The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 08, 1923, Page 2, Image 2

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Here, T
' ,. - .... t J -v. it r
aiid Every wire
rr "tContlnued from page 1.)
see that you do not observe the
custom followed in homes of taste
andXXJpeflnement la bavins . not
mere than' five things on the man
tel aad these In someway
-related? Well, o, 111 say we do
not. there is a bast of Beethoven.
On hU heed is a pretty little hood
that belonged to ;a child we loved,
an around his neck Mother keeps
ber beads so - she - will - always
know where they are. Then there
Is a statuette of the -Good Fairy."
t is a very good piaster mummy,
but the wire shows in one elbow.
Next comes a pup composed of
ome chalk-like; substance, and
he old clock 'that has not run
down or been ofled for the twenty
years of its lire.f On the corner is
a bouquet of dried "silver dollar"
flowers, : while in between there
ire two dozen red apples, just
Convenient f6r. biting into as we
sit around the fireplace.
.. But what I would consider the
Cream of my purchases . at the
rummage sale . Was a dozen Geo
graphic magazines. I had 'heard
of them before,' but thought they
told how much wheat could be
placed in a warehouse a mile high,
or how much of a dent you would
make- If yon . tell . orf the top of
Washington's . monument. In
stead,' I find them full of pictures
1 i can easily ' comprehend, and
fdeas that I eanppifU? tat dwn
Affairs. For Instance find that
in Mexica when the j-oot; leaks they:
lust climb up there and lay a
board 4ver Hhe-fehIngfanj;puLA
rock on It to hpld it down, and In
some other countiry . t theyi ? plow
with a sharp stick which is an lm
' mense -saving "on; farm machinery.
: while, in yet another, place they
Take little Salts. if Your Back
t Hurts, or Bladder Is
" . , . : Troubling You.
r No man or woman can make a
mlataVe by flushing' the kidneys
sccaslonally. says a well known
. ,..- : . . . , . ; ' : Y - . r-- risner
RAl?inn the FamtlV- mimieroreted ikft & aiaiffment. : - ' ' " :' ' ' 1 i a 1
f T rTrTZrTSo ciTn rvfeuL.wor I do .-r6ccorr. JvsmocvA ' , , n KNOW UOTS
. TW virVf0 Vt 1 tIOl SSi?J SHOW to k UL fttW.noM n ' (I TPSl OF MEN WKO
boil the seeds of the pig weed just
as we do oatmeal.; Think what it
would mean to go out and get a
dish of mush off your own bushes.
The sale, brought In something
like ... $250,' which wonderfully
pleased the good women who are
trying to furnish a part of the new
Salem hospital, and as for me I
am simply i "tickled , to death"
over it all, even though, no one
dldbring,a Passion vine, a big
dictionary or a cocoanut tcakee.
,tf S.. I. believe that the adora
ble young woman who made such
a,bt withjjtfama, is Mrs. Ssurman.
t shall 'know it if I meet' Dr. Saur
man. ; without a necktie..
- , 1 ' - . '
Willamette - Players i Spur
Selves Toward Victory
Over Whitman
Card of Six Bouts to Be Put
on at , Salem Armory
Wednesday Night
Cracker, .Warren - of Oregon
City will be Phil Bayes' next op-
tinnant nit lha! Iin, wilt m aflt at
tuthority.. Eating .too much richthe gaiem armory next Wednesday
night in. a slx-ronnd go. : f
food creates acids, which .; excite
l,he kidneys." rThey become pver
vorked from the strain, get lug
lish and ' fail to filter the waste
s!nd poisons from the blood. Then
e get sick, Rheum,a,Usm, head
aches,, liver' trouble- nervousness,
dizziness,: 'sleeplessness and :nrln
iry disorders often ' come from
sluggish kidneys' r", -r '
f The moment ypu feel a dull ache
hi the kidneys, or your back hurts,
or if the urine is cloudy, of fensiye,
full of sediment. Irregular of pas
sage or attended by a sensation of
scaldlng.'begln drinking a quart of
water, each day. " also . get , about
, ton r 6u nces of . Jad Salts from ny
pharmacy take a. tablespoonful in
al glass of water before breakfast,
a ud In a few. days your kidneys
BrT"-tetfIne.".; o'S- 'f:-''' '
, This famous' salts i&.made Xrom
the acid 'of grapes and lemon juice,
combined withllthia, and has been
used for years to. flush and stlmu
lit lie" kidneys; also to help neu
tralise the acids In the system, so
tLey no -longer cause Irritation,
thus often relieving bladder weak-
Jad Salts is iaexpensve; makes
a S delightful . effervescent Uthla-
water drtpk Mcff fTonef hoUlt
trpce B-Jlaai iiienUo nllreet
ii o Kiuueji cii sua icuTB anu
tja lblood I: pure! ' thereby often
av oiding serious 4idSq eompllca
t S 5ns, Ey ;? mil . meant "liave your
t ;ysle!an examine-. your kidneys
at. lesst.fwtce a year-rAd. J :
; . Warren has. won : his last
two fights i Portland, with
Kewpie Riley c. and . Brick Coyle,
and tonight he .will fight -Henry
Jibs en Pertland ' card. The
careers ot Bayes and Warren
have . run - almost- parallel, ' but
they have, never met before,; ;;?
i Six bouts . will' be on the galem
card .Wednesday night, but none
but . the main event is yet .ready
for announcement ; i:f
? f Continued ;from page X.) ..;
traduced .Captain Frank rever,
deputy state treasurer, who touch
ed upon immigration." nof from the
question of Yace- prejudice butj
from : the . danger of the foreign
element within, the boundary .of
the ; country. . -. Rodney. Johneton.
Willamette university ' student,
sang a solo whVe music was tar
nished by the band from the' boys
training school, George Griffith,
commander of the Capital . Post
No. 4, American Legion, - urged
participation iatthe Armistice day
celebration ani at lined thi pro
granfl for . Novnber 1. f.V l$u,
Prtor. to thaddress about 20
promjnent Democrats met for din
ner fct the Gray Belle later at
tending the meeting at the armory
la' aody. , -.-t-..-- r:
. Typifying . the undercurrent of
determination that characterizes
the Bearcats' preparation for their
big homecoming battle with Whit
man, college here Saturday comes
the- rumor that the Willamette
grid men will voluntarily refuse
football letters unless they are
victors Saturday. Although offi
cial announcement was not to be
made until after the game, word
has leaked out and is now ac
knowledged by responsible lead
ers. Athletic men since ; the first
of the year1 have been urging a
higher standard of accomplish
ment for wearers of the !'W" and
the football men were especially
strong in that opinion.
'Rathbun is devoting this week
to the perfection of his offensive.
Formation : practice . i with light
scrimmage'. will be the order for
the remaining two days. The men
are receiving new plays each day
and by Saturday will have a good
ly stock of new formations to baf
fle the Missionaries. , !
I The backfield is receiving much"
attention, in the last few days
where an 'effort- Is 'being made to
strengthen the quarter ; position
and Increase the smoothness of the
machine.' Booth has been doing
creditable work in -'the . practice
scrimmages and is threatening
the security of Isham's bold on
that job. Moore is being given
long workouts in the backfield
which leads observers to predict
that he will have a heavy share
in the battle Saturday.
Little apprehension is being felt
for the performance of the line in
Saturday's game. Fasnacht,
Hartley. - Mason and Rhodes, - the
new men on the' line, have been
plugging away steadily and rip
ping big holes for the; backfield
runners.' The end positions will
likely be stronger in the coming
game and all Indications point to
the i probability 'that the Bearcat
line will very nearly present the
proverbial stone wall. ; - ;
The Whitman squad will arrive
by auto Friday morning and will
go through through secret work
out 'here- in the afternoon. : ,4' ;
Anticipating an V unusually
large crowd, special efforts are be
ing i made to seat the fans. Re
serve seats are being sold for the
game and at a substantial reduc
tion if purchased before Saturday.
1 .
a t m
ffn Li. .
77 li
Vi-' it'
The Livestoclc Show
Is An Education
: ,v
V I r -
t . '
'.The Pacific International Livestock Exposi
tion which opened at Portland last Saturday is 1
a liberal education in the Vesulta of what the
United States National has been encouraging
for years the, raising of more and better live
stock. . . ' ,
; , There will be several days more of this great
exposition and its , brilliant Nisht Horse Show,
and we-urge you to see it before its close on i
Saturday night.
i -
.United ' States
National Bank
' L Salem.Oregoh
- (Continued from page 1.)
the .operating room or any other
room available.
The diet kitchen will .be in
charge of Miss Mable Root who is
expected to arrive today. It is
fitted up in the most approved
manner; with metal cupboards, a
steam table and dumb waiter con
necting, with the kitchen.
Signal Lights Ample.
A new system of signal lights
will be installed within a short
time ; throughout the' hospital.
Each ! signal will light in three
places lover the patient's door, in
the head nurse's room, and down
stairs In the superintendent's of
fice. If the light remains burn
ing for some, time 'It can be
checked up from the office and
there is no chance of a patient
needing help and being unable to
summon It.- s
; Thel workmen are still engaged
In completing the' final details of
constructions within the building.
Locks, interior hardware equip
ment, refrigeration, and; floor
1 noleum are being installed this
week, according to H. W. Meyers,
executive secretary of the hospi
tal board. A 'roller was being
used on the driveway yesterday
and the grounds will be put in
shape j in conformation with a
landscape plan prepared , by Dr
ift. E.jLee Steiner.
! New Wing Needed.
! "What we need most ifljt now
Is a new9 wing," was1 the state
ment of Mr. Meyers last night and
Miss Steele remarked yesterday
that she had begun to "talk wings
. The main part of the hospital
wlflcb !s Just completed contains
the double surgery and other Im
portant, parts with a very small
number of private rooms ' in com
parison .which accounts in part for
present -crowded conditions. , ,
: Miss Steele la especially happy
over her suite of rooms located on
.he frst floor but says she finds
it a trifle difficult Just at first to
adjust herself and her belongings
to the larger quarters. !? ;
Among the patients now at the
hospitatf are Mrs. John Evans,
Miss ! Helen Savage and Mrs. ; C.
H. Sbanafelt, all of Salem.
. ,t '
State Treasury Department
Benefitted By Opinion'
By Judge fiand
C. A. Fryer, et al; appeal from
Multnomah county; garnishment
proceedings. Opinibn by Justice
Bean. Judge Robert Tucker re
versed and case remanded with
directions to enter judgment ' in
accordance with this opinion. .
. Petition for rehearing denied in
Corbin vs. Preston.
More Basketball Games
Will Be Played Tonight
Everything! Is in readiness for
the third bt the series in the Com
mercial Basketball league gnmes
whicji will be played tonight. The
fames will be Central Pharmacy
fs. Hauser and Standard Oil vs
Union Oil.j The first game will be
played at 7:30 o'clock and the sec
ond at 8:15 o'clock. 1
As- the 1 series progress, more
md more Interest is being shown
n tle games, and the rooters are
Increasing in number. A good
lized crowd witnessed the games
Tuesday night.
A precedent was set that is of
much importance to. the state
treasury' deportment in the col
lection of inheritance taxes in the
opinion of the supreme court yes
terday in the case of Addle, Stout
against John Van Zante, executor
or the estate of ; H. B. Stouti de
ceased. Van Zante was the ap
pellant in the case. ,
Ad die Stout, and her husband,
H. B: Stout.' were joint owners of
land, or' owners In entirety. The
land was sold prior to the death
of the husband and .mortgage
notes taken in part payment. Van
Zante, as executor, included half
the valuation of the notes in the
estate, whereupon the widow
brought replevin action against
him. claiming title to them in en
tirety, as in the case of title to
the property. She won in i the
lower court in Multnomah "coun
ty, but the supreme court yester
day reversed Judge T. E. J. Duffy,
who heard the case. '
! The supreme court opinion.
Which was written ' by Justice
fRand, holds that in the absence
ef evidence to the contrary a note
taken by a husband and wife
Jointly gives each an undivided
half interest, and tupon the death
Of either that hall ' interest passes
to the estate of the deceased and
not to the surviving spouse. . It
is held that an estate by entirety
does not exist in personal property
in Oregon. . -
i Other opinions were: . j ?
i Gertrude La bey, appellant, 'vs.
John E. Lahey; appeal from Mult
nomah county; suit for divorce;
opinion by Justice Brown. Judge
Robert G. Morrow affirmed, j
". American National Bank ap
pellant, vs. Joe Kerley,'et al;, ap
peal from' Umatilla, county; suit
to reci&ver on, promissory v note.
Opinion by Justice Harris. Judge
GilbertVW. Phelps affirmed.
C. C. Sturtevant vs. Dawson &
Moyer, appellants; appeal from
Lane' county; suit to recover on
promissory note. Opinion by
Chief Justice Mc Bride. Judge G.
P. Skipworth affirmed. ,'
Julius Cbristensoa vs. A. " E.
Torgerson, et al, appellants; ap
peal from Marion county; suit to-
foreclose mortgage. Opinion by
Chief Justice . McBride. Judge
George G. Bingham affirmed.
. O. M. Castleman, appellant, vs.
... . : -
I U Wheat : " :
: LIVERPOOL, Nov. 7. Close,
wheat, unchanged to Vjd higher.
Opening .wheat c
vember, $1.08 H ;
i7c. : ' ' .
Tfov. 7.
higher. No-February.
Nov. T.
Wheat: No. 1 cash Northern.
11.10 1,2&,1.14 1-2; No, 1 dark
lorthern spring: choice to-fancy.
$1.17 1-2 1.2 1 1-2; good to
choice, $1.14 1-2 1.16 1-2; ordl
aary to good. $1.13 l-2Ca1.14; De
cember, $1.11 1-2; May, $1.17 1-4.
PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 7.
Grain futures.- Wheat Blue
item and baart . November, De
cember, $1. 04; soft white Novem
ber. ; December, $1.04; - western
vhlte j i November, December.
$1.03; ; hard winter, northern
spring, j western red November.
December $1. ; -
Oats No. 2 white feed Novem
ber, December. $34; gray Novem
ber. December, $33.
' : About the only thing European
countries, now, have In common is
a lack of confidence in the other
'i - ..---. .. ii-.---
U Day
Portland and '
Return Limit 15 Days
. r ( Everyone should at
' tend the jrreat Pa-
cific - International r !
Live Stock Exposi
tion and Horse Show
, at Portland all this-
It is "the finest Ex
position in all Amer
ica, affordinjj a rare
:i 'opportunity to the
people of Oregon.
Trains "for Portland Leave
V Salem:
7:15, 9:45. 11:15 A. M ;
1:40. 4:00, 5:30 and, 7:50-.
P. M.: returning leave port---land
6:30. 8:30. 10:45 A. M,
2:05, 4:45. 6:05, 9:30 P. M.
daily, and 11:20 P. M. Sat
urday. OREGON
- J. VY. RITCHIE, Agent
V: ; v;i;y-V.
Adjutant General George A.
White Speaker at Yes
terday's Session
Bugle Vcalls, . featuring the old
familiar mess call of "come and
get it," called the Rolarlaus to
their luncheon Wednesday noon
and were a part of the patriotic
program arranged for the dav.
Geo r Re A. White, adjutant gene
ral,' was the principal speaker
"Armistice day means more to
day than any other -celebration."
declared Mr. White. - 'All of us
were actors In that great tragedy
whteh now seems ; like a forgotten
fragment pf a horrible" nlghtmare
We must not forget the price our
men had to pay, and their pur
pose was accomplished by the uni
form spirit pf the, people, at home
Success ; came because Germany
failed to recognize the spirit of
fee America f r: :
Musical numbers were given by
mala quartet consisting of Glais
ver. Robertson.-F. 8. Barton and
R. D. Barton, with Wenger at th
piano, i ",; ';; ? . :. ;'v' - i';'."";; ;
! Announcements of coming events
were made by Frank Deckebach it
behalf of the Apollo club concert;
George Griffith on the Armlstlci
day celebration, and Dr. If. It
Ohllnger on : the school electloi
Tuesday. - ": -; :-:
I Tires the old, lowers their tit!
j lty. The best standard fami:;
- 1 cough medicine for old and your
Good for every inember of the faml!;
. ;-; Salem, Orecoa .
Sulphite, and Manila Wrappings, also Butchers Wrap
pings, Adding Machine Paper, ; Greaseproof, Glassine,
Drug Bond, Tissue, Screenings and Specialties.
At the Sign of Good Clomec
- A Little Tiling to Look For A Big Thing to Find
Copyright 1923 Hart Schaffner & Mane
Start Wearing Nov Better Clottas
Well Dressed Young Men Want
Suits and Overcoats i
r We make it our business to have the styles -that
young men want. Also the fine quality that
economizes for them. You'll find them all here
in this big showing of suits and over i coats.
Erom $35 up
Suits That Offer
Unusual Value $35
Finer Better
Overcoats $40 to 560