TH2 OIIEGON STATIIIAN, SALELI, OPXGOIT ' SUNDAY HORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1923 The pablie all or U '.cordially service. .(. ' Invited to" ny ; rnrrr ' tssssTTEMlir ; church " "W rd WiUit bong-, minister. 9 :4S A. Sunday school, H. K. Barrett, rapt. 11 A. il itrsaa, A First Love liost.' or tU minister. This is the lint in series of seven -Sunday moraine sermons t 3 the "Seven Canreaes of Asia." Tho tuoir will sing "Crow a Him.'.' by Brock ett, tad Mrs. E. H. Kobertaoa and Mrs. E. E. Wjrstt wUI. sing oaet, "Hark! Harkl My el." by Sheller. 6:30 P. M., Christian Endeavor societies., Senior top- "As Wo &ee Ourselves. loader. Miss 1 iee Jennmmn. , Advance ! intersseeUate topic, VTho Cnoreh Psalm,? Pa. 84:1-13 (Consecration meeting); leader. Miss La dle Allen, , Intermediate topic. Mm as advance ' intermediate,- leader, Dwight Adams. " 7.-30 P W. sacred aaasieale will bo rendered by doobia quartet, assisted by Evangelise Bortte Lone, Ivn Claire Love, Prof. Jjonner and Byroa Arnold at the organ. ee complete program else where. " t..-.v .j -.f --. 1. Monday, g P. V, second band shower at the komo of Mrs.- Mas Serea. All women are cordially invited bad naked tat bring a aeeoad band article 'for the sale to be given by the Ladies; Aid society withia the- nest ew weeks. .1 - Monday, 7:30 P. at, aaonthly meeting f Sessioa fa chart parlors. - --. Tuesday. 7:80 P. M? men s clnb mei inr for men only, Mr, Jokn I Brady, e Utor of The Oregon Statesman, will be te- speaker. Pnmpkia pie and eider will l served aboa P. M. - Wednesday,! 4 P.' It, tie Pranees Grieg circle will meet at tae. borne ! Mrs. Hea ter, 249 Summer street, to. prepare their gift for tho !"hrUtma box - i - .- '' '' Tharedayv .7:80- Pr Ml ebareb prayer hour. Topic, -S'Tbe .Restorer of Patna," Isaiah - ' . ! K COTST mXSt CntXBTlAX " Cornet "H 17ta "sad teattj afreete, R. .U Putnam, minister. Bible: school, :45 A. M., E, B, i'Lake. superintendent. There were 18s last -Sunday. IiefVreiee it to i''v. A T'iwe -for inntraetwa' work and fellowship. Toa are invited. ; Special atndy of Epistle of Phillipians at wor ship hoar. Junior following communion service; intermediate C. E. 5:80, and eenior C. E. 6;30 P. M. Evening aervice, 7:80 P. M. Song service and address by Cynthia - Pearl Maus, national- intermedi ate superintendent. ; All church school workers will want to hear her. r She is fine. 8ho will be en iastraetor ia the training school beginning . Monday after noon at the First Christian church. Here again we want to arge every one inter ested in Bible; school work to enroll and take the courses. Plan to do it now. All work at the local church will give way to this school " to hopes that all win at tend it. We extend a hearty welcome to church people.: friends to worship with us. 8T. PAUL'S CHXTBCB (Episcopal) Tho House of i Worship. Corner Church and dhemeketa straeta.- See:- H. D. Chambers, ; rector, Tweaty-third Saa day after Trinity. Holy Eucharist at 7 :30 ia the chpel. St. Paul's workers' class ia the church sehol will attend this service i with i breakfast In the parish hoase. Church school st 9:45 to which all children are Invited. Second celebra tion of. tho Holy Eachariat with-sermoa at 11 A.-M. Music by rested choir. All service at 10 -A. 3f, - Story by Bonita Kdward.. "Using a Birthday Gift for Other. " 3peclat music by Clarice Katckie. ; Toang People's meeting at 6:SO P. M. Preaching service at 7:80. P. M. Special choir music for the evening aerv- - . ... Firnt Baptist Church, corner N. Liberty and Marion. Sundsy school at 8:45; Ker. r. E. Dark will supply "the pulpit and Will, apeak at 11 o'clock on "Christ at the Last Supper," and in the evening at 7:30 on "Ye Are Not - Your Own." Special music by the choir under the di rection of Miss Minnetta Magers. So prano solo at the morning aervice bv Mr. Jean Pearcy end - a tenor -eolo in the evening by Mr. W. T. Jenks. "Kather and Son" banquet oa Tuesday evening at which time Mr. J. W. Palmer, director of religions work in the Portland YMCA, will ; be the principal speaker. Prayer tneotlng on Tharsdsy evening at. 7:30 o'clock. - ' ; V' - ' ' ' . " - ' '" ' ' First i Christian church. Center and High streets. J. J. Evans, minister; Miss Hat tie Mitchell, missionary. Miss Cynthia Pearl Mans will speak at the morning aervice.- She ia nationally known as a rena-ieue eaaeator - ana cnurcn . ex invited to werehiD with us. The Young f pert. Besdea the aes- quartet, atias Pnl.'. will meet at P. M.' in i Ines Wood, a new resident of fialem and the parish house end ail young people are invited. Week, day activities are a follows: Monday evening' the vestry will meet in the rector's study at 7:30 P. M. Tuesday afternoon at 2 :3ft the meeting of St. Paul's guild in tho pariah house. Tuesday evening the Boy Scouts meet ia the pariah house at 7:30. Thursday the junior choir rehearsal at 4:15 and the senior choir at 7:30 ia the parish aouaev There ia room for more members ia both of the branches of tho choir. . ! i -r- , CSHTXaX CO NO REOATIOH Al. i i CHTTXCK - South 19th street. : Harry W. Johnson, in i n later. So nd ay ', echool and- worship 1 FUnLSAVEH - tm ... , . . 1 n I : ' i i -j i i i i i ;.j 1 i FZRFECTi COIITROL PIPE or PiPELESS FURNACE At Factory Prices i Made in Salea i . : 5 - - - F M CERGER Llasufactsrer . 803' N.l Liberty; Street ? -t Phone 1048-M a violinist oi aotuty, win give a vionn number. 8Uo will also play for the even ing aervice. Dr. Epley will have charge of the music at 7:30 o'clock. Hie juve nile chorus ia growing in numbers each week. The children have special num ber for Sunday evening. The pastor will speak on the "Meaning of Paith in Christ." The young people meet at 6:80. At 9:15 en Monday afternoon Miss Maas and . her asaiataata will open tho leader ship training school.- The sessions will continue each .afternoon and- evening, closing with. Friday 'a sessions. The re gistration fee ia one dollar and ia open .to eU who -may desire the coarse. 'HUT CONOEXOATIOHAI. CHXTECH Liberty and Center streets. W. a Kantner. minister. Sunday school at 10 A. VC with classes and competent teach ers 'for all ages.- 11 A. M. sermon, "What Does Religion Mesa to You." 8: SO P. M., Young People'e meeting. 7:80 P. splendid motion picture, "The Land Of-Promiso." . Brief addreaa following, with the seme " subject, "The Land of Promise." Good, music by choir unexcelled. . V : v EVAJfOELICAIj -'d 1 Seventh and Chemeketa streets. F. W. Launer, pastor. ' -. Sermon at 1 1 a. m.,i sub iect, "The True Light." i The evening aervicea wUI be; the beginning of our ie vival meetings. I Kev. A. P. Layton of Corvallia and Kev. H. E. Abel of Aurora will have a part, in the services, services will be- held erery evening during i the coming week --Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evangelical league at 7 p. m.. Mrs.iP P. Thomas, leader. Sermon . at Auburn at 8 p. m. . j - ' '- 1' B. 8. A. : International i Bible Students Associa tion ' meeta every Sunday in . Derby hall, mtmi Cmrt and Hisrh streets upstairs) for Bible study. Hours, from 10 .to ,12 a. m. j- Tabernacle study at 1:80 p. at. All interested in Bible atndy welcome. ' v -' MXTHODIST i :. - ' First Methodist Epiacopal ehnrehj; cor ner State and Church streets. Blaiae E. Kirkpatrick, minister. ; An old-farior class meeting is held at 9:15. in Jhe northwest corner room downstairs. You will find It refreshing. Sunday school, V.S A. M., H F Shanks, superintendent. 580 last Sunday. We are nearing the 600 mark, but . 600 . should be the mini mum. Your preaence will not only: heln win the contest with Co rr alii a. bat will provide you- nadiapenaable training in morals and religion. Come oni thia-woek. Besrinaers and primary at Ep worth bal Juniors downstair 'in the main church Intermediates and seniors in the Taber- aacle oa Ferry street. Young people and adalta in the church anditorium. t ' Fd yonr place and study with as regularly, Morntnr worsnip. ii o'cjocc. unere wiu bo special mueie by the choir under the direction of Prof. - E. W Hobeon. a with Prof. TV 8. Roberts at the or ran. A for mer pastor of I this church, - Dr.. Geo. W. Uraants, win prcacn. t i is a privilege to welcome Dr. Grannie back to this church,- and bet will have a message which rea ahouid near. Class in evangelism in preparation for Wia-My-Cham week at S o'clock at the parsonage ia charge f the pastor. " At the same hour, the junior league meets ia Epworth ball. 0:80( thTee Chapters of the Epworth league. All vaunar oeople not connected with othsi peopw young - riXST ETAKOSZJCAZ. CHTTBCH Corner Center and Liberty streets, C. C. Pouag, nastor. Servieea Nov. . 4 both morning and evening, preaching by the pastor. The subjects are as follows Morning, '"The Church, - the Bride of Christ." This will be followed by the formal consecration of the new building to "Mod's worship. - la the evening, fl ute's a a est ion. "What Shall I Do With Jesus Which Is Called Christ!" The evangelistic servieea begin with this serv ice.: We ' have secured an evangelistic singer ef aote. in the person of Prof. Dan Hughes, formerly of the Poling evangeuatie party of the east, to lead the singing and do solo work. Hughes is Watchman, "possessing the heritage of his race 'end ia a combination seldom found in one man, a great; leader ef eon gregattonal singing and 'la solo work, on equalled." He has a rich-tenor voice of wonderful volume and range. Ho will ting at - both services 'Sabbath and each eveninc durinc tho week. But the best thing we can say, he ia a man wholly consecrated to lied and. has a real Chris- tiea 'experience. You wil Want to hear him. The pastor wilt Breach each even' lag during the week. The .Sunday school will be' held at :45 . A. v. - and - the Christian Endeavor meeting at 6 :80 P. M Welcome to all the -services." ' - TJKTTED BBSTRSEV Castle Chapel United Brethren Church Corner of 17th street and Nebraska avenue. George Chapman, pastor. Son- day school at 10 a. as. There ia. a class for you, come. C. P. walla, superintend ent. : Preaching at It a. m. Christian Endeavor and Junior C. E. at 6:30. Of ficial board meets Tuesday evening at 7 :30. Ladies Aid Wednesday afternoon. Prayer meeting Thnrsdsy evening st 7:3Q, - : riaaoiial Overhauling ! NOVEWIBER, 1923 Month '. . :Noverhber is the month of ficially designated for overr hauling motor cars for winter service. yJvV Talie advantage of tke special equipment in our shop and of the "expert" Knowledge; - of our mechanics'. Drive in iofiXj free iexamiriation J I Tlie correction at this time of minor mechanical ills otw hardlv be con- ;;jscious, Wiay; saye mUch Ume and expense; later on, and, will ; surJOrialy 9T' fortable. If there's nothing wrong, we11; tell you so.; While your car is being overhauled, - you can select from our stock of equipment any comforts and conveni- ences you may wish to have installed. This worje can be done at the; same time, and at miriihium expense. Avoid unnecessary delay ; by running- in: today fbr a free examination. I i : 1 Valley Motor, Go. Authorized' Ford Sales and: Service Salem Automobile Co. Star and Durant - . lit. i roii' I , Otto J. Wilson ' ' ; -! Authorized Buick Service . . - " Vick Bros.. Overland, Willys! Knight, Oakland, Packard - . I r . " , - ' - - Bonesteele Motor Co. Dodge Bros. Motor Cars 1 ' c .-...-Jit, I ,- ....'.., i.: ..';.-,' v. Marion Automobile Co. Stiidebaker, and, Franklin ... societies-- are oordially welcome. Evening service, i :ao e clock. This wiu te an evangeasue aervice uiea ing toward Win-My-Chum ' ween, , with a sermon by the pastor on the subject, "Tho Highest Service.' . Church . night service. Thursday evening. - More than a 50 were oat last Thursday evening. Join this week ia our study of the "World Service ' the Methodist Episcopal Church," the section on Africa. .. iLeslie Methodist . Episcopal church, Stfntk Commercial and Myers streeta. r Pemberton, pastor. : Yon are cor dially invited to attend the following meetings in this church on Sunday. Sun day school at 8:45 A. M E, A. Bhoten, superintendent. .Epworth league at 6:80 Jp- JU JtliruiU .vi.uij m w w. Sermon subjecv "At One With God' Evening meeting at 7 :30. Subject, "The Outside ot the Cup." You will be heart ily welcomed in this church where good fellowship and Cordiality are marked. You will enjoy the mosic. the message and the earnest spirit of Christian effort. Wo will be glad to welcome you. Scandinavian M. 'E. Church 15th and Mill streets. David C. HasselL-pastor. Sunday" morning service at 11 o'clock. unday' school at 12. Oust Anderson, superintendent. Epworth League at 7:15, and evening service at 8 o'clock.' The Ladies Aid will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Mrs. Oust Ostrin, 467 N 10th St.. with Miss Andrea Ipsen as hostess. - Prsyer meeting -Thurede: ninar at B o clock Aid will serve a chicken pie supper . ia th ehnrch from 5 to 8p. m. Yoa are all cordially invjted; to these meetings. .Free Methodist Church Corner of N. Winter and Market, streets . Rev. Morti mer C. Clarke, pastor. Sunday, school at 9:43. J. M. Clark, ' superintendent! Classes-for all sixes and ares. Preaching hours at 11 and 7:45. Class meeting at 7 p. m, Mrs. Ida Garrett, leader; Next Thursday evening the, annual missionary convention - begins, lasting over Sunday with a number of returned missionaries from India ; taking part I throughout . the convention, ' The pastor preachee Sanday morning on the aubject, "Comprising." In tho evening be will give an evangelistic meesage.' All are cordially invited to at tend the : services. ,-. . i "Center Street Methodist . Episcopal church Corner Korth 13th and Center streets. O. 8. Boeder, minister. Sunday school 10 a. m., preaching in the Ger man, language 11 a. m. -The Male Quar tet will sing. Epworth League meeting 1 p. m. ' Tne topic is "Prayers of Jesus' led by Both Boeder, after which there will be - preaching ia the English lan guage. - All are invited to our aervicea. . " f ' TJYTCABLOl i; Unitarian Church Bev. Martin Per eshetiarv minister, i Service in the) Wo men's Club building, Cottag eand Center streets. One block north of permanent location. Church School il 10 I, m. Oraded - instruction; Class for ' adults -conducted by ' tho minister. - Mr. Chas. Morten, superintendent. .Devotional serv. ives at 11 a. m. - Subject ef the sermon. "The Supremo Moment." Mrs. M. Per eahetian will siag Mac Dei-mid' s gredt work. "I Will Lift TJp Mkie. Eyes Unto tM Hillo. 1 Mrs. W. A. Ientoa at the piano. - The Emerson elaaa--meets at 8 o'clock Thnreday eveninriJiAt that Umr the aubject ef atndy will se--Bergeaoa 5 . First United Brethren Corner Twelfth and Mission streets. Sundsy school .at 10 a. m. Miss Celia Oabler. superin tendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. -Evening "Creative Evolution," Prayer meeting Tours- . member f m - elaasee. lJZ'Zr ir . L m. Paator tkma. i Qod eU inf. (C.rB. i. sw .e , eMaTTXlDslr aay - i ' ' r--rw i..ioaary church; ia argea- ml,'th. basement of supper- aad program ia the D""u"5.l, the eherch Monday evemag - Carl l and Minnie O. Miller. P""- Highland' Friend. I'ul and North- Church street. I. O. dlftI" J. Lee" ministers Bible achool tt 10 m. Walter Suatoa. ; nPJf "Bdes Classes are well arranged ". wUI find, a suitable place B."VJm. come. If-you are not a bn.! other lachool. corner and atudr ,bn with us. Preaching services on en day at 11 a. m., 2 :0 1 j' All these services wUI be led by Be. J t. Br ingdale and a namber of .f" from itbl North Pacific JIvangeHstie la stitute of Portland. t Christian Endeavor at 6i30 p. m. Yoane PTll meeting and Bible etudy on Monday at 7:30 p. au Women'a Missionary So1' meeta' all 4ay Wednesday. Thursday at 7:80 is the reguler church prayer meet ing,' s '. :' ' : ; ". '-' , v I A oomlng together o the yonng people Preach- oming so BMre,t , uuhahtenment, Pastor'e R.tte for eoule at 7U5. l.MMn.wiUl t "?"a battle with strong te r.""-.. Evening mi""a a'JZU aingipg. A sermon fr si. v.v - monies . tho Court Sanday and 8 Thursday -day prayer , full uospei . : JTk.wl w - I . m . ... . , . n .. I ml . service, . vunsuaa 4 tnaeavor as o:au. F'"JCI . j J. n. mi., th. i.iiua t J; . m.ttn t .1 m . ti:j J w iniu If tqh are in neea - oi will furnish special music for all of the aervicea. - Prayer - meeting Wednesday evening at. 7:30. Yon are Invited to at tend and worshio with us. AH are wel come.. C. W. Tibbet, pastor. r iciBsxoH . CHaid Tidings Mission 343 atractL C 8. Johnson, psstor, school at 2 O. m. ' Servieea at p. mi Meetinga Wednesday, and Saturday evenings. - Mid-i . w . Tlita ia a. - Uiuisn .. W nrav' for the eiek. Oar half ia alwaya opea . Yoa are invited to come i in for prayer any time of day. helo for aoul or body, we deaire to help To. - -Z '- ) i j - ' "f ' " . J . j i: i 'MAT.VATIOlg ASMT Salvation Army Services ' Holinese meeting at 11 a. m. -At this service the Scriptural teachings of practical Holiaeee will be brought to the attention, of all the hearers . that attend. Appropriate music and singing for the occasion, com- near meeting at o ciock as w. ; . nXEHDS South Salem Friends Church Corner Commercial and Washington' streets. Sun- Am ma uIimI .t 1A . m Ttr Cmrl V. Mil. ler. superintendent. ' Classes for all agea noon rally there will be classes for all with good teachers.1' If . you are not. a i area i with ' lively chorus . singing by fha member of soma other Sundav aehool. ' children and a treat for all. x. P Captr. . i .l.TifM: DX Jlltw. l?Zk will eontiBu4 the subject, "V,t ibs7?Jl lt. Havi pmng Cp. ZZTmi invitation is, extenoea to su. 1,4 rfii Mrt A.SM Holbrook, officer. taia and Mrs. charge. CHTJECH Or OOD -i.,i f God. 1346 Sr Church atref v ' j lleepieTpnator. Sunday school io J. Good competent teacher, f u ' Preaching service at 11 a. c . nCee ""The Er 11 of Intosicanta,' ' Pro,. fSetsS Snaday achool at S.U , Heirht. at 2 : 1- . F1" n!llas at 6:45 and preaching aervice t j!0 1 P?lyer .erviceWedeeaday -at T:30f ' " . '. . tUTHEBAir Christ lutheran ; Church SUte sal Eighteenth -etreets. O. JCoehlej. pasto. oL.aZt aehool In the Enghah'langusr, wlA"eern?on by the Pastor, -bject, "Ar, r That Bo Saved t" La -wVu?Veo"pV Midweek meet ZjrJ2rtd by the pastor oa Saturday tr r to li a. nV. 'Catechetical instruct at i . p. in, Etrengera are welcome. - BBTtteJnf EET0EMTD Bethany Beformed Church Corner Canitol and 'Marion atreeta. feur, school at 10 a. aaw and German preac wrvTco at 11 twenw eerv M.. DeBnr.'P0'? : ' ' ' . I- , j f -saasnasaaansae) !pon't polfe fan atJamllr trc Ancestry piinty. flne tlx'.?. for one who leela the need of !t. Why did, tW. Put the water e eloae to the (. land ; as to make i posslhle for folks to fall overboar. and 'drown T ssssasasaaaaaaaaaaaaBaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBaas1 cNon Pricm'. -!' f - - T,.;. I':.;.. . ,-: 4" - . "Western Gianf' CorVis are insurance - against sMddingte liigh, square j tread with sharp edges and. the row of deep suction cups make them prac tically skid-proof. , This means safety to the car owner who drive in all sorts of 'weather then, too, we have again reduced the prices on these fine tires. Read over the list below come in and try one 'esteov Giant" Cord - you'll save money, receive a really good, serviceable tire and get non- Bkid protectta. Buy all your Auto Supplies at Thef Western Auto i Supply, or;d;s V..t.r. VSI - - ... Rsadcrippcr Wrtoa Chat 30?3i $ " p S12;BS 3231 , '" V ASJUQ 314 H,";t 1(05 324 15.90 20.65 334 165 210 344 17.60 i 21.90 3241 ; 26.55, 344 j T 20.15 355. :?;- - 1 34.30 , (AeJc f e Preee on 6thr ftiaee) . 33i3j CcrJ IffiggSb (SSOSr) $10.75 FABRICS SIZE NEIUIASXCA PHAIUS . CO0O Miles 7QCO tlilex hc3 $ BL3 "$ flLgtT ; 32x3 ' ; . 9.C5 : 10.SO : 31k4 ' 10X3 ll.CS , 32x4 j 12X5 13X0 334 12.75 13X3 34x4 J 1ZC3 I 1421 .artri vftrhiro TTi1p away frnm vniir! trnracrt-. it is possible for .'you to reach under the rear seat or into the trunk and get a 'set of skid chains, or any of the many items that Mime in handv under the'eirfflnunrfta. Have vou an Automatic Windshield Wiper, wWch enables you to see the road? These items are not accessorto-jhdy are necessiaea. yv nave rainy-aay iiema ior your appiuviu ujwco .11 wiu AutqM store near you. Come in- be prepared for rainy weather. ; j i Alwt?ather Protector i a wary practical deriee that avwreoU ; raia arid coed ,'alr , toom 1hk ' in ' the peAal epeningra on a 9ort. Set' Inelttdee), projector around eraerwency brake tCA lever. Per eet. .......... 9 U U De Luxe et ....... $225 Pedal Overcoats Made of trout; fabrlo. aTaatejae aeeurely around- atnaTKency handle) and: toot ' C1 1IY brake. .......... ,0l-lU . , : . ; ; Veedol Ofl I "I :'' McKay's U. S. Tire Chains .Tire chalna are a ' re6eavlty la taselemerit: weather. Theee are beet quailtr and ' : eel ontlfl rally treated to prevent rut. and give) loner eervleev. Be prepaxod. The SST1!.. $ pev pair,; , aooordlnaT to alze. Alao a complete '- line ot Crou Chains and Repair Links. ; -; - t ' j. . V"' For a Limited Time Safety Stop Signal Medlim or heavy v CI - OK per sralkm .iV..;....'0 I letw l-irallon v-.j w or cn ...UiUU AncoVHotSpot?? Majiifold t i ec jord Gars. cut rael eost, Tnnnna Ctaaranteed to mUeace, carbon, jgir use- ' nothli tMrlBaT eonstmnt aditHtmsnt. installed In a fev.aoln- Oi nr I ateeVOnr. prioe...... Ci03 1 Isarthnfjty, rally , : -Why not: protect your ear and rtve tho felloer bonlnd a chance? This aigBal warka aurtomavtieaUIy from the1 brake) pestsU and is s realty effective traffic slcnaL 'A rare buy at utesa low prleee; Snarnel Nlekel Rim .. 1 --i . $1.45 $175 Cooper Cut-out This la the renulne Cooper it win absolutely cat the muffler eat and cause all the discharged gave to pass oatwaxd at an eeary Marl. It makes , your motor ngeppy. ! Price compete pedal .... $2.75 ,.$5.10 Aceordlna; to size- and car. Top MatcrkJ fbulk. first eaaUty heavy 3-oa. rubber cloth. 4 Also salt- ...SI .70 able- for marina waterproof cov ers for tool boxes, batteries, etc. per foot ; rn (M inches wide).. ....... LJy Per yard (S4 irsrhec wide).;. Quarter ' Pads for tope, pair ......... .,.$1X3 and Bow; eoverlna:. In black khakS. Per yard ...mmmm, Celluloid, extra qualltj ' Blxe lZxSe-lnch.. SSe Size i4xl9-lnch......-f IX J Else- 6axl0-lnch....i .....jUJ . Automatic: Windshield Vipcr sd -l-o "VTIorklnr from : the " lnttJce vacuum, the - automatlo wind shield -wiper eliminates the bother of -- eonttauaXty wiping your windsMoild In rainy or to"y weather. This cleaner Qfl f does It automatically 1. Hand Vlpera, dq to LS3 REAR CURTAHI With Bevel Glaca Xffdi ' style and - distinct! in to a Ford car. The price of tla cur- Itiln. includlna; fancy lovttl bevel alasa Ua-bt. for Ills to CI OR 1129 models, is only.?; ysamerstyle -with 1 Af laln a-laes ... .' . v HJ m Rear curtains with celluloid cur tain llcbts: ' - s - ltl4 to l:i (1 lights ).;.-.. :.t4S l (1 -lights). 2Z0 - ; . Glass Rear Curtain Replaee those worn out and torn celluloid curtain lights with theeej smart alaea lights they . wear better and will not wear or sas; curtains. Set e K OC IMS models .. ..... UJ3C Per set ef I and screws. ... .$1.13 A Recovering Outfit Makes a New Top at Small Cost Ford Roadster tCnbbcr Uota Outfit im-UM adels Wtah $655 $6.45 j ". BSaana-,1. , ,., 'T-'' '" " f nTTwd mint f , V. Ford Toxirinsf Rubber Cloth Oulfit lttMtt ir-t.ia " JMrsnyped Vsisa ''' " tarDaar Wtaaa 03.95 57.C5 t If your top has become worn, shabby tn appearance, or leaky, you can aulcklv restsra wn Clancy and srearaace at a vary small exTjenseT , The) outfit consists of ant el Its em. sufflt eoneists of an extra heavy black rubber cloth roof, all stitched, haak' enrtaias i-A . ndte and ujArtstarmc. tacks and fasteners-all reTtolrSt a twlJP1!- !fato-fcr PocVe, Chevrolet, tLawcD Cclent Pe Utx Top Ra ov er e Loiaa ore i. weather-proof materials ainsa rvrn wssi fnua m lao, aweeraung te 'Askfot CATALOG. Stores in t he West to , Mi r For -Your Convenience Open Till 5 rn. ' Saturdays SEE OUR WINDOWS fAt'Atl fW&mAi&r Stoic Corner Court and High