers' association, , The meet ing of the association will be held at Salem December 5 and 6,1923. The program -is being arranged -to lUeiKTO - "SAN ' FRANCISCO LOS - -ANGELES Pinal Four ' traint PortUnd tha trip 1 7'V; O iK U ' 'I ... I Wl; , I ORIENTAL GaOODS The largest line of Oriental vtlley, oatiide of Portland, is to be found at our store, also domestic goods, t .See onr peeialliae Or house- dresses; Aprons, blouses, and pongee .silk directly Imported. We Trave the besi kind China lUiea-on sale.. , t. , , w " . . BUY AXO fiClVE . y NOTICE OP ASSl3SSMENT P6Ri IMPROVRMENT OP ALLEY IN . BLOCK 1 82 'OP CITY OP 8A. MBI, OREGON. - v Notice is hereby given that the common Council of the City of Salem, 4 Oregon,' will, at or about 7:30 o'clock p. in., on the 19th day of November, 1923, or at the same hour at any subsequent meet- inB of the Common Council there after; in the council chambers of the city hall in Salem; Oregon, proceed to assess upon each lot or part thereof liable therefor its proportionate share of the cost of improving the alley in block 82 of the original-plat of the City of baiem, Marion ; county, Oregon. from the north line of Chemeketa street to the south' line of Center street. : . All persons Interested in the said assessment are hereby noti fled to appear at said time and place before the said ' common council and ' present their oblec tions, if any they have, to said as sessment and apply - to the said common council to equalize their proportionate share of said assess ment. ! ; By order of the Common Coun cil the Sth day, of November. 1923. M. POULSEN, City Reoorder. Date of first publication' hereof Is Nov. 8th, 123. nlO at this time and promises much material of Interest. Several not ed speakers will be present. At tnis meeting we hope to have a good display of ! nuts. Below you will see the entry list. ' A dis interested party will judge all ma terial. Bring; in 'your , products and show the people' that Oregon can grow walnuts and filberts to perfection. ' Yours sincerely," 7l " -,iVrr-C E. SCHUSTER, .. t ; , Secretary and Treasurer. " pin v .' " . . - ' WenrNut'tTrowers' Association : , Convention Salem, December 5, 6, 1923 Walnuts (lO specimens to. plate.) Class I.- j , Lot 1 : Best display of yalnuts. Class II. (single plate exhibit.) Lot .1: Franquette. ; : i Lot 2: Mayette , 4 ' Lot 3:. Wilts Mayette.:. ' Lot -4: Meylan. ' . ' Lot 5 fi'Mlscellaneous varieties. Class -in 4.?y4 : Lot 1: Best Seedling. Filberts (15 specimens to plate.) y-Class IV- i:i Lot 1: Best display of filberts. Class V -(Single plate exhibit.) Lot. 1: -Barcelona. Lot 2 : DuChllly. . " . Lot -3 : Daviana. - - Lot 4: White Aveline. Lot 5: Miscellaneous varieties. ' Class VI Lot 1: Best Seedling. Class VII X Lot 1: Best general display of all kinds of nuts. Coughs, Oolfis, -Wnooplng Cough 'lira. ..Will Hall.-R. No,;3, Bax- fleyi 5a.i, states: am writing to aU who suffer' from coughs, -colds, croup 6r whooping cough. I can not recommend Foley's Honey and Tar,? too much, and, I an;t keep house without it. Have "been us ing it since 1919 and have found it the best medicine there is. for grown-nps -nd children." Best and largest selling cough and cold remedy in the world, t' Refuse sub stitntes. - Soldi every where. Adv. REDUCED ROUND TRIP TICKETS California on sale dailjr $45.25 $70.25 Return Limit I May 31,1924. f daily. Thronrh sleeping ' ears from ta 8s n J'raaeiSM .aad jo .Aagelea rmaaa eanrenient,. iaieraatuic aad iaatrnctiva. Aak'yoar arent for information refardiaf f araa, - and copy ot iUoatratad booklata, r writ JOBS U. SCOTT, Aait. Ptntnfit Traftio Maaager, Portland, Oragoa t.aW dry godds lsnd"'no,ve5tleshnV'the''i Bllgh : William Duncan in "PlayingIt- Wild" "Oregon Trail" GRAND "Why Worry ? LIBERTY "Brass Bottle" Helene Chad wick plays the leading feminine role in"Quick sandsv the new picture by How ard Hawks i which comes to the Liberty .theater Friday , with a powerful, cast Including Richard DIx, Alan. Hale, Noah Beery,, J. FarrelUMcrWald, Walter Long, Edwin Steves,. v Frank Campeau, George; Cooper, Dick Sutherland. Hardee Kirkand and a dozen oth er payers noted f or vivid acting. Miss Chadwiek in this excellent company, many of whom are vet erans of the stage as well as the screen.-holds her own,; as might rbe expectedof a young actress who has made remarkable, strides in the past fewrears. It is to her credit that she chose to develop herself as an artist rather than remain one. of the many pretty girls of 'the screen. : Today she ranks with .the commanding fig ures who really depict! emotions instead of smiling and only look ing pretty. ? ' f It has been hard work,' and her present high place is all the more remarkable wh,en it -Is remember ed that only a few. years a go sh earned a livlibood by posihg tot aavertisements. sne got ner rirst chance In pictures with Pathe and has steadily advanced ever since. She will always" be remembered in two of ", the several Rupert Hughes pictures, j "pangerous Curve Ahead" - and "Scratch My Back" and in "The Dust Flower" Godless Men, besides many oth er important productions made in the past four years. "Helene Chadwiek - was ' born at Chadwiek, N. Y., a; town founded by an ancestor - who came from England. But she has become so completely identified with "motion pictures ' that she -.is really well known to the film colony in 1 New York and; Los Angeles as she is in her home town.) I Her role in "Quicksands' is one of the most interesting that has fallen to her lot. Yet; to describe it would give away 'a secret of the picture which had -better be kept from those who would enjoy it to its utmost. Enough s to say . that Helena Chadwiek plays a dual role, that of a delightful American girl and a sharp-eyed Mexican sen orita 'Involved in one of the most thrilling stories ever , pictured on the screen.- : "The Lone Star Ranger," the famous best-seller -by Zane Grey which has ieen 'made ; into a mo- Won picture by William Fox "with Tom 'Mix in the starting rolehas been read by more than 10 million people Ince Its publication In 1915,' according to Harper Broth ers, publishers. l " . The noted author's work has been' through more than -seventeen editions and from the demand that still exlatst is likely that it will ;' OREGONHy ij vO TTh A TTTTh I STARTS TONIGHT FOR FfVE BIG ;DAYs1M Ml I t : II 11 ( iUV IX II J) s I r mm a Tr7r?o c a v trkr a xr a xtt ret rWrtN X' V ' H ' L STARTING 7 P. M. i 4 I ' , . i,J ' II mntinnnnnf ntmirnri i II tuirtvo A rifrn CUmV I Ii ill "w' ' ill I t f I-,iX , - - II tl If II 11 II f II II 1 1 rr II VT ff if 11 W: itia ill ill. . 1 v I j j J " - A x 9k. .. wmm. I w i. M-mw rr ,t 11 rr vi . II m v m it 1 I ; . i i. -ak. m If! ffw.1.' kftXv" 4 SBM Jf '"WB'. . . : . ' ' "mrm Mmmm. " ' mwrnUMm. WMm, TIT ' ' .BSSBBBW ... I Iv ml .. jl in i r i v -r f ii xi fri - h .2v vrr S . ,11 i "'III ir I . T"'- I AtJ&ST .:VvA . hv ! U . v -ill rvTF ! i.i.: uvi ! i i : wjrr za wir. . v ii i ta x - h - ii- STAR ' ! KCii, 5fe ,trn, c&xit rry-Ester; . . V 1 i t last time; today and; ' Pn ... ' :. V ' - -7. --ics.--:HI trHlllllUttHIIIIUiiniliSlUtUli.lK L-JUiMllHr5'flflfflfflint '?a 4 tmv m am ? . t a w -r Bk . a. l rmu ? iiitiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii mm i iiiiii r ii n. m s ii i. , . hi ii m mr : . 1 1 III r I if - I M 1 ; II ! I IM IIIIII III II III ir Z..5I III 1 : iu V' Willi 1 1 1 1' .t. 1 HUJ i; , ITNk. : 3iN - s ' i: II- pass through many more before it Is finally shelved. - ' . The book has been translated in many foreign languages' and found fertile soil in the readers of these countries. The film will be shown at the Oregon theater be-" ginning tomorrow night. "" 1 I "In "Why Worry Harold Lloyd's first attempt at farce com edy, the popular Pathe comedian flays the. part of a young' man who worries bo 'much over imagin ary troubles that he fails to recog nise real ones all about him. . tl Is said that the manner in which he becomes embroiled " in a4 South American, revolution ofiers great er possibilities for 'laughs and Vgags" than any of the previous Lloyd comedies. The public can Judge for' itself when-f Why Wor ry?" will be shown a the Grand theater for 5 days, ' starting to night. ' s , ' : : . "Let's have some fun and teach this movie actress that,shq"s not In it with a real cowpuncher," ex claimed one of a group of real cowboys used for scenes in "Play-? ing It Wild," a William Duncan and Edith Johnson picture, which will-be shown at the Blfgh theater today. " They i were assembled on location awaiting orders to go on the trail -in the wake 'of Edith Johnson, and bad their own opin ions as to the ability of the aver age picture star when it comes to doing real riding. -.-..; ; When all was in readiness and the chase started, the cowboys let out awhoop and were away down the trail doing all sorts of reck less stunts. But the leading' wo man5 outraced them and showed them stunts they could not do themselves. ' ; ! Be Prepared For Coughs . ; ; ' Da not wait until an a tuck of '''flu" is upon you. Take care, of the little cough or cold and 'pre vent the big one, or an attack of "flu." Bear in mind Foley's Hon ey and Tar, the safe and sure rem edy for coughs, colds, bronchial and throat troubles' and - coughs resulting from "flu." ' Foley's Honey and Tar the largest sell ing cough remedy; in the World . free from opiates. Get the gen uinerefuse substitutes. Sold ev erywhere. Adv. " ' . Pbtatoes 'for Hogsr'Ratlori for Dairy Cows, the Hun , garian Vetch Is Good r 'The following paragraphs are from a current bulletin from the department of Industrial Journal ism of the Oregon Agricultural college:) Cullj potatoes afford an oppor tunity to cheapen the ration for hogs. Four hundred pounds ' of cooked'or 600 pounds of raw pota- FH HiERS FROM THE COLLEGE rtoes Will : replace 100 Donnda of the average feed grains. They should be fed in combination with eraia at the rate of 4 pounds cook ed' to one of ground grain, or 2 pounda of raw . to . 1 pound -of ground grain. '"Potatoes - do not give the "best results ' .when ' fed without, grain. The'griln Bhould not be cooked but added 'whetf the potatoes ' are' ! somewhat ' cooked. Other root or vegetable crops that are unsalable can be profitably utilized as ; hog feed. Judgment must be used, as they are all war tery. Feed with grain to obtain best results. . . " i ' ' A ration is recommended by the dairy department of the experi ment station assuming that dairy owners have legume Jiay such, as clover, alfalfa, or qats, and vetch and com sifage. ' All)the hay and silage the cow will clean up should be given in addition to V pound each day of the following" ration for each 3 pounds of milk pro duced: Three hundred pounds each of' barley oats and mill run. wlth'100 pounds of a high protein concentrate such - as linseed oil meal, cotton seed or -eocoanut mear. If kale Is available it may be fed in 'addition to other feeds with excellent results. Hungarian vetch is well suited to the soils a UttlAtoo heavy or too-sour or too cold or-wet for common vetch. The ' Hungarla4 vetch standa the more severe win ter conditions in the lowerWIV lamette . valley, counties. WE'RE ALL IIUSIAN AT, THAT t For several years a Salem man has burdened his - Upper lip with a : mustache. , It was an .. inoffen sive .piece of adornment and .his family andr friends 1 hid grown reconciled ' to ' it. .Of eourse there FIGHTING : BILL ; "-v DUNCAN - 'At His Finest rr. "PLAYING ; itwild':' v. r -f TOBY'S . x COUNTRY ' STORE ; COMEDY Coming Monday "HICKMAN BESSEY CO. - ' ' t .; . 1 j ' 1 : : had been times' when his wife had pleaded, cajoled, bewailed and'threatened, but 'the- mustache "had eiirvive'd tind the ' world had eome to regard it as a fixture. One' night, " not ; so .-rery ; long ago, the owner of the mustache decided the time. had. arrived for facial renovation. The good wife and other members of ' the family has long since retired. To "the bathroom the mustache, and Quite naturally its owner. Journeyed. A brief glance In the glass, a bit' of lather, ihe razor, and once more his- upper lip stood brazen and (bare to .public gaze. . - Linens D. M. Silk Vestings aais-rrvaoiu ana .Ribbon Novelties Goods and many The 1 f ! - i . - , . . - ' , . - x a -- ' - See This Lovely Colored ' "Border , Handkerchief Linen By the Yard. 1 Priced $1.75 a Yard. ' ' , V N ' ' - i - ' . V ' An excellent quality pare linen with - colored- border, ready to cut amd-Aem! ; Size' 12x12 Kerchiefs, colors arei blue . and white, rose and white, green and white, ; lavender, and white. . v s. Colored Handkerchief Linens at $1 .29 yard.. A Shipment of Heads forTWalcixis Be YOUR MAIL ORDERS Receive prompt and care- . ful . attention. We r pre pay the express or. par ; celpost; within a radius , of a hundred miles. .. ! - , He would slip Into bed and the next morning at the 'breakfast table ha would, find which of his family- was- the most observing. He cupped Into bed and ; toon slipped into-sleep, j " 1, i , It ..was a moonlight 'night ' and some hours', later, a. Ahrill -shriek pierced the (inlet of the hdttsehold. From tvery bedroom "stambled members of 'the 'family, They found "Mom", trembling In the hall. ..;!-. '.' . . j . . Duflng the early morning hours 'she had awakened. She had tarn- ed toward' her 'sponserand there - h GIFT G? CITTTir Ypu will find therethe uiiucuil, I the beautiful well -as r the iials for C Threads iVkms? Rildns ouver ipraiasfanicsT 'WowkW-r, lils other flovely. things, for ft-V. i ".: i' i - Bipim -Imported : , ; H&ad2serchief linens.. ' 'Priced . ; '.. $$tk-siV75, J $1JS0, 2X0 y& V ery .: good Qualities with - excellent 'smooth" finish, very closely woven' of 'long,' fiber linen assuring' you' splendid and long service, j - j Sheer 'beautiful "finish linen, one-third of a f . 'yard makes -three ' 'handkerchiefs. Colors - re grey, rose, wisteria, yellow, blue,' brown apricot, , copen orange, orchid, tan, green, pink and black ' Salem Store, -466''Stxte'St. 1 : i : in ihe moonlight lay . "atiU. : r" man. ( Explanations were mada all around, but there is another taua tache ...being groomed la tL!a town. Vvrhat'a all. l'-)'' ' ' " Vi"; ' ' ' ' i As a prTntiT.-tntlt'an J a prvTantiir i night and InhaU night and morni""' . 'o.(;; the rwtt Kimonooil li3 (0: t" itamp Christmas Giftsl- m-,..: -i.. i ' i .Li TinetSheer While 7 . . ( , I Portland &ZzZl 383sAUer Ct. y . ' 1 t LAST TIUTODAY v. iflt!' v.f WITH Vidox STAllOF w. STARTING TOMOIIIIOV i. 1 f SANBS,, wmi Helene Ch2d viclr "Richard Dix Noah Beery - " AndGthtr 'NoUiIilcs nnsimas CHINESE BAZAAR (REGULAR. PrJCT3 i' 204 W. Commercial St. j J . - nil. Mi j .-- ' . . - e t